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41571988 No.41571988 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else out there who doesn't get bothered when their oshi interacts with a MALE ON STREAM?

You're never going to be able to fuck them anyway.

>> No.41572064

Jp males? No problem. En males? Fuck no. They are all cringe.

>> No.41572404

Who's going to kill themselves first, Lia or Kamara?

>> No.41572449


>> No.41572531


>> No.41572568


>> No.41572677

I don't watch your whore, QRD?

>> No.41572773

seanigger cope that lia answered a discord call from a parasocial fan on stream

they are pretending the 2/10 fat seanig is her BF or something

>> No.41572778

Yeah, let her flirt with a groomer, the one that is gonna end raped is her

>> No.41572779

Lia flirted with a male, live on stream, after getting 10k from her simps.

>> No.41572822

Nope, i am very bothered by it, and i am fully aware that i will never even meet them, much less have sex with them, that is not the reason i dislike it, that’s not the reason 90 percent of people dislike it

>> No.41572886

guy in voice actor industry asked to call into lia's marathon and completely derailed it. As the dude left he said "Ok you can ether keep streaming forever or come talk to me later bye." This caused everyone to go ballistic as the dude was basically trying to abuse his position to hag out with her. she deleted the part of the vod he was in and has been radio silence since. People are now trying to turn into some kind of male collabs thing and unicorn debate

>> No.41572916


>> No.41572941


>> No.41572946

Lia was doing lollipop sucking ASMR. Everyone was having a fun time jerking off to Lia but right as they were about to cum a m*le nagged/pressured her into a discord call and now everyone is angry because their orgasms were ruined.
I'm not even joking, this is literally what happened. It's why I jerked off as fast as I could because I knew Lia would get distracted by something else during the ASMR segment. I just didn't know it would be this bad.

>> No.41573244

Filtering unicorn schizos is healthy in the long run

>> No.41573398

honestly its kind of funny that this has become a male vtuber debate and no one is mad at a guy for abusing his position to force someone to hang out with him

>> No.41573517

How was he forcing her in any way?
He shittalked her and her audience and she just accepted it, that's the issue.

>> No.41573653

he works for a voice actor company and lia wants to be a voice actor. she has to do anything he say since he can cut you off from the industry. this is like a boss hitting on his empolyes they basically have to accept it if they dont want to lose their job or growth potential

>> No.41573769

Anyone willing to become a voice qctor should realise they'll have tomsuck some dick to get ahead
It's basically hollywood except everyone is uglier and poorer

>> No.41574000

lol imagine western Voice Actors having any influence, they don't even get a paycheck above four figures

>> No.41574246

This is the typical Liker right here. Obnoxious reddit tranny.
Interaction depends on the context and last nights context was not good, not just for unicorns or gachi's but even for a casual male fan that just likes Lia without any strong feelings towards her. It was cringe and vtubers should stop doing that shit.

>> No.41574321

Even all the shitposters in the world know that everyone hates that guy so there's no point in attacking him, so they're going all out against Lia instead.

>> No.41574364

Yeah but if that guy is grooming my mentally handicapped daughter I reserve the right to beat his ass

>> No.41574425

she made awkward noises the whole time like she wanted it to end and didn’t reciprocate anything

>> No.41574489

when i watch niji i enjoy males x females
when i watch holo i enjoy females x females

>> No.41574571

Phasecucks are a different kind of breed when their oshis stops mid strream to entertain some random faggot

>> No.41574591

I've never had an issue with female vtubers collabing with men. I've never really cared for "idol culture", I just see these girls as regular content creators/internet celebrities, but they use an anime girl rig to hide their identity. It's the funniest shit ever.
Just a couple years ago I never thought I'd watch an anime girl rage at games while streaming.

>> No.41574617

YWNBAW, go back to twitter homobeggar

>> No.41574753

I don't mind if she collabs with males.

>> No.41574770

don't do GFE if you can't ignore males chuubas

>> No.41574843

Why is she like this

>> No.41575075

>abusing his position
OR....ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRR get this, retarded whore just doesn't answer the call because she is busy streaming, and talks to him later on stream. I like how everyone is twisting shit to make woman a victim in every possible scenario.

>> No.41575114

If talking to a man breaks your immersion, she just fucking sucks at gfe

>> No.41575166

Lia's just genuinely fucking retarded

>> No.41575174

A western VA? Hahaha, that profession has no relevance in the west. It's akin to working for McDonalds. Lia cucked you schizos for a McDonald's worker. Fucking ouch, that's why I don't watch boyfriendconnect.

>> No.41575194

>this to make the woman a victim
this is like saying a women can just say no to her bosses advances when he can deny her promotions

>> No.41575212
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Pomu and Doppio were funny together last night
I still think that what Lia did was fucked up

>> No.41575277

Funniest thing about Shondo is that retards think that her having "schizo effective" instead of full of schizophrenia is much better. Girl is a fucking mess, and yet she is somehow smarter than most of the idiots that follow her. What that says about your average vtuber fan?

>> No.41575323

You are saying that like that faggot has some pull in the VA industry. Guy is a fucking nobody. My plumber makes more money than him.

>> No.41575388

Who's the guy?

>> No.41575396


>> No.41575502

doesn't schizoaffective mean having full blown schizophrenia plus bipolar/depression?

>> No.41575517


>> No.41575542

Who is he?

>> No.41576099

Yeah but every time I see people talking about it they go "Oh no its not that bad she doesn't have schizophrenia, she is just schizo effective".
I guess they didn't even bother to look up and see what that actually means.

>> No.41576178

Lia just made several thousand dollars, she's clearly not hurting for money.
Only reason that guy could fuck her over is if she's really that desperate to become a va, but thn that's her own fault.

>> No.41576190

No retard, being a creepy ass groomer is the opposite of based. But at least now I know the kinds of faggots spamming 'incel' and 'unicorn' over and over again, actual fucking creeps.

>> No.41576240

Plumbers can make more money than St. Michael.

>> No.41576498

damn this is the first time I felt bad for unicorns

>> No.41576881

Literally nobody knows. He probably isn't even a VA at all and just made it up in order to talk to her.
And now that I think about it, the fact that nobody has tried to find out who exactly he is and instead is just attacking Lia strikes me as way too odd.

>> No.41576935

>You're never going to be able to fuck them anyway.
You cannot kill hope.

>> No.41576948

>I hate that Lia seems like shes starting to feel better, I want her to hurt more, this is the peak of being a woman, when shes sad she gets people flocking to her giving her money, comforting her, and sending her love, but when I'm upset I have nothing, men are trash to get stepped on in this world
Unicorns are deranged and pathetic

>> No.41576999

If some retard wanted to push me to watch cricket for half time instead of a full time of football i just wouldn't watch it at all

>> No.41577106

PDAs makes me cringe, it’s rude to the people around you trying to eat their salad.
Flirting on stream in front of 3K people is just the streamer giving a middle finger to their audience.

I don’t hate all male collabs, some dudes are fine. That Taka guy from NijiID collab with Tenma is one, Vesper/Kronii is another or Vesper/Bae. Prettty much all of HoloStarsJP knows how to keep boundaries.

>> No.41577152

>Flirting on stream in front of 3K people after they gave you so much money is just the streamer giving a middle finger to their audience.

>> No.41577270

Even if you tuned into them outta your busy day, that’s still time you aren’t spending on more worthwhile things.
I’m sorry some of us are working and have responsibilities, we tune into streamers because we like their personality or content. If they bring some blatant woke culture war bs into the mix, sorry there are other fish.

This applies to guys and girls btw, I’m not gonna watch some dude discord call his gf instead of playing the Fucking game.

>> No.41577276
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>> No.41577755

can you transcript it

>> No.41577816

Nigga a qrd not a fucking 20min clip

>> No.41578286

She's a whore

>> No.41579055

>Lia doing (lewd) asmr
>VA connection/friend she met at a con starts attention whoring in chat and spam calling her on discord
>Keeps trying to flirt with her, calling her pet names, ask to hang out IRL
>basically just kills the mood with cringe
>She hangs up and then cries a bit like 10 minutes later because she apparently got some not so nice mallows
>Affection dumps her fans for the rest of the stream and on Twitter

>> No.41579442

Any clips of her crying

>> No.41579624

>Lia Donothon Part 8
Interactions and Discord call in by ExoVerseVT during Lia Donothon.
Starting at 4:47:21 of the privated VOD, as Exo shows up in chat for the first time.

(Chat)Exo: “How goes the neverending stream?”

Lia: *screams and gets up* “OH MY GOD! NO! WOAHHH!!” *giggles and whimpers*,,,, the last time y-you came into my stream I was so humiliated! You… you pick the worst fucking time to show up to my streams! I swear to God you could not have picked a worst time… *giggles*

(Chat) ExoVerseVT: “Lia I’m convinced I’m just your jumpscare LMAO”

Lia: “You seriously are! Wah! What timing was that I swear to God… *laughs* I can’t have normal friends because you guys come to see my fucking streams!… Oh my God… *giggles*
Bro… it does not get more fucking embarassing… “

(Chat) Random: “No, you could still have freddy on stream”

Lia: “I don’t want to have Fre,,, No, I am not mentioning it anymore. I am not gonna mention it anymore, okay?”

(5$ Superchat) ExoVerseVT: “Here Lia, you can hide your shame with this. I love you despite your degeneracy don’t worry”

Lia: “Thank you Exo! I mean, it’s not like you are much better than me okay??? NOT LIKE YOU ARE MUCH BETTER THAN ME!”

(Chat) Random: “yeah everyone knows you are batshit crazy”

Lia: “No! No! Because the very first time Exo and I met in person he was like – Lia, you look so innocent, you are so cute like a small bee – and the whole time I was thinking like – He has never heard anything that comes out of my mouth, this is perfect. I can have a normal friendship. Like literally, I can have a normal friendship and this person will never think that I am weird – “

“And a couple of days later he shows up to my stream when I am talking about getting railed by Thresh and he messaged me after and he was – I see, so it was a facade, like you are really not like that, you are fucked up, you are seriously fucked up -”

“I WAS HOPING! I was hoping this entire time I would be able to gaslight him into thinking that no, it was a one time fluke, right? Just a one time fluke… but NO!” *giggles*

(Chat) ExoVerseVT: “Lia is literally the cutest and most precious bean I have EVER met – and if anything ever happens to her I would destroy the world. But also, I fear - “

Lia: “No... shut the fuck up! No I am not, no I am not… I wasn’t admitting to gasligthing either ok??? You are just fucking hearing things!”

>> No.41580125

really not that hard to find the vod mate

>> No.41580194

>links vod, they want a transcript
>posts transcript, they want a tl;dr
>post tl;dr, they want proof of one specific thing
>post that specific thing
>they want it in the form of a 17th century oil painting

>> No.41580246

I just want to quickly fap
I dont care about the drama

>> No.41580272

Gonna need it faxed to me in Braille for proof, sorry bud

>> No.41580278

Dude made a whole thread just to tell us he's fine with being a cuck

>> No.41580913

How expensive would an oil painting of Lia cucking Likers be?

>> No.41581774
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has their own personal subjective for what male interactions are acceptable.
We simply don't have time in chat to explain how we feel.
ABSOLUTELY NO MALE COLLAB is clear, direct rule that's simple to understand and fucking follow.

>> No.41581838

>in the middle of lewd asmr
>get cucked for 30 minutes straight
You know for once I actually understand why they'd be upset.

>> No.41581897

Follow the fucking rule you goddamn slut. IT'S NOT HARD IT'S NOT UNREASONABLE. Most unicorns are ok with keeping your private life reserved. Just don't collab with males on stream. Why do you act like it's an impossible request? It's simple and easy. You can easily choose to decline a male collab. It's nothing unreasonable.

>> No.41581943

Hope you like it when Nazuna interacts with males, it's part of being in vshitshow.

>> No.41581956


>> No.41581975

That's hilarious if this happened right after slutty ASMR.
and a call with a SEAmonkey no less. Amazing

>> No.41582071

Please understand anon if a woman sees a man she just has to be unfaithful, it's bigger than them. See a man, panties come off. Women have absolutely no willpower or sense of agency they just have to be unfaithful with every male they see. It's unreasonable to expect otherwise.

>> No.41582132

That is fucked up.

>> No.41582280

Does anyone have the messages the Kindred posted after the Vox/Reimu interruption? I want to draw a parallel here.

>> No.41582733

Their shtick is just as fake as pretending these middle aged women are virgins.

>> No.41585074

>lia wants to be a va
whats the point? noone older than 10 watches anime dubs and western animations only hire actual live action billion dollar actors/ pop singers

>> No.41585153

Only a retard would make the "you'll never date them anyway" argument.
You're completely missing the point, dumbass redditor.

>> No.41586069


The blatant flirting from this fucker is yikes. Not only that he is also super bad at it the fag has no game. This fucker disrespected her chat coming in doing this shit. He knew what he was doing and kept going. What kind of fucking reaction does he think she would get off this? This is also on her she should have known better than to answer him on stream.

>> No.41588078

The seething femanon cries out as she projects on you. I can save you.
