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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41558206 No.41558206 [Reply] [Original]

Has any of these vtubers of yours ever played a TTRPG campaign?

>> No.41558322

Some of the more popular girls played one but it was fairly mid and they never finished it.
Some of the boys are running a pretty good d&d now and then.

>> No.41558654

The Myth TTRPG was actually really fun. I hate Mori as much as the next guy, but she was a pretty good DM when she actually showed up. If op anon is really interested and this isn't bait, I suggest watching some of the character creation 1 on 1 streams to see if it's a vibe you like. Here's Gura's: https://youtu.be/_MiGxbsKyO8

>> No.41558666

They could for the right price.

>> No.41559361

DnD IS mid. Who the fuck allows warforged?

>> No.41559864

i vastly prefer WoD/CoD over dnd so mori was my jam

I wish vesper ran mage the awakening/ascension because that's where you can pull off some crazy shit

>> No.41559931

People not slaves to base PHB and may use other settings.

They had a bunch of JPs doing it with Fubuki being the lead. After all FBK is a huge TRPG fan.

>> No.41560082

Japanese TTRPGs have Call of Cthulhu as their heritage game and thus inherit the play and storytelling styles of that specific ttrpg. Western TTRPGs are literally just DnD for the common normalfag and people who play DnD, especially if they only started in the past few years, are normalfags.

>> No.41560171

There's Aia from Ninisanji. She's the only EN-speaking GM in that company I actually trust to run a game.

>> No.41560319
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Ci-chan plays a ton of TTRPGs, but mostly Cthulhu.


>> No.41560619

You want Madara Usi, mostly a Cthulhu Mythos Keeper who regularly GMs invitational games for Vtubers and has published a few indie games/supplements: https://www.youtube.com/c/madaraUsi/videos

Another Vtuber-adjacent TRPG channel is Dism, although he's more of an occasional rather full-on Vtuber: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqJ6QFcqZziMnMLr3L3OWAw

>> No.41560675

Aia pushes rollplay way too much, she makes people roll for fucking everything. Also strictly adheres to 5e despite barely ever running combat

>> No.41560752

That was the best Holo TTRPG stream outside of Fubuki's. Pretty straightforward but intriguing story acted out with humour and good roleplaying.

>> No.41562833
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FBK dm'd some short campaigns on the main channel and joined some indies campaigns from time to time

>> No.41563310

Would be nice if we had a ttrpg general again

>> No.41567635

Indies and the english holomales.

>> No.41569670

It is funny because lots of their fantasy vidya pulls from DND via Wizardry and Dragonquest. The original final fantasy was just a dnd campaign the developers had been playing for example, even including things like beholders and mindflayers. But generally it is indirect, with references being based on the games like wizardry rather than the material wizardry itself is based on.
CoC is certainly king now. Chaosium has tried at times to use their CoC influence to push their older setting and systems regarding Glorantha, with Runequest and Heroquest and such but never had much impact. Though it still sneaks in somewhere, for example Queelag in Dark Souls is based on a famous Glorantha Demigod the Fire Witch Cragspider.

>> No.41571920

Pretty sure Runequest impacted JP fantasy too though.

>> No.41572020
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It did, just not as much from what I recall. I have some Japanese runequest material and art on my computer but I am away from it now. What are some examples of the influence?

>> No.41573258

Racial abilities + magic systems IIRC, like "seirei-tsukai" drawing influence from some Runequest spirit magic.
