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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4151596 No.4151596 [Reply] [Original]

the largest and truest rrat is that v-tubers are currently living in a bubble propped up by covid isolation and an unsustainable inflated economy riding a roaring 20's of technology.

>> No.4151643

if vtubers can last 10 years that's long enough for me to find a new hobby

>> No.4151682

Watching videos isn’t a hobby anon

>> No.4151772

streamers and vtubers were a thing before Covid. The explosion may be due to a bubble but vtubers has proven to have staying power

>> No.4151932
File: 42 KB, 340x458, 180821133219-chart-longest-bull-market-340xa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

streamers became a thing after the 2008 crash. everything since then has been a massive bull run.

now i'm not saying there isn't a lot of good reasons to have the economoy be worth a lot more than it was in 2008 -- worldwide a lot has changed and been produced or researched.
but quadrupled? really? and this clown world economy we have going on during a massive lay off of people and stunting of economic activity combined with massive rates of inflation?
the money that has been thrown at streamers has been money gained by banks throwing money printers into over drive while the economy runs hot.

what happens to those streamers relying on people with spare cash when people ain't got spare cash like they do now?

>> No.4151979

inflation doesn't matter lolbert, take the MMTpill

>> No.4152009

Vtuber explosion happened due to covid, but the genie isn't going back into the bottle now.

>> No.4152048

I don't think you understand economics nearly as much as you think you do, anon.

>> No.4152051

Bold of you to assume that the people spending all their time watching vtubers are the types that'll be going back to work enough to put a dent in current numbers.

>> No.4152168

everybody has a plan until they get a fist in their face.
the economists know what they're doing until they don't. if you think the 20's can't happen again you're delusional, especially after the whole shitshow of the last year.
same thing was said by j.p morgan and others before black tuesday.
the best way to embarrass an economics major is to ask him to predict the next three years.

but that's neither here nor there. economists agree the bullrun has to end sometime in the near future. the only thing they disagree on is when.

>> No.4152338

Regular media is flaming dogshit on a good day and there are no signs of that trend stopping. Vtubers are pretty good and attempt to become more entertaining. It's not going away.

>> No.4152719

bubble does not imply absence of value

>> No.4152891

It seems VTubers extreme popularity will likely last for atleast 5 years, if they can surpass that threshold then they are here to stay alongside regular streamers unless something better than streaming pops-up very early which I doubt will happen in this decade or the next.
>What rrats then?
The truest FATTEST R R A T is that eventually, corpo chuubas will slowly leave their agencies and new waves/gens will replace their spots, which for example means that it's very unlikely that some agencies like Hololive will retain all of their chuuba roster for the next 3 years, for reference, we nearly lost Korone and Suisei, and Miko almost gave up before the BOOM of popularity, also some chuubas are here just to grind "recognition" and will leave once they know people will follow their roommate regardless, thus in-theory, all of your favorite chuubas will graduate, therefore, THE FINAL YAB is not a single event which destroys the VTuber community, that filter got overcomed long ago, instead, the "end" of enjoying VTubers will become a personal matter, once your chuubas and maybe even your Oshi graduates, what do?, search for more?, leave?, go for roommates?, an hero?, go retarded?, become an Anti?, What even anymore?
>But what about my borderline NEET chuubas?, even my corpo autistic ones like Baqua or Fumino Tamaki?
Those are interesting cases, there's probably going to be several cases in which after years of unhealthy habits, some might drop dead on stream and that's it, end of the line for them, the silver linning is that some will just stop streaming and live, like, actually not bad ending scenarios, then again, this means that some will An Hero, maybe on stream too.
The truest RRAT is that ALL VTubers have an end, and you are nearing it with each second that passes.

>> No.4152919

Nah, its a dcently big subculture in streaming and its not that hard to get into with 3d modeling programd and decent phones.

>> No.4153135

it is

>> No.4153218

Obviously I don't speak for everyone but I'm one of the people who fell into vtubers after losing my job and social life in lockdown. Now that things are starting to crank back up again my viewing habits have dropped a lot. I use to constantly browse different streamers and build my schedule around the ones I like. Now I'm pretty much locked into the handful I really like and I know that's gonna get pruned even more in the near future. I don't think I'll end up dropping the "hobby" entirely or anything anytime soon, but I'll be down to having one or two streamers I'm devoted to and even then I probably won't be able to catch most of those streams live.

>> No.4153257

tamaki is friends with Japanese politicians she will pull something somehow

>> No.4153356

I also don't speak for everyone but a lot of my friends got into streamers, not even vtubers, during lockdown and after life is getting back to normal and they are going back to offices to work they are still watching streamers or find time to tune in at end of the day. Personally, I'm still watching chuubas even after starting to work too. I guess during lockdown a lot of people just started to get attached to these streamers.

>> No.4153453

Nah, here's the actual redpill:

Vtubing is just the latest aspect of an increasingly isolated generation of people (mostly, but not exclusively, young men) because traditional social fabric is eroding though the various forces of a modernity that's becoming less and less humane, and at the same time the technology enabled by these forces has also made it possible that the losers of this change retreat into forming parasocial relationships with virtual people.

>> No.4153513

If anything this will most likely turn into people joining subscriptions rather than sending Akasupas because of time constraints on their parts, not bad.

>> No.4153553

if watching movies is a hobby, than so is watching vtubers

>> No.4153586 [DELETED] 

And that's why we have to kill all the niggers.

>> No.4153700

VTubing isn't going away. If anything, the concept of being virtual will start cannibalizing other industries until humanity is completely virtual.

>> No.4153731

So, something like covid lockdowns are special blips sure, but yeah society is already on a longer term trend of isolation and loneliness, and it's only going to continue.

Of course there will be newer and better incarnations of the principle that plays to this pop up than just Vtubers, so the market in 5 or 10 years will certainly look different now, but it's not gonna be smaller, but bigger, just different.

Maybe some neural VR tech will hit and we can all upload our brains into the anime world, or we're having catgirl sexbots, whatever.

>> No.4153761

I don't know how they do it on twitch. I don't join memberships since I don't chat to use emotes and I don't watch a lot in first place to be there for memberships streams. I do send some supas and buy merch though. My friends all say they are subbed members of the streamer but they didn't pay for anything because streamers gifted subs? No clue how that works.

>> No.4153816

This. I'm a virtually a retard.

>> No.4153863

The thing I always wonder about the future of vtubing is the lifespan of the streamers. Like, will your average vtuber have a "career" as long as your usual game streamer or will they stick around longer because the veil of anonymity and avatar obscures how long they've been at it, or does that same disconnect make it easier to drop on a whim? Or are we more likely to see the same person behind a specific vtuber jump through multiple vtuber identities over their "career"?

>> No.4154188

>Maybe some neural VR tech will hit and we can all upload our brains into the anime world, or we're having catgirl sexbots, whatever.
Nah, we are not going to live long enough to see that shit, or atleast we will see the true beginnings of it when the last remaining people of our gen are old AF, just like millenials expecting a bright future, we are not supposed to live in that world, if anything, we should strive to normalize as much degenerate weeb/otaku stuff as possible so the next gens don't have to deal with the newer upcoming boomers (21 century political nuts)censorship bullshit so much.
We are living at the edge of the transition between normal socialization and hyper-connectivity, we are one of the last gens to be able to decide which part of our "digital trail" we left behind on our volition, after that, everything's going to be data in some server somewhere, it's inevitable.

>> No.4154300

What's really interesting is the potential development when actual big players / established media giants take notice and come rolling into the field.

Hololive, Nijisaji etc. look "big" only from the small pond that is the current Vtuber scene itself, but economically they're actually just a little ant shit, comparatively.

Someone on the level of Warner or Disney coming in and throw their might and money behind their projects to professionalize (which of course also means blandizing, but yeah "quality" is never a concern) and mainstream the practice.

Oh and inb4 "that would never work, what makes Vtubing so appealing to fans is the grassroots nature, a professionally manufactured product would never get accepted and fail!", as if that hasn't happend with Music, for example, already many times over. The most popular artists are all professionally manufactured products, managed by the big media companies, and not scrappy indie underdog upstarts. And yeah "quality" has never been a requirement for popularity for the normie masses.

>> No.4154372

you're pretty fucking stupid

>> No.4154534

It can work but I seriously doubt any big player media giant will leave them to do shit on their own, they will most likely be episodic stuff like the Kizuna Ai early start and if there's a stream, it is 100% guaranteed there's going to be some political bias towards certain demographic of their viewers, which in turn, kills the entertainer as part of the appeal of VTubers is that the collective can request the VTuber to do some stuff regardless of detrimental or beneficial outcome, which companies like Disney and Fox are surely never letting it happen as this means they are not the ones dictating the message of their program, but their audience.

>> No.4154535

I'm just glad the successful ones seem to going for the long haul
In my industry (software), employees are pretty much sluts and they to move to other companies every 2 years

>> No.4154596

Vtubers would have exploded regardless of coof. The coof just made it happen faster, just like the decline of movie theaters.
Vtub creators have lower overhead and very easy start up costs. The profit to investment ratio is way better than the dying MSM hollyweird business models. On top of that they have better fan interaction / retention and much more variety for viewers to choose from. And since physical looks are not a factor here, those who naturally have the best talent are not filtered by their irl limitations. They also attract the younger demographic which advertisers want.

>> No.4154628

Are you retarded?

>> No.4154733

I think vtubers will stay niche enough to avoid that kind of thing for the most part, much like standard games streaming hasn't become too "corporotized", or esports. That shit wiggles in there at the edges but hasn't seemed to fully take over.

>> No.4154799

> "quality" has never been a requirement for popularity for the normie masses.
Do you think "normies" will stick around when the VA is changed?

>> No.4154854

Prediction - these huge companies will look at CodeMiko and think of ways to do silly virtual things (and a lot of advertising) with real, already famous people rather than create brand new virtual personas, and that will be what becomes hugely popular with the normal audience. It'll be kind of like how games have real actors scanned into the game/voice acting characters. Vtubing will become a "legitimate" form of entertainment, gain a new name, and vtubing as we know it now will just exist as its weird, brand unfriendly cousin

>> No.4154919

Not a single jp chuuba company will ever do that again since the Ai and Gamebu incidents, and if big media does that with their theoretical futute VTuber plans, they will kill the interest on their players.

>> No.4155124

It's hard to say. If we look at the tv and movie industry some people will get a role and stay that role for decades. Like the doctor from airplane or mark hamil being luke skywalker/joker. So i imagine some might have a lasting role like. I can almost see suisei becoming that.

Others will probably come and go, and in the process will take on a variety of roles with the same core personality behind. Like the more successful voice actors in the industry.

>> No.4155228

Think? Shit like that already happened, Kizuna didn't even change her voice actor, only swap for a period of time and her popularity had already taken a nose dive. Unlimited changed the voice actors of their chuba and see what happened to them?

>> No.4155301

>30 years in the future.
>Get back from shit day at global government enforced work camp.
>Waiting in containment room for person who got back ahead of you to make it to their room.
>Door of containment room slides open as you see someone far down what seems like an impossibly long white, sterile hallway slip into their room with a slam behind them.
>Feels like forever since you had the chance to see someone else.
>A lucky day!
>Begin your trudge down hallway.
>Doors passed all look identical except the number that adorns them.
>130, 145, 160.
>You start saying the numbers out loud just to hear a voice.
>Finally get to your door, 188.
>Open up to reveal a small, minimally decorated apartment.
>Make your way to your room to change.
>In your room, a single poster was allowed to be hung.
>You chose your Oshi, although it's a poster of her from 27 years ago.
>It reminds you that she's on tonight!
>Head to the fridge to grab dinner.
>Pull out silver package, no bigger than a steak.
>Pour a cup of water from the filtered tap.
>Head over to your computer.
>Sit down with state mandated food packet.
>Put on full vr helmet.
>Turn on internet.
>Go to approved corporate vtuber streaming site.
>See a low number of people waiting in the prechat room.
>As more and more people were pushed into this style of media, more viewers showed up, but so did more entertainers.
>Most people preferred the newer ones, watching vtubers who've only been around for a few years max.
>But your Oshi has always been there for you and you want to do the same for her.
>Enter virtual room. See about 30-40 other white human-shaped blobs sitting in seats, encircling the center stage.
>You take your usual seat a few rows back in front of the direction she usually faces.
>It feels nice to have some form of human smile your way, so you always liked picking this seat.
>Of course there's always those who choose to sit behind the idol for less savory purposes.
>But your Oshi doesn't get too many of those given how long she's been around.
>There's a clock counting down her appearance in the center stage.
>5 minutes left!
>You can hardly contain your excitement.
>Hurriedly, you eat your dinner, which taste like cardboard, so you have no distractions.
>A few more people filter in bringing the room count up to 90ish.
>A little bigger than normal.
>Thinking back, you remember all the different outfit changes she's gone through and general changes as well.
>When [insert company here] took over as the leading force of the industry and she was given a new outfit and welcomed with open arms.
>When regular TV media finally died and she had a large boost in followers.
>When the state started mandating less time spent in the vicinity of others, leaving you to retreat to her streams for comfort and any human contact, also leading to a boost for her.
>When said company opened their own site to stream with a large cast of new idols and quiet a few old ones coming along.
>Through thick and thin, you've watched her transform over the years.
>1 minute left...
>You can hardly wait to hear her say her catchphrase, one that hasn't changed in over 30 years.

>> No.4155406

no one wants to read your wall of text faggot

>> No.4155475

>vtubing as we know it now will just exist as its weird, brand unfriendly cousin
>vtubing as we know it now will just exist
I'm 100% okay with that outcome as long as some level of the original niche VTubing we kinda have these days still exists, if anything this gives room to a "reinassance" event after the corpo VTubers fall of their grace later and we can revive the niche again, however, this might take at least 5 to 10 years after the corpo over-exploitation which means we are all going to be too old to justify watching VTubers, then again, we will probably live alone.

>> No.4155585

>Finally, you hear her call out to the small crowd.
>A nervous giggle can be heard, you know she didn't expect to have more than 100 people with how long she's been around.
>A figure materialized in the center stage, staring in your direction.
>Her eyes are exactly at the hight of yours, making it feel as if she's looking right at you.
>Her hair phases in, her new model from last year showing traces of silver in it.
>Your heart skips a beat.
>Kekerikee! (Or appropriate callout of your Oshi)
>You feel warm as your eyes meet hers and you let out a cheer moving in your seat to signify to her that you're excited the only way you can.
>You see her smile as she looks on at you, just for a moment the state of everything disappearing, the sound of her voice and her piercing gaze enveloping you in warmth.
>All is right in the world.

>> No.4156056

Streaming has been a thing for 13+ years, it's just most streamers from the beginning are now old and balding, the hip PUBG/Fortnite/etc. kids from the last 3-5 years are also not so young anymore, while the thots are getting even more retarded and desperate. Anyone with half a braincell doesn't want to watch them, especially a boring thot who doesn't play videogames and just sits in a pool all day.

Anime girls and 2d homos will never age or get old, they can just get new rigs and updated models to look more fresh. That receding hairline from twitchgamingstreamer will never come back.

>> No.4156152

Not sure if bait. Is this bait?

>> No.4156319

Don't say these things, anon. This hurts and is not even real

>> No.4157276

in theory ame can bant with coco in spanish

>> No.4157599

That's not a hobby either
