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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41503301 No.41503301 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive won... a new audience!

>> No.41503404

All of those people are vtuber fans or have reacted to vtuber content before. Nice try

>> No.41503461


>> No.41503608

Cope. Admit it. She's the JP Mori that's actively ruining vtubing.

>> No.41503701

>comparing SuiSEX with that fat talentless pink bitch

>> No.41503737

From this pic only 4 of them knew of Suisei before.
Also, I gotta plug that ravenclaw chick, she has a background in music and analyzes some of the techniques used, interesting videos from her.

>> No.41503795

the fact that you took the time to make this is pretty fucking sad

>> No.41503828

based music theorist woman

>> No.41503864

How do you know only 4 of them know Suisei? You can't possibly be familiar with the content of all these random tiny react channels.

>> No.41503908

i dont even know who suisei is

>> No.41503938

kinda begging hard dude, chill. Don't soil her monumental achievement with validation from fucking react youtubers, and to make it into a super cut edit... lmao

>> No.41503948

I gotta admit I'm a reaction channel addict, I watched almost all the reaction videos from the Suisei video and I've never seen so many new channels reacting to vtubers before.

>> No.41503954

Why would you watch someone else listen to a song? Just listen to it yourself and make a thread here or your preferred website and discuss it there if you want to

>> No.41504008

This and Treasure Box have been pretty epic.

>> No.41504010

I bet those people react to anything that goes viral or just make retarded reaction videos in general, like
*breaks down, starts crying, his family members run into the room to comfort them, have to take a month off from reacting because plastic bottles left too big of an impression*

>> No.41504011
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>> No.41504037

How is being a talented singer 'Ruining Vtubing'
They are idols you floor scrubbing retard

>> No.41504149

Oh, for sure, it's all about the clout, but this goes to show the reach the first take channel has to the global audience.

>> No.41504157

the fuck are all these anglo amerimutt soi baboons? fucking creepy as shit even though its only for clicks.

>> No.41504166

I wanted to see if someone would be sad enough to admit to this. Well, good on you, at least you're honest.

>> No.41504189

I never knew that The First Take was actually a big thing. I got schooled. Happy for Suisex.

>> No.41504223 [SPOILER] 
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I kneel Suisei

>> No.41504260

Same I had never heard of The First Take before Suisei was on it so I had no idea how big of a thing it was

>> No.41504292

why are you people watching reactniggers?

>> No.41504319

>I'm a reaction channel addict
Why? Its all fake and you live vicariously.

>> No.41504342

>you live vicariously
Don't we all?

>> No.41504423

NTA but some of us just want to relive our first experiences to whatever content is being reacted to. Some of them maybe fake, but there are enough genuine ones. Especially ones that analyze the content presented.

>> No.41504529

why the fuck is tomar reacting to suisei?

>> No.41504579

You fucking wish, cuckbeat

>> No.41504608
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>> No.41504624

>Especially ones that analyze the content presented.
That's the good stuff. Some musician talking about how they understand the song. I've actually learned things.

>> No.41504736

all of them enjoy male vtubers btw

>> No.41504805

I used to like the lyric analysis done by Scru Face Jean and that Knox Hill dude on Calli's songs, but ever since she signed with UMG they completely stopped, wonder if it's because of copyright concerns.

>> No.41504815

Fan made

>> No.41504830

Same here. It gets easy to tell who has genuine reactions, and who just acts excited without actually showing an opinion or adding anything.
Its usually the ones that watch it once and make no post video comments.

>> No.41504881
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And even more in the replies now

>> No.41504928
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>reaction channels still exist
The apocalypse can't come soon enough

>> No.41504994
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>She's the JP Mori that's actively ruining vtubing.

>> No.41505020

Even my normie friend who's never seen a chuuba and didn't even know who Suisei is saw that video and then liked and commented.
This is huge and anyone thinking it's not is hard coping.

>> No.41505282
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Crossed out videos are channels that already knew about Suisei.

>> No.41505414

I barely know any of these vocal coaches

>> No.41505922

I might as well ask since this is a bait thread anyways, since you appear somewhat interested in music reviewers. A long while ago during the period where all of the covers of Kanaria's King came out there was an english speaking singing instructor who reviewed Risu's and Suityan's versions and was generally speaking quite positive. Do you happen to know who that was?

>> No.41506022

Was it male/female, were the videos uploaded separately?

>> No.41506094

I think it was that same gal, ravenclaw.

>> No.41506125

It was a female singing instructor, long-ish black hair, hair parted in the middle with black rimmed glasses. I'm not sure if the videos were split.

>> No.41506151


>> No.41506216

Yes, that's the one! I've been looking for that video for so long. Thank you very much!

>> No.41508296

Why are react videos so popular? Why would I want to watch someone react to something when I can do it myself? Am I just lacking in empathy for a bunch of internet randoms?

>> No.41508786

I don't like react videos but i never saw one, the thumbnails are enough bad to not click on them but i do watch review videos and i imagine sometimes they are not that far appart.

>> No.41508899

people like reliving their first time experience through other people's eyes, that's one of the reasons why people like watching streams too. problem is that very few react people are being sincere and more often than not it's extremely obvious they're exaggerating or don't really mean what they say (especially when they don't even give their thoughts afterwards), so it's hard to find one that's worth checking out.

>> No.41508987

People are dumb and insecure. They need someone to insert an opinion into their heads because they can't form one on their own.

>> No.41509032


>> No.41509297

I hate how fad based everything is. I get it, strike while the iron is hot, but yeah a bunch of fucking leeches who most likely aren't contributing anything of substance.

>> No.41509623

Personally I like watching react videos from people with experience in the field. Former SWAT reacting the CoD London mission, pianists reviewing other pianists, ex-mafia reacting to mafia scenes in movies, formor pilots reviewing planes they've flown in Flight Sim, etc. I find it really entertaining and informative with the info and insight they usually manage to give.

>> No.41509804

>Mori actively tries to connect her roommate to her hololive persona
>Suisei has no roommate and is always in character, never once talking about “the person behind the avatar”
I still don’t understand why people compare her to Mori. They’re complete opposites. Please, PLEASE watch streams, or at least clips.

>> No.41509877
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Very new audience indeed.

Did you jizz yourself when Gura got featured on Youtube? Like, how new.

>> No.41509967


>> No.41511728

Talking from how many new reaction channels this video reached, i wanna put something into perspective. Marine song, Your Treasure Box, while extremely successful, was only able to get only 2 reactions from people who never saw vtubers before.
Suisei's video already has probably 20 more than it and still rising.

>> No.41511887

Ravenclaw is great. She should dissect another Mori album because her takes are legit informative.

>> No.41515410

You're trying to find something that isn't there

>> No.41515591

Marines a disgusting degenerate, normal heterosexual people wouldn’t watch that trash.
Suisei is as mainstream as there can be, the next coming of Kizuna Ai.

>> No.41516129

Are you seriously happy that the reaction faggots on youtube are interested in Hololive now? That's not a win, buddy.

>> No.41518636

That's nice, but the fact that somebody took the time to make this image is kind of sad.

>> No.41520226

Watching zoomers get their fragile little minds blown by classic rock is hilarious, you joyless faggot.

>> No.41520797

Give me some good ones that ANALyse but aren't too soi or are otherwise insufferable. Cringe is fine.

>> No.41523782

I'm addicted to in depth analysis from people who are more knowledgeable on things than myself. 99.9% of react channels are fucking useless, for sure, but there's a few that actually put work in other than 'play song, nod head, say it's good, like and subscribe!'.
In op's image, Ravenclaw is solid, she did a breakdown of Suisei's Still Still Stellar, and also comparing every Holo version of King and their voice styles. Everyone else is a 2-bit shitter though.

>> No.41524551

Shirasuta, the only reaction channel that matters because of his massive clout on the jp music scene, is doing a video for suisei

>> No.41526913

What the hell is going on with the dude on the second row right side's head?

>> No.41528217

it's a side undercut, except he's obviously balding so he had to go higher than the side.
