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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 281 KB, 822x1141, 1644654153246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41407129 No.41407129 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>41370980

Get in the fucking robot Sezia edition.


Nothing more for tonight, we're closed!


Luna plays Madison

Luna memes

More info about Wactor:

>> No.41407324

Good night, I'm deeply in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.41407793 [DELETED] 

Man I just found out that himea is brown....that killed my boner, when I see people with brown skin it makes me think they smell bad I mean brooooo......

>> No.41407962

She's just slightly tan you fucking autist.

>> No.41408004
File: 144 KB, 538x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himea is that kind of girl who stink good.

>> No.41408006

a nini who lives in her room smells bad? wow that would be a surprise

>> No.41408101

>Brown, argie narizona, blue hair and hatsune miku fag

>> No.41408115
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Now I want to smell Himea...

>> No.41408139
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Never forget what they took from you.

>> No.41408183

Stop, can't have a boner right now

>> No.41408184 [DELETED] 

>never met your heroes

>> No.41408189
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I'll never forget her.

>> No.41408267
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>Spics criticizing the skin color of Himea

>> No.41408304

>never meet your heroes

>> No.41408426

Indeed, and I say this as an ex Hina fan.

>> No.41408568

Good night, I fucking hate shitposters.

>> No.41408588

she smells like shit
and i kinda like it

>> No.41408677

just imagine the smell after himea takes a shit

>> No.41408712 [DELETED] 


>> No.41408835

Shouldn't have made another thread at these hours, hope it doesn't repeat again Miutomo OP

>> No.41408902
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>> No.41409030

Finally they're all free.

>> No.41409181
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Make out your mind next time tsundere anon.

>> No.41409198
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>> No.41409348
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>sopa not found

>> No.41409378

I hope it's true so I can finally be free of Wactshit

>> No.41410863
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>> No.41411065
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>> No.41411284

>Video not found

>> No.41411477

What is inspect tool

>> No.41411484

I unironically believe that Luna and Misora leaving wactor would really set all of us free and /wactor/ will cease to exist and either stay as a barren wasteland in the archives or become an actual haven safe from schizos. Think about it. Any single relevant "drama" left is about Misora and Luna. Even getting into doxshit, the rm info of the other girls is scarce and few know about it. New fans are completely unaware of this site and/or think its le evil site. Misora leaving would be the first step and we'll be closer to freedom than ever. If they are taken another agency, their thread would consume local regulars.

Or something like that. I still have hope things will get better

>> No.41411723

i think this thread should move with misora, like if she and luna leaves wactor, the thread sould follow her because SHE is Wactor

>> No.41411953

You wouldn't do that to the poor girl, would you? Have some mercy.

>> No.41412026

I show you nothing but the truth.

>> No.41412148

How naive of me, when I first came to WACTOR one year and a half ago I thought it's days as a black company were a thing of the past.

>> No.41412450

Ah yes, bring /sopa/ again, you don't give up on that.

>> No.41412518

Good night, I just want Sopa to become indie or join HoloEs/NijiEs to finally be free of Wactshit

>> No.41412521

She was talking to (You)

>> No.41413415

Neon's laugh is so cute it melts my heart

>> No.41413830 [DELETED] 

Gracias tqnyaaaaa u w u

>> No.41415620
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>> No.41415683

Go! Sopita Go!
Fly high!

>> No.41417127



>> No.41417351

brown people are poor

>> No.41417423

So that's why Himea struggled to buy a decent PC this whole time, makes sense

>> No.41419335
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>> No.41419420
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>> No.41422250
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>> No.41422837
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>> No.41425680
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>> No.41426475

No, she needs to join Hololive JP and Hana too.

>> No.41427262
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>> No.41429628

Miu love

>> No.41431470
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>> No.41432661
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>> No.41433384


>> No.41434394
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*L O V E !

>> No.41434950

Fuck off Liatard


>> No.41436040

i love my oshi, just that.

>> No.41436056


>> No.41436154

Good morning I love Cunnyta

>> No.41436279
File: 95 KB, 557x487, 145747846456346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the deal with pirañita? why suddenly the girls stoped following her? this is really sus

>> No.41436334

Do you mean the Wactor girls? There might be a beef now that more crazy dykes entered the game

>> No.41437077

Miu karaoke


>> No.41437112
File: 374 KB, 512x768, 156756785367867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say cute anon-kun, how is your prostate doing lately, i mean isn't time for a cancer check? heh~

>> No.41437244
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Wactor girls LOVE

>> No.41437278
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>> No.41437328


>> No.41437409
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feels great to be a Miutard

>> No.41437497
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>imagine, sleeping while Miu is singing

>> No.41437667

Anon I have yet to transcend the need to sleep.

>> No.41437740


>> No.41437768

seek help

>> No.41437811
File: 392 KB, 2070x2476, FguyJcTVIAEghTm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... don't waste your time replying to the deranged subhuman

>> No.41437898
File: 2.56 MB, 2087x1850, miulia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41437930

will this karaoke get privated? she sometimes leaves them public but heavily edited

>> No.41437939

Fuck off Liatard

>> No.41437944


>> No.41437990

I hope not

>> No.41438064
File: 313 KB, 1414x2000, Fa7mLwWXEAA9pIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pachi, pachi, pachi*

>> No.41438243

If you really cared you would auto-archive all of your oshi streams.

>> No.41438274

fuck you, stop reminding me Cthugha seiyuu's death.. shounen... ;_;

>> No.41438299

>CCV: 125

>> No.41438783

It's scary too see how merun has been streaming a lot and she looks so happy while in wactor she had to take a break every month due to burn out even if she streamed less than she does now
Makes you realize how destructive is the manlet's faggotry that stress the girls so much

>> No.41438840

I still remember how akiras apologists tried to blame the sisters unit and know we can all agree that everything that the manlet does is fishy as fuck

>> No.41438872

Obviously when you're indie you manage your own time, that's obvious, as a freelancer working on your own, I don't think it's just Wactor, you know how Japanese people are with overwork.

>> No.41438909

Schizos are going for her after himea
>2 years contract
Poor girl, i dont want to see whats coming but at the same time i cant look away

>> No.41438923
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1673293928287845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she truly gone?

>> No.41438990

As an indie she can't leech off anybody.

>> No.41439010

>Japanese style show, in a japanese platform, only one talent can speak proper japanese
Akira what the hell are you thinking? Or do you even think?
I still remember how gachilomos bought the subscription to wactor tv to watch luna and cancelled it immediately after that because they arent interested in any other girl

>> No.41439127

And there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.41439159

And now he exiled my babu to bilichinks

>> No.41439355

Being forced to entertain chinks is a death sentence.

>> No.41439547

I hope so
Mizorra hate

>> No.41439629

Are you sure about that?
She has been streaming only in bili lately, in most of her last collabs she doesn't stream her pov and she does, she streams it on bilibili. And the few times she decides to stream on youtube, she gets sick or an emergency happens and she ends up cancelling
I don't know, but to me it looks like that she got tired of her low numbers and the absense of sc and she decided to try it in bilibili to see if things go better there

>> No.41439674

Or maybe is akira who is bugging her with numbers and earnings
Babu looks like the type that only wants to have fun

>> No.41439876

How are bilibili numbers doing?
I tried searching for wactor in the chinks sites, not even the soon to debut new girl is discussed.

>> No.41439902
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This is not funny anymore, I don't want Misora and Yue to be the next Laila and Rose.

>> No.41439952
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>imagine bitching on fucking 4chan about retarded shit based on your illiterate point of view about how manage a business that you are absolutly fucking ignorant about it instead of fapping to Miu's karaoke

>> No.41439975

who's karaoke?

>> No.41440238
File: 1.13 MB, 1419x796, 1652925584076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact: a girl doesn't truly love you unless she's willing to give you a prostate massage.

>> No.41440299
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>> No.41440346
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kotae wa sou itsumo koko ni aru!

>> No.41440439

not sezia btw

>> No.41440484
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>> No.41440683

Sezia is cute in her own way

>> No.41440861

Raid of Miu to Ageha


>> No.41440927

if it's Luna i think that i would enjoy it to the point to get addicted to it...

>> No.41440960

7 karaokes in almost 2 months

>> No.41440975

How to deal with the manlet issue?

>> No.41440979

>150 ccv Miu raid
>134 viewers

>> No.41441016 [SPOILER] 
File: 197 KB, 220x147, 1663954498397074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call THAT 4chan user

>> No.41441036
File: 323 KB, 548x540, 1659549717160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect, I like that better than Apex or Valorant.

Youtube is shit

>> No.41441082

What's Miu's deal with triangles?

>> No.41441105

Hi Faka

>> No.41441129

/WACTOR/'s funeral when

>> No.41441184

That's her oshi mark, Mirais had geometric oshi marks.

>> No.41441242 [DELETED] 

2 triangles= Star of David

>> No.41441292

You arrived too late /wactor/ died along with gen 2, now it's a walking corpse

>> No.41441539
File: 74 KB, 1200x900, 1645978240776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miu has a triangle (3 sides)
Mia had a diamond (4 sides)
Lilu had a rhombus (also 4 sides)
Piyoko had a pentagon (5 sides)
Lia has a hexagon (6 sides)

>> No.41441825


>> No.41441956

When Wactor dies

>> No.41442175

wakuta wa mou shideiru

>> No.41442280

Luna hands wrote this post.

>> No.41442839

Is the "miren mi oshi mark" the new "miren mi pelo"?

>> No.41442874

hello I'm in a group of only lomitos and apparently many of those who joined that niniconico shit when it was Luna's turn won't do it this time

>> No.41442980

>having to pay to watch your oshi talk to a guy.

>> No.41443045

FACT: A woman will never truly love unless you are her first time.

>> No.41443077

I'm my oshi's first :^)

>> No.41443086

>t. the kissless virgin

>> No.41443121

t. The cuck beta provider

>> No.41443130


>> No.41443224
File: 356 KB, 504x504, 1649091305647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how jewish is Wactor?

>> No.41443256


>> No.41443283

Flaquita love

>> No.41443374


>> No.41443414
File: 244 KB, 613x566, 1647554315746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Miu's case, you know where to look, that's why she uses boob window with her mark.

>> No.41443468

this is a message for all lomitos if you support the niniconico event you will be supporting the stupidities of Maid and that in the future he forces Luna to collab with more men she hasn't said it but she's against it she doesn't feel comfortable talking to grommers like Ayato let's help Luna by not supporting the niniconico event to send a clear message to her incompetent boss

>> No.41443598

>t. poorfag

>> No.41443609
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>> No.41443614

what if my oshi is Neon?

>> No.41443620

less than Idol-corpo

>> No.41443634

Now I'm worried she will keep the GFE to members only...

>> No.41443651

enjoy the drama that private circlejerks brings

>> No.41443684


>> No.41443724

Lmao poorfag

>> No.41443752
File: 34 KB, 526x616, FEpF5yRX0AcdVqO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't support wactor let the agency root, so that way talents can fuckoff with their avatars

>> No.41443850


>> No.41443903

I've been seriously thinking if Akira would sell the models to Luna and Misora when they leave

>> No.41443957

no way that happens

>> No.41444004

2 dollars a month, you can't be this cheap, you're just a dramafag looking for trouble.

>> No.41444049

i donate, i'm not interested on that shit

>> No.41444124

Then you shouldn't care.

>> No.41444155

even if i' have membershib with some chuubas i agree, membership streams are shit that never should exist one the first time.

>> No.41444211

Reminder that membership streams are a staple of JP style vtubing.
You're literally a vtuber newfag if you're against them.

>> No.41444275

This, go watch owozu.

>> No.41444375

Filthy DD

>> No.41444397

is himea trying to maximize her earnings before fucking off or she's going to stay ?

>> No.41444481

you are right i shouldn't about sellouts

>> No.41444504

Would any girl stay in WACTOR?
Besides Miu who is s cofounder and Lia that is a manager also, everyone else will fuck off when their contracts end.

>> No.41444503

she will fuck off, it's obvious, you know she don't have enough familiarity with other members and the midget keep scamming her with the %, she will go twitch pngtuber for sure

>> No.41444539

It's not her first membership stream, threadwatcher nigger.

>> No.41444546

i hate doomfags so much

>> No.41444579

>Besides Miu who is s cofounder
She isn't, that's an old rrat

>> No.41444587

Good day, I don't watch unprofessional liar future twitch pngtubers brown choripaneras

>> No.41444786

Akira hate

>> No.41445080

Wonder what antis will do when there's no one else to anti.

>> No.41445119
File: 26 KB, 596x240, omg misopitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the end...

>> No.41445128
File: 1.23 MB, 2600x2452, 16473568356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will destroy Yof's boipussy while Goki and Luna enjoy the show as they bully him and question his sexuality just for satiate their evil sadistic side

>> No.41445169

she is OK, she will come back soon, stop the fucking doomposting.

>> No.41445251

I hope Hina comes back soon, I'm fucking sick and tired of these misopitas crying every day.

>> No.41445261


>> No.41445305

The question is, will you follow her?

>> No.41445319


>> No.41445323

I hope she fucks off for her own good.

>> No.41445350

Because you never followed her in the first place.

>> No.41445392

i only care about the character she do, plain and simple.

>> No.41445405

I will follow Hina wherever she goes. If she goes indie, or to another agency or even if she goes fleshtuber.

>> No.41445409

I follow her, not wactshit. I'm looking forward to give her money without a single cent going to the manlet.
Same with Misora.

>> No.41445451

She dropped the character a long time ago, thread watcher nigger. This her real self.

>> No.41445480

>actually believing that

>> No.41445527

>He lacks critical information.
This is how I know you're a thread watcher nigger.

>> No.41445638 [DELETED] 

even if they are acting close to they true selves they are still acting, vtubers and normal streamers are acting and exaggerating, don't forget they are entertaining a public and need to have they with the eyes on the screen, stop being naive

>> No.41445656

Even without knowing her rm, just by seeing the drawings she made as a child you can tell she was always a weird girl.

>> No.41445752

And exaggeration of her true personality it's still just a flavour of her true self.
And with her if anything she's hiding her power level, not exaggerating it.

>> No.41446032

depends on what she's going to do, vtubing? if so
>what type of content?
>what platform?
>who's she gonna surround herself with?
>dm open?

>> No.41446412

I don't think anons will be interested in her other activities, I personally don't want schizos bothering her. Maybe if she manages to get in contact with artists and a riggers, anons might follow her as an indie chuuba.

>> No.41446570

Even if she becomes a JAV actress?

>> No.41446875

My love for her transcend her activities as a vtuber, even if that's the only thing I know about her, so I would follow her to whatever she wants to do if she desires me to follow her.

>> No.41446973


>> No.41447080

You can't confess to a nun.

>> No.41447147

That's the only way I would be able to watch her again after what she done.

>> No.41447232

The only thing I see against Himea going indie is that she would be even more isolated, who would be her vtuber friends? Maybe Yadidoll could introduce her to more girls (if she doesn't know them already)

>> No.41447260

That was her only option before becoming a chuuba.

>> No.41447345

Confess her your anti sins.

>> No.41447642


>> No.41447661

How does Ageha's pussy feel?

>> No.41447684


>> No.41448040

>No WACTOR seal to leech anymore
She will drop her too

>> No.41448247

Neon ON

>> No.41448283

>1k ccv with all of WACTOR ES on the same stream.
WACTOR isn't worth leeching anymore tho.

>> No.41448309

Ask the anon who fucks everyone's oshis.

>> No.41448520

There won't be a Jefaza

>> No.41448653

Luna was going to leave but Misora pressured her to sign for another year and now she is going to debut with NijiES that's why Luna is sick of being betrayed

>> No.41448883

Better than her numbers

>> No.41448903

Luna even had everything planned to leave and was ready to go back to her idol activities.

>> No.41448959

I hope so . . . but. . . .
my sweet sweet Neon fell into this black company. . . so sad

>> No.41449330

Wactor stopped being jp style vtubing long ago.

>> No.41449366

You are right, she is Akira's childhood friend.

>> No.41449407

>Complete radio silence for 3 weeks and counting
Anon this is definitively not normal.

>> No.41449457

At least she got the fucked up teeth japs seem to like so much.

>> No.41449509

I hate how vtubers do blasphemy just like that. I dropped Kyria for this exact reason

>> No.41449574

Anon, she's a horse fucker what did you expect?

>> No.41449633

She can do those plump fetish videos.

>> No.41449745


>> No.41449924

There are some interviews where smalltime JAV actresses tell their backgrounds, some of them could perfectly be Sopa before joining WACTOR...

>> No.41449998

>Akira robed us from this
I will never forgive that midget.

>> No.41449999
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>> No.41450005

>Hina "La momitos" Misora

>> No.41450092

>Hina "forma onigiri" Misora

>> No.41450108


>> No.41450121


>> No.41450180

How so?

>> No.41450235

>Hina "culo gordo" Misora

>> No.41450350


>> No.41450434
File: 215 KB, 711x1179, Screenshot_20230121-174949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41450513

She really sticks like a sore thumb.

>> No.41450568

>watch Amai girls
>they are cute
>someone brings Sonic the hedgehog
>half a hour of autistic Sonic babbling
>mfw they're all argentinian
Why every argie is a Sonic fanboy?

>> No.41450574

too based for the other three normies without personality.

>> No.41450754

The sega genesis was really popular in Argentina.

>> No.41451456

I took some naps in the past days, Himea was present in all of those, but I have been unable to see her in my dreams at night...

>> No.41451542

why does Himea only seem confortable around Sezia?

>> No.41451621

Haven't you meet an autistic person? They'll stick to the first person they become comfortable with like their lives depend on it.
She's just like me fr fr

>> No.41451678

Both have similar vibes.

>> No.41451920

Both are the same shade of brown.

>> No.41452041
File: 453 KB, 538x408, 163203212526201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They share some tastes. Sezia is just still hiding her power lever.

>> No.41452083

Ar least Sezia is willing to perform better and understand the chuuba life

>> No.41452151

Yeah, fuckers better stop comparing her with Mori.
Sezia is cute.

>> No.41452180

Both are fat whores

>> No.41452203

good evening im having sex with himea rn
wanna say something to her?

>> No.41452213

Sezia has will to improve.

>> No.41452239

her jowl isn't getting smaller anytime soon, though...

>> No.41452245

>understand the chuuba life
That twitch thot has no idea about the style of agency vtubers.

>> No.41452251

Will Hakka interact with our boys?

>> No.41452279


>> No.41452299

Aren't thay taken already? Why would you cuck yourself bro

>> No.41452312

>willing to understand
Your reading comprehension reps, retard-chama.

>> No.41452353

He's Aisu bf shilling them

>> No.41452488

Who are you quoting?
That's not what you wrote faggola, read your own post gain.

>> No.41452495

which is the closest membership stream??

>> No.41452549

Leo, Ayato, Vyse, don't you know them?

>> No.41452652

Is that so?
Fuck you Gonza

>> No.41453158


>> No.41453412

I left Himea because of the Royal attentionwhores and there's RedCuntEyes in Sezia's chat.
I want to cut my ballz off!!!

>> No.41453443

Holy kek

>> No.41453520 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 500x666, FlWPAOYXoAAiXPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe RedEyes is cooler than (You)

>> No.41453664

Why you fucking assholes have to act like fucking anti retards every fucking thread?

>> No.41453671

how do I get that physique?

>> No.41453777

Reminder that you mean literally nothing to Himea and she will never love you as much as she loves Perrito Malvado.

>> No.41453816

well that really hurt me
don't be so rude please

>> No.41453825

It looks like the mugshot of a typical sex offender

>> No.41453839

underage tards that cant do it on other places because they get banned

>> No.41453869


>> No.41453876

I thought only good looking dudes posted their pics, what was this retard thinking?

>> No.41454034

Do you look better than that?

>> No.41454062
File: 3.91 MB, 2823x4096, 1674340167699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Ito arriving to Wactor offices

>> No.41454110

well i do

>> No.41454122

Well yeah

>> No.41454156 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 960x1280, FlVmSHbWYAE6pSq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are this guy? 15?

>> No.41454199

is not that hard i mean he's very ugly, you must be an orc to look worse

>> No.41454201

yeah, actually. and most anons probably do.

>> No.41454272

Himea, listen to me, stop giving so much attention to perrito malvado, if you really love us, don't put him above everyone else.

>> No.41454276

Sezia memes

>Don comedia

>> No.41454283

seethe PerritoMalvado is cooler than (You)

>> No.41454396

Please don't tell me you look like either of these, >>41453520 an obese hairy monkey or >>41454156 a crawnyass looking cuck.
Are there any /fit/ anons here?

>> No.41454412

Good afternoon, I just want Sopa to become indie or join HoloEs/NijiEs to finally be free of Wactshit

>> No.41454456
File: 287 KB, 601x591, 1655318109028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be like Lia, eat something Himea.

>> No.41454504

Old enough to fuck with Himea

>> No.41454543

>el sistema homo... lógico...

>> No.41454561

just imagine that ugly twink from la salada fucking with a blue hair skinny and kinky goth

>> No.41454725


>> No.41454731

>my laugh makes me feel insecure, the way I "ahaha"

>> No.41454766

She doesn't give him that much attention to begin with
, you're just nuts.

>> No.41454789


>> No.41454831

I survived the worst era of MTF, your weak shit posting doesn't have an effect on me and my love.

>> No.41454840

>t. perrito cuckeado

>> No.41455006

Sezia, I like your laugh. Don't listen to /here/ shitposters.

>> No.41455252
File: 2.36 MB, 1196x1056, The Sezia Experience [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3s7y38.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41455254

She really think it's normal to be over 20 measure 165 and weigh 45 kilos she is so dumb and believes in that stupidity high metabolism nonsense

>> No.41455282

How menhera was Neon?

>> No.41455396

>t. gorda fea

>> No.41455410

>I don't curse
I love my elegant bunny

>> No.41455436
File: 11 KB, 339x152, 1656034683883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41455466

Sezia is so cute...

>> No.41455510

Don't forget


>> No.41455650

Sezia keep being so cute, I'm falling for you, ah.

>> No.41455676

Sadly that dude is the closest she has to a whale.
Without supas that guy would have the same value as a random grey name.

>> No.41455716

I laugh like that too, ngl

>> No.41455751 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 900x1200, FlWbJh6WAAAh9IU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonikux laugh at him

>> No.41455821

C'mon fags tell me, I want to know my new toy.

>> No.41455936

Was anyone in Poli's real comeback stream?
What did she say?

>> No.41456022


>> No.41456045

She was sick with bronchitis but she seemed to be in a better mood than she was last month. She also said she was going to focus "on the people who behave and not the trash".

>> No.41456091

>you will never take sopita's virginity.

>> No.41456108

Well yeah, that's already gone.

>> No.41456176

>Las wator
She already feels separated from them lol.

>> No.41456219

mtf era was fun tho

>> No.41456227

I fucking love my flaquita!

>> No.41456259

Look at what you did you fucking faggots

>> No.41456318

What a painfully generic model.

>> No.41456396

>jajajaj noooooooooo

>> No.41456454


>> No.41456458

this is the first time I hear her voice, holy fuck she sounds bitchy as hell.

>> No.41456484
File: 692 KB, 3000x3000, 1671813380660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41456488

> he freely admits to being a threadwatcher
LOL. LMAO even.

>> No.41456578
File: 649 KB, 760x816, 1646528552399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41456599

I want to fix Sezia with breeding.

>> No.41456621

>Quien lo diria, que se podría hacer el amor por telepatía

>> No.41456634

Where is Miutomo OP?

>> No.41456737

Pregnant, she is going to deliver

>> No.41456760
File: 147 KB, 287x348, 1649963131764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.41456806

Yes, we need a new thread.

>> No.41456836

Yes, we need a kiss and a cuddle.

>> No.41456882


>> No.41456884

Post bussy you cocksucking homo

>> No.41456948
File: 77 KB, 1200x800, 1644737760877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on it


>> No.41457993
File: 347 KB, 3000x3000, 1661579080055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way fag

>> No.41460997

Last Message SOPA DOKOO?????

>> No.41462142

We have decided (misopitas) to wait until February 1, if there is no news from her, we will take action.
