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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41256622 No.41256622 [Reply] [Original]

>6% Russian

>> No.41256712

>Suisei is sent to the Bakhmut front and blown up by a HIMARS

How would Cover handle this?

>> No.41256815

You know who was 50% russian tho?

>> No.41256873
File: 297 KB, 850x1202, anny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking dead now, she's coming

>> No.41257080
File: 73 KB, 406x530, 1673117674393734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I'm not

>> No.41257252


>> No.41257318
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>25% british

>> No.41257408

Russia is a depressing shithole and the women are unrepentant bitches. Let them have this.

>> No.41257427

God I want her to rape me

>> No.41257460
File: 3.22 MB, 2400x3200, 86177239_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41257543

Suisei must be more than 6% then.

>> No.41257565

Suisei is the true heir of romanov empire.
Her return to russia will fix and bring glory to that land.

>> No.41257671

Why are people so mean to Suisei

>> No.41257758


Thats the vtuber equivalent of chris chan dressing up as an indian because hes 2 percent cherokee.

>> No.41257766

They'd say she graduated and never participated in the Special Event. In fact, there never was a Hololive member called Suisei

>> No.41257783

who's "people"?

>> No.41257909

I’d limit it to japs, germanics, slavs and some nord-mixed anglos myself.

>> No.41259527

You'd know if you weren't an EOP clipwatcher

>> No.41259651

You’d be happier if you lost some weight

>> No.41259737

6% would make the relatives pre communist purge so very likely nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.41259749

>People assume she's 1/4 Russian making her look slightly exotic
>Russia has Asian people in Siberia so she looks like a normal Japanese girl despite the Russian ancestry

>> No.41259977
File: 719 KB, 847x1200, 1637556058959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she recently confirmed she was 100% Japanese

>> No.41260044

most Russians are basically Asians with blue eyes

>> No.41260067

Go back to /pol/ vatnik retard

>> No.41260153

Most people who immigrated to Japan were white elites KEDOU (same goes for other European countries, e.g. Kalergi's father.)

>> No.41260791

she's hiding her power level

>> No.41261068

Пoдтвepждённaя HAШA

>> No.41261257

didn't you get drafted Ivan?

>> No.41261399

You mean take Soledar

>> No.41261512

>bringing glory to russia
please read some history

>> No.41261586

Jealous roasties.

>> No.41261820 [DELETED] 

>western media : russia on its knees, bakhmut is slowly overtaken by ukrainian soliders
>one of the most important strategic positions taken away from the russians
>russians retreat a bit, consolidate, obliterate ukrainians in bakhmut
>western media : bakhmut was never that important, let us distract you with something else because we SWEAR russia is losing the war...any day now...we promise! keep tuning in please...PLEASE we need the ratings PLEASE keep tuning in!

>> No.41261876


>> No.41262113 [DELETED] 

Western media is biased to fucking shit but the simple fact Ukraine turned out to be a near peer adversary is embarrassing enough, Russia'll never live that one down

>> No.41262122

Look up what propagandais, man.

>> No.41262248

>Bakhmut is important
Only Russoids who gargle whatever the propaganda line from the Kremlin is today believe that. These are the same people who, the same day Russia fled from Kyiv, 180d and insisted they weren't trying to take Kyiv, even though that's exactly what they'd been saying the day before.

Take Slovyansk and we can talk about Russia making meaningful progress, until then this is just cope.

>> No.41262285

Russia have done more that retreat a bit Ivan. Soledar is their first victory since Lysychansk/Sievierodonetsk but it's pretty minor compared to the loss of Izyum let alone Kherson. Bakhmut is also still in Ukrainian hands but even if Russia captures it it will be a poor showing for their window the partial mobilisation has allowed them before the West throwing tanks at Ukraine puts them in a position to be on the offensive again.

And Suisei is a bitch like all Russians.

>> No.41262344

People who lived on Belorussian, Ukrainian and Russian territory are half-asians by default because they were raped by Golden Horde for several centuries
Also am I on /v/ or something, why is this /pol/ thread still up?

>> No.41262583
File: 36 KB, 536x523, 1672618502652578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So theres a chance she's a big boobie blonde lady?

>> No.41262691
File: 203 KB, 480x401, 1671941638819821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No trust me it's not a global embarrassment that an army 3 times the size with a higher budget and decades of investments in equipment has 4 times the casualties and is currently retreating. It's all according to plan and actually based, you're obviously stupid if you don't understand how cool this is. Actually it's sad that you fell for the propaganda that says otherwise, you just need to ignore that the war is still ongoing and can be backed up with satellite photos, or the 80 year old weapons which are being distributed to Russian troops. Please emperor Putin, don't put my family in the gulags. Long live Russia! Victory is around the corner, surely!

>> No.41262708

>*sees mention of nationality*
>"why is this /pol/?"

>> No.41262871

Now recheck majority of the posts in this thread and tell me it's not /pol/shit
Some people can't fucking stop taking about politics no matter what. I dunno in what kind of environment they live but they need to GSH

>> No.41262926

>Doesn't know what war of attraction is
>Send over 50000 men to defend the """""""""""""""unimportant""""""""""" Soledar/Bahkmut
>Still lost to a bunch of ex-convicts
Funny info, the brigade that took over Kherson was destroyed in Soledar, they were, according to hohol news "The best units of the country" since they were trained in NATO territory with western tactics, and yet, they got raped in Soledar, now the entire natural defense border of Severks, Soledar, Bahkmut and Torkest is at the brink of collpasing because hohol thought that more troops could defend better 1945+78 when Termobaric and balistic missiles exist where they wipe out entire brigades in one direct hit at HQ.

Let me ask me you something mykolas dick suckers, are you willing to go full Volkstrumm? How much of your GDP are you going to risk over the stupied people in Europe where pools of money are stolen everyday since 1990?

>> No.41262955

t. Gets his info from a rando on some youtube channel thinking its all true.
I will laugh my balls off when Ukraine gets crushed and that Zionist cuck Zelenski steps down.
I hope all of Europe burns.

>> No.41263066

They are beyond delusional. According to the reports from social media, ukraine is almost winning this war. Literal imbeciles.

>> No.41263075

Glory to the Romanov Heir!

>> No.41263113

All Russian lies, I will never believe a word of it.
I hope you get drafted so my tax dollars can pay for a rocket that blows you up in another human wave attack your stupid generals love using so much.

>> No.41263132

Europe is doomed, the fact they keep sucking USA dicks instead going full Eurasian speak volumes of how stupid they're, they have the key to finally made the strongest superpower in Earth and they just cuck themselves over poor pigs fighting the most corrupt people in Earth just to revive a old sentiment of the Cold War that doesn't exist anymore except if you're a boomer.

>> No.41263191

I don't understand or care about slav politics, I just hope the war hasn't damaged Russia's reputation to the point where we won't see any more cute Russian Suisei art like >>41257080 like how the Taiwan incident fucked up Nene and Flare.

>> No.41263208

Lmao what a cuck

>> No.41263275

you are right
instead of talking about susei it devolved into politics out of fucking nowhere
