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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 177 KB, 367x312, hatewatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41176030 No.41176030 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she hatewatching? She's only contributing to the problem for clicks.

>> No.41176061

No like anyone was gonna watch this in the first place. It's free content.

>> No.41176188

Morbid curiosity. She’s far from the only person hate watching that steaming fly attraction, most of them knowing it’s bad but wondering just how bad is it? The only way to know is to see for yourself.

>> No.41176224
File: 341 KB, 642x478, 1666238843172778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way these fucking threads aren't being made by chase.
You can't tell me they aren't chase. Same demeanor, same bullshit, trying to to garner hate for pippa in the laziest way possible.
It's all chase.

>> No.41176231

You can't just blindly hate thing like woketard, you need to have an objective reason why it need to be hated.

>> No.41176333

What are we supposed to do? Let these stupid bastards blackwash more characters?
Voice your criticism. Create NEW black characters, not overwrite a white one.

>> No.41176753

>you need to have an objective reason
what other reason do i fucking need ?

>> No.41176833

Shes a drama / gossip youtuber. Obviously she's gonna react to some garbage for the cringe compilation or whatever

>> No.41176859
File: 721 KB, 625x631, velma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this objective reason enough?

>> No.41176862

Outrage marketing only works for social media, not for traditional entertainment, everytime it was tried it resulted in massive flops so don't worry about it.

>> No.41176900

Cause its blackwashed and its bad.

>> No.41176926

I don't know, I could maybe tolerate a realistic AU of these characters that didnt have the dog if it didnt have all the tumblr woke shit in it.

>> No.41177303

>Shes a drama / gossip youtuber.
That's so sad. Why not do something fun or talented instead of leeching on drama and gossip?

>> No.41177992

Like the CHiPs movie, it's somebody's vanity project that was only approved if a brand was slapped onto it (the dog isn't in it to keep him child friendly). It's Hollywood brainrot all the way down.

>> No.41178856

>Why is she hatewatching?
>for clicks.
You answered your own question.

>> No.41179025
File: 1.37 MB, 740x925, 1658946685173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha i don't like it i'm just watching to laugh at it!

>> No.41179404

It’s a Scooby spin off without scooby?

>> No.41179406

that's a horrible example, it was the exact opposite, just the way it should be: people memed about it without actually watching it, to the point it got a theatrical re-release that made it lose even more money than it did the first time around

>> No.41179583

Enough retards already watched it to get a second season funded, I dont think it matters anymore, I do hope she pirated the show though, as streaming services are fucking gay

>> No.41179816

Pippa sees herself (as does much of her fan base) as the heir to beloved Daddy Jim, but she has to be careful as her agency won't tolerate politics, especially the alt-right variety. So, she posts stuff like this, knowing it will hit all the /pol/ buttons (blackwashing, "muh childhood", jokes about whitey etc.). And her fan base flocks too it. Also why I've jumped off the Pippa ship and am now following Yuko. She doesn't pull all this dog whistle shit.

>> No.41181153


>> No.41181413

soon pippa is going to just be anime girl the quartering where all she does is bitch about wokeness and whatever 4chan and kiwifarms are melting down over

>> No.41181533

Really, Chase? You thought that would actually work? Letting the thread with the questions about your mother's dog die? Or was it deleted? Regardless, its out of the catalog now, and you waited a period of time to start samefagging again in the other threads you made?
That's not going to work, Chase. That's not going to make the question about why you beheaded your mother's dog go away, Chase. C'mon what exactly happend?

>> No.41181643

>You can't just blindly hate
I can.

>> No.41181796

Henri/Chase, you need to start calling her a "carpetbagger" instead of saying she's "pulling a nyanners". It makes you sound more believeable to non-ESLmonkeys.

>> No.41181878

I know a white hot poker in my asshole would be a bad thing and I dont need to experience it to know for sure

>> No.41181921

false, it's pajeetwashed

>> No.41181976

Pippa Pickmekin will do literally anything for clicks and since Velma is <current thing> she latched onto it.

>> No.41182025

Can you take a break OP, stop being a lazy faggot these threads are all the same

>> No.41182038

Wait, why is Velma black?

>> No.41182044

No one knows what the fuck a carpetbagger is you burger politics obsessed retard.

>> No.41182122

Not a bad tactic, Chase. Everyone's got a VPN, though, these days. Jumping around AND falselfagging? Its not a bad tactic, however, it's known. The questions will remain.
Did your mother's dog do something to you to make you want to kill it?
Did the dog do something to your mother? Did it fuck her? Did you're mother fuck the dog?
Did your mother, did she MAKE the dog fuck YOU?
....though certainly all these question could be off....only you can answer them, Chase....clarify for everyone.

>> No.41182125
File: 21 KB, 128x126, yoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing to clicks?

>> No.41182209

This show's target audience is Pippa and the kind of people her fans are.
And why does every Pippa fan thread turn into a discord chat where everyone is name fagging? They're actually the worst tourists on this board, I wish they were still quarantined on KF.

>> No.41182262


>> No.41182361

every incel channel on yt is trying to get clout off this show judging by my recommended, so it makes sense

>> No.41182402

I don't mind as long as she torrent it but she's probably too retarded to know how to do that so you right OP

>> No.41182478

go away /co/mblr

>> No.41182540

Chase...come now. You're only making it more obvious by not responding. This isn't Reddit....or Twitter....hiding the posts only works for you.
Or, is it just that none of the correct questions about you killing your mother's dog have been asked?
You certainly got caught....did you WANT to get caught killing the dog, Chase? Was that simply it? You wanted to send a message....and killing a dog wouldn't net you as much jail time?

>> No.41182609

>sjwriters taking tweets and presenting them as dialogue
hate to see it

>> No.41182634


>> No.41182704

>why is a clickbait political vtuber doing clickbait political shit?

>> No.41182724

American board (seethe, btw) and also these retarded threads are a transparrent attempt at baiting /pol/fags, it's only natural to use their language.

>> No.41182748
File: 319 KB, 1080x842, Screenshot_20230117-110037_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41182755

I watched this movie and barely remember what happens in it, it was pretty mediocre, and that's worse than being bad. At least you can get a laugh out of a bad movie.

>> No.41182955

Ah, well there's some acknowledgement ....that's some progress, Chase. Hopefully its you, because you kinda have to acknowledge it on some level. That you decapitated your mother's dog. You know....you were there. You did it, and nobody else reeeeeaaallly can ever know why. But you do....and you can't escape that fact.
But, you already know that. The drinking, Chase.....the drinking didn't help, did it? Those DUIs, Chase...those things are pretty inconvenient, aren't they?

>> No.41183161

she started with build-a-bear creepy stories...
sad desu

>> No.41183195

Well, who says that she's trying to solve anything? Some people are just along to watch the car crash unfold.

>> No.41183569

Even woke shitters hate it. Velma is over.

>> No.41186777

Pretty much

>> No.41186957

Chase, just because there's been a lul in activity doesn't mean people won't notice when you start shitting the place up again? You'd manage to keep your spam to one thread.....but that didn't seem to be enough for you, and necro'd this one.
Why did you decapitate your mother's dog?
Why do you want to have sex with animals?
Why do you want to groom children? Typically that's a sign of early childhood trauma.
Chase, did you kill the dog because your mother liked to watch it fuck you?
