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File: 991 KB, 1179x1534, 245D4BC0-3B9A-4674-AC9D-C7CEF5C93D53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41072747 No.41072747 [Reply] [Original]

>fauna before Japan
>never cancelled a stream
>go to Japan
>disappear for a week afterwards
>come back
>immediately start canceling streams
The laziness of the other girls rubbed off on her…

>> No.41072807

Rrat: the other girls threatened her because she was making them look bad which they are

>> No.41072810

It's over

>> No.41072818

Nah she just doesn’t wanna overlap ina cause shes a number fag

>> No.41073277

It is happening with irys too. Fuck! Being around bae and mori.

>> No.41073342

yeah i also saw ina playing pokemon right now. there is no point to compete.

>> No.41073364

>never cancelled a stream
Kiara enderman collab. It's also not cancelled, it's postponed.

>> No.41073411

Yeah I was pretty disappointed. 10 minutes before a video to bail too. Very unlike her. I assume something came up and she used it as an excuse.

>> No.41073416

IRyS really did a number on her please understand

>> No.41073444

she's just sad that the girls in japan started having fun after she left

>> No.41073447
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>frail health
>in Japan her options were limited to say the least, because animal products are involved in most food produced there and they've hardly even heard of vegans

Also her opinions about Japan I pretty much can just discount completely because she probably was stuck eating a granola bar in a hotel or something instead of going out to restaurants, izakaya, karaokes etc with the others. Food is a very vital part of culture there and if she just goes "fuck you this rice was whitened using an animal product" I think the problem is her being shitty, not Japan.

>> No.41073449

>You don't owe them anything, Fauna. On the contrary. Take a break every so often so they don't get cocky.
I bet it went like that.

>> No.41073553

That is Gura's fault. She invited herself intro it right before dying, now Kiara and Fauna would feel bad about doing it without her.

>> No.41073586

She's vegan? Oh god, imagine the farts. Has she ever farted on stream? Please say yes, I'll start watching.

>> No.41073772
File: 1.06 MB, 1339x1019, 1654554890978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think saplings came to be? Her vegan "energy" created them.

>> No.41073771
File: 53 KB, 599x357, 1653918242768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So on the 12th she said that she's back and jetlagged. She may have even arrived home the day before. So we're talking 3-4 days later and she's still jetlagged? I call bullshit.

>> No.41073852

She said she's gonna go back within a year ...

>> No.41073958

I've never been on a plane before cos I'm a poor seafag, can someone explain jetlag to me?

>> No.41074099

Your body hurts when it's not used to time travel.

>> No.41074192

It's just a blanket term for a disturbed sleep schedule. Usually happens after long flights because you arrive in a country with a timezone different to the one your body isn't used to.

>> No.41074253

imagine getting into a car in the early morning, driving for 12-15 hours and when you get out of the car it's still early morning.
Basically, your body inner clock gets completely fucked up and tired for a couple of days

>> No.41074257

Basically your internal clock gets messed up so you start feeling tired at 2 in the afternoon and wake up at 3 am

>> No.41074272

Oh sweet baby jesus I can feel the branch starting to grow off my head.

>> No.41074312

she was warned to to stream at the same time as the homocollab

>> No.41074328

Lmao EN branch is fucking dead anyway and I gave up. I only watch JP now. Koyori is the queen.

>> No.41074340

Something serious is going on with HoloEN so the members are feeling depressed

>> No.41074415

The ones still in japan are having a great time.

>> No.41074527

Also jetlag doesn't go away instantly, your circadian rhythm changes by max an hour or two per day, and Japan is off by like 14-17 hours from what she's used to so probably she had just enough time to adjust to Japan's timezone and then goes home and has to undo it all.

Businessmen I've known who travel far sometimes try to just avoid even trying to adjust to local time if the trip is short enough because it can put them off-kilter for days afterwards if they're not careful. Like I've known ones who have to go to one specific meeting and won't even book a hotel, they will fly in, taxi over to the meeting, attend it and maybe not even go out for a dinner afterwards and just get back on the plane home. If these girls took their time and just loligagged around and let their bodies adjust to local time yes that's not going to go away instantly.

As to why she has a headache, I dunno, not sure if that's even related.

>> No.41074583

jetlag is just your body adjusting to different time zones. your circadian rhythm is very, uh, particular, let's say. and also very important. for people who hang out here the idea of sleeping at the same time every day for the same amount of time is probably insane, but very necessary for the body to function correctly. it's actually crazy how important it is.

>> No.41074623
File: 227 KB, 500x500, 1662269655560108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori Laugh
Imagine getting btfo by Jetlag when this women travel so much the plane is basically her 2nd home.

>> No.41074736

That fucking image has me laughing so hard thanks for posting that anon

>> No.41074766

She's obviously avoiding the Ina overlap, just like the other day. Fauna is a typical numberfag chuuba.

>> No.41074767

Mori's constitution is retard-strong it seems, like has she ever even taken a sick break officially? I can't recall if she's done it even once. Yet she's constantly working on several different sub-jobs at once. A true machine. If she had devoted all that time to Holo streaming she would give Kaela and Koyori a run for the money.

>> No.41075233

That's just her ducking Ina though? stop trying to drag the other girls into this

>> No.41075716

yeah. EN Girls suck ass. They do not work and still consider each other hard workers. They dont watch the jps.

>> No.41076108
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>the vegan is sick

>> No.41076435

It's over sapsissies, Fauna got a boyfriend in Japan and he got her pregnant...

>> No.41076502
File: 27 KB, 391x296, 1663504270171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her good expectations about Japan?


>> No.41076526

She just didn't wanna get mogged by Ina in her own timeslot.

>> No.41076701

She just followed tempus 2 on twitter btw

>> No.41077085

>Fauna streamed on Christmas because no one streamed
>this happens after meeting with them in Japan
makes you really think

>> No.41078015

Deserved for being vegan

>> No.41078137

It's not even possible to be off by more than 12 hours, retard.
Japan is only 7 hours behind the west coast. Plus Fauna has said she wakes up at like noon. That's 5am in Japan, so if she got up at a normal time like 7 or 8 while there, she'd only have to adjust by a couple hours.

>> No.41078324

Gura is vegan?

>> No.41078450


>> No.41078491


>> No.41078557


>> No.41078641

If you cross multiple time zones then jetlag can even stay for up to 2 weeks, depends on your organism

>> No.41078741

Black mailed by mori

>> No.41078842

Adjusting to US timezones after being in Japan takes me like a week+ every time. It's rough.

>> No.41078933
File: 255 KB, 640x360, 1647825532074.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's covid 100%, Baelz must've infected everyone

>> No.41078994

Shes just tired after all the girls rubbing her off

>> No.41079008

>Don’t overlap!
>the homos are literally dying!
>this is a worthless wigger genocide!
I believe it.

>> No.41079103
File: 37 KB, 291x333, Takosapling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takosaplings, who will you watch when they eventually overlap in schedule?

>> No.41079879

Don't exist

>> No.41079974

I've never seen a branch collectively cancel streams/take breaks as much as HoloEN does, it's mind-boggling.

>> No.41080026

It depends where you are in Japan, there are vegan options if you’re in Tokyo and such

>> No.41080298

Japan is 7 hours behind the west coast?
You wanna Google that for me?

>> No.41080394

No it's 13 hours ahead of the west coast.

>> No.41080874

Fucks sake. A country can be 17 hours ahead of another one but it can’t be a difference bigger than 12 because then it starts getting closer to the same time just on the day before/after, it’s not rocket surgery

>> No.41081536

not the sniffles again...

>> No.41082643

I'm completely sure that once they get a chance to talk about Hololive, like any other job, the seniors give them advice to not overwork themselves and in fact incentivate them to take breaks since they know Cover won't punish them and they'll keep making money.
Honestly I don't blame them, good on them for taking advantage of the corporation who doesn't really enforces their workers to actually work

>> No.41082727

Oh no

>> No.41083244

wow this pic has a lot of history

>> No.41083634

Have you traveled to Asia before? Or if you’re in Asia have you traveled to North America?
I have and it’s more than a 7 hour difference
I left Asia in the evening (monday ~6pm), traveled for ~9 hours by plane and arrived in the morning of the day I originally left (Monday ~8-10am)
Jetlag is very real and extremely confusing if you’re not used to it

>> No.41087660

It is 11:45 am in Japan.
It is 6:45 pm on the west coast
That is a seven hour difference, the fact that it's a different day is not relevant to sleep schedules

>> No.41088057

dont you have anything better to do your with your life than make these shitty threads over and over

>> No.41089054

Hey I'm the seafag that never boarded a plane before and I'm learning a lot about flying and jetlag so this thread isn't as shitty as you think.

>> No.41090496

ITT: modular arithmetic nerds and additive group nerds

>> No.41090640

Gee I wonder what BIG collab is going on right now that conveninetly seemed to clear the schedule of literally every single other Holo. Such a coincidence that a bunch of planned streams seemed to be canceled at the same time out of the blue.

>> No.41096548

Hololive taiwan cafe?

>> No.41099223

They didnt want her overlapping the monopoly collab

>> No.41100799

6pm Monday pst is 11am Tuesday jst
It’s not the same day
7 hours from 6pm Monday would be 1 am Tuesday

>> No.41102979

It's over

>> No.41103393

jeez, how do pilots and airline attendants even live

>> No.41103533

>suffering from jetlag after spending ~3 weeks on a drinking binge in Japan?
>no, can't be that; she's just lazy
Sometimes, I forget that ~76% of /vt/ are legitimate sociopaths.

>> No.41103729

I can confirm this amount (Officially peer reviewed).

>> No.41103809

she's cancelled streams randomly in the past lol. even before her cat died.

>> No.41103984

What drives someone to become a vegan?

>> No.41104116

>drinking binge

>> No.41105731

Alcohol is vegan. Vodka at least.

>> No.41105997

What the fuck anon?

>> No.41106525

Do you... do you know how alcohol is made?

>> No.41106957


>> No.41107149

>Japan is off by like 14-17 hours from what she's used to
Are you retarded?

>> No.41107324

It's the same as people who think you should treat dogs better than humans. They have a permanent savior complex towards animals.

>> No.41108699

spiritual cuckery

>> No.41108846


>> No.41108962

Tokyo is not Japan.

>> No.41109182

fauna is too powerful

>> No.41109187

>Fauna streamed in Ina's timeslot
>Ina comes back streaming
>Fauna knows that she is going to get low views, so she postpones it instead
How difficult is this to understand?

>> No.41109241

No, but she does eat that vegan fake meat garbage because she's too lazy/scared to learn how to cook real meat

>> No.41110429

Only exist as saplings who view Ina as a discount mommy for when Fauna is away.

>> No.41110930

tbf not much of a problem if you're terminally sleep deprived anyway
She's cancelled plenty of streams due to not feeling well, headaches and stuff, but yeah she's never been sick to the degree it stopped her from streaming for a longer period. I guess the closest would be that time she operated a muscle (the yab arc).

>> No.41111224

Having had it way too good for way too long

>> No.41112275

Too low of a number, anon.

>> No.41112509

Not having vegan restaurants readily available in Japan really made her sick. I bet she was hungry the entire time.

Is it her fault she expect that Japan would feed into the vegan delusions? Most of them believe such bizarre lifestyle is a joke

>> No.41113335

Or Takos who couldn't handle the long breaks and switched.

>> No.41113382

She's still recovering from getting fucked by Watame. The sheep goes hard and probably left her body broken.

>> No.41114185

What are you fucking Nostrodipshit over here? Call me when a habit is a habit and not something your asperger-addled chicken-brain knee-jerked into existence because you think people are as straight-forward and predictable as the fucking choochoo trains you love to spend so much time watching ok you fucking chimp. Jesus there has never been a half-decent thread on the history of this website that started from a twitter thread.

>> No.41114485

How can she be so fucking scared of overlapping Ina? The more Fauna avoids her the more obvious it becomes what a shameless number retard she is.
