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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41018897 No.41018897 [Reply] [Original]

They had ONE JOB
Be a cute anime girl. that’s IT.

>> No.41019760

follows it for the most part
Wants to grow her OTHER audience alongside her hololive audience and wants to consistently double dip, chronic contrarian
Contrarian, would rather jump into a volcano right after people tell her jumping into a volcano is bad for her health, more of a manager really, wouldn't surprise me if she turns into EN's equivalent of A-chan in the future where she stays as "amelia" but her actual job is all behind the scenes while she does one stream every four months
She can draw, will always draw, will never stop drawing until she dies. With or without hololive and while in hololive she will always draw forever.
Wants to do react content and is probably angy that she can't, still don't know why she doesn't double dip just like Mori because she can get away with it, her ghosting habit is genuinely fucking awful

Overall Council kind of got better streamers, and in the future they need to hire girls that actually want to entertain and do some singing and dancing rather than coast on the brand. They run the risk of having an entire new generation where 3 out of 5 are consistently on breaks due to bullshit they made up, like how Ina made up her health issues because she was doing some hardcore drawing that required her to not work for hololive for a bit but then she also took a fucking vacation to Japan and nobody in Cover seems to mind that.

So honestly unless they become stricter, they will inevitably invite people that don't want to stream at all and just wanna stream once a month after getting hardcore fans. It's a bad situation in general but it's mostly Cover's and EN management's fault.

>> No.41020335

What percentage of Gura's audience are lolicons?

>> No.41020350

Gura should do whatever she wants as far content goes and chumbuds need to pull their heads out of their asses. She need to tard wrangle her chat instead of being wrangled by them. Even if she did react content they'd still watch so fuck them and their fake outrage.

>> No.41020421

they wanna be a cute anime girl AND collab with males without upsetting anyone

>> No.41020712

I think they all fit the bill despite what schizos might say about mori and her wigger tendencies. I think the ONE JOB a few of them have failed to do is the streaming thing.

>> No.41020988

>hire only 1 woman interested in being an idol
>She's the only one who's still doing it 2 years in

>> No.41020991

never considered the possibility of ame becoming an EN a-chan, that genuinely wouldn't be a bad option for her.

>> No.41021260

>she's still the worst at her job by a huge margin

>> No.41021491

Gura could collab with males tomorrow and it would suddenly be considered based here

>> No.41021694

No it definitely wouldn't.

>> No.41021834

You don't understand the level of cognitive dissonance you're dealing with on this board.

>> No.41022161

I'm the anon you replied to but if that ever happened this board would probably be unusable for a week or two. Don't threaten me with a good time anon.

>> No.41022308

Yes it would chumbuds are mentally ill, first days it would be nonstop shitposting but a week? two weeks after? They will be praising Gura saying how shes so brave and how they never REALLY hated the homos

>> No.41022396

Gura could collab with males tomorrow and the entire vtuber community, audience and vtubing in general would completely collapse and be gone faster than the stream ever initiates. At least in the west.

You have no fucking clue the major backlash this could do. She fucking knows it.

>> No.41022460

you have to consider the talent pool available for them in the west

>> No.41022527

You're full of shit

>> No.41022556

>Wants to do react content and is probably angy that she can't, still don't know why she doesn't double dip just like Mori because she can get away with it, her ghosting habit is genuinely fucking awful
I am positive the reason Gura doesn't double dip is because a bunch of leeches on twitch would jump into her chat or talk about her constantly to try and pressure her to collab with them. We saw this with the "uh oh" and how multiple of them started @ her.

>> No.41022990

>React content
Does she really want to do this? There's no actual creative humor made out of that shit. I stopped watching Pippa just because she chugged out a shit ton of those streams in a row. It's not that it's bad every once in a while, but it's easy for the streamer because they don't need to rely on chat or hope the game provides interesting things to talk about. If she really wants that, just drop Cover and move on to VShojo to get your friend group like she was supposedly looking for. She'd get the best of both worlds there.

>> No.41023346

She tried to broach the idea before but people said they don't like it. Plus she can't do it as her hololive self as that would be a perm or monetization nightmare unless she only watched hololive clips.

>> No.41023431

Gura does it

>> No.41023632

Gura doesn’t do anything

>> No.41023694

she watched night of the living dead and was kino, specially when the nigger slaps the woman across the face

>> No.41023784

She asked her chat if they'd be okay with it she wanted to do react content while she eats but chumbuds told her it was lazy content so she didn't commit to it.
There was also that worms collab with tempus and the girls there was one spot left during the first round a week before it happened gura hinted that she wanted to tell them something that chat might find hilarious and chat started sperging out about tempus in her chat. Now regardless the worm collab i don't know if gura was actually scheduled to be in it or not. I just found the whole thing weird with the vacant spot.

>> No.41024106

After what happened with other holoEN members that seems accurate. When Gura starts to collab with Tempus a huge shift will happen /here/ where all of a sudden the majority of people will say that they are okay with it. Gura has such a huge fan base that if she begins to regularly stream again they won't mind the occasional Tempus collab.

>> No.41024278

they should just stream i guess but you would rather bitch

gurasharts are annoying.

>> No.41024468

I don't think so considering most of her fans here are fucking pedos just read her general and look for that one anon talking about raping his underaged daughter. I don't think they'll just accept it plus she's been doxxed so much that schizos here have her parents home address full names and last names.

>> No.41024581

The whole dox thing is such a retarded topic. The JP girls have a much bigger following of hardcore fans and still go out on the daily and talk about it in a country the size of California. I fucking hate that argument.

>> No.41024856

I understand where you're coming from but gura herself is a nervous wreck who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks the thought of some schizo finding her will always linger on the back of her mind.

>> No.41025029

Thats a watch a long. She wanted to turn on things like meme compilations like other streamers do.

>> No.41025181

That's really her problem and one she needs to get over given her line of work. I'm not even asking her to do shit like talk about her day, because some streamers and even Hololive members don't do that on the regular.

>> No.41025304

Let me add that during halloween week when she was streaming horror games she said she was seeing things that weren't actually there those are signs of panic attack. Gura right now is probably on a dark place mentally if problems are dating that far back.

>> No.41025362

You're saying the airbnb rrats were true?

>> No.41025681

Oh yes absolutely i agree with you on that I'm not excusing her and i think she should stream even if twice a week. I'm just saying there's a lot of things that are affecting her mentally that's all

>> No.41025717

>management loves her
>gets the sponsorships
>is one of the top earners of HoloEN
It's not always about subs or VOD numbers.

>> No.41025765

Not even close. Stop twisting my words for your drama bait.

>> No.41031215

I can't believe Mori would do something like that. Surprised you figured it out.

>> No.41033502

I don't understand why the people here get their panties in a bunch over react content. Yeah it's lazy so what? It's still fun and better than watching them play bad games.

>> No.41034772

It wasn't people here, it was chat that shot it down.

>> No.41035135

>ask for opinion on something
>don't like it so I reject it
>I'm the bad guy

Maybe she shouldn't have asked if she didn't want to hear opposing opinions.

>> No.41035205

I thought that spot was Ina's before she got sick, but this makes sense too. Also nothing new with chumbuds being complete douches to Gura despite blindly following her.

>> No.41035253

aka en branch's advertising mascot

>> No.41035307

>Council kind of got better streamers
Sana - quit
IRyS - bland and boring
Mumei - bland and boring
Fauna - bland and boring
Bae - zoomer
Kronii - depressed stoner, good sense of humor but boring streamer

>> No.41035384

You know what i actually never considered the possibility of that being ina's spot at the collab.

>> No.41035790

I kinda don't blame gura for disappearing. I'm paranoid about the internet finding me and I'm a nobody that noone is looking for. Imagine being actively searched for and doxxed by an unhinged fanbase like hers. With how paranoid she seems to be, she could be seeing shadow people and doxxers everywhere

>> No.41035974

Night of the living dead is a weird exception. They fucked up the copyrighting process of the time and it got public domain'd. Apparently they were fairly upset about that.

>> No.41037391

Then you don't watch her because she has talked multiple times about enjoying managing and organizing more than streaming.

>> No.41037560

>Vtubing in general will collapse
You're probably on something...

>> No.41037653

Pretty sure that spot was for Kiara but we all know what happened

>> No.41037770
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OK rrat time! This is actually what is happening. Cover immediately saw the the male/female backlash in the west and they were not expecting it at all, since we don't have an idol culture here. For whatever reason Gura needed time off and they decided to use it to force the tempus collabs due to people being happy for gura's return. But then during this time Ina got legit sick so they tried to have Gura to come back earlier then planned but as she had made other plans so now she is sick too. Its become far too long now so they rushed Tempus 2 to buy time and when Gura comes back within a month or so one of the 1st Collabs will be with Tempus. It all makes sense!

>> No.41038315

Gura even joked about the collapse of vtubing once in a stream. Makes me kinda want to get at least one piece of merch so I can remember that they once lived

>> No.41038398

Chumbuds really are delusional regarding the influence of their no-show oshi.

>> No.41038458

If Gura collabed with a male I think they’d bend over backwards and pretend they were always cool with it

>> No.41040270

If Gura collabed with a male I'd be very upset and refuse to watch her collab stream, but still watch her normal ones, while remaining upset and slowly moving to girls from other companies who share a timeslot with her.

>> No.41040573

whats better?
Gura collabing with males or gura not streaming at all?

>> No.41040593

>be (thing that doesn’t exist)
>don’t stream
>effectively don’t exist
they’re doing a phenomenal job

>> No.41040623

The latter. She can take however long she wants to recover, rest, relax from being burned out, or whatever else she's doing at the moment.

>> No.41040664
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Unironically if you think this about gura, you're a fucking retard.
The fact that PERMS for a lot of her favorite rhythm games got pulled really hampered her stable of fallback content from even just post 6 months in. She loves Miku and seems to have had big ambitions on the weeb musical side of things from when she first applied for the job....back before the fucking holo-caust. There's been more, unrelated, issues...but the ever tightening perms have underlined a lot of every holo's woes. But, with gura....well she's the one one of the ENs that never really needed Hololive as far as exposure in her past life (you could argue about Ina, but that's a different sphere regarding her priestess duties). Then there's the whole issue of the Big Sniffle stopping ALL of Myth from having proper 1st year 3d studio support with the travel bans...and ALSO that carrying over to just before Novermber of 2022 as far as prospective travel went.
Gura's otherwise been a pretty great "cute anime girl". The react content thing is likely symptom of her not getting to do what she signed up for

>> No.41040703

does however long include never? Would you rather never have gura stream again and keep her memory pure or get her back collabing with holostars?

>> No.41040765 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah, sure, why not. If she's no longer feeling like it she can graduate and move to a corp that respects her or even go indie.
She still has a lot of plans for Gura, none of which involve males given how she never so much as acknowledged their existance, so she's not graduating any time soon
Feel free to seethe

>> No.41040861
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>She WILL collab with MEN
>MEN will be in a streams with HER at the SAME TIME
>she WILL giggle sweetly as Axel says something stupid and Magni falls off a cliff
>You WILL watch the stream and donate like a good little paypiggy
>There is NOTHING you can do about it

>> No.41040921

it seems like it would be an easy job until you remember that you'd have to deal with the teeming hordes of mouthbreathing social and genetic failures that make up the VAST majority of the EN vtuber fanbase EVERY SINGLE TIME you show up to work

>> No.41040924

>i-in my dreams
>please don't laugh...

>> No.41040961

lol i really don't care either way as long as goomba come back i was just curious.

>> No.41041070

That's pants on head retarded. Vtubing is just having a virtual avatar with an accompanying lore behind it, it won't die. In fact, I predict more and more people will be interested in keeping their privacy while they are pursuing content creation. Artists, music producers, voice actors can all gain from having a tailored public image and live a normal life in the meanwhile.

>> No.41041120

It might not even be the quality of the fans, it might be the sheer number. With 4+million followers I can't imagine the amount of information overload she gets from every little thing she does online. makes it hard to connect with her fans cause she just literally can't. as for toxic fans, on a 4 million sized scale that is still 40k.

>> No.41041366

As for toxic fans, on a 4 million sized scale, if 1% is toxic that is still 40k.

>> No.41041892

>It's still fun
Disagree. It's fucking retarded and a waste of time, and if she's allowed to start doing it it will probably quickly become the only thing she does. I'd rather see her graduate.

>> No.41042454
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>> No.41045730

They had 8/10 of lazusydithyria available who are better singers than everyone in myth and said no to them all.

>> No.41047629

too hard

>> No.41047856

Fuck off retard maybe people like you is the reason she's so fucking mentally stressed to the point of not streaming go fucking kill yourself faggot.

>> No.41048022

>more of a manager
not when she fails to manage her health. overrated.

>> No.41048116
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>follows it for the most part

Yeah for sure bro

>> No.41048131

What does the reddit frog have to do with that?

>> No.41048213
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>> No.41048536

That is 90% of europeans. They have no idea what is going on in the US but think they know better.

>> No.41048559

>unless she only watched hololive clips
Yet another proof of Coco's genius.

>> No.41048996

You are the one who doesn't watch her, Ame has said that she wouldn't want to stop streaming to focus only on management stuff, she likes to stream and likes to interact with chat while also doing behind the scenes things

>> No.41049334

Fuck them perms. Where's her singing career right now? Why Mori can and she's just a pretty face on the cover for Hololive?

>> No.41049501

Lmao kiara being based af. Ruining the american chuds immersion.

>> No.41050914

>Be a cute anime girl.
They legit do that. How are they not being cute anime girls?

>> No.41050985

likely 85%, the other 15% are children

>> No.41051026

Anything Gura does is based. ANYTHING.

>> No.41051087

mori made more music in these 2 years than the rest of hololive combined.

>> No.41051222

Your oshis never stream. Meanwhile, mine made it through the first round of auditions to be in the next Yakuza game. Try and beat that, suckers

>> No.41051427

>entire vtuber community, audience and vtubing in general would completely collapse and be gone faster than the stream ever initiates

She will lose 500-1000 ccv and that's it. Nothing else would change. You guys legit don't know how small you are regarding the EN viewership you are.

>> No.41051566

Technically not true since there are like about a dozen or more covers/originals every month, but Mori has made more music than any other holo in 2022

>> No.41051650

The problem is Europeans hate the American right because the European left is composed of high functioning secularists without understanding that the American Left is composed of low functioning Satanists. It's a totally different kind of cultural conflict.

>> No.41052259

Technically, all children tgat fall in love with other children of their age are also lolicons, so the percentage is closer to 100%

>> No.41052379

Oh nyo I have to make cute noises for a few hours and over 500 dollars a stream!

>> No.41052504

You’re cool mooms keep up the good work

>> No.41053012

You first

>> No.41053113

>she said she was seeing things that weren't actually there those are signs of panic attack
Or schizophrenia

>> No.41054846

>anime is from JP
>wHy CaN't EN wHoReS aCt LiKe AnImE wAiFuS
get some help anon

>> No.41054992

Yes. Being cute anime girls is the essential difference between VTubers and regular streamers.

>> No.41056036

While true back then, Hololive unironically made Kiara more far right.

>> No.41057715

well yeah, seeing as how she uncontrollably laughed at the word "cunny" during geoguessr it means she obviously reads this place, and probably is well aware that at least half of the KFP here are wehraboos.
