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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40973826 No.40973826 [Reply] [Original]

【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com
【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/c/idol_corp
【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp
【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
【 HE Original Song 】 https://youtu.be/vqSsJM6teG8 [Embed]


idolHE 1st Generation:

【 Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס 】【graduated】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NeoSparkles
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES

【 Emi Suika - אמי סויקה 】【graduated】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@EmiSuika
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi

【 Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@kattarina_qutie
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

【 Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol

【 Lily Sin - לילי סין 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LilySin
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol


idolEN 1st Generation:

【 Yuko Yurei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@yukoyurei
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko

【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi

【 Rin Penrose 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rinpenrose
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose

【 Pochi Wanmaru 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@PochiWanmaru
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/PochiWanmaru

【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield


【 idol Friends 】
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
aeg >>>/vt//myspace/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/


Previous Thread: >>40957593

>> No.40973871
File: 68 KB, 312x123, 42BB601E-F582-4D0A-9941-E2D66ECBEAE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuko’s bratty pink yab asian 4’7 cunny for breakfast lunch and dinner

>> No.40973937
File: 225 KB, 640x658, dripyuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello and welcome to my collection of Yuko's greatest hits!

But first, she has a few things to say:


Let's count down to the start of the song!


Now, what you were all waiting for:


Eh. Yuh. Yeah.
If Stu chews shoes could Stew choose the shoes he chews? Yeah.
I was born on a short shiny ship at shore.
One-one was one horse horse. Two-Two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too.
Gobbling garbles gobbled gobbling goblins. Eh goblins.
Pirates private property a chest. Yeah. Eh.
Birdie birde in the sky laid a turdie in my eye.
How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a can cannibal can nibble cans? As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans. Yeah.
A snake sneaks to seek a snack. Pirates private property.
Six sticky Skeletons. I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.
Did Dick Dickens prick his pinkie picking cheap pickles? Eh.
If a colored caterpillars could change their colors constantly could they keep their colored coat colored properly? *Laughs*
Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread.
Five frantic frogs *mumbles* fierce fish. Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheap cheddar.
Smelly shoes and socks shock sisters. The great big black bug bit a big black dog.
Yeah. My name's Yuko Yurei and I'm Trap God. Oh YEAH! *Screams* Yeah.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
The peepee puppy. The prince presented Pippa's *mumbles* A poop in the PALACE!
I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. I saw Suzie sitting in the shoe shine shop.
Santa's short suit shrunk. Shirley shall see the sunshine shoon!
*Laughs* What the fuck is happening? *Laughs* Eh.

Before you go! Yuko has a parting lullaby for you!

>> No.40974428
File: 497 KB, 1720x1000, 1673696273347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you rike?
hello, pochi wanmaru is my wife. thank you.

>> No.40974655
File: 980 KB, 1280x720, 1644426799257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alpha of EN and the alpha of HE.
Who's topping?

>> No.40974700

Katta's power level is too high. She's the strongest vtuber in history.

>> No.40974786
File: 164 KB, 992x925, 1673569332276247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Eel wife
Turning big Eel sis into Mommy Eel
Having children with Eel wife
Being happy with Eel wife and kids

>> No.40974845
File: 157 KB, 1280x988, 1673650112570038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a bestiality if we both act like animals.

>> No.40975143

I'm not ready for Juna speaking Russian(Katta will 100% make her)

>> No.40975270

Juna if you read this please give us a German Stream

>> No.40976727

Drinking Yuko's piss with a silly straw, while still in the bladder.

>> No.40977011
File: 284 KB, 500x500, 1668594822505386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40977136

I want a russian vs. german shouting match. The top gets to interrogate the other for vital info.

>> No.40977294

i would be ok with it i just want juna german

>> No.40977365
File: 273 KB, 1000x1000, 1670435935054190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even satisfy a woman like Katta?
Pochi got the leash, Fuyo got the rape, Yuko got the bodily fluids, Juna got the good food.

>> No.40977919

you don't
katta will ride you screaming about how she wants you to give her babies until you pass out and wake up in a puddle of cum

>> No.40978260


>> No.40978319

As usual kenzoku are RAGING faggots

>> No.40978550

choke her

>> No.40979783 [DELETED] 

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark.. alway rember happy day!!!

>> No.40979868
File: 880 KB, 733x716, 1671487346646622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark.. alway rember happy day!!!

>> No.40980064
File: 378 KB, 1984x2048, eely shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like for Juna to try and sing a Rammstein song, or just a german song overall would be great.

>> No.40980077
File: 404 KB, 420x328, 1663855668951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collabing with m*les
it's been a fun ride bros..

>> No.40980179

What happened to my chill and comfy GFE 2view corpo?
Why are we reddit now? Why are we sucking off nijisanji clippers now? Why are we collabing with males now? Why is Yuko retarded now?
I don't know how many people from 6 months ago are still here, but after this there will be yet one fewer. We fucking carry the company on our backs for half a year and this is how Aviel repays us! I suppose the writing was on the wall when EN was announced and the company's gimmick was instantly abandoned for the sake of numbers. Whatever the case I'm going back to JP. Better to not understand half of what they're saying than to be a mindbroken cuck.

>> No.40980203
File: 32 KB, 732x458, No collab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, goy.

>> No.40980249

i hope aviel appears on stream, he is precious

>> No.40980320

if he actually appears in the stream i'll never trust a jew ever again

>> No.40980382

Every day is the same as yesterday.
Rinposting in the morning, cuckposting in the afternoon, Juna abuse in the evening, Pochi love and Yuko grooming by night.
Drinking piss all day like Yuko gulps her energy drinks.
Smelling Juna's braps like humans breathe air.
Male collabs today, Idol is dead.
No male collabs tomorrow, my oshi would never betray me.
Will Katta incline?
I love watermelon.
I love Lily Sin.
I love Nikki Rei.
Fuyoposters run this joint.
The thread is timelooping.
End thread. Begin anew.

>> No.40980421 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.43 MB, 3508x2480, 1646689136527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juna's womb

>> No.40980541
File: 41 KB, 610x801, Aviel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan, goyim. This project is not made to subvert western culture, but just a passion project.

>> No.40980545

nice to see an oldfag return to their ancestral home
here's the most updated version of the pasta (with juna abuse added)

Every day is the same as yesterday.
Rinposting in the morning, cuckposting in the afternoon and evening, Juna abuse in the evening, Pochi love and Yuko grooming by night.
Drinking piss all day like Yuko gulps her energy drinks.
Smelling Juna's braps like humans breathe air.
Foreskin doko?
Male collabs today, Idol is dead.
No male collabs tomorrow, my oshi would never betray me.
Will Katta incline?
Emi who?
I love watermelon.
I love Lily Sin.
I love Nikki Rei.
Please watch Neo :(
But nobody heard my pleas...
Gura left me, Yuko is my beloved.
Fuyoposters run this joint.
The thread is timelooping.
End thread. Begin anew.
But don't forget to take your meds.

>> No.40980633

>Idolcorp lunch room in real time watching Yuko's memberships open

>> No.40980804

Many thanks, saved aswell.

>> No.40980896

>First thing in description: To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email... for more info.
Never change chosen people.

>> No.40981059

>most liked comment: My Son who is Autistic is completely obsessed with this song/video. We are not Jewish and IDK where or when he found this video. But now we watch it on average 20 times a day and before bed it's a must..
average /jidf/ poster

>> No.40981175
File: 58 KB, 543x277, 1665416363766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love seeing my old posts

>> No.40981256

this, but without even a shred of irony

>> No.40981591

watch this and tell me what you think about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiVxFSvGIIM&t=3270s

>> No.40981636
File: 624 KB, 519x698, 1668835516888943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my tomboy GF Nikki Rei!

>> No.40981658
File: 139 KB, 457x463, 1670896728094010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuyo love!!

>> No.40981929

Beautiful scream, and I'm suprised she kept streaming. Ending it right there would have been pretty kino.

>> No.40982427

thanks now i have a boner

>> No.40983109

Wearing Yuko and Fuyo like slippers

>> No.40983419

HE really did peak in July

>> No.40983457
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1672713185283347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning my gr(b)oombros
Yuko My Beloved 2: Electric Boongaloo

>> No.40983819

no streams? watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp9_kMOoFyk

>> No.40984152
File: 19 KB, 330x268, 1672970642688988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would skin myself alive and scrub salt on my flesh just for one tiny sniff of juna's fetid braps

>> No.40984160

30min until Katta will find out how tasty the EEL is

>> No.40985423

Katta has seen Juna's ass and toes

>> No.40985519

It's on

>> No.40985557 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 328x477, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to do your part

>> No.40985641

>Katta channel
I'll rather watch paint dry.

>> No.40985696

homosexual detected

>> No.40985756
File: 419 KB, 845x272, 1664220401197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40985777

already a fantastic collab

>> No.40985778
File: 60 KB, 736x736, 167369518332335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally had to look up the word empathy

>> No.40985782

off to a great start

>> No.40985846

>Juna doesnt know about Katta's massive cock she impregnated Emi, Neo, and soon to be Lily with.

>> No.40985900


>> No.40985929


>> No.40985997

>10 minutes in and Katta is pregnant, Juna is the father
Buckle up

>> No.40986060

Honestly, Katta's ability to control collabs and bring out kino content is incredible

>> No.40986070
File: 718 KB, 1100x1939, 22C6EFF1-7D8A-4EF2-900F-8ABB9A54B802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls have so much chemistry

>> No.40986134
File: 894 KB, 861x682, 1667253879919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40986159

Holy kino.

>> No.40986187

Katta your far too powerfull i kneel take good care of Juna for me

>> No.40986195


>> No.40986203

>Katta smelling Juna's tits, pits and pussy
Kattachads I kneel, truly

>> No.40986228

brother are you spying on your neighbor watching the stream tf is this shot?

>> No.40986237
File: 1.11 MB, 1345x1003, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am unaware of what she is currently doing but its working

>> No.40986244

>Armpits mentioned by Katta
Katta and Yuko recognized my fetish, holy kino

>> No.40986314

juna is a good collab partner

>> No.40986334
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, 41EA38BA-C92A-4629-B704-9E59C77622DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these whores ever gonna grill

>> No.40986381

shut up and like the video

>> No.40986384

why are your curtains made out of construction paper?

>> No.40986416


I'm begging here

clean your desk

>> No.40986435

ew, discord groomer

>> No.40986469

The green thing is real. I've seen it.

>> No.40986477

Are you ever gonna get a 2nd monitor?

>> No.40986499

>hes not grooming 2 view anime girls on discord

>> No.40986569

juna is now part of the pissgang

>> No.40986580

im being groomed by yuko /here/

>> No.40986608

just wait till you find out that Yuko uses discord and grooms her boo bros there too

>> No.40986638

Two alpha tomcats trying to dominate each other through piss marking their territory

>> No.40986694

yet you're replying to me right now yuko
clearly you love me more

>> No.40986781

Why are Yuko and Fuyo Rping as Juna and Katta right now

>> No.40986784
File: 25 KB, 767x835, Yuko piss in my mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels great to be a piss chad honestly
need a Katta edit of this at some point

>> No.40986908

idol has a discord?

>> No.40986944

Juna knows Katta would eat a steak covered in her bodily fluids, Idol unity!

>> No.40986959
File: 5 KB, 66x119, 1665597209143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even two

>> No.40986965
File: 28 KB, 376x465, 1671761328190937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuko my beloved.

>> No.40987001

I’ve done it before but it’s not that important to me. I use my iPad if I need 2 screens

>> No.40987115
File: 29 KB, 767x835, Katta piss in my mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40987148
File: 1.04 MB, 1083x722, Screenshot (1553).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juna is immune to Katta's psychic attacks because she is just as unhinged

>> No.40987307

So what's happened in these last 40 minutes that I've missed

>> No.40987346


>> No.40987354
File: 781 KB, 774x707, Screenshot (1602).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juna ate Katta's sausage and was completely unphased when Katta said she wanted to put it up her ass

>> No.40987363


>> No.40987366

holy shit guys vodka+coke fucked me up so fast

>> No.40987418

Wow they're literally having sex and being wild

>> No.40987446

Katta told Juna she was going to impregnate her
Told Juna that she was a man
Had a meltdown over a male being on her stream
And than smelled Juna's dick

>> No.40987608

Katta has officially drank Juna's piss fresh from the tap, it's over, she won

>> No.40987641

If someone deserves to win, it's Katta

>> No.40987759

Katta was really held back by not having many collab partners in the past
Imagine her future collab kinos....

>> No.40987782

First Fuyo has fingerblasted Yuko on stream, and now Katta just fingered Juna's ass

>> No.40987815

Being an Idol manager is either the hardest job or the easiest one

>> No.40987883

What the fuck, how did I miss my slut daughterwife getting fingered on stream

>> No.40987884
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, 1651326529152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nikki member apex playalong starting

>> No.40987885

fucking excuse me Katta.....

>> No.40987890

Do I need to be jewish to be hired as a tardwra- I mean manager?

>> No.40987910

so what's this fuyo stream supposed to be about?

>> No.40987939

because you don't watch streams

>> No.40988000

Fuyo has 100$ to spend on wish dot com and will be taking suggestions from chat

>> No.40988104
File: 880 KB, 843x859, 1670620709132926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green thing is live!!! My daughter is so retarded I love her so much!!

>> No.40988112
File: 595 KB, 735x735, 1654485687103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck dubs and trips means this will be a good stream, origato anon, checked

>> No.40988190

Watched Rin and Katta's collab today , Rin is kinda chill with sexual jokes ? She just does the "What do you meeeean" and "Huh?!" reaction that leads to more kino moments, she doesn't seem bothered by it like i imagined she would, and considered she talked to Fuyo until very late at night i feel like this thread really shifted my opinion of how tumblr sex hate she is, should've known better desu

>> No.40988217

I want to watch Fuyo but im not gonna stop watching Katta x Juna
This shit is too funny

>> No.40988309

finally controller gameplay

>> No.40988348

Did you not develop multiwatching skills right now? I can comfortably watch 4 people at once,6 is stretching it.

>> No.40988379

no you cant

>> No.40988382

Leprechunny got the jew gold.

>> No.40988390

I still can't believe there's actually people who take seriously anything said in this board

>> No.40988466
File: 413 KB, 479x628, 1654663451578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuyo has no idea what she has done
you never steal from a jew

>> No.40988485

floppy coins.....

>> No.40988492

I literally can, i also watch every video/vods on x2 speed to consume more content. Years of training went into this( literally since i was 11 and got internet)

>> No.40988499

do you really believe what we say?
next you're gonna tell me you really want to drink piss

>> No.40988517
File: 608 KB, 1186x1080, Screenshot_2023-01-14-14-13-26-286-edit_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuyo looks cute today too!! She somehow manages to be cute every single day!!

>> No.40988542

She's a retard, but she's our retard

>> No.40988561
File: 288 KB, 445x473, 1671225317560081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40988571

>He doesn't want Yuko's sweet nectar

>> No.40988613

Not really since i watch Rin but i unconscionably pickup opinions other people have and stick to them until proven wrong. It's a bad habit to have for sure but i think it's human nature really

>> No.40988665

Fuyo spending 100 bucks for content for two streams. I mean, it's less than gacha rabbit.

>> No.40988747

Where's her whales to provide her with a fuckton of money?

>> No.40988767

fuyo doesn't have whales. just a few sardines

>> No.40988774

Whales don't support creativity, only GFE

>> No.40988816
File: 478 KB, 742x597, 1672855609589316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strongest lazer
Fuyo is a literal 9 year old

>> No.40988823

and Rin

>> No.40988882

it is a shame cause if she did streams like this with more money you could probably get some really weird fun stuff

>> No.40988890
File: 208 KB, 422x423, 167029508909377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's our 9 year old

>> No.40988911

GFE > "creativity". Even Pochi jumped in for the ride.

>> No.40988925

Fuyo smokes cigars.....

>> No.40988932

what do you think of sweaty armpits?

>> No.40988935

Fuyo just want to destroy stuff

>> No.40988949

Gigar. Pretty sure I've seen Godzilla fight him.

>> No.40989012

Fuyo has been playing CoC with the loli mod on

>> No.40989020

Yuko got Fuyo to play CoC

>> No.40989022

God i wish i where that Bear

>> No.40989045

not armpits specifically but i LOVE the smell of sweaty pungent stinky stuffy hot feet, typing this out usually makes me rock hard because i imagine it, sharp smell of armpits is kinda offputting but i wouldn't mind fucking an armpit, i don't like armpit hair tho

>> No.40989088

Same lamo, but i only finished the tutorial

>> No.40989117

What turns me on about armpits are not the pits themselves but the embarasement brought to the girl, wouldn't mind fucking an armpit tho

>> No.40989122
File: 426 KB, 527x578, Screenshot (1446).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuyo Corruption of Champions twitter space
>starts off fine and she restrains herself until she finds the tentacle monster in the woods zone
>starts losing her composure as she reads through the tentacle rape
>eventually stops reading out loud and all you can hear are distant wet noises and hard breathes

>> No.40989124

This stream is really something

>> No.40989125

this is hot

>> No.40989141

my armpit brainwash psyops is working

>> No.40989147

Wait, she also talked about it on her stream? Got a timestamp/link?

I knew Fuyo was a complete degenerate due to her choice of games the first week, but didn't know Yuko was as well.

>> No.40989196

Fuyo is literally going to burn her house down...

>> No.40989204

Sorry i'm really drunk atm but it was during Fuyo's "genmates doko" stream, look in the comments for timestamps probably

>> No.40989232
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>> No.40989315 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 328x477, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to do your part a 2nd time today

>> No.40989453

lol, imagine seething this hard about chat randoms

>> No.40989458

I want to drink katta's pickle juice too....

>> No.40989496

katta and juna are synced right now
start keeping a chart

>> No.40989544

its weird that you think i am unable to report attention whore trannies without seething
it actually makes me very happy to do as a matter of fact

>> No.40989569

From what I’ve seen, Aviel is an organizational expert who knows how to run a business and likes vtubers. He’s not the kind of guy who’s comfortable interacting with other fans. If I had to guess, I’d say Aviel’s the kind of weeb who’s spent too much time around normalfags and isn’t good at dropping the facade like me.
If I could be even more schizo with my rrat, I’d guess that he doesn’t know how to balance the memes and the facade and knows he couldn’t appear on stream without ruining the chemistry. Fishman wears his flaws on his sleeve and the girls at PC feel comfortable clowning on him without actually hating him. Aviel…? I imagine the girls think “Wow, he’s cool for running a good corpo that has its shit together and treats its talents well,” which makes roasting him feel weird. He can do that in part because he knows how to sweet-talk VCs. But from what I’ve seen of him, Aviel isn’t good at turning that facade off even around people who aren’t in suits.

>> No.40989601

that person is so irrelevant, it's easier to ignore it, why do you waste energy in that?

>> No.40989608

Yuko even talked about a game where you assault a sleeping girl.

>> No.40989621

katta and juna are becoming one together

>> No.40989639

Not your personal army, etc
Sounds like they're living rent free in your head. Of all the things I've seen on the board that people want to brigade/grief/ballot-stuff, this has to be the single most pathetic one I've ever seen.

>> No.40989640

buddy you are posting on 4chan
you dont get to talk about wasting energy
your reply took more energy than my report and screenshot and so did this reply to you

>> No.40989684
File: 752 KB, 1000x1000, 1644350049465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40989707

Aren't those bots? I'm a Holobrony and it's always the same message with the same amount of flags.

>> No.40989727

one dumb hormonal 13years old boy

>> No.40989771

the more simple answer is he knows he's not an entertainer
if you had a company like idol would you feel confident enough to just drop by the streams of your employees for an unknown amount of time?

>> No.40989775

Seethe tranny
Sadly no it's not
Look at it's channel

>> No.40989800

wait i lose focus, did Fuyo talk about getting child support from Rin? What happeneD?

>> No.40989836

>Look at it's channel
Oh God.... I wish I didn't

>> No.40989842

Pochi’s /here/ and she has a cute accent. My GFE-hating ass would absolutely fall for her even though I know it’s stupid. She probably realizes it would work *really* well for her because someone who’s cultured enough for /vt/ users to like her while being the most stable and calm one in her group of friends is THE dream girlfriend for a lot of weebs.
“Girl next door who’s way more cultured than everyone thinks” is the dream to weebs. Yuko is too degenerate and autistic to meet that “well-adjusted around normies” criterion. Juna comes off as having too many standards for her future man (standards I think are reasonable, but that understandably makes her unrelatable for GFE purposes).
It makes sense for Pochi to be in that role. And ironically, it just makes me like her even more. Because I like girls who are smart enough to play to their strengths.

>> No.40989883
File: 214 KB, 960x1152, 1668036914829435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to perform sexual relations with Yuko Yurei

>> No.40989950

>"you're seething!"
>Wants everyone to brigade someone literally just saying "hello everybody"
Sounds like projection.

>> No.40989982

You do this every thread for a irrelevant fuck that just salutes and fucks offs to god knows where, look I don't care what you do with your energy or time, nor I will try to infer the reason for you hating this sad fuck that uses rainbow flags, you have the right to be an homophobe I don't really give a fuck, I just think is pretty much a waste of energy and time to stalk this person, and has nothing to do with the talents, so if you wanna report them do it but don't paste your shit here, we're not your personal army.

>> No.40989995

i want to italian kiss Juna

>> No.40990004

Yeah, you basically summed up 75% of what I was trying to say, but in far fewer words. Good job, because I’m not good at that.
The one thing I’d say to qualify that is that fishman and Yagoo aren’t exactly entertaining, but there’s just enough there that they can occasionally appear and it not be a problem (whether they appear too often is another question, one I’ll leave open). I guess I’m trying to say is that even that little opening isn’t there with Aviel. And he probably figures staying behind the scenes and buttering up investors is the best thing he can do for the girls, the corpo, and himself.

>> No.40990045

Sure is a lot of seething for someone reporting an attention whore who doesn't even watch streams

>> No.40990062

im going to italian kiss juna and katta at the same time

>> No.40990111
File: 6 KB, 358x49, Screenshot 2023-01-05 192533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just keeps happening

>> No.40990192

Juna can get completely naked....

>> No.40990276

I want to hear Aviel's sexy voice shilling these girls

>> No.40990283

i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rin fuyo pochi juna and yuko literally one of the best gens quality wise

>> No.40990322
File: 661 KB, 855x785, Screenshot (1254).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aviel got the girls plushies based on their characters

>> No.40990343

aviel asmr

>> No.40990370
File: 686 KB, 1274x715, rin fact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream live! Watch or you're being taken out of the will!

>> No.40990384

crazy girls like yuko are the best, you need a little mental illness in any relationship. imagine the sex. also she strikes me as a cuckquean type of girl.
juna feels like an eternally single rich woman who pampers you with money

>> No.40990420

I think you have a pretty skewed definition of attention whore, schizo, if that sad fuck was membered to everyone and chatted a lot, send supas and @ them on twitter, maybe I'd agree with you that that person is looking for attention, but so far it's failing horribly at drawing attention from the talents, but I guess that tranny does live rent free in your head lol. Anyway this is the last time I'll touch the subject, do what you want as pointless as it is. I prefer watching the girls streaming not randos in the chat.

>> No.40990477

>I prefer watching the girls streaming not randos in the chat

>> No.40990628

God tier collab

>> No.40990631

he needs to recreate these

>> No.40990684

I get Yuko’s appeal in that sense. If I had to pick an Idol member (including HE) I wanted to be with irl, I’d probably pick Juna, because her personality is most similar to mine, and I’m the kind of person obsessed with improving myself that could use a push. After her, I’d guess it’s a coin flip between Pochi and Nikki. Because sweet girl with calming voice and cute accent makes me diamonds.

>> No.40990731
File: 245 KB, 455x479, 1672443272906831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuyos retarded....

>> No.40990802
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>> No.40990811
File: 209 KB, 1021x169, 1662616550705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40990864

Fuyos retarded what?

>> No.40990978
File: 393 KB, 478x707, Screenshot (1618).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe Rin fucking died

>> No.40991286
File: 36 KB, 803x52, long live the rin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the prophesy was incorrect!

>> No.40991403
File: 17 KB, 361x139, 1668252748714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40991418

>what is a shillelagh

>> No.40991453


>> No.40991606

What bee ad is chat spamming?

>> No.40991781

Women sure do love shopping. Right fellows?

>> No.40991809


>> No.40991844

anyone got a link to the Rin ads that she says she now has? anyone got them?

>> No.40991912

yes katta, yes i am

>> No.40992091
File: 975 KB, 890x839, 1643295005152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's back

>> No.40992138
File: 158 KB, 1300x950, FmYwbfbWQAQxKoY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40992163

Girls electrocuting themselves turns me on so fucking much I hope Fuyo gets a tazer and uses it on herself

>> No.40992261

fuyo did get a lie detector shocker

>> No.40992281


>> No.40992340
File: 177 KB, 479x488, 1671208473851488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha what if she shocked herself and accidentally peed herself, wouldn't that be funny haha

>> No.40992371

Yuko typed this

>> No.40992675

I agree with this anon, Yuko typed that

>> No.40992839


>> No.40992846

who is this woman
where am I
I was taken by an ad and now I'm here what is this

>> No.40992948

Lots of kino handcam ideas from this stream alone

>> No.40993037

babu corp

>> No.40993085
File: 3.93 MB, 600x480, 1657886507752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pochi Wanmaru is my wife.

>> No.40993125

>pacifier asmr

>> No.40993152

i still rember that one catbox of a girl shocking herself with a tazer, she was jumping and moaning a lot

>> No.40993573

Did anyone screenshot that in Fuya's stream? That was gold.

>> No.40993668

>holy water
Yeah my cum

>> No.40993681
File: 3.20 MB, 2075x1245, wholesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40993722

Holy water is slang for girl pee in weeb circles anon. Gotta do your weeb reps.

>> No.40993741

femboys and cunny, the two sides of /jidf/

>> No.40993766

Traps are very wholesome

>> No.40993879

realistically rin and fuyo will be the first to offcollab. Can't really imagine what will they do but i'm sure it will be kino

>> No.40993989

Speaking of offcollabs, did Yuko and Pippa actually get their companies to pay for the spooky trip or did that die on the vine?

>> No.40994011

remeeber the Noel Marine asmr collab? kinda like that is what I'm thinking

>> No.40994056

i don't watch a lot of yuko and i skipped pippa collab lol,going to masturbate to her ringit tomorrow tho

>> No.40994218

idol is said to take a really low share of the revenue so they probably told them to pay for it with their own money

>> No.40994474

That catbox was what awakened me to this fetish desu

>> No.40994506

>I don't need that, I'm already a sexual ring magnet myself

>> No.40994518

can't believe people buy this shit instead of drinking less soda and going for a walk

>> No.40994524

They fuel my desire to become a mommy for an adult woman. I love them

>> No.40994544

They seem to pay for a surprising amount of things, it sounds like they might have given Fuyo the initial $100 for this stream.

>> No.40994545

I don't think fishman has said anything one way or another, but I remember Idol management approved it during that stream.

>> No.40994621

they approved a offcollab, not paying for it

>> No.40994659

Fuyo is my mother.

>> No.40994687

Those kids? All me btw.

>> No.40994709

Good because I don't want to be her kid

>> No.40994887

>have fun
kek Fuyo

>> No.40995047

I think I'm falling in love with Juna... This has never happened with a Vtuber before.

>> No.40995089

trust the process, i'm on my 6th oshi rn, it only gets wilder

>> No.40995094
File: 214 KB, 593x307, 1670776954365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40995121


>> No.40995151


>> No.40995197


>> No.40995290
File: 344 KB, 940x461, 1642439985011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40995297
File: 296 KB, 531x540, sexfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fool! I'm bald everywhere

>> No.40995378

I like how she emphasized the "everywhere"

>> No.40995439

So? It just means that i keep finding more women that appeal to my taste, i will find a perfect one the longer i watch vtubers. Rn its a stinky gyaru, who knows who it will be next

>> No.40995480

Based bingus

>> No.40995485

It just means you're fickle and can't commit

>> No.40995552

you dirty slut..SHAME

>> No.40995588

i wouldn't want to be your oshi

>> No.40995609

absolutely disgusting
how do you think your oshis felt with a viewer like you ditching them for some other hag

>> No.40995635
File: 545 KB, 1000x659, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I light it on fire?
Fuyo's brain is interesting

>> No.40995646

jesus christ katta

>> No.40995659

what can i say, it is what it is, as of now my oshi is stinky endurance gyaru, maybe someone even stinkier will take her place idk, i'm pretty happy with her streaming hours and habits so i doubt it

>> No.40995670

your perfect oshi will know you are a filthy whore

>> No.40995702

i doubt they knew i existed, i rarely even type in chat(although i drew fanart and memes for a couple of them and they liked it)

>> No.40995703

she's wild

>> No.40995720

You will drop her once she fully embraces her JP audience, 90% of her chat is JP as it is already so a matter of time.

>> No.40995772

ringo corp

>> No.40995836
File: 296 KB, 405x510, 1659558388009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Yuko, you look like a good lay!
>I bet you like to say daddy and get choked huh?

>> No.40995899

the EN gen has unlocked Katta

>> No.40995934

i used to watch jptubers without translators before any en tubers debuted(still do sometimes), i literally do not care

>> No.40995963

I bet she does though

>> No.40995968

she sure loves piss now

>> No.40995990

smooth fuyonny...

>> No.40995998

girls that say daddy are fucking weird

>> No.40996056

she hated him for he spoke the truth

>> No.40996067

hey man come on..be nice

>> No.40996074

that guy and the delivery driver live rent free in her head

>> No.40996085

Once every 15 minutes...

>> No.40996098

Daddy chill~

>> No.40996100
File: 548 KB, 720x704, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40996149

Mans was out of line, but he ended up literally being unironically right. Yuko irl is fucking KINKY

>> No.40996182

Fuyo got a whale, Idol is a beautiful place

>> No.40996201

poor guy

>> No.40996214

thats just how women are
they never forget and they never forgive, and they will obsess over every cringe interaction they had
yuko remembers everything you said

>> No.40996235

based, fuyo deserves it

>> No.40996276
File: 22 KB, 611x235, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nyoo,i hope there isn't any boobros around~

>> No.40996328

Fuyo got disowned by her mom...

>> No.40996356
File: 301 KB, 473x334, 1673290728880841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40996369


>> No.40996372

Hi Yuko, at least you didn't tweet the result this time

>> No.40996411


>> No.40996479

If so I hope he sticks around, Fuyo really deserves one

>> No.40996502

Yuko pee in my mouth

>> No.40996517

Yuko diaper status?

>> No.40996541

From Google:
For most people, the taste of semen is mild and inoffensive. People have described the flavor as bitter, slightly salty, sweet, or metallic.
>not slimy
Yuko swallows confirmed

>> No.40996700

She's perfect ToT

>> No.40996778


>> No.40996864

Yeah you're perfect
I know you're Yuko

>> No.40996976

God I wish

>> No.40997071

>Yuko is awakening your inner femboy

>> No.40997262

i miss pegging my ex femboy bf..

>> No.40997347

I see what you're doing...
You WILL not make me put on the hoodie! I WILL not fall for the siren's call!

>> No.40997365
File: 170 KB, 319x322, 1651603284899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mans dick is so small he had to use a strap-on

>> No.40997449

i wish lily would peg me with her futa cock

>> No.40997764

Juna I know you're reading this, I will drop $30k in susan bypassing donations if you eat awful food and spend an hour farting on your 3dio

>> No.40997840

I will do it if you drop half up front right now

>> No.40997878

I'm not home right now
How is my Katta, I miss her.

>> No.40997926

The member stream turned into a zatsu. It's pretty good.

>> No.40997993

I'm not into that but as long as Yuko is happy...

>> No.40998158
File: 374 KB, 1000x1000, no yuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40998163

ill force something slimy down your throat whether you like it or not

>> No.40998164

Sometimes you need to make a sacrifice for love... Even if it's your dignity and anal virginity...

>> No.40998162

lily is laying on her ber coughing feeling her lungs get colder rn and still not going to a doctor

>> No.40998232

>Yuko is /here/ for real

>> No.40998273

katta in member stream "I want a fair chance" in regarding redubet. I guess she feels like HE was a test run at their expense.


>> No.40998307

Katta HATES Neo

>> No.40998334

katta should stick her tongue out and let drool fall onto my dick while tit fucking me

>> No.40998364

Made for glizzy gobbling

>> No.40998377

It's not gonna work out the way she wants it to.

>> No.40998393

Can you comeback next thread Yuyu? We're in the middle of something important

>> No.40998425

I mean that's just obvious to everyone

>> No.40998474

None of them had any experience, in a brand new agency, trying to appeal to an audience that doesn't care about Vtubers. Of course their debut went poorly, I wouldn't say it was unfair or "at their expense". She should be thankful they are getting a chance to redebut, Aviel didn't HAVE to do that for them.

>> No.40998477

Yeah Yuko come back after we finish our femboy ERP

>> No.40998481


>> No.40998484

She doesn't realize that EN was also a test run.

>> No.40998698

They should make a bit more noise regarding their redebut. When is it happening anyways?

>> No.40998714

a girl genuinely wanting me to cum is hotter to me than any individual act or phrase

>> No.40998799

i want you to cum :3

>> No.40998812

katta in member stream "my mouth is open! give me that piss!" in regarding to pissing onto her face. I guess she feels like HE was neglected in regards to urine.


>> No.40998931

I am chugging bottle after bottle of water right now.

>> No.40998943

hearing a guy moan like a girl is really cute

>> No.40998986

I don't think it was neglected, to be fair. Now that Idol is inclining all the future piss will make up for her dehydration in the past few months. I am already pissing my part. Are you pissing yours?

>> No.40999066

Yuko... Please... Stop... I can't take much more of this... You're really going to turn me into a femboy...

>> No.40999162


>> No.40999180

niggas this aint /nijiEN/ cease immediately

>> No.40999329


>> No.40999338

Exactly, this ain't it, go back

>> No.40999399

wonder which of these posts was Rin though

>> No.40999455

Katta 5view when?

>> No.40999494

after she redebuts as cunny

>> No.40999581


>> No.40999613

the day after tomorrow

>> No.40999698
File: 201 KB, 954x1300, 20221018_132923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40999853
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, Ak7O_owlkl0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario Party collab - Juna, Rin, Shiki, Ophelia

>> No.40999887

Shiki? Oh no

>> No.40999896

>cuck project
oh no...

>> No.40999927


>> No.40999977

well it's who I'd expect

>> No.41000202

Sometimes I get really strong desires to breed Yuko, but they go away after a few seconds
I wonder why it happens

>> No.41000246

Nice nice

>> No.41000303

that's the daughterwife experience

>> No.41000498

We've been getting a lot of great streams lately, nice to finally start winning after the Christmas drought.

>> No.41000507

Dunno what to tell you. I always want to breed her and that didn't go away.

>> No.41000609

I'm really glad Yuko's IQ couldn't be measured. It was the perfect punchline and also having the number available for shitposting would have been annoying.

>> No.41000798

that ophelia girl has been doing a lot of stuff with bigger corpos lately.
will probably leave her corpo and join a bigger one sooner or later

>> No.41000800

It's sad that she's a real retard
I volunteer to take care of her

>> No.41000833

>but they go away after a few seconds
that happens after ejaculation, it's normal

>> No.41000857

>still qualifies for the US special forces

>> No.41000875
File: 798 KB, 913x820, 1671208147704386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, at first I worried the girls would resort to only doing games and the occasional karaoke but it's a breath of fresh air all of these things they're doing.
I'm pretty sure management has pushed them to try new things so they're all La Creatividad right now.. Idol LOVE! yes

>> No.41000965

they're special for a reason

>> No.41001022

redpill me about Ophelia I literally dont know shit about her and she randomly got tons of collabs

>> No.41001349

what was meant by this?

>> No.41001484
File: 21 KB, 598x174, Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 16-10-02 Pochi Wanmaru 🎮 idolEN on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41001521

Jokes on her, I love dumb shitposts.

>> No.41001540

Jesus this Katta x Juna collab is just them pissing on each other and eating each other's asses

>> No.41001590

she's good at voice acting or something and that got her semi vtuber famous

>> No.41001684

Isn't it great?

>> No.41001738

Ohh, this gon b gud.

>> No.41001741
File: 186 KB, 428x323, Screenshot 2022-12-23 011106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get fucking wasted but I need to drive someone somewhere

>> No.41001815

just get wasted anyways, then you have an excuse as to why you can't drive them

>> No.41002328

I feel you fellow Boo Bro. I haven't drank in a month but right now I'm drinking a shitload of cheap beer and waiting for my dog-wife and her very sweaty socks to do a species supremacist stream.

>> No.41002442

want yuko to video call me where she just sees my dick jerking off while encouraging me

>> No.41002502

this but in a group chat with a lot of other boo bros doing the same
virtual bukkake

>> No.41002535

i dont want to see your ugly cock

>> No.41002617

my dick is cute and only cute girls deserve to see it

>> No.41002641

She made voice acting streams, Kiara found her, KFP boost her numbers, they collab with each other and what boost her numbers and popularity again.

>> No.41002762

Wtf, why didn't anybody tell me that Katta x Juna was so kino?

>> No.41002838

We did
Many times

>> No.41002843

anon reading reps

>> No.41002868

cute 3 inch anon..

>> No.41003039

with that size anon can't jerk off, he headpats his dick instead

>> No.41003106
File: 16 KB, 400x186, Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 16-53-57 WHY DOG GIRLS ARE THE BEST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41003150

Underscore colon YukoPat.

>> No.41003228

it's easy to jerk off regardless of size if you have foreskin since you can easily roll it over

>> No.41003258

is that how they work if they are too small they can't jerk them off? cute

>> No.41003315

Pochi, you have a stream! Now is not the time to learn about boy's anatomy!

>> No.41003320


>> No.41003376

Now you understand the secret meaning of YukoPats in chat

>> No.41003449

Jerking off Yukos 3 inch ladypenis UOH

>> No.41003459

god doesn't want you to easily and accessibly jerk off so he demands your foreskin

>> No.41003532


>> No.41003542
File: 447 KB, 600x636, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes wish my dick was small and cute like that instead of being the 8 inch curved veiny monstrosity that it is. I don't want to hurt Yuko, I want to be cute..

>> No.41003551

> Pochi overlapping Fauna
Sorry Pochi... Mommy calls...

>> No.41003555

That bulge is so feminine...

>> No.41003581

Pochi is so cute

>> No.41003655

You and me both anon, you and me both

>> No.41003680

8+ inches hurts so bad..

>> No.41003701


>> No.41003709

Enjoy your 20minlong snail rap, pls don't come back

>> No.41003725

Pochi telling me why she is best girl

>> No.41003737

describe the feeling

>> No.41003769

Juna ripping such huge rancid moist farts onto your tongue that you can actually feel it going down your throat..

>> No.41003793

I love my dog wife

>> No.41003809

pochi's coof

>> No.41003852

Pochi will never leave me

>> No.41003865

nta but i assume from what ive heard that a lot of girls complain about it hurting so the guy can't fully insert himself into her during sex aka he can only enjoy sex 3/5ths as much as the next guy
though you probably need to be more than 8 for that to happen

>> No.41003890


>> No.41003993

Why does Pochi spell like an American

>> No.41004023

all this is telling me is that I should have sex with my actual dog

>> No.41004025 [DELETED] 
File: 652 KB, 854x720, 1673588081343239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically right on 8 inches if not slightly below, curves to the left, and is thickest towards the middle. Don't worry, you probably never properly prepared yourself with foreplay and stretching.

>> No.41004056

probably spends most of her time online communicating via text with Americans

>> No.41004072

Why is this thread unironically gay?

>> No.41004082

it sounds like you could get away with being a dick to a dogirl once she got attached to you

>> No.41004091

>not being gay

>> No.41004144

Retard, when the dick is that big the cervix entrance widens to accommodate the extra length. It even allows for easier insemination. Why the fuck do you think cervix penetration porn exists. Big dicks are a biological advantage for breeding. Imagine believing whores clinging to their dignity saying 'no waay I totally hate big dicks ew' moron their pussies are literally beat out of shape by big dick.

>> No.41004156

is it just me or is there some serious lag on Pochi's stream?

>> No.41004163

if statistics are to be believed less than one percent of men are 8 inches, and they don't seem to account for a size bigger than that

>> No.41004167 [DELETED] 

sexually is a spectrum that can be moved and not visibly seeing the gender you're not attracted to removes that barrier that allows the dial on the spectrum to move more easily

>> No.41004168

pochi is pleading her case to potential donors

>> No.41004175
File: 789 KB, 772x720, 1673323931230471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? Pochi is being cute right now and these faggots are talking about dicks. Too bad nobody knows how to report off-topic shit.

>> No.41004188

she doesnt have chat in ultra low latency

>> No.41004264
File: 305 KB, 537x598, 1670039277681783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop thinking about cocks!!! Pochi is on the telly!
Worship her cuteness right now!

>> No.41004395

Pochi will watch you while you sleep! And wake you up by licking your face

>> No.41004422

god thats hot

>> No.41004449
File: 182 KB, 464x430, 1669161355552650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im starting to get why white women like dogs so much

>> No.41004486

I don't think I can reciprocate the love of a dogirl

>> No.41004527

Pochi onahole when?

>> No.41004556

thats the thing, you dont have to

>> No.41004557


>> No.41004579

wait for 1year anniversary merch

>> No.41004658

"cuddles" I see what you're doing anon

>> No.41004710

Bros...I actually think Pochi is a virgin...

>> No.41004712


>> No.41004717

>does Power Point show
>doesn't cite sources

what a cute retard.

>> No.41004780

source: it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.41004841


>> No.41004864

yeah me

>> No.41004890

yeah me

>> No.41004896

Don’t touch me!

>> No.41004937

I'm now reminded that I saw Max in the Pippa feet reveal chat

>> No.41005001

Pochi's socks mention

>> No.41005013

>My wire is stuck on my sock

>> No.41005026

Tends to happen when people larp that their Oshi is in the thread.

>> No.41005086


>non virgins

>> No.41005095

>spills water


>> No.41005125


>> No.41005149

Rin is definitely a virgin

>> No.41005151


>> No.41005155


>> No.41005162

>yuko is a virgin
>he doesn't know

>> No.41005191

go back to hlgg

>> No.41005198

there is no fucking way

>> No.41005206

what do they mean by this

>> No.41005260

yeah me

>> No.41005272

katta is an actual virgin who talked about her biggest wish being having the confidence and a female friend to go to a club and said she's afraid of someone being handsy since she will insistinctively try to physically fight them
also there's that stalker story that freaked her out

>> No.41005278

Based Pochi exposing the dangers of Horsegirls

>> No.41005295

lesbian sex doesn't count fucking retards

>> No.41005314

do your reps

>> No.41005318

only those who were "there" will know

>> No.41005331


>> No.41005346 [DELETED] 

can you niggers watch pochi instead of cuckposting?

>> No.41005355

None of them are virgins.
Remember women have no lose condition.

>> No.41005371

why are americans like this

>> No.41005414

i contest your juna nikki yuko and possibly rin position

>> No.41005454

Pochi best girl

>> No.41005495

Why do you assume he's American?

>> No.41005589

lots of women who spent their childhood and teenage years onlinr are virgins as a result
but that doesn't mean they don't get off on behaving like sluts online

>> No.41005604

im assuming americans are the ones cuckposting since they're usually the ones that cant get potential BF cock out of their heads instead of talking about the girls

>> No.41005606

pochi's nasty dog braps

>> No.41005612

The absolute state of this website in one single post, a sight to behold

>> No.41005623 [DELETED] 

Stop deleting posts that say nigger newfag janny

>> No.41005635

NTA but because virginity status has literally nothing to do with being a cuck
He just started thinking about getting cucked all on his own

>> No.41005673 [DELETED] 

none of them are virgins. there, end of discussion.
now talk about dog girls you dumb nigger

>> No.41005678

none of them

all of them because they've all had sex with me

>> No.41005712
File: 60 KB, 853x871, 1604060676793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTA but because virginity status has literally nothing to do with being a cuck

>> No.41005748

>virginity status has literally nothing to do with being a cuck
only cuckposters (americans) are the ones obsessing over whether they've taken a cock or not.

>> No.41005749

>The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males ages 20 to 24
Most of these girls are terminally online, it's not unthinkable that some of them are virgins.

>> No.41005765

>Breaks rule
>Spergs out when punished
Were you dropped as a kid?

>> No.41005786

>breaks rule
hi newfag, go back

>> No.41005838

You're not blending in at all

>> No.41005840

>believing young women who say they are virgins

>> No.41005843

>calls others newfags
>is a newfag
every time. have a read newfag https://www.4channel.org/rules

>> No.41005900
File: 153 KB, 1000x1000, Pochi uuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41005908

Pochi is saying that you can safely become her gachi. she will be loyal and affectionate

>> No.41005909
File: 888 KB, 1000x1000, 1658979494294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41005910

hey i've only fucked other women okay

>> No.41005912
File: 146 KB, 1106x1486, 20221006_081929__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird bait

>> No.41005917
File: 3 KB, 400x308, 1673389494376804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to only support virgin women, ignore confirmed whores, thats what they get for deciding to have relationships, this industry isn't for them to begin with

>> No.41005929


>> No.41005940

wake me up if she starts brapping

>> No.41005942

I get why dogs are great but lost sight of why dog girls are superior

>> No.41005988 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you KEK NIGGERS DOING? POCHI is being unbelievably cute right now!

>> No.41005991


>> No.41005992

Yeah this presentation has been more about dogs than dog girls. Pochi still cute tho

>> No.41006092


>> No.41006160

Dog=good, but no seggs
Girl=bad, but seggs
Dog girl=good and seggs

>> No.41006170

Love Pochi but this stream is underwhelming, if she wasn't cute I wouldn't be able to watch it

>> No.41006205

Idk I'm enjoying it, I was just expecting more about dog girls.

>> No.41006208
File: 45 KB, 664x670, 1672967990720287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>think about eating out juna's asshole
>drive to work
>think about eating out juna's asshole
>come home and eat dinner
>think about eating out juna's asshole
>try to sleep
>think about eating out juna's asshole
I really want to eat out juna's asshole.

>> No.41006244

Ignore shitposters

>> No.41006276

>he also doesn't know

>> No.41006299

meh, let them believe she is pure lol. ignorance is bliss
