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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40970542 No.40970542 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry Fauna, my car has leather seats. Guess you'll have to walk back.

>> No.40970708

Sorry Fauna, my wallet is made of crocodile skin. Guess i can't pay you for tonight

>> No.40970801

What kind of payment are we talking about here

>> No.40970915

It's ok, you can choose to kill yourself instead, that's better for the environment.

>> No.40970989

Calm down Fauna

>> No.40971050

Sorry Fauna but my computer's keyboard has caps that are literally made of cow teeth. Guess I can't send any supas today

>> No.40971054

t. fauna

>> No.40971108

>oh hi Fauna, I know the way back, I'll walk you there. so this is where you're staying? oh you enjoyed chatting with me that much huh? sure, I'd love to come in!

>> No.40971156

Is that a real thing? I suspect not.. and yet, I want.

>> No.40971800
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>> No.40971910


>> No.40971996

why are vegans okay with using dead animals for fuel but not for eating?

>> No.40972029

Sorry Fauna, these pillows has goose feathers in it. Guess you'll have to sleep on the couch

>> No.40972145

Fauna will become an eco-terrorist if you push her to the edge

>> No.40972157

Sorry Fauna, there's dead skin cells in the air. I guess you'll have to suffocate.

>> No.40972229


>> No.40972241
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>Sorry Fauna, you see internet cables are made of plastic, and plastic is made of oil. You know oil came from the dinosaurs, right? So technically it's meat. Guess you'll have to stream with sockpuppets and get supas with pigeons idfk

>> No.40972283

>implying that's not what we want

>> No.40972380


>> No.40972423

I would go vegan if that happened

>> No.40972425

Any good fanfics about this?

>> No.40972426

Sorry fauna, I only have lambskin condoms

>> No.40972525


>> No.40972531

Vegans are such great people. Instead of using products from animals like leather, they choose the more animal friendly option of using fake leather that takes millenia to brak down and increases the levels of microplastic in the ecosystems. Plastic is great and animals should enjoy it too.

>> No.40972677
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>Korone thoughtfully gifts Fauna a leather wallet, the same one she and Flare use as a sign of their newfound friendship
>F: g-gomen senpai I'm v...

>> No.40972679

Like in FF7?

>> No.40972678

veganism is just about abstaining as best you can that is reasonable.

>> No.40972730

then why do half of them flip out if their fork has been touched by a piece of meat or whatever

>> No.40973011
File: 303 KB, 860x1129, The Holobomber sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Hololive Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the meat consumption of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries."

>> No.40973173

The Industrial Revolution is the only reasons why vegans exist. Pretty sure veganism could be considered a substitute for power process or whatever is Ted's terminology

>> No.40973180

More please

>> No.40973282

Why are people suddenly so butthurt about Fauna's veganism which she never mentions?
You don't have to get so fucking defensive about it.

>> No.40973407

If you actually watched Fauna you would know that she's in Japan doing off-collabs with JP mems and getting everyone to eat vegan food with her.

>> No.40973461

She has no problem with what others do, she is a vegan for her own conscience

>> No.40973475

I'll throw a prompt in /wg/ so, hopefully, someone takes it up and makes a full fic about it
Don't worry; we're talking about Fauna and how she snapped after seeing all of her fellow chuubas relentlessly eat meat in front of her, and has since isolated herself from society while dedicating her life to destroying Hololive and the Meat Industrial Complex

>> No.40973481

Weak shit born from weak sperm

>> No.40973518

>dedicating her life to destroying Hololive and the Meat Industrial Complex

>> No.40973627

Who has the most unhealthy diet, Fauna and her no meat or Suisei and her no veggies? Anecdotal but vegans I know IRL look unhealthy as fuck, while I have yet to meet a carnivore.

>> No.40973682

That only works when you're alone. When you're with others, both parties need to comprimise. Not eating because something touched meat is a mental illness and cannot be effectively justified. The animal isn't getting more harmed because of it; it's dead. Most vegans like Fauna will not comprimise when they're with other people. Like what someone else said ITT, veganism is about reduction and education, not autistic avoidance.

>> No.40973714


>> No.40973835

No car uses real leather nowadays, you gastropod.

>> No.40973853
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Barret Wallace approves this post

>> No.40973924


>> No.40974185

I'm going to mail her a dead hamster.

>> No.40974290
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Once you do, be careful with checking your own mail too, anon.

>> No.40974336

This can't be true. It's near impossible to do unless you eat monk food there. Everything secretly has fish in it. I can almost guarantee she's eating animal products without realizing it.

>> No.40974395

Does it occur to you that some people just find meat repulsive and disgusting and nauseating to even contemplate eating?
Let's say I took a spoon and rubbed it through my sweaty balls. It's still perfectly sanitary, I keep my crotch clean. Yet I doubt you're going to want to use that spoon until it's been washed properly.
Same principle. I'm not a vegan, but as a vegetarian I absolutely get where Fauna was coming from with her meat disgust.

>> No.40974464

They cooked at home and Lui said she didn't even know what vegan was before then.

>> No.40974485

The issue is that vegs will always always always justify their behvaior with high-minded save-the-world bullshit when at the end of the day the primary reason they're like this is roughly the equivalent of "I think tomatoes are icky". People usually have no issue with it in general, but when they do it's often because of this game of pretend.

>> No.40974494

but fried bulls' balls are good shit, just marinade them in curry for 24 hours and it's done

>> No.40974533

Sounds about right. Westoids don't realize that veganism basically doesn't exist in most of the world outside of minority religious contexts.

>> No.40974539

>but as a vegetarian

>> No.40974556

based, fuck vegans, I`m a maniac at the top of the food chain and I don`t give a shit about nature

>> No.40974624

Best thread on /vt/ right now.

>> No.40974656

Vegans hate faggots kek

>> No.40974665

>I`m a maniac at the top of the food chain
*Gets killed by tiny bacteria*

>> No.40974669

has Fauna ever said HOW DARE YOU

>> No.40974892

t. Only knows vegans from shitty YouTube clips.
Most (99%) are normal people. Some don't like meat, others feel bad for the animal or don't like the practices of factory farming, but you never see those in these epic420 vegans owned compilations, you only see the crazy ones. Same with the blue haired feminist stuff back in the early 2010s, no one cares about the normal ones.

>> No.40975484


>> No.40975579

Honestly it's a mix of both. The amount of meat the world consumes isn't sustainable long term, but at the end of the day the choice comes down to the fact that every time I'm served meat I remember all the shit that goes on to make it and lose all my appetite.

>> No.40975758

Funniest thing about all this is that Fauna herself said that she is not one of those vegans that preaches to others, but just likes what she likes and keeps to herself. Refusing to eat something that is non vegan somehow turned her into the worst SJW type ever in the eyes of /vt/. I myself don't like my food touching in some cases, it grosses me out, even tho' I like everything on my plate.

>> No.40975920

Of course vegans hate faggots. They are made of pigs testicles.

>> No.40975953

vegans IRL are pretty fucking obnoxious but I get your point

>> No.40975994

>some people just find meat repulsive and disgusting and nauseating to even contemplate eating
Like I said, mental illness.

>Let's say I took a spoon and rubbed it through my sweaty balls. It's still perfectly sanitary, I keep my crotch clean. Yet I doubt you're going to want to use that spoon until it's been washed properly
Correct, I would not want to use that spoon. Why? I wasn't designed to consume sweat. Sweat isn't something to be consumed like meat. It's not normalized to consume sweat from someone's balls. It's not a situation that would ever occur in real life; when you go out to have a meal, it's very likely the place serves meat (especially in Asia). Therefore the likelihood that the tools used to prepare a vegan/vegetarian meal might have been used for meat, too. You expect this when walking into that place if it's not advertised as vegan-only. There will never be a situation where I'll find myself eating out, where that place is known for rubbing cutlery over balls so there's a chance I could end up using one of them. It's a fucking stupid comparison.

>> No.40976069

Mumei drives a Duesenberg

>> No.40976077

your whole argument is stupid. I'm not gonna let cats, birds or any animal close to the spoon I use to eat.
First we kill them, then clean the parts that can be eaten and they are ready to cook.

>> No.40976282

They do anon, it never stopped. Rubber is just better a better material for comfy seats nowadays

>> No.40976334

lmao multiple members of my direct family are vegan and I have both vegetarian & vegan friends. I agree that most are fairly normal people. What I _was_ saying was that people mainly take issue with them when they mask their real reasons for it in order to make themselves look good, and how the reasons you are veg do actually matter, because they support/deny different kinds of social compromise around it and make certain things more/less justifiable.

>> No.40976347

By refusing to eat non vegan food, meaning 99% percent of food in japan, is very much her forcing her views onto the other holos.
Lui was nice enough to cook for them and had to keep Fauna's stupid, spoiled princess diet in mind.

>> No.40976384
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Why is this fucker so smug?

>> No.40976396

veganism is stupid either way

>> No.40976456

It's pretty important whether it's pre or post hoc justification. You can claim it's a mix, but at the end of the day one of them is the source and this vastly changes how it will be perceived by others, as well as what you can or should be willing to compromise on.

>> No.40976538

they most likely make the offer. Fauna can survive on fruits inside her hotel room, and Lui cooked for her just once
so what you said is dumb like veganism

>> No.40976679

Reminder that based japs believe Veganism is an overseas joke like the flat earth theory. They don't believe such insane lifestyle exists.

>> No.40976705

>I wasn't designed to consume sweat.
Imagine not wanting to lick his oshi's sweat.

>> No.40976807

>she's eating animal products without realizing it.
Oh, that is straight up guaranteed.

>> No.40976865

What’s with this weird wave of anti-fauna posters pretending to be hoomans?

>> No.40976880

did fauna force people to eat vegan food? fucking idiot

>> No.40976939

You can't be a normal vegan and you can't be a normal feminist. You are a vegan-in-name-only or a feminist-in-name-only.

>> No.40976992

Source next thread?

>> No.40977170


>> No.40977258

vegan and vaxxed won't last long. start looking for a new oshi.

>> No.40977562

Most land isnt arable but livestock can use it as food

>> No.40978051

unironically isn't. the body lets out a lot of gasses as it's decomposing. what do you think causes all of the smog in the big chinese cities? it's basically hundreds of thousands of dead people gasses clogging up the atmosphere.

>> No.40978215

No it's gas from all the bad food they eat. Global brappening will claim us all.

>> No.40978324

Why is people giving fauna a hard time over being vegan?

>> No.40978346

because vegans are fucking annoying holier-than-thou types?

>> No.40978444

And what did she do this time to trigger your autism.

>> No.40978619

its from organic shit like plants

>> No.40978639

Anyone who doesn't collab with Homos will get it. It's been going on Gura hard for a while now

>> No.40978695

Because she is one if those obnoxious vegans.

>> No.40978764

You're simply retarded.

>> No.40978813

she existed.
stay in school, smoothbrain.

>> No.40978890

Remember that Fauna invited them to a maid cafe, and got turned down, only for the girls to go to one after she left.

>> No.40978923

What men has to do with fauna being vegan. What are you rambling about this this time sea schizo. What did she do to trigger your autism

>> No.40978946

Take your own advice, retard. You die one day either way, the sooner the better for nature, because you're the plague for it.

>> No.40979034

Manchildren are afraid they'll have to give up their chicken nuggies.

>> No.40979079

kek get fucked dumb vegan bitch

>> No.40979189

I'm just wondering what the fuck tempus and gura has to do with fauna being a tree hugging vegan everyone knew she was a vegan since day one everyone is sperging out about her without providing any fucking context other than she's vegan why bitch about her lifestyle now.

>> No.40979192
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Don't play coy with me, swine!

>> No.40979310
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Get your schizo rants in order, you shit flinging sea monkey. I'm sorry fauna offended you by turning away food you can't afford pag pag eater.

>> No.40979380

Man this shit actually makes me a little sad kinda reminds me of high school where I had a close group of friends but clearly was the lowest rung, I’m glad watame is so nice to her though, they should talk and collab more despite the language barrier

>> No.40979450
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>> No.40979534
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No you get out if you know what's good for you.

>> No.40979627

>this is what these people do with their time

>> No.40979694

It is kind of sad, but it is completely understandable from Bae's point of view. Fauna wanted to go to a maid cafe, but she is vegan. Going to a vegan maid cafe (if such a thing even exists) would just be a watered down experience. No omurice. No milk chocolate. No desserts. That is why I think Bae waited for her to go home before going. So she could have a full experience.

>> No.40979801

Bae can still order those things for herself, she was just being a bitch

>> No.40979895
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You're retards, one had nothing to do with the other.

>> No.40979909

Okay I'm catching up now. Still you can't totally pin all of it on fauna. They knew damned well she was vegan and that she might've be a little bit of an inconvenience and still invited her regardless. Maybe next time don't invite a vegan to a japan trip if you have other plans in motion.

>> No.40979934

t. never been to lunch with a female

No girl wants to go out to eat with a friend and be the only one to order a meal.

>> No.40980149

She was rejected not because she's a vegan, but because she's white.

>> No.40980157

That's a common, and rather silly, misconception. Fossil fuels aren't made from the remains of dinosaurs or other creatures like that, they come from plants. Coal comes from the remains of land plants, while oil and natural gas come from algae and plankton. I guess plankton are technically animals, but they hardly count.

>> No.40980262


>> No.40980266

Mori exists. That's not it

>> No.40980294

She wasn't "rejected," leftoid swine.

>> No.40980445

For being an overbearing vegan, it's a revenge that makes one feel like ground pork...

>> No.40980650

>Does it occur to you that some people just find meat repulsive and disgusting and nauseating
Get well soon unironically

>> No.40980669

Riding on animals is the most vegan transportation method imaginable tho?

>> No.40980777

Only luxury cars still use real leather, synthetic leather is cheaper and better.

>> No.40980881

What’s with the recent increase in Fauna anti threads?

>> No.40980883

>i get her meat disgust
She literally said her whole family ate meat one day and it was a nothingburger
>as a vegetarian

>> No.40980899

That doesn't sound like a libtard to me. Do you even know the definitions of the words you're using?

>> No.40980976

Seafags mad fauna turned down food they can't afford while they're stuck eating pag pag

>> No.40980990
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>what are tipping points

>> No.40981033

The massive insecurity everyone has about vegans is proof that they are right.

>> No.40981044

The targetting of people who don't homocollab is coming from one source

>> No.40981073

>they are right
About what?

>> No.40981115

What the homos have to do with any of this lmao why are they living rent free in your head now.

>> No.40981215


>> No.40981241

Sounds like Bae gave in because senpai energy.

>> No.40981282


>> No.40981354

based, dealing with vegans' diet while trying to enjoy yourself is a drag

>> No.40981384

Baffling post

>> No.40981408
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So you can't explain anything and you're just sperging like the uneducated shitskinned hut baboon that you are okay then.

>> No.40981422

Council unity died with Sana

>> No.40981488
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>> No.40981491

Another fauna anti thread baka

>> No.40981507


>> No.40981512
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>> No.40981553 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1060, 1673706603245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Faufau, I just called an Uber for you, it should be arriving soon.

>> No.40981758

By this logic, Muslims are right about everything. Except in Muslim countries where they are wrong about everything and everyone else is right.

>> No.40981811

If it works it works

>> No.40981832

Does the same apply to their co-abrahamics?

>> No.40981886

>Muslims are right about everything

>> No.40981890

So a Chink rejected her because she's white but was happy to go with a bunch of Nips instead?

>> No.40981972

>Muslims are right about everything.

>> No.40982036

People aren't worried that they might be wrong about Allah, they are perfectly confident in their belief that Allah is fake. They are just worried that Muslims might bomb or subjugate them.

On the other hand nobody is worried that vegans are going to harm them, they are however scared that they are right and feel the need to constantly justify why veganism is wrong in a way they never do with Muslims.

>> No.40982098
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>> No.40982153

It's a common yet unfounded misconception that nature or evolution (de)legitimizes any of your behaviour. All it does is make some genes reproduce at a higher likelihood than others, which is so far removed from the concept of design or intent that there is no point in conflating them with your sense for social expectations - which aren't nearly as common sense and obvious as you expect.
>flour from wheat contains insect protein
is common sense - you cannot farm crops and reasonably expect that not a single worm makes it into the shredder. Yet the law, and people in general have been rather hesitant to legalize/consume flour made from insects.

>> No.40982217

>golden apple

>> No.40982279


>> No.40982355
File: 686 KB, 2508x3895, 1640011475236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfectly on-brand for /vt/ to take a thread about a vtuber who is openly dismissive of overbearing vegans and not only make it more about the latter than the former but also make it as if the former was the latter. It's still wrong.

>> No.40982511

I'd like timestamps or clips of Watame, Lui, and whoever else talking about this. I want to hear the tone of their voices.

>> No.40982611

Same, except replace clips of their tone with their butts on my face

>> No.40982831

>isn't sustainable
If we stop sending aid to Africa, this problem will solve itself.

>> No.40982948

That is a giant handgun, who is it for?

>> No.40982992

Yeah people spamming these threads are more obnoxious than vegans, fauna is conscious of how vegans are viewed and makes sure she doesn’t come across as overbearing, she doesn’t even give a shit if others are consuming animal products around her nor does she moralise about it, she just wants to live her life the way she wants and I can respect that even though I just slammed a beef burrito and dislike overbearing vegan “protesters” who do dumb shit like wasting animal products and stealing pets, I hope she doesn’t take retards like this seriously and just ignores them

>> No.40983463

I really can't be bothered going into the details of the whole journey cutting meat from my diet was so I'll just say don't be so sure your consumption of it is healthy. I'm literally in the best health of my life right now and not a single part of that involves meat.
My oh my so much hatred and venom over harmless individual dietary choices.

>> No.40983502

He knows he could ease her suffering, but he won't

>> No.40983592

Fine then, but doing this will further Africa's position as part of the zhangnation

>> No.40983820

Veganism is a lifestyle, vegetarianism is a diet. And most diets are cringe when you have to tell someone else about them, even when they are healthy.

>> No.40983898

Vegans literally promote genocide on a level that would leave the most-hardened jihadi aghast.

>> No.40983968
File: 66 KB, 358x544, marine senzu beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're stupid as fuck, holy shit. Human history is one of meat consumption, our biology is adapted to it, we derive nutrition from it, it is natural for us to eat meat not merely socially but as a biological function. Hence, people who resist eating meat (and other animal products) are not simply taking an ideological stand but also denying their biology and consequently any vegan diet involves a bunch of supplements to provide nutrition that they're lacking (eg. vitamin B12, which is easily procured from meat and dairy but severely lacking in vegetables).
Being accustomed to eating meat is not a "common yet unfounded misconception that nature or evolution legitimizes your behaviour", it is a fact that our evolution has conditioned us to eat meat to live a healthy life and survive up until this point as a species. Your comparison to eating insects is accordingly asinine, as the natural revulsion towards the idea is supported by being a species that has never historically subsisted on insects for nutrition.

Now if you wanted to argue about challenging our nature that would be a different matter, but acting as though human nature (as a product of evolution) does not actively inform our decisions and preferences is so woefully ignorant I can only hope no science teacher ever gave you a passing grade as you went through school.

>> No.40984050


>> No.40984189

>And we had empanadas with my family and they were delicious best thing we ate in a year. Then the waiter came running to us and yelled "DON'T EAT THAT" but it was too late uuuuuu

>> No.40984322

Quality empenadas are amazing, in fairness

>> No.40984641

Bae and the other girls went out to "party", which can only mean they had cum blasted inside of every orifice by a train of white sexpats all night. I'm surprised anyone believes they just went to a maid café

>> No.40984816

>a train of white sexpats
Yeah, all me

>> No.40984862

Let's leave aside that primates are historically omnivores, this includes insects. But being able to or being used to do something does not imply being meant to do something. You haven't understood the premise and thus this discussion is pointless.

>> No.40985150

There are probably more vegans in India than all of the west.

>> No.40985169

Unironically this
No one wants to leave them out, but at the same time, there's jack shit they will eat.

>> No.40985284

Did they make her nature because she was vegan or did they make nature her because she was vegan?

>> No.40985291

They're vegetarian

>> No.40985295

Your premise was a non-sequitur from the outset because you likened being disgusted at using an implement that touched meat to being disgusted at using an implemented that you rubbed on your balls, then you were presented with the obvious fact that the former shouldn't disgust you due to human's history of consuming meat vs human's history of not consuming your balls, at which point you abandoned the premise to claim that our history doesn't influence us.
It's funny too that you think the premise wasn't understood when the last paragraph of the post you responded to is also acknowledging the possible premise you just put forward of not doing something purely because of the evolutionary basis for it, but I suppose you just skipped over that part.

Your ball sweat is not an equivalent to meat and never will be, however I'm sure that you may have been led to this comparison by the women in your life being unwilling to take into their mouths any sausages you had to offer them.

>> No.40985306

I think it's probable they literally had nothing she could consume at a regular tokyo maid cafe. Omurice? Lol no. Coffee... with millk or cream? Cookies... with butter? etc. I don't know if a vegan maid cafe exists in Japan, maybe I guess but I've never heard of it. I guess she could risk it having her coffee black with no sugar but I guess the girls just sensed she'd be autistic over the food and confuse the maids and sit there awkwardly while the other girls ate.

>> No.40985342

>wow, am I the fat one?

>> No.40985455

My sister's vegan, I live in norcal where actually it isn't impossible to find vegan friendly places, but it does cut out like 98% of all available places to eat food. We have to totally redo/rethink thanksgiving/christmas dinners to account for her or she just would sit there and eat almost nothing. Vegans aren't trying to be annoying killjoy sticks in the mud but the diet fucking makes them that way. Why they fuck can't they just acquiesce for special occassions so that people don't have to completely re-engineer everything around them, I dunno.

>> No.40985488

Well depending on if she eliminates sugar and bread and just ate plain meat then that would be more healthy because with that diet it makes your body starts burning fat and all the shit that clogs your heart instead of carbs.

>> No.40985516
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>> No.40985590

Going out with a vegan sounds like a pain in the ass, especially in a country like Japan when Fauna is a picky eater.

>> No.40985692


>> No.40985773
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mating pressed

>> No.40985850

Beautiful. Just... beautiful.

>> No.40985912

Bae is such a fucking bitch

>> No.40986065

same. vegan sister, not preachy or anything, and I love her, but I will never have dinner or any kind of food with her and I told her this. she understood and this didn't impact our relationship in any way, however, so I still think it's yet another situation of people being afraid of openly saying "no" making things more awkward than they should be.
Instead of refusing the vegan's invite, she could just straight up tell her "there's nothing in there you would eat, and I wouldn't feel comfortable being the only one eating, to be honest". Problem solved, shitposting averted, feelings unhurt.

>> No.40986243

They finally found out shes vegans despite her efforts to not put it out there and its like blood in the water because they had nothing else to work with

>> No.40986342

We knew since forever but it never really manifested itself so clearly until the offcollab where she was refusing to even partake in the stream because a utensil touched some cream. That's kind of getting into the eye-rolling level.

Like she couldn't even just -pretend- to eat it for the audience? She HAD to make a stand over that? etc.

>> No.40986366

I ran here as fast as I could after hearing the news. Is it true? Is Fauna a vagene?

>> No.40986606

She could have just brought her own stuff

>> No.40986629

>Like she couldn't even just -pretend- to eat it for the audience? She HAD to make a stand over that? etc.
Are you retarded?

>> No.40986721

Why are veggies always such degenerates

>> No.40986798

Vegans are hypocrites. They refuse to eat a hamburger but will gladly eat a black man's asshole if given the chance.

>> No.40986937

Is that Mark Henry?

>> No.40986951

>Your premise
Some other anon's premise which I never engaged with in my posts, much less agreed with. I just told you that there is no such thing as being made to eat anything.
Instead of arguing about a premise involving sweaty balls, I encourage you to deal with a more interesting and scientifically significant one: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.102002

>> No.40987016

There's a group of vegans who's main cause is that you should abstain from meat because 99% of meat you buy in restaurant or the store is factory farmed.

a lot of vegans and hunters have more overlap in values than the regular factory farmed meat consumer which says something lol.

>> No.40987017 [DELETED] 

Yes and the white bald dude is kevin nash

>> No.40987298

Yes it was a bit in a movie called haunted house 2.

>> No.40987337

>thread was fine with just funny shitposting
>argumentative faggots try to talk about this logically
you fucking suck

>> No.40987367

>refuse to drink milk because thd cows are msitreated
>uses electronics which were made with slave labor
>eats food which was grown and harvested by slaves

>> No.40987466
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please leave her alone guys

why r u bullying her? i dont want her to turn bitter and resentful

>> No.40987499

all these anons will have to think twice before opening their mailboxes from now on

>> No.40987588

>have a cute feminine vtuber who doesnt swear, eats vegan for animals, and dresses cute
>bully her

this is how we get moris. stop it.

>> No.40987599

it's significantly easier to abstain from milk than electronics. mistreating cows is a choice

>> No.40987660

>Sorry fauna your computer is made from cobalt which is mined by slaves in Africa, you can’t stream anymore.

>> No.40987748

>t. Axel.
Using the nijiniggers and T-chan discord to attack Fauna now.
That's why you'll forever be a 1k streamer.

>> No.40987878

Human chattel slavery is fine. I mean, compare an African to a cow and you can clearly see which one is cuter.

>> No.40988296

Fauna is fake as fuck. Open your eyes. The only real EN is Kiara and Bae to an extent, both of which aren't American or Canadian which says a lot. People only dislike those two because they don't fake a cutesy retarded act like the rest of them have to in order to be tolerable.

>> No.40988454

I find it ironic that it took the fucking himbo to dox himself as a 4chan shitposter for all you discord fujos to start all of these anti fauna thread.

>> No.40988483


>> No.40988566

> reasonable
> N-No! That spoon touched meat juice! It's contaminated!

>> No.40988626

>Most vegans like Fauna will not comprimise when they're with other people
Ok so you're just imagining a scenario and getting mad at it as an excuse to preach. Incredibly gay

>> No.40988921

what you see on the internet isn't reality bro

>> No.40989237

>start all of these anti fauna thread
Why can't you Saplings fathom that not everyone likes her? Like any criticism must be from an anti, not someone with an opinion. I simply just don't like Fauna's cutesy innocent act and voice. You're obviously someone that can tolerate it which is fine, I don't judge you for it. Just realise that there are a lot of people that can't stand her or the crying Sapling forced meme bs.

>> No.40989522

Don't listen to them saplings. They're just jealous of Fauna's success.

>> No.40989554

>only acting ethically when it is convenient
Why even bother at that point

>> No.40989579

amerimutt cope

>> No.40990314

No, but having someone in your party who is vegan can restrict which restaurants you can visit. Especially if you care enough about them to want them to have a good, enjoyable meal that isn't a shitty microwaved boca burger.

>> No.40990623
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>oh wait fauna, your bf shouldnt cum down your throat. arent you vegan? let him inside mine instead

>> No.40990719

If they cuck on their beliefs for a "special occasion" then they didn't actually hold those beliefs.

I'm starting to realise most here don't have any true unbreakable convictions, of any sort. This part is something you SHOULD understand. Ever if you don't share her particular view, it should at least be something you can comprehend. Phrased another way, do you seriously have nothing you will defiantly take a bullet in the skull over instead of capitulating? Are there no red lines in your belief structure?

>> No.40990906

Why is everyone bullying Fauna lately? Were the off collabs that bad?

>> No.40991121
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My fucking sides!

>> No.40991243

shes very bullyable

>> No.40991299

I'm going to eat a steak tonight and imagine fauna's crying face while i do so
its gonna be great

>> No.40991354
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It's fun to mock vegans.

>> No.40991562

>There's human skin in the air that we breathe ergo we should legalize consumption of human skin
kys jew

>> No.40991645

Rigid adherence to dogma to the point it inconveniences other people only for you to silently proselytize is just annoying however.

If there are some universal understandings amongst all mankind, across all cultures, some key ones would be that a.) there's a proper time and place for delicate/awkward conversations and b.) nobody likes being told what to do, especially by someone they don't trust 100%. People -may- not mind being -asked- to consider doing something if it's not a crucial thing like not relevant to work or safety etc... being vegan is not a crucial thing. People don't like that will being imposed on them to the point of altering their own abilities to choose what they wanna eat. It's not a religion, it shouldn't be treated as a one.

On the contrary I wonder if it's more like, sometimes maybe they can't trust themselves to not break their creed if they ever bend for anything. Which maybe if I were to guess, implies their faith isn't as strong as they think it is, if they think they will just stop being vegan if they have a really good piece of chicken like once or twice a year. Which honestly isn't surprising to me - we evolved to be omnivorous over millions of years, all the healthiest diets in the world have animal products in them somewhere etc, it's breaking off against what your body is designed to do. Ethics is a very nebulous reason that can be arbitrarily bent, environment is an existing but vague intangible etc, vs that immediate "mmm that is fucking good" factor of food.

>> No.40991754

This is a thread of weak fags with soft hands that watch vtubers, not Aryan Übermensch. The fuck do you think?

>> No.40991814

You talk like there aren't situations where pacifists would kill others
Just because you hold one belief doesn't mean you wouldn't act against it in multitude of situations coming from your other beliefs or consideration of others

>> No.40991819

Being autistic over veggies because "oh no those poor animals who literally only are alive in the first place to become food" isn't ubermensch thinking, it's in fact the weakest fucking thing imaginable.

>> No.40991875

If you're willing to break your creed for the sake of convenience, then it isn't a creed, it's a preference.

>> No.40991882

Is this the part where someone points out Hitler was a vegetarian.

>> No.40991924

He was also a little bitch with syphilis who died like a faggot after everything he set out to do was undone and he fucked over his country for half a century+.

>> No.40991972

it's ok, fau is fine with breaking her creed over that

>> No.40991997

Except its about "hey if I can contribute in any way to lowering the demand of systematic abuse of animals, I'll make the sacrifice of forgoing meat". That's a Jesus Christ level chad move.

>> No.40992099

Honestly I would lose respect for Fauna if she broke her veganism just because Mumei wanted to go to a beef bowl restaurant or some shit

>> No.40992186

>maybe they can't trust themselves to not break their creed if they ever bend for anything
What. If their belief is eating meat is wrong, then eating meat isn't just 'bending the rules' or whatever you're implying, it's an obvious total refutation of the ideology. I repeat my question, what exactly are you willing to die over? At this point lets go all the way with this stupid debate. Thought experiment: A sicko points a gun at your head, points at a small boy wandering past, and orders you to grab and sodomise him or your head is getting blown off. What would anon do? Do you have any limits at all? Personally, I would refuse and die. I'm curious if I'm considered aberrant here.

>> No.40992325

Animals cannot suffer, because suffering is a quality invented by humans to describe other humans. When you say "those animals are suffering", you are anthropomorphizing them. Sure, animals have neurons in their brains, and those neurons can simulate something comparable to human suffering. But they are not necessarily the same thing. Different brain structure, different bodies, different nervous system.

Why does this matter? It matters because words like "pain" and "suffering" carry moral implications. Allowing humans to suffer is bad because you wouldn't want other humans to let you suffer. Causing death and pain to other humans is bad because you wouldn't want other humans to cause you death and pain. There is a reciprocity there. Animals can't reciprocate, because even the smartest dolphins have the intelligence of, like, a five year old. They are literally subhuman.

>> No.40992357


>> No.40992447

Eating meat is in no way equivocal to a life or death matter. It's a mental block is all. I can understand health and environmental reasons for it but an ethical dogma is in fact the one way I wouldn't justify it. The argument you pose is in reality "if someone pointed a gun to your head and told you to eat this steak would you rather die for the sake of this cow you never knew that is itself already dead" instead of inserting some actually-difficult proposition.

>> No.40992532

yes goy very good goy
remember goy, meat is a treat, better not eat it at all

>> No.40992591
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utter SOVL

>> No.40992680

>i dont want her to turn bitter and resentful
She was already all that in her indie days. She just learned how to fake it for big bucks in hololive.

>> No.40992719
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If I don't drink alcohol, this never inconveniences anyone. The others get more alcohol and I can drive them home if they're completely fucking blasted. I can also still eat delicious bar food that likely has meat in it.

A vegan, in a public environment or social situation, has inherently inconvenienced everyone they're with by default unless they specifically choose not to eat at any gatherings whatsoever. I think that's why it's seen as a more annoying thing to take a stance on. By merely existing with a group of friends who are planning to go eat, your vegan tastes automatically limit the wide variety of available locations to an awkward level.

Everyone has their own beliefs and convictions they want to stand by. But any way you look at it, you're the odd one out for not wanting to eat any animal products. There's a lot of options for vegetarians. There's barely shit for vegans, and all you may have accomplished by being one is ensuring people will never want to go out to eat with you. Basically, there's some cool convictions, and then there's really fucking stupid ones.

>> No.40992733

How can you be anti-vegan while also advocating the mass slaughter of human children? I've never understood you eugenicist types pretending vegans are your enemy.

>> No.40992771

What makes you think I'm a eugenicist?

>> No.40992790
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It's a targeted strike towards HoloEN. There currently no "drama" or "yabs" for these HoloEN antis to go for with Ina returning from her break and other members starting to stream again.

They're scraping whatever crumbs of yabs they can make threads for, and Fauna's veganism is one of that. They tried going for Tempus yabs for drama, but most people in this board don't actually give a shit, so they're latching back into Hololive EN/Fauna.

Looking at the patterns, they'll go for Mumei next now that Fauna is streaming again and Mumei in break.

>> No.40992804

>instead of inserting some actually-difficult proposition
Here's where we differ, I chose that hypothetical because I consider it a absolute no-brainer, obviously you should look the sicko in the eye and tell him he'd better not miss. If you consider that a difficult quandary then there's your answer: In that situation you will invariably choose to rape the young boy in a desperate effort to save your own skin, while justifying that you 'had no choice' and that 'anyone would do the same' etc. You stand for nothing, and it's no wonder you can't comprehend someone who does.

>> No.40992958

The problem with the retardation of veganism is for it to be as admirable as you pretend, it has to be followed absolutely devoutly to a retarded extent. Which is all well and good. Until you then realize your entire life will either be a life of endless proselytizing and terrorizing others or making compromises. It's a very bizarre ethical system because it's not personal but meant to be cultural. I can 100% admire and respect monk-types who make similar vows to vegans and follow through on those but it's because their ethical reason for doing this is personal enlightenment and fulfillment. They cut themselves off from the world to pursue their beliefs because they take them seriously. Vegans have none of those admirable traits and only the stupid ones.

>> No.40992972

What disgusting weakness you exhibit.

>> No.40993063

sounds really hard to eat with fauna at home since she will start making yuck noises over the smell of meat, and those three girls were together most of the time in japan. kek

>> No.40993127

She likes meat, it's the other weirdo vegetarian who is trying to pretend she has some aversion to the taste of meat. She literally eats food that is meant to mimic meat and when a restaurant accidentally served her real meat, she was disappointed at how much she enjoyed it.

>> No.40993131

>Animals can't reciprocate, because even the smartest dolphins have the intelligence of, like, a five year old. They are literally subhuman.
So if there was a mentally retarded adult human, basically a mental vegetable, but with all their senses still intact, it would be okay to torture them? Since they can neither reciprocate nor do they have intelligence.

>> No.40993257

One of the funniest threads on /vt/ recently.

>> No.40993271
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>it started as a funny thread

>> No.40993286

If not drinking alcohol inconvenienced others, would you start drinking every time you were with anyone else? Surely if you believe there are good reasons to not drink then you wouldn't fold just because it annoys others slightly, surely in your judgement the harms of drinking alcohol outweigh the minor social inconvenience caused to other drinkers.

>> No.40993291

It wouldn't be okay, but it wouldn't be amoral either. It would be akin to bestiality. Technically victimless, but nobody wants a dogfucker in their neighborhood so kick them out.

>> No.40993432 [DELETED] 

Seaniggers gonna seanig. It's all they have.

>> No.40993450

why are those sapplings defending her over her creed then? I know she's eating imitation burgers but not that she was craving for real meat

>> No.40993494

If you don't drink alcohol, there are presumably other drinks you can still get while going out for drinks with your friends. Vegans can't do that. They need to go do vegan things. Which is the whole problem. Honestly, I feel Fauna herself has not thought this through, I know I didn't even realize it until these threads pointed out her friends did the thing she wanted to do without her. She had to take Watame to a vegan restaurant when they hung out. Where is she going to find a vegan maid cafe? That's the most retarded combination of things imaginable.

>> No.40993514

The godless SEA monkey, everyone.

>> No.40993528

Can I have a QRD of this? Did Fauna went too far with herself, she took it to IRL or something?

>> No.40993754

They are just typical retards who confused vegetarianism with veganism. They aren't actually defending her creed. Her aversion is not to meat, it's to animal exploitation. But people who make fun of her do know what veganism is, so they point out her incidents and attempts to be one of the "good vegans" show the hollowness of her values and just make her out to be one of the "bad vegans" in a roundabout way.

>> No.40993932

Well, mongolians only ate meat and fermented milk and mogged the living shit out of rice eaters

>> No.40994038

Lmao ghosts of tsushima much kotal khan?

>> No.40994220

There was a classic study done on this in 1930. See https://www.unfictional.com/pdf/Prolonged%20Meat%20Diets%20with%20Study%20of%20Kidney%20Function%20and%20Ketosis.pdf

Basically, two men ate only meat for a year. Literally nothing happened to them, other than the texture of their shit changing. They were healthy and displayed no signs of deficiencies.

>> No.40994253

>literal fanfiction

>> No.40994334

that doesn't sound less stupid. even clothes are made with animal products

>> No.40994367

So be it. The Chinese have always been just higher IQ Africans.

>> No.40994383

Vegans are against those clothes. That's the whole point.

>> No.40994552

>she was refusing to even partake in the stream because a utensil touched some cream
Proofs? Timestamps? Tweets?

>> No.40994679

sorry fauna this onions was pollinated by bees

>> No.40994708

the other option is petroleum based clothes, and I don't think she is only using leafs instead of clothes
And sanitary napkins are tested on animals, she is left with tampons maybe

>> No.40994870

He's confusing two things, she wouldn't eat something that had touched cream even after the cream was removed. And she wouldn't eat something else because the spoon used to scoop her portion gave her Vietnam-style flashbacks to another spoon that had touched meat recently. That one wasn't even something vegan-related, it was her slandering her friends and pretending veganism made her temporarily insane and thus above reproach.

>> No.40995004

Cotton and linen are probably the wardrobe of choice for vegans.

>> No.40995117

How did she slandered baelz

>> No.40995120

I'm interested in how they avoided scurvy. Vitamin C sources are hard to find on an all meat diet.
Maybe a year isn't long enough for that kind of development?

>> No.40995209

>Why is people
Why are people* ESLchama

>> No.40995256

She called her and Mumei liars when they were clearly going out of her way to be polite and accommodating of her mental illness.

>> No.40995316
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>Why are people* ESLchama

>> No.40995331

Humans are animals too.

>> No.40995336

Well now they both know who not to invite next time then.

>> No.40995428

Sounds like the kind of girl who is particularly susceptible to involuntary orgasms.

>> No.40995459


>> No.40995518
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>> No.40995543


>> No.40995685

She visited a completely different country/culture and arrogantly brought her western expectations along for the ride. Anons basically worked out that Fauna made it difficult for the other EN girls whilst they were in Japan, due to her vegan diet. Japan doesn't even know veganism is a thing, so it's very hard to find a place that would be suitable. Considering eating out in Japan is the go-to thing to do because their food is fucking amazing and affordable, they all had to hold back and comprimise because Fauna was being picky and autistic the whole time.

>> No.40995690

Which stream was this?

>> No.40995812

Wow. There's "I won't eat this" and "I won't buy this", but then there's insanity.

>> No.40995900

>Anons basically worked out
So it's just schizo bullshit, understood

>> No.40995921

>Anons basically worked out that Fauna made it difficult for the other EN girls
so, source: anon's ass?

>> No.40995936

That's what she gets for shitting on bae being a gracious host and her homemade natto.

>> No.40995986

Are you implying a five year old cannot know suffering?

>> No.40995993

lui had to made homemade vegan food

>> No.40996015

Maid cafe

>> No.40996061

Watch streams and emotional intelligence reps

>> No.40996103

lui wanted to be nice to someone? the horror.
also, lui's not EN.

>> No.40996126

Funny how the retards calling everyone schizos are not streamwatchers, very funny

>> No.40996219

The only thing that filtered me so hard about fauna was how she treated baelz like shit after baelz prepared that natto specifically for her with care and love when she really didn't even had to. Imagine being this much of an ingrate.

>> No.40996304
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haha fauna, silly fauna and her jokes, she's so silly, such a cute moron, a stupid tree

>> No.40996323

that's worse than tricking someone into eating a spoonful of vegemite.

>> No.40996408

It happens every time with ENs; whenever they spend any significant amount of time together irl, their true colors start to show and the fascade begins to fade. Western women just can't get on and begin to hate each other. The JPs and IDs don't seem to have this problem.

>> No.40996429

Is it really that bad? Never had it all I know is, that natto is like mashed fermented beans correct?

>> No.40996434

Even Indians who practice Hinduism in the vegetarian context still consume milk because it's a holy substance.

>> No.40996512

>Anons basically worked out
[TL}: I'm making shit up

>> No.40996654

it tastes like a moldy cellar smells like

>> No.40996899

yeah, pretty sure they were going on about something like that for rice when they were going to have fauna taste the natto

>> No.40997077
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>Had to made

>> No.40997233


>> No.40997330

Do yourself a favor and go to >>>/int/lang/

>> No.40997611

They found out that glucose which is abundant in meat and vitamin c have near identical molecular structures and the same pathway when absorbed by cells. And when put together Glucose will always be absorbed first over vitamin c. Also fresher meat does contain vitamin c, in fact if you eat a pound of fresh meat it contains more than recommended amount of vitamin c to prevent scurvy.

>> No.40998736

Most untouchable EN, but schizos finally found a "crack" (nothingburger) to latch on to.

>> No.40998764
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Animals would gladly kill you and eat your body. Even your pets.

>> No.40998794

sorry fauna but I only have ye olde condoms made out of sheep bladder

>> No.40998898

t. Hasn't read Foucault

>> No.40998907

>people here just as obnoxious as vegans
>2 vegan threads
slow drama day huh. even axel /here/ is a nothingburger everyone already knows.

>> No.40999142

Glad to know that Chinman's burns weren't that bad

>> No.40999198

Actually is sort is a huge burger waiting to happen. Because if something were to leaked here by another staff the first person they'll try to hold accountable would be him since he gave himself up as someone who posts here.

>> No.40999214

can you blame them? imagine trying to enjoy a maid cafe while being mindful of vegan options in japan

>> No.40999280

yeah imagine how fucking awkward and not fun that would be, no thanks

>> No.40999367

Here's your proof with time stamps:


>F: You used your spoon on your rice
>M: We just ate from the same ----
>F: No but you had meat on your spoon
>B: No no no we used a different spoon so we wouldn't contaminate it
>M: You could get like the edges, like just don't get the rice there if you're really concerned

>> No.40999445

Cute vegantist

>> No.40999449

that only works if the staff doesn't know if the other vtubers are /here/ which I doubt. it would be obvious to everyone else that hes being treated unfairly if he was scapegoated.

>> No.40999593

Based proof anon

>> No.40999672

holy fuck that sounds unbearable to deal with. if that's on stream imagine what shit they've dealt with off stream?

>> No.40999692

Fauna is cool as I stated in the other thread.
But veganism especially from a Marxist perspective is super cringe. To expect people of the working class to live on plant based diet is an extremely ignorant and privileged view. Look at people in the 2nd and 3rd world where their village will share their one goat a week. Are you gonna tell those people to starve to death.
The world does not have the material means as of now for everyone to be on a plant based diet.
There's a reason it's pretty much only a thing in the imperial core of the world.

>> No.40999766

based and true

>> No.40999783

Good job removing the part where mumei correctly points out she's just making excuses to not eat the natto unlike the last time you tried this

>> No.40999873

The fact that she considers them viable excuses still makes her insufferable

>> No.41000046

Seemed more like she was just throwing a bunch of excuses at the wall and hoping one stuck. You seem really intent on making this an issue though >>40999505

>> No.41000112

I dont like responding to ancient posts, but a ton of animal products are heavily rich in vitamin C. The inuits naver had a deficiency because they are a lot of blubber for instance.

>> No.41000198

I just kept watching and she was very annoying

>> No.41000207

you could hear mumei's frustration, stop trying to do mental gymnastics to defend her mental illness

>> No.41000417

she was frustrated because she wanted her to eat the natto and fauna wasn't playing along.

>> No.41002378

>Fauna as nature
what are the chances she talked about being a vegan during her audition?

>> No.41003312
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>> No.41003678

From cute oneesan to bitchy vegan just like that. Crazy.

>> No.41004444

Sorry Fauna, my dick is a type of meat. Guess you'll have to stay a v*rgin

>> No.41004819

fucking bitch
hope she dies

>> No.41005961

>I just told you that there is no such thing as being made to eat anything.
t. feeds his dog only vegetables and then wonders why it gets sick

>> No.41006185

I'm not a vegan myself but personally I think hardcore stubborn vegans like Fauna are fucking based for never bending the knee to social pressure. Fuck every last one of you weak spineless cucked fags in this thread that are actually talking about pussified gayboy shit like 'but muh inconveniencing other people is le bad!'

Who gives a fuck if you inconvenience people by being true to your principles/nature? Fucking bunch of collectivist moralfags thinking that changing your behavior to fit social norms and not making people feel awkward is actually good somehow. Going through life being true to yourself regardless of how it makes other people feel or how many friends it makes you lose is fucking based, actually. All this whining about Fauna over the past couple of weeks has done is just make me like her more. I'm going to watch her more now thanks to all of you.

>> No.41006223

google search 19 Meats Highest in Vitamin C
cooking meat USUALLY gets rid of the vitamin C content but shit like fresh beef has vitamin c and probably has even more if its raw
so not that much vit c but apparently enough to not get scurvy if u eat the correct meat and make sure its fresh and so on
for added nutrition u can drink some blood and have hearts, livers and testicles and all sorts of weird shit
if you only eat STEAKS or only BURGERS you might have issues etc
