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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40970972 No.40970972 [Reply] [Original]

By the authority bestowed upon me by Yagoo the first, the council of Lamy has been summoned here today with 2 important topics at hand waiting to be resolved peacefully.
Members of the council of Lamy claim that with the start of the new year, the balance of power between Lamies has changed, thus, members of the council of Lamy demand the abdication of Yukihana Lamy as the Queen of Lamies in order to hand over the power to Hakui Koyori, crowning her as the new Queen of Lamies as stipulated in the ancient royal commandments which states as follows: "The title of the Queen of Lamies belongs to the most powerful Lamy, if it happens that there is a Lamy more powerful than the current Queen of Lamies, a peaceful transition of power must take place from the Queen of Lamies to the most powerful Lamy along with the title of Queen of Lamies and the authority it implies". The members of the council of Lamy that sent this ultimatum argue that Hakui Koyori worked the hardest in the previous year and increased the influx of gold in the kingdom, therefore, they conclude that she is stronger than Lamy and that we would be in a better position under her leadership as the new Queen of Lamies.
Of course, it's up to the council of Lamy to decide if Hakui Koyori is a stronger Lamy than YukiHana Lamy:
It goes without saying that the seriousness of the matter demands a very deep and careful thought before casting your vote.

Next, the second issue at hand, an appeal was made in response to the previous revocation of rights which made Vestia Zeta the commoner lose her status as "Gray Lamy", some members of the council of Lamy claim that Vestia Zeta the commoner has changed her ways making her suitable to become Lamy, and request that the full restoration of her title as the "Gray Lamy" must be put also to a vote by all members of the council of Lamy.
Again, please, take your vote seriously, and let's pray for a peaceful resolution of events.

>> No.40971034
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Begone. Blue Lamys status as Prime Lamy is bestowed by Divine Right and cannot be revoked, as first of her line she is the central pivot on which all Lamydom hinges.

Grey Lamy collabed with Homos, she can never again enter the halls of the Lamies.

>> No.40971184
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Our economy would greatly improve if we crown Koyori as our new queen, are you seriously not taking the ancient royal commandments into account, if Koyori keeps showing her strength, doubts will rise about the legitimacy of Lamy's position as a queen, are we seriously going to risk a civil war for this?

>> No.40971544

Ok, is IRyS the red Lamy?

>> No.40971575

Fuck off back to your discord.

>> No.40971741
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I firmly object, for she has repeatedly shown a lack of social control with her technical aides after explicitly stating she has no interest in humoring her male counterpoarts. She cannot be trusted.

>> No.40971760

Why do you think Irys is worthy of being the red Lamy?

>> No.40971819


>> No.40971832

Zeta already threw away any chance to be Gray Lamy when she did male collabs

>> No.40971889

This is a sham referendum made by Koyofags attempting to take power for themselves.
As a first generation /become/ sister I hereby propose that we strip Koyori her title as Lamy and call her Koyori the Usurper instead.
Grey Lamy at least knows her place, and just wants to be bred to create new lamies.

>> No.40971971
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What makes Fauna and Koyori a Lamy? Fauna does not even have her sake brand. Koyori doesn't outright acknowledge that she's doing GFE.

>> No.40972012

>Koyori doesn't outright acknowledge that she's doing GFE
>*watches her ASMR*
Oh she knows

>> No.40972078

ASMRtard. .

>> No.40972089

>Gray Lamy
Nobody currently holds the title of Gray Lamy

>> No.40972158
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Zeta can’t restore her lamy status, the other lamys already absorbed her powers

>> No.40972263
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Here ye here ye. I concur. Blue Lamy has a Divine Right as the sovereign. As for the title of Grey Lamy. I propose we extend a 1 week trial for Vestia Zeta before we consider restoring her title.

>> No.40972290

Too late.

>> No.40972304

This is nonsensical. All shall eventually become blue Lamy.

>> No.40972328
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>> No.40972398
File: 923 KB, 1079x1919, Screenshot_20221012-144610_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex, you and i look so hot.

>> No.40972401

Made for the jar

>> No.40972450

ITT cucklings trying to put their shitty whore oshi on the same level as Lamy or Koyori

>> No.40972502
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>*Ehehe ~. My eyes are up here, assistant-kun! <3

>> No.40972887
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Well, that settles it, time to look for some kigurumi porn
Captcha agrees

>> No.40973311

You just know who might be Lamy, and their design fits together

>> No.40974954
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It seems that the council thinks Yukihana Lamy is the strongest and Zeta the commoner may not be able to restore her title... for now, there is an end line for the poll, things could change.

>> No.40975134

poll about SAE, when Europe has only just got out of bed, and NA is asleep

>> No.40975296

It lasts for about a day

>> No.40975668

Hi, Koyorifag. Zetafag here. It seems the poll results are not in both of our favors right now. So I present to you a deal.
Zetafag Alliance will support your deposing of Yukihana Lamy and crowning of Koyori as the new Queen of Lamy (or Queen of Koyori).
But only if you promise that you make Zeta the Gray Koyori.

>> No.40976447

No. Zeta didn't like Koyori's bday present. Zeta is no good.

>> No.40979722

I don't know, does Zeta have what it takes to be a gray Koyori?

>> No.40981220


>> No.40982920

best thread

>> No.40983315

Where is Cookie Lamy

>> No.40983407

Isn't that Latinx Lamy?

>> No.40983472

what are even the qualifications of a lamy?
ASMRs? sex appeal? femininity? i'm quite intrigued

>> No.40983655

This brings up a good point. What are the strict codes of Lamism that make one a Lamy?

>> No.40983750
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This smells of foul play, I recommend that the results of the election be annulled, or risk sinking the legitimacy of this fine establishment

>> No.40984459

As if Laminess can but put into a poll. This whole thing is a sham. Laminess is by birthright!

>> No.40984580

For much that I love Pink Lamy, I refuse someone else take the throne, mostly because who else but Lamy Prime can keep the Lamyficaton going? It's better /become/ than /duplicate/ (what Koyori does with her Kokoros).
I'm not scared. This is what I wanted.

>> No.40986649

I don't think Zeta is a grey "Lamy" with GFE characteristics but she's a much better streamer so... it doesn't matter

>> No.40986715

Stop turning my perfect oshi into a coombait whore

>> No.40986906

WTF is this bullshit??? Its called Lamy council because Lamy Prime is the absolute one who control it. If you gonna give crown to Koyo then might as well rename this thread into Koyori council then call Lamy “Blue Koyori” then huh??? I swear if you anons rigged and made Koyori win the poll, I will go to /Shirakami/ and start calling Koyo “Pink Fubuki” or /doog/ for “Pink Korone” then

>> No.40989642

>If you gonna give crown to Koyo then might as well rename this thread into Koyori council then call Lamy “Blue Koyori” then huh???
If the council of Lamy's ruling goes in favor of Koyori, then a need for rebranding may arise on the next convention

>> No.40991806

> Pink Korone
Watch of for a seething artist

>> No.40993778

What about Blue Wamy?

>> No.40994059

I remember the days when Lamy was jus referred to as Blue Rushia

>> No.40994075

>what are even the qualifications of a lamy?
i thought it was because they were made by the same artist

>> No.40994798
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Wuv me sum wamy

>> No.40996141 [SPOILER] 
File: 301 KB, 600x600, AizawaEma_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40996544
File: 350 KB, 681x908, CookieSwirlC_-_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare foil lamy

>> No.40998791 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1288, Na_Sera_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystic force pink Lamy ranger...

>> No.40999956

Does Noel count as White Lamy?

>> No.41000669

Thaat sounds like a stretch

>> No.41000734 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 400x400, Peony_Aeria_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41000806

>Hakui Koyori, crowning her as the new Queen of Lamies as stipulated in the ancient royal commandments which states as follows: "The title of the Queen of Lamies belongs to the most powerful Lamy, if it happens that there is a Lamy more powerful than the current Queen of Lamies
This is madness! This is TREASON!

>> No.41001116

Shut your bitch ass up OP before a white lion snipes your brains out. Blue Lamy a.k.a Lamy Prime will always be the queen. Long live Wamy and her sake brand.

>> No.41006428

where is zeta

>> No.41006592

*bites ear*

>> No.41006671

Anon... Lamy Prime is Lamy and Blue Wamy is you're going to be executed for digging too much into the Lamy archives.
