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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 209 KB, 1500x1500, zeon215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40967162 No.40967162 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)




https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (Graduated)



Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

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Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
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NijiEN song playlist:
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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>40959384

>> No.40967183
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1673681760486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonny LOVE

>> No.40967207
File: 67 KB, 190x190, 1653857955115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dumb fucking cretin
you fucking fool
absolute fucking buffoon
you bumbling idiot
fuck you

>> No.40967229
File: 221 KB, 408x365, 1673681838504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live Ewiwi Pendiwi

>> No.40967241
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>> No.40967242
File: 308 KB, 2300x1400, 1666827039745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing how Derem pretty much completely changed her voice when she got the new model with the hood off makes me wonder if there are any EN livers who will be like that someday, where they get tired of putting on a fake voice and get their model redone as an excuse to start using their real voice. Petra kind of already seems to be heading in that direction with her getting bigger in the new outfit, although her voice hasn't really changed so far.

>> No.40967259
File: 42 KB, 307x441, 1673681888240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my pathetic baby man of a husband, sonny brisko!

>> No.40967277

debby's posts going to im assuming anime impulse have an ominous air to them...

>> No.40967285
File: 2.87 MB, 300x389, scarle shock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running full speed at Scarle in the middle of the night!

>> No.40967286
File: 276 KB, 2048x1536, FmZxtu5aYAILemm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.40967294


>> No.40967315
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>> No.40967323
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>> No.40967334

Petra's standard voice rn is probably more or less just her real voice. She uses a higher pitched voice at times - "debut Petra" - but not constantly.

Anyways, as a fan of Derem upon her debut I kinda miss her old model and voice. I get that it wasn't really her so I'm fine with her decision, but I don't really watch her much anymore desu.

>> No.40967339

Derem stop being chuuni.... Sad....

>> No.40967375
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>> No.40967395
File: 211 KB, 1201x1194, 16834A35-B6E5-4D77-9BC6-64109012858F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love!

>> No.40967423
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alban LOVE !!

>> No.40967429
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>> No.40967439

There is no way Petra sounds like that in real life.....

>> No.40967440

This song Elira chose is really underrated, I thought it was an anisong at first

>> No.40967463
File: 304 KB, 1366x2048, FmSeMPUacAE5oiH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my sexy, stinky, gyarulic Japanese tiger princess gf...

>> No.40967498
File: 158 KB, 1024x861, 1673682308510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocksleeve material

>> No.40967499

Wow Reimu is copying Rosemi again
And back to yuribaiting with Petra again kek

>> No.40967506

the producer who made the song was happy

>> No.40967529

....please don't say that with the cute doggy picture

>> No.40967532

5.9k views only.. the tuning and song are really good too.

>> No.40967536

hey albaneko lover, how is alban doing
i dropped watching streams but miss him

>> No.40967543

KEK are dragoons known to be lesbians or something

>> No.40967565
File: 310 KB, 1467x1800, 1C89E3ED-A629-40AE-8974-D77A6BD91888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

armpit sex with mysta

>> No.40967566
File: 56 KB, 454x454, 1671578167576005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Utako why is she doing naked dogeza in her thumbnail? Did she get caught raping a shota?

>> No.40967625

dont doompost... she's a sweet girl

>> No.40967642
File: 235 KB, 1080x776, aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats so cute.

>> No.40967647

hes as cute and whiny as ever ! if you dropped watching his streams but miss him, maybe you can watch the noctyx collab? it was really fun and cute ^^

>> No.40967648

It was more popular-ish in NND, 30K views as of now.
I mean still not as popular as it should be but eh.

>> No.40967649
File: 372 KB, 1190x892, 1673682553274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you knew this was coming

>> No.40967680
File: 81 KB, 704x720, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly wished they made the hearts a little smaller to fit in her eye better, like they did with kenmochi.regardless, i still like it though, she looks so cute

>> No.40967702

Oh it's the one who made sentimental love heart.

>> No.40967707
File: 219 KB, 400x400, 1663231746004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonny is going to be kidnapped and raped by the chinese mafia...

>> No.40967713

the love the vocaboomer in me has for elira is intense

>> No.40967715

I'm hope Santa puts you on the naughty list next year....

>> No.40967742

Why are you crying...That's hot, wtf?

>> No.40967744
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>> No.40967766
File: 2.26 MB, 4096x4096, でこぴん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the heave-ho stream? i will. have they done any irl meetups recently? i came back to watch ewiwa and i'm unfortunately falling back into vtubers again

>> No.40967771
File: 40 KB, 508x318, 192729362968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40967785
File: 91 KB, 320x320, 1672480874007173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sincerely hope sonny is having a good day and is enjoying his dinner whatever that is

>> No.40967787
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as long as i get to defile his cute reindeer

>> No.40967819
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because it should have been me getting raped by the chinese mafia

>> No.40967831

I rewatched Sonny’s vod and the supa wasn’t a hate one

>> No.40967846

I remember reading something about Scarle being a fujo as well so I disregard her. Petra's nice, I'm glad I'm not alone in being like that (even if it sounds odd because I'm doing reps on a fudanshi vtuber kek)

He's got no right to be this cute ToT

>> No.40967850

he changed his streaming time and no schedules

>> No.40967864

no irl noctyx meetup yet, but alban did meet with suha in Japan last year during his break !

>> No.40967870

This made me laugh way more than it should have LMAO.

>> No.40967891

derem is sick? what is her illness

>> No.40967899

I think she actually seems very sweet and non attention whore-ish, albeit potentially a little schizophrenic, I’m happy for her

>> No.40967939
File: 349 KB, 1448x2048, D20482BF-2EB2-4738-B4C5-29CD44EF0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a guy as singularly hyperfocused on one anime genre as Mysta is with romcoms... Well, it's cute how passionate it gets about them, so I don't mind.

>> No.40967968

Show proof and if true, why was it deleted then?

>> No.40967971

I almost felt bad for her when she had visa issues and wasnt able to board her plane glad her visa issue got sorted out really fast.. in my country it will take months

>> No.40968003

It’s at 2:49:00, and idk maybe because it seems a bit complaintish but it’s mostly positive

>> No.40968020

Aww that's sweet
Elira's 3d debut made so many people happy

>> No.40968055
File: 111 KB, 680x680, 1672914813219458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Mariring is going to stream:

>> No.40968066

>>40968003 (Me)
Wait I meant 2:49:59, also maybe Youtube bots just insta deleted it for some reason

>> No.40968145

i'm so happy suha is still here
when does he stream now? he was catchable as an ESTfag

>> No.40968148

streamlabs donos don't show in the chat so how can it be deleted?

>> No.40968150

Why is Millie pushing the MLP thing so hard when she is only the third wheel to pogmu?

>> No.40968166
File: 495 KB, 850x827, 1658638839197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending a comfy night in with Mysta, ordering food, watching romcom anime together and then fucking.
That's the dream life, man.

>> No.40968184

Didn't Millies also has that Luca mafia x Millie thing?

>> No.40968183

I don’t even remember if Sonny’s streamlabs donos show on stream or not but it could be that

>> No.40968192 [DELETED] 

Millie is a fucking slut who's been flirting with every single male in Nijisanji desperately seeking numbers, and possibly a marriage greencard. A cum-soaked whore basically. Unfortunately Pomu got dragged into this, and as a result Pomu is always getting forced together with Luca. Which her fanbase fucking hates

>> No.40968204


>> No.40968233

I miss Elira I miss Elira I miss Elira

>> No.40968255

.....This is some weird fanfic.
Needs more bananas.

>> No.40968266

Luca is definitely Pomu’s favorite male though, you are acting as if they don’t collab plenty outside of MLP

>> No.40968277

she's really trying to force the MLP thing, it's super annoying.
The MLP group is from an insignificant collab over a year ago. All the other groups were forgotten, but this one keeps getting dragged back up. It's because Millie wants to keep it relevant for her own reasons

>> No.40968292

This makes me sad because I can never be that person

>> No.40968296

Streamlabs does show in sonny's screen. The dono was sent via streamlabs so it wasn't deleted. Christ... whoever started that narrative needs to have their eyes checked

>> No.40968300

9PM JST, 4AM PST, 7AM EST... im sorry anon...

>> No.40968301

I'm actually glad Reimu's doing an MRE stream because I like the idea of MRE streams so I was watching Rosemi's to see if I could come back to her after all this time but then I remembered I get a headache after listening to Rosemi's voice for more than a few minutes. So I'm looking forward to an MRE stream I'll actually be able to watch.

>> No.40968310
File: 530 KB, 1200x1600, 1673683928523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then scarle might be the kind who dabbles but is mainly into yume content. i'll read het if it's the right flavor but yume is a hard no for me, romantic stuff has to be with a flesh and blood person.

and he is very cute isn't he, i can't wait to see the finished art of his shota self that he commissioned.

>> No.40968327

Luca is just a parrot that endlessly repeats annoying twitch memes.

>> No.40968328

No, Pomu said herself that her man is Sonny

>> No.40968343

Did Scarle incline while I wasn't looking or did she just get raided?

>> No.40968344
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, elira3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Elira's 3D because I couldn't watch it live and are my eyes playing tricks on me or are her boobs really THAT BIG? I know they are big, but DAMN.

>> No.40968349

If the pattern holds, maybe some Ultrakill.

>> No.40968361


>> No.40968362

An ideal roadmap will be like this:
Obsydia: Late-Feburay
Ethyria: April alongside Gamer wave's debut
Luxiem: July and August because their underage girl fans will be in summer vacation

>> No.40968374

People has said this about LilyPichu for like a decade now. People don't have a standard default voice. It's all muscle memory. If you get used to a certain speaking tone it becomes your standard tone. That's basically what speech therapists trains people to do.

>> No.40968385

she looks average wdym

>> No.40968407

>Which her fanbase fucking hates
Only the leftover holobrony overlap that she should have gotten rid of after they served their usefulness during the starting days. She should work on filtering what's left of them.

>> No.40968423

hope millie gets the cock she desperately craves soon

>> No.40968432

NijiEN is full of flatchests so Elira's boobs do look enormous by comparison.

>> No.40968434
File: 65 KB, 463x535, scarle loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40968435
File: 657 KB, 1094x873, 1650368196134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... being a gachikoi is painful sometimes.

>> No.40968439
File: 164 KB, 756x1181, 200k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were hidden by her big sweater. We need to release them.

>> No.40968441

If it's only one person they have a problem with, and not any of the other males, then it ain't holobronies, chief

>> No.40968451

JP did 20 3D debuts last year right? Do you think it’s possible to get through Noctyx this year?

>> No.40968473

If you have a problem with Luca, then you are a Holobrony. Holobronies are perpetually buttmad at his incredible numbers.

>> No.40968475 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 2318x4096, FmZHMCdaEAAcq1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40968479

Ikr. She should step back. Pomu can have that lecher all to herself.

>> No.40968491

Feb is pretty busy with nijianniv. Maybe they will get obsydia together by March.

>> No.40968506

Shu has better numbers than Luca, but nobody complains about him

>> No.40968510

pomucorns shit their pants when she collabs with fucking Uki of all people
they don't care about Shu because they including the NijiEN livers themselves don't see him as a man

>> No.40968522

Is this SFW?

>> No.40968526

I am assuming there is a reason the Vtubers don't get recognized in conventions and stuff (as far as I know). I feel if they used their Vtuber voice normally it would make the incredibly recognizable (since Vtubers=Voice).

>> No.40968540

>pomucorns shit their pants when she collabs with fucking Uki of all people
No, they just complain he's boring

>> No.40968541

I disagree. If she steps back, we wont see people seethe about their oshi being shipped to others

>> No.40968545

Did you know that Fulgur likes and retweets art like this? I'm completely making this up but I hope it's true.

>> No.40968552
File: 436 KB, 1737x1737, Lain sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love paizuri

>> No.40968553


>> No.40968555

/nijien/ which stream are you watching right now?

>> No.40968560
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, elira3dboob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno maybe the lighting and shading are playing tricks on me but if you follow the outline they seem big.

>> No.40968565
File: 182 KB, 400x442, 1655347809186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck my life

>> No.40968566

I still don’t understand how Luca evolved from thread-favorite to this, it’s not as if his personality has really changed, he’s always been quite annoying and obnoxious, but anons used to love him

>> No.40968579

see >>40968510
Shu is a fucking joke. If famelira unicorns have no problem with a guy who is evidently crushing hard on a coworker, nobody will have an issue with him.

>> No.40968580

Nobody complains about Shu? You can't be serious.

>> No.40968582
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>> No.40968588
File: 132 KB, 713x1039, FL4k4W0VkAAOU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikey! <3

>> No.40968592

>thread favorite

All astroturfed by Luca himself

>> No.40968597

I was watching Nui play Crisis Core but she ended.

>> No.40968606

He overstayed his welcome, simple as. The Minecraft server incident was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

>> No.40968611
File: 352 KB, 2149x2900, 1650865946823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't see him as a man
Can't imagine why

>> No.40968613

female fanbase loves posting this stuff. Male fanbase fucking hates it.
I guess the female fans really don't care about the girls and only see them as shipping material for the boys

>> No.40968624

Okay, maybe there's one shitposter who does one shitpost and then moves on to something else. Nobody cared that the Die Hard watchalong was with Shu, nobody cared that most of the NJU watchalong was with Shu.

>> No.40968635

Enna's also a thread favorite, all it takes is one schizo to literally spend his entire life spamming hate posts to make it look like there's a lot of haters when it's actually just one guy. You'll notice the anti-Enna posting has actually quieted down at the moment because it's the same fucking guy.

>> No.40968636

Niji 3D aren't by debut dates right?
Wasn't by 100K subs or something.
You think EN will do by waves (Genuine question)?

>> No.40968639

Shu is woman...

>> No.40968644
File: 96 KB, 905x1041, 1673684635484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shu is a woman

>> No.40968670


>> No.40968673
File: 1.93 MB, 2153x2233, 92153435_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40968674

she cucked her fans with Kyo after months saying she's a virgin who wants a boyfriend

>> No.40968675

He was seen as a unity guy and all of the livers talked about how supportive he is behind the screen.
But his real personality and ego eventually came out. He had red flags as early as the debut waiting room when he modded his pl friend.

>> No.40968684

I remember when that one Lucub pointed out his misogynistic tendencies, but regretted it when it started being used as shitpost material. Fun times.

>> No.40968687

Anon, you know the Tora “do it for her” banner thing is a joke she made during stream and asked all her hanamori friends to do right? People who believe Shu has a crush on Elira are as cringe as Shulira shippers

>> No.40968688

Seriously, who complains about him genuinely? Even the criticism he gets is half-baked, he's just a nothing streamer. Luca is intrusive so his hate is more vocal, meanwhile all Shu gets is 'boring streamer' 'cuck' 'she will never be a man'

>> No.40968694

They’re already kinda doing that with Lazulight. That’s why Pomu is last

>> No.40968701

aiieeee you woke him up

>> No.40968710

do your reps, luca is a massive piece of shit

>> No.40968714

Did you just make something up

>> No.40968716

Nobody has an issue with Ike, or Fulgur, or even Vox. That's how you know the problem is with the person, not the gender.

>> No.40968727

I want Zaion to tie me up and then edge me until I faint

>> No.40968729

Anybody who loves their oshi should be gatekeeping contentious info about them from the thread 24/7.

>> No.40968734

You're about to find out.

>> No.40968736
File: 861 KB, 2014x2427, 1670078747237737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Pomudachis hate it. Millie has gone to great lengths to weed out unicorns among the Famillies. There's almost no unicorns left among us. We are just happy to see her included in whatever unit.

>> No.40968745

lool, Enna is the fakest basic bitch grifter in NijiEN.
people just caught up to her constant lying and the Kyo thing finally showed how she actually thinks of her fans

>> No.40968748

Move on, lucub. Times change, people's interests shift etc etc

>> No.40968762

Sonny busting his load on my face

>> No.40968764

He was dubbed the true brotuber by this thread and often used to shit on other males who pander hard

>> No.40968770

Why bother? They'll just make shit up anyway. That's why I'm also constantly making shit up to muddy the waters. Nobody knows what to believe and eventually no one trusts the thread anymore.

>> No.40968772

Millie has very few fans. She has to stoop to doing tagalog streams which she promised never to do

>> No.40968779

Dropped watching streams alltogether or just him? He hasn't done anything crazy as far as I know

>> No.40968782

Scarle and Aster are live right now. You enjoying them anons?

>> No.40968804

he's referenced this specific one on stream. he knows, his egosa levels are maxed

>> No.40968809

Yeah as far as I know if follows the 100K pattern I think Vox and Mysta comes before Enna.

>> No.40968812
File: 151 KB, 2000x2000, 1653234551100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Luca hate posts stop so you can toss in this Enna one. So easy to manipulate you people, you aren't very smart.

>> No.40968822

...I believe I know who your oshi is, but that really doesn't help, so I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.40968827
File: 221 KB, 1379x1379, 08965263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Millie for every Famillie left then.

>> No.40968831

Luca modded Mizuchi during his waiting room and his pl got immediately found out thanks to that.
Are you a newfag?

>> No.40968837


>> No.40968844

>thread’s favorite
>dubbed as a brotuber
>ended up being hated
luca... and then kyo... sonny and doppio are next

>> No.40968862

Her fanbase is decently sized for a vtuber. Cmon stop with the copium

>> No.40968872

the worst livers, unironically
even Aia and Ren improved

>> No.40968881

Luca aggressively flirts with all the girls all the time, because of his ego. Kyo called Aloupeeps cucks and then actually cucked them

>> No.40968885

Wait I completely misread that somehow, I thought you said “shit on his PL friend”. I need to sleep

>> No.40968886

Can they divide up the waves?

>> No.40968899

>making shit up to muddy the waters
Why bother posting about your oshi in this way? Might as well just leave the thread and enjoy what you like. It's almost like you're more concerned about what the thread thinks of your oshi than anything

>> No.40968915

This shit is why it gives me anxiety when my oshi gets mentioned too much in a thread.

>> No.40968927

Sonny has way too boring of a personality to get girls, so he is safe

>> No.40968931


>> No.40968941


>> No.40968952

I feel like Scarle's been making efforts to improve lately and be more social. Aster however is a lost cause.

>> No.40968960

Hence undermining the entire thread's credibility is a lot more effective than trying to fight back against it. People will never beat me. I am too clever for them.

>> No.40968962
File: 289 KB, 1240x1209, 1658055835301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another paizurituber in EN

>> No.40968965

Ike's the thread favorite (don't tell the lucub menhera) but he's never been dubbed as brotuber. What happens to him

>> No.40968974

i try not to livepost about my oshi since i don't want to deal with shitposting

>> No.40968979

>doppio are next
Doppio is gay anon. Best bros are the ones that suck you off, no homo

>> No.40968984

Godspeed Scythekick...

>> No.40969003

Why is being a brotuber considered a good thing here? That's such a normie thing to want. Do any of you people who like brotubers even speak Japanese? What are you doing here?

>> No.40969016

I've been considering moving to /nenmen/ to do it lately. I think Comfydants are smart to do it there. But I don't know, I can't control what other people post and that's really what gives me a headache.

>> No.40969020

I remember before the Luxiem debut there was an anon here who said Luca was in an application server with him and being really helpful and giving out advice to a lot people, now after the RENT L FREE incident, it’s hard not to think that was Luca himself posting.

>> No.40969031
File: 78 KB, 191x199, 1652678176845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped watching all streamers after i got diagnosed with schizophrenia but i got a better handle on life and i saw ewiwa trending, and missed it
i haven't seen iluna's debuts even

>> No.40969047

Sounds like cope and what you're doing just sounds kinda sad ngl.. but you do you

>> No.40969051

cucks queen i kneel

>> No.40969055

Well, there's at least one person who can corroborate that story - Finana.
I believe Luca probably is a nice guy in public with a tendency to enjoy trolling behind the scenes. Not too unlike many an anon here.

>> No.40969068
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JP did 19 in 2022, to be precise. They did 28 in 2021.
In 2022's case, covid fucked up the studio, making it completely unusable from Jan. to Mar., and then Nijifes and NJU occupied it for another 2 months from Sept. to Nov.
According to the queue right now, Noctyx may have their 3D model ready and gets to show them on This year's Nijifes.
I don't think they will divide up a wave. Just like Selejo that jumped the queue.

>> No.40969079

Scarle was apart of the kino Monster Promo collab recently. I think her problem is she isn't forward thinking with content or how she wants to be seen, slaps on whatever game and brute forces her way though it. When you isolate a liver down to key words, what do you think off for Scarle that isn't related to her model? Chatting and thats about it. I think she just needs to find something to elevate her standing more. Even Aia wised up and cornered the art streams after Yugo was yeeted.

Aster, well... Maybe the GAMERS will adopt him?

>> No.40969085

Nah, it wouldn’t matter. I remember this Lucub >>40968684 first talked about it on /nenmen/ and yet the main thread got a hold of it anyway.

>> No.40969086

he's a massive piece of shit with a huge ego who always flirts with the girls. The male fans do not like luca, they want him to go away

>> No.40969087

If it follows existing pattern probably but who knows in EN's case.
Financially speaking I assume they would want Luxiem to debut as fast as possible to make the next fes.

>> No.40969101

I always feel very confident about liveposting Sonny because we briskadets are a powerful force in this thread. There are many of us and we overwhelm the thread with our power.

>> No.40969107

brotuber beggars have been here since forever. there's no getting rid of them so long as there are anons who are too insecure and close-minded to watch another male liver who's not acting the way they want them to.

>> No.40969110

Who's your oshi? I'll say something nice about him promise.

>> No.40969113

Pandering to females = bad
Brotuber /no fujobaiting = good
Luca was liked for being the straightest member of his wave, hanging out with girls and limited fujobaiting, and now he’s being hated for hanging out with girls

>> No.40969133

liveposting briskadets are cute

>> No.40969140

Yeah, that doesn't change a word I said.

>> No.40969160
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>limited fujobaiting
I don't have a stake in the current argument but come on now he used to do it quite a lot more

>> No.40969169
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>> No.40969177

This is just the problem. Femanons have seemingly no ability to see things from a male perspective, and are only capable of seeing from their own perspective. Do you see why male fans might have a problem with the "straightest guy in NijiEN" hanging around their oshi like a bad disease? You are really unable to see things from someone else's perspective? Or do you not even see the girls as vtubers, you just see them as accessories for the males

>> No.40969186

This is why I hate that some people wanted Vox to be called ‘brotuber’ so badly. Just let my oshi be a whore.

>> No.40969187

Lucubs, why bite bait? Are we bored or these newfags

>> No.40969192

stop caring so much about whether men consider your oshi a brotuber or not, brotubers get shitposted about in the catalog because men actually watch them, it's better that your oshi remains niche

>> No.40969224

who is this guy that keeps obsessively ranting about "male fans"

>> No.40969240

Reminder that it's your fault for taking this thread seriously during SEA hours.

>> No.40969241

>Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

>> No.40969246

>Or do you not even see the girls as vtubers, you just see them as accessories for the males
I'm of the opinion that men think this the second a female talks to a man.
Except you guys are serious and angry about it instead

>> No.40969248

More YRM please

>> No.40969249

who cares about men

>> No.40969268

Anon, femanons don’t care about “the straightest guy in NijiEN” though, since most are fujos, the only people who shill that as a positive trait are brotuber beggars

>> No.40969287

Not really anon. People don't seem that offended by Shu, or Sonny, or even Vox to a certain extent. The one that is really offending them is Luca, because they detect what he's doing.

>> No.40969309

>There are many of us
unironically there are too many of you. i don’t even know how there are so many of you /here/.

>> No.40969316

Yeah alright time to abandon thread you guys blew it like usual

>> No.40969321

I am sensing a lot of newfriends amogus but at least the thread's still pretty comfy

>> No.40969330
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>> No.40969338

...."detect what he's doing"
Not a Lucub but man you give the anons here way too much credit lol.

>> No.40969353

Briskadet fetish posting was funny, I miss it.

>> No.40969366

Luca had too much pride and a big ego to fujobait. He only dod it with Shu due to him not taking it seriously either.
He went full on yume pandering after they both stopped.

>> No.40969367

Nobody wants Luca flirting constantly with their oshi. Fuck off.

>> No.40969381

Speaking as a male anon, unicorns should just move on from NijiEN imo. It won't do your mental health any good staying here. There's a whole corpo that caters to that stuff on the other side so idk why you're forcing your opinions on a corpo that clearly doesn't want to do that.

>> No.40969390

>4chan man has 4chan fanbase
i wonder

>> No.40969395
File: 1.78 MB, 4096x4096, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad you're feeling better and back anon ! hope you can enjoy vtubers again ^^

>> No.40969407

I wouldn't want to have a thread relevant male oshi. Just the thought stresses me out. I'm happy my oshi mainly sticks to his own.

>> No.40969414
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>> No.40969427

So the boy's fans are 99% female
The girl's fans are 50% female

How many males actually watch NijiEN at this point? It's like, 10% of the total. This content is incredibly hostile to male viewers

>> No.40969435

Todd will be turned gay by Nijifans in 2023

>> No.40969445

garlic pussy anon...

>> No.40969452
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>> No.40969454

I see! I think I get it, though my opinion is obviously different.
Mmm yeah, I want to give this cutie a headpat, feed him because he can't do it by himself, and fall asleep next to him because it's almost 10 am and I haven't slept, I'm dying

>> No.40969457

Threads have been comfier than 2021 threads

>> No.40969475
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>> No.40969476

not even close, but they are improving

>> No.40969477

I wish I had an oshi. I like EN a lot, but there’s no one person I can really can an oshi

>> No.40969479

>This content is incredibly hostile to male viewers
If it's so hostile to you then like I said, get out.

>> No.40969486
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>> No.40969487

Gigantic bait

>> No.40969500

Or how about Luca can fuck right of

>> No.40969504

you're right but i love my oshi too much to accept it and leave her

>> No.40969505

Who is your non-EN oshi?

>> No.40969519
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>> No.40969523

it's only fun to have a thread relevant oshi if it's a liver that the thread likes or you have strength in numbers like the briskadets kek. otherwise they'll just get shit on but having a thread irrelevant oshi seems lonely too

>> No.40969533

well, sonny also does not have the ‘noombers’ so he is always safe from shitposting.

>> No.40969551

Someone was asking last thread why we look down on numbershitters in here. After seeing the posts in this thread I hope you now have your answer.

>> No.40969553

Definitely in the minority and unicorns are even more so (not all male watchers unicorns obvs)
So kinda weird to die on this hill at this point...

>> No.40969558

Your oshi is still auditioning. Be patient.

>> No.40969563
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>> No.40969571

I'm fine with just talking about him when he streams. He has enough fans here that I don't get lonely even if he isn't super popular. I think Famelira are also in this position and they have it pretty good.

>> No.40969573

Hey /NijiEN/. I (Unknown age, M) have been struggling with a stalker (Also unknown age, F) for more than a month.
I think she's Japanese but that's not relevant. Anyways she has been following me constantly and I am fearful of what to do.
I can't talk to my friend without her following me. Nor can I eat a nice piece of salami without her watching through my window.
I usually wear the same costume every day, and on one of my costumes I found a lock of blonde and pink hair I'm not sure how to describe it.
There was even one time where she threatened me with physical violence if I did not play Super Bunny Man with her. She also sends videos of her recently dead cat which I frankly did not request.
Any advice would be warmly appreciated.

>> No.40969576
File: 107 KB, 660x660, 1673686367811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss sonny so fucking much

>> No.40969586

That sounds you need help anon

>> No.40969598

You'll know when you have an oshi because it'll just... happen.
Like honestly I've been watching vtubers since 2018 and NijiEN from the start. And only very recently have I found myself paying so much to a single vtuber. I have notifications enabled for all her tweets, I follow her on every platform, I always try to watch her live, I always watch her vods, I save all of her fanart. And again, it just kind of happened.

>> No.40969600
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>> No.40969618
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I love Rosemi with all of my heart!

>> No.40969619

JP liver but I rather not say. The less I see her name on this site the better

>> No.40969621
File: 3 KB, 125x97, 1673607927965354s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one anon

>> No.40969630

I'm curious, who's your oshi anon?

>> No.40969636
File: 244 KB, 2048x2048, FVoFclPaIAIR6SA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hearing his voice made me instantly happy, he'll be my new form of therapy
and, has there been any notable VPs from him? or anyone really, even girls

>> No.40969643
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>> No.40969658
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even feesh cosplayers are flat

>> No.40969677

I love this bud with all of my heart!

>> No.40969688

>skip dinner
>go eat heavy dinner
having a fever and headache.
which one??

>> No.40969712

well fameliras do have a lazulight split so even if it's not /here/ they still have that thread to go to whenever. but good on you, whoever your oshi is

>> No.40969720

I don't wanna say. My New Year's resolution this year is to do better by my oshi and post about him in a more restrained manner. Which is as pathetic as it is true.

>> No.40969730

Oh no, the poor male viewers. How sad they have to deal with something that is hostile to them for once in their lives.

This is how it feels for women most of the time. Don't like it? Maybe you shouldn't have been such a chauvinistic asshole. We're going to treat you the way you've been treating us for hundreds of years.

>> No.40969740

One day...
Yeah I have a JP oshi but I was wondering if I’ll ever feel the same thing for an EN liver. It got pretty close with one, but turned out not to be what I was looking for. Still love EN though

>> No.40969743
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it's all a matter of personal preference in the end, i don't dislike yume content, my brain just can't compute it.

go to bed EU anon.... it's almost 4AM here, i should take my own advice.

>> No.40969744

Eat part of the dinner, empty stomach fever & headache combo = waking up feeling worse

>> No.40969760

Keep yourselves hydrated is best, don't skip dinner.

>> No.40969778

I want him to incline but I don't want him to be used for baits and shitposts.. I like where he is now and he seems to like it too. I'm happy he's grown comfortable with his chat even if it took months.

>> No.40969786

Just stop replying... I'm so tired of you newfags constantly engaging the opposite sex in gender wars. Learn to ignore.

>> No.40969807
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>> No.40969825

people still fall for this one huh

>> No.40969843

so true queen! down with the patriarchy!

>> No.40969849

I have an oshi and I only watch EN because I like to watch her interact with those around her, though recently it’s been less and less enjoyable for me to watch her streams due to various reasons, but I still like the dynamics and chemistry between the EN livers a lot. I don’t want to move on but there is no one else I want to oshi.

>> No.40969876

i would never skip any chance to shit-talk luca

>> No.40969882

Hope she gets better soon

>> No.40969887

The boys don't want to change their viewers to males, because they don't pay compared to the women paypigs.
The girls constantly ask for more female viewers and boast about their high female percentage, always being happy about it.
All of them dunk on parasocial viewers and antagonize males.
You are not the preferred demographic. The sooner you realize this and move on, the better for yourself and the livers themselves.

>> No.40969892

It’s interesting how many replies this generated from a variety of viewpoints considering it’s been posted more than ten times

>> No.40969894

there's no one like ewiwa

>> No.40969907

aah, i really liked his ocean breeze VP, he was really cute there.. and also the winter date VP was good too, his japanese really got better over the year ^^

>> No.40969914
File: 1.17 MB, 807x704, 1670974471370.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more cute ewiwa for the night

>> No.40969921

You know, I like to shit on unikek myself, but go back to fucking twitter where you belong

>> No.40969935

being a faggot on an anonymous site this is a new low anon

>> No.40969940

found something in the catalog. can anybody explain this photo?

>> No.40969985

holobrownies are copycats who knew

>> No.40969993

This sister only watches Enna and Millie

>> No.40970002

Why are Axel and zeta’s faces so long

>> No.40970014

Orange guy had /mans/ tab open during stream, that's all I know. As for what the fuck catalog schizo meant with this picture - no fucking idea.

>> No.40970027
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2023... I am no longer the thread boogeyman...

>> No.40970051

Dragoons are fine when they just post normally but unfortunately a couple of extreme white knights give you guys a bad name, even with Petra there's just one

>> No.40970059

i'll save for it. cat got me to start learning japanese when he'd learn it on stream but i completely dropped that too. thanks for the alban updates anon

>> No.40970062

I think catalog meant this >>40968996

>> No.40970086

there are bad times of the day itt for you, dragoon. i don't think that's changing any time soon

>> No.40970093


>> No.40970094

Is it the milgurschizo linking his own posts

>> No.40970095

/nijiEN/ meetup when

>> No.40970096

Finally can catch up with Elira 3D debut.
She's so cute anons... She barked...

>> No.40970099
File: 1.46 MB, 853x1700, 1658853859417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool stuff happening in the next few hours:

Aizono new outfit
Suha new outfit
Lain Birthday Live

>> No.40970126

Why? Cause they slapped you with the truth?

>> No.40970129

Eventful day

>> No.40970133
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have fun anon ! ^^

>> No.40970138

Sometimes I get annoyed and want to criticize my oshi. But I hate seeing non-fans do it. It's like the difference between a parent spanking their child and somebody else doing it, you guys know what I mean?

>> No.40970139

I miss Elira. Looking forward to the aftertallk.

>> No.40970146

I want to cum.

>> No.40970163

Yea but you can usually tell who's a real fan and just a threadwatcher by what they say

>> No.40970166

When does the aftertalk usually happened anyway, after all of them debuted?

>> No.40970167

Because they're applying something that only Millie and Enna do, to all the girls, which is blatantly not the case

>> No.40970170

Enna has the highest female ratio.
Others that have a big one are Petra, Millie, Nina, Reimu, Maria and Aia.

>> No.40970177

NTA but the third line especially gives it away. That's literally something only Ethyria members do.

>> No.40970178

i thought it was the numberfags stirring shit or axel after he got caught tabbing the /mans/ thread

>> No.40970179

It's what the thread newfags don't get. There's at least one or two schizos, genuine or baiting, lurking the thread at any point in time who can completely overpower the thread whenever they want.
If there's blamefagging with fanbases involved I can tell the thread's starting to turn to shit.

>> No.40970185


>> No.40970195

Yeah. I think my oshi is a fucking idiot and lazy bitch, but I don’t want to see other people saying that

>> No.40970205

in all seriousness, nobody in this thread can change my opinion about anyone, i love everybody in NijiEN
except Aster, because i am the original, the first, the true asterschizo, i only shit on Aster once a month. i wish him graduate since his first week, i do not hate him, i do not wish him death, i never wish him to fail, i want him out, and by out i mean out from being a streamer, entertainment is just not for him, he said it himself, what kind of vtuber, a streamer who doesn't like talking? what's the point of recording yourself playing games for hours and doesn't talk to your viewers? what's worse is there's no growth, no aspirations, no motivations, no dramas, no ups and downs, no NOTHING holyshit i take back what i just said i despise this man, what's he going to do after getting those ranks? win some tournaments? is he grinding so hard right now knowing the gamers wave is about to come? is this literally the only thing he has? he's dead i tell you, DEAD. i appreciate the more infamous people, those guys who gets some spicy hate, because at the end of the day as a media personality the ultimate goal is to live rent free in someone's head. People like him saddens me, there's no flavor, no life, he's just inoffensively there, it's almost half a year and he's still not able to make good bonds with people outside of his own wave. i want him out, out and join some E-sport's team with feet cam or something, that's probably much more profitable than wasting a NijiEN's slot. lord please forgive me and Aster for all of our sins but fucking hell how can such a person get in NijiEN

>> No.40970209

It's at 7pm est tonight.

>> No.40970212

Yes, you can. That's a big part of what irritates me. Threadreaders have a warped view of livers and don't know what they're criticizing to begin with but they act like experts regardless.

>> No.40970213


>> No.40970215

what is even her appeal to females?

>> No.40970219

That's not the point. Read everything they wrote.

>> No.40970232

I know. Especially because non-fans get every single detail wrong, it’s annoying. Shit on my oshi for the right things please. I also dislike fans who label people who want to criticize their own oshis antis.

>> No.40970238

I only skimmed that but yeah I agree

>> No.40970247

based and I feel the same, fuck you aster I hope management doesn't renew your contract after 1 year

>> No.40970248

block of text jumpscare. is the doxxsite spambot back?

>> No.40970254

Does Meloco boast about her high female viewer ratio? Does she dunk on parasocial? No.

>> No.40970256

That usually makes it easier for me to ignore them though. It's not legitimate criticism if it's a misinformed shitpost

>> No.40970262

sometimes my schizo thoughts runs wild when lurking on those bait threads, thinking the ones bringing nijien unprompted are the mans sisters or tempus themselves trying to fan the flame onto us

>> No.40970280

Relatable sister

>> No.40970291

Oh thanks, i was waiting for a waiting room and didn't check schedule

>> No.40970301

Your oshi could be reading your posts. How do you feel about that?

>> No.40970308

easy to relate to a sociopath liar with single digit IQ, like majority of women

>> No.40970309

just remember that /mans/ love the zetaxel ship and you won't get called a schizo for hetshipping there

>> No.40970315

This is not schizo behavior

>> No.40970316

I'm sure she agrees how I feel about Aster, my oshi is actually passionate about being in Nijisanji and vtubing in general

>> No.40970322

She definitely filtered most of her PL fans who were usually holobronies by interacting with Luca

>> No.40970324

Based and true. Somehow the worst hires in both of the big corpos are even space themed...

>> No.40970333

She bitches about everything. Women loooooove bithcing about everything

>> No.40970349


>> No.40970355

that thread is a tranny and malecuck infested shithole
read cbdct if you want a female centric thread

>> No.40970357
File: 92 KB, 300x300, 1655089642783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi loves it when I post.

>> No.40970358

It’s very noticeable when your posts are 1 minute apart

>> No.40970359

Wife said I can be nocturnal if I want to! But yeah, I guess we both should go sleep...

>> No.40970364

Suppose they have that in common with the Enna schizo...

>> No.40970377

Source? im genuinely curious

>> No.40970378

no, i hate you.

>> No.40970379

anon i implore you, for your own well-being, stop browsing bait threads

>> No.40970382

what video?

>> No.40970383
File: 1.30 MB, 850x1347, 1665716736052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been a turnaround in opinion on Nina lately? Somehow I've seen less diss and more praise (usually about her picking good games) lately.

>> No.40970404

the true biofemale thread was the nijimale thread but they all scattered
cbdct is still full of male posters prodding the hornets nest or underages

>> No.40970414

She's good, she just needs to stop letting antis live in her head rent free. Maybe a vacation could do her well, clear her head a bit.

>> No.40970418

Why does sonny have such a boring personality when he is the /here/tuber?

>> No.40970422

Yeah sometimes i feel bad for the guy after seeing all the bullying here, but then whenever i tried tuning in on his stream i'd regret that feeling of symphathy in a flash

>> No.40970428

who would've thought the key to redemption is to actually make good schedules

>> No.40970430

good night/morning anon! no wife stream in 5 hours means i can sleep in at least

>> No.40970431

asterschizos are based, they deflect the boring streamer hate off shu

>> No.40970434

Enna and Petra streams. Petra said her ratio is close to 50-50, but Enna has about 60% female viewers according to herself.
The impressive thing is Petra usually has 1k viewers, but Enna has like 5k. So about 3k women watch Enna.

>> No.40970436

Oh shit, did the Nijimale thread die? When'd that happen?

>> No.40970444

I feel like she somehow has a very tumblrcore aesthetic. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the contrast of her pastel, flowery visual design with her very crass and occasionally preachy demeanor.

>> No.40970450

I want to see sonny in hakama... he'd look so handsome and formal...

>> No.40970454

because outside of shitposting, anons are inherently quite boring

>> No.40970462

what do you mean by holobronies being copycats? what did they do this time?

>> No.40970469

They had trouble bumping the thread in certain time zones. One or two of them stopped posting and the thread wasn’t able to maintain itself

>> No.40970480

guys, zaion will be doing a gruella stream in 5 minutes

>> No.40970487

She's a sistuber. You know how she constantly talks about her period and stuff? That's sistuber content.

>> No.40970492

started falling off in the summer as the board sped up and it fizzled into nothing, plus mayuzumi graduated and half the general were meschersfags and some agofags went back to /jp/

>> No.40970511

I don't watch Sonny often but when I do I immediately understand why Briskadets are head over heels for him. There's something about him that's like crack to women. He comes across as naturally dominate and masculine without being a tryhard about it, I think.

>> No.40970533

ok briskadet

>> No.40970580

She dropped her endless "honeys", she stopped chasing Luxiem and, yes, she started playing actually good games

>> No.40970587

She's been pretty much harmless and inoffensive lately. So people mostly just forgot about her

>> No.40970595

actually true, i'm not even a briskadet but i watch his streams regularly and i even have his membership. he's a silly charming man

>> No.40970596

Nah, I'm serious. Maybe it's because there's a disproportionate amount of girly boys in this branch but he stands out. Luca is also pretty masculine I'd say but in a douchebag kind of way so much less appealing.

>> No.40970641

he might be boring to some people, but he's still very resourceful with his presence, his singing makes me laugh, he can speak japanese, done some shupports, and at the very least, he has been a good friend to the Luxiem boys
Now, about Aster

>> No.40970646

the guy whose catchphrase is taken from an anime shark girl doesn't come across as manly or dominant

>> No.40970650


>> No.40970652

>Shu has better numbers than Luca,
nice joke luca always get 5k-8k while shu only get 4k-5k

>> No.40970669

Non-Briskadet here, I'd do anything to lick him from anus to the tip of his dick and worship the smell of his armpits

>> No.40970689

The diss against her was mainly with her collabing. She doesn't collab as much nowadays. Actually most of the seethe against a liver /here/ comes from them collabing so if they just lay low and do solo content for months the seethe against them will basically disappear.

>> No.40970698

Why are not briskadets like this?

>> No.40970701

So... We're all getting on discord call and have a group masturbatory session for Finana's 3D right?

>> No.40970702

Lolicons can be plenty masculine, and I'm not just saying that to avoid offending most of this thread.

>> No.40970709

What upsets me is we know multiple anons who applied, we know multiple 2views who applied (and ended up in other corpos after getting rejected) and we know deep down that any indie would lap up the chance to be what is one of the better designed models of his wave.

Aster both angers and inspires me. The anger comes from what was wasted, the inspiration is to be better than whatever he considers to be "content"

>> No.40970717

Zaion's pussy is still sick?

>> No.40970721

you said this while millie exist

>> No.40970734

playing genshin while wathing zaion play genshin on my other monitor

>> No.40970740

Cats don't bounce back from liver disease anon. Just waiting for it to get sick enough to out down...

>> No.40970750

aster makes shu look like charlie chaplin

>> No.40970756

haha that'd be so crazy who would actually want that haha

>> No.40970760

to be honest i starting to hate millie more than luca

>> No.40970771

You just need a break from her. You'll love her when you come back.

>> No.40970774

Even iPN brings more to NijiEN than Aster

>> No.40970777

she done nothing wrong

>> No.40970780
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>> No.40970789

I can't hate her but I'm pissed at her trying to kill herself

>> No.40970794

she really needs to hurry up and stream again
i'm starting to see her seaniggers everywhere

>> No.40970793

aster make shu, sonny and uki look like good streamers

>> No.40970809

Until Millie accidentally nukes the Minecraft server but runs away from taking responsibility, I have no reason to hate her more than Luca

>> No.40970814

Nina's recovery came after she attended that Canadian con last year and discovered she has fans, people who support her and whatnot. She got a reality check and realised what she had wasted across the Summer in an effort to chase metrics, numbers and other stats. She treated her costume debut as a borderline rebirth, addressed pretty much every hateful thing this thread and other platforms have said about her and has since stuck to her kino autistic games.

>> No.40970818

I'm out of the loop, qrd?

>> No.40970826
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>> No.40970834

apparently nenmen got raided with gore?

>> No.40970850

This we all know that shu belong to mysta and petra

>> No.40970863

Mystaskitzo wasn't happy

>> No.40970866

I dont hate Aster but, Aster hate makes me laugh.

>> No.40970868
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>> No.40970872

I'm down

>> No.40970878

Enna has 47% female viewers according to her stream a few days ago, and last time she said it a few months ago it was about 50%, I don’t think it ever reached 60%.

>> No.40970886


>> No.40970893

>nobody complains about him
most of pomies want to lazusydia, vox or ike join pomu's watchalong instead of him

>> No.40970897

What will Finana even do for her 3D?

>> No.40970901

to be honest i'm starting to hate anon more than luca

>> No.40970912
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>> No.40970921

Bop around, be cute and make sex jokes. Typical Finana content

>> No.40970928

Sing. Stay something stupid and be cute

>> No.40970936
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>> No.40970937

genshin is beutiful

>> No.40970943

That's a remarkably stupid idea, that one month break she did almost killed her numbers. She's been doing great lately BECAUSE she's been streaming quite regularly.

>> No.40970946

She's sick and was overworking herself prior to being forced to take a break by her doctor.

>> No.40970947

i blame Reimu for all the bitchyness that ever happened in NijiEN, i swear NijiEN girls we're not this bitchy before NijiUK was formed, that group really brings out the "we're here for you girl, fuck those haters" energy

>> No.40970949

So many Aster antis here it's actually kinda baffling why this place hasn't been renamed to "NijiEN-Aster anti general" at this point

>> No.40970948


>> No.40970951
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>nijiEN when other livers are being shat on
>nijiEN when Aster is being shat on

>> No.40970956

Mille is more like a female Vox than female Luca, saying inappropriate and random stuff at random times, I can kind of understand why people will dislike her but she is inoffensive for me

>> No.40970960 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.40970968

People complained about others not joining, not about Shu joining

>> No.40970975

>NijiEN girls we're not this bitchy before NijiUK was formed,
pomu, selen and petra always bitch

>> No.40970984

Retarded threadwatcher...

>> No.40970990

Kek actually true
He's the buttmonkey of /NijiEN/, that one Asterbaiter takes it like a champ

>> No.40970992

You don't even watch him

>> No.40970998

I like listening to women be bitchy, it's feminine

>> No.40971002

Sing,twerk,call ins with friends uki/rosemi/aster/luca, sing her og song tsunami,be cute and dumb feesh

>> No.40971011

go back

>> No.40971013
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that was probably one of the most awkward streams ever that i'll never watch

>> No.40971019

this but shu and luca

>> No.40971022

December she has bronchitis but still continued to stream, do volunteer work, and do offline work disregarding her health. Got to the point where the doctor needs to monitor her. Hence why she's taking a break. Shes truly retarded

>> No.40971033

Somebody didn't get invited to the orgy

>> No.40971046

I don’t really understand because I don’t care about him enough to even anti him, for me Hex is more intolerable due to the fact that his obnoxious tweets appear more often on my TL

>> No.40971047

Through Aster, we will reach true unity...maybe that was the purpose for his existence

>> No.40971059

>one of the most awkward streams ever that i'll never watch
you should watch shu and mysta's untill dawn collab

>> No.40971072

who else should i shitpost anons? i'm on a roll today

>> No.40971079
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Hopefully get her "goods" showcased, in addition to a Tsunami concert.

>> No.40971081

Anon’s mom

>> No.40971085
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>> No.40971095

Never watched but why are there so many shusta shippers if their dynamic is that awkward?

>> No.40971099

no one will complain about vox, ike, sonny, fulgur and doppio if they join pomu's watchalong

>> No.40971101

Nothing wrong with that, she's an adult and knows her limits if she feels like doing it then it's her choice. I also usually just ignore shit doctor says if I have important stuff to do and somehow I'm still alive

>> No.40971111


>> No.40971119

I think she's the reason why female vtubers being shipped with males got more common. It's understandable that she's gonna get haters at some point.

>> No.40971120

I was watching his Apex stream the other day and noticed the lack of talking. Was thinking of bringing it up but I didn't feel like stirring up shit about Aster in here. Now that you've posted this I guess I can. On one hand I do agree that a streamer should talk, on the other he is genuinely skilled at games, so there is value to watching his streams to see skillful play. I actually understand why Nijisanji would want someone like him because they have a lot of Apex streamers so it's valuable to have someone with a high skill level. Not to start some war about corpos but back when I used to watch Hololive there was Kronii who both didn't talk AND wasn't particularly good at games, and that annoyed the fuck out of me.

Additionally, I have seen Aster streams where he does talk so I think this is just a particularly bad streaming game for him. He'll get off this eventually and will have some good streams I think.

>> No.40971134

Probably fallback on some Lazulight improv that will be very hit or miss, maybe sing a little.

>> No.40971146

shuca, psyborg and foxakuma are popular ship but they have 0 chemistry

>> No.40971151

zaion sniff

>> No.40971154

That stream literally started brothers that ___.

>> No.40971163

Exactly. People were complaining that "w/ NijiEN" was missing so many livers who would have positively contributed to the watchalong. Instead it was with only Shu, who is just a neutral.

>> No.40971166

The day Aster even slightly improves and the thread gets an Asterbaiter that's a little too dedicated will be the day unity dies...

>> No.40971167

>eggs xddd
>le finger in hole
>DCL twerking for the xth time

>> No.40971168

It’s really sad…

>> No.40971170

reminder rosemi used to cosplay shuten

>> No.40971178
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I'm expecting some singing and cute feesh noises and movements.

>> No.40971185

>He'll get off this eventually and will have some good streams I think.
It's been six months. How much more time does he need? Even Yugo improved in that time frame and that motherfucker was unhinged

>> No.40971197

That was like one of Mysta's first ever streams so the chemistry wasn't really there yet. Iirc when all of Luxiem had their debuts and went to the main channel to talk it felt a bit awkward too. I remember thinking Vox was awkward back then for some reason.

>> No.40971202

none of these say shusta

>> No.40971206

lucake deserves more popularity.....

>> No.40971208
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God I love Rosemi-sama so much!

>> No.40971211

He needs to reach out more desu. If he can't entertain or talk during solo maybe he can have more conversation with a collab. Added to that how you said he's good at games then why not join collabs with other pro apex player in niji.

>> No.40971216

He should take some improv classes or something. Maybe that would help?

>> No.40971224
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>> No.40971229

I love my british boys collab, you won't get it

>> No.40971233

They had a pretty fun interaction yesterday

>> No.40971237

Seeing as how there are more female viewers for the branch in general. I do wonder what a future male liver will need to do that will make him have a predominantly male fanbase. Even Meloco seems to have a bigger female fanbase

>> No.40971238
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i agree.. Idk how he does it but his testosterone is too strong. My female hormones react so violently... I want him to physically abuse me, perhaps, bashing my face into a hard concrete, my nose bleeding due to it being broken. I also want him to pull my hair and drag me across the floor yet at the same time I crave for something fluff from him. It's a weird mix but sonny being sweet makes my chest feel so tight and it feels tighter when domestic abuse is sprinkled in a little bit.

>> No.40971247

How is it possible for Aster to be relatively entertaining and successful within his niche in his PL and become the worst liver in nijien without improving for half a year

>> No.40971249

Nigga >30000 people applied and you are asking someone to take motherfucking acting classes to stream a vidya. I can pick any random ass name out from Twitch right now and still have more engagement. Even the livestream of the chickens has more vocalised presentation than Aster

>> No.40971251

>Horror game
holyshit these streams reminds me why stopped watching vtubers during mid 2021

>> No.40971254

which collab was the most awkward? shuvox or selenpetra?

>> No.40971267

anon's lying it wasn't a collab
mysta just called shu mid-stream because he was scared
their chemistry wasn't bad either iirc it was just unprompted

>> No.40971270

anyone got elira fancams?

>> No.40971274

Shuvox hands down

>> No.40971283

i liked selenpetra...

>> No.40971285

You know Chihaya or something, from Nijisanji? The one with the blue hair? How often does she play Apex, and how often does she collab with other people? I don't think you need to be a crazy collab guy to be in Nijisanji.

>> No.40971286

Focus more on games and less talking. Female viewers love listening to their oshis talk, so if a male liver just focusing on gaming, the percentage of female viewers should be less.

>> No.40971295

He’s already in and he can barely speak while streaming. Learning some spontaneity is what he needs

>> No.40971301

Probably the Mysta schizo seething again because Vox interrupted Mysta's solo stream or something

>> No.40971303

Why would a male liver want a predominately male fanbase though?

>> No.40971311

ok pomu

>> No.40971319

you know that's not what killed her numbers tourist.

>> No.40971323
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we need our own kenmochi

>> No.40971328

fancams are only for concerts

>> No.40971329

What makes a male eop wants to watch a male en though, genuine question. Because with someone like kuzuha or other jp "brotubers" even his game choices are already enough to attract male watchers, even when he does fanservice on the side

>> No.40971344

whats wrong with horror games?

>> No.40971352


>> No.40971358

nobody thinks shu has a crush on elira after what he treats to petra.

>> No.40971365

holofags will never let that happen, even with the most brotuber schedule ever, everyone and their moms will still say that NijiEN males are for women

>> No.40971370

I thought it was great.

>> No.40971371

if game choice matters Sonny wouldn't be less popular than *esper

>> No.40971377

Not only was it unprompted, it was early Luxiem and Shu was a complete robot, so Mysta had to lead him into talking most of the times. It did make me ship them. But that's because the awkwardness was cute. I don't think they have 'chemistry' in a romance way though, Shu has childish humor and Mysta is a cute manchild which leads them to vibe together well. They are easygoing

>> No.40971379

Selen petra's dont starve collab waaay back in the day was unironic kino

>> No.40971391

You don't but at least she can entertain the chat herself, meanwhile aster feels like a cardboard most of the times

>> No.40971392

I’ve seen more famelira get angry with Luca than with Shu

>> No.40971396

Chihiro. She plays Apex a lot and collabs a normal amount. There are white a few livers who don’t collab a lot though

>> No.40971397

*esper is just 3k shitter

>> No.40971406

elira and taka's fortnite

>> No.40971411
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We have Kenmochi at home.
But also wait until the next wave of applications opens. I'll apply and get in then.

>> No.40971422

Only sisters do that. I've seen a lot from that one korean famelira on her twitter general tag.

>> No.40971426

most of fameliras likes luca even biff, alex p and good morning famelira

>> No.40971431

to me chemistry means that they are comfortable with each other, and so far their proper collabs have all been entertaining so idkw someone's pushing that

>> No.40971439

well there were mini-concerts in the debut

>> No.40971440
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>> No.40971450

I feel like fameliras itt mainly get angry with shulira posters, not shu himself

>> No.40971455

Sonny isn't doing better than that. And his fans only livepost about him being cute/sex instead of the actual game

>> No.40971463

AlexP only dislikes it when Elira gives back and ships herself to them like with Millie and Pomu.

>> No.40971464

Kenmochi has a predominant male fanbase?

>> No.40971472

shulira is really awkward before shu released his autism and become full shupport

>> No.40971473

briskadets are so weird. but good for you.

>> No.40971476

Singing a few songs (non-consecutively) is not a concert. Fancams are only for actual concerts, and are only a thing on Niconico, not Youtube.

>> No.40971500
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this past interpretation of kotoka looks like ponto

>> No.40971505

I don't hate Luca and Shu is just Shu.

>> No.40971507

You don't watch Kuzuha so you can only judge him on his games and fanservice. He has male fans because he is a typical streamer you'd find on twitch. He logs in, talks about his day, gets angry when he dies, isn't bad at games, follows male interests, etc. He has many connections and mainly streams with guys without baiting much. He has female fans aside from the Chronoir/fanservice/music because he has a childish outlook on things and is bratty. Even the brat side of him appeals to guys, he'll tell collab mates they suck and bait them into killing him, leading to funny & viral clips. He also has the buff of being 2nd wave & having 'character arcs' during his life like getting over shyness (one stream, 30k people watched him form a single discord message to gather players for among us)

>> No.40971508

Aizono new outfit. I think it's not the Itou Life model but I'm not sure

>> No.40971516

You should have seen the Lazulight thread when Luca invited himself into Elira's Pokemon stream.

>> No.40971519

famelira who hates Luca are more often being a lazulight hako oshi than hardcore fameliras

>> No.40971529

Alex P watches a lot of people, he showed up to the pshu watch along and Shu’s return stream, and despite his hate towards elipomu he also appears quite often in pomu’s chat

>> No.40971534

>Focus more on games and less talking
but aster does this all the time with apex...

>> No.40971546

reminder that most of shu cuked poster, eluca shipper and sonlira are fameliras

>> No.40971548

I think Holo made normal people think vtubers are just for horny men that want to see anime girls playing games and Luxnoctyx made it feel like male vtubers only cater to female viewers. Male indie brotubers can’t incline because of it

>> No.40971551

Keep in mind that Hololive employs a lot of bots to make their numbers look higher than they are, whilst Nijisanji numbers are generally legitimate.

>> No.40971580

numberfag cope

>> No.40971584

maybe we'll get one when nina plays mgs or terraria

>> No.40971587

alex is famelira gachikoi and he support pshu

>> No.40971592

He also puts on an uwu act, which attracts some women. If he dropped the act and just focused on gaming, his female audience would decrease.

>> No.40971595

i feel like doppio could have the potential to have a majority male fanbase if it wasn’t for speculation

>> No.40971598

Fameliras defended yaminions during the vacation shit
I was one of them and I never forgot it

>> No.40971602

yes please

>> No.40971601

Are the voxlira shippers also fameliras? Why do they like hetships so much?

>> No.40971607

Nijisanji Proseka tournament. I wonder if the ENs who play will be a part of it

>> No.40971614

You're the one who brought up numbers, dude. I'm just shattering your delusions with cold hard facts.

>> No.40971633

anon he likes daibolik lovers

>> No.40971636

I know, but he also watches their streams regularly, it’s not as if he is hate-shipping them to keep Elira to himself

>> No.40971638

If his female audience decreases, he would have nothing left...

>> No.40971647

I'm not those anons, just calling your bot theory out for the bullshit it obviously is

>> No.40971650

So basically he's the Kyo of JP?

>> No.40971657

Get meloco as rep if nijien is invited

>> No.40971658

according to members who have met him, shu communicates better with gestures than words.

>> No.40971668

>isn’t bad at games

>> No.40971673

Males can like diabolik lovers too

>> No.40971677

he does have loyal female viewers so there's that
they always make him good quality assets

>> No.40971682

>ASMR Genshin...but not really
>I'm quieter
zaion is actually incapable of being quiet

>> No.40971685

Breasts new outfit


>> No.40971699

Kyo is bad at games.

>> No.40971709
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Elira is still awake as usual.

>> No.40971713
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my nigga aint a gamer

>> No.40971714

I think he's listed as having a 55% male fanbase in a year old clip. In the nijifes streams, a bunch of the kenmochi oshis were also male and there was a story about a rofmao event where it was almost all girls but the rare male there was a kenmochi oshi

>> No.40971718
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>> No.40971719

Sounds like Luca

>> No.40971720

I don't watch Kyo so I can't comment on that, just sick of people using Kuzuha as a basis for male streamers solely on game choice when any retard can open apex/val/ow2 and stream, but not many can entertain for as long as he does. He has amazing skill in reading a fast chat & dozens of convo topics in a single stream.

>> No.40971728

during the first hanamori meet up one of famelira is shulira shipper and he said that he did it because he missed her.

>> No.40971729

I’m pretty sure most of them just watch him because they like his model

>> No.40971734

Wait.. good morning? what

>> No.40971736

"Brotubers" are more about the audience and less about the content
If Vox and Mysta had a majority male audience they'd be seen as brotubers

>> No.40971740

is that the new outfit already on screen or is she yet to tease it

>> No.40971746

are the threads really going to be this shit for the entire month just becase we have lazulight 3d

>> No.40971751

that doesn't help him either with male viewership
plus he's general approach to streaming isn't very bro like
he's just a funny schizo

>> No.40971755

Yeah, because he put on the uwu act right on debut, which is a male-deterrent. At this point, it would take time for him to build up a male fanbase, even if he was to drop the uwu act.
Which is why if a male vtuber debuts, and if they want to have a male audience, they need to focus on just being a bro and playing games, not trying to cater to females.

>> No.40971756

That’s not a lot. Talk about Maimoto and his 99% male viewership

>> No.40971765

Not while doing the ASMR streams that he does

>> No.40971771

Holy tits

>> No.40971779

i don't want a brotuber
i want an actual funny man, i don't want a shouty energetic person, i want a guy that actually makes me go haha, not the "wtf is he doing lmao, so silly" kind of guy, but the "wtf is he blabbering about" kind of guy, Doppio is the perfect example, he has a slight similarity to Kuzuha's humor, both of them talks funny

>> No.40971784

I can't believe mysta used to be a brotuber in pl

>> No.40971787

more like vox when he's not fan service

>> No.40971788

threads are shit all the fucking time except for like an hour of two daily

>> No.40971791

he used to have a 50:50 split but ever since rof-mao i think his has fanbase a lot more girls.

>> No.40971792
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damn shuca really lives rent free on anons' minds here

>> No.40971799

Not yet

>> No.40971813

#femboy #LGBT #filipino

>> No.40971817

it's crazy how much zaion tanked her potential with genshin

>> No.40971820

I don't watch much doppio but I saw him in the Nkodice collab, is he always like that?

>> No.40971822

what the fuck another thread full of luca what did he do this time

>> No.40971825

No one wants to watch a guy who doesn’t talk. He only has viewers because women think he’s cute. Use any other male besides Aster for your argument

>> No.40971830

Brotuber for the gays!

>> No.40971839

Hahahahahaahhahhahha this is the most based and the best this month

>> No.40971840

luca and ike are EN chronoir

>> No.40971849


>> No.40971848

In that case then yes they have great chemistry. I mean I don't think Mysta's been egregiously awkward with anyone really, yeah even the Finana collab that anons shat on. Whereas Shu on the other hand is an autist so it takes time to click with him, so it's nice and cute that they vibe well

>> No.40971862

And instantly reveals his gay-for-pay nature when he gets into niji

>> No.40971861

they will never be a thing

>> No.40971865

nothing new, just a retarded timeloop as usual.

>> No.40971868

If I'm a tourist then whow would I know? Idiot.

>> No.40971871

he's more like mayuzumi

>> No.40971874

doppiniggers are getting so annoying lately

>> No.40971892

Anon, outside of collabs and projects no one fucking watches him

>> No.40971896

I want to princess carry my oshi because she's tired and her feet hurt, and then lay her down, tuck her into bed and sleep on the other room.

>> No.40971898

Does kanae also hate kuzuha? Do lucubs also anti ike? How do they compare?

>> No.40971902

Sorry, I should clarify: talking about the game is fine, especially if they can talk about it in detail (not just "whoops I did a funny"), but talking about daily life stuff and small-talk seems to attract females.

>> No.40971904

yeah because shu is for petra and luca is for yotsuha

>> No.40971933

Why the fuck would someone need to livepost about the actual game? How stupid would that be to talk about the game instead of the liver? "Oh man I really hope he beats this boss but he's gonna need to learn to dodge this attack pattern." Stupid shit.

>> No.40971942

Kuzuha and Kanae are like brothers behind the scenes, but their fanbases war A LOT. Maybe not as much these days but phew it makes EN fan drama look like baby fights

>> No.40971940

based incest lover

>> No.40971950
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Yellow man bad.

>> No.40971984

wait why...

>> No.40971992

>hate-love with chat
>always do something behind the scene
>good MC
>hate australian
Is pomu EN kenmochi?

>> No.40972003

He more green than yellow to me tho, also why jp fans still hate him to this day?

>> No.40972006

holy fucking based

>> No.40972010

I want to help my oshi into the shower after he appears at the door limping and trying to hide just how hard he's being crying, help him into the shower and let him have that time to break down fully while washing other men's cum off and out of himself before he comes and cuddles with me in bed, vulnerable and seeking comfort before I kiss the top of his head and tell him it will be okay, he's safe with me, he can trust me to just hold him and get some rest.

>> No.40972015

Is anon EN Kenmochi?

>> No.40972018

Who's her James?

Trick question, it's me

>> No.40972021

>2k vs 30+k ccv

>> No.40972022

This man seem so chill every time i see him in a collab

>> No.40972023

yes they used to fight

>> No.40972026
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>> No.40972033

It's not her fault that management isn't letting her use her real account. She was getting 5000+ viewers that first stream then they ruined it. No one wants to see someone play the Genshin story mode again for the thousandth time so it's not surprising she plummeted when she decided to do that story speedrun. The idea of having to start a new Genshin account from scratch is mind-numbing.

>> No.40972044

I honestly dont know if my monitor settings are fucked because he looks yellow to me. Also I know he's hated by JP fans but I haven't seen a single QRD about why.

>> No.40972051

>talking about daily life stuff
Alban used to not talk about his life outside of vtubing and anons called him ‘fake’ instead...

>> No.40972055

i'll neck that flip faggot if i know its address

>> No.40972057

>pomu my woman

>> No.40972066



>> No.40972073

Typical "you make my oshi look bad" nonsense, which was Axia & Lauren's first drama too & what made Axia start to scold his fans.

>> No.40972076

I don't get the hate. If I remember he was pretty nice to Kotoka.

>> No.40972093

zero surprise at the bud wanting to be put in that situation

>> No.40972096

alban did you guys just didn't watch him

>> No.40972099

I need to have sex with Mysta Rias

>> No.40972107

Does the concept of something being a joke exist in your head anon?

>> No.40972113

Who in EN plays Proseka?

>> No.40972116
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>while washing other men's cum off and out of himself before he comes

>> No.40972119

i think i hate vtubers

>> No.40972121

every male fans hate eachother like quilldrens hate shu, yaminions hate mysta and every fanbase hate vox

>> No.40972122

Do anons ship their oshi with Sonny because it’s easy to self-insert as sonny?

>> No.40972125

He kinda put Kizuna Ai on a badlight by saying that she will be surpassed by Mito back in 2018. The closest approximation is kinda like how Fulgur put Council in a badlight from the discord leak.

>> No.40972128

I do not like Luca.

>> No.40972137

The absolute fuckery at Square Enix
I just want to see a final fantasy game

>> No.40972138

I do like Luca.

>> No.40972139

>doesn't know shit
>spout catalog tier rrats to justify his narrative.
here, explained it for you pea brain.

>> No.40972141
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>Hey I'm here to do my 3D debut

>> No.40972143


>> No.40972144

Well, true. No one really watches him here.

>> No.40972149

>quilldrens hate shu, yaminions hate mysta

>> No.40972167


>> No.40972172

I've had aster's stream open for 2 minutes and he still hasn't spoken a single word

>> No.40972183

>quilldrens hate shu
ike's orisong
>yaminions hate mysta
step brother voice tweet

>> No.40972185

Aster is streaming?

>> No.40972186

Alban also used to flirt with other boys more and be more of a slut which offset fans he might lose from not opening up
Alban admitted himself that he never talked much about himself and wanted to start more. He mentioned it when Vox was teaching him Smash and again in a minecraft stream shortly before his first proper break. He's gotten better at talking about himself now but he still does hvave up walls

>> No.40972190

i like it this way

>> No.40972193

Aster is having a breakdown on stream right now saying how no one wants to play apex rank with him

>> No.40972198

Which is funny because he's going to be the first one in Noctyx to start passing Council members. I guess he must have a pretty big fanbase outside this site that it offsets his lack of a fanbase here.

>> No.40972201

good I hope he cries and graduates because no one likes him

>> No.40972205

His hair is that ugly yellowish green in mine so probably can seen as yellow too. I also curious but i dont know if i want digging through 5chan for that...
Is skkr have discussion thread or something?

>> No.40972209

I've been watching him recently during this Nagi arc he's been going through

>> No.40972211

I thought it’s quilldren and mystakes that hate Luca, and Lucubs hate shu

>> No.40972220

Since no one here watches him, we'll believe anything you say anon

>> No.40972222

I began self inserting as Sonny accidentally because 90% of my oshi's porn is with him and I had to imagine myself in his position to be able to use it.

>> No.40972230
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>> No.40972235

I'm watching with him and it's true, he's been staring at the lobby in apex for like a few minutes straight and just moving the mouse in circles

>> No.40972239

holy shit he's streaming

>> No.40972249

maria... luca.... sonny....

>> No.40972253


>> No.40972257

What? Sis your narratives are backwards, it's Lucubs that get mad at Shu and idk about any orisong drama.

>> No.40972264

anons complains aster about dead air while kanae always does this.

>> No.40972265

It’s my first time staying up this late to read the thread. I just gotta say the ESL levels are outstanding

>> No.40972270

why is scarle silent?

>> No.40972273

maybe twitter yaminions, but they don’t even watch streams. i haven’t seen a single yaminion here that isn’t a brothers that——— enjoyer

>> No.40972275

after 18 hours, aster ends stream...

>> No.40972278
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i do the same...

>> No.40972285

are you literally trying to compare kanae to aster right now?

>> No.40972289

I want NijiEN to push out more high fantasy design. Arknights outfits are getting pretty fucking boring tbdesu

>> No.40972291

we have maybe 3 albanians left and all of them rarely post in an recognisable way

>> No.40972293


I bet Elira likes the yankee girl and stuco pres guy ship

>> No.40972297

tbf, a lot of JP chuubas are like this. just a difference in culture I guess.

>> No.40972303

weak ass nigga, Selen doesn't have an apex friends in EN back then but that doesn't stop her from reaching out to people, play with some ID's like Maria, talk broken english with KRs just go out from your comfort zone you femboy

>> No.40972308

Hey! We need to put some device on your body for the 3D model, so if you could take off all of your clothes here it’d be perfect.

>> No.40972310

Maybe in the gamer wave

>> No.40972313

lucubs only hate shu because he used to had more subs than luca

>> No.40972317

Yaminions draw more shusta incest than mystakes... wdym?

>> No.40972327

Wolfgang... onegai...

>> No.40972355

its best not to be talked about too much since it invites hate, but horny posting about alban is always a good time

>> No.40972359

you imagine yourself fucking him?

>> No.40972366

Randon come home...

>> No.40972369

lucub schizo is back
he was even shitting up nenmen earlier

>> No.40972371

you WILL type like an esl too and you will like it

>> No.40972376

Abayo... anon...

>> No.40972387

Oh no no no no

>> No.40972390
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We do what we have to, just like how he had to in the future to get by

>> No.40972392

but we have shu....

>> No.40972403

>Do lucubs also anti ike
just that one menhera lucub who hates that Ike's thread favorite

>> No.40972405

He's allowed to post that name here. This isn't a Hololive thread so no one will care.

>> No.40972407

i can feel it
Selen is /here/, right now

>> No.40972408

remember the Sonnyban incest fics/mob x Alban rape fics that were posted here.....

>> No.40972419

Shu is an abomination. He’s gonna look so stupid in 3D

>> No.40972429

The thing with him is that he's non-communicative and when things go wrong he gets pissy. Someone in chat told Reimu once to call Aster because she didn't have anyone to play with and she shot that shit down immediately, I'd wager people within the branch have him as an absolute NO when it come to collabing in apex with him

>> No.40972431

no one is saying that retard
it just means he has no male viewers that livepost

>> No.40972439

zaion that was incredibly racist wtf?

>> No.40972441

>shame to famiry why you no doctor or lawyer

Jesus Zaion, can't go a day without getting cancelled

>> No.40972446

Wrong because I am male.

>> No.40972451

zaion is calling out numberfags for being blight on earth

>> No.40972453

She’s Asian it’s ok

>> No.40972458

wait is Zaion based? Should I start watching?

>> No.40972472

Which male member has the highest male fan ratio?

>> No.40972476

t. never watched a single Enna stream

>> No.40972477

I live post from time to time, but I also want to get fucked by him so maybe I don't count

>> No.40972490

>i- it doesn't bother
zaion is incredibly insecure isn't she

>> No.40972491


>> No.40972499

I watch Enna all the time, I'm asking if Zaion is like that you imbecile

>> No.40972501

I enjoyed the couple of weeks where half the thread discussion was nothing but increasingly delusional theories about Sonny and Alban with occasional cameos from Ban Hada

>> No.40972505


>> No.40972521

where did that come from?

>> No.40972526

Alban belongs to Nagi now. Sonny has no one....

>> No.40972535

What happened to sonnyban? Haven’t seen femanons posting about that ship in a while

>> No.40972538

i'm actually got curious
does Pomu x Nina ship exists?

>> No.40972541

are you guys okay?

>> No.40972552
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recently in /nenmen/ there were a bunch of mob/shota alban horny posts and its kept me fed for a while...

>> No.40972554

Is she talking about numbers? I'd be sad too.

>> No.40972557

Well, Melo definitely should give it a try. Kotoka got plenty of new JP viewers after the mahjong tournament, so it's a good opportunity

>> No.40972564

Which twitter 1view gonna seethe over zaion this time?

>> No.40972566

luca only has 45% male fans

>> No.40972565

not sure because she was talking about it when i got back to the pc

>> No.40972567
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sonny has me

>> No.40972581

Briskadets don’t count as people

>> No.40972586

I thought they hate each other

>> No.40972595

>37 minutes in
>still no aizono outfit
shes using an itou life model today anyway so im thinking the outfit is itou life's too

>> No.40972599

pomu, selen, mysta, luca, vox, fulgur and hex don't look

>> No.40972601

is this on a plane?

>> No.40972607

Elira will ship this. Enemies to lovers.

>> No.40972609

it’s not that high. and i assumed that post was asking about nijien males only.

>> No.40972614

I guess it was someone in chat. I was trying to find the message but he must have gotten banned

>> No.40972617

Sonny should have known that a whore will always be a whore. Nagi has Alban for now. Give it two months and he'll be with someone else.

>> No.40972622

Looking back on it Sonny was horrendously shameless about the incest pandering. Based but it was a bit much, I like my fantasies to be in my head rather than on stream. This old copypasta made me laugh:
Reminder that
>Sonny hijacked Alban's Getting Over It stream to get him to call Sonny oniichan and say he wishes he had a little brother like Alban
>gave him Japanese onomatopoeia to recite since he sounds like a baby when he says it
>pretended to give Alban a pretend back massage out of nowhere in the Ready or Not collab
>often has Sonnyban ship art in his likes especially shota Alban
>Constantly praises Alban out of nowhere
>moaned incredibly loud and erotically at Alban's sneeze, even when there's esteemed guests in the stream such as Rosemi-sama
>creeped on Alban during his goose game stream calling his noises cute
>asks Alban to pant more on stream during Valorant (several times) and asked him to call him oniichan or he won't shoot (infinite times)
>made Alban pet him to calm his murderous rage in Prop Night
>had a list of sexual ikemen lines for Alban to say immediately during the aftermath of that stream and instructed Alban to make his voice "higher and younger" specifically
Alban was never a younger brother before this
This is all Sonny's fault

>> No.40972639
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I'm delicious nonetheless
idk maybe i just saved it

>> No.40972638

is this debby’s?

>> No.40972653

t. male briskadet

>> No.40972657

First time staying up this late in this thread, is it usually this comfy? Save for a few schizos it actually feels pretty nice, expected a lot more shitposters during the infamous SEAhours

>> No.40972684

looks like business class on an airplane

>> No.40972686


>> No.40972699

American hours are unironically worse, even if it's just because there's more posters

>> No.40972700

I was surprised how unsexy eliras base outfit was in 3d. I guess i was expecting some bounce at least

>> No.40972701

female lucake?

>> No.40972702

I said it once I'll say it again, burger hours are shitposting/anti hours

>> No.40972704

Alban is the only one I can see joining, I don't think he'd believe he could win but he's JP now and is decent at proseka so he may as well.

>> No.40972717
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i'll miss sonnyban if it really dies...it was fun while it lasted

>> No.40972728

Ever since both briskadets and albanians got ruffled over too much sonnyban it stopped kinda.
>captcha: GAYG0T

>> No.40972744

this time of the day is usually on slower and comfier side

>> No.40972756

congratulations, you've reached the true comfy hours, the thread is actually pretty "comfy" during these hours, at least until the Luxiem boys starts streaming, then it will slightly getting worse again

>> No.40972758

I could see Meloco and Petra joining as well

>> No.40972770

you are currently experiencing comfy SEA hours, anon. 3 more hours of this before the shitposting starts again, if we're lucky

>> No.40972774

as they should. Sonnyban fucking sucks.

>> No.40972787

90% of the thread right now is maletalk that nonwatchers cant get into, like shipping shit

>> No.40972789

Is Zaion into shotas? She keeps mentioning it

>> No.40972796

No one in EN plays apex rank now, only Selen, and even Selen you know she would rather play with her pro-player friends off stream

>> No.40972808

haha at least you guys can still talk about Sonnyban
my Sonnygo is... no more...

>> No.40972810

Even if it's dead, Sonny had a lasting effect on how Alban acts and with how he speaks in Japanese. Alban might move on but he can never change the fact that Sonny getting his hands on him forever changed him.

>> No.40972818

I don't think so

>> No.40972819

>we have two siblings who love each other
>we have siblings who are quite apathetic to each other
>we have siblings who hate each other
nijien family.....

>> No.40972820

yes she's constantly being cancelled by twitter trannies for it too

>> No.40972821


>> No.40972828

alban is with nagi now. move on.

>> No.40972852

aahhh.....that's so delicious....alban might've escaped his groomer but sonny's handiwork will always have a lasting effect on him.....

>> No.40972854

Lol nope, she's tired of Apex and OW2 and is switched to valo

>> No.40972856

Why not just play off stream and stream other games for a while

>> No.40972868

sonnygo is sonnygone, i'm so sorry yuguy

>> No.40972876

>we have two siblings who love each other
hoerubros and lambros?
>we have siblings who are quite apathetic to each other
dragonsisters and ohyobros?
>we have siblings who hate each other

>> No.40972877

>infamous SEAhours
Euro here, SEAhours unironically are the comfiest lately, prime EU and early Burger hours feel way worse and I dread to think how it is during prime Burger hours

>> No.40972881

burger hours are the worst because that's usually when numbers and holobronies are up

>> No.40972895

>we have siblings who hate each other

>> No.40972904

late burgerhours and early SEAhours are the worst, i’d say

>> No.40972927

>infamous SEAhours
that's just shitposters shitting on SEA anons because they know the branch has a lot of SEA audiences

>> No.40972934

Eu hours are the worst because of pomu, nina, enna, reimu and fulgur are streaming

>> No.40972937

Heh... even with Nagi, any time he hears oniichan, memories of Sonny cradling him come to his mind unprompted... phantom hands squeezing the meat on his thighs and calling it babyfat...

>> No.40972951

Pretty sure that she switch to valo not because she's tired of these 2 games

>> No.40972960

Find a collab friend outside of nijien?

>> No.40972961
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>> No.40972970

the faster the other livers realise alban will never be loyal to them for longer than a few months and start treating him like a public use hole the better, it's what he's used to after all

>> No.40972976

Whatever, fps games are dying and there's nothing new coming out

>> No.40972983

Zaion what the fuck are you talking about
