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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40923274 No.40923274 [Reply] [Original]

A discussion thread for Nijisanji EN's lovely songbird, Enna Alouette!

>Latest stream

Previous thread:

>> No.40923792
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>> No.40923976

Assuming the schizo didn't make this, just use /yeah/ retard.

>> No.40925940
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>> No.40929682
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I like enna...

>> No.40930840
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Based and same.

>> No.40933560

Enna gets generals now?

>> No.40935227

This thread has gotten 7 replies in 4 hours.

Yeah, Enna gets generals now.

>> No.40935894

needs to be smacked

>> No.40943540

look at the way she sucks that mic

>> No.40943619

enna I still love you (not platonically)
sorry girl

>> No.40944207
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>> No.40944376

probably best to not, anon. She literally told you not to

>> No.40945203
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can't choose not to, but I can choose to let it be

>> No.40952337

based based based

>> No.40957938

honestly the times when she is not depressed she's genuinely fun to listen to the remaining times she's awfully relatable

>> No.40959949

Yeah she's very entertaining desu. I've been very tempted to oshi her. The only thing that keeps me away is her always talking about her inevitable graduation. She talks about it like it's already planned for scheduled for the next couple of years. I just don't think I can handle that.

>> No.40961045

She just says that as a coping mechanism because she knows how privileged she is and it keeps her from getting too excited and happy. Yes mental illness.

>> No.40963056

>because she knows how privileged she is and it keeps her from getting too excited and happy
Nah, doesn't sound like her desu. Just call it how it is. She's just not really into the whole vtuber thing. She likes the income, sure, but all her retarded ass really wants to do is sing. That singleminded dedication is actually what I really appreciate the most about her. Just accept that she's in it for a limited time and enjoy the ride. And maybe hope that she continues to stream after she graduates.

>> No.40966767
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>> No.40966910
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She's joking about it. Just gotta learn to cope with it as she's not gonna stop. Furthermore, she's talked about it on stream how she has a lot of things she still wants to do in Nijisanji for the foreseeable future.

>> No.40967005

yeahhhh probably best not to oshi this one anon

>> No.40967026
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She got showered with love on her Pokemon stream with the Palkia capture, and she realized she really likes this job.

>> No.40967101

I mean check out this convo https://youtu.be/lFmQYcObSCk?t=7189 Doesn't seem like a joke anon.

>> No.40967109
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Never feel fear of posting your appreciation for this lovely girl in the nijien general. The schizo poster is desperate for (you)'s, deny him any attention.

>> No.40967158

She said she's planning on getting married within the next few years. Probably won't be vtubing at that point. Although she also talked about letting chat know about her pregnancy, so there's that. I don't know if she'll actually graduate or not when she's pregnant

>> No.40967327
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You don't know what you're talking about. She says it both as a joke, knowing she's privilege to be in Nijisanji compared to where she use to be, and a belief in her that these good things are too good to be true that her personality may get her into trouble with her manager and with the upper chain. Just today on her Madison stream she felt overwhelmed by all of the gift donations she was receiving as she felt she didn't deserve it and all she did was stream a game, and yelled (forgot what else she said) so she asked aloupeeps to stop gifting. I think she also turned off super chats as well.

Enna has time and time again said she loves to stream. She didn't like it at first when she first debuted but now she loves it and she actually shows it when she talks lengthily at times well after she's finished playing a game or a zatsudon or whatever and we're on the 5th or 6th hour of just talking which I highly enjoy.

>> No.40967363

Anon, it's probably because you don't watch Enna unlike me.

>> No.40967469
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>> No.40967560
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Well, sure. I'll just drop the topic then since I'm not really a schizo. Like I said I actually enjoy watching her whenever my oshi is not streaming. I just want to say though that don't let it blind side you guys if it ever happens.

>> No.40967578
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She's pretty happy.

>> No.40967609

ah that's just the typical donation baiting everyone does. I thought Enna didn't do that honestly

>> No.40967638
File: 1000 KB, 250x336, Enna Mwah[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fod4dnd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to say though that don't let it blind side you guys if it ever happens.
I've already accept that her time in Nijisanji is not forever, but I'm here for her music, and if she still wants to stream games, her cute reactions and humor too.

>> No.40967682

When is the ITT collab part 3 coming, I thought they said January?

>> No.40967752
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It's the near mental breakdown of her world view towards the end, that nice things can happen for her that warms my heart. Depression isn't easy to get past, and every day is just a new battle it seems.

>> No.40967761

>I actually enjoy watching her whenever my oshi is not streaming.
Well that explains that. Whose your oshi if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.40967794

hmm I dunno how "depressed" she actually is. But alright. Sounds like you have real depression, and I'm sorry you're coping with that.
I think Millie and all her many friends are helping her through life.

>> No.40967853

I don't recall if she said Jan. Well see after Anime Impulse.

>> No.40967878

Yeah but keep watching anon.

>> No.40967974

picrel anon

>> No.40968053

She said end of December or early January on Twitter, but I guess they are both busy with a lot of stuff right now, hoping for next week.

>> No.40970823
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