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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40911401 No.40911401 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it will be even bigger in the next holofes?

>> No.40911603

I like how anons /here/ all make fun of her being big when most of them are way bigger than her, yes don't lie to me you discord mods.

>> No.40911827

You don't see the architekek around anymore do you.

>> No.40917038 [DELETED] 

Oh no, I saw that fishing video. I am most definitely not bigger than her.

>> No.40917308

lol this anon says that a bunch of poor rice eating seaniggers is fatter than average mutts. fucking kek

>> No.40919446
File: 49 KB, 919x684, IMG_20221219_140609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think a Corpo will ever make a Mint castella sized model?

>> No.40919673

She's been tweeting about having a personal trainer and going to the gym more

>> No.40920106

Go to E11 for the damn photo

>> No.40920639


>> No.40920736

Saw her RM and now the thought of her fat thighs and ass absolutely flattening MUH DICC AIIIEEE

>> No.40920794

I used to think it was exaggerated shitposting too, anon. Then I saw the fishing video the other day. She is a legit blimped out whale now. It's kind of sad really, she used to be cute.

>> No.40920961

I'm a stick by genetics, she's a blood sausage about to burst by choice.
Imagine being born on easy mode, caucasian and hot and throwing that away because of booze

>> No.40921033

She is half Italian. That is just how their woman are.

>> No.40921088


>> No.40921092

i cant believe she released that shit....also does she not have any friends to pull her aside and tell her she literally put on 40-50 pounds in 12-18 months, its fucking vile.

>> No.40921145

she was never hot bro she aight, when she had fat cannons and wasnt pushing 180

>> No.40921405

sauce? I can't find it

>> No.40921423

What fishing video, I can't find it. What channel is it on

>> No.40921518

I will neither confirm nor deny that kson went fishing the other day.

>> No.40921785

Is 93kg for 1m78 big?
nearly everything is stocked in my hips and butt...

>> No.40921928

bro if you actually are a deadbeat dont even watch it, its just said, i dont even fuck with mori, but holy fuck dude shes put on at least 50 pounds since she debut, honestly feel bad for her.

>> No.40921969

Adidas enthusiast with annoying voice one

>> No.40921978

Your BMI says you're overweight, almost obese.

>> No.40922007

>I'm a stick by genetics
You're the exact same as fatasses who say they're big boned or have thyroid problems. Eat some fucking food and lift some weights dumbass.

>> No.40922144

Except to be fat you have to be proactive in being fat, i.e. actively eat too much, so fat people are objectively worse. Being a stick is just doing nothing.

>> No.40922304

wait so you actually think genetics dont matter???? you smoothbrain nigger kill yourself we sure as fuck dont need your 50 iq genetics in the gene pool

>> No.40922347

kek whales like whales, why are you sorry for land whales?
some of us are 6 pack gym bro here

>> No.40922397

ok fine bby I'll get fit and become a big guy 4 u

>> No.40922447

having self control and not be a lard = doing nothing
interesting how your shit for brains mind works then again you are a fatty, not expecting much mental power up there.

>> No.40922446

Stop coping and eat less

>> No.40922546

I'm not convinced. That video had her pretty layered up. She ain't skinny, but she's not landwhale status yet. I believe in Mori.

>> No.40922548

again post vids and pics right now, show me max deadlift and squat, put your money where your mouth is you drooling nigger piece of shit.

>> No.40922603

motherfucker she put at least 40 pounds, you are fucking cooked if you cant see how gross she has gotten. what do you believe in that shes just gonna magically stop eating 3k calories a day from uber eats lmao

>> No.40922637

ESL-chama.... I'm a lanklet. I mean being a stick takes no effort. But I can see that reading comprehension takes too much effort for you.

>> No.40922661

40 pounds from when, that other dox pic that constantly goes floating around? She hardly looks different. You antis are foaming at the mouth for any crumb of hate. Take meds.

>> No.40922674


>> No.40922945

Yes, by at least 15kg

>> No.40923081

you people should be ashamed of yourself, you are not good people.
how can you let yourself become so bitter and hateful? remember when you were a child, remember your mother's eyes.

>> No.40923117

Subhuman website.

>> No.40923143
File: 29 KB, 523x381, MajinBuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mori the Majin Buu of Vtubing? Is she going to have a similar arc where she becomes a loli at the end?

>> No.40923192

motherfucker you are blind if you think she hasnt put on at least 40 possible 50, look at her old pics old music videos, shes a literal fucking blimp. its sad and disgusting.

>> No.40923225

with her way of living yes im pretty sure of it

>> No.40923305

If only

>> No.40923307

wouldnt be surprised if shes downing 2700-3k calories a day of processed fucking garbage from uber eats. imagine her shits they must be biblical

>> No.40923318

tTo a certain degree yes, but "unable to gain weight" or "unable to be thin" is such an easy fucking lie to tell oneself.
Get disciplined.

>> No.40923351

Your seethe is pathetic. Please find something you like rather than living in blind hatred.

>> No.40923425

bro you are the reason bitches get fat as fuck and think its ok, you are literally normalizing binge eating and acting like its normal to put on the weight she has in the last 18 months, girls get pregnant with twins and dont put on the weight she has, its fucking vile theirs no excuse.

>> No.40923677

i literally played college football with niggers that were 6"3' 235 and they drank coke and ate skittles every fucking day, could still deadlift 500 still clean and jerk 315, still run 4.3-4.5 40s saying genetics arent a massive factor in ones health athleticism, muscles mass, weight, etc is so fucking cooked, but what can i expect from a bunch of closeted pedos that have never touched the gym in their life.

>> No.40923717

Mori's dance was so fucking cringe, please contain yourself this year girl

>> No.40923728

>eat less
>move more
You fat coping fuck.

>> No.40923798

lmao post your max bench squat and deadlift right now, lets compare. please be my fucking guest, they only ppl that argue genetics are either fat fucking slobs are string bean faggots that have micrococks, post your videos pussy

>> No.40923856

You’re fat and bitchy.

>> No.40923865

you first larping retard

>> No.40923958

exactly you deflecting faggot, imagine thinking genetics dont determine your physicals make up and attributes and traits,

>> No.40924015

Shut up you fat fuck, post a picture of your fat disgusting ass before you make demands of us like we are your personal McDonalds, pig.

>> No.40924043

>look it up
>she looks exactly like my sister
>I know for a fact my sister is >100kg

>> No.40924094

I said genetics as in gaining / loosing weight.
Musclebuilding is another factor and I wasnt talking about that. Ofc it plays in, but as I said its for many a dumb excuse to not try hard enough and simply give up.

Im absolutely certain I've been at the gym far more than you have but that discussion is dumb and meaningless lmao

>> No.40924120
File: 54 KB, 696x386, science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40924166

They will say anything possible instead of facing reality. They are fat by choice, but personal responsibility is verboten in Equity World.

>> No.40924291
File: 896 KB, 1178x2012, 88F436CE-C776-4445-B348-B40B84593E89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they will update it to be accurate

>> No.40924358

Same dumbasses that say "obesity is a disease *insert cry noises* "

No you fat fuck you eat more than you run, calories is not magic...

>> No.40924378

bro i played d1 football you fuck, i literally was forced into the gym for 15 years, i assure you by the time i was 12 ive been in the gym more then you, you are fucking retard with trash genetics who wants to argue against over a century of literature and research bc you got the short end of the stick. You can't accept it so you just make up bro science downplaying the prevalence of genetic make up.

>> No.40924449
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>> No.40924501

Why do you care if she gain weight your not her parent she can do whatever

>> No.40924502
File: 149 KB, 1280x1030, 1646361942369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40924546

>still all talk no proof
you have an amazing imagination larperchama I'll giver you that

>> No.40924547

Mate im one of those you'd call "blessed by genetics" ... but I have seen those that absolutely arent by your words get fantastic results and gains with just dedication and hard training.
Those very same ppl did initially whine a lot about "not being able to gain weight bla bla"

>bro i played d1 football you fuck
is this some handegg term I should know?

>> No.40924548

I don't want to live in an ugly world full of ugly fat people

>> No.40924597

>a complete disc about owning le antis
>talking about rent free

>> No.40924600

God I hope so

>> No.40924646
File: 187 KB, 717x720, OnTheMindOfMori[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwdyfln.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All because of this, kek

>> No.40924827

That came out afterwards.

>> No.40924853

I ate 5 plates a day for a year straight. I'm talking rice, potatoes, shakes, oatmeal, etc.
I didn't gain a single gram.
Turns out my genetics are fucked.
I didn't choose to be a stick, life made me a stick.

>> No.40924927

Nah, literally all because of one single hero and his condom money. She could have shut the fuck up at any time and ended the entire debacle, but that one tweet broke her.

>> No.40924961

If you are under 30 yo wait until your metabolism betrays you and you get a gut by 35 or get skinny fat the rest of your life

>> No.40924997

>and his condom money
No you fucking idiot. It was the members only stream SC that made it happen.

>> No.40925002

>tfw Kip has since drawn Fauna and Marine

>> No.40925023

Alzheimer chama the condom one was a superchat, the tweet was ntr fanart

>> No.40925029

prease unnastan, I'm tarded

>> No.40925080

Count your calories... cuz I do not believe you always were on a surplus.

>> No.40925108

She should do feeder ASMR

>> No.40925112

No, but I do like women that are heavier than me.

>> No.40925136

>be mori
>be a late 20s white woman living alone
>diet is starbucks, pizza and wine
>packing on 5lbs more every month
>get a job as a vtuber so you don't have to be pretty to get simps
>living the high life
>still get enormously butthurt at people insulting you
>binge eat to suppress the pain

>> No.40925166

I dream that one day one of the big corpos will be based enough to hire Synecdoche for a chuuba model

>> No.40925207

Fat rage is fucking hilarious

>> No.40925220

She was pretty skinny when she still had her three jobs during early days of HoloEN.

>> No.40925252

And here comes the simps.

>> No.40925251

She should be singing in the kitchen with bambinas underfoot

>> No.40925312

this fat dog needs way more lewds its not fair

>> No.40925336
File: 85 KB, 479x600, 9658BA5E-F77E-44DD-BB44-F45AD149F639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Mori Calliope is the worst hololive member

>talks about alcohol nonstop to the point where it's one of the only things she sounds genuinely interested in

>applied to hololive as a joke, knowing nothing about vtubers or streaming and only because her friend Milkyqueen was applying too and showed her it, taking her spot in the process


>used to heavily bait for superchats in her early days, interrupting collabs to thank red scs "BIG UPS AKASUPA"

>says hololive only takes up 5% of her actual time


>continuously trying to change hololive by attempting collabs with and mentioning anime youtubers and random men


>always late to collabs and never sets up properly

>according to kiara has overslept multiple collabs, causing them to be cancelled or rescheduled

>barely talked during 2 hour clubhouse 51 collab with Kiara, to the point where Kiara had to use the weather deck to get her to talk at all

>made nothing but grunts and 1-3 word replies during shadowverse collab with kiara

>straight up said "no" when kiara asked if she had seen her new MV


>lied to kiaras face about loving her king cover (which was a rickroll joke) saying she "listened to it all the time"


>didn't properly setup for lethal league with ina, played and talked with fans while ina sat and watched

>acted like a bitch once the punishments game for puyo puyo tetris came up, refused to do any of them

>spoils outfits on twitter for first smol collab, does nothing for the jeopardy rounds and slams her keyboard for it

>blabs about alcohol before even introducing herself during a collab with Reine, an Indonesian who isn't allowed to drink



>possibly corrupting irys as she mentioned they've met a few times to drink tea

>makes myth wait almost half an hour in the ender dragon fight collab because she got lost looking for wood because she didn't prepare, then makes them lose diamond armor because she jumped into the void in the end


>didn't call in for Ame's first birthday, called in at the very last minute for her second birthday sounding drunk with a shitty rap


>constantly talks to her collab partners like they're mentally challenged children

>simps over Rikka on and off stream nonstop, they collab on Super Bunny Man and Mori can barely hold a convo in Japanese, forcing Rikka to use his terrible English

>completely ruins highly anticipated first EN meme review with Coco by being nothing but her "dorky rapper" character instead of making any good conversation or jokes, to the point where Coco asks "are you okay? you're acting like a crackhead" and "is she always like this?" to 75k viewers



>woke gura up early on a day she planned to stream, wastes everyones time because she only then learned the game they were gonna play is local only, makes them switch to ANOTHER local only game, didn't install the final proper game between the time elapsed switching previous games, then makes sleepy Gura wait another half hour only for their gameplay to be fucked by seconds long delay, then finally settling on Phasmophobia, disables comments afterwards


>caused 6 month anniversary Don't Starve myth collab to be delayed by 30 mins

>fell asleep on stream during very first myth Minecraft collab


>told Gura during a collab that someone said her "booty stank" while working at a restaurant


>> No.40925348

>seething about the 15k venue concert
>recycle the same shit for months upon months
Come on SEAtards, at least jump on the "pink woman racist" Twitter hate bandwagon with your fellow subhumans

>> No.40925436

The Trash Taste drama gets its own section, as it is the longest running problem with Mori and the sole reason this post exists

>Mori collabs with Trash Taste



>guy from TT, Connor, says on Ironmouse's stream that people in hololive are popular not because of their talent but because of the brand


>time passes, Mori mentions TT a significant amount the last few months

>a longtime member in Moris member stream says she shouldn't associate with them


>Mori insults her members and lies that Connor personally apologised to every holoEN member


>"we speak to each other quite a bit, um, as friends", laughing nervously after

>someone asks Kiara about this, Kiara says she isn't in contact with anyone from Trash Taste


>Mori then donates 50 subs to Connor on her new Twitch account


>someone superchats "condom money for Connor"

>Mori announces that she won't read superchats anymore without management reading them first


>keeps talking about the drama on stream

>Mori announces that she will be streaming on twitch semi-regularly from now on

>deadbeats in her comment section are upset about all of this

>everyone moves on

>days later she suddenly replies to and compliments a 6 day old Twitter post from a dedicated anti account of an MSpaint edit of her getting fucked by Connor, while her fans watch crying, insinuating her fans are cucks



>Redditors notice this and post it to the hololive subreddit

>she replies to the reddit thread "can I PLEASE just have some fun. Please."


>she gets downvoted and they shame her for her actions

>someone asks why she did it, she admits she's drunk


>deletes everything, apologises on twitter, announces break but then says she's high on lean on her corporate, public twitter account, and then tries to damage control by saying she didn't know what it meant



>later, begins collabing with holo members again but it's painfully clear she isn't interested and is faking her enthusiasm, the entire terraria stream is an example


>goes out of her way to put "with my FRIENDS" on her Terraria collab, and again "ft FRIENDS" in the title of Surgeon Simulator collab, when she's never done so



>still won't stop mentioning TT


In conclusion, Calliope Mori is a terrible influence on hololive and should graduate immediately. She has proven time and time again that she does not care about her position as a vtuber.

>> No.40925437

yeah 3 years ago when she was quite literally sucking Z list jap rapper dick to get a couch to sleep on

>> No.40925599

Wouldn't you think there would be some kinda evidence of her being such a slut? I am not saying she is a virgin but I doubt she was ever into one night stand kinda culture.

>> No.40925625

Depends are you muscular?

>> No.40925689

She talked quite extensively about her time early in Japan where she was couch surfing with Z list rappers in an attempt to get her foot in the door
>insecure young white girl in a strange land
>rap culture with the lowest of the low
>"Asian dick gets me higher than american drugs"
It's not hard to connect the dots

>> No.40925704

What about the leaaaaaaaan

>> No.40925712

she's been on a strict diet for months now and is visibly looking better every time we see her, that shit takes time tho

>> No.40925752

Ah yes I apologise I see it now

>> No.40925772

Her long time best friend in Japan is the drug dealing rapist Fra from Boogey Vox

>> No.40925832

To be honest no she can do it fast Maybe she is lazy all you need is 1 weeks to not be fat and be serious with diet just 1 week

>> No.40925857

Anon, Fra wasn't drug dealing rapist he just knew the guy who was. And even that is"friend of a friend" story.

>> No.40925922

>rap culture with the lowest of the low
dude she likes fucking touhou rap about pachinko she wasn't trying to move into O block

>> No.40925986

>it's okay I only hung out with the "cool" soundcloud rappers they're well known for their etiquette

>> No.40926041

>recycle the same shit for months upon months

It wouldn't be a thing if she got in shape, but guess what, she's a donut away from bursting her pants

>> No.40926104

Then superchat her this

>> No.40926143

shes a femcel
bought MCR CD for her crush who had a gf
she doesnt like being Mori that much anyway, you can hear her on stream versus the fishing video
4 more years bitch

>> No.40926160

No they are also assholes.

>> No.40926216

Nigga what? I have a friend who is her height and 80kg and looks MUCH fatter than her.

>> No.40926241

>diet for months
>looking better every time
Jesus christ how much of a landwhale was she before

>> No.40926515
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>> No.40926684

I would sub

>> No.40927098

she rly is trying her hardest to not hate on her lmao

>> No.40927470

>expect cool kaigainiki rapper gf
>get a fat gremlin that smells of BO and wine
