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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 428 KB, 585x614, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40907350 No.40907350 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she think it's okay to act like this towards Fauna?

>> No.40907463

Do you eat it raw like that? Looks like a nice meal if it's cooked.

>> No.40907483

The meat cooks the egg

>> No.40907504

The egg cooks the meat

>> No.40907545

I didn't know Fauna is Ame

>> No.40907547

you eat it raw

>> No.40907551

Meat and fish taste better raw. Japan cuisine knows this

>> No.40907581

what came first, the meat or the egg

>> No.40907586

Birds of prey are obligate carnivores. Pls andastd

>> No.40907610

The egg and meat cooks Kiara.

>> No.40907650

Looks like somewhat big chunks though which aren't that pleasant to chew.

>> No.40907670

the chef cooks the meat

>> No.40907695

Fauna is vegan? or just vegetarian?
that's explain the antlers

>> No.40907725

Not even replying to Fauna
WTF is the point of this thread, even if she did reply to Fauna, I would think she is based, because vegans are cultists

>> No.40907783

Cooking the meat denatures the proteins which have to be renatured in your body. Eating the meat raw actually is a lot healthier for you because the meat loses a lot of nutrients during the renaturing process.

>> No.40907829

>vegans are cultists
Just the annoying ones.

>> No.40907855

that looks delicious

>> No.40907877

I thought it made it much easier to absorb though

>> No.40907899

can't wait to see the health issues Kiara and Ame are gonna have, screencap this porst

>> No.40907946

The egg doesn't cook shit, it's raw

>> No.40907962

what about the salmonella

>> No.40907974

it's called steak tartar retards

>> No.40907992

Take the yolk as a reference, even the biggest chunk is smaller than your thumbnail

>> No.40908033

Still seems big compared to a traditional steak tartare but it's probably fine

>> No.40908048

You are correct, anon doesn't know what he is talking about. Cooking makes nutrition more available, that's one of the big reasons why we evolved to have smaller digestive systems and bigger brains.

>> No.40908064

If the meat is good and sold from a trustyworth company you will never be sick.
I've been eating raw cow meat and raw salmon all my life and never had any stomach problems

>> No.40908071

If it's a small quantity and the salmonella hasn't had time to multiply too much, stomach acid can take care of it.

>> No.40908096

YouTube broscience

>> No.40908145

They'll be fine. The food was Suisei approved

>> No.40908219

nigga if you need more nutrients just eat more lmao

>> No.40908270

>Cooking the meat denatures the proteins which have to be renatured in your body. Eating the meat raw actually is a lot healthier for you because the meat loses a lot of nutrients during the renaturing process.
Depending what you mean, you are grossly misrepresenting either grossly misrepresenting the process, or you are outright spouting woo woo bullshit.
There are proteins that you cannot utilize in the form you ingest them, and your stomach literally denatures them so that you can.
>meat loses a lot of nutrients during the renaturing process
This is the most incorrect part of what you wrote. I love raw meat, I just think you shouldn't oversimplify and mislead people with some shit you read on a dudebro diet blog.

>> No.40908393

/vt/ showed me the cracks of fauna's cultist vegan behavior

>> No.40908525

Burger bro, your eggs suck.
In actually civilized countries eggs aren't made in conditions that salmonella can even spread.

>> No.40908576

If you actually have to dig to find something to complain about, you're the one with the problem anon. If she starts going on a rant about veganism on stream then we can agree.

>> No.40908607

Vegan karen. She's definitely a leftist sjw. All the girls wanted to eat at a particular place but couldn't because of fauna vegan autism. So they had to find a place that catered to her cultist lifestyle. And she complained about japan lack of vegan restaurants. Typical californian behavior.

>> No.40908672

towards Fauna? where's the proof?

>> No.40908744

She's just a pampered teenage girl that never grew up. She admitted she'd abandon all her fashion if she lived in Japan because the fashion she stole from there is exotic when she's at home but is just the norm over there and she no longer stands out.

>> No.40908773

Did they eat with suisei?

>> No.40908861

Hotpot ball is always fun to eat.

>> No.40908950

Not according to Kiara. But it's a very bizarre coincidence.

>> No.40908959

Abalone, clam and carpet, hopefully.

>> No.40908963

Imagine one of your friends asking if you could eat somewhere else in a city of thousands of restaurants and you all agree sure, then a bunch of fat american nerds sperg out about it for months on end. Sasuga.

>> No.40909004

Now I don't know. Suisei said she likes it when foreigners are weirded out when they see her eating raw food. We know she wasn't at this particular meal however

>> No.40909104

If you don't grow up eating things like this will you be sick? I would certainly hesitate to try it.

>> No.40909188

>Suisei said she likes it when foreigners are weirded out when they see her eating raw food.
I am definitely weirded out mostly because I can't imagine that tastes very nice, seems like it'd just be cold sloppy meat with a gooey egg in your mouth?

>> No.40909278

Probably not. I'm pretty sure stomach acid ph doesn't change with food ingested during growth and it's not like you actually develop some resistance to salmonella infection. I wouldn't recommend a full meal of raw ingredients or doing it yourself if you are not sure what to look for though.

>> No.40909286

>I am more scared of eating something than Takanashi "Gets spooked by Pokemon" Kiara

>> No.40909308

I have never eaten raw meat as in beef but i have eaten sushi and is delicious. But this is too raw i don't even like blood on my steak.

>> No.40909426 [DELETED] 

Just because you're a sea shit flinging monkey does not exempt you from being just like everyone else. Now cry in a corner about your mommy you brown malnourished faggot.

>> No.40909433

Myoglobin isn't blood. The only blood you'll ever see in meat is coagulated dark red/brown spots around arteries.

>> No.40909511

In civized countries, vaccinating the chickens so their eggs don't contain salmonella isn't seen as communist, so you can safely eat raw egg without needing to pasturize them. The quality of the eggs is also much higher. You can eat them as is or over something simple like rice.

>> No.40909521

I know that's supposed to be like a protein i just can't get past it or the texture. Plus I'm a spic we cook our steaks differently.

>> No.40909578

You are dumb as hell.

>> No.40909586

Raw food is Japan is far superior because of actual standards, so it'd be fine.

>> No.40909606

What a strange response, if getting called a nerd makes you so mad you're in for a tough time bud. By the way, I'm from EVROPE, but I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.

>> No.40909648

> In the United States, about 1.35 million cases and 450 deaths occur from non-typhoidal salmonellosis a year. In Europe, it is the second most common foodborne disease after campylobacteriosis.

>> No.40909698

I'd still eat it tho food is food. Nutrients are very important too so I understand why it is superior is more healthy.

>> No.40909735

Extremely rare, especially in restaurants.

>> No.40909794

>In 2021 salmonellosis was the second most reported zoonotic disease in the EU, with 60,050 cases

>> No.40909826

>dickhead white knighting for a vtubber calls everyone else a nerd before even attempting to wash off his armor.
The castle you're looking for that way sir.

>> No.40909845

Salmonella and so many intestinal worms

>> No.40909871

You're the only one bringing up knights, you fucking nerd.

>> No.40909940

I've been posting all day, how can you not hate Fauna by now?!?! She mildly inconvienced her friends, this should be the end! Why wont people agree with me????

>> No.40910006
File: 224 KB, 1500x1000, Classic_steak_tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tartare not popular in america?

>> No.40910041

Buddhist vegan cooking is a thing in japan, and they do it well. It would actually be fun to try it.

>> No.40910064

The knight cooks the nerd

>> No.40910066

The statistic in europe is highly influenced by the underdeveloped countries of the region which are borderline 2nd to 3rd world country states. In any of the major regions you won't catch salmonella unless you eat like shit. In countries like Italy, raw eggs are used as a major ingredient in most dishes like tiramisù (its cream) and carbonara

>> No.40910092

The FDA are a bunch of nincompoop who hate anything raw.

>> No.40910149

>eating meat that isn't cooked well-done

>> No.40910158

actually the poorfag states are the ones with the safest farm food, especially when it comes to raw food because those are traditional foods there
the highest amount of salmonella cases (almost half of them) come from germany

>> No.40910185

I barely want to eat cooked food in America. You think I'll eat raw factory farmed food?

>> No.40910241

It's more popular with wealthy Americans and served in high end restaurants, but most Americans wouldn't eat it.

>> No.40910287

Thread watchers getting their info from /vt/. Literal subhumans. I BARELY watch Fauna, and even I watched that one stream where she said that she is not one of those preachy vegans that attacks other people for their choices. She literally said "do whatever you do, this is my own choice".

>> No.40910357

It's true trust me I'm a doctor. I didn't send myself into a coma from only eating raw meat and benzos.

>> No.40910400

Our food safety standards are nowhere near good enough to have shit like that. We can't even eat raw eggs here. I hate this shit hole so much

>> No.40910436


>> No.40910447

>Vegan retards complaining about raw meat
You do know that you also eat raw vegetables or cook them right? They also come with worse diseases if uncooked like some mushrooms.

>> No.40910590
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, Mettigel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me introduce you to German culture.
Behold, the mettigel.

>> No.40910643

More than Germany in itself, all of the Nordic European countries have high incidence of salmonellosis, don't ask me why. In the previous post I may have explained myself wrongly, about the poorer countries I meant those countries that are poor even if they have already gone trough a development phase and not those which are still in 100% agricultural economy. Still in America the cases are overwhelming for it being the best and most developed country in the world as some say

>> No.40910708

Germany still is the worst case in Europe anyway

>> No.40910765
File: 29 KB, 474x316, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweeden delicacy and Goombus favorite

>> No.40910835

Honestly? It's not that bad but that might be cause I enjoy sharp smells and tastes.
Lutefisk from Norway, on the other hand. Worst thing I've ever eaten.

>> No.40910877

Can you compare surstromming to really stinky intense cheese? I love absurdly strong cheese. I don't have a sense of smell so only weirdly strong food makes me feel things I guess.

>> No.40910881

Well in Germany, I don't remember where, they fucking eat raw sausages (not the wurstells, literally the raw pork meat of sausages), no wonder they have high cases of salmonellosis (even if raw pork leads to tapeworm)

>> No.40910984

Strong cheese is slightly more palatable but yeah, the idea is generally the same and it's honestly not even that bad if you eat it drunk (which is how you're supposed to).

>> No.40910986

yes, fuck vegans, based birb

>> No.40911025

It smells more like the dumpster behind a seafood buffet.

>> No.40911065

Tartare is all raw mate. But if Kiara can eat that shit then she shouldn't have any issues drinking cum either since it probably tastes a lot better than that meme trash.

>> No.40911083

>if you eat it drunk (which is how you're supposed to).
I'm glad this seems to be a universal thing across cultures.

>> No.40911103

Which part of this includes fauna?

>> No.40911130

I'm definitely no foodie but if there's one thing I've learned is that if it's a delicacy, you eat it drunk.

>> No.40911136

Man. Kiara eating good. Is this one of Choco's creations?

>> No.40911532

Pretty sure the name's Yukhoe not Yukke.

>> No.40911567
File: 183 KB, 960x1152, sad cat 3.0 .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yomemi still hasn't been unterminated after elon's hackers got her...

>> No.40911607
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 1656241003169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like YUCKY

>> No.40911652


>> No.40911702

>cum tastes better than meat
Holy homo.

>> No.40911789

What's with the meme that Burger eggs give food poisoning? I've been eating raw eggs for years with no problems.

>> No.40911815 [DELETED] 

One of her streams was eating that nasty shit.

>> No.40911843

the heat of the meat cooks the meant

>> No.40911865

One of her videos was eating that nasty shit.

>> No.40912114

idk all i know is that americlaps unironically bleach the shells of their eggs for "visual reasons"

>> No.40912367

As far as I know "buddhist vegan" isn't anything like what we'd recognize as vegan in the West, basically it's okay to use meat in broth, fish sauce, etc. as long as there's not big chunks of meat, but also you can't have onions, garlic and other foods that are arbitrarily forbidden.

>> No.40912516

Any egg can give food poisoning because chickens often suffer from salmonella. You may eat raw eggs, raw chicken, whatever for years without getting it, just like you might not get food poisoning from eating food you left out overnight, but there's always a chance you'll get sick if you don't cook it.

>> No.40912610


>> No.40912656
File: 178 KB, 1080x1080, R (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen people eat it with onions and flat bread and down it with red wine. The smell would filter the fuck out of me. Fuck the whole thing would filter the fuck out of me just look at this lol I'd only put that disgusting slime shit in my mouth if I was being compensated with lots of money

>> No.40912679

Get Salmonella even once and you will fully cook your eggs and poultry going forward.

t. burgerlander that got Salmonella once.

>> No.40912693

>1.35 million vs 60,050
Hmm yes, you're absolutely right.

>> No.40912776

It's not like you can't get food poisoning off of cooked foods

>> No.40912805

Based Fauna missed out on so much amazing food, because she's vegan.

>> No.40912826

Okay. All I know is that when I go to Thailand and order "vegetarian" it comes with fish sauce but no garlic. This is insanity to me.

>> No.40912888

If you properly cook chicken/eggs you will never get salmonella because it kills the bacteria.

>> No.40912913

You can get it if meat was exposed to bacteria.

>> No.40912947

Incorrect. The common american white egg color is natural to that breed of chicken.

>> No.40912975

cooking stuff explicitly makes it easier for the body to process you tard

>> No.40913043

She did say she got sick of eating onigiri all the time.

>> No.40913051

>The Salmonellosis rate for the U.S. was 16.42 per 100,000 and 22.2 for the EU.

>> No.40913066


>> No.40913091

Yukhoe in korean and Yukke in japanese

>> No.40913135

I didn't grow-up on steak tartare, but I had it in Japan and it was great.

>> No.40913159

Japan has better food safety standards. You get salmonella and parasites from contaminated meat, not raw meat in general.

>> No.40913181

if your stomach acid ph could change, you would die
the body is kind of built to prevent that

>> No.40913232

>ate tartare in Japan
That's a bit weird, it's like going to Italy to eat peking duck.

>> No.40913475

nta but not really
japan imported a lot of western food stuff during meiji era and perfected them or put their own spin on things
think of steak tartare as just a nice steak that you can get anywhere you go
in fact, i think tartare first got popular in america

>> No.40913520

I ate tons of Japanese food on my trip, it was just something different that I wanted to try.

>> No.40913626

>in fact, i think tartare first got popular in america
2 iq post. Next you're gonna tell me Julia Child invented it.

>> No.40913677

>In the early 20th century, what is now generally known as "steak tartare" was called steak à l'Americaine in Europe. One variation on that dish included serving it with tartar sauce; the 1921 edition of Escoffier's Le Guide Culinaire defines "Steak à la tartare" as "steak à l'Americaine" made without egg yolk, served with tartar sauce on the side. "Steak à la tartare" (literally meaning "served with tartar sauce") was later shortened to "steak tartare"[13][14] Over time, the distinction between steak à l'Americaine and its tartar-sauce variant disappeared. The 1938 edition of Larousse Gastronomique describes steak tartare as raw ground beef served with a raw egg yolk, without any mention of tartar sauce.

>> No.40913700

>Documents show that this preparation style was used by 1887 in some U.S. restaurants and was also used for feeding patients in hospitals; the Hamburg steak was served raw or lightly cooked and was accompanied by a raw egg.[10]

>> No.40913739
File: 28 KB, 694x131, 5ad31d34f09683f659a5e2830490618f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Fauna was still in Japan and was invited to that dinner
With all the girls ordering raw beef

>> No.40913795

What about it? It's not a diet choice, not a religion, I'd be surprised if she was offended.

>> No.40913821

I honestly don't know what you'd eat as a vegetarian in Japan. Onigiri three times a day, I guess.

>> No.40913835

>It's not a diet choice
edit: it's a diet choice

>> No.40913964
File: 846 KB, 1510x1103, 1670691191058-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been consuming raw eggs almost every day for the past 5 years, eaten raw meat countless times (even raw chicken) and I'm still kicking it.

>> No.40913979

I think rural areas in japan would be a vegans heaven considering how much love and care farmer place into their crops.

>> No.40913994

Maybe Kiara wants to get a high ranking when she submits her stool sample to Zeta's Parasite tier list next week.

>> No.40914000

>raw chicken
Nigga thats nasty

>> No.40914014

ok and ? there's also a person who literally ate cars

>> No.40914050

do people outside of California even know what tritip is

>> No.40914058

How you eat a car?

>> No.40914103

you cut it up into small pieces first, obviously

>> No.40914106

the fact that faunaschizo just only just found out fauna is a vegan from her japan trip is amazing since she downplays it so well and doesnt like mentioning it because she doesnt want to be one of those preachy vegans.

>> No.40914116

It's just Americans excusing japs eating raw eggs by saying they have superior thousand time folded daikon steel superior Nipponese eggs, because a lot of Americans genuinely don't understand that food poisoning is just a matter of chance. Too many people here legit think if you eat an American egg you'll be slightly food poisoned for a day or some shit

>> No.40914220

It’s a bit of both honestly.
Japanese eggs have a shorter consumption date to not get food poisoning by eating them raw.
But a the same time, the amount of food poisoning (parasite from raw fish in particular) in Japan is literally the highest in the world.

>> No.40914256
File: 139 KB, 960x958, 1641203900473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. It's pretty good desu but I prefer beef. My least favourite was raw rabbit, it was way too lean for my liking and didn't have much of a taste.

>> No.40914284

Raw eggs isn't even a food safety thing
It's food processing
You can make any egg safe to eat at home
Raw beef is a food safety thing though, but the demand for regular steak in the US vastly outweighs the demand for high grade beef that can be eaten raw

>> No.40914391

Well people like what they like i suppose.

>> No.40914506
File: 421 KB, 590x352, METT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans are no strangers to eating raw pork and feed and stuff.
Pic related is delicious. I can't think of any whole raw egg in german cuisine though.

>> No.40914787

holy fuck that pic my fucking lungs

>> No.40914859

t. literally never tried raw meat for more than 1 meal + don't have any idea what proteins are and how they work

>> No.40914917

>can't wait to see the health issues Kiara and Ame are gonna have
Being pregnant is not a disease dumbass. is the natural cycle

>> No.40914973

She says that because she knows it's a bad look and obviously wouldn't be doing it around people she is trying to impress, the question is what does she do around people she knows she has power over

>> No.40915039

it's only delicious cause of the onion ngl
change that ground pork into a liver pate and you have some top tear bread right there

>> No.40915263

I don't know how anybody can eat liver. I tried it and is it can fuck right off. I remember my grandma cooking it when i was a child I thought it was steak because it looked like steak until i chewed it and that taste of iron was way too fucking much for me to handle I vomitted that day and just went straight to sleep.

>> No.40915438

If you eat it enough times the taste of iron goes away and you start to taste the different flavors it has. Same with blutwurst.

>> No.40915510

it's flavorful and you can eat it as a spread

>> No.40915865

I hate liver but its good for you and cheap as fuck so i forced myself to learn to like it try chicken liver first and go from there

>> No.40916110

This meme needs to die. Even bodybuilders are coming around to admitting that the average person doesn't need more than 30-40g every day and even hardcore lifters only need about .5g/lb which is still extraordinarily easy to get. You can cook this, you don't need to eat raw meat with an egg on it kek

>> No.40916173

As a spread (i.e. liver sausage) it's delicious. By itself it's so fucking nasty that my body violently rejects any attempt to digest it.

The first time I ate cooked bird-liver I was so disgusted that I refused to eat liver sausage for years afterwords, until I realized that liver sausage is still really tasty.

What makes me really curious is there's this sausage I eat semi-regularly that is traditionally made with pigs-brain. Bregenwurst. You can't make food products with brains anymore so I guess I will never find out how it would taste but I'm still somewhat morbidly curious.

>> No.40916325

>the fashion she stole from there is exotic when she's at home but is just the norm over there
That's literally your basic white girl mentality when she finds a culture from abroad that she likes lmao

>> No.40916452

Why are you assuming people don't know this instead of just disagreeing? You're the only clipwatcher here bud and it shows.

>> No.40916461

I'm pretty sure denaturing is an irreversible process

>> No.40916463

Not really. People from the midwest eat raw ground beef and raw onion sandwiches though.

>> No.40916655

The fuck you're talking about? By that logic, humans should've never invented cooking in the first place

>> No.40917776

>t. jordan peterson's daughter who's trying to kill him

>> No.40917969

I think grudgeeating meat to own the kirin is the funniest thing to come out of the Japan arc.

>> No.40918125

not really, its just a typical lazy ass japanese dish, its funny how some weebs are stupid enough to pay for it lol.

>> No.40918181

Fucking based. We Want to Live.

>> No.40920198

A quote of relevance to the present discussion from this wikipedia article:
>Even vegetarian food that has been touched by meat should be washed before being eaten. Also, it is not permissible for the monk or nun just to pick out the non-meat portions of a diet– the whole meal must be rejected.

>> No.40920243

My meat impregnates Kiara's eggs

>> No.40920410

it'll depend on the protein itself and the attempts to renature it. but yeah the dude is talking complete retarded shit. your body doesn't take random 3d structured protein molecules from meat and just stick it into your muscles it will denature and process / cut up the meat you eat into amino acids itself before adding teh amino acids into your body other places it needs it lmao. literally some of the funniest shit i've seen. source: bsc in biochemistry.

>> No.40920430

Fucking retard.

>> No.40920681

homo erectus are rolling in their graves right now

>> No.40921360

You're free to eat all the raw eggs you want here (even if it now means taking out a second mortgage on your house for a dozen of them), understandably restaurants won't serve them to you because they don't want to get sued into oblivion.

>> No.40925504

based kiara

>> No.40926426

gotta makeup for all the meat they didn't get to eat

>> No.40926551

Don't eat your eggs raw unless you really value the time save above all else

>> No.40926784

>Eating raw food in the states
There's less painful ways to die out there

>> No.40927356

While I've actually heard of this in passing I've never once seen it in person, and I guarantee anyone I know would likely gag at the thought of eating it.

>> No.40928847

they are gonna get an infection from eating raw meat and my sources say they love that shit

>> No.40928865

Steak tartare is raw, carpaccio is also raw but gets “cooked” by the acid in lemon juice.

>> No.40929018

man i wanna eat Kiara and Ame's raw meat if you know what i mean?

>> No.40931502

first world countries don't have this problem retard... well, except for America

>> No.40931555

salmonella is not a thing in developed countries. yes, the US is a 3rd world country. deal with it.

>> No.40935600

I’m sorry you can’t afford to cook your food.

>> No.40935967

bragging about having to boil everything for an extended period of time to kill off bacteria and disease that's only there because your food standards are chinese or india-tier is a bit strange, but you do you anon.

>> No.40936221

don't forget to activate your almonds

>> No.40936437

maybe if you work harder you'll be able to afford gas.

>> No.40937239

Good troll, well done

>> No.40941709

Because it is

>> No.40941971

>eating raw meat
nips do this all the time

>> No.40942547

>telling the German girl you're vegan
There is such a thing as asking for it.

>> No.40942885

I look like that and I eat like that

>> No.40944303

i'm afraid there's no easy solution for you other than to move to a better country.
