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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40902531 No.40902531 [Reply] [Original]

What went right?

>> No.40902701

>/pickme/ connect

>> No.40902756

>She's talking about unusual stuff... she's definitely a pickme! She's just attentionwhoring!
Believe it or not, people have preferences. Maybe watch someone else outside scripted corpos?

>> No.40902860


>> No.40903021


>> No.40903202

>haha see guys i hate women too, i'm just like you who hate women despite being a woman so please don't hate me please please love me i'll do anything i'll suck your cock and let you beat me just please love me
based pickme pipper
i hope she finds the abusive boyfriend of her dreams

>> No.40903225

So true sister

>> No.40903231

yeah me

>> No.40904526

Touch grass, incel.

>> No.40904631

Virgin loser, kek

>> No.40904736

Andrew Tate doesn't hate women, he just speaks the truth.

>> No.40904808

This retard's really backing a guy that got arrested for sex trafficking minors? I don't know what it takes to cancel a VTuber but you'd really think this'd be enough.

None of you are seriously on that guy's side, right? You'd be defending pedophilia.

>> No.40904850


>> No.40904869

>no one 4chan is a pedophile right?
you almost got me, but no one is that retarded. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.40904921
File: 35 KB, 700x509, 1673616446184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of you are seriously on that guy's side, right? You'd be defending pedophilia.

>> No.40904972

Embarrassing post

>> No.40904979


>> No.40905034

Great thread Chase, but isn't there a farms thread you should be checking? Some embarassing stuff just got posted there

>> No.40905801

What's with all the Pippa threads

>> No.40905985

Shills from a certain corpo feel threatened because a chuuba who does honest work is chasing up their numbers. Apparently cheap methods such as making bad image of someone has always been their favorite tactics, as expected from cheap shills.

>> No.40906307

Any attention is good attention.

>> No.40906480

Don't agree with any of his garbage but i hate faggots and fujos more

>> No.40906532

Most of it is literally one insane anti. Like actually insane, not ha ha schizo.

>> No.40906543

Trannys seem to hate him so he has to be doing something right.

>> No.40907061

If Tate sex trafficked her she would thank him

>> No.40907096


>> No.40907353

Trannycord cope THOUGH

>> No.40907912 [DELETED] 

Her boyfriend is a transexual tho. Anyone who watches her because she is "based" is getting swindled. Same thing with Tate, now that I think about it.

>> No.40908351

And yet, all you trannies are in shambles constantly. Interesting

>> No.40908617

so she's going to save her and treat her like a queen then just like what Tate will do right? she actually has a brain and understands him and not believe the trannyfeminist take on him right? shes based right?

>> No.40910036

I hate the guy, but he's obviously into a situation he didn't realize he was in and is going to be scapegoated. He doesn't have the connections to do what he is accused of. That is organized crime and he's some dumbass from the internet.

>> No.40911482

You are literally paying trannies condoms.

>> No.40911667

I don’t think pippa is operating on the full info

It came out like the day of her stream just what Tate did. He would tell vulnerable women that he wanted to marry them or had work for them and when they got there he would take their passports and then lie about the tax and revenue and give them 30 and keep 70 percent.

He even admitted to operating as a pimp and threatened violence against them. Tate is a sucker who even self snitched on himself


>> No.40911689

can't stand er voice desu

>> No.40912453

Nah, there's videos of him talking about what he did. Once someone on /pol/ posted an old ass video of him (he had hair in it) talking about the stuff he is accused of. I'm only surprised it didn't happen sooner. There's a lot of people out there who admit really fucked up stuff on camera and nothing happens to them until one day someone sees it and goes , "wow that's pretty fucked up", similar to Bobby Lee for example, who's admitted to some fucked up shit but no one seems to notice.

>> No.40912532

>want to impregnate marine but can't because she was 17 over a decade ago

>> No.40912911
File: 38 KB, 589x452, FmJp2iLWIAA0TVs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actual Andrew Tate fans here
Don't you kids have school?

>> No.40912963

her voice is annoying, she has a bf and is probably just lying to get on the good site of /pol/
but she makes twitter roasties eethe so i support her behavior (not with money tho since I'm not a cuck)

>> No.40913149

Wasn't chase saying Pippa runs a grooming doxxing ring seems more credible now since she supports a pedo groomer sex trafficker

>> No.40913274

The funniest part is he got arrested because there was a local Romanian pizza box in a selfie he posted on twitter lmao

>> No.40913366

Pippa The socially awkward rabbit who rarely leaves her home due to crippling anxiety and fear of social interaction is running a grooming ring which requires manipulating people.

The fuck.

>> No.40913426
File: 755 KB, 786x746, 101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is your oshi's idea of a masculine alpha male
Embarassing. At least you might have a chance with her, veetee

>> No.40913502

Who the hell are you talking about?

>> No.40913766
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the guy that tells dudes how to get pussy then gets arrested for human trafficking?
Like nigga the point is you get and pulling pussy so you don't have to pay for it. It's like parking way pay for it if you apply yourself you can get it for free.

>> No.40913900
File: 112 KB, 540x540, 1671844374773517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's running the ring and grooms herself

>> No.40914442

More likely she got groomed

>> No.40914687

yeah by me

>> No.40914718

Everyone at this point knows about the furry who groomed her lmao

>> No.40915292

She's old and ugly who would want to groom her

>> No.40915307

Is that why she hates furrys? Pls explain

>> No.40915537

She is a furry kek

>> No.40915625

Romanian slags start prostituting themselves at age 12. The fact that they got trafficked surprises absolutely no one in Romania. It's only Western virtue signalers who care.

>> No.40915747

No vtuber shills herself harder on /vt/ than Pippa does. I'm genuinely convinced she posts at least half of the threads about herself. I know you're reading this, Pippa. We know it's you.

>> No.40915929

Shes a kiwinigger i dont get why you're surprised

>> No.40915955

source? or were you using the crack pipe again?

>> No.40916111

You guys keep this up and pippa is going to end up like terry

>> No.40916172

>She's old and ugly who would want to groom her
She allegedly has a receding hairline.

>> No.40916622

>girl agreeing with Andrew Tate is just unusual
motherfucker he's a literal human sex trafficker

>> No.40916698

Pickme shit is just cope women who men dont want use.

>> No.40916820 [DELETED] 

So who is this? boyfriend? or the tranny groomer?


>> No.40917084


>> No.40917203


>> No.40918859

i dont care about that trafficking shit, but he was more british than yankee and as a fighter was a massive loser, idk why some faggots idolize him so much.

t.rel pippa is just typical pickme, she will use anything to get attention.

>> No.40920755

Anyone ever thought of sharing this whole Joel thing with Khyo and False? Getting this out more into the mainstream seems like it could be a lot of fun.

>> No.40921346
File: 140 KB, 675x900, 1640492168774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40921358


>> No.40921409 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming threads about your fake pink bitch, Henri.



>> No.40921660 [DELETED] 

Now that I listen closer to those clips, that sounds more like a weird cross between Pippa and Shondo rather than Pippa herself.

>> No.40921910

It's a joke you oversensitive retards.

>> No.40922088

no anon, everything online is real

>> No.40922214

idc about the trafficking this Tate nigger talks shit of all anime watchers and vtubers by association, what is the furry rabbit and her fish tardwrangler even thinking

>> No.40922290

FPBP, this shit is cringe because it's so calculated and retards just fall for it.

>> No.40922483


>> No.40922659

They just went her to be deplatformed so she can go out trump style rather than forced to graduate because of being cancelled

>> No.40922723


>> No.40922737 [DELETED] 


>> No.40922749

>i hope she finds the abusive boyfriend of her dreams
he does't know

>> No.40922796 [DELETED] 


>> No.40922799

Enlightened us.

>> No.40924188

>Capipippatalists are also Tate fanboys
Hahaha can't make this shit up

>> No.40924243

>sex trafficking is based Hail Top G Hail Our People Hail Victory
Pippafags are worse than AF stans lmao

>> No.40924284

Pippafags are basically reactionary /pol/kids so if their based black man says something they must immediately defend it.

>> No.40924354

Just because Cover doesn't endorse Andrew Tate the sex trafficking grifter doesn't mean it feels threatened you mongoloid.

>> No.40924420

Third worlders and zoomers don't know any better though. Andrew Tate literally ripped people off with his scam program and is now wanted in Romania for human trafficking.

>> No.40924482

That doesn't make it OK or le based retard

>> No.40924630

I think all the sisters fpbping "pick me" are from another corpo who regularly get beaten by Pippa view numbers.

>> No.40924697

>/pcg/ is now /#/ 2.0
No surprise here considering their low iq

>> No.40925005

My oshi is Pekora though. Why cope?

>> No.40925125

You literally can not

>> No.40925199

Because /vt/ virgins are his target audience.

Tate preys of men who want to improve themselves and who don’t know how.

Everyone here should hate him

>> No.40925233

The jannies are letting all these Pippa threads up even they know it's time for her to be filtered

>> No.40925851

It's a joke.

>> No.40925893

men don't use the term "pickme". Whenever you see that term , you can be certain that there's a roast beef sandwich on the other side of the screen.

>> No.40925946

Pink Artia

>> No.40926049

individualism loses again another slave to the system that he rebelled so strongly against

>> No.40926066

She's an edgy cunt.
Like literally that's her character.

>> No.40926086

Most large sex trafficking operations that aren't gang-related are run by women.

>> No.40926500

A vtuber whose content encourages bitching and complaining about things you find annoying, in a scene where fan participation had only involved mindless praise and endless positivity even if you’re just feeling meh.
That’s not me badmouthing Pippa, I like her content. What I mean is that if you watch the big corpos, your only real options are mostly to say positive things or to keep quiet, while Pippa provides an outlet for the fact that…sometimes you just feel like venting about stupid shit on the internet.

>> No.40926740

She will be on cozy.tv before the end of the year lol

>> No.40927811 [DELETED] 

When were those clips taken and whom from?Kinda sounds like her. Who is that, her bf, fiance or husband? What his job? Electronics repairman?

>> No.40928000

Jesus Christ you people have issues.

>> No.40928961 [DELETED] 

Cunny inspector

>> No.40928998

Its over Pippa you can never show your face here again. I'm sure reddit will be more kind

>> No.40929127

Why are you like this?

>> No.40929466

Are you actually Pippa if so just say so admitting you are finished may lighten the judgement of the board

>> No.40929585

Just answer the question. Why are you like this?

>> No.40929621
File: 241 KB, 420x420, 1673612236204526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i understand andrew tate now
jesus fucking christ, just when I was starting to warm up to her

>> No.40929659

Pippa confirmed /here/. How much will the only fans be

>> No.40929857

>what the fuck is a joke

>> No.40929936

>what the fuck is a shit joke

>> No.40929941

Hehehe hey guys isn't rape funny. It's funny r-right based bros?

>> No.40930006

And? I joke is still a joke. Regardless if it’s funny or not.

>> No.40930013 [DELETED] 

We know why Chase is like this, because if he wasn't seething and trying to get a hate mob on Pippa or drag her name through the mud, he'd be grooming minors in his discord or probably even bullying/stalking smaller indies.
He's also mad that his anti-pippa gayops got him doxxed and featured on the news page of the dairy enthusiast website.
If you're interested there's a farms thread on Chase, under the subboard Animal Control.

>> No.40930047 [DELETED] 

It's her RM, the guy is her boyfriend but I think they got married.

>> No.40930081 [DELETED] 

Mods the doxxing kiwis are back

>> No.40930132

what even makes you think I thought her thumbnail was mega fucking cringe because I thought she was being serious and not simply because it was a shit joke?

>> No.40930306 [DELETED] 

You're making three threads on pippa at a time you double catalognigger.
How badly did they beat you in prison?

>> No.40930332

His only good opinion is that on abortion. If you wanna kill the baby that's your choice and I wont stop you, just stop trying to justify that's your own body when your own isn't the one being terminated. Other than that he's always been compensating for something.

>> No.40930773

It says a lot that you thought she could be serious.

>> No.40930806

>the amount of people here that take a joke seriously just because they hate someone
This isn’t even funny anymore… this is actually subhuman levels of pathetic…

>> No.40930941

Cope and seethe Pippa

>> No.40931064

I get that you’re fucking around, but there are actually people desperate to find reasons to be mad. It’s pathetic.

>> No.40931230

Pippa fuck off this board. I can tell you're a woman by your syntax and tone. You were out maneuvered and not political enough plus you definitely should've lurked MOAR

>> No.40931276

I explicitly just told you I knew she was joking you massive fucking retard, it's pippa

>> No.40931702

Then why are you upset?

>> No.40931885

because shit fucking jokes clearly made to fit in make me angry

>> No.40932020

>made to fit in

>> No.40932240


>> No.40932254

Are you accusing Pippa of being a child-sex trafficker, since she is a woman?

>> No.40932384

YWNBAW, go eat the basedburger

>> No.40932389

her jokes "pander" to people who don't get pissy about jokes
the only such people are us, apparently

>> No.40932402

It's a joke.

>> No.40932428

>Most are run by woman
Yeah even if this is true, how the fuck is this an argument against Andrew Tate being a human sex trafficker, oh wait it is not...

>> No.40932448

So true, sister. How did your estrogen treatments go today, sis?

>> No.40932581

>Tate fanboys raiding the thread
Shouldn't you be wasting your goybucks on Hustler's University

>> No.40932739

I thought y’all twittertroon Top G haters were against antisemitism, you should kneel to Saint Floyd for that.

>> No.40932928

pippa might be the one to cure spic Fuentes of his homosexuality

>> No.40933048

Anon this may come as a shock, but Pippa was not always old...

>> No.40933137
File: 178 KB, 433x462, 1664717320784244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Agreeing with Andrew Tate
She literally made a stream ripping on him you retard! I barely even watch Pippa and I know that

>> No.40933170


Yasssss go off sister!!!!!!!! I also love estrogen!!!

>> No.40933341

Calling andrew tate a sex trafficer is like calling someone a criminal for stealing a pack of gum. It is technically correct.

>> No.40933396

I pick them

>> No.40933515

>Being part of sex trafficking is the same as stealing a pack of gum

>> No.40933660

2 of his "victims" actually came forward to defend him and the woman that you femoids claimed he beat said twice that it was just consensual roleplay, when will you roasties stop seething over men not bending over backwards for yall?

>> No.40933798

Weirdly same happened on the Holo reddit. Then Pippa had a butthurt rant that it is mean when people on reddit bring up the shitty things she has done. Weirdly didn't mention what she did by name, can't have her new bff Mori knowing she joked about Kiara getting raped.

>> No.40933985

do you have a link or screenshot?

>> No.40934415

Funnily no, cause the posted ended up deleted by reddit admin somehow. But here is the clip of her awkwardly dancing around why people were shitting on her, and how it shouldn't count any more cause she vaguely admits to saying dumb stuff

>> No.40934539

>it was deleted

>> No.40934775

This really only proves the point

>> No.40935784

so true sister!!!!!! we should stop being chuds and start kneeling to george floyd and other trans black women!!!

>> No.40936500

Open wide

>> No.40941310


>> No.40944659


>> No.40944760

reddit ass image

>> No.40945533

Are you autistic?

>> No.40945896

Being a pickme aka being entertaining is bad because ... *crickets*

>> No.40946277

They know it’s a joke, they’re just faggots looking for a reason to get mad.

>> No.40947301

nice gotcha

>> No.40947606

I can't stand Pippa but holy shit does she make leftist angry. Good on her.

>> No.40947691


>> No.40948250

How do you broken autists no see the most obvious joke thumbnail when you look at the OP?
Are you human?

>> No.40948304

Because most people can't even see the obvious joke.

>> No.40948868

Pippa went from openly making fun of Nyanners and Kiara to being a massive suck up for them.

>> No.40950930

She really is Nyanners 2.0. What a massive hypocrite.

>> No.40951252

When did this happen?

I get criticism… but really nigga? She hasn’t thrown her audience under the buss. Stop being dramatic.

>> No.40951812

I find that cute.
Go! Pippa Go!

>> No.40952627

do you think shes reading this thread right now?
I remember from last stream she doesnt like reading negative stuff about her.. but maybe her mom will again

>captcha 0W0N0

>> No.40952771

His views on women are based

The entire hustler mentality is cringe as hell as though, just ties in the whole thing where being a bigger consoomer means that you have a better personality

>> No.40953166

She did throw her favorite fan under the bus

>> No.40954756

Pippa is a cutie

>> No.40956085

What went right? More like WHAT WENT WRONG!

>> No.40956203


>> No.40956280


>> No.40956346

What does Mori think about this?

>> No.40957685

This is STILL up after 16 hours? Damn.

>> No.40962072


>> No.40962219

I’m tired of hearing about pink rabbit and I’m tired of hearing about this bald cuck

>> No.40965622


>> No.40965783

>last few replies
trooncord has entered the thread

>> No.40966786

