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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 212 KB, 1080x1105, Screenshot_20230111-005144_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40728253 No.40728253 [Reply] [Original]

>Nijis talk about cock and their sex life.
>Mika: "It's the clippers."
Is that really true?

>> No.40728524

clippers wouldn't have anything to clip if they didn't talk about it is she retarded?

>> No.40728629

Maybe clippers blow the stuff out if proportion.

>> No.40728662
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>> No.40728743

They’re all coomers and have schoolchildren humor at Niji. It’s on brand for them.

>> No.40728746

She's Indonesian, what do you think?

>> No.40728758

If you're asking for the rrat, basically, Mika blames clippers for the lack of interesting clips when the Nijis are the ones with a lack of clippable moments.

>> No.40728769

Yeah honestly everytime I see a nijiEN clip on social media it's 90% of the time about something sexual

>> No.40728793

clippers exaggerate the titles but i specifically remember her talking about things like her friends balls, cutting her nails to finer herself easier, and oversized dildos. So really it is her fault.

>> No.40728813

But that's all of the streams, there is just nothing interesting to clip instead.

>> No.40728837

I don't watch them but I find that hard to believe. Don't they collab all the fucking time? Surely they regularly do things the fans are interested in during those collabs.

>> No.40728867

Like bro, it's not even hard to not talk about sexual stuff, like every now and then is fine but don't make it your brand.

>> No.40728883

There are dozens of female vtubers among the ID big corpos, and she's the only one who talk about sex stuff.
And she happen to talk fluently in English and she's basically more American than Indonesian.
wdyt? which culture is more retarded?

>> No.40728913

No, it would be fine even if it was all sexual stuff, but they only say the most boring lame sexual takes anyways.

>> No.40728943

Lmao it's also because the clippers don't find Nijis entertaining. That's why they can only clip the parts where they can get views.

>> No.40728979

Literally nyanners tier

>> No.40729067

Collabs feel frequent cuz theres a lot of Niji members but, that's besides the point, it feels like they crack out these sexual jokes a lot when collabing, but overall, the sex joke train has no breaks in Niji.

>> No.40729120

doesnt this get boring?

>> No.40729122

Lol this is the same nonsense vshojo whores were complaining about.

Just yesterday NijiEN had a 15 person tournament playing the cum penis and vagina dice game. They lack self awareness if they think this isn't their brand. Mr Coom himself tweets about cumming, cock and balls daily

>> No.40729153

Yeah, maybe that is the problem now that I think about it. You might have a point.

>> No.40729236

Hoshikawa already told clippers that she's had enough and she will be copyright striking all clips from now on. Mika isn't the first Niji who's had problems with clippers mischaracterizing and misleading people about her.

>> No.40729365
File: 36 KB, 574x428, 20221102_084938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 person tournament playing cum penis and vagina dice game.
Thank the stars and every God there is I missed that shit.

>> No.40729397

Did that have any effect on her? I've always wondered how good clips actually are as advertising.

>> No.40729821


>> No.40730018

is nobody gonna refill his drink... how can he enjoy his little snack without a drink....

>> No.40730339

not like they have streams to watch lol

>> No.40730364
File: 30 KB, 1247x168, 1417036e8e822c88ecc3b564fa9fca01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see a wide variety on that clippers channel though. They will just get less views than ones with bait titles, just like this board.

>> No.40730536
File: 2.30 MB, 2126x2719, 97288987_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot is just dense.
If 2 girls look at each other they want to fuck.

>> No.40730639
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>> No.40730731
File: 213 KB, 850x1032, hamshou marin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be vagina haver
>talk about sexy sex and all the sex you want to have right now with dozens of men (not the viewer though)
>get mad when people think you're a fucking whore whose diet consists of semen

>> No.40730801

>The heavily American-influenced Indos are the biggest whores
Ollie, too. Hate that bitch

>> No.40730832

no noticeable effect of VODs and CCV, Ars did the same and she's also stable. it's also worth mentioning hskw releases clips and shorts of her moments in her own channel so there's that.

>> No.40730856

It is. I remember some smaller vtubers changing their avatars to slutty coomerbait saying it was to get more clips to help grow their channel. It's quite sad.

>> No.40730859

It wouldn't be as prevalent if niji chuubas could keep the cock out of their mouths

>> No.40730858

Reminder that Mika is a massive fucking whore, even more of a whore than Aia.

>> No.40731385

Kind of what I expected. Reaction channels are no good at herding traffic, guess clips wouldn't be either

>> No.40731465

That's not what the clip is about. Mika is fine with her clippers/clipbaits she knows her random talks is good content. She doesn't find funny/interesting clips of her niji friends that's her problem. tbf i haven't seen a Mika clip going crazy about fashion, mostly it's below waist line humor or roomie. I wouldn't have started watching Mika without her clips being posted here so often.

>> No.40731628

You mean the girl with a literal slut design?
It's simple. You don't want to be clipped acting like a whore? Then stop acting like a whore.

>> No.40731675

Reine is fine

>> No.40731972

Is she talking about NijiID or NijiEN? Because this is genuinely half if not 3/4s of NijiEN's brand at this point and that's not an exaggeration if you go on Twitter or even watch of their streams.
NijiID though I really don't think really fits that at all.

>> No.40732062

Mika is essentially a NijiEN just like Shoto

>> No.40733106

Too brown to become American. But, too white to become Indonesian.

>> No.40733301

>i dont find it entertaining
Then quit interacting with it bitch

>> No.40734516
File: 86 KB, 1080x252, kinda bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40735246

>too brown to become American

>> No.40735289

All clipniggers should hang just on principle

>> No.40736504

Its completely false

>> No.40736635

Wow, Anon, you're so good at taking things out of context, you'd think you were a clip channel. Here, you forgot to include the actual clip in question: https://youtu.be/oNmeZrJ-1TY

>> No.40736995

. .how ppl don't find it awkward? cum this cum that. wow

>> No.40738243

That's just NijiEN's culture.

>> No.40743643

>Is that really true?

>> No.40743968

You heard her clipperfag, do a better job and clips more funny moment chop chop.

>> No.40746539

>she retarded?

>> No.40746775

Haha he said cum, what a goofball

>> No.40748182

>Twitch vtubers: I wish more people would clip me talking about how much of a whore I am sadface
>Youtube vtubers: I wish less people would clip me talking about how much of a whore I am sadface
What caused this?

>> No.40748311


>> No.40748594

Twitch is dominated by hot tub sluts, youtube is dominated by hololive.

>> No.40748756

>youtube is dominated by hololive.
Good joke. Hololive doesn't compare to fleshtubers on youtube.

>> No.40748824

>is she retarded?

>> No.40748833

like whom?

>> No.40749078

like uhhhhhhhhhhh
that 1 gamergirl valksomething? Oh wait nevermind pekora shits on her every single year since debut

>> No.40749172

>Talks about pussy and dicks on stream to get viewers
>Collab with males all the time and have conversations about dicks and sex
>Being called a whore

She's surely retarded

>> No.40749437
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, image-2542ebda3244f322fe0bec813e63759d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora isn't even top 3 rumao

>> No.40749501

where are the female streamers sis?

>> No.40749507

damn you sure "owned" me anon

>> No.40749580
File: 95 KB, 945x526, 1611934021229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original post wasn't about females specifically, just who's the most popular on youtube. Nice try though.

>> No.40749599

Anon. Are you retarded?

>> No.40749609

>thread about a female vtuber
>post about whores on twitch and youtube (clearly females)
You seem obsessed

>> No.40749641

>numberfag can't read
Every time.

>> No.40749644

I think linking shit that proves the dude your quoting right maybe isn't the win you think it is.

>> No.40749683

are you retarded? >>40748182 is about slutty vs seiso. obviously it's talking about female streamers competing with each other.

>> No.40749723

>men can't be slutty
Must not know about Vox...

>> No.40749799

no i don't know about homos, faggot.

>> No.40749901

What a faggot, it's Noel herself that made and let her friends make comments about her cow bit tits all the fucking time, it's part of what Noel is. Other thing is that EN members are on her own world where they don't know a fuck about JP members. I'm sure the same Noel would have laughed or made a joke hearing Mumei saying something about her boobs

>> No.40749913

You should go back to school. You are too dumb and should not be posting here

>> No.40749991

noel's fat heaving milky tits are cute.

>> No.40750258

99% of clippers are low effort clippers. They don't even make a single cut throughout the clip. They are basically reciting what you said on stream.

>> No.40750305
File: 768 KB, 662x812, smug retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so retarded you not only prove the original point of "hololive cant compare to fleshtubers" wrong but also showing the other unintentional point of hololive btfoing female fleshtubers on youtube

>> No.40750349

None of you watch the streams so this thread is moot

>> No.40750455

I also like Tim alot more than the Dr. I like the Dr complains alot more and is bitter alot more compared to when he was on twitch.

>> No.40750482

There are 3 fleshtubers above the only hololive on there. Hell, hololive can't even compare to Nijisanji. Kinda sad really.

>> No.40750789

>doubling down on your retardation
learn to read you inbred fuck.

>> No.40751003

Maybe you should. The chart goes from left to right btw. Probably why you aren't getting it.

>> No.40751256

the chart is irrelevant to the point that whores compete with each other you braindead motherfucker. biggest youtube whores (hololive) larp as pure. biggest twitch whores go full slut. hence the difference in vtuber attitudes. now go back to eating lead paint or whatever.

>> No.40751727

Maybe try being seiso for a whole week or two? Then clippers might have to clip some non-loewd stuff.

>> No.40751826

Man Mika is such a vapid idiot.
Literally the Finana of ID.

>> No.40751959

>5 hour zatsudan
>Make a brief dick joke once
>That's the moment that gets clipped
She's right

>> No.40751994

Has she tried getting a personality that would make her interesting in those 5 hours?

>> No.40752165

Stop presenting clipleeches with low hanging fruit for them to pick then you stupid fucking whores

>> No.40752193

My girl's relevant enough to be used for shitty baitposting, so proud of her

>> No.40752285

You don't watch streams so how would you know what her personality is?

>> No.40754377

I'm getting all I need from the OP

>> No.40755280

Only retards would waste their time to watch that bitch

>> No.40758789

>Is that really true?
Its always true

>> No.40759005

As much as I don't like Mika's humour, she's unironically right. Clippers are the worst subhuman trash who feed on coomer content and milk even the most mundane, flaccid comment, and try to make it seem lewd.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of Niji EN don't help matters, considering some actively feed into it, but Mika is absolutely right here that many clippers both fabricate and feed on this content.
Or maybe she's not right. I have no idea what she actually said, and I'm sure neither do most of us here.

>> No.40759132

He's just shitposting
Cumposting to be more accurate

>> No.40759553
File: 1.80 MB, 1298x812, (8)_MofuMofu_Subs_-_YouTube_—.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clippers are the worst subhuman trash who feed on coomer content and milk even the most mundane, flaccid comment, and try to make it seem lewd.
that just means it's what the viewers want to see

>> No.40763653


>> No.40763692


>> No.40763935

uhuh Beavis uhuhuh he said "cum" uhuhuhuh

>> No.40764692

> a lot of Niji EN don't help matters
case closed

>> No.40769922

I don't believe it

>> No.40770489

I'm an unironic holobrony and even I can admit that you can clearly tell which clips get the most views. Sexual shit is rampant because that's what gets people clicking the thumbnail. People in this thread acting as if they havent seen ten million clips in recommended with a hologirl edited with heavy blush and a title like "THEY SAID WHAT ABOUT THEIR...???"

>> No.40770918

peak /here/ posting

>> No.40772301

that's because she's a dyke.

>> No.40772952

I havent seen as many clips like that recently.

>> No.40775992

It was never true

>> No.40779353

except that it's not, that's algorithm forcing their shits at you

>> No.40779570

this comment is like weirdly more pathetic in a way thats hard to describe

>> No.40780982

it recommends shit that people watch
even high-effort clips benefit by putting garbage clickbait in the thumbnail and title

>> No.40781883

Anon, if it wasn't for baiting the algorithm, clipfags won't have to use literal shit in their desc

>> No.40782524

The algorithm is based off of audience clicks and audience retention. Theres no mythical software algorithm forcing random people to watch videos.

>> No.40782629

Say congrats to Mika, Enna.
