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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40701256 No.40701256 [Reply] [Original]

If I want to watch a male there are better streamers who aren't vtubers. Vtubing just doesn't appeal to me if it's a male. Sorry if that upsets you.

>> No.40701375

Fleshtubers weirds me out, male or female. Something about ther (forced) reactions. Using an avatar hides that fact.

>> No.40701434
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>> No.40701495

I think the problem with male vtubers not being appealing is that they don't roleplay as much as women do.
If you ever watch a voice actor voice acting in the booth, it's amazing how weird it sounds looking at a real human making that voice because it's not a normal sounding human voice at all. It's a cartoon exagerrated voice.
Vtubers need to start doing that more.

>> No.40701548

What's the bait? It's pretty reasonable.

>> No.40701610

It's incredibly dumb. Vtubers are just streamers. What, would you stop watching your favorite male streamer if he put an anime on the screen?

>> No.40701705
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Like just going off random pictures in my downloads folder. There are very few malevtubers who will put on a character like pic related and actually commit to it.
They always revert back to their irl personality and voice, most likely because they are too shy to roleplay a character.

>> No.40701706

>VTubers are just streamers
That's where you're wrong and you're the reason why this industry is reclining.

>> No.40701726

>A Vtuber is just a streamer with an anime avatar
Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.40701780

Faggot, stop using IRyS for your imaginary war. Just stop being a fucking retard

>> No.40701784
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The butler look is very popular in male vtubers. But how many of them actually do it properly? At most they'll put on a posh voice and a vest, but none of them roleplay like pic related

>> No.40701831

Most of them are 2 views. So they are not gonna improve on the spot. I like to watch vtubers because they are on corpo standards and they are doing their best everyday.

It's just like Pokémon. Who in their damn mind would start it with lv100 Garchomp.

>> No.40701864

Please stop using my oshi for your shit post.
There are plenty of other chubbas from Niji En that you can use for your own shit posting

>> No.40701878


>> No.40701938

Same, just back from watching asmon explaining a submarine can drive using tires, if it large enough to cover the seabed. I kek hard with his explanation.

>> No.40701968

You don't get the appeal of chuubas at all. Go back.

>> No.40701972

No sorry, I'm not happy my support going towards males and I'm not happy that people hate me for wanting nothing to do with it. If you're scared of balut and pagpag eaters being mean to IRyS that's your problem.

>> No.40702012

>someone makes a popular thread that gets hundreds of posts
>OP makes a thread in response to it hoping to get the same amount of attention
>watches sadly as it flops

>> No.40702029

Ohh you are an IRyStocrat, show me your badge in that case. Let's see OP's badge

>> No.40702096


>> No.40702156

Falseflagger everytime

>> No.40702182

He won't be membered to any of the holo girls because he is a niji nigger trying to start the infighting between different groups

>> No.40702237

Kek, the Op is a nijinigger trying to use IRyS for the shit posting

>> No.40702248

Fucking tourists, I swear...

>> No.40702280

I thinl most EN tubers are guilty of willfully ignoring kayfabe, not just the fags.

>> No.40702281

Based and same

>> No.40702320

>watch male Vtuber thinking they are just normal streamer
>They start talking in weird cringy and creepy voice
>Chat full of woman screeching like an idiot
Yeah, they are totally the same as watching Fleshtuber lol

>> No.40702334

We don't need to do anything, you guys will start fighting with yourselves

>> No.40702382

I really question myself what will a Nijinigger be possibly doing in a thread that is about Holo and doesn't have anything closely related to Nijisanji.
Also faggot, your IP didn't go up

>> No.40702402

based and same

>> No.40702472

I never understood why someone thinks I would be interested in male VTubers when I watch the girls. It's like assuming that I would be interested in watching Logan Paul just because he uses the same content platform.

>> No.40702492

>If you are scared your oshi will get antis and people will be rude in her chat well then ughh, it your fault....
Do you Nijizangs seriously hear yourselves before posting things?

>> No.40702558
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That's not what I'm saying. We don't have that problem in Tempus, only Niji allows stupid shit like that. I'm saying if I'm not in the mood for a traditional Vtuber there are more entertaining males out there to watch, so don't hate me for not watching male Vtubers.

>> No.40702664
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copy-pasting random anon's thoughts and making a whole thread out of them as if they were yours is usually sign of insincerity, the premise under which we can safely assume this is merely bait.
>but those are me
I don't believe you

>> No.40702683

If any of the actual Tempus fans are here, then just to let you all know that we don't care about Tempus. Good for them it they get good numbers and we really don't care if they get the "bad numbers".
The only other vtubers besides IRyS we give a shit about are the council girls, some JP girls like Flare, Sora, AZKi, Watame, etc.
We don't talk about Homo's in our threads and lately some faggot has been using IRyS to shit post on your oshis.
There is a reason he fails to provide any proof that the OP is an actual IRyStocrat and just not using her for bait

>> No.40702711

If you watch some of the males because you previously followed his RM it's a reason I can understand. On the other hand, watching males just because they happened to have contracts with the same company as girls from your favorite all-female group doesn't make much sense.

>> No.40702746
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>> No.40702750

This is what people mean by shitpost. It's like the Fauna mommy meme again

>> No.40702859

Pretty sure it's the Enna fag running around and making shit threads

>> No.40703409
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That's why I only watch forsen

>> No.40703422

I dont know anon, it seems to me you are the one who is very upset because of the males on screen.

>> No.40703441
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if it's really you and you claim to be sincere, then that actually just makes it worse. You're still, 6 hours after the initial strike, going around saying "look guys I don't care about your males, in fact I care so little about your males that I'm gonna make an entire thread this time saying how much I don't care in case you missed me saying I don't care", which is a pitiful display.
In whichever scenario, your thread has little to no value whatsoever.

>> No.40703621

No it doesn't it just makes them obnoxiously loud, talk fast, or do that stupid panting shit it's basically even more fake

>> No.40703747

Then don't watch them?
This entire thing seems a self-made persecution.

>> No.40703970

This but female vtubers. I hate females.

>> No.40703973

Yes, I don't care about male vtubers. I'm upset at Cover for taking my money and giving us males no one asked for and for 'fans' who shame you for not watching them.

>> No.40704221
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nothing says secure in your beliefs like making a /vt/ thread seeking validation for them

>> No.40704399

Then what's the point of making these threads on /vt/ where most of the Tempus fans don't give a shit or feel like it was in too bad taste to debut the 2nd half this early? Go complain in youtube comments and reddit not here.

>> No.40704461
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>Either you're baiting and are deliberately sabotaging the catalog
>Or you're not baiting, which I'm afraid is even worse

>> No.40704476

>Tempus fans don't give a shit on /vt/

>> No.40704570


>> No.40704579

There is literally no reason for me to watch a male vtuber because they're the reverse of women vtubers

Male streamers are brosnehohlget carried by charisma, skill or sense of humor
Male vtubers are slurs who can coombait in a way no dude with a face cam would ever allow himself to be seen

Female streamers are sluts doing very basic coombait. Female vtubers can actually show off their quirky personalities women would normally keep hidden behind 900 layers of tee hee I'm actually normal. Female vtubers reminded me women can have personalities

>> No.40704636
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lmao take my upvote

>> No.40704821

I'd rather you give me 10k likes, 5k retweets and a twitlonger like Kronii got.

>> No.40704837
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No it's ok my guy. Everyone has things that don't appeal to them. t. Homowatcher

>> No.40705788

I don't care if you hate Homos. I myself don't watch them and try to avoid them, but using IRyS for your childlike complaints is unacceptable

>> No.40706123


>> No.40706127

>quirky personalities
Any examples?

>> No.40706417

Good luck i guess most flesh stremers aren't appealing to me especially the react once who think there shitty openions matter

>> No.40707158

good lmao

>> No.40707779

>Male streamers are brosnehohlget carried by charisma, skill or sense of humor
>Female vtubers can actually show off their quirky personalities women would normally keep hidden behind 900 layers of tee hee I'm actually normal. Female vtubers reminded me women can have personalities

>Male vtubers are slurs who can coombait in a way no dude with a face cam would ever allow himself to be seen
>Female streamers are sluts doing very basic coombait.

Rather contradictionary.

>> No.40710861
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>> No.40711244

>t. can't read

>> No.40711422

No, it doesn't upset me. But why does it upset you that males exist and I find them more entertaining?

>> No.40711517

SovietWomble and TomatoGaming are the only male streamers you need if you like variety, they don't even facecam because the talking and humor carries it. Only Vesper could get me to open his streams very occassionally because of the games he played.
Also while girl VTubers are usually sexy/cute, this applies to all of them looks wise, so they need to have another talent to be entertaining - Women fleshtreamers just tend to be hot thots with no talent

>> No.40711738

The only males I have ever watched are Artosis and Paul Harrell.

>> No.40713203

He's the melocofag now. He dumped Enna after she cucked him.

>> No.40714338

Vesper is the best of the entire bunch but from what I have watched of him he is exactly like this anon describes >>40701495 zero kayfabe, just a streamer with an anime avatar, a pretty likeable interesting person sure but compare him to any of the JP holos or the EN's that lean more into their characters and he is severely lacking.

>> No.40715160

Did you really feel compelled enough to make an entire post like this after you literally said the same thing in 5 other threads? A thread died bc of your retarded ass good job.

>> No.40716789


>> No.40718415

streaming with an anime avatar is inherently a ittle cringy, the girls are cute which counteracts that fact, but the guys are not cute unless you're a woman or gay, so it just ends up being sort of cringy to most of us

>> No.40718464

>there are better streamers who aren't vtubers
Fuck off, normalscum.

>> No.40718495

Why does /vt/ make bait threads with stuff about 99% of this schizophrenic board agrees with?

>> No.40718524

as a unicorn holofan that just isn't true.. this guy pretty much hit the nail on the head, we're for the cute anime girls, emphasis on *cute and *girls...

>> No.40718605

I cant stand that creepy little clique that the big streamers have

>> No.40723856

If they're not streamers, then WTF are they?

>> No.40724028

They're more than JUST streamers.
They weren't even streamers in the beginning.
They were actors playing fictional personas online.

>> No.40724651

why do people on Twitter “retweet” things they like like some schizo echo chamber? same shit different opinions. Internet denizens never graduated high school

>> No.40724718

Literally no one asked

>> No.40724799

I asked

>> No.40725067

i did too

>> No.40725116

I asked, as well.

>> No.40725255

I don't give a shit if it doesn't appeal to you. Sorry if that upsets you.

>> No.40727254

Is this what you call not giving a shit?

>> No.40727505

See >>40702664 >>40703441

>> No.40727766

See >>40727254

>> No.40728445

I don't really watch male vtubers either but I genuinely don't care if one of them is there. It's unbelievably lame to be a unicorn about it

>> No.40732081

>Sorry if that upsets you.
Does that make other people upset?

>> No.40736748

thats totally fine

>> No.40737124

Yes unfortunately.

>> No.40737206


Brainbroken twittranoids are simply not capable of contending with this simple fact without going into conniption fits.

>> No.40737277

Watch what you like, anon. As long as we you're not being an anti it's fine.

>> No.40737872


>> No.40738340

Girls are cute, boys are not, simple as

>> No.40742838
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You need correction.

>> No.40743389
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holy mother of based

>> No.40745411

And hibrid between a streamer and an actor. Remove the actor part and you loose all the point and are just a creep hiding behind an avatar. You can't have to be full 100% playing character, but you need to do more than just call your fanbase by the fanbase name; start and end your stream with a catchphrase. You have to judiciously use your lore and style to make randoms connection, you need to have improvising skills higher than the average streamer.

>> No.40747893

>even more fake
Perhaps this helps escape some sort of social uncanny valley ... behind a model, one cannot expect to be taken too seriously.

>> No.40750345

Agreed, but I'd argue it ends up helping girls more than boys, because males have usually fewer problems at acting like clowns for the entertainment of others.
Which sums up why female vtubers are generally more successful: because they fill an actual niche with actual demand, while on the male side the demand is vastly satisfied by flesh streamers already.
I mean, look at Jerma. He's arguably a better vtuber with a better kayfabe than any other actual male (or female) vtubers, he just lacks an avatar. On the other hand, where the fuck do you even begin to look to find a flesh Pekora, a flesh Korone or a flesh Miko?

>> No.40752382

thanks IRyS

>> No.40752708

As a Tempus fan we just wish you guys didn’t astroturf the catalog with gender wars shit constantly.
I don’t feel like watching HoloEN girls, if I’d watch EN I’d choose someone like Pomu or Selen.
Where’s EN3? Don’t ask me man, go email Cover or something.

The mixed gender collabs are cringe as fuck.
I don’t want to see Kronii/Mori/Bae in my guys streams man.

>> No.40754186

nice try, falseflag faggot
kronii and bae collabs were kino
mori was just okay though

>> No.40754376

>Vtubers are just streamers
You don't understand vtubing and shouldn't be watching vtubers at all.

>> No.40754477

Please stop shitposting with my oshi

>> No.40757686

Says the vtuber watcher when they have literal companies and refuse or are unable to collaborate outside of them.
