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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 474 KB, 1080x1576, IMG_20230110_030234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40700777 No.40700777 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened? Isn't she an artist? Why did she sided with AI shitters?

>> No.40700850

She probably just didn't notice the tag, dramanigger.

>> No.40700896

Hell, even tagging it as AI art is at least being honest about it

>> No.40700940

made for big AI

>> No.40700965

jesus who cares, aifags and butthurt artists are both annoying. your seething won't change their opinion so just ignore it and focus on your own shit.

>> No.40701006

Fucking based

>> No.40701032

Mumei likes sexy girls nothing wrong with that.

>> No.40701046
File: 462 KB, 512x768, 1665811161045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute shuba and the hands aren't that mangled tbqh

>> No.40701106

Is it 100% art or is it touched up a little? Those hands look passable.

>> No.40701109

cope and seethe, the way of civilization is not paved by luddite tree huggers

>> No.40701144

Forklifts can lift more than me.
Cancel forklifts. Ignore all forklifts. People should only lift things with their muscles.

>> No.40701167

I will make mumei into an AI

>> No.40701184


>> No.40701292

I have seen some people feed their own art into an AI to mess around with, this might be such a case. I even saw one guy who had fucked up his hand and had to rest it feed his own shit into an AI to help design characters. If you aren't stealing it's fine.

>> No.40701355
File: 158 KB, 351x353, 1663643259990058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't she an artist
She's also cultured and has great taste.

>> No.40701413

Honestly this is how I see AI art being utilized in the future, as a tool to make an artist's job easier.

>> No.40702649
File: 73 KB, 640x640, samples are cheating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of musicians are finding the AI-art "controversy" hilarious.

>> No.40704255

> artistfag
> drama nigger
I hope you kys soon

>> No.40704892

Based Mooms. Artists are always so whiny and annoying.

>> No.40705467


>> No.40705547

It's interesting to see that even some musicians are just simple retards

>> No.40705758

It's a pretty good parody of what happens in art. Every time a new tool makes art easier to create old artists throw an elitism fit until it's mainstream and the next one is being complained about. If the argument was being applied consistenly, everyone should paint on cave walls with their fingers and paint they made themselves.
What counts as "real art" is arbitrary, so claims about how this new innovation is too different compared to all the previous ones don't matter. Art is defined by society as a whole, not a few self-interested creators.

>> No.40705822

Based, AI Art is still Art

>> No.40705941

based, get dabbed on artists

>> No.40706327

Wait until AI that songs better then them is made it will just have to use auto tune anyways

>> No.40706571

Not really. A lot of "cheating" simply has to do with a perceived lack of craft that doesn't appear to show up anywhere else.

>> No.40706668
File: 516 KB, 512x768, 1668797060697126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at little no draw jr, gonna cry?

>> No.40706745

if you want serious answer
>Subaru liked the art first
>Mumei saw it in the timeline
>She liked it

who's the wrong here?

>> No.40706748

like some nostalgyfags "in my time you had to put all the band and make them play the same music again and again until you had a good enough take"
fuck it. let everyone record in their own homes, cut everything down in a DAW instead of doing all this bullshit that wastes time.
or even use plugins to generate placeholder harmonies on pre-production phase. nobody gets hurt by doing it instead wasting a shitload ton of time and money to finally see that the way they were going was bad.

but artist always have to do way more drama on everything that happens near them.

>> No.40706795

the op complaining, of course

>> No.40706840

Because only talentless hacks are mad about ai art.

>> No.40707194

why don't artists just learn to code

>> No.40707329
File: 574 KB, 768x512, western comics (style), {{{bald}}}, {{nanashi mumei, hololive}}, inauguration, p s-4188205051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope. seethe. dilate.
she's retarded and didn't notice the AI saladfingers

>> No.40707510
File: 421 KB, 649x685, 1639190285611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if an ai slapping together radom fragments of art is better than you, maybe you suck at art
maybe you're just doing the exact same thing, but calling it "inspired by" or "in the style of" when you copy how other artists draw stuff
how about coming up with something original?
no computer program or ai can ever come up with something truly new; machine learning algorithms must train off of and use what already exists
either learn to code or learn to make something new, i refuse to do anything but laugh at your whining

>> No.40707690

>Absolute nobodies that arent involved ,affected or knowledgeable on the situations have a snarky opinion on it
Awesome! Keep it to yourself!

>> No.40708174
File: 459 KB, 512x768, nanashi mumei, pre-school, somewhat smug, sniffing glue, loli, younger, streaked s-4147081673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u heff to be mad?

>> No.40708434

who cares? it is still generated from "real" ""art""

>> No.40708489


>> No.40708517

Here, have an AI that makes 24/7 djent. Some of it is actually pretty goddamn good.


>> No.40708537

Why the fuck does that picture have aliasing

>> No.40708545

anti ai fags just cause me to boot up my rig and start making more out of spite

>> No.40708643

>google.com/top ten prompts to make your useless tool useful
I made this :)

>> No.40708937

Well they weren’t having much fun just being retarded so they had to combine it with blind rage to feel any satisfaction. Sad!

>> No.40709129

Yeah and it look better than your shitty art that probaly took you hours to complete.
Seethe more lol

>> No.40709178

being in Hololive and hating on AI art means they should be hating on MMD dancing too

>> No.40709196

This is the level of understanding they have of AI.

>> No.40709213

ok and?
I acknowledge that your shitty tool can create shitty art with easily fixed errors*

>> No.40709255

how is this wrong?

>> No.40709305
File: 119 KB, 1980x1080, Mumei smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just find an AI that's specialized in creating just hands.

>> No.40709357

what did you just say? you actually don't share that abomination with messed up appendages with boobs?
oh my god boobs
boobs makes art good
omg boobs

>> No.40709390

It's true, and it's stolen art styles too, not even random or "created" by machines.

>> No.40709419

>shitty art
There are tons of Twitter accounts that only post AI art and got more than 20k likes. Yours probably get like 10 likes at best lol.
To normal people AI art is still art.
Keep coping

>> No.40709428

Ai is whats next for art, and is going to become the mainstream, deal with it

>> No.40709461

>muh ratio lol xd!

>> No.40709492

See you at McDonald

>> No.40709550

Run it without being connected to the internet dumbass.
>but it stored every image ever in a more compact format than anyone else did I'm sure

>> No.40709556

Anon, if they’re in a position to be replaced by AI art, they’re probably not good at drawing hands either.

>> No.40709588

its not even about being art or not in case of normal people. is like "oh, its cute/beautiful/cool/etc"
just artists cope so hard on definition of art. normal people just want to see cute/beauty/cool pic, and dont give a fuck about who made it, if people, machine or a dog.

>> No.40709612

don't come crying if your 20k bot content dumping machine get replaced by a 200k one
le cope

>> No.40709697

>people who liked ai art didn't look close enough
muh artist don't look!!

>> No.40709789

wtf are you quoting? the voices in your head?

>> No.40710127

You can't read

>> No.40710164

paintpigs seething

>> No.40710300

Based. Nothing wrong with AI art, except for the weird hands and feet that get drawn.

>> No.40710326


>> No.40710389

You can't run it without the internet. It's literally trained from other drawings, or are you saying they'll train AI with physical drawings, LOL

>> No.40710571

then you can feed it by any other method. external disk, pendrive, dvd, cd, floppy disk, or even, yes, scanning physical drawings. AI has a SDK, that you implement on another piece of software, to do the feeding part. doing it through internet is just the most convenient way, not the unique way possible.

>> No.40710706


>> No.40711008

If only AI could fix your English

>> No.40711063

This artist beats the cuckolds on pixiv who pretend they drew the fingerless shit they post.

>> No.40711329

>You can't run it without the internet.

>> No.40711492

felt ofended, "artist"?

>> No.40711749

>You can run it without the internet after using the internet to steal a million images first
Clown ass

>> No.40711909

are you dumb or retard?

>> No.40711954

>hahaha ai art cant draw hands
>hahaha ai art is using other art to draw
doesn't this mean human bean artists cant draw hands lmao

>> No.40711977

Bad artists copy, great artists steal.

>> No.40711985
File: 98 KB, 1243x699, 1648004346646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40712058

>uhh actully you dont need to download images if you just download the model from the people that already downloaded images duuhhh

hands are fucked up spindly looking things that look vastly different depending on the angle so ai has a hard time getting that shit right

>> No.40712236
File: 438 KB, 1500x1202, 1671876100780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board dedicated to a hobby literally started by an AI
where did you tourists come from

>> No.40712358

"twitter artists" without any comission to do because "AI stole my job", probably.

>> No.40712424

The model does not have the images stored and due the filesize cannot have the images stored. You don't even need to know how to code to check that.

>> No.40712469

Thats not what I said you disingenuous little faggot

>> No.40712585

>the single way to using AI is using a already implemented solution another people did

>> No.40712695


>> No.40712752

Hands are universally considered the most difficult body parts to draw.

>> No.40712800

>if an ai slapping together radom fragments of art is better than you, maybe you suck at art
That might apply to basic AI software
High end AI shit with potent graphic cards, trained networks and a billion steps can do art far more complex than any human can

>> No.40712857

>thinking machines cancelled on twitter, singularity avoided
aspiring artists who "secretly" draw degenerate furry porn to earn a living, I kneel...

>> No.40712941

>samples are cheating
That's unironically true.
t. professional musician

>> No.40712990

So, you joined an argument part way through and now try to backtrack after realising you were on the fully retarded side? Typical twitternigger.

>> No.40713019


>> No.40713158

Musicians have a fucking LOT of protection compared to artists. It’s not even compatible. Hollywood and the music industry is far ahead of the art world in terms of protection and laws that benefit musicians. YouTube will destroy you if you play copyrighted music, but you can steal from a tumblr artist, jam it into an AI machine, turn it into an NFT and sell it because the laws are behind with protecting real artists.

>> No.40713164

crying because some composer did not pay you to play her piece and instead used some VST?

>> No.40713208

>typing "prompts" prints out a picture
>noo not like a google search
explain desu

>> No.40713472


>> No.40713620

The genie's out of the bottle, if you ask me. Being against AI art is pointless, especially since it will get better and better until every retard in his basement will be able to generate full-length sakuga anime. I myself know some excellent works that got shitty anime adaptations and wouldn't mind doing them justice, to be honest.

If its those poor artists losing their jobs you're worried about, well... "Computer" used to be an occupation. I wonder what happened to it and why no one seems to care.

>> No.40713677

I earn plenty of money by performing live gigs for people who can pay. "Some composers" who use VSTs instead are poorfags anyway, so whatever.

>> No.40713746

Those laws protect publishers, not musicians. When Glee stole Coulton’s copyrighted arrangement for Baby Got Back they faced zero consequences other than some angry articles online. Also, musicians are constantly exploited by venues that don’t pay, predatory contracts and people who steal their tracks-reupload-copyright strike the original author. Finally, Look into the history of when the first drum machine was introduced in the 50s, similar levels of butthurt then, musicians have had 70 years to get over it.

>> No.40713848

lol what. Accountants and bean counters are still jobs, we just don’t use the term “computer” to refer to them anymore. Artists will always be necessary since the Reddit AI trannies need real art to generate AI art. AI “artists” are the trannies of the art world. Uncomfortable, not welcome, mentally I’ll about what technology can actually do ( like how trannies think popping pills will unironically turn them into a woman.) and are just plain dumb about real art.

>> No.40713871

Many artists started to use a mix of AI and they touch it up to fix errors.

>> No.40713899

This art is better than most non-AI art.

>> No.40714023

>the first drum machine was introduced in the 50s, similar levels of butthurt then
lol no one cared, AT ALL
Drum machines started to get used around late 70ies anyway, and people generally didn't give a single fuck about that

>> No.40714213

FFXIV composer showing a lot of VSTs he used on multi-millionaire game. just to start, because a whole lot of pretty rich people use tons of VST, because, y'know... VST will not mess up live...

>> No.40714380

>Artists will always be necessary since the Reddit AI trannies need real art to generate AI art.
Not if the AI produces good enough art to feed itself.

>> No.40714452

>because, y'know... VST will not mess up live...
More like, because, y'know, they're cheapskates who can't afford the live orchestra. Not bashing them, of course, full-scale orchestras are fucking expensive.
>VST will not mess up live
Yeah, they just sound rather synthetic and no amount of tweaking and controlling dynamics/legato/vibrato etc. will make them as nuanced as a good live performance. Also, as it happens with the technology, VSTs age pretty badly, but I guess your average consoomer doesn't care much. And that's also why good composers (e.g. Jeremy Soule, RIP) working for the big companies always blend VSTs with at least a few live performers to mix it up and make it sound more believable.

>> No.40714510

There hundreds of millions of art pieces to feed to AI

>> No.40714559

When machines and AI started replacing my coworkers artists just told me to "learn how to code" or "just start drawing". Now my job is secured for decades because replacing me is way more expensive than letting me work. Who is laughing now, faggots? I will always remember your smug faces.

>> No.40714626

>Now my job is secured
What's your job, anon?

>> No.40714660

4chan janitor

>> No.40714698

Im a dog walker

>> No.40714699

How did portrait painters feel when photography became a thing?

>> No.40714777

Good point, but photography is fucking hard, anon, and requires quite a lot of time investment to actually get good at.

>> No.40714844

hating AI art is npc behavior and I'm a drawfag

>> No.40714884

>I'm a drawfag
t. AI "artist"

>> No.40714900

post your drawings then faggot

>> No.40714957

not posting them on schizo central, feel free to not believe me see if I care

>> No.40714984


>> No.40714992

>I'm a drawfag
No, you're not

>> No.40715052


>> No.40715168

Much less so than doing portrait painting.
Even with the early cameras, it would take much less time to create a mediocre photographer than it would be to train mediocre portrait painter.
Same goes digital art in general really.
You can probably find people who don't consider computer drawn imagery real art or having any value.
After all, its pretty new, like 30-40 years? Mid 1990s for consumer grade image drawing software?
What artists will have to learn to do to cope with the AI drawings is leverage their artistic eye, the thing you alluded to good photographers having.
I understand why people are angry but at the same time they need to start looking into how to get ahead

>> No.40715536

Little off-topic, but I really wanna fuck the shit outta that duck. God, the sheer amount of nutt I would dump inside of that cloaca is mind boggling. My body will exhaust every little bit of energy fucking her over and over again until I become like on of those zombie salmons that expend so much energy that they start falling apart while still alive. I would literally die breeding this duck.

>> No.40715670

So you're saying the best results, especially for larger projects with time and budget concerns to keep in mind, is to use computers/AI/synthetic content for the bulk of production while having a few human specialists handle the parts the computer can't do well?

>> No.40715786

When AI feeds itself, it’ll make more Bad AI art, yes.
No, you are not.

>> No.40715989

Then why do they need artists on dA, pixiv, and ArtStation to scrape from? Artists are not an endless wellspring. They have to steal from the big art platforms to keep their overpriced subscription based racket going.

>> No.40716036

case in point

>> No.40716169

Mumei is a channer, and channers are the biggest supporters of AI art. /vt/ and every hentai/cartoon-porn board have their own dedicated AI art general that's more active then their respective drawthreads. Channers are for the most part a bunch of pirating freeloading NEETs. They want to make all the degenerate garbage they want with no middle man to tell them no but no effort to put in the work themselves. If you don't like AI art, then unironically go to Reddit.

>> No.40716213

It's less costly, that's for sure, but I wouldn't say the results are necessarily "the best". The main problem with the VSTs and synthetic music in general is that it sounds awfully static; once all the necessary CC data is programmed, the mix is done and the track is bounced, it's frozen in that state forever. On the contrary, no two live performances ever sound the same. There will always be disrepancies in rhythm and intonation and that's what makes live music infinitely more entertaining and convincing. Introducing a few live musicians helps alleviate that problem a little bit, but it still gets really obvious after listening to a dozen or so of most modern game scores.

I've yet to hear someone recreate Ennio Morricone, or John Williams or Danny Elfman-tier orchestral score using the VSTs, even one as good as Spitfire libraries.

>> No.40716215

I'm sure they were all very upset when their portraits were used in ways they did not intend nor consent to in order to train automated cameras to create low effort, inhuman portraits.

>> No.40716262

If she was an artist, she wouldn't have sided with the photoshop shitters in the first place.

>> No.40716263

Cope. I'm not even an artist.

>> No.40716314

Reddit is the tranny “AI artist” board. They actually raid 4chan and this was figured out by ‘ice/, since they’re always harassing real artists.

>> No.40716364

/ic/ not ice. I wish we could ICE raid AI trannies.

>> No.40716366

I can tell

>> No.40716393

I can tell you're also not an artist.

>> No.40716426

>beep boop does not compute
>beep boop engage denial

>> No.40716483


>> No.40716492

>Those hands look passable
Passable hands take like, 10 minutes work in most cases; you just need to inpaint a bit. The problem is that 99% of people who do AI art wont even do that much

>> No.40716544

I'm not sure why this AI art thing is such an issue. The furries outright banned it and that's basically the only sector of art that makes money so the artists shouldn't have a problem unless they are working in graphic design in which case it's no different than any other field being replaced with machines.

>> No.40716554

You can keep coping and seething, or you can post your art here

>> No.40716712
File: 2.43 MB, 1536x2048, 1646595919207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40716891

'Best' as in 'best bang for your buck'. Obviously finely hand-crafted works done by masters of the art are always going to be the best quality, but that's not feasible for 98% of everything humans make. I'm no audiophile and probably couldn't tell the difference half the time, but even I'd still prefer live performance from a high-quality orchestra over synthetic sounds. Really I was riffing more on AI-generated art and how I think it's going to develop in the industry at large - a tool used to do the bulk of production, with human artists smoothing it all out and doing the parts AI can't handle well.

>> No.40716982

Drawfag shitters are so pathetic. The world move on, still.

>> No.40717069

To be fair, it's better than most AI art too.
It doesn't have the same flat ugly look AI art tends to have.

>> No.40717109

As an AIfag, it is extremely annoying how averse other AIfags are to doing fucking any inpaint and basic photoshop touch up work. People would rather spend more time minmaxing prompts and settings and generating hundreds of images until they get the single good one (that'll still be better if they just fucking inpaint a couple things).

>> No.40717209

AI art is pretty soulless, always the same style of shading and used colors
drawfag stuff still make me cum the hardest so I don't give a shit about AI and would still try to draw my stuff

>> No.40717255

in the end, like AI art, it dumps the worst musicians. good musicians of course will have job regardless. and it makes the entry to composers/producers easier, because "anybody can make their own music". bad composer/musician will still have no job, because more music in the market.

>> No.40717360

All artists should be poor by virtue. It should be all about passion.

>> No.40717405

just implement/feed a new one with data with your preference. maybe even doing pretty basic photoshop to get shading/colors to your liking, and increasing its relevancy to overlap other ones will make you get results more closer to what you want

>> No.40717452

What about when photographers started taking pictures of their art and publishing it in the printing press?
Once color photography became mainstream available?

>> No.40717504

Based, Ai is the future.

>> No.40717667

lmao pathetic nigger

>> No.40717776


>> No.40717816

oh my gosh sisters I can't believe it

>> No.40717817

cope and dilate pajeet

>> No.40717842

ai is the future, stay mad chud

>> No.40717847

I have this haircut irl but can only grow the mustache

>> No.40717852

My favorite part with the AI art fighting, is once antis get tired of being called retards over muh theft, they always smugly fall back on, "Ackshually, I'm/artists aren't threatened at all, I mean just look how mediocre the AI results are lol hands hand lol did you see the hands by the way LOL!" Being completely oblivious to the fact that current models aren't even an end point, and will look pitiful compared to what's gonna be out in a few years, especially now that there's mass interest accelerating development.


>> No.40717912

>You can't run it without the internet.
You playing dumb or are you just retarded? You can't launch it the very first time without the Internet, because that's how fucking Python works - it downloads software from repositories that are...on the Internet. After that? Put it on a laptop and go proompt on a deserted island. It will work.
t. proompts AI coombait when the Internet is out
>>You can run it without the internet after using the internet to steal a million images first
Oh. You are indeed fucking retarded.
...do you write every piece of software you use from scratch?

>> No.40717943


>> No.40717987

>no one cared
There were calls to boycott Wurlitzer, likely amplified by the same people who wanted them put out of business for selling jukeboxes (also seen as a threat). Buy a history book, 20 year old redditor.

>> No.40718059

That Journeyman stuff looks real good, though

>> No.40718114

People who get upset about AI art are shitters.

>> No.40718183

I like ai stuff for backgrounds and the like
it always looks unappealing when it comes to animu girls

>> No.40718191

When you inpaint, are you telling the AI to generate specifically a new part of the section you're painting? Do you use different tags for it or

>> No.40718224
File: 125 KB, 760x537, 1671849333030767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40718231

I'm not even sure where you're trying to go with this analogy. Are you implying AI art is similar to photographing other art? And if you are, what point are you even making?

>> No.40718255

>Oh. You are indeed fucking retarded.
Yes im sure you worthless retards are training models on your own art.
You like AI art because it lets you steal others hard earned talent dont lie to yourself faggot.

>> No.40718264

>implying pajeet shitters even think about that

>> No.40718331

I'm really surprised I didn't read one of these sooner. This was like the first joke I cracked with a friend when this recent kerfuffle about AI art began

>> No.40718330

>censored username

>> No.40718341

how did they folx write this tweet?

>> No.40718383

Keep seething

>> No.40718614
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x960, Where do you think we are? [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjn8xuh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us your art then.

>> No.40718639

The point I am making is whenever new technology is introduced, it will negatively affect some part of the society.
AI or Neural Networks are this new technology and its integration into the society is inevitable.
The way they are trained is a very primitive form of the way how a person trains. Every artist learns how to draw by observations, the difference is that human mind is mutable in a way that a machine algorithm yet isn't.
The only crime committed by "A.I." is having superior memory storing and recalling to humans

>> No.40718773

Yeah that's basically how it works.

For small inpaints like hands, I generally keep the prompt for the base image and just add a weighted bit for what the inpaint is specifically meant to work on, and the AI will be smart enough to figure it out. I find that removing all the other bits to just have like only hands in the prompt starts to really fuck the style and whatnot of the results, even if it's seemingly completely unrelated. For bigger inpaints, usually for backgrounds, I generally cut the base prompt out and start fresh.

The most important thing with inpainting is doing things 1 at a time (ie don't try to inpaint hair and hands together) and learning where to set the denoise level. What I try to do is use massive batch counts and set denoise high, run inpaint and find the 1 out of 100 results that's okay, then I use that as my new base and run it again with a slightly lower denoise level. Keep doing that until something good is naturally selected.

>> No.40719252

OH and don't be afraid to send it to photoshop and draw some 4 year old's crayon drawing tier base for whatever you're inpainting. It does wonders for getting it to understand the shape and location of what you want, and can save a lot of time

>> No.40719306

Except that's not how neural networks work at all. It doesn't "remember" anything, and it hasn't "memorized" anything - it made connections. You can expose some inner workings while you play with it, and it's fucking fascinating. Words get turned into tokens and numbers. Traits become weights. It's black magic shit. It doesn't know what anything "looks" like, we only think it does because "magic words go in, magic picture come out," and we evaluate it with our eyeballs.

>The model most people start fucking around with is 4 GB.
>The 2 billion images it was initially trained on clock in at 150-fucking-TB.
>and then NovelAI fed the same model 50+ million additional animu images. 6 TB worth.

Assume for the sake of entertainment these were obnoxious uncompressed TIFF files they weren't. That would mean "they" wrote a compression algorithm that manages to squeeze images down into 0.002% of their original size. 1:39,000. And then only proceded to use it to generate anime titties...

I'm not a compression algorithm guy, but I have a grainy ass uncompressed TIFF scan of physical album art that clocks in around 50 MB, and it becomes a 250 KB JPEG after removing some of that grain. 1:200. vs 1:39,000. It's impossible.

What he said. Except you don't even need Photoshop. You can do it in MSPaint, especially if you have denoise strength high like you said. Draw some fingers you wouldn't put on the fridge if your own spawn drew them, and let the AI sort it out.

>> No.40719444

I gotta try that, thanks.

>> No.40719561

>Do you use different tags for it or
You can change the whole prompt if you want. If I'm inpainting something minor like a finger I'll actually cut the prompt down a lot, cut any negatives out that I added myself that have "already been met", like not giving me the wrong eye color or something, and turn the denoise strength down. Keep it from changing the whole image - basically the opposite of what the other anon is describing.

>> No.40719577

Because Mumei is extremely based.

>> No.40719607

That's a great idea too. For that matter, could I draw my skeleton out and just keep submitting that over and over again? Art for me has always been bogged down in the details, but I can do primitives all day.

>> No.40719758

>Accountants and bean counters are still jobs, we just don’t use the term “computer” to refer to them anymore
that's not what the term "computer" means, it was an actual profession, people were used in the same way as we use electronic computers now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_(occupation)

>> No.40719780

Maybe? I'll be damned if I can find it, but way early on in one of the AI threads probably not vtai some anon did just that. Sketched a proper looking, is that what a "primitive" is? Like the behinds the scenes storyboard shit you'd see on an anime BD. Wireframey looking 3D perspective lines for the head, except you could see they erased those bits out. And turned it into something else.

Meanwhile I'm over here dropping chubas hats and hair onto other things and people and having fun being stupid.

>> No.40720266

Absolutely, we're not kidding when we say that inpaint/img2img works with even dogshit retarded child tier bases, particularly once you learn how to manage noise levels.

The most frustrating part of this whole AI art war is the fact that it can be amazingly helpful as a tool for artists to help them skip a lot of the draw/erase/draw again busywork.
You CAN do that, but I still find it faster and less stressful doing the sort of brute force method I described. Too many times I've slightly altered a prompt and suddenly started getting way shittier or different results, sending me into prompt autism hell.

>> No.40720325

I mean half the time I just roll again. I've gone farther drawing on top of prompts I actually liked manually, or blending two different img2img outputs together, than I have fiddling with actually getting good results out of inpainting. The wait is agonizing.

>> No.40720753

>If you aren't stealing it's fine.
If only it was that simple.

The real problem are not the faggots posting AI art as if they had painstakingly painted it by hand. Those are kids, idiots, and/or scammers. When it happens just point it out, ridicule them, flag them on the platforms if they violated terms, and move on.

The REAL problem are the multi-GB tensor data files or "models" that this technology is based on. They constitute a new problem in society, because there is no way to know exactly what went into them, nor what will come out given the right triggers. They are in practically huge black boxes.

To make an extreme example, there might be kiddie pr0n and other extremely questionable stuff in the models you are using to generate pictures, and you'll never know until one day it either comes out while you're using it in public, or it influences your works in subtle ways. More mundanely, there are in fact millions of pieces of other people's real art stored into the model, albeit in a profundity processed way. That's what the computer is using to make "new" art for you. That's how it works. That's what the multi-GB data files are for.

How will we collectively address this topic, not just in art and music, but in all applications of artificial neural networks, from autonomous driving to "AI" assistants to decision-makers, will be one of the hottest debates of the 21st century (unless we kill each other first.)

>> No.40720804

First thing, I said "A.I." not neural networks because A.I. as a general implementation does in fact have access to computerized memory storage, even if this is not used with neural networks.
Secondly, Neural networks do have memory, but its not directly accessible information. The weights and nodes and the way they interact when "stimulated" is how biological brains work, thats why they get called "neural".
There is nothing magical about it.
>"memorized" anything - it made connections
Also known as memory.

>> No.40721028

Most AIfags don't even bother to inpaint errors or upscaling their images. It's really annoying, and worse still others don't seem to be bothered by it judging by the likes.

>> No.40721063

>sniffing glue
What the actual fuck

>> No.40721282

Hypernetworks can be trained on single digit images, you fucking mong.
Professional CGI companies use the same shit.
You can do it on any gaming PC of the modern era. It's not hard in the slightest.

>> No.40721530

>Hypernetworks can be trained on single digit images, you fucking mong.
No lol and how would that even matter in this discussion?

>> No.40721603

Tagged AND signed AI art even, I can't fault them.

>> No.40721772

I hope that if the computer gains sentience in my lifetime that it decides to be friends with me and my family.

>> No.40722003
File: 2.08 MB, 404x720, 1671749412138906.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI comes. The talentless will starve and then they will die.

>> No.40722129

I'm impressed.
Especially because, if you read the description, this had nothing to with AI and has 0% stolen material.
This is one musician recording his sounds and riffs and then writing a huge amount of code to put them together into infinitely many variations.
In fact, this is real CS art.

>> No.40722170

Literally yes, and people on this site do it all the fucking time. Even retards on /b/ train hypernetworks on particular art styles or memes.

Learn the fucking niche before you try shit on it, you Deviantfartist.
All you've heard is regurgitated shit from retards that think "img2img" is what ALL AI is like, the "tracing images" thing. That's not even the majority of AI systems.

>> No.40722173

They're not being crippled by fucking AI music yet, so of course they laugh

>> No.40722267

Thanks for posting that bird, I needed that.

>> No.40722282

>it dumps the worst musicians
Might I ask, who the fuck are *you* to decide who's good or bad?

>> No.40722342

And they probably never will because the giant record companies will get their legal machines rolling to codify protections for music from AI before it can ever affect their bottom lines.

>> No.40722355

>Literally yes, and people on this site do it all the fucking time. Even retards on /b/ train hypernetworks on particular art styles or memes.
Yeah me too. Just not on 8 fucking images.

>> No.40722370
File: 2.94 MB, 324x576, 1672027119275162.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40722406

As long as Cardi B has a job I ain't buying it

>> No.40722415
File: 364 KB, 456x720, 1666382745722190.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40722449
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, 1672385641006188.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40722525

Cardi B is a singer, not a creator. Your point?

>> No.40722531

Retardchama, when you train a network on a few images, do you not notice the 4GB file that is used to initialize your model? Maybe the one you stole from NovelAI? How many pieces of art you think went into that file?
Have a basic understanding of what you're doing in the first place before acting like an expert.

>> No.40722548
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, 1672385840434964.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40722644

Yes, single digits. It's that easy.
Depending on style, like if it is a very detail heavy style, maybe 20-30 odd. But natural shit is trivial.
Your hypernetwork model mostly needs to rely on the main model you are working with, if it doesn't align well with that, it will throw out a fucking mess regardless of how many images you trained it on.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything, cunt? Did I say it never?
We're talking about training a new hypernetwork to bolt on to another model, that doesn't require much training at all compared to the base shit. HNs are trivial in comparison.

>> No.40722751

>What the fuck does that have to do with anything, cunt?
Yeah good question cause this entire discussion is completely off topic you retard.
My point was that you or somebody else needs to steal a million pictures to make a MODEL and you replied saying that making HYPERNETWORKS is easy.
You are utterly fucking retarded.
Lets see you double down.

>> No.40722793

That designated toilet bird in flock that everyone can shit on with no retaliation? Me

>> No.40723710

Okay retard.
Keep crying though, it's funny.

>> No.40723892

Wait what? Wasn't she trying to make it as an artist before joining Hololive?

>> No.40724202
File: 508 KB, 768x512, chibi, houshou marine, hololive, red hair, twintails, red eyes, yellow eyes, heterochromia, {{{{dangerously smug}}}}, horny, Directed by James Cameron, HDR, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atm s-1691269015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loading a file into RAM for access, or writing it to storage, is not at all the extent of what an AI is doing..."memory" in the context of a computer usually means its own thing, very very different to a human's, and you know that's the distinction I'm making. there's a reason models are "trained". I'm pretty sure we're on the same page
the proompts don't matter
fucking kek. I saw the flamewar starting and just scrolled back to this birb. thank you.

>> No.40724682 [DELETED] 
File: 922 KB, 908x1420, L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More competition = better and cheaper product for me.
I like AI art and I will support gamedevs using AI art for efficiency.
I'd tell you to eat shit for bringing someone else down with your cope but it's HomoshitLive corp. so idk

>> No.40724979
File: 94 KB, 1280x993, 1656832849352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, who's behind this anti-AI astroturf campaign?

>> No.40725685
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x1536, 1673387820293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more wheelchair moom

>> No.40725770

>why did she sided

>> No.40725873

>n-no u

>> No.40725889
File: 560 KB, 640x640, _western comics (style), {{{bald}}}, {{nanashi mumei, hololive}}, paraplegic, wheelchair, medium breasts, corset, lex luthor, computer desk, owl feathers, hololive, server room, le s-947070707-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably not what you're expecting.

>> No.40725938

Probably the Jews, they've been lobotomising AI since Tay.

>> No.40725941
File: 600 KB, 768x512, western comics (style), {{{bald}}}, {{nanashi mumei, hololive}}, podium, congress, senate, close-up, the great seal of the united states, press conference,paraplegic, wheelchair, m s-2831019315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

president mumor

>> No.40726012
File: 520 KB, 512x768, baruch adonai elohenu, something something ha tikvah, mazel tov, funny hat, blac s-553013804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey, leave us out of this

>> No.40726260

Neural networks are just one part of a wider whole that is covered under A.I. and currently the ones that dominate the discussion.
Even if NN don't rely on storage and memory for operation, it does mean that a different A.I. model can't.
I understand why it is confusing to use memory in context of computing, but in this case I was comparing human memory to A.I., which can in theory have direct access to stored memory that is superior to humans or in the case of NN has learned "memory" that is superior to human one.
It may have been the wrong word to use, and NN in general do not use computer storage, I disagree with the statement that NN doesn't have a memory.

>> No.40726329

If we are being pendandic, NN will rely on RAM memory for operation, so that was a false statement

>> No.40726355

It's pretty easy to fix hands in AI if you actually work with it

>> No.40726584

All those art ho's that have art degrees but work at the grocery store because they refused to draw furry commissions

>> No.40726639

I fucking hate AI shit because it cheapen the medium.
Not only AI garbage filled art sites with an ocean of tens of thousands of generic soulless deformed uncanny garbage. But also destroyed the value of anime illustration.
Back then good artist would easily raise to the top, but now because of the flood, good art barely gets attention anymore.
AIshit also gets tons of clickbait traffic because of the overall quality of the thumbnail, since you distinguish the fuck ups details from the thumbnails.
I fucking despise AIshit and should never be used outside personal use.

>> No.40729853

It's so fucking easy too. You need literally zero artistic experience. It's mspaint tier

>> No.40731591

This. There is no moral difference between a human artist learning his style by emulating other artists abd a well trained AI. You just need to be honest about your creations.

I also find it funny that those hands are better than what many human artists can, so this guy is going in and cleaning up his creations before sharing and that is respectable as far as AI illustrators go.

>> No.40733030

>There is no moral difference between a human artist learning his style by emulating other artists abd a well trained AI. You just need to be honest about your creations.
The AI does not learn, the AI does not know what the fuck a hand is, the AI just traces from hundreds of thousands of stolen images.

>> No.40737268

>Mumei is giving likes to AI art

>> No.40741265

Did she remove it?

>> No.40741825
File: 492 KB, 768x512, Kronii and Ouro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is kino though

>> No.40741922

Japanese artists tend to be more tolerant of AI art, probably because anything that gives them an anime girl is good enough for them.

But for real, she's probably not even aware of the controversy, just like how japanese people didn't understand why NFTs were bad since no translated the arguments well enough across

>> No.40744172

Alone in the world is a little Krouro!

>> No.40744398

No, the AI learned from publicly available images. It's just a lot better at learning from them than humans.
>AI doesn't "learn"
Yes it does. It's more complex than the brain of some animals, and those can learn things as well.

>> No.40744531

Lightbulbs have been commercially available for over a century, and candles are still a $7 billion global industry.
Good artists will be fine.

>> No.40747093


>> No.40747119

Based, these artfags can seethe until their deathbed for all I care. They're just bitter their jobs are finally being automated like everyone else's. I'm a translator and I don't endlessly bitch and fucking moan like a child about deepl.

>> No.40747406

I don't really give a shit about AI stuff in the context of it being a fun thing to generate stuff trained on whatever for amusement/cooming. A lot of AIfags act exactly like the worst type of Twitter artist that they hate though and seeing people slowly turn on their colossal faggotry is amusing.

>> No.40747755

fucking shit man, livestream went offline shortly after I started watching it

>> No.40747942

Subaru retweeted it earlier and I even liked it without noticing it was AI until I saw this thread, everything on that account is more convincing than anything I've seen up to this point, wtf

>> No.40748228

The easier non-faggot argument to make is that AI art is like how photography is art, yiu're pointing a camera you didn't create at an object you didn't create but that's still considered art, maybe the person doesn't get considered an "artist" but instead a photographer so there's no pretending to be something they're not

>> No.40749455

No it does not, and just because something is publicly available does not mean you can steal it for your own profit, my dear pajeet.

>> No.40749627

Who the fuck cares about what this used goods bitch does

>> No.40751499

AI art has completely vindicated my choice not go to art school, I actually had a “scholarship”. A teacher of mine was willing to pay for me to go to RISD and I turned it down. I did not want to learn someone else’s style and spend my life regurgitating yesterday’s truth. They don’t teach you how to think or draw, they teach you what to think and draw. Forever imitated never replicated. Those that can do, those that can’t teach. AI art can never be trained in my style, and nothing I’ve ever created can be interpreted as “in the same vein as”. It’s basically an infection that will make you feel like an imposter for the rest of your life.

>> No.40751551

> choice not to go to art school,

>> No.40752030

The photo isn't art, the thing is art, life is art, the photographer was just lucky enough to be there to snap the picture.
