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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40710739 No.40710739 [Reply] [Original]

These Collabs (which should be normal in the first place) showcased how much of a powerhouse HoloPro is when they're working with one another.
And I wish they (referring to some of the girls) put more effort into helping one another instead of treating each other as two separate entities.
Most of the boys are willing to work with them, but most of the girls are not. Which, in my eyes, are off putting because the guys are at least making an effort work with them.
That's why I kind of feel bad for Matsuri and Fubuki, who's working their asses off to close the gap between them.
Don't get me started with the "fans" as they are also the ones that infuriates me more. The very thing that supports them are also the ones holding their potential.
Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of them and only wish for more interactions between the two branches. Hence my criticism.
Good thing Sora (who, technically, binds the two group as one and is also making an effort on closing the gap) doesn't exactly have those "fans".
And even if they do, I believe the Soratomo who truly supports Sora will just overwhelm them.

>> No.40710763

Just let him shout into the void

>> No.40710839

Burn and rape all homobeggars

>> No.40710847

>Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of them and only wish for more interactions between the two branches.
Go back to twitter

>> No.40710900

>Good thing Sora (who, technically, binds the two group as one and is also making an effort on closing the gap) doesn't exactly have those "fans".
Sora still hasn't had a collab with a homostar lmao

>> No.40710924


>> No.40711018

Unicorns, in my eyes, are abusing the funding they give to coddle their insecurities and inadequacies through the girls that cave into their bs. I view everyone who can't collab as they wish with the guys as imprisoned. Imprisoned in a gilded cage. They're getting the clout, the cash, the coos, but at what cost?

>> No.40711803

I don't care about the "daisenpai" bullcrap so i deem Sora a tainted whore, any problems?

>> No.40711976

That's why it's a huge waste in my eyes. Because the opportunity that's always been there is just decided to be tapped on now. NOW of all times! I won't be surprised if we don't get more interactions between the two branches this year. The only thing that would probably spark my interest for this year is if the next Hololive Concert Live is actually Hololive Production Concert Live instead of just Hololive. But then again, for the past two years I've been in this hole, I don't expect much. Would gladly watch it live if it were to happen. Would even pay money for a ticket just to witness EVERYONE on one stage. That would actually be a glorious sight. But as MJ said, "Expect disappointment, and you won't get disappointed again."

These Unicorns really must be weeded out like how HoloID does.

>> No.40711979

the problem is you're a nobody so your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.40712075

Vtubers are in an explicitly romantic relationship with their viewers. If you can't see that, take your meds and touch grass, schizo

>> No.40712078
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>> No.40712120

>>I view everyone who can't collab as they wish with the guys as imprisoned. Imprisoned in a gilded cage.
And if they say that they don’t want to? Will you believe them at their word, or act as a typical homobeggar does and push for their ‘liberation’ anyways?

>> No.40712125

>He thinks the talents don't have a life outside streaming
Niggeronii.... your pills

>> No.40712127

Just watch Nijisanji. It's right there, perfect for you.

>> No.40712314

says a beggar who gets repelled from the subreddit

>> No.40712340

No no, you don't understand, they can't just look for another option, that's gatekeeping, they need to change the culture of something you enjoy and then tell you to fuck off if you don't want to watch, you incel.

>> No.40712512

>These Unicorns really must be weeded out like how HoloID does.
HoloID were willing to interact with Stars because they don't need unicorns to survive. JPs are never going to risk their income like that.

>> No.40712609

You're right, the solution is firing all holostars and cut the problem from the root. No more two branches, no more holopro and if you wanna be a eceleb you can stay indie, go to other company or go to rm and ask for your graduation in some months. You made up my mind, thanks anon

>> No.40712713

Then they’ll leave… nothing survives until a single seedling sprout… and that’s tranny..
But seriously.. you need hadron collider if you want to mix fujo and unicorn together.

>> No.40712770

The collabs songs were amazing, wouldn't mind more of them for future lives.
Fuck mentally ill "people" that complains about them.

>> No.40712938

What? Normal? GOD NO.
I ain´t a unicorn, I´m just saying that the magic of such things wane if they are done enough times.
It works if they keep the number to a minimun, AS LONG they can promise to give us some good entertaiment or good collab ideas.

>> No.40712992

>homobegging and quoting marvel movies in one post
holy bait

>> No.40712995

i loved every single second of the Suisei+Izuru+Astel song

>> No.40713020

This is why I was scratching my head when Holo EN was spamming collabs way too much at the beginning with stars EN. Once something is done too many times, it loses it´s magic. Rotation of things is a must.

>> No.40713071

Btw I’m not against occasional collab in-fact i still watch some of them. What I’m against is begging. Let the streamer decide for themselves. Axia from niji left because of excess control of chat. And begging for them to collab with your male is the same.

>> No.40713113


>> No.40714783

Obvious bait copypasted from YouTube comments and Reddit is always fucking hilarious.

>> No.40714947

That's how I feel about 3D lives in general. They were more interesting when they were rare, but nowadays it feels like they're a weekly occurrence. They don't feel nearly as special anymore.
Not saying shoehorning males into 3D events is the answer, but if that's what it takes to spice things up a bit, then I'm not going to complain.

>> No.40715219

holostar shitters have streamed for 3 years and still they can only get 300 viewers. they are just failures. those popular niji jp males would be able to hold a candle to holo jp girls though but holostars are just talentless unmotivated and lazy losers.

>> No.40715585

I enjoyed the hololive/holostars collabs during the New Year's live. That said, obviously that kinda thing should only be opt-in and not made mandatory.

>> No.40715677

Are those... frontal twintails? Fuck I'm hard

>> No.40716008

Saying they
>don't want to
Is like a little kid refusing to eat veggies or brush their teeth but at least that's a dumb kid that will hopefully grow up and learn to do better. A grown woman has no valid excuse to shut down a coworker unless the coworker did something horrible to them and from all accounts all of the Stars are nice people.

>> No.40716156

>has no valid excuse to shut down a coworker unless the coworker did something horrible to them
Your homos will hurt my oshi's income

>> No.40716200

That has never happened. Besides ultimately it is you, the audience, that pays your oshi. If she loses anything because she supports her friends then it is on you, not the talents.

>> No.40716259

You are not going to sway the opinion here ever. Cease, troonberg.

>> No.40716289

The talents chose me and my money, plus homos aren't their friends. I hope you're baiting and not a real homofag

>> No.40716322

Fucking EN western filth, stay the fuck away from JP. I don't hate them for collabing or not, but you assholes always need a cause to fight for or someone to cancel. JP understands the business unlike you faggots, and each one of them conducts their business the way they see fit, unlike EN who treat it as a side hobby.

>> No.40716385

You're literally a baby. You don't even have an oshi, stop larping and go watch camwhores, they'll probably fulfill you more.

>> No.40716458

Sis, your homobeg is off the chart, it 2023 and you still as retarded as 2022. Newflash, everyone know star exist, so why in your retarded mind thinking forcing people to watch them is a genius move? They make special slot not to overlap 3d and debut, and guess what, holofan don't care, only homobeggar and unitykek care and they still don't watch them.

Where those homo ccv during holo and star concert? 200k vs 8k, it just show your pos self don't even support them. True starfan, those 500views know it and contents with themselve. Even fuma apologise to his holosenpai on twitter because of the favouritism they keep getting.

You a pos for using them to push narrative that the starfan don't even want, the og jpfan. Get lost oberetai.

>> No.40716468

Can someone post the screenshot with the analysis of the audience grow being stopped harsh when stars appear? you know for the reality check anon need.

>> No.40716491

Stay mad, your homos aren't my oshi's friend and she'll keep ignoring them because they're shit, content wise and money making wise

>> No.40717074

A grown woman also can't chose what she wants to do going by your argument. Yeah, the Stars are nice, but why the Hololive girls SHOULD collab with them?

>> No.40717221

To be fair She explicitly said that she want to stand in the same stage with Holostars

>> No.40717355

Going by your logic then that means that the girls should be forced to collab with the homos rather than having a choice in the matter. I like how hypocritical homobeggars are sometimes.

>> No.40717373

>why do people enjoy things that I don't enjoy? why doesn't everyone work together to achieve my goals?

>> No.40717563

And if the girls willingly choose to ignore the homos? They're not obliged to spend any amount of time or effort into interacting or collabing with the Homostars.

>> No.40717910

Because it's their job. Everyone does shit they don't want at one point in their work career.
Yeah, they should be forced to do their job. Like every other work in thr history of mankind.

>> No.40718022

That shit they don't want to do made them to earn more money. Just like how the girls don't want to interact with homos, it makes them more money. And you sounded more and more like those twitter roasties.

>> No.40718052

>hey look the unicorns are forcing th girls to not collab with tempus!!! They are bad and the girls should be given a choice since it's not in their contract that the ly can't collab with the boys!!!
>What the girls don't want to collab with Tempus? FORCE THEM, ITS THEIR JOB EVEN THOUGH ITS NOT IN THEIR CONTRACT!!! FORCE THEM!!!
Ngl the hypocrisy is ripe with this one. It's not their job to prop up a failing males branch, it's their job to stream and entertain the people actually paying them and Cover i.e the fans.

>> No.40718081

It's not their job to collab with the guys. That was never on their contracts, and a good portion of the girls debuted before the male branch was ever a thing. But it's good to know you're actually in favor of forcing them to do shit they don't want just because of your weird hard on for forced unity. Makes you look 100x worse than any unicorn.

>> No.40718240

>letting the free market decide what stays and what doesn't is abusive

>> No.40718572

You keep bringing up money without any proof. No EN girl is starving, not even the ones that collab with the guys.
The difference is that one is being intimidated by a vocal deranged minority everyone hates (yes even the girls hate you) and the other is just fulfilling your job's expectations.
I might not know what is or isn't in their contract but neither do you. For all we know collabs are a part of it and you can't just be a hermit. And collabs wouldn't be separated by gender because people outside of this hellhole don't care.

>> No.40718680

My faggotsan, there are girls who genuinely don't want to collab with males even indies, see Saruei, some girls just don't want to do it. Furthermore, it's not written into their contract to collab with homos nor are they asked to, all they are asked is to stream and whether or not they want to collab with the homos is their problem. Furthermore they don't have an obligation to help the homostars, it's their choice if they want to however you just want to force them to do it. Very sad and almost as bad as the unicorns, again the hypocrisy.

>> No.40718704

Do you have the proof that they're being intimidated?

>> No.40718774

>I might not know what is or isn't in their contract but neither do you.
Yet you assume that in their contract it's stated that they have to collab with homos? Because that's what it sounds like and unless the contract has that then it's the girls choice on whether or not they collab and some girls just don't want to.

>> No.40718791
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>people outside of this hellhole don't care.
Where were those 40k people from Kronii's comeback tweet? Where were those people who keep upvoting holostars thread on reddit?

>> No.40719695

How about Kronii's breakdown that had to involve HoloPro management speaking up against trolls? Plus the several statements Cover has made being aware talents are being harassed? If Cover know, the girls know and by denying it your either being naive or purposefully obtuse.

Liking tweets, upvotes or shit are not comparable to live viewers, the first require barely any effort aside clicking one button. This is why girls have millions of subs yet get 5k viewers, because clicking subscribe its way easier than tuning up at 4 am on a workday. Anyway, at no point was I arguing the boys were as popular as the girls, that's obviously not true. But to say that the girls lose money or stats because they speak to icky cooties guys is laughable and will get you underageb&.

>> No.40719863

The statement from Cover works both ways, faggot. Because you homobeggars can't stop harassing those girls who don't want to collab with homos.

>> No.40719910

You are delusional

>> No.40719960
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Then from Cover's statement explain why the girls can't just chose to not interact with the guys.

>> No.40719977

it's not job's expectation, you beggar are as retarded as unicorn

>> No.40720020

Every girl would if not for you schizos

>> No.40720025

The irony.

>> No.40720034

Sure thing, but what about those who don't want to?

>> No.40720106

You are delusional

>> No.40720216

This, so much this. Unicorns were the real antis all along.

>> No.40720268
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Homobeggars lost. Get over it. Cope somewhere else. We are tired of reading your drivel.

>> No.40720320


>> No.40720326

There are none

>> No.40720361

You are delusional

>> No.40720374

.....that's retarded logic anon. Some girls genuinely don't want to, unless you mean to suggest that you know what all 100+ girls want and don't want. Even if the vast majority secretly wants to, there are most likely some that don't and that's if that's the case.

>> No.40720462

Care to explain why you think like that? Why do you think it's impossible for a girl to just want to stay in her lane and not interact with male streamers?

>> No.40720508

You think girls don't have guy friends? Brothers, fathers? They don't talk to the male cashier? Managers, directors, etc.
>stay in her lane
Jesus fucking Christ you can't make this shit up

>> No.40720577

They can interact with men offstream.

>> No.40720609

God, those whores

>> No.40720612

Unibros take the indiepill, leave the corpowhores behind.

>> No.40720620

Sure, they interact with other guys in their lives, but you still didn't explain why they NEED to collab with other male streamers.

>> No.40720687

.....anon I know they have guy friends and interact with males, don't really care actually, but I also know that they have a choice on whether or not they want to interact with males on stream, furthermore this is a company and we don't even know if these people are friends, some of them probably are and some aren't even friends with their genmates. My point is, you're strawmanning and avoiding giving a direct answer to the question. I've already given you an indie btw, who doesn't interact with guys on stream, Saruei, she has guy friends and male streamer friends but she refuses to interact with them on stream now, despite her fanbase literally not caring if she does.

>> No.40720699

They'll come for your indies after they're done with corpos

>> No.40720700

>they brothers and fathers so they must collab with males and anyone who says they don't want to is lying, they're being held hostage by unicorns
Lmao homobeggars are so nutty

>> No.40720795

If that's how you want to cope go ahead. My oshi is a unicorn herself, life is good.

>> No.40720853

My indie has those in her chat and refuses every time.

>> No.40720903

And that indie's reason to avoid streaming with guys is probably to avoid the drama schizos bring. No matter how much the audience say they're cool with it there's always crazy fucks ready to harrass them, just look at this board or posts in this very thread.

Tell me a good logical reason a person would avoid streaming with the other gender

>> No.40720921

Too long, didn't read, my oshi will never want to collab with men, kys.

>> No.40720998

>Tell me a good logical reason a person would avoid streaming with the other gender
They just don't want to? Why is it so hard to believe that some people are not interested in making a type of content? Ninja a few year ago said he wasn't interested in streaming with women, so is he wrong for doing that?

>> No.40721047

not just male streamers but specifically holostars

>> No.40721093

Holy shit you chose the worst example lmao. He said that specifically because of how weird fans reacted to male/female interactions not because he doesn't like women or doesn't want to stream with them fucking lol

>> No.40721118

If only they had a bearded redditor hero of western morals such as you to free them from the reign of terror and unicorns

>> No.40721213

Because they don't want to
Because they know they are GFE and pander to that audience
Because are not comfortable streaming with males (some are only uncomfortable with 1on1 male collabs and are fine with mixed groups)
Because they watch vtubers to see cute girls and want to be the cute girl that people watch
Because they don't know any male chuubas
Because they do not collab with anyone

>> No.40721293

>He said that specifically because of how weird fans reacted to male/female interactions
Like shippers? the same people who want male collabs? color me surprised.nntsw

>> No.40721298

Yeah, and guess what kind of weird fan he didn't want to deal with it? Shippers who would give a married man trouble because they would take any and all interactions he had with female streamers out of context. What is happening right now with Kronii and Vesper? People pushing for a ship with them, to the point the retarded clock even used "unfortunately, because of idol culture" excuse to convince people to not ship them both. Now are the fans who keep pushing for het-shipping the unicorns here? So now what if a girl doesn't want to deal with those kinds of "fans"? She's still wrong because you think they're better than the unicorns?

>> No.40721381

Because they simply don't want to, whether it be because income or they just choose not to do it simply because they feel no need to. Someone can choose to not do something because they don't feel like it anon.

>> No.40721454

Because they don't enjoy the atmosphere and dynamic it creates? Because they don't feel comfortable around the other gender?
Go the fuck back already you nijishitter

>> No.40721594

All the homobegging just makes them look worse desu
>you have to collab with males.....because you just do okay?!?!?!?
>you aren't a unicorn schizo right!?!?!?!
Sad!!!! I would pissed and embarrassed if I knew my fanbase was arguing on the internet wanting to force people to collab with me.

>> No.40724635

Holy shit you are delusional

>> No.40730827

Reminder that Hololive only became a power house when they embraced Idol culture.

>> No.40731152

Independent, strong women group have to support males leeches? No

>> No.40731226

But the girls are the biggest powerhouses in vtubing without the guys. It's just a niche hobby for guys who want to watch cute girls.

>> No.40731891

What did those men do to deserved support from all women? Just because they have penies?

>> No.40732105

The cost is fucking cheap nigga. They can fuck breed simp for men off stream, just don't do it at work. Western whores will never understand professionalism

>> No.40732228 [DELETED] 

>Pay money to watch live JP concert
Roru. Rumao

>> No.40732353

Go watch Niji and never come back, faggot

>> No.40732507

Women always prefer sucessful men. Women don't choose star mean those men are failures. Why a woman has to choose you over a millionaire, chud?

>> No.40733861

>believing the stars are successful
Yeah chud, I'd get if it was an actual millionaire but why give up most of your only source of income to collab with guys who are below you? At least that whore Vei choose an actual millionaire to marry.

>> No.40734722

ogey oboretai now face the wall and stop using sora for your agenda

>> No.40734792

Matuli already simped for Roberu before star was made, and FBK promoted her cousin Oga - she even let Oga spread rumours about Chloe right after her debut. Holo women that supported star always have filthy motivations behind it.

>> No.40735028

>No matter how much the audience say they're cool with it there's always crazy fucks ready to harrass them
Case in point (You)

>> No.40735327

>It's weird fans
No, it's shippers. Shippers are cancer, and who are the people wanting these cross-gender collabs? That's right shippers. Who is far more schizophrenic overall between unicorns and shippers? Well one group has been harrassing a married man to divorce his wife and leave his kids behind and acting like total stalkers so he can marry his co-star that these nutcases ship him together with. The others just said they don't want male collabs since it's not what they're interested in.
Seriously this shit happens all the damn time.
Meanwhile that person is part of an abusive fandom that puts needles into people's food to try and kill them for drawing a ship they don't like or a character too skinny.
You fuckers are the nutjobs they don't want to cater to. YOU are the mentally unstable ones.
Unicorns are fucking NORMAL by comparison.

>> No.40735470
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>rattle shaking noises

>> No.40735800

A delusional anon, projecting with all the force his little heart can muster.

>> No.40735951

NTA but let's assume the GFE delusion is "real", how does that even contradict or prevent the male collabs? Why should the insecurities of specific types of people be feared by big corporations? Why are basic ass interactions with coworkers seen as threats to the fans' "relationships"? Like fine, I concede that if a way to avoid fans getting jealous of banter or friendly interactions would end in a sterile, overly professional collab like you usually see in Japanese news TV, it would probably be boring as shit and not worth having at this point, but them existing at all? Because of some maladjusted individuals?

>> No.40736030
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>Unicorns are fucking NORMAL by comparison.
You and your kind abhor a male on stream for "tainting your oshi" it's not considered normal behavior. I see nothing but kino, you ever seen the toxicity they put up as they banter.

>> No.40736046

The fucking tourists can't even bother to fish up a vtuber reaction image.

>> No.40736124

>doxxing yourself
Shiggy diggy

>> No.40736314
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Sorry just passing through. I just love meltdowns and arguments. Please excuse me

>> No.40736401
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This was when everything stopped for the uproar 3D debut

>> No.40736477
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>all of the stars are nice people

>> No.40736505
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>> No.40736556

All good nigger, you could tell this was someone losing their mind just from the rambling disjointed OP.

/vt/ somehow attracts some really unhinged schitzos, even from the tourists.

>> No.40736611

Didn't one of them throw a shitfit at their manager so bad they had to 2 week ban him, and make it public that they were doing so?

>> No.40736742

An Audience watches what they enjoy watching.

You must have a fragile grip on reality if you blame a movies or television shows audience on why it loses viewers.

>> No.40737674

You are suppose to take your customers preferences into account not try to shame them if you want to be successful. The customers don’t need to justify their preferences to anyone, only to act on them.

>> No.40740425

These so called "customers" are holding the things they "enjoy" hostage to shape them as they wish because of their pathetic and immature whims. Ergo, they're making everyone uncomfortable around a specific topic and ruining it for everyone else who isn't mentally ill and would not mind *gasp* the chuuba they watch hosting a stream with a guy of the opposite sex without any fear of "cucking". And no, I'm not talking about Nijifans/normies/tourists, just people with common sense.

>> No.40740737

The chuuba chose us because we have greater numbers than you and your friends.

>> No.40740947

Ofcourse, who would pay to be cucked, retard, I bring my money where there is more security it's just logic.

>> No.40741348

Seems to be going just fine for Sankisei and most of Hololive. Perhaps you should find more people to take interest in your homos than trying to convert the girls at-large to fit your headspace.
You meant ‘normalfags’.

>> No.40741666

When hololive becomes exactly like nijisanji it will be the end. No distinction means you can just wildly and blindly pick from whichever company and get the exact same experience. The actual brains at Cover know this, and a lot of the girls in JP know it too. This is why it's mostly contained to some JP exceptions, EN and ID. The rest of JP is not included in that shit because it means a massive hit to income.

Protip: Cover still makes most of their money from their business in Japan, not in any way shape or form by EN or ID girls, and not the EN holostars either.

>> No.40742219

Important question: why do you like men?

>> No.40742298
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Anon, NTA but the customer definitely has preference, if a chuuba wishes to collab with homos then that's fine because I don't really care but they lose customers who don't want to watch those collabs. If they are fine with it then that's their problem and I assume they don't mind taking the hit, if they want to keep pandering to the unicorns since they, on average, spend more money on a chuuba then that's also their choice. Everyone has a choice and the ones who pander to unicorns make theirs, it's not really a hard concept to grasp anon. The ones who refuse to collab with males choose the unicorns over you and if you have any respect for yourself then you'd respect that decision, otherwise you'd be no different than the unicorns you choose to hate. I mean look at this thread, look at some hololive chuubas chats with collab beggars, heck look at Nazuna from Vshojo, she constantly gets the vocal minority of collabs beggars wanting her to collab with men yet refuses every single time because she chooses the unicorns and gachikoi over the ones who beg for collabs and she's not the only one, Saruei and Shondo are other examples of this as well.

>> No.40745005

Collab are not apart of their contract you faggot, hololive make a twitter statement because of kronii drama, that every holomem are allowed to choose whoever they want to collab with or don't at all, they allowed to set their communities the way they want it to be.

>> No.40745716

Well at least in this thread, it just prove how homobeggar are more schizo than unicorn
>maybe they don't want to collab with male
>no, they are just hostage to unicorn, it their job to collab with male, they talk to their MALE father, there no excuse, REEEEEEEE

>> No.40745829

Yep, at least unicorns actually watch, buy the merch and pay the chubba. Homobeggars only give then hearts on Twitter, and I feel like a lot of chuubas are realizing this now after the shit that went down.

>> No.40745891

>these Collabs (which should be normal in the first place)
Homobeggars aren't people and shouldn't be given a platform to stand on. Not reading the rest of this garbage.

>> No.40745969

>Unicorns, in my eyes, are abusing the funding they give
Then outfund them. You want people to you and your needs? Spend more than them. But you won't, you'll sit at a keyboard pretending to have the moral high ground and give them nothing but platitudes.

>> No.40746071

They are free to do it if they really want to, they are not being held hostage by any means, just don't expect everyone else to like it as >we are not being held hostage neither

>> No.40746380

Holostars is a male group
Hololive is a female group
Collabs are infrequent and unnecessary because they appeal to different audiences.

This is most apparent from the fact that Mumei was getting 8k while Homo was getting 4k, mumei's ccv didn't increase when he stopped streaming. The western homo audience is larger (or at least less likely to obsessively simp for a single guy, like how Roberu gets 3k CCV and Aruran's best is around 600) but there is minimal overlap between women and gays watching a red twink talk about art and men and lesbians watching a woman bang a gavel while saying 'don don'. And that's fine because people have different tastes.

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.40746474

>retarded takes at 11
People give money to see things they want to see. It is not uncommon for people to demand their money back for a film that sucks, or to return clothes or computer parts that didn't work out. You are an entitled child of the new millennium and too retarded to understand people don't have to buy shit they don't want. Unless it's obamacare.

>> No.40749161
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>You're a bad person if you disagree with how the company you support handles your money.
>You're a bad person if you don't support everything the company does.
Sorry, I don't agree.

>> No.40749663

>And I wish they put more effort into helping one another

You know why they need help? Because no one is interested in male Vtubers.

Things won't change even if you force the girls to collab with them, no one will watch them. You need to understand trash will remain trash forever, no matter what you do.

Go watch Niji and stop complaining

>> No.40749843

Oh boohoo the girls who make tons of money playing video games 10 hours a week can’t stream with men, truly a modern tragedy

>> No.40750046

You can't shame an audience into watching something they don't enjoy watching anon, as foreign to you as that may be.

They can continue doing what they're doing, or they can change things up and risk alienating the current fanbase.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.40752407

Shut your mouth, cuck

>> No.40756951
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>> No.40758511

Simply here to say two things:
> I love Fubuki
> Have a nice day

>> No.40760256

Shitty take. Heres another:

What if some of the girls don't want to to collab with males? You ever thought of that? But you twitter trannies are trying to force them to bow down to your will. Trying to manipulate Cover into mandating collabs.

It's obvious you don't even care about the girls, all you want is to virtue signal and have that W. Once you destroy what good there is in vtubing you move on to your next target. Now thats what I call abuse.

Thankfully true hololive fans are here to protect the girls from your destructive influence, we have the means, we have the money, we have the power.

Yagoo stated that he made Hololive to give a platform to girls who otherways wouldn't have it, just look at girls like Miko who thrive and live their best life thanks to this.

>> No.40760370
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Any of them can do whatever they want. They are all adults that don't need anyone speaking for them, especially far less capable adults /here/

>> No.40760577 [DELETED] 

People with common sense don't throw money at 2dwomen nigga. Are you on drugs?

>> No.40760745

fuck, I love pekora. She's so chaotically funny, that
edit where she's transcending space and time is so hilarious

>> No.40761829

God this girl is based beyond belief

>> No.40763850

kys incel

>> No.40768070


>> No.40768595

correction: HoloID risks these collabs because they are already a failure anyway

>> No.40768648

learn english you dirty brown creature

>> No.40768770

At this point you're unironically sounding like the incel anon. That anon is trying to protect the girls right to choose what she wants, you're trying to take that away from her.

>> No.40770429

Is that really the right thing to do?

>> No.40774112

Who would've thought that beggars are more misogynistic than unicorns.

>> No.40774270
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Homobeggars are doing the exactly the same thing as women sports. Living as a leech isn't enough? Kek.

>> No.40774390

>Collabs like this show that faggots only succeed when you put a gun to a real talents head and force their fans to watch along

>> No.40774929

The true incels are those SJWs. See how they ruined women's career and hurted her income because of pedobait accusation

>> No.40774934

But isn't that proving that point? That they're doing well *because* they're not collabing with males?
I understand if a chuuba doesn't *want* to do male collabs, of course I'm not going to go the other way and beg for them to happen, but you can definitely tell the difference between when a girl is uncomfortable doing one and would rather not moving forward (e.g. Mumei in that one collab) and when a girl doesn't do it because she chose that strategy and knows it loses customers/money and on top of that does the girlfriend experience act, aka all the ones you've listed me. It's just a vicious circle of enabling that kind of stuff which fosters the kind of people that would relentlessly harass other chuubas (that don't do those things) when something male related happens because it's an expectation they've set for themselves.
So yes, I guess I'm not just talking about people that just wanna see cgdct and silently avoid male stuff, but the more extreme kind that act upon it.

>> No.40775812
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>These collabs showcased how much of a powerhouse HoloPro is when they're working with one another
>Most of the boys are willing to work with them, but most of the girls are not

>> No.40775936

Based Unity Chad has entered the building

>> No.40776388

>That they're doing well *because* they're not collabing with males?
>that kind of stuff which fosters the kind of people that would relentlessly harass other chuubas
Just don't set an expectation, like Bae.

>> No.40776444

News flash, newfag, any and all streamers chose their "strategy" to publicize their content as far as they can. It's a market with thousand of people competing for proportionally a small amount of heads, and it's important to have something that differentiate yourself from your competitors. Hololive was only seen as a bargain bin Nijisanji before the idol rebranding and would never reach the place they are right now if they kept that strategy, and multiple female chuubas see others losing viewership because of male collabs and decide the risk isn't worth it. Call them numberfags for all I care but at the end of the day they're the ones streaming as a job, not you. If you don't like it then there's lots of other options out there, it's a free market and you have a right to just stop watching them if you think their content isn't what you want, just like "muh unicorns" have the right to abandon a female chuuba when they start pushing for male collabs.

Straight from Oboretai. Hell, OP is most likely him.

>> No.40776603

The unitychad's speech that kills unicornfags

>> No.40778600

>It's just a vicious circle of enabling that kind of stuff which fosters the kind of people that would relentlessly harass other chuubas
That's actually false anon, it's the chuuba themselves who set how they want to act and garners a fanbase because of it and the fanbase of gachikoi in this case usually just sticks to that chuuba. I can't speak much about Saruei since she doesn't have a thread here but Nazunas Gachikoi only really give a damn about her qnd what she does, they don't care about other chuubas, same thing with Shondos gachikoi, in fact most of the sperg outs over people like Kronni doing male collabs have come from her own fanbase, not anyone else's because at the end of the day she sets how she acts and what she does, as well as what kind of fanbase she attracts and it's the same thing with Amelia, in fact I partly believe the sperg out of Amelia's fans are justified to some extent because she had done GFE like streams before and in her channel description, up until a little bit before she started doing tempus collabs, she had something akin to "your detective girlfriend" in it. It not saying she shouldn't be able to do male collabs but what m saying is the drama was entirely of her own doing, same thing with Kronni actually since the drama didn't start escalating until her retarded response. I'm not saying chuubas like Nazuna and Shondo don't get into drama, obviously, but, aside from shitposters and drama fags, those dramas are generally resolved peacefully ad in less than a week or two within their own fanbases and between them and their gachikoi and their gachikoi don't watch or rarely watch other chuubas in the first place anyways.

>> No.40778726
File: 53 KB, 780x461, 1668143485195116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go elsewhere and let me watch what i came here for faggot

>> No.40781725

Basically what >>40776388 said. They shouldn't set an expectation that they would regret in the future. At least with Watson she never hid she was pro-unity and was a known Shiengumi since the beginning, even if she didn't interact much with the StarsJP. Kronii acted like the male branch never existed, never gave them a shout out or mentioned them, and afaik never ever touched the subject of male vtubers. Before Tempus was announced she was consistently on the list of "will never collab with StarsEN" more than Mumei or even Kiara, so nobody saw the collab spam happening and it was obvious it would create a controversy, which only got worse after she failed spectacularly to deal with it.

>> No.40782038

Yeah, that's essentially my stance on it. If you want to collab with males and the like then go for it but make it clear from the beginning that you will and are pro-unity, I won't watch but I don't really care since I have my own chuuba, but if you just spring it on people after essentially being anti-male collabs then it's something you cause on yourself. I'd like to use Rin from Idol as an example, she's not collabed with a male yet but she's made it clear that she doesn't mind and would probably collab with them and her current fans know that already so when she does do it then it won't be a problem.

>> No.40782591


>> No.40784463

The manages also play a important role here, or at least should've. It's obvious that the Hololive girls who used to collab with male vtubers in the distant past semi-regularly were in a way convinced to stop doing it by their managers, not in a authoritarian way since we still see collabs with Holostars or vtubers from other agencies happening with other members, but in a "maybe you should reconsider" way. If Kronii's managers were half as smart they would tell her that doing something her fanbase never expected her to do will create a controversy and she should either not do it or be prepared to deal with it, but the retards end up letting her make a comment on a fucking clip "trying" to explain her side. HoloEN's management is well known for their retardation, but that was fucking insanity to the point I wonder if they even work at all.
