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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 100 KB, 1000x1112, 2023-01-10_12-33-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40701880 No.40701880 [Reply] [Original]

EN homo steals art tag from an indie who's been doing the hustle for over a year.
Is cover this incompetent to check a fucking art tag?

>> No.40701954

Didn't think you'd be this spiteful
Even posting this on Reddit

>> No.40702062

Bro i dont like the homo, but this is reaching it, unless he stole the art tag and double down on it, then i would join you.

>> No.40702108

1 view nobody isnt entitled to shit.
Who gives a fuck?

>> No.40702133


>> No.40702134

neither is an en homo

>> No.40702204

People are actually gonna post on it when he takes it.

>> No.40702206

Wouldn't it be stupid to come up with a new tag? He's bound to get more visibility this way.

>> No.40702209


>> No.40702243

I agree that hijacking tags is scummy but how much activity this 1 viewer even had on this tag? I'm pretty sure he took it because it looked abandoned

>> No.40702293

kys cum brain holofaggot homo beggar

last one was on the 13th of december

>> No.40702330

Poor lad
At least he's taking it in stride I guess

>> No.40702369

>I'm so big and important everyone should bow down to me
This would be a bad look if you were a 5view let alone a 3view Gayvis.

>> No.40702488

I mean sure it sucks, but to be honest this is getting him more publicity than he ever had before so it's not like he's particularly hurting because of it.
There's only so many art tags you can possibly come up with, especially when it's this fucking generic. as long as that Homo isn't being a dick about it it's all fine imo.

>> No.40702598

Guy is a png-tuber with 100 subs and the hashtag looks outright abandoned at a glance, can't really fault anyone for thinking it would be fine to use.

>> No.40702603

It's not a big deal, Nene traced pictures from other artists, Noel used sword emoji as her oshi mark when other smaller vtuber has been using it for years, no one gives a fuck.

>> No.40702645

get fucked 1view
bow down to your corpo overlords

>> No.40702646

Nene was friends with artist and still ended up being a big deal.

>> No.40702653

yeah but there's a difference between a pure Japanese chuuba doing it in good faith and a homo fag te piss who's fucking your oshi.

>> No.40702663

You're laughing.
A man just lost his art tag and you're laughing.

>> No.40702667

>1view pngtuber
>twitter drama
>a fucking art hashtag
slow day huh?

>> No.40702709

Chloe had to change her original art tag because it was filled with orc porn.

>> No.40702718
File: 68 KB, 373x488, 1658405813641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated that "cutesy" style of typing.

>> No.40702720

>>I'm so big and important everyone should bow down to me
You dont matter if nobody watches you.
Its a fucking twitter tag.

>> No.40702740

What made you stop hating it?

>> No.40702761
File: 221 KB, 391x391, 2358802646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40702791

Jester is a WOMAN you retards. The absolute state of this board pretending that Jester is going to benefit from this. You aren't going to watch her stream, you aren't gonna watch her vod, and by tomorrow you will forget she ever existed.

>> No.40702801

fauna stole lenri oshi mark

>> No.40702816

rude fans would get mad that anything related to him would get posted in that tag because vtuber fans are autistic and if something is out of place they will scream.

>> No.40702851


>> No.40702878
File: 298 KB, 445x436, 1638613892949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, now that I know, I will groom her. Thanks for telling me, anon.

>> No.40702881

fauna isn't pure and isn't japanese

>> No.40702909

she's one of the honorary holojps

>> No.40702918

Exactly, same response as this homo taking a 1views abandoned art tag.

>> No.40702932

You are right, I will never even click on their channel.
But someone "might" check them out because of this, which is a lot more than they would have gotten without this happening.

>> No.40702969

are you just looking for a stupid reason or what? it's just a fucking art tag

>> No.40702976

>probably happy since it's getting some attraction
I'll wait for a few days to see everybody forget about it and abandon this 1 view into tears

>> No.40702979

>The absolute state of this board pretending that Jester is going to benefit from this
Nobody cared enough to look up the channel.
Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.40702982

Wow who could've predicted that the homo beggar tempiss lover is also a woke sjw tranny

>> No.40703014

"their" is basic fucking english you faggot
I wont just start calling them a woman because some dude on 4channers said so

>> No.40703020

Tough shit, they can't kick over every rock on twitter to find out if a tag is used by someone with 8 followers.

>> No.40703035

if even 1 person ends up watching her stream because of this that's already a 10% incline in viewership lmao

>> No.40703051

their is woke pronoun bullshit that you've just outed yourself with you anti idol homo beggar

>> No.40703077

let holopiss be uncreative pls
dont bother this indie pls
>jester + art
jesas christ tempiss is embarrassing

>> No.40703092

Jester’s a /here/ woman, I wouldn’t even really call her a vtuber. Not even a pngtuber. It’s similar to jap youtubers that just put a chibi in the corner of the screen but wouldn’t ever refer to themselves as a vtuber.

>> No.40703095

>be 14yo kid
>want to be a vtuber
>make your own thing
>it gets stolen by a massive corporation and you get bullied to death by their minions
The internet is a sad place.

>> No.40703102
File: 10 KB, 684x259, Their.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESL doesn't know English grammar
Kek. It's ok, you'll eventually do well in English class. Hopefully.

>> No.40703131
File: 15 KB, 324x319, 3943604703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not calling someone a woman is being woke
Just cant win with you lgbt obsessed fucks

>> No.40703152

>be jester

>> No.40703222

Go back to epic heckerino reddit.

Currently doing master's in English, what about you tempiss lover?

>> No.40703228

>complaining about the usage of a normal gender-neutral pronoun
What makes you different from the SJWs you hated so much?

>> No.40703236

I always thought it was weird linguists try to ascribe words like their to old norse rather than old english, claiming that old norse /influenced/ old english, when old english has the largest, oldest and best attested selection of written works plus the fact that proto-english is from denmark in the beginning anyway and was part of a north-south dialect continuum just a few centuries earlier, so ascribing english words to danish invaders never made sense, when the danes in Sjaelland were literally neighbors to the Jutes and the Angles in Jutland and Angeln.

>> No.40703255

I think you've forgotten what site you're on.

>> No.40703264

i think she cute

>> No.40703296

Good luck.
It doesn't seem to be going so well if you can't even recognize "Their" as a commonly used word and you have the need to think it's related to "woke" bullshit.
Certified accountant btw.

>> No.40703301

How can you be an artist and not have the urge to at least make a 2 frame reactive png… one fucking year in to calling yourself a vtuber

>> No.40703349

That's very likely, but it would only make the EN homo look bad. The 1view has nothing to lose.

>> No.40703351

Go and account how much Hunter Biden did in illegal trade, tempiss lover

>> No.40703353

My point was that its an old ass word calm down

>> No.40703388

>virtual spider
I will not check this 1-view streams, but can someone recommend me a good spider vtuber? I never knew I wanted one but, I do now

>> No.40703420

>faggots and sisters shitting on this random shmuck for pointing out tempoop's misstep
he's not even being a bad sport about it, you guys are fucked

>> No.40703421

Kind of a shitty thing to do to someone. If this was someone in niji or vshojo you know for a fact they'd be the most terrible villain ever for doing it. But since it's a blue dorioto you'll all take the side of the person taking over someone else's tag

>> No.40703450

The absolute state of this board

>> No.40703508

It's not even the first time it happened, is it? IIRC, Nene's live tag was also used by some small indie before Nene took it over.

>> No.40703515
File: 513 KB, 2508x3541, Jester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relevant thread image

>> No.40703534

at least we agree that fauna isn't pure

>> No.40703566

this is more exposure than they will have for the rest of their 1view life, if they're smart about it they can probably bump up to a 2view because of this

>> No.40703584

Check amiya aranha if you enjoy old games

>> No.40703600

>aspie makes it into holo
>out of every possible hashtag, a genmate somehow snipes another aspie's art tag
the true nature of /asp/, laid bare

>> No.40703601

>Noel used sword emoji as her oshi mark when other smaller vtuber has been using it for years
Well to be frank there's a limited pool of oshi marks, and it has to fit your character to some degree. Of course they're going to be some overlap, unless they're willing to use shit like the Malawi flag emoji or pregnant black man emoji..
Oshi mark is pretty fucking retarded anyway.

>> No.40703634

>4 arms instead of 8 legs with 7 vaginas, maybe more.
one job.

>> No.40703639


>> No.40703656

Hunter Biden, the 50th president of the United States, is based as fuck.

>> No.40703678

Jesus, you tourists are horrible.

>> No.40703703

I remember Hololive fans demanding Pomu change her oshi mark because it was the same as Anya's at first.

>> No.40703739

You can't expect Cover to know about some random 1view tag. They took it in stride, so this is a pathetic nothing burger

>> No.40703810

it's Joe Biden you SEAtard

>> No.40703876

Eh I never knew she was supposed to be a spider. She could be anything at this point, but thanks I'll take a look

>> No.40703890

It's generally considered good manners to check if a tag is being used by someone else or for something else before making it your tag. So either they didn't do that or they did and decided to fuck this guy over anyway.

>> No.40703927
File: 56 KB, 1177x661, chino my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40703928

>check a fucking art tag
this is peak twitterfaggot privilege

>> No.40703937

Considering something similar happened before. They didn't check lol.
>Chloe, Orcart.

>> No.40704020

Well, duh, that makes sense and you don't even have to be a Holofan to ask that unless you want them to be overlapped on purpose

>> No.40704115

>small Holo gets something overtaken by bigger vtuber
"That's makes sense that they should change of course they should."
>smaller vtuber outside of holo gets something taken over by a holo
"Why would they even bother to consider if it was being used!?!"

>> No.40704117

We must defend the cunny. Down with Homo EN!

>> No.40704120

>insect 1 view woman, primo grooming material
i will now look up your stream

>> No.40704161

link to her youtube channel?

>> No.40704248

This but completely unironically
love me cunny
hate me homos
simple as

>> No.40704286


>> No.40704368

>Entitled 2views

>> No.40704419

There's only so much emojis you can use, it's not a big deal and there are multiple chuubas sharing their oshimarks.
A tag, however, is a completely different case, because you create it.

>> No.40704591

To be fair, JestArt is very easy to come up with. Easy to steal. Still think it would be nice if Bettel changed it for this indie.

>> No.40704686

>hololive girl steals something
>homofag steals somthing
>I-i'ts ok hehe, it's nothing bad right sisters??? hehe

>> No.40704714

she got some publicity over here at least

>> No.40704775

all women are whores, that's just a fact of life

>> No.40704794

nobody here watches chuubas though so it doesn't count for much

>> No.40704857

This bitch is gonna be my new obsession, i WILL tribute her

>> No.40704900

>Look up bio
not a vtuber

>> No.40704977

What's her original art tag?

>> No.40705114


cute design

>> No.40705121

youtube is an official platform regulated by the internet police only real vtubers use youtube all the other streams are not REAL vtubers

>> No.40705181

Orcart, I have no idea how they didn't foresee that Orc art would be full of orcs and not 'orca.'

>> No.40705236

>Steal an art tag
>From a literal fucking who
There's so many vtubers and only anyone who's anyone gets noticed. Though knowing the clown he's probably a good guy, found out and is in talks with the dude

>> No.40705436
File: 109 KB, 475x694, MaskofRestrict-SR07-EN-C-1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's tributing anything while I'm around

>> No.40705457

Send pics once you're done

>> No.40705490


>> No.40705642
File: 77 KB, 481x700, the tribute ALLOWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice brick nerd

>> No.40705738

Can you even tribute as cost for the second effect while Mask of Restrict is already active?

>> No.40705766

no i can't read but i drew the feather duster so i'm going for style points

>> No.40705790

i was about to say that maybe the tag was unused or not clearly about the smol chuuba, but... it had a couple fanarts per month on last couple months. its already something for a really small chuuba, and not that hard to check, and even notice that is not some random tag like happens everyday because twitter.

>> No.40706092 [DELETED] 

Do nijiniggers ever get tired of constantly attacking hololive?

>> No.40706232

>hololards do something wrong

>> No.40706366

Yeah? Fujos are batshit. The Niji males could straight up murder a female co-worker on-stream and they’d spin it as being the dead girl’s fault.

>> No.40706595

If anything it's an opportunity for such a small indie. The art will get much more views than normal and a few people will stumble upon the channel checking out why the art's tagged like that.

>> No.40707200

>Jester is a WOMAN you retards.
I will now watch your chuuba

>> No.40707565

Chloe is not the brightest...

>> No.40707744

>full of orc porns

>> No.40708143

I've seen other vtubers get their art tags hijacked in the past and "large corpo using it because they didn't check and presumably hashing it out behind the scenes" is a much better fate than "absolute nobody hijacking it because they didn't check, spamming it to hell and back with literally every post they make, and being an indignant cunt when the original vtuber using it tries to talk to them until the original one has to change it"

>> No.40708350

>doing master's in English,
I can't help but doubt this to an incredible degree.

>> No.40708525

>master's in English
My condolences

>> No.40708778

yeah who the fuck tempiss thinks they are?
sad desu

>> No.40708994 [DELETED] 
File: 510 KB, 610x679, SPOILER_FiJcMhlWYAIviYT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine stealing an art tag from cunny and replacing it with a homo

>> No.40709100

YOOOO okay I will now watch your 2view

>> No.40709259

cute cute CUTE!!!

>> No.40709369

Ok, but her youtube channel?

>> No.40709450

She's a western indie. She streams on Twitch, along with every other EN indie.

>> No.40709482

This is like bike cuck with an art tag.

>> No.40709522

>get art tag 'stolen'
>instantly get lots of attention and probably permanently enlarge your audience
Dumb bitch should be grateful

>> No.40709558

Anyone calling Fauna pure just lacks sufficient information.

>> No.40709692

>thread seething and bitching about how the vtuber's being an ungrateful cunt for the free popularity boost by having their art tag used by someone else
>she's clearly just confused and freaked out
you faggots live to be upset I swear

>> No.40709702

It would be nice of him to change his art tag to not steal hers.

>> No.40709708

Too bad

>> No.40709711

Tell me this again when her incline starts today and I'll take you seriously.

>> No.40709778

It would be nice but I wouldn't put it past his fujos harassing this indie over it

>> No.40709845

Maybe they don't have to fight over the tag, who knows maybe the two 2views can push each other to become more popular so both of them benefit

>> No.40709947

Nah, I don't want homo trash on my cunny tag.

>> No.40710112

>EN management
>doing their job

probably the only embarrassment branch in term of professionality KEK

>> No.40710398

incompetent and lazy at best, a malicious cunt streamrolling a 2 view at worst
given who he's friends with I'm betting on malicious

>> No.40710704

>who he's friends with
lel, almost forgot about that
but the 2view doesn't seem bad, though not good either, just a cute 1-2view (which already puts her way ahead of many, tho)

>> No.40710810

>They try to steal hobbies and now even art tags
This is going too far

>> No.40710937

>1 view gets wrecked for not having activity on his art tag.

>> No.40710991

Anyone know how much followers she had before today? She went from 500~ to 700 in a few hours.

>> No.40711848

she wants you to watch her tonight so she can thank you for your support. You'll be there, right?

>> No.40711910

Oh, so NOW /vt/ cares about 1-2 views.
Fuck off.

>> No.40711962

worthless leech actually profited off this kek

>> No.40711978

Too late now honestly
Even if he did she'd just get harassed by his fans

>> No.40712119
File: 902 KB, 1792x1479, 1672469248186211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone starts from somewhere
though I think it'll end up as an anecdote for her, since she just seems cute

>> No.40712215

Yes, I'll even anon dono some subs if I'm not sleeping by the time she's live. Looking through her tweets she streams late in the evenings for me.

>> No.40712408
File: 151 KB, 1255x91, 0963727860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasnt streamed in 5 days
>Hasnt streamed in 6 days before that
This whore was halfway out the door but now shes back because of pity follows

>> No.40712487

Seethe lol

>> No.40712505

Fucking this, if you want to really start from somewhere you need to WORK HARD and stream every fucking day, fuck women

>> No.40712527
File: 328 KB, 539x775, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40712567

Its not like streaming is hard work
All the biggest twitchniggers sit there saying nothing for 5 hours while watching youtube videos

This is a pngtuber btw cant we call jannies for off-topic?

>> No.40712586

Have you considered that she might just be doing it as a hobby because she enjoys it?

>> No.40712598

jesus the unicorns were actually right about you homobeggars, you're cancer

>> No.40712623
File: 3 KB, 177x109, 4838264343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.40712653

>everyone needs to treat vchoobing as their job
Are faggots really in here being antis to some random 2view?

>> No.40712657
File: 12 KB, 245x172, 1648072741727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do that too

>> No.40712724

Jester is an ftm tranny from the /asp/ thread

>> No.40712743

Yeah but thats actually me
The first 2 quotes are just me replying

>> No.40712896

He could tell them not to. He was clearly the one in the wrong here.

>> No.40712923

no but youre in here whiteknighting a tranny LMAO

>> No.40712930

According to her twatter, she did an unarchived on friday. Seems like she only does this because she likes it. Hope the homotards don't kill her. God knows there are few indie chuubas who aren't bitchy.

>> No.40712963

found the closet faggot

>> No.40713059

what's the tag, anyway? surely at this point we're starting to run out of meaningful tags, eventually overlaps are inevitable

>> No.40713085

good tag i can see why the homo stole it

>> No.40713087

Shes literally a twitch streamer with a png in the corner
No shit she isnt invested

>> No.40713093

>She's a png tuber

>> No.40713094

I support this being a big deal. I hate holostars. I want EN3.

>> No.40713152

She's very invested, and very menhera.
Probably groomable if you're into girls that will kill themselves if you ignore their DMs for a few hours.

>> No.40713191

I wish I had a clingy needy menhera gf bros

>> No.40713220

Lol Bettel should just change his to #BetterJestart. I would laugh

>> No.40713294

So another Kronii situation then?

>> No.40713343

Jester isn't ftm. It's a salty catalognigger/asp falseflag spreadding rrats.

>> No.40713367

kek this thread is going places

>> No.40713383

Why are cuckmates so obsessed with trannies?
Jester is a female who calls herself a female and uses a female avatar

>> No.40713385

I'm low effort, could someone just post a link.

>> No.40713462

If you avoid stepping on other people's toes on the internet you're just never gonna do anything

>> No.40713516

Wtf you guys are grooming her… stop it

>> No.40713593

Pretty much, at least one other person has had almost every idea now

>> No.40713602

Who did what to who...?

>> No.40713718


>> No.40713857

She's the kind of tranny that feels guilty about being a tranny so she lets people call her whatever they want. Unironically going to be the 45%.

>> No.40713986

That never works

>> No.40714025

Naive retard

>> No.40714444


>> No.40714608

#JestArt doesnt belong to you anymore kek

>> No.40714695

I saw her on /asp/ some months ago, If I remember right she was drawing her own live2d model and planning to rig it herself. I guess this is a good chance to have it done.

>> No.40714921

So she's /vt/. Do you people not feel any loyalty? I demand your hate for this transgression against /vt/.

>> No.40715135

Nah, an indie I follow would be the first one to tell you to not be a retard. If you're gonna shit on the homos, don't claim you're doing it to protect a 2view.

>> No.40715843

I expect a groom report from some anon in 2 months, groomcord link included

>> No.40716620

she would fit nicely in holoen

>> No.40717212

Last time that tag was used was a month ago? No shit they probably just did a 30 day search for the tag, saw it was clear, and went ahead.

>> No.40717343

That's not how it works.

>> No.40717543

taking someone's tag in the vtuber community is a huge no no.. what a fucking idiot. doesn't matter if they are a super small vtuber. IT takes 1 second to search tags to see if they are being used or not.
Douchebag move honestly.

>> No.40717600

> they probably just did a 30 day search for the tag
This isnt how anybody ever uses twitter you faggot

>> No.40717759

>OMG sisters he s-s-stole someone's generic-sounding art tag!
go back

>> No.40717764

in the vtuber community it is common knowledge not to use someone else's hashtags. Who is this Tempiss jerk. Anyone know who they are yet. I could never watch Magni after learning who he is.. super cringe. Hololive hire morons literally. No wonder Gura taking a long break now. She's watching the ship burn from the sidelines now.

>> No.40717966

>This isnt how anybody ever uses twitter
You think cover's intern care about how you should use the site? But the homo should've noticed.

>> No.40717967

'the hustle'
dude doesn't even have a jester gimmick
literally 'uwu im a streamer' nobody who does fuck all for the vtuber community and has streamed barely at all

>> No.40718032

Who even said hustle? She's a cute 1view. Pretty sure she ain't gonna win this, but no need to go against her like that, sisterchama.

>> No.40718076

She has streamed more than the homo who took her tag lol

>> No.40718117

Survival of the fittest.
The weak should fear the strong!

>> No.40718135
File: 1.46 MB, 1533x1663, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'she' literally stole the art tag, retards

>> No.40718165

but when creatively bankrupt tempiss does it
it's okay

>> No.40718197

if you're gonna get mad at cover for using this barely touched art tag, then you should be getting mad at the tranny who tweeted about it

>> No.40718298

Im getting mad at you believing anything you read in /vt/ desu

>> No.40718486

She actually streams though unlike EN

>> No.40718627

The art tag wasn't even being used, had had no posts in months, should some guy with 100 subs just be able to camp every single random hashtag?
What a dumb controversy

>> No.40718736

>The hashtag had no activity in months
Please kys and find better bait

>> No.40719284

>lobo corp
>binding of issac
>risk of rain 2
good taste in games

>> No.40719456

I remember something similar happened to one of lolisex males. He didn't steal the tag but it was pretty similar and easy to misspell. At least he had the decency to change his tag and acknowledged the 2view existence

>> No.40719660



>> No.40719794

Defending taking another artist's ANYTHING is a complete faggot move. At any point.

>> No.40720019

yeah bro because 'JestArt' is so original
literally no one cares except the same faggots who have complained about Tempiss all along

>> No.40720033

>Hag Collector
Jesus that man is everywhere

>> No.40720148

Jester isn’t a tranny but since it was someone else’s art tag before her as well then there isn’t really anything to be overly concerned about.

>> No.40720920

800 followers now

>> No.40721015

This is the worst part of Twitter.
Why Elon hasn't added the ability for custom hashtags for your own account is beyond me.
"tweet your art at @username#shart".
He could even sell that shit as a premium feature for that garbage Blue service, companies and self-employed would eat that right up.

>> No.40721078

Probably because he's a retard

>> No.40721085

Send that suggestion to him and it might happen

>> No.40721142

I know a lot of you retards aren't SNS posting normies and may not understand how a hashtag works, but the whole point of the hashtag is to gather unique content together. Once multiple types of content are mixed under one hashtag, the hashtag is not really efficient to use for anyone. It's the same whether you are on Twitter, Instagram, etc. Many people will come up with a unique hashtag to ensure this fact, and it's the simplest thing to do before posting something to a new hashtag. The concept of combining a username and a hashtag makes zero sense, considering multiple accounts will post to one hashtag. This is by design.

>> No.40721256

This is honestly just sad, the person has no choice but to move over too.

If management and the clown himself actually checked the tag this all could’ve been avoided…

>> No.40721560

Wouldn't #shork@sheep be better?

>> No.40721737

>Global #artwork
>Local @Dumfuck#artwork
It makes complete sense

>> No.40722086

Actually yeah that does sound a bit nicer in that order. Sounds very email-ish.

It would legit be such a good feature to have. Even being able to moderate the hashtag yourself so you could get rid of spammers or whatever. Allow assigning moderators to the hashtags could be useful too.
Sure some people will use it as an echo chamber, but they already do this now with deleting replies to their tweets ever since that was added recently, so fuck it go wild.
It would make Twitter actually fucking useful to be on for companies instead of some mishmash of shitty half-features they have now, like shopping panels added recently.

>> No.40722126

The chat were specifically telling him when he announced the tag, he just ignored it

>> No.40722171

There are plenty of times I want to post to a hashtag and not mention a person involved in the hashtag. It also would require that every discussion topic is centered around a single account, which is simply unrealistic.

>> No.40722464

You can even go full jew on it
>blue: you can have 1 (one) local hashtag
>actual checkmark: you get 5 (five) local hashtag and can buy more
>both can pay at the time of local hashtag creation if they want something other than their usernames after the "@"

That'd be the thing with local hashtags. They'll just be a hashtag that allows "@", like text, but wouldn't @ the user with that name.

>> No.40722502

you're kind of right, but youtube is impossible to grind from nothing as a streamer, it's a video platform first. The situation has gotten better, but it is still a herculean task to go from streaming to a void to even a 2view on youtube from streaming with the algorithm, your only hopes are banger shorts.

>> No.40722579

I thought the samurai was the former /asp/ie? I didn't know the villain was an /asp/ie, but I don't know the old lore from the first threads/discord.

>> No.40722905

I only know about the spic, > shota and vshojo orbiter.

>> No.40722996

>irrelevant 1view that probably gets fanart by commissioning it only

>> No.40723067

You're right but
>vtuber community
Never say that again, tumblr refugees are the retards who speak like that.

>> No.40723113

That’s actually kinda sad.
Imagine being railroaded like this, and there’s practically nothing this guy can do about it.

>> No.40723152

they're being good sports about it, currently running a poll over what to change it to.

>> No.40723259

>random bandaids
All she needs now is to be a smiley serial killer and voila her tumblr oc is complete.

>> No.40723897


>> No.40724670
File: 54 KB, 421x614, 3027001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feather duster
Turapu cado hatsudou!

>> No.40724791

is the goblin russian? blyat

>> No.40724793

I would be mad if she didn't take the chance, it's fate telling you that is your lucky day.

>> No.40724830

yeah, it would be a fools errand to ignore all that extra attention. even if it doesn't convert.

>> No.40724853

Now that you mention it... it does look familiar...

>> No.40725195

>There are plenty of times I want to post to a hashtag and not mention a person involved in the hashtag
You want post to your oshis tag without mentioning her? Or do you mean mentioning as in notify the person?
There is no reason that @person#topic or #topic@person or what ever other format would automatically "@" the person in question
> It also would require that every discussion topic is centered around a single account, which is simply unrealistic
Thats the whole point. No one want to replace global #, just add it so that you can channel specific #.

>> No.40725301

>I post to my oshi's tag without mentioning her
I mean the actual pinging notification. I rarely ever use the @ or tagging functions on Twitter. I also do a similar thing on my personal photography/non-vtuber related social media (Instagram)

>> No.40725378

Just because @person pings does not immediately imply #topic@person would also have to ping, only designate that its a local topic to that account

>> No.40725471

If they can remove that then I'm not as opposed to it, but I think it's a big change in engineering. On all of these platforms, the primary function of the @ command primary function is literally to ping/mention someone. They'd have to break it up somehow.

>> No.40725591

twitter actually has coders now instead of 5000 rightthink enforcers

>> No.40725629

Alright then get the coders on it, I'll wait

>> No.40725661

Got a time for the stream, 8pm EST / 5pm PST

>> No.40725670

>is there a #? then its a local topic
>No? Its a mention
Worst case scenario, they have to use one of the other symbols you have on the 1 through 0 keys.

>> No.40726706

It will be interesting to see if they are able to take advantage of this sudden influx of attention. Many vtubers never get an opportunity like this.

>> No.40726898

She's a megasperg so doubt it

>> No.40729069
File: 1.90 MB, 3000x4000, shylily vending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everone is Shylily, anon.

>> No.40729077


>> No.40729898

source: my ass

>> No.40730129

that will just make people think they're cuter.....

>> No.40730320

Well that's why I'm following her now. Every vtuber I watch is a sperg.

>> No.40732481

i'll lurk at the minimum

>> No.40732648

that's how the world works, are you an underage or retarded?

>> No.40732904

>There's only so many art tags you can possibly come up with
Literally infinite.

>> No.40732972

Move aside, indie. Corporate Chad is moving in

>> No.40733004

There's a character limit, so no

>> No.40733072

So the homo didn't bother searching for the tag at all before deciding to use it? It didn't occur to him that it might be full of weird porn or politics or random shit he doesn't want to be associated with? He's a fucking idiot.

>> No.40733080

maybe if you watched streams instead of just fighting on twitter you'd have seen it

>> No.40733131

You should send it to him, that's a better idea than most changes made in the past 5 years. Also tell him to return Fleets

>> No.40733183

>as long as that Homo isn't being a dick about it it's all fine imo
Nah, if it was already being used then he needs to step off. Funny though how beggars will drop their "poor abused second class citizens :(((" victim complex whenever it's one of the tempiss failures who are doing the abusing.

>> No.40733251

>Jester is a WOMAN you retards
I will now watch your

>> No.40733275

not a tranny just a girl

>> No.40733302

fuck indies

>> No.40733363

>falling for cuckmate bait
Jester is a girl

>> No.40733446

>assumes she's a man because everyone else is using he
>believes the first person to (correctly) say it's a woman
>then immediately believes the random tranny schizo
Amazing. Your brain must run on gerbil power.

>> No.40733802


>> No.40733834
File: 375 KB, 1080x1238, Screenshot_20230110-175651_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40733934


>> No.40733999

She's going live

>> No.40734004

Shut the fuck up she's live

>> No.40734134

>risk of rain 2
>stuttering like hell
based AND cute

>> No.40734143

so glad you guys gave this person a bunch of exposure and followers when they're a shit streamer and they're not gonna retain viewers, lets goooooooo

>> No.40734166

Kill yourself containment breakers

>> No.40734172
File: 1.50 MB, 246x264, jester.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a png after all

>> No.40734173

>Already containment breaching
You fuckheads

>> No.40734183

/vt/ BTFO

>> No.40734206

>vt is bad
>it's not a good place
>don't pay attention to them
LMAO get fucked saviorfags

>> No.40734221

>we're silly
it's over /vt/sisters.....

>> No.40734229

based and true

>> No.40734252

Eh, she streams at the same time as my oshi, so i can see her sometimes if she streams in a day she doesn't stream.

>> No.40734298

>waited for the right time to evolve from pngtuber to 3d model

>> No.40734307

Cover, because it's terrible press for homos and the HolostarsEN are already on the verge of being hated.
Also, it's a bad way to start his career for the debutee.

>> No.40734310

lmfao cry beggar cry

>> No.40734323

This moment makes me so happy and it shows the internet isn't all bad.

>> No.40734325

i don't care. i've been through this before. the worst that can happen is i'm not interested and i just quietly leave. until then, I'm here for now.

>> No.40734387

Respect. It was obviously the thing that any decent human being would do, but still good on him.

>> No.40734426

Funny how that works huh.
"Luck smiles upon those who are ready to receive it"

>> No.40734433

They have the potential to grow and improve, unlike the homos whose ccv will only go down from here

>> No.40734480

lurker facts
>She has a model ready and she is waiting for some things to come in the mail
>It's her first time showing her model on stream
>She is a 20 year old girl clearly autistic
>She will eat bugs on her debut (wdsmbt?)

>> No.40734481

oh nyo bros.... shes really cute

>> No.40734491

>ccv going from $0 to $50
>ccv going down from $20,000 to $10,000
damn what a shame

>> No.40734526

shut the fuck up bettel and do better next time faggot.

>> No.40734540

numbers go up
brain feel happy
numbers go down
brain feel sad
simple as that

>> No.40734549

So happy for the bug.

>> No.40734596

I believe she's a spider and spiders eat bugs

>> No.40734604

>jobs not looking like an asshole
>jobs at keeping his newly claimed tag

>> No.40734615

It's because of people like >>40733251 she became the target of the week in /asp/ and people ran the rrat that she was ftm to the ground

>> No.40734636

>make 5 figures
>still make 5 figures
hm sure bud

>> No.40734647

>bombard her streams trying to force drama
>leave after a day never returning as a true fan
/vt/ can be cruel sometimes.....

>> No.40734702

>homos getting 10k
lol lmao, delusional, they're going to be scraping 1k soon

>> No.40734724

>changing her tag anyways

>> No.40734733

>It's because of people like >>40733251(You) she became the target of the week in /asp/
Don't blame me for that shit, I stopped looking at that thread the moment I realized it was nothing but groomers.

>> No.40734767

the tag is tainted with a homosexual
she might as well just change it

>> No.40734774

>"steals tag" that wasn't really used
>someone posts on reddit and it gives the chuuba views
>chuuba takes it as a chance to get a new tag since she knows she's on the spotlight now
>homo can apologize and do a collab/give the tag back and claim management didnt look far enough
>both parties gain from this

>> No.40734787

Based as fuck 2view slaying the homo menace

>> No.40734793

did you check the tag? over 400 holostars art on it. I'd do the same fucking thing.

>> No.40734802

honestly she's okay at streaming, little dead air, but she's clearly a nervous wreck right now so it's hard to see her as super entertaining

>> No.40734834

>we hate jannies in this chat
uhh based?

>> No.40734844


>> No.40734862

>create rrats and use a 1view as a casualty for corpo wars
>refuses to elaborate
special place in hell for faggots that do this

>> No.40734877

>the game audio being muted in favor of random bgm wasn't intentional

>> No.40734963

Everyone wins to be honest. Maybe it was on purpose, as a way to put her in the spotlight but in an indirect way

>> No.40734985

the only real casualty was the #jestArt tag, look at all we gained from it:
>more bettel jobkino
>1 view got a chance to become a 2view

>> No.40735033

you guys are giving her falsehope at 2view future just to stick it to a homo. bad form.

>> No.40735052

Someone give me a good piece of fanart to bake a new bread
She's a 3view right now

>> No.40735053
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40735063

>the good kind of soggy
lads, i increasingly feel aged out of the internet and i'm not even 30

>> No.40735108

yea just like how Sora got false hope as a 2 view right?

>> No.40735112

>just to stick it to a homo

>> No.40735120

use >>40703515 it's cute af

>> No.40735141

I'm enjoying the insanely shaky voice while it lasts, because she probably won't be this nervous anymore

>> No.40735159

just barely, during an objective buff stream. I am not trying to put her down or anything, it's just best to temper expectations despite hoping for (and even wanting) the best.

>> No.40735187

after watching an archive of her, that's just how she talks...

>> No.40735204

im archiving everything rn for posture. just to show how low this place can sink when jest can't even get a mention in some amateur view thread.

>> No.40735216

That's genuinely fantastic

>> No.40735231

>Naturally shaky voice vtuber
Good, i needed someone to watch at this time area.

>> No.40735320

ESLchama, are you seething because nobody paid attention to your homo?

>> No.40735364

>have equally bad grammar

>> No.40735366

Buddy nobody even talks about Fillian and shes got millions

>> No.40735388

>vtuber that was already using a tag comments on how her tag got taken over
>people discover who she is after seeing this
>she decides to stream
>people check her out even after the situation is resolved
>this is somehow a bad thing
You beggars really are fucked in the head, huh?

>> No.40735443

I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm watching her for the first time and enjoying the stream. Win/win.

>> No.40735464
File: 162 KB, 800x800, vt sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300+ replies over a nothing twitter screencap
This is the worst 4chan board, literally Kiwifarms-lite

>> No.40735483


>> No.40735521

I'll give her a view today but I don't think I'll continue viewing her streams because twitch is ass

>> No.40735533

Thanks for letting us know you only browse /vt/, newfriend.

>> No.40735540

people are talking about the stream now actually

>> No.40735606

Too autistic for me. But good luck though! Fuck homos!

>> No.40735614

Saving this image on your computer and making a post like this shows how low quality you are. People are enjoying the stream and discovering a new vtuber.

>> No.40735634

>Too autistic

>> No.40735650
File: 39 KB, 598x482, kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that the kid wasn't being spiteful about it, he got a nice attitude
Also, he got 700 new followers, that's almost 3 times of what he got in a year, good for him
Still a dick move from the homo, I've seen many debuts where the vtubers just look up tags if anyone uses it on stream before deciding on it, it's not hard
IIRC Vesper also wrote off some tags candidates because they're already used

>> No.40735676

someone is going to force the homoliver shit in her chat you just know it can easily go bad

>> No.40735683

anon... it's a cute autistic girl, not a guy.

>> No.40735705

she is a woman

>> No.40735755

This thread arguing a twitter screencap already has more discussion than that Tempiss vtuber himself.
This board is a fucking horrendous dramatranny shithole. They literally don't care about vtubers but they will swarm drama related.

>> No.40735782

>it's a tranny

>> No.40735801

>Too autistic
skill issue

>> No.40735819

why cant Teamates stop talking about "trannies" in literally every single thread, holy shit

>> No.40735822

It's sad. I remember the late 2019 and early 2020 threads, they were a lot better. Might be rose tinted glasses, but "they" didn't routinely shit discussion up on /jp/

>> No.40735823

anon, stop believing what you read here...

>> No.40735830

>loli model indie
>cunny fanart
ofc it is

>> No.40735860

>plays dbd
>but is a killer main

>> No.40735864

b...but stick it to the homocollabbegging oshi stealing sharks.... huh?

>> No.40735870


Eh, pretty sure that's how Shylily got her start, didn't Veibae have some beef with her and this made people notice the other whore?

>> No.40735872


>> No.40735931

the source is his ass stop shitting up the thread because people take the bait

>> No.40735932

I can groom him

>> No.40735938

ShyLily was growing a bit but Vei called her a discount whore knockoff and a huge number of Veis viewers just switch to her because shes a lot less of a cunt

>> No.40735958

Okay I'm sorry I didn't read the thread
Anyway, she did a good job turning this into gold by not throwing tantrums
Anons on /vt/ should learn from her

>> No.40736002

he saw it in a dream

>> No.40736091

>turning this into gold by not throwing tantrums
either pulled a shylily (>>40735938 and https://youtu.be/f53SgB-RNSU?t=51)) or is actually not a cunt, which is rare in the western scene

>> No.40736105

I was wondering what the schizo was playing at, then I remembered that Jester is an /asp/ie (former or not doesn't matter, once an /asp/ie, always an /asp/ie).
It really IS a bucket of crabs. No chuuba should ever selfpost there. They cannot LIVE if they see anybody else get a shred of attention.
press S to spit on /asp/'s last dying embers and snuff it out. I hope they never get their "gen 4".

>> No.40736118

She was actually a PNG that had a rigged model that she was saving for when she had other assets, and she decided to show it already for the occasion. Both smart and lucky, since this could double her CCV moving forwards.

>> No.40736134

They'll make it up to her by putting her in EN3...

>> No.40736149

>uncle michael
my sides

>> No.40736171

>One of the candidate for the new tag is jestpng/jestjpg instead of JestPG
She had ONE job

>> No.40736200

>I hope they never get their "gen 4"
Can you explain? I only know there's a thread that has decent resources and tutorials for starting chuubas.

>> No.40736252

or even better JestPEG

>> No.40736287

Just comment on the twitter post, she mentioned she read them and saw some good ones.

>> No.40736301

She pronounced it "PN Jester" but it's read as "pngester" so it really doesn't flow off the tongue as easily when read. It only works when spoken
>This character is part of a universe that I have been building since I was very very young
sasuga spider autism

>> No.40736493

>Biology, Chemistry, and library sciences

>> No.40736523

Holy dork, that's lovely.

>> No.40736534


>> No.40736695

it's kind of a meme, but kinf of a loose way of forming a timeline of debuts/selfposts that (as far as I can tell, from lurking for nearly a year) only really coagulated as of the most recent iteration of the "new vtubers post here" thread, where they somehow (logically, to some extent) decided that batch of posters/that discord was gen 3, culminating with a flurry of schizo activity, some designs and voices being posted once and then never again, and a long draught during which few new faces have been seen, and /mvp/ was born. It's all very facinating stuff. I wish I could befriend an /aud/-oldfag and get the full lore.

>> No.40736724


>> No.40736904

>Just cuz I have a bit of the 'tism

>> No.40736917

holy based.....

>> No.40736935

just a little bit of autism with this one. just a bit

>> No.40736969

based, it belongs to the more popular vtuber now, tough shit.

>> No.40737031
File: 1.28 MB, 1066x995, 1661576182647860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should come by /lig/ if you actually think that. One of the OCsnackers from that thread even became a big member of her community

>> No.40737160

/lig/ literally does not matter
its on the same level as /#/

>> No.40737162

Oh no oh no oh no, non-threadreader-non-streamwatcher-non-twitterfollower-ちゃま。。。

>> No.40737169


>> No.40737223

you're a little slow to the party anon.

>> No.40737288

baked migrate whenever >>40737237

>> No.40737296

So are most of her new viewers /here/ or bleeding heart tweeters?

>> No.40737397

Mix of /here/, r.ddit, and twitter
She's almost at 1k followers on twitter now, about doubled since yesterday I believe

>> No.40737686

Wait, was the scurvy thing about her character only or was implying she had it irl?

>> No.40737748

I think she literally had it.

>> No.40738149

God i hate the homos and the homobeggars

>> No.40738432

Most of you don’t even care about her, you’re just lying in wait for a future implosion

>> No.40738623

Calm down, white knight. I care.

>> No.40738736

go back to r/woosh
