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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40624455 No.40624455 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong?

>> No.40624536

Kiara, for not knowing shit and then gaslights marine.

>> No.40624619

>Worrying about schizo's respect for her
Marine would sooner care about a gnat's shit in the outside grass before she cared about what Kiara has to say on anything

>> No.40624680

enjoy your mass report clipfag

>> No.40624690

The EN is always the one in the wrong
The west was a mistake

>> No.40624810
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>The west was a mistake
Say that shit again bro, see what happens. I'll split your ass open like Edo bay

>> No.40624862

Kiara and her fukcing horrendous shit tastes. Austria and Germany were a mistake.

>> No.40625317

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I won't watch your clip
And I won't give a (You)

>> No.40625452

>Still crying that Kiara called cartoons made for children "kids cartoons"

>> No.40625618
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let's just completely ignore that Marine understood what Kiara meant

>> No.40625928

Marine asked the question first of what anime/cartoons were popular overseas, and when Kiara couldn't answer Marine started giving examples of what she liked herself. It was only after that that Kiara was "disappointed" that Marine wasn't giving weeb answers.

>> No.40626045
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you made this thread yesterday retard, try again with fresh bait

>> No.40627686

She was right, everything listed was for a pre-teen audience.

>> No.40627722

Kiara, Dexter's Lab mogs anime

>> No.40627754

Kiara called out holobronies

>> No.40628962

>Who was in the wrong?

>> No.40629373

No you cannot point out who it was made for, since it makes the manchild Redditors seethe

>> No.40629765

Kiara is so fucking cringe, holy shit

>> No.40630094

>Now excuse me as I seethe over this part of a almost 90 minute long stream for the next month, since I am not cringe

>> No.40631646

>no arguments, only buzzwords.

>> No.40631694


>> No.40631710

>Muh buzzwords
Ironic coming from a Kiaraschizo

>> No.40631769

Kiara probably thought Marine was talking about modern spongebob

>> No.40631872

Based cartoon enjoyer.

>> No.40631949

>Names good classic kid shows that even adults can enjoy
>Kiara spregs out because not some throwaway teenager modern anime trash.
Kiara sucks and most likely had shit childhood cuz she never watch any of those.

>> No.40631964

>Marine only knows cartoon network show from 20 years ago
She's just like me

>> No.40632202
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>> No.40632236

>She had a shit childhood, because she did not consume pop culture media in her childhood, since my childhood is defined by watching the box
Holy shit, when you say it out loud, you sound fucking pathetic

>> No.40632456

>Marine shares her favourite anime
>Kiara's massive weeb ass expected Japanese anime and shits on Marine's actually decent taste
How, in any way, would Marine be in the wrong?

>> No.40632668

More like Marine shares what anime from overseas that she thinks is popular

>> No.40632683

Who was in the wrong?

>> No.40632690

She did consume pop culture media as a child, we all did but ones she consume are most likely shit hints she had shit childhood also she didn't have father figure growing up too. Cry about it.

>> No.40632729

Anime just means animation in Japan, so she just name dropping animated shows she likes and they all happen to be American.

>> No.40632732

And you people wonder where all the imagination went.
If you grow up with a TV, it's basically all gone.

>> No.40632753

Omelette au fromage

>> No.40632783

You can play outside and watch TV retard, most every kid who my age now did, if anything TV HELP our imagination come up with new ideas.

>> No.40632787

dexter's lab fucking kicks ass

>> No.40632811

>Muh taste in Children cartoons is superior
Okay manchild

>> No.40632814


>> No.40632823

Did you watch the clip ?
She asked to Kiara what type of anime is popular overseas and she thought it was My little pony or Dexter's lab

>> No.40632845
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>> No.40632866

>Did you watch the clip
You know that the answer is no

>> No.40632885

Oh well yeah and she isn't wrong and still using anime in the Japanese way meaning all animation.

>> No.40632918

Not /co/ or /tv/, but you should go back there

>> No.40632929

>Zoomers and seas coping in the thread that they didn't have any worth watching on TV as a kid.

>> No.40632964

That... Actually might be the case if she didn't know Dexter's Laboratory. She might only know about the Powerpuff Girls reboot and not the original too.

>> No.40632967

Yeah coming from same board fighting about tastes in a woman pretending to be cartoon and who's better.

>> No.40633017

Kiara is perfect age for original PPG and Dexter though.

>> No.40633151

What a way to promote your channel

>> No.40633154

Kiara was in the wrong for being the epitome of a cringe weeaboo.

>> No.40633171

She knows PPG only through online consumption. Kiara's autism was focused purely on weeb shit like idols and anime from hear 10's onword, and she was a poorfag in Austria as a kid so odds are she never had cabel. CN and Nick were both cabel television shows, so unless some over the air broadcaster got the rights in Austria/Germany, odds are Kiara didn't grow up with it.

>> No.40633255
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It's literal manipulation you are only using the parts of the clip you like

>> No.40633337

>kftroons will defend this

>> No.40633350

Kinda sad that she didn't really look at all types of shit as a kid,variety is king but lot of EN got that problem where their stuck with the small shit they're obsessed with and nothing else. JP actually like look at all types shit have variety in things they enjoy.

>> No.40633356

year 2020: Western girl will never make good vtubers they’re not weeb enough
year 2022: Vtuber get canceled for being a weeb

>> No.40633495

We're almost all 20 somethings on this board that will defend our childhood cartoons to death....for some reason,20 somethings and cartoons go together like boomers and rock music.

>> No.40633500

>Marine asked the question first of what anime/cartoons were popular oversea
Of course Kiara couldn't answer, she's the ultimate poseur. I dunno why she'd even be disappointed since Kiara knows fuck all about anime in the first place

>> No.40633618

She knows about anime from her teens, possibly a little bit from her early 20's because that's when she was actively watching/enjoying it. Fags asspatted her for having watched most of the Monogatari series. Classic [removed] for ya. See it all the time at conventions.

>> No.40633724

Did she really call bronies "scary"? Kind of fucked up especially considering the brony/vtuber fan overlap...

>> No.40633881

Didn't know this clip was posted last year

>> No.40633909

She not wrong though, bronies suck.

>> No.40633964

If you were into the show and can't take shit like this in stride, you're the problem.

>> No.40633971

Literally everyone I know who enjoys vtubers was into MLP when it was big

>> No.40634026

>Yeah coming from same board fighting about tastes in a woman pretending to be cartoon and who's better.
Yeah that is the topic, now if you you want to discuss cartoons you should go back

>> No.40634050

I hated MLP and still do, grown men shouldn't watch little girl cartoons, Powerpuff Girls is different cuz made for all ages even creator said so but MLP is just full on little girl shit.

>> No.40634099


>> No.40634109

you for taking this shit seriously... read the fucking room, Kiara was joking.

>> No.40634110

Same energy as "grown men shouldn't be watching cutesy anime girl streamers" desu...

>> No.40634189


>> No.40634237

>Marine likes mlp
She's just like me fr fr

>> No.40634262

MLP different though and you know it also it's just like bad.

>> No.40634275


>> No.40634508

You have to remember we are talking about Kiara
I wouldn't be surprised if all she knew about them is that they fuck horses or some shit

>> No.40634579

Pekora is his Japanese cousin.

>> No.40634598

Well she wouldn't be wrong

>> No.40634600

>considering the brony/vtuber fan overlap
Probably only reinforces her opinion, if anything.

>> No.40634682

Woah Pekora is the cousin of Rodger Rabbit? I thought she was the cousin of Bugs Bunny

>> No.40634715

Hey at least she can understand the writing unlocalized unlike most of the queers who say gatari is their favorite

>> No.40634784

Anon this isnt 2013 anymore, I assume everyone who still calls themself a brony is a diehard deviant

>> No.40634807

The toon that hates other toons, bros is Kiara the bad guy? Is she going to build a railway through Toon Town?

>> No.40634900

Who will save Toon Town??

>> No.40636201

Gawr Gura was supposed to, but she is too lazy

>> No.40640016

none of them

>> No.40640169

Kiara shitting on Marine's taste when she opens up to her is fucked up. Her EQ is so low for someone who does a fucking talkshow.

>> No.40640481

Kiara. Marine's taste is attractive if you're from the west

>> No.40641136


>> No.40641242

>most likely had shit childhood
What else were we expecting?

>> No.40641272

Kiara strikes again with her autism.
Idk why she’s lecturing a senpai, when the question was what Western shows they like.

Marine probably doesn’t watch Western stuff, so the last thing she can recall are cartoons she viewed as a kid. Kiara should apologize for this, Nene is one thing, but this was kinda tonedeaf.

Also, why tf are you judging EN tastes?

>> No.40641401


>> No.40641494

The Doraemon line shows that Marine knows where Kiara is coming from, Kiara is being a bit autistic though

>> No.40641499

You know Autism is when you seethe at the orange woman for calling cartoons for children "cartoons for children" and take it way too seriously

>> No.40641552

She knows more anime than you.

>> No.40641567

Americans for assuming everyone grew up watching the same shit as they did.

>> No.40641598

>Literally everyone I know
Stop being a tranny then

>> No.40641607

It's the opposite, it was nice to hear because no one expected JP girls to have watched the same shows we grew up with.
Makes them even more marriage material.

>> No.40641782

Yeah you are right those comments are fucking cringe
>Those shows are for children
>Oh yeah let me be a juvenile little bitch by saying I lose respect at people who do not know Dexter's Lab
Jesas are Mutts ogey? No wonder I find a lot of the anime fandom cringe

>> No.40641971

What you talking about? The one who was insulting was Kiara and she isn't American.

>> No.40642673

Anon Lauren Faust straight up said one of the goals for mop was so that older siblings and parents could watch with their children and not be bored

>> No.40642693

I am talking about YouTube comments

>> No.40642709

Fucking Kiara is the zoomest. That's all.

>> No.40642759

>Their parents and older siblings
Bronies are none of those things though

>> No.40642797

I'm disappointed that we'll never get a chuuba talking about the apex of cartoons : gravity falls.

>> No.40642860

Actually Kiara is being a boomer, zoomers are okay with admiting that they are still fans of kids cartoons when they are adults

>> No.40642892 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.40642912

I told my friend I was offering the mlp figures to my niece. He knows she's actually real but he still asked me if it wasn't for a 38 year old bearded man instead.

>> No.40642926

All bronies are a single children?

>> No.40643026

Being German means 90% of your childhood will be board games with the family.

>> No.40643063
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>> No.40643084

she often talks about the same shit from tom and jerry because some characters voice in the show was memorable in her childhood and its become her cliche. you western fucktards might feel so validated now but she only knows a bit about western shit. 98% of her talks are about anime or manga.

>> No.40643145
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It seems my superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.40643208

>Marine mentions MLP
>Kiara automatically assumes she meant the modern one and says MLP fans are weird

>> No.40643314

>implying Marine knows the original mlp
She wasn't even born and she said she saw these at the tv

>> No.40643329

Kiara for misrepresenting the west. Most westerners would probably think it's cool that senchou has such an interest in so many classic overseas cartoons. Damn orange woman needs cartoon correction.

She was in the right about Nene though. That was funny.

>> No.40643360

>Marine mentions MLP, after asking what is popular overseas
Gee I wonder why Kiara would think of the most popular one

>> No.40643622

She actually said she didn't know some of those old cartoons, then she's a god damn zoomer.

>> No.40643830

>t. Seething retard

>> No.40644017

>I know that Kiara is too old to be a zoomer, but not having cable as a child means that she is a Zoomer for not knowing muh merrican cartoon that I watched in my formative year
Kiaraschizo being retarded as usual

>> No.40644221

Reminds me of Kiara explaining to Nene that Nene’s taste in foreign media is that of a pre-teen girl.
For example Nene had told Kiara that her favorite show was iCarly and thought it was mature adult entertainment.

>> No.40646093

Kiara. As always.

>> No.40647698

Most did though as much as Eurofags hate to admit, Kiara was just that one kid who missed out on lot based stuff for whatever reason and she's coping.

>> No.40647781

I meant to reply to other guy.

>> No.40647985
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>The modern face of Kiara antis is /co/mblr and /mlp/
The absolute fucking state…

>> No.40648161

I'm not an anti but Kiara not knowing or talking about 90's cartoons is cringe, MLP is trash though.

>> No.40648217

Talking shit*

>> No.40648405

>It is cringe that Kiara does not know about cartoons from thos specific channel
>Calling kids cartoon, "kids cartoons" is talking shit
Stop being cringe, Kiaraschizo

>> No.40648597

She talking mad shit, you know it.

>> No.40648802

Ogey manchild eat your dinosaur nuggies

>> No.40648873

This entire board is filled with mandarks

>> No.40650226

>No mention of Avatar or Teen Titans
Both of them have trash taste.

>> No.40650820

This is really disrespectful towards Korone who likes SpongeBob and many of those kids oriented show.

>> No.40650999

That's exactly was i was thinking, if she said teen titans or avatar, then orange woman would be at fault here.

>> No.40651000

>Kiara not knowing or talking about 90's cartoons is cringe
Maybe they just weren't very popular in Austria. I'm a 28 yr old from Europe. I can very vaguely remember Dexter's lab airing on TV when CN was still a thing here, and that was a long time ago. And the main reason I can even recall it is because I've seen Americans talking about it online, which refreshed my memory. I would be surprised if more than a third of people my age even know what it is. In fact, I've never even heard someone else from my country talk about it. Perhaps it's the same where she's from.

>> No.40651007

this. /co/ is full of woke losers from twatter. their taste is complete garbage.

>> No.40651253

spongebob is kino, always loved it, still do
I'll watch it when I'm a 70 year old fuck still playing resident evil village, ezio trilogy and 2016 doom

>> No.40651256

>I am offended on the behalf of Korone
Stop lying mutt, you are offended that someone does not like a toon that you did

>> No.40651262

Actually what's the real answer to Marine's question ? If we are only talking about western anime/show, which one is the most popular currently ?
Rick and Morty ?

>> No.40651350

Is archer still around? I don’t watch cartoon.

>> No.40651413

Spongebob and TTG

>> No.40651470

nobody watches western cartoons except for casual hipsters and woke cretins. every cartoon is too woke to watch.

>> No.40651541

avatar the last airbender is pure kino

>> No.40651552
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this is a stealth barneyfag thread

>> No.40651600

Yes, but beside children show. Because if the answer to "what anime is popular in Japan" you probably don’t expect anpanman or hello kitty as an answer. Even if that’s the objective answer.

>> No.40651617

westaboo meets weeaboo
pretty funny

Kiara answered you fucking retard, it's just cut out of the clip
watch streams

>> No.40651636

So is every Gura thread, what about it?

>> No.40651649

Dunno you'd have to ask a 8 year old

>> No.40651667

boring pseudo anime shit. too old and fake. most fans are western chinks who are too old and chinky to enjoy anime

>> No.40651755

Currently what is popular are the disney shows with little girls as MCs because everything else sucks more
If we are talking about adult shows it is Rick&Morty and The Simpsons
Older? Most people has already forgotten about the shows Marine mentions, I think only Scooby Doo is still popular

>> No.40651768

she is nowhere near westaboo, you stupid redditor clipfaggot.

>> No.40651853

Reminder a new Avatar series is already in the works with an Earth bender protag

>> No.40653156

oh i guess i hate it now and it was actually bad all along, thanks

>> No.40654727 [DELETED] 

I was gonna ask, what kind of European from an affluent country doesn't know Dexter's Lab? former Soviet countries got those.
but also, aren't they also part of the basic grid in Austria/Germany? they're cable-only?

>> No.40654868

Painfully true. We need more Dee Deeposting

>> No.40654922

literally lmao. why do we keep posting on this fucking website man

>> No.40655012

Houshou Marine is the perfect woman.

>> No.40655254

I was gonna ask, what kind of European from an affluent country doesn't know Dexter's Lab? former Soviet countries got those.
but also, weren't they also part of the basic grid in Austria/Germany? they're cable-only?

>> No.40655366

She loves My little pony

>> No.40655491

I’m not in a German-speaking country. But I know Kiara was in a poor family and my experience is that all the "cool cartoons" all americans manchildren masturbate to were part of some kind of subscription and never on public TV.

Only rich children had Cartoon Network or nickelodeon (so not me and not Kiara)

>> No.40655788
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Don't mind me just hag posting.

>> No.40655842
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>> No.40655947


>> No.40656017

That's okay. I think being a Touhou fan is a much brighter and larger red flag, speaking as someone who is also Touhou fan

>> No.40656108
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I self-insert as the monkey.

>> No.40656233

Kiara for assuming anime means japanese cartoons in japan

Also austria for not showing cartoon network shows to kiara

>> No.40656311
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>> No.40657734

Bronies/furries are literally the worst kind of human beings probably even worse than Sonic fans

>> No.40658501
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>weird Austrian girl obsessed with japan is not familiar with some 15 year old American cartoons for kids
>this is surprising and strange to people

>> No.40658827

She's 27.

>> No.40659511

Women are supposed to like that so it's okay

>> No.40660112

You made this thread AGAIN? Did you not get enough attention last time?

>> No.40660485

spongebob and bravo aged like fine wine

>> No.40660669
File: 48 KB, 216x141, 1654847105712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oversea sexy shota right there

>> No.40663142


>> No.40666922

I blame that bitch for hag fetishes

>> No.40666981

Well is she an old school 2hu fan, or a new one who thinks that it’s all about teehee fumo’s?

>> No.40667061

She finished every Touhou on stream retard

>> No.40667513

I thought you meant Kiara

>> No.40667554

Kiara because she's Austrian

>> No.40669819

Kiara doesn’t claim to be a touhou fan though, she just knows the memes and the songs.

>> No.40673139

they were both right

>> No.40673233

Marine is truly the best.

>> No.40673295

I did it lmao. Looks like this faggot wasn't here yesterday

>> No.40673685

Marine did an entire Touhou-themed album/drama CD, has played the games on stream and played a quiz game where she had to guess Touhou characters just from silhouettes of their heads. IOSYS produced Ahoy! you fucking fool

>> No.40674052

Marine for talking about American cartoons to an Eurochad.

>> No.40674716
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people are watching Bluey these days

>> No.40674778

Powerpuff Girls, Dexter, and Courage. Damn how old is Marine really

>> No.40674901

Reeks of /vt/

>> No.40674967

Maybe they don't get those cartoons in Austria? Kinda like how Saint Seiya is big in Euro but US doesn't give a fuck about it.

>> No.40675069

And? Who gives a shit whether it's made for kids or adults? Poseurs. Courage is a better horror show than most modern shit that tries way too hard to be edgy and full of gore and it STILL managed to be kid friendly without skimping on the atmosphere.
Also grown men watch Precure and Kemono Friends blew up with adults when it was meant to be a children's anime sent out to die.
She has no right to talk shit as a weeb when children's anime is god tier.

>> No.40675210
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Edo, Eddo, and Edi

>> No.40675558

To think the man that made Fenando the Manwhore and Great Destiny Man also made this. Some people are multitalented I guess.

>> No.40676337

So this is the next step of Kiaraschizo, appeal to /co/ tumblr trannies and /tv/fags to make Kiara looks bad. What is next? Go full woke only to "own" Kiara? The absolute state of kiara antis lmao keep your good job, the most insane you're, the less >we take seriously anti-kiara posting

>> No.40682771


>> No.40682775

no one

>> No.40688478

I was about to mention how those guys are such freaks they have a containment board, but...

>> No.40688866

>look it up
no fucking way

>> No.40689149
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This is a cartoon website btw

>> No.40689192

This. Kiara probably watched shit tier German cartoons and doesn't know about the American classics of the 90s-00s.

>> No.40690428

It's big in Europe and Latam but I don't think it ever got distributed in the US it never aired here. I only learned about Saint Seiya from 4chan.

>> No.40691648

Again I confused the two. My bad.

>> No.40695378

What problem would it solve if you knew?

>> No.40696478

People still watch Kunt?

>> No.40696584

I'm more surprised that Cartoon Network shows are known about in Japan.

>> No.40696614
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>you'll never watch cartoons with marine

>> No.40696859

>Kiara sounded disappointed in Nabi when she talked about how she liked that show
>shit on bronies
Orange women based.

>> No.40696998 [DELETED] 

not really.

>> No.40697053

not really.

>> No.40697225

>social awkward
>obsessive over things
>might be autistic
>gets angry easy
She's just like this board fr fr.

>> No.40697833

And marine probably watched them when she was cunny marine.

>> No.40697856

Explains why the board hates her.

>> No.40697858

This is a board for watching women pretend to be anime girls and play autistic games meant for autistic people and children like minecraft, based originally on anime which primarily is marketed to teen boys. Literally where are you people coming from acting like this is some big high minded hobby and you can't have childish things in your mature anime girl hobby.

>> No.40697882

>hu ha hu
>hey pretty mama

>> No.40697995

Is that why they hate Mori too?

>> No.40698456


>> No.40698562

The average globalfag everyone

>> No.40700443

No wrong has been made

>> No.40705369
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>Every show Marine mentioned I used to enjoy on Cartoon network as well.
That orange bird insulted us!!

>> No.40705502

Marine has based taste in the golden age of western cartoons, Kiara is a cringe weeb
