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40623679 No.40623679 [Reply] [Original]

QRD: Mori did a members stream recently where she watched an Avengers stream and nearly used the N-word, again I'd like to add.

>> No.40623746

>nearly used the N word
soooo she didn't say anything? this is news worthy?

>> No.40623754

I think saying nigger would boost her notoriety and fame and there would be no consequences whatsoever. she should just say it all the time casually and break that glass ceiling for good

>> No.40623769

>>40623679 me
Correction, she watched Scarface, sorry.

>> No.40623785

She's black to me.

>> No.40623794

Welcome to 2021

>> No.40623798


>> No.40623854

Yes, yes it is i guess. She was a lot closer to saying it then other people were, it's a lot worse cause she's an industry vtuber.

>> No.40623873

>Streamed on Jan 2021
Holy shit these people are getting desperate LMAO.

>> No.40623892

>Hero hei sees someone upload the video from a year ago and decided to make a video out of it.
>"oh no guys, am not gonna use it to spread hate on her"
mori didn't even say the n word there, jesus christ her haters are something else.

>> No.40623912
File: 101 KB, 729x712, 3ac0056sy57890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40623950

DUDE I DONT WATCH THE PINK BITCH, I flad you know when it happened, ok? Now of my dick.

>> No.40623964

>Posting member's only content
Submitted a tip to Cover's site.

>> No.40623997

okay now post that kiara clip

>> No.40624004

And also, isn't this from her members only content from 2021? am not gonna be surprised if this vod and the one from twitter gets taken down.

>> No.40624033

Wait. The Avengers are streamers now?

>> No.40624047

isn't this misinformation?

>> No.40624048

these people have demonstrated they will go as far back in time as they need to, and failing that, just make things up

>> No.40624067

KYFS, Jesus Christ how do I delete this thread? I know I was wrong for this now cause this was old ok? Can you like stop bullying me?

>> No.40624125

>Can you like stop bullying me?
No :)

>> No.40624227

That's not how it works esl dummy, your retardation will now be on full display for all, enjoy being made fun of for a day

>> No.40624376

No, and besides, this mori cancel attempt will be gone before the week ends anyway.
just like always

>> No.40624515
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1664376827224197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro please stop, this isn't cool.

>> No.40624628

Imagine giving ammunition for Cover to get your ass by not only clipping membership content but trying to spread difamation of one of their talents.

>> No.40624650

awww you are just the cutest !

>> No.40624660

Thought this was old? it wasn't?

>> No.40624663

I'm not esl, kys nerd.

>> No.40624675

I forgive you now since you apologized, but the jannies might not be so forgiving.

>> No.40624728

It is old, I made a mistake, that's why I'm getting bullied to oblivion.

>> No.40624739

The membership stuff, yeah, but how is that defamation?

>> No.40624767
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, elite nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of the hololive girls and stars like Shien say (sing) nigga and no one bats an eye
>Mori doesn't even say the word and everyone loses their minds

>> No.40624837

Thanks, atleast I can have your forgiveness.

>> No.40624850

The best part is she has legitimately said it but people are so retarded they would rather try and cancel her over nearly saying it instead. Like dafuq. I hate pink woman too but this is peak retardation.

>> No.40624901

Bro, I got mad at that and I got over it.

>> No.40624966

>and N

>> No.40625165

um, based?

>> No.40625277

Surely you see the difference between an American and a Japanese using that word, regardless of how you feel about it

>> No.40625290

No you retard because if anyone is going to cancel Mori it's going to be me, not you, not some shitty twitter jew but ME that is my God given right so fuck off.

>> No.40625309

People still shitpost about Gura and Iofi to this day more than 2 years later

>> No.40625315

Based deadbeat

>> No.40625359

Sharing mengen stream clips on twitter. Dont give a shit what she says but this is bullshit, cuckbeats, and you should feel bad
