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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40594406 No.40594406 [Reply] [Original]

>When Twitter comes across an old yab

>> No.40594621

LMAO i've never seen that yab before, thanks anon for the laugh

>> No.40594761

*cums across OP*

>> No.40594804

I wish Elon deleted twitter when he bought it

>> No.40594878

I'll actually forgive her if she goes full 1488.

>> No.40594918

I feel bad for this guy because cuckbeats are now going to mass report his account until he gets banned just like what they did to that music producer she worked with that called her out.

>> No.40594974

No you don't

>> No.40594988

good idea

>> No.40595013

I forgot to mention that they also did it to that guy whose pokemon art she stole for a thumbnail.

>> No.40595033

maybe the cuckbeats aren't so bad after all

>> No.40595074

the music producer cuck pulled screenshots from 2014, he got what he deserved. this yab is kinda recent so up to interpretation

>> No.40595098

She held onto that n like Chumbuds to Gura's last stream.

>> No.40595191

Good, this is mob justice, the voice of the people. True freedom.

>> No.40595245

She started to recite one of her father's/mother's spells, and then she remembered how it ended. Poor thing.

>> No.40595268

Holy shit someone need to archive this quick before its gone lmaooo

>> No.40595325

She should have just said it. Nobody important gives a fuck, and she knows she can get away with it too.

>> No.40595326

how new?

>> No.40595381

Very, I'm trying to figure out how to delete a post because I accidentally posted my password.

>> No.40595400

a wigger saying it isn't that cool THOUGH

>> No.40595401 [DELETED] 

cuckbeats are all trannies you can't change my mind only troons act this way

>> No.40595431

>2.7 million views

>> No.40595439

Cuckbeats lynching twitterfags is the only good thing to come out of Mori's existence.

>> No.40595494

Impressions, but yeah. God damn.

>> No.40595504

only the takamorikeks (lmao) and kfp are trannies

>> No.40595522 [DELETED] 

found the cuckbeat kej

>> No.40595551 [DELETED] 

God I want to rape Mori so badly. Roommate included.

>> No.40595552


>> No.40595585

It'll bounce of of her like it always does.
Also you can't actually cancel her when you didn't actually said it.

>> No.40595593

have they found that time where she says "lazy negro" yet?

>> No.40595595

I doubt it, twitter pretty much hates Mori deadbeats are on a disadvantage here

>> No.40595631

I don't think I think about the pink woman half as often as you do.

>> No.40595657
File: 91 KB, 900x900, 204449A9-73A1-484A-BA8A-8F89186D7C7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mori the most hated western vtuber of all time? Seems like she has antis just about everywhere for wildly different reasons.

>> No.40595672

All that home cooked estrogen is frying your brains.

>> No.40595707 [DELETED] 

>cuckbeats burning bridges for hololive is a good thing

>> No.40595746

There's a sect of ancient neckbeards that have an undying hatred for Nyanners that dwarfs anything thrown at Mori. Though like that monkey experiment, that hatred has been picked up by lots of newfriends.

>> No.40595778

It's amazing how she unites people of all walks of life into collectively hating her. Tiktok zoomers, twitter anti racists, 4chan racists. They all hate her guts for different reasons.

>> No.40595817

>siding with twitter
>when it's clear that Mori is based
Just when I thought some of you couldn't sink any lower

>> No.40595848

What the fuck, 20k likes? Do normies actually hate her, I thought that was a retarded meme

>> No.40595928

I love Mori, I just find it strange people are hating on her so hard

>> No.40595934

I do not get it, she isn't my favorite vtuber ever but I still listen to some of her music and tune in once in a while. Controversial opinion, but she gets way too much undeserved hate

>> No.40595955

>twitter troons

>> No.40595979

Fanbase reflects oshi

>> No.40596004
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>> No.40596030

Her "I got a house" tweet got almost 60K likes

>> No.40596037

americans religiously worship blacks and their jewish handlers. mori is literally committing sacrilege.

>> No.40596042

Mori literally fled to Japan because of le trump. Shes the opposite of based

>> No.40596097

Shes very easy bait for twitards because of her past life, and attempting to rap as a white woman

>> No.40596123

Threads like this show that maybe the people who hate Mori are the real enemy.

>> No.40596124

please, we all know shitlibs are huge racists deep down. drumpf was just her excuse to get away from brown people.

>> No.40596183

she also stands up to every single cancel mob regardless if it's from here or anywhere else
she stood up for the TT dudes which made her hated in here (despite the same people hating on her parroting the same sentiments to attack her and her branchmates)
she stood up for herself against Twitter niggers when they cried about an old song of hers being racist (the song was about frustrations about trying to do rap as a white woman and being told she "can't do the genre")
she stood up for her friend who had (quickly proven false) pedo accusations thrown at her when majority of same crowd were already firing up the torches
she doesn't apologize to anyone aside for her own fans that one time, because she feels bad they're getting shit by proxy

she's unironically pretty similar to Coco

>> No.40596211

Yeah but there are like 50 of them. Mori has haters everywhere, even people who don't know what the fuck a ''virtual youtuber'' is.

>> No.40596236

>The data was obtained in 2021
>Released just now
This has glownigger written all over it.

>> No.40596239

She was buck broken and had to apologize for the lean incident.

>> No.40596353

She was 100% at fault for the lean incident though.

>> No.40596368

she only apologized to her fans for that one, I already included it in the post
she personally didn't care for the backlash, she just wants her supporters to have a good time and since that entire thing impacted them, she pulled back

>> No.40596376

It's just a bunch of emails by the looks of it. Indie vtubers are at a much bigger risk from it since any corpo one will just be a corpo email.

>> No.40596391

this thread reeks of twitterniggers
>52 reply, 30 posts

>> No.40596398

Nah. Sharing a clip like that is funny, people here laughed when it happened.
The one producer deserved the shit he got because he instantly believed whatever antis told him and then publicly criticized Mori, while dragging up old tweets (then Deadbeats dragged up his.)
If weekly Twitter outrage is the best antis can do now, they've already lost. At this point just link them to Internet Brainrot or Cringecore.

>> No.40596441
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As a man who learned his lesson months too late - she deserves all the hate she gets and then some.

>> No.40596447

What was the lean incident? I’m new anon, and lean doesn’t sound that bad

>> No.40596478

nice inspect element

>> No.40596487

>(despite the same people hating on her parroting the same sentiments to attack her and her branchmates)
Because most of EN are genuinely talentless and unmotivated. 3 people in the entire fucking branch make up for something like 80% of the streams, it's embarrassing.

>> No.40596519

nah, it's just a commonly spammed picture
this might be the same guy tho, he's extremely obsessed and jumps on every hate thread to get something going

>> No.40596552

I see we’re back to the “Mori is racist!” part of the hate cycle again.
All she has to do is not acknowledge it as she usually does and it’ll fade away again.

>> No.40596553

>she only apologized to her fans for that one,
Ah yes, "true deadbeats".

>> No.40596555

She called her fans cucks and then excused herself by saying she was high on lean, then claimed she didn't know what lean was.

>> No.40596568

>some gay brown twitter sister is going to be bullied
OH NO! *cries*

>> No.40596572

You know it's funny how worried people get about HoloEN going woke or whatever when like half of the branch either has said or has almost said nigga on camera lmao

>> No.40596581

I like how everyone ignored Kiara saying the n word and still attack Mori


>Hey Kiara actually said the n word!
>Person 1:"Yeah well, she apologized and it was kinda cute"
>Person 2: "I don't see the issue here, it was part of the rap song, accidents happen. She's German and "
>Person 1: "Man fuck Mori, she had malicious intent with wanting to use it!!

>> No.40596600
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Desperate cope, but alright.

>> No.40596613

>having people post twice is LE BAD

>> No.40596644

Kiara said nigga because she was rapping a song with the word in it. Mori used the word as a derogatory insult. They aren't the same at all and you are deranged.

>> No.40596663
File: 171 KB, 1879x265, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roru, a single IP deletion would most likely wipe 21 of those

>> No.40596705

>one apologizes for saying nigga in a song
>the other was about to call someone a dirty nigger and was holding it back with the force of a thousand suns
You might be a retard if you think these are similar

>> No.40596716

you seem to be the only desperate person here

>> No.40596729

I will never understand these cunts that put nigga in their insanely popular songs and then get pissed when someone sings the lyrics to their song. Maybe don't put the fucking word in if you don't want anyone saying it you fucking genius?

>> No.40596731

but they aren't united in any way - most of them hate eachother more than they hate Mori

>> No.40596750

That producer was a fucking retard and probably shouldn't be trusted to professionally produce anything

>> No.40596759

No dude, this is totally different. Kiara was just doing a rap song. Mori seems to really have some malice with wanting to say the n word

>> No.40596778

yeah, one is based and it ain't the one kneeling for singing a song as written

>> No.40596785

Who would want to post in a bait thread more than once? Delusional. These threads are pump and dumps unless you are a real mori schizo.

>> No.40596825

Are deadbeats the good guys after all?

>> No.40596871

Tranny scum, go back

>> No.40596907

the reddit overlap is crazy recently, fuck the debuts

>> No.40596930

Do these twitter antis know about Mori more in depth like with doxx stuff or are they the unaware type that just hates whatever their twitter buddies tell them to hate

>> No.40596975

Considering the hyper sensitivity of those types, better to burn that bridge now, because those fuckers will do more damage than anything else

>> No.40596977

Don't let their anger distract you from the fact that Pekora owns a monkey brain.

>> No.40596980
File: 27 KB, 599x290, 1673017399321807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't try explaining that to Mori fans.
Mori only hates woke culture because she can't act like a subhuman piece of shit anymore. After all retards can't be reasoned with.

>> No.40597046

time and time again twitterfags have been laughed and mocked by /vt/ and it's painfully obvious when they make threads like this that they are parading from twitter. No, we will not join the Elon army, fuck off.

>> No.40597053

go back, nigger

>> No.40597122

Did I touched a nerve?

>> No.40597138

The chinigami will never be based cuckbeat

>> No.40597190

without fail, kek

>> No.40597218 [DELETED] 

Sure thing cuckbeat. Keep coping.

>> No.40597265

Couldn't even concede with dignity.

>> No.40597291

goin on full meltdown

>> No.40597345

you should be less concerned with 'dignity' and more with 'dictionary'

>> No.40597362

How can you get mad at someone not saying a word that you don't want them to say?
