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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40564755 No.40564755 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like Tempus2 didn't do as well as expected.

>> No.40564798


>> No.40564832 [DELETED] 

Unichads status?

>> No.40564842


Tempus3 is still happening by next summer tho.

>> No.40564891

are you australian? you mean this summer, right?

>> No.40564911

I wonder how low they will get.
Sub 20k possible?

>> No.40564991

Homoshill don't need to bother i'll list your cope here :
> but muh bad hour for EN (fake)
> but muh the lebadincel (fake)
> but muh the Vtuber decline (fake)
> but muh you are mean to me (beta male)

>> No.40565028

Let this company burn.

>> No.40565116

Of course the twink got more views than his genmates.

>> No.40565153

Imagine losing to a fucking chicken on your debut day

>> No.40565198

Also, A LOT of those numbers were not HoloEN fans. Nijis will obviously be watching and fans from other corpos/indies simply because it's a great insight into the state of EN vtubing. Their numbers will sharply drop even from this tiny height when all that's left is the few crumbs left from the other 4 (somewhat) established members. What a fucking flop lmao.

>> No.40565304

The femboy is the only one anyone even gives the tiniest sliver of a fuck about. Even then it's just for the porn.

>> No.40565359

this is why you won't be getting an EN3

>> No.40565428

Because the girls are mogging the homos? That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.40565649

That what holoEN management is about for like one years, not making any sence. Well exept if you believe the rrat that they HATE hololive more than anything and want to destroy it to the ground, with that everything make sence.

>> No.40565720

mogged by a fucking chikin

>> No.40565868

>happy that my oshi got an amazing collab with a Senpai who helped her out of a dark place
>nijiniggers are using that stream to shitpost other talents while letting kfp take the blame

>> No.40566048

Haha, still replying to every homohating thread huh sis.

>> No.40566083

People really like Marine

>> No.40566137

It’s actually incredible that they wasted a year for this. Yagoo needs to officially come out of the closet and spend his gay energy elsewhere.

>> No.40566217


>> No.40566240

KFP don’t give a fuck about getting hate from faggots and roastie femcels such as yourself, retard. “Take the blame” give me a fucking break with that stupid shit. Lmao

>> No.40566322

Having to consider Council as some kind of bar regarding what to expect from a new gen is actually quite depressing.
I mean jesus, what if we end up with our own Iluna as a new gen?

>> No.40566345

Stop falseflaging as kfp

>> No.40566405

Does anyone actually fall for this often repeated narrative that holochads actually like tempiss and the only people that don't are nijiniggers?

>> No.40566475

One of you faggots lied and said Hakka's RM was a former Dota pro and I sat through his debut waiting for him to list Dota as his favorite game but it never happened.

Fuck you rratfag, whoever you are

>> No.40566522
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>> No.40566549

Next you'll tell me "nijiniggers" made them lock down the subreddit because everyone was pissed off we got a second homogen before EN3.
Face it, people don't like tempiss 2.

>> No.40566621

I had no idea the chikin gets 38k ccv on her streams, good for her

>> No.40566659

Doesn't fucking matter, don't use my oshi to shit on others. If it's not tempus it's Irys, gura, mori or Ame. Fuck off.

>> No.40566720


>> No.40566732

kys, but also, then why are you here.

>> No.40566747

NTA but why do you think the vtuber decline is fake? Chubbas are definitely less popular than 2020 because there's less people home all the time to watch, and the growth of the channels reflects that.

Not to say I think vtubing will die soon but there has been a decline, no?

>> No.40566768

It's a constitutional right to use everything to hate tempiss.

>> No.40566819

JP is as popular as ever and ID is more popular than they were in 2020.
EN is dying off because nobody wanted fucking homos and the talents are fucking lazy.

>> No.40566884

the pursuit of happiness is also a constitutional right but I don't think anyone in this shithole cares about it

>> No.40566887

The EN branch decline started way before August 2022

>> No.40567080

Homoflops should just stop embarrassing themselves. NijiEN owns the market already.

>> No.40567083

And them being lazy also started way before August 2022

>> No.40567239

OMEGA nobody cares
shut up

>> No.40567287

Tempus 3 will do it, coming in March.

>> No.40567309

I think EN was bound to decline faster as well because there's so much more English content. ID and JP still being big or growing makes sense because it's content focused for those languages, so they are more likely to keep watching and growing their local scenes

>> No.40567399
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>38k ccv

>> No.40567424

A dilutions of the fanbase yes, a decline? not really honnestly. It's just that there were once a single point of focus for about 80% of Vtubers enjoyers who was gura and now well all those people dispersed themselve into holo niji vshojo all the small corp all the indies. There are never been so many 3view than nowodays.

>> No.40567446

what did you expect?

>> No.40567528

Now that Tempus2 basically evened the body count I fully expect next gen to be mixed.

>> No.40567608

mori and ame shouted them out
3/4 are following ame
2/4 are following mori
4/4 are following bae
collabs will happen soon

>> No.40567750

Neither of us will be able to vindicate this, but I'd like the two of us to make a bet right now, anonymous. I guarantee you there will be no regular collabs between the majority of holoEN and holostarsEN. It's not gonna happen. The most you'll get is Kronii or Mori in a stream with some of them once in a blue moon. You really think Gura, Ina, Fauna, Mumei or IRYS are going to go near them? But yes, let's start this bet. I guarantee you.

>> No.40567753

Tempus collabs stopped a while ago and you can bet it's not because Mori or Kronii WANTED to stop

>> No.40567810

That makes sense. What's actually happened is Hololive EN has declined. English vtubers are still doing well.

>> No.40567836

>ban everyone from streaming in all branches
>try to force viewers in
>saturday prime time
>can just about eek 30k on a debut
Absolutly fucking laughable, tempiss faggots show just how much of a tiny minority they really are.

>> No.40568030

>a witch

>> No.40568048

literally not a single person on the planet expected them to do better than the the main branch. the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.40568059

>I fully expect next gen to be mixed
Personally I think they should go for the ID gen approach for both branches.

If the audition requirements are too much then give it up about releasing a 5-4 talent gen, just go for 3 chuubas for each branch and forget about it, plus it prevents a case of internal cannibalization contrary to what Niji is doing once every 3-4 months.

>> No.40568072

just let cover burn EN down with its idiotic plans, let my suffering end

>> No.40568160
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they're not going after the Niji market in the first place

>> No.40568202

>assuming they can't find talents
>not just assuming that EN management is beyond fucking retarded and isn't launching EN3 because they have no fucking idea who is paying their bills and they're running the branch into the ground

>> No.40568235

OK calm down piss enjoyer, we know you have a dick as small as a pebble

>> No.40568248

First gen already demonstrated that there isn't a fucking market for male vtubers in the west beyond 1000ish people.

>> No.40568297

Agree except Tempus 2 is clearly trying to get into Niji's market from the looks of it. Why can't yagoo just accept that the vtuber market for homos belong to niji? He should've just sticked with holoen and getting their 3rd batch out.

>> No.40568364


>> No.40568415

Keep seething cant do anything about you, you shouldn't have cut yours that the only thing i can say to you.

>> No.40568451

I think yagoo has stepped back from EN management. If he were still directly in charge we'd be closing in on EN 4 girls. He's most likely delegated the management of EN to a smooth talker who convinced him that male streamers do well in the west so clearly male vtubers will too

>> No.40568457

i'm one of those Tempus watchers who didn't ask for a 2nd gen yet we still got them anyway. It's one of the reasons why I only watch Axel and Vesper. I don't know why there's no EN3 and we will never know the reason

>> No.40568506

Oh no... anyways.

>> No.40568534

>Keep seething cant do anything about you
of course you can't, cope.. seethe.. and dilate :)
>you shouldn't have cut yours
good thing I didn't then

>> No.40568543

Why would they dedicate the entire last year to them conveniently after Anycolor got their own Myth-like gen with Luxiem if they weren't going for the Niji market? They shilled their auditions 3 times during the entire year, but not once for HoloEN. Stop believing in Yagoo's brotuber bullshit, StarsEN was always Cover's answer to not let Anycolor dominate the western male vtuber market like they do in Japan.

>> No.40568567

>>saturday prime time
Was it? In europe especially and japan it was no man's land and wasn't it pretty late for the east coast of america too? All in all it seemed pretty shit. Not going to watch them myself.

>> No.40568598

>no man's land

>> No.40568630

they've been doing auditions just months after Luxiem debuted. The first gen don't even pander to fujos so I don't know why you assume they're going after Niji's market.
They're doing their own thing and they're not complete numberfags either and that's fine with me.

>> No.40568675

Let's apply that to Europe and say it was pretty shit for Japan/Australia then, since I think their debuts would've been mid morning, who is watching a stream then? And that still raises the issue of the east coast of america.

>> No.40568686

You don't have a degree in Business Management so stop shitting things out of your ass and let the bossman do his job.

>> No.40568808

Feels like it at this point. I don't even mind male collabs but most of the time none of the girls are even streaming and there's no way to tell when EN3 will even happen. Any good small corpo or indie recommendations?

>> No.40568861

>it was pretty shit for Japan/Australia
Sunday afternoon is always jampacked with stream, especially multi-parts streams.

>> No.40568864

Phase Connect

>> No.40568908

So this is the new cope from tempisshitters? I saw more and more posts similar to this one since yesterday.

>> No.40568999

The open auditions were most likely a scheduled thing, so it happening a few weeks after Luxiem was a mere coincidence, but them shilling auditions for StarsEN 3 months after that, then again days before Tempus Part 1 debut and another time during mid December and not doing it once for HoloEN doesn't make any sense unless they're dedicated into not wanting to let Anycolor have a complete monopoly on that area. If they weren't so concerned we would have both Tempus and EN3 in 2022, but we didn't.

Oh yeah, because I need a degree to see how they're mismanaging EN to the fucking ground. I have some news for you retarded brain: a degree is a useless paper people barely use in the real world, and it takes much more than just having one to know about business. But I guess you're an academic cuck who truly believes going to college means you're part of an intelligent elite. What did you do there? Gender studies?

>> No.40569048

Calm down seanig, it's not actually black magic.

>> No.40569070

Oh well, this is the most effort I'm going to put towards them anyway, I'm not into it. I sure would love some streams that worked for EU though instead of just Kiara, her voice filters me a bit despite her obviously working so hard. When you become more normal, it's not tenable to stay up until 4 am watching a vtuber stream (and IRYS only ever STARTS at 4 am here)

>> No.40569198

Bong here and I've watched plenty of Irys streams in the mid aftrenoon and evening, she was streming in the morning today too.

>> No.40569245

I did notice that, but I swear to god I only ever see the stream reservation for 4 am.

>> No.40569257

unicucks lost

>> No.40569259

am I the only one thinking that Yagoo hasn't been pulling the strings of anything since a long time?
He's basically just upper-management's mascot at this point, holding/wearing merchandise in front of the camera and sometimes visiting a talkshow.
I think A-Chan once said (on Holotalk?) that not even the decision to get her a live2D model was made by Yagoo, but someone HIGHER up - so what does this old man get to decide on, anyways?

>> No.40569320

Sounds like a (You) problem then.

>> No.40569390

watch out, she is going to curse us!

>> No.40569460

I couldn't get into them really. I feel like they're missing something.

>> No.40569506

Oh yeah, fuck Mori! Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.40569519

Wipe the tears before posting, baby.

>> No.40569584

A-chan said like a year or 2 ago that Yagoo focus all his attention to the tech side of the company, and nowadays is most likely completely focused on HoloEarth. Cover was originally an indie game dev studio, so I doubt he spent much time working on the talent side after they changed to a vtuber company and went back to what he wanted to do when he found enough people to do that job.

>> No.40569616

I checked on holodex and forgive me if I'm not using this site correctly, but within the last month there's been about 5 or 6 streams at reasonable times. More than I thought, I guess I scan youtube before bed and always notice the very late stream reservations. I wish I knew more JP anyway, that'd be ideal but also that fucking language is ass to learn if you're not into anime or manga.

>> No.40569939

I only watch a few of them but Tenma is probably the best if you havent tried her already.

>> No.40570034

Aiiee Fungus sama

>> No.40570109

Didn't Pekora and Marine get like 100k for their off collab? KFPbros...

>> No.40570815

You're comparing the runt of EN to Pekkers?

>> No.40570858

Don't harass the talents over this.
Take it out on the management.

>> No.40570909

Their collab was even worse.
Noel got more viewers playing Demon Souls than they did.
Even Met from 774 got more viewers than them today

>> No.40570950

The homos knew what they were getting into when they applied.

>> No.40571017

It doesn't matter. That doesn't make it morally right. If you have an issue, take it up with the company not the guys.

>> No.40571100

At least you're aware about how much of a mistake Tempus is.

>> No.40571214

Anon i don't have an strong thoughts on tempus or council whatever. Shit is autistic. But attacking the talents over shit greenlit by management doesn't make sense.

>> No.40571247

To to /lig/, /wvt/ and /vrt/ and see what catches your eye.

>> No.40571386

Denial hum? typical of troons.

>> No.40571457

Even considering the fact that they're males why is it so difficult for Cover in particular to find success with male vtubers? NijiEN to their credit at least had Luxiem
Fucking pink cat's boyfriend seems to average more viewers than Tempus and he's only got the boost of dating a chuuba unlike these guys who have the branding of Holo behind them.

>> No.40571535

Youtube is a dying platform.
Literally that's the reason.

>> No.40571663

It would be like Mattel trying to remake Ken into an action figure for boys; it's just not going to work.

>> No.40571921

Because the fanbase hololive cultivated is not the type that likes males. Hololive introduced gens of girls first so naturally the fanbase are cgdct enjoyer, meanwhile nijisanji already debuted males from early gens. People here keep wondering how luxiem took of with female asian fans, when nijisanji is already popular with fujos in japan due to chronoir and china due to virtuareal. Basically introducing males to a company that got famous because of girls wouldn't work

>> No.40571999

I'm guessing their focus on males is Cover wanting to expand their audience.

>> No.40572205

And them stubbornly refusing to admit that it won't work. Instead of trying to get male vtubers going in existing markets, they should be trying to get new girl branches going in new markets. They'd have way more success with a HoloES/KR than English speaking homos.

>> No.40572592

Not like it's working wonders for them. Anyone with half a brain cell knows that a new girl gen would be way more popular than any of the 8 dudes they debuted in the past 6 months. It's obvious that Cover doesn't want to completely lose access to this possible audience like they did on JP, but the way they're doing this is actively hurting their main audience that has been with them since the very beginning. HoloLIVE EN3 will only come out in March at earliest, and it's quite possible they'll delay it even further because "it's too close to Tempus Part 2", and by then it might be too little too late to bring the branch from it's slow death. Currently there's nothing actually exciting planned for HoloEN exclusively other than Council's new outfits, and even then there's only 2 left (or 3 if they're considering all of CouncilRyS), but after that what's left for the branch? 3D debuts? When most of Myth didn't even get a chance to have a showcase stream? Also >>40572205 has a good idea. If you look at the biggest vtubers or last year 5 slots from the Top 25 were from Isegye, a twitch-based Korean agency. While Anycolor's attempt in the region was a huge failure it was because of their Korean branch being a hundred times more mismanaged than current HoloEN, and Hololive already has a decent fanbase there so why not try that out?

>> No.40572752

that's only because they're not going after any market

>> No.40572785

Maybe cover should try to hold on to its dwindling audience first.

>> No.40573012
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Why would you photoshop Kiara's channel when it was on Marine's?
Kiara can't get these numbers with a collab

>> No.40573173

I think a problem is that unless they somehow manage to get the attention of fujos they're just gonna fundamentally struggle a little with male vtubers since none of them can really bring in any existing fanbase with them when they join Holo.
When it comes to male chuubas you either grow in 2 routes. Fujobait, or how a normal streamer would grow (by networking, lots of work, sheer talent, etc). And it's of course not easy to grow as a normal streamer to begin with. Nijis had to sell their souls to reach a fujo audience. I don't know if Hololive can ever reach that sort of audience.
Nyanners bf, Aethelstan, has straight up said himself that his opportunity for growth was largely thanks to him meeting Ironmouse and then Nyanners. And of course you need to actually be a good enough streamer to capitalize on exposure.
I'm not sure how Holo exactly plans on growing their male vtubers, especially on YouTube streaming. With the amount of limitations and such set on them while being in Holo they can't really grow like normal streamers to some extent.

>> No.40573201

So that you can call him out and shit on Kiara, you are straight up playing into his hands, you fucking retard

>> No.40573433

The sad part is that they COULD have gotten the Hololive fanbase on board - if they had stayed in their lane like they essentially said they would when their collab ban was still in place. They were underdogs, had goodwill and were saying all the right things; then they tried to take a shortcut to success by doing the thing that would make their potential fans despise them.

>> No.40573462

Expected... by whom? I wonder, are people who asked for this content with how their debut rolled out? How many are gonna fuck off right after this back to Twitter? Was it really worth it, ruining the numbers of Tempus1, as well as the reputation with the most people?

>> No.40573532

Go the fuck back

>> No.40573621

>Homos are getting mogged by pink cat's bf

>> No.40574783

Phase Connect. The Jewbas. And, no joke, the meme corpo Pippa made: FlaVR which is now a small indieicircle with very solid chuubas, many of them are 3 views now.

>> No.40574786

Well no shit, the problem with that is that their focus from the start was to be these "brotubers" that nobody asked for as if that would make male idolfags think "oh wow, these guys are just like my friends, I must let them collab with the girls all they want!" Or as if that title on it's own would be appealing for a male idolfag, it's not, only a delutional retarditor would believe something like that, and because of this "brotuber" focus their main audience was aimed to be male, not female, which doesn't expand the audience at all, it was a stupid project with a false premise from the start.

>> No.40574826

Myth and council dont stream.
Keep begging for """EN3"""

>> No.40575096

how many abortions nyanners had before veibaes baby?

>> No.40575148

At one point I wonder how long Cover will let the EN staff delay EN3. It will have to come out one day, even StarsJP got a new gen and they're nowhere near the popularity of the low tier HoloEN members, so I want to know when the JP overlords will get tired of this shit and issue an ultimatum for Omega and his posse to fucking debut new girls.

>> No.40575149

All this is doing is showing everyone that the Hololive fanbase is outright hostile and unwelcoming in general. From a corporate standpoint, it is a massive problem because it directly tarnishes the image of the company as a whole.
Insiders are quick to burn everything to the ground for the most trite reasons.
Outsiders are looking in and are immediately turned off.
Competitors who have more stable fan bases are capitalizing.

>> No.40575156

Over saturating the market is such an awful business practice

>> No.40575321

One (I impregnated her)

>> No.40575503

Nijisanji is the best example of this, honestly one of the worst practices for hiring out of all the companies.
Hololive (usually) sparingly hiring or VShojo picking up already established vtubers seems to be healthier for the market imo.

>> No.40575526
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>over saturating
>a total of 11 girls after 2 years and some


You don't have to A C C E L E R A T E and get 30 girls in that time, but 5 more wouldn't hurt, especially when it's been so long since the last gen and there's thirst for female novelty to shake up the HoloEN ecosystem.

>> No.40575603

It never said “we” anywhere. You stupid third world fucks need more English lessons before you try to engage in these websites. Anyone saying shit about “KFP taking blame” is a homobegging faggot. Simple as.

>> No.40575653

Assuming Cover and Omegafag aren't on the same plan. It is financially ridiculous to sacrifice HoloEN to promote Stars and such but there's been enough examples of corporate stupidity that I could believe it.

>> No.40575684

>not going after the nijimarket
>literally release a new male gen only a few months after Tempiss
uh huh, yeah no wonder why EN is dying fucking idiots already know we needed EN3 to bring back some eyes to HoloEN

>> No.40575873
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CGDCT is so 2020s, males are all the rage now. Get on with the times.

>a couple of months later

Wait, why are we losing audience and money? It will forever be a mystery.

>> No.40576023

Idk why Yagoo and any other faggot working for Cover is still breathing life into the “Brotuber” meme. Dudes would rather watch fleshtubers over an anime faggot, and they definitely aren’t bros if they’re mixed collabing in Hololive.

>> No.40576032

>the Hololive fanbase is outright hostile and unwelcoming in general
And who's responsible for this? The company that for years pandered to a certain type of mindset and rarely ever strayed away from it or the audience who is now rightfully complaining that the product they supported for years is being forcefully changed to something they don't want? Even if the announcement of Tempus Part 1 wasn't completely accepted by all of the audience the actual hostilities only started when their collab ban was lifted earlier exclusively for HoloEN and ID, something that only ever happened with Holox before because they debuted close to the Holidays(I know IRyS also had a short collab ban, but she was a solo debut), and it increased when every week for 2 months had a HoloxStarsEN collab. Shit got only worse when they announced Tempus Part 2 faster than the 17-months and counting delayed EN3 which everyone, including StarsEN fans, expected to be the next to debut. What did Cover thought would happen with that decision? That everyone would openly accept the fact that they're literally copying Anycolor's ACCELERATE while EN3 is nowhere to be seen? And what's actually a turn-off is how they're pretty much ignoring HoloEN's auditions, having never tweeted about it for an entire year other than the announcement a little over a year ago. What kind of message you think Cover is giving to the girls who dedicated themselves for the last 2 years to become Hololive members?

True, but I still can't believe the JP suits are 100% on board with what's happening with HoloEN. These people have the statistics, data of every single thing about their employees perfomance, so there's no way they're looking at what's happening with the western branch and just going "Yeah, this is fine". If EN3 breaks Uproar's record then I won't be able to do anything but believe that the people back in Japan truly don't give a fuck about EN and are fine with Omega acting rogue, but until August I'll still hold onto the hope they'll do something about this retardation.

>> No.40576539

The one responsible is the schizo fans. Always has been always will be. Holostars is nothing new at all.

>> No.40576586

Keep begging. Keep melting down.

>> No.40576651

The girls are doing plenty of work sacrificing EN themselves by not streaming. Maybe one day you'll stop crying and see the writing on the wall.

>> No.40576664
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What if Omega's plan was to rewrite HoloEN to be known for Tempus? Indefinitely delaying EN3, and hiring more Tempus members to out number the others.

I'm sure there is a numbers reason as to why the two divisions are currently working at completely opposite sides of the scale when it comes to expanding the EN branch.

>> No.40576682

>didn't even have to wait for Ina today
>already got mogged by Kiara

>> No.40576788

Cope more about tempoop numbers Omega.

>> No.40576811

I didn't want or need another 4 en dudes.

>> No.40576823

>Muh boogeyman that is a creation of my own delusions
I accept your concession. You can go now.

>> No.40576829

I'm sure you were a big Holostars fan before Tempus and remember all those times Cover pushed for HoloPro unity.

>> No.40576879

Link your stream?

>> No.40576893

every time a unicorn or nijifag spitepost about tempus it always backfired on them heavily. expect a tempus3 soon for your transgressions. you damn idiot.

>> No.40576992

In their mind there MIGHT be a numbers reason, like hoping for a new Vox or something, but anyone with a brain can see why it wouldn't work.

Brainstorming a bit here, but if they really are aiming for a new male chuuba population to compete with Niji they could use the tempiss guys to advertise a whole new branch of Hololive with mixed gens and a niji-like target audience. Doing that instead in the existing Holo branches and audience is so retarded it hurts.

>> No.40576995
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love Flay tum tum
simple as

>> No.40577049

Okay, Omega. Please do, you'll be out of a job faster.

>> No.40577063

Why wouldn't a nijifag want tempus3? Imagine a rival company killing itself for no fucking reason at all.

>> No.40577100

Tempus3 will do even worse and Omegatroon will still not get the message. It's like they want to sink their company.

>> No.40577164

>yfw we will likely see a Tempus4 before EN3

>> No.40577200

Dumb Coverdrone argument. These people are completely addicted to tribalism to the point of completely forgetting hoe they never gave a shit about the Stars before Tempus, and now they push the retarded idea that it's the Nijifags who hate StarsEN.

At that point their debuts will be as big as Uproar's.

>> No.40577226

Fact of the matter is that they need to have some growth on the EN side and that there needs to be people who actually stream. Like it or not, Tempus are the only ones who are actually streaming right now.
The people who are complaining and begging are people who do not want streams and also people who gave up on Myth and Council and are too afraid to admit that they did.
I have no idea what a niji-like audience is though.

>> No.40577274

>Addicted to tribalism
So are holos, they have a tribe within their fucking tribe. They would rather sabotage themselves for the sake of their internal tribe and then watch their tribe crash to the ground while competitors are thriving.

>> No.40577315

That's like 38k of Marine's fans and 400 of Kiara's. EN Girls have to be carried by their JP betters. Tempus boys mog their JP seniors. No wonder Yagoo won't debut any more new EN girls. Why waste models on EN girls when you can give them to JP and make real money?

>> No.40577400

EN girls are basically born with silver spoons in their mouth and they just throw it in the garbage.

>> No.40577688

What sabotage? Not watching something you don't like is sabotage now? Why should they feel forced to watch the Stars if they're not interested? Aren't you Nijifags the ones who keep saying how you shouldn't try to support everyone in the company and just pick your favorites? Why Holofags doing the same is a negative thing now?

>> No.40577689

>Kiara leeching off #2 JP
>KFPcucks claiming these viewers

Better be careful anon, wouldn’t want 5ch to run a train on your oshii in retaliation.

>> No.40577716

The "HoloEN don't stream" meme is funny but false. Take out the girls on break and there's enough streams to go around, no one Kaela or Koyori-level but they do their job. Precisely why more girls would help to fill the holes.

JPs also do breaks and are lazy, but there's enough of them that you won't notice.

>> No.40577772

>sabotage themselves
HoloStars is not "ourselves", and they've proved it beyond doubt with tempoop.

>> No.40577853

Next gen gonna be a mix-gender-geb

HoloPro is so dumb that I BELIEB

>> No.40578006
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A week ago I'd laugh at this.

Now I give it a 75% chance for the next HoloStarsEN gen. It's the only thing they're lacking to go full retard/niji.

>> No.40578212

If you can't understand why throwing fits in your own community isn't sabotage then there's no hope for you. As someone else in this thread has already said, holo's are going ape shit in begging for an "EN3" when there are literally new streamers who had a debut yesterday.
They'll burn the place down on a whim.
>Assuming that someone is a njifan when there is zero evidence to back it up
Way to lend more weight into the argument about tribalism being retarded.

>> No.40578246

>Males scare me!
>They cuck me all the time even though i gave my e girl $100,000!

>> No.40578335

i like that all the nijimales cancelled their streams that night for this
gives me a good chuckle

>> No.40578412

the bros are unity bros you love to see it

>> No.40578447

Nigger these new streamers aren't what they want. This isn't really the hololive brand, what don't you fucking understand?
And you're the retard who keeps saying "oh crying about tempiss is sabotage" to unicorns as if...they will be deterred by that. Good, they'd rather sabotage Cover into the ground until they give them EN3. This isn't a detriment to them, it's the natural next step.

>> No.40578510

>when there are literally new streamers who had a debut yesterday
Again, why Holofans should force themselves to watch them? People have preferences, you know? Don't you like female streamers? Why aren't you watching Amouranth or any of the thousands of the semi-naked e-thots on Twitch right now? And you're completely ignoring how long has been the wait for EN3 while Tempus Part 2 came out faster than literally any foreign gen ever, and the fastest for HoloPro since TriNero/MaFia debuting 5 months after Suntempo. Is it that hard to accept that not everyone in the Hololive fanbase is interested in the Stars or this has become a crime now?

>> No.40578817

I'll make it simple for ya.

Let's say there are 5 girls in a company doing cgdct stuff. The audience of that company presumely likes exclusively cgdct and has a total of 5 chuubas that cater to them.

Now the company adds 3 male chuubas that start mixing with some of the girls. From the audience point of view, there's still only 5 chuubas that cater to them, not 8. And that assuming the mixing doesn't ruin the content. The new males *may* bring new audience from outside but that won't matter to the old one. So the new gen is a net loss.

If you are management looking at this situation and your answer is "there's not enough male chuubas, let's add more" they're retarded, and you are too if you don't understand this.

>> No.40578946

If people are having meltdowns because there are no streams.
The problem is that those people are shitting up the entire fanbase and ruining everything for everyone else because they're begging for streams, begging for new streamers, begging for collabs, and throwing fits.
They get streamers, streams, and collabs and what do they do?
Have an even bigger meltdown.
They should either put up or shut up.

>> No.40578997

I was busy with the splatfest and they seemed snoozeworthy.

>> No.40579000

What was expected?

>> No.40579065

It’s more that Cover wants to shake off the BRAKU COMPANY allegations they had before.
They treated HoloStars JP pretty bad, some of the members have PTSD from the hate they got from Antis.

They know no one from the Hololive side will watch them, but they’re signaling that HoloStars is a branch of Cover and demands some respect.

>> No.40579067

They want HoloEN chuubas. "Streamers" can go back to twitch, niji or whatever hole they came from.
Also, "no streams" are not the problem. The problem is burned chuubas because of bad management and no new gen for 18 months.

>> No.40579125

That makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Why would anyone be begging for streamers and then not want them to stream?

>> No.40579133

>They get streamers, streams, and collabs and what do they do?
Teaching quantum physics to a wall is probably easier than to make you understand how people have preferences. It's like this concept is alien to your mind, people not wanting to watch a certain type of content.

They're throwing away this respect when they ignored HoloEN for an entire year. Now it's the female branch who has been treated like shit while the male side gets a new gen in record time. How do you think all the girls who sent their auditions in 2022 are feeling right now?

>> No.40579172

He didn't log into his shill account.

>> No.40579265

They don't want "streamers", they want HoloEN chuubas. Retard.

>> No.40579354

ask for hololive get holostars instead and not throwing a fit is unimaginable. It's like you command a normal pizza you get a pinaple pizza you say that wasn't what you asked for then they come back with a chocolate pizza. At some point you know they are fucking with you and you throw a legitimate fit.

>> No.40579504

>i dont know the difference between a male and a female

>> No.40579911

How can these tourists be so fucking retarded? What part of male viewers don't wanting faggots larping as anime fujobait you don't understand? Males want cute and hot girls and not this trash

>> No.40580014

Nah, you see as a Holofag you MUST watch the Stars, otherwise why are you a fan of the girls in the first place? The amount of mental gymnastics these people are making to justifying shitting on the Hololive audience for wanting an EN3 already is seriously insane.

>> No.40580051

This is why I always disregard numberfagging. Marine is the biggest coombait in VTubing outside of VShojo. She makes me embarassed to be a VTuber fan. I prefer literally every EN to her outside of perhaps Mori.

>> No.40580749

Tempus 2 designs are similar to what you would see from NijiEN when they are trying to appeal to the Fujo audience. It is unlikely to work since Cover has already burnt their bridges with China but they want Tempus 2 to directly compete with Luxiem. EN management is already preparing Tempus 3 and they are focusing all their efforts on finding the holostars version of Vox.

>> No.40580978

It’s because there’s a small number of people who start throwing shit around and trashing the restaurant if they find even one stray pineapple in their pizza.
…So apparently the company’s plan is to force feed everyone pineapple pizzas in order to weed out the ones who go schizo when they find a single pineapple. And if you have the temerity to go, “Wtf man? I know you’re trying to get people who like pineapple but the majority of your customers don’t like it. Can’t you, like, chill with the pineapple?” they seethe at you. Despite getting famous for their cheese pizza. Nice going, Cover.
I’m in the restaurant across the street watching this shitshow unfold, so I don’t personally care. I just hate the fact that corpos have the gall to do this.

>> No.40581075

>Marine is the biggest coombait in VTubing outside of VShojo.
besides veibae and silvervale who exactly is coombait in vshojo? I've only checked out ironmouse and nyanners briefly but they didn't exactly seem like coombait to me

>> No.40581129

>>40580978 (me)
And if we want to extend this metaphor even further, they claim that it’s cause their market research says there’s no more cheese pizza fans to attract, so that’s why they’re focusing on pineapple.
Except their cheese pizza is reclining because they get the incompetent workers to make the cheese pizza, while they make all their competent ones work on the pineapple pizza. But they blame it on the pizza, not the employees. Unbelievable.
The workers are management, not the talents, by the way. In this metaphor, the vtubers are the product. Sure the cheese pizza has mostly been shit, but the people in charge of making the pizza as good as possible are fuckups too.

>> No.40581295

>I've only checked out ironmouse and nyanners briefly but they didn't exactly seem like coombait to me
They're the two VShojos with boytoys that they collab with all the time. It's not surprising that they pander to coomers the least as a result.

>> No.40581323

>Begs for girls who don't stream

>> No.40581382

Hold on, I got this
>Combined peaks >>>>>>>> Marine ch Offcollab buff DDDDUOOOOOORRRRRYYYYYYAAAAAAAAA

>> No.40581389

>Food analogy
Why the fuck are you conceding?

>> No.40581410
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>Nijis will obviously be watching and fans from other corpos/indies
I don't watch Holo debuts.

>> No.40581514

Aside from maybe some vshojo fans for Gavis, what other corpo/indies would even go out of their way to watch these debuts anyway? It didn't feel like there was much hype for this in general

>> No.40581553

Go back where? Elaborate, faggot

>> No.40581739

So if the girls dont stream i'm in the obligation of watching those faggots? Kys tranny

>> No.40581811

There was no hype because there was a lack of EN Holo girl debuts in 2022. It has been over a year now. Doing this shit could possible take the wind from the sails of EN gen 3, but on the other hand it's still Hololive so there will still be a huge amount of interest.

Say what you want about Niji EN management, at least they aren't as bewildering in their decisions as Holo EN.

>> No.40581880

Buzz buzz buzz
Keep begging.

>> No.40582244

Tempus had the novelty of being the first EN holostars. Now everyone already knows what they are about.

>> No.40582298
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I was wondering why I had a déjà vu while reading your post

>> No.40582419

That anon is more of an embarrassment for vtuber fans than any chuuba

>> No.40582475

I don't want shit males. I want cute girls. That's why I watch vtubers. And that's why I switched to small corpos. HoloEN has nothing but contempt for their audience, has no understanding what made them popular and they destroyed what made them popular in the West. The company is dead, just make peace with that and move on. Any view or SC you give them indirectly supports males, and I'm not going to do that.

Tempus killed HoloEN.

>> No.40582559

Bettel is alright

>> No.40582616

Does Mid bring in numbers?

>> No.40582640

>Wow they ONLY got between 26k and 38k
Antis are fucking weird man.

>> No.40582652

>Everyone is constantly asking for EN3
>There's already memes about the lack of streams
>Even reddit is starting to point out how weird is the current situation
>Instead of trying to reassure fans that a new gen is coming sooner or later, they decide to delete every message asking about EN3
>Tell the JP girls to cancel their streams so they don't overlap the debuts
I don't mind the guys, but I seriously can't understand what the hell is management thinking

>> No.40582716

Trying to kill the idol culture that they perpetuated and built from in the first place.

>> No.40582744

Those are fucking awful numbers for hololive, yes. Even for holostars. Typically they would have easily surpassed the previous gen.

>> No.40582813

ACCELE- wait...

>> No.40582839
File: 251 KB, 1200x859, 1643963405216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope all of Tempiss kill themselves, painfully.
Self immolation perhaps

>> No.40582914

did u have to edit this to make it look like the 38k stream was on Kiara's channel when it was actually on Marine's? lol. The only way Kiara will ever see that kind of viewership again is when she graduates.

>> No.40583036


>> No.40583040

Yea need another global lockdown to pump those numbers up.

>> No.40583088

At this point I'm starting to think that they want the western fans to stop associating hololive with just cute girls. People asking for EN3 means that everything else is just a side dish, and that the girls are the only thing that really matters. That's not what they want.

They are still looking for more male application for the auditions, so they are still working on new groups with male members. They will outnumber the girls if they debut a new tempus gen, so probably they will try their luck with a mixed gen next. If the reception is good, I'm guessing they will end up unifying hololiveEN and holoStarsEN into Hololive Productions EN.

So, no, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for EN3.

>> No.40583097

Maletubers are a foreign and unwanted element in HoloEN, ergo you aren't an anti if you hate them. It's the same like how the body fights against a virus that has infected it. To fight against Tempus is the holy duty of every true fan, it is even basic hygiene. Tempus shouldn't be here, they shouldn't exist. Everything beyond that is meaningless. This vile garbage needs to be destroyed.

>> No.40583193

Based medical comparaison anon

>> No.40583208

>the girls are the only thing that really matters. That's not what they want
That showcases their utter stupidity and why they deserve to fail. Girls really are the only thing that matters. That's why I'm no longer watching Hololive - the moment maletubers exist the culture is dead. It is however important to shit on them at every turn and harm the company as much as possible. It must not be permitted to continue existing.

>> No.40583240

>muh lockdown
>muh vtubers are not popular anymore
>muh I will ignore everything but holoEN
The numbers of Tempus' previous debuts were a lot better and the lockdowns were long gone by that point. Even NijiEN's latest debuts were better.

>> No.40583493

You're correct, but CCV is and will always be a cringe meme metric.

>> No.40583633

>CCV is and will always be a cringe meme metric.
What? It's like one of the main metrics to use lol

>> No.40583730

>Say what you want about Niji EN management, at least they aren't as bewildering in their decisions as Holo EN.
Exactly. Accelerate is retarded and 32 members in 19 months was insane, but at least they're not insulting the people sending their auditions for NijiEN. Right now Cover is pretty much spitting on the face of any girl who's even thinking about sending hers to HoloEN. They're not even talking about it on social media, like if it wasn't even a thing.

>> No.40583961

Ina return is on the verge of beating their first collab... 30 minute into the waiting room. LMAO. Yep they did as bad as expected.

>> No.40585097

well yea. cause it has kiara and marine in it. but even then flayon is only roughly 8k behind them. its not even that big of a gap in views

>> No.40585286

Close the door already. Hololive is dead.

>> No.40585399

>Ina about to BTFO them in 10 minutes too
Cover employee group suicide next?

>> No.40585662

>Plenty of videos do well way after even if their CCV isn't that high at the beginning.
>Youtube gives you money for people watching your videos.
>Youtube as a platform is mainly about edited content than streaming content and edited content still does better overall than a stream which rarely accrues over 1 million views unless it's a special event.
If it was twitch I might agree but youtube supports videos that do well in the long run.

>> No.40586128

>tempus is why there's no EN3
You all know very well why there will be no EN3 for the forseeable future and it's because of one of your whores wanting to stream Genshit

>> No.40586361

Streams generate successful clips and shorts. It's more complicated than that.

>> No.40586586

its over
homobeggars how do we cope now? I thought HoloEN was dead?

>> No.40586618

There's no reason they couldn't have debuted EN3 alongside Stars. None whatsoever.

>> No.40586721

Did this in just 5

>> No.40586748

Yagoo and Omega currently doing ice and prepping tempus4 (tempus3 is already in the tube)

>> No.40587225


>> No.40587739

The reason is called S A N A and C O C O. They'll take their sweet time to hire any new Western talents to make sure they don't hurt the reputation of the company even more

>> No.40587923

Why do we hate Sana again? She is the only one with idol integrity in HoloEN. She would rather quit than spend a single second pretending males exist in hololive

>> No.40588173

>Why do we hate Sana again?

>> No.40588852

It would still be insanely retarded that they're not hiring new people for EN because of the one nepohire they bet on who barely ever streamed before Hololive for the fucking streamer branch being a dud. If they're truly having cold feet because of her then the only thing that can cure their retardation is the Canadian health system.

>> No.40589045
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>> No.40589053

>take it up with management
>they fucking closed down the subreddit when people voiced their discontent
They chose this.

>> No.40589164

Ina will have to take a new break soon.

>> No.40591474

>literally mogged by Ina's return
It actually happened. Oh wow.

>> No.40591489
File: 881 KB, 1530x928, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot her graduation stream

>> No.40591545

She was happy for them during her graduation stream, you would know if you watched streams.

>> No.40591727

Holo fans are retarded. They're basically telling to everyone that EN1 and 2 are not good enough and will never be good enough.
The kiara pomu collab begging was bad enough. They should have put a stop to that shit early so that we wouldn't have to deal with the constant begging.

>> No.40591848

Of course its a fucking meme metric. Having more than 10 views on one stream already makes you better than the vast majority of streamers out there.

>> No.40591947

Side affect of schizos feeling like they're owed more girls because the current ones don't stream so they have to wave their dick around in unrelated side projects and homo watchers that were happy with what they already had and weren't really interested in getting more boys. Also trying to pander to fujos when a good chunk of the boys audience is males.

>> No.40592063

It's not about that, you fucking retard. There's nothing exciting happening with HoloLIVE EN right now. No big events, not 3D debuts, the new oufits will come and go. It's not about the first 2 gens not being good enough, it's about bringing excitement back to the branch, with new blood encouraging new collabs like how it happened with Council and the portal construction arc. Jesus Christ, it's so fucking obvious why HoloEN needs a new gen but there's always mouth breathers like you who don't fucking understand it.

>> No.40592739

Whhat did the fans do?

>> No.40592790

>Refuse to watch content they don't want.
That's homobeggars their argument.

>> No.40592875

The girls also started to collab more once Council came around in addition to the Myth girls starting to do more off-stream work, which reduced the amount of available streams. It's like once Council debut, Cover threw a ton of shit on Myth's plate and Council wasn't equipped to carry the load since they liked collabing and 2/5 of them ended up being lazy, boring pieces of shit.

>> No.40593166

kys cuckbeat, your oshi is a fat failure

>> No.40593285

Lmao exactly. Are you a newfag or something? 32 in 19 months is nothing for Nijisanji. They debuted almost 100 in the same period in JP alone, with 2 waves per month in 2019. They go much slower since 2021
Anons surprised by Nijisanji being niji is always funny
Tell me you only know En without telling me. The most popular males in Nijisanji have a majority male audience in jp

>> No.40593393

She stopped streaming because of them, and left before she was expected to stream with them. Gura stopped streaming because of Tempiss and might also leave because of them.

>> No.40593443

What is this cope?

>> No.40593722
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>it appears my superiority has led to some controversey

>> No.40593931

> superiority
you have to be sarcastic there is no fucking other way.

>> No.40594027

Ah, the cuckbeat cope. The only metrics that matter are the ones people don't have access to like "merch sales".

>> No.40594152

While he (she) also posts a StarsJP, who's way above Tempshits talentless cucks.

>> No.40594162

>Rent free

>> No.40594280
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>it appears my super-ACK

>> No.40594922

New blood is not exciting. It's just the thinnest band aid you can think of to address the real issue you pointed out.
No events
No 3D debuts
No streams for 6 months
Constant hiatuses
Rampant mismanagement in terms of getting game permissions
In general, there's no content coming from the girls people are constantly whining over and throwing new girls is not going to fix it.
We've already seen that throwing bodies at the problem isn't going to do anything because as many people have uneloquently said, they dont care about anything unless if its a girl.

>> No.40594994

We already got a new fucking EN gen, you brainless mouth breathing crybaby.

>> No.40595060

>overlap banned
You can't overlap if no one is going to be streaming anyway.

>> No.40595225

JPs were banned from overlapping as well

>> No.40595479

JPs tweeted out that they had to delay/cancel streams because management told them they were banned from overlapping debuts at the last possible moment.
Off the top of my head, Koyori, Noel and Subaru did but I think a few others did as well.

>> No.40595558

Did anyone predict they would hire a fucking troon? It’s like they hate money.

>> No.40595647

kys, troon. faggots don’t count

>> No.40595798
File: 325 KB, 1002x660, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there's what just happened as well.

>> No.40595887

And doing fuck all while pushing for guys whose the majority of the fanbase isn't interested in won't fucking help either. What's your solution for this problem? And it needs to happen quickly, because if after everything you said is fixed they still don't have a new gen then they can just give up because interest in applying to the branch will be on the fucking negatives.

>> No.40596026

who cares spicbros we won unicornios seething!!

>> No.40596073

Ironic shit posting is still shit posting.

>> No.40596118

Purple spic got 30K viewers from red fag raiding him, then proceeded to lose 5K viewers over the duration of his stream.
Buff homo then proceeded to regain 3K viewers after he subsequently got raided.
That should clue you in that the guy won't do well.

>> No.40596279

Found the troon. Are you going to kill yourself on stream?

>> No.40596433

The same can be said for you trying to push the homos on people who have no interest in them.

>> No.40596497

The "general vtuber decline" is conveniently only used as a copexcuse for why HoloEN specifically is doing worse than before, trying to deflect blame by handwaving "n-nuh uh, it's not just that HoloEN specifically has shit the bed itself, it's uh... a general vtuber decline all around, HoloEN is not at fault, it's all these other factors....".
And this falls apart as soon as anyone does the minimum amount of work of looking at how other vtubers are actually doing. HoloJP is as strong as ever (arguably their numbers even increased from 2020 (HoloEN debut) to now), HoloID is also doing better than they were in 2020. Most of the other EN smallcorpos are at least stable or even increasing (some have standout talents regularly getting high 3view now or a few even crossing into 4view territory occasionally).

The "general vtuber decline" narrative is false, and just copium for HoloEN fags who want to distract discussions about why exactly only their own specific branch has been doing worse. There are reasons for that, and most of them have to do with problems of HoloEN itself, not with the outside world. But HoloENfags fear that discussion and don't want to have it.

>> No.40596643
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Excuse me? what sabotage? do you mean the bad reception the homos had? that's not sabotage that's just the free market working as intended, the warning signs where there through all the past year and EN management decided to double down with the release, then we have that some girls weren't streaming for months, but only now that ENhomos2.0 debuted then 1 of them continued her activities, doesn't that seem like they were being held back for the newcomers sake? is not that sabotage? how about the new rule? the JP girls had to change their schedule because they were told LAST MINUTE that there were some debuts, gee it's like it was done deliberated with the following scenario in mind:
>"Uh sorry peko, I have to cancel the stream due to homostarsEN's new debut"
>"Uh! there is a new holo debut? we have to watch it aaaaa we can't miss it!"
Which didn't happen and it backfired instead. Doesn't that sound like sabotage? it does to me.

>> No.40596747

Woops, meant to >>40578212

>> No.40596920

HoloJP members are regularly doing the best numbers they ever have. They've had their biggest 3d lives ever. Homos entire existence amounts to less views than a single 3d live

>> No.40596967


>> No.40597017

Is this the first time a Holo gen has had fewer peak viewers on debut than their predecessors in the same branch? Or has HomoJP managed it too?

>> No.40597240

Same thing happened with ID3, but ironically they now consistently get higher ccv than the rest of the branch.

>> No.40597778

I literally did not know Hololive had males on the JP side for two years. I wonder why the fuck you think this company is anything but an idol's company first.

>> No.40597939

Yeah they knew. They knew they were gonna have subs lower than the girls, they knew they are gonna get bashed for it but they still have courage to do it anyway. What say you anon because in my eyes that takes guts and respect.

>> No.40599307

No EN3, they're doing HoloKR that's why Nabi went AWOL

>> No.40599390

Dead on arrival as expected

>> No.40599418

>it's brave to be a failure
Lol lmao

>> No.40599488

NTA but while I respect the general premise, this is just a band of popular indie cloutchasers that could hop back to their other life if something went wrong. They've got one foot in the pool while Cover just sees the numbers.
Pull them in by the foot and drown them. It's what the uppity bastards deserve.
