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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40489654 No.40489654 [Reply] [Original]

>Never stream
He truly is totally you anon.

>> No.40489767

He bought a spear though so he is le heckin based. Who cares about streams?

>> No.40490076

fr fr

>> No.40490353

I remember when he said he wanted to become a "stream monster" and subtly shitting on the girls hours. Good times.

>> No.40490443

>only homostar EN that makes significant amounts of money
>Immediately joins the girls and stops streaming while raking in tons of passive membership income
Cover should start taking a bigger cut or something...

>> No.40490453

Oh yeah, I remember that. He also said holostars are way better singers.

>> No.40492038

Men get it done am I right? He probably ran off to go camping again because ghosting your fans is pretty based

>> No.40492802

he is kinda not wrong on the second part, when rikka and astel alone moggs most of the girls

>> No.40492895

The guy literally canceled streams every week, what a fucking hypocrite

>> No.40493431

That's correct, I don't stream either so he is just like me

>> No.40493814

>Ruined multiple of the blue homo’s projects through fucking up or his sperg out suspension time off
>Took another two week vacation a week after he came back
>When he DOES stream it’s just superchat readings
Jesus, what a disappointment.

>> No.40494033

Sister we can tell you're cultare even if you call him blue homo

>> No.40494129

Kek that soul link was shit Altare shouldn't have had his head up his ass and should have done a little bit of research into the new game and should have just done a regular 4 man co-op, no one but him liked that nuzlocke shit.

>> No.40494393

better male streamers will make this fag irrelevant sooon enough

>> No.40496168

fr fr

>> No.40496539

Why hasn't he been streaming?

>> No.40497143

He is Texan please understand

>> No.40497349

Isn't he on vacantation or something?

>> No.40497511

The Gura of Tempiss

>> No.40497875

yes, but don't let something irrelevant like the truth get in the way of rrats.

>> No.40497931


what games does he genuinely like besides project zomboid and FTL?

>> No.40498052

old obscure stuff he can't get perms for mostly likely

>> No.40498093

>After 2 weeks of suspension
Some people are just lazy by nature.

>> No.40498446

>plan to do christmas with your family in exchange for not doing thanksgiving
>some retarded management for the second time in a month fucks up your 24 hour XCOM perms
>go off on them (assumedly)
>don't intend to renege on your family so you record some stuff ahead of time and do some Twitter Space Zatsudons in the interim
>randoms on 4chan pretend they're mad in order to push some dumb narrative

>> No.40498448

Vesper's been unreliable and naive as hell since before debut, publicly, on record that's still on his PL channel, right now.

I don't know how the hell people get the idea that he's some based rational adult. I don't think he even believes or pretends to be that. I think he knows he's a manchild and has comfort in that. But everyone who admires him or treats him like a daddy is absolutely insane.

>> No.40499534

>I don't know how the hell people get the idea that he's some based rational adult.
Who thinks that? His appeal is that he's the average anon in 10 years, aka a 40 year old virgin loser with a bunch of weird hobbies that he knows way too much about

>> No.40499784

We're even more retarded and neet than he is. He is daddy by comparison

>> No.40500046

Él me odia a mí, no a ustedes...

>> No.40500162

Even before his vacation he would cancel streams all the time. He's unreliable as fuck.

>> No.40500530

It's pretty funny that Vesper has the most shared fans with the HoloEN girls and he takes the most extended breaks. It's almost like there's a connection between these things...

>> No.40500720

Unironically he's burying weapons and rice in the woods. He's probably freaking out because it cost farmers 100 dollars an acre to seed wheat this year, compared to 30 bucks in 2019 when oil was cheap because of subsidies for fracking.

Eggs already up from 3 bucks to 6 bucks a carton, bread is going up 100-200% in the next 2 years. People gonna get thin real fast.

Wendy's was 6.99 for a burger and fries in 2013, 4.99 for a burger and fries in 2003 and will be 13.99 for a burger and fries in 2023.

>> No.40500828

>sonic 1993
Vespy was just 10 years old then.

>> No.40500905

>>randoms on 4chan pretend they're mad in order to push some dumb narrative
I'm mad because this guy's middle of the night factorio/zomboid streams were fucking great. The only truly good part of Holostars EN, we had a good thing going with streams in the dead of night when no one else is streaming because they're asleep or whatever.

>> No.40500955

Ascended neet, he turned his autism into an IT job and is prepared for the apocalypse.

>> No.40500985

Wait I thought you guys said Tempus never stopped streaming?

>> No.40501018

He's such an old hag, I love him

>> No.40501071

Collectively they don't but one of them went on a trip with his family for the holidays (which he told everyone about several months ago) so we're posting epic rrats about how he doesn't stream

>> No.40501102

shut up

>> No.40501166
File: 75 KB, 824x486, ExK801TVgAIshBk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to sexualize autism more

>> No.40501186

Solasta, X-Com, Divinity OS, Diablo 2

>> No.40501705

Even when he left on vacation he left pre recorded stuff that has been great instead of just ghosting us for months

>> No.40502402

Chumbud deflection thread

>> No.40502502

His suspension made him reconsider visiting family Thanksgiving, who he was only going to see on new years. Once they got a hold of him, he was to much of a pushover to tell them "no" when they basically roped him into participating in the remaining get togethers for the year. He did some twitter spaces, thanked the superchats he got while he did those and is uploading the DnD recordings he did with the other boys. He's doing what he can to still provide content and is probably gonna be in Japan with Axel around February. All of this he let us know beforehand. Where's the issue? He's definitely not ghosting us like other holos do

>> No.40502653

He has arranged the family vacation before the suspension and couldn't cancel

>> No.40503063

So what you are telling me is he is the equivalent of Chloe?

>> No.40503326

Kronii told him to take breaks and to stream less.

>> No.40503525

>Doesn't stream
>Still puts out pre-recorded DnD while trying to escape his family
It's pretty amazing when that is a solution the girls have never considered doing at all.

>> No.40503818

Facts about vesper:

* Didn't celebrate christmas as a kid
* But had very religious elder generations in his family
* Family super tight-knit and no-nonsense, expectations that the kids would get serious careers

Is he jewish or is he asian?

>> No.40504040

He's literally on twitter spaces like everyday interacting with fans and dodging his relatives and the fact that he left a week of uploads ahead of time and an open live chat with the schedule.
when was the last time foids ever went to these lengths.

>> No.40504091

Definitely not asian

>> No.40504094

excuses? obviously he's lying, who cares, stream you lazy whore

>> No.40504141

>He believes it
you got got

>> No.40504184

He could be 2nd or 3rd gen, his accent sounds like it. He definitely only speaks english

>> No.40505859

Probably Jewish.
Asians aren't the most religious of people in the sense an American would understand.

>> No.40509111
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He's Hare Krishna

>> No.40509139

Family could be Jehovah's Witnesses or other evangelicals who (for some bizarre reason) do not celebrate Christmas amongst other things.

>> No.40509254

I always thought he was Mormon.

>> No.40509370

Well if he is that'll make his female fans happy since they can all marry him

>> No.40509521

You're such a faggot it's unbelievable
