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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40484686 No.40484686 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>40298968

>> No.40484746

first for the meaning of life and everything

>> No.40488321


>> No.40488433

>talk to chatters like they're just viewers
>talk to chatters like you've been life long friends

>> No.40488564

So I retried what I did yesterday by just running a recording instead of a stream, I was able to find out issues with what I was doing and fix them. One of the issues was that all the game audio was in reverb which was really weird.

Anyways, what I was doing was playing a game, then go and talk about some topics for a few minutes, then go back to playing the game. Is that a good way to run things asp?

>> No.40489048
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best substance to make the thoughts go away?

>> No.40489467
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Posting this here because it didn't get any traction in the male thread.

What do you guys think of the quality of suits in male vtubers? Personally I think that while they're really nicely rendered.. they're not very well drawn. It's clear the artists drawing them have no eye for how suits are supposed to look, detail and proportions wise.
I see alot of weirdly shaped collars, pockets in the wrong places, buttons on the wrong side, etc.

Do you think there is a market for drawing outfits that are more accurate to real suits? I get the feeling that nobody actually notices and can't tell the difference between the top row and 2nd row in pic related top left

>> No.40489582

So how mad is everyone here that they didnt make it to Tempus2?

>> No.40489652

Are they humans wearing suits you're talking about? Because most males I watch are either not males or some sort of creature

>> No.40489758
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Since suits are kind of niche. I'll use guns as a better example.

It's as if everyone is going around with gun models on their vtuber like the leftmost example in pic related. Clearly drawn by someone who is unaware of all the proportions and details of what a real gun looks like.
Would it not be much better to have a gun that looks like the middle example?

and now I'll say before anyone mentions it.
I know I don't have the same rendering skills as the examples I used for bad vtuber suits, and I know that rendering is very important. But I think those skills can be easily trained if I put my mind to it.

>> No.40489870
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I'm not sure what you mean? There's loads of male vtubers and a great deal of them wear suits as their default model or atleast have a "fancymode" that they bring out every now and then. It's very popular

>> No.40490022

any chance niji will look at an application for someone that has just under 10k yt subs, or is that still too little for them to bother

>> No.40491585

i had the same issue with game audio being reverbed and i found out it was my desktop audio being picked up by obs and broadcasting it. also you should try multitasking and playing the game. some people will be trying to pay attention to the game while others will have you in the background so you'll be trying to appeal to both crowds

>> No.40491789

is there a market? possibly. will the average viewer notice it? probably not. most people will be trying to appeal to the general audience and only a niche will be paying attention to the small details of a design, if any. i think most of them will be happy with a suit that looks relatively accurate and designed properly, but i don't think you'd be getting a crowd if the design were meticulous.
also the most important thing outside of design is personality. people will click on your thumbnail if they like your design, and they'll stay if they like who you are. if you're just gonna be a normal dude in a suit, there's a LOT of those, but if you actually play the part like Report of the Week, there's still a decent amount of people that do that, but a lot less than "guy in a suit" so you'll stand out a bit more, if that makes sense.

>> No.40492373
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Is it really as simple as
>Just hit the button and start doing streams until people start watching you
? It can't be that easy, everyone would succeed if it was that easy, right?

>> No.40492712

that worked back when twitch was new it won't work now. thousands of 0view chuubas go live everyday and never grow. you have to market yourself.

>> No.40492783

It might still work if you're a girl

>> No.40492825

girls who just hit go live cap out at low 20s.

>> No.40492878

It works so long as you have atleast like 20 views.
the first couple pages on the vtuber tag cover everything from 20 views up, and everything below that is like 50 pages of 0-20 views. It's just a pit of darkness

>> No.40493047

False, they have to try really hard to stay in the twenties.

>> No.40493708

>there is a spic
>there is a shota
I am a little salty, but the fact that there's both and they're not the same guy eases the pain a little.
not alto btw.

>> No.40493859

Emphasis on might, some of the girls here taught me that if you're enough of a personality vacuum even the girl buff won't get you above single digits.

>> No.40493929

>I am a little salty
>not alto
x to doubt

>> No.40493965

>they didnt make it to Tempus2?
He made it. That's all that matters to me.

>> No.40494034

Part of me is hoping the shota is another Kyo situation and there's still a chance for a real shota voice to make it in.

>> No.40494042

A little bit sad, especially since the jester seems like it could've been a perfect match for me, but I still don't want to give up yet

>> No.40494048

I really am not alto, that's why I felt the need to specify considering the two attributes I listed would immediately indicate alto to the dozen or so people who still frequent this thread.

>> No.40494221

>you have to market yourself
Agree, I just think the advice sounds very simple, is marketing yourself really as simple as just "engage on twitter" ? I guess that's why people consider it more of a grind "marathon" than a race

>> No.40494258

Y'all know STARS2 won't happen until 2024 now, right? The second half of 2023 we'll get EN3 and they'll focus on that. They're not Niji, these quick 2 TEMPUS gen are the same gen that was always supposed to be only 8.

Don't wait to audition tho, I'd say June is the latest. Cause they'll keep you waiting.

>> No.40494947

I just recently debuted and there was an actual child in my chat talking to me and interacting with me more than any adult would, they even followed my twitter
Not to be a fag but it feels good to make kids happy and interested in what I'm doing

>> No.40495019

Yeah I agree, the new dudes were clearly supposed to be a part of the main group, especially since they're still part of the same guild. Though if you send an application now, I guess you might have 2 tries with the 3 month wait before they inevitably pick who goes to stars 2 in June.

>> No.40495054

>is marketing yourself really as simple as just "engage on twitter" ?
no. you're not engaging anyone. you are putting out content that you make in bite sized chunks for people to enjoy. if you scream a lot, clip some chaotic moment of your stream and post a tweet. if you have a dommy mommy voice do a voice line here and there. you are telling "i make content and this is what i make" to the viewers who find your things.

don't just "engage" with tweets because that's nothing. it's the same as dropping a comment to someone who passes by you on the road.

>> No.40495524

I finally got home, sadly i don't have Ain's POV of the collab with Mashi and Lala in my collection, in fact i don't have any of the PNG era streams, earliest one i have is from July 22nd
I have mentioned multiple times i wouldn't enjoy being a corpo, there'd be no reason for me to be salty about not making it into Holostars

>> No.40496000
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Having to judge yourself in such a way that you watch your own stuff and decide what moments are worth clipping or not, plue the need to shamelessly engage in order to keep up with the algorithm, I can definitely understand how you would need a very specific mentaliy to even attempt to succeed

>> No.40496831

In hindsight we were never friends and it was my misunderstanding

>> No.40496991

Who hurt you?

>> No.40497699

most successful vtubers, streamers, or youtubers in general need at least some level of narcissism to make it

>> No.40498112

They know who they are. (You).

>> No.40499221

I don't care. I'm going to be starsEN V"""Singer""" by shittily playing the guitar, taking advantage of bocchi the rock hype

>> No.40499380

but unironically, I realized lately that I get the most effortless joy out of myself clowning for my younger cousins. if only I had realized that that terraria autist was a tween kraut and not an autist in his 20's...

>> No.40500361

I have a couple teens watching me and it feels bad. I'm not a good role model.

>> No.40502865

Okay groomer.

>> No.40503254
File: 785 KB, 1656x929, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for feedback on the model. is it too little? i didn't wanna overdo it but i feel like it may be too dull and not enough to make it be unique. any advice that isn't you trying to be funny?

>> No.40503430
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this was my old one btw. had to change it because i feel the hoodie looked too much like a pansexual flag and didn't want people to think i'm one of those people whose entire personality is "i'm gay btw"

>> No.40503574

is this made with some facebook character creator? it looks disgusting.

>> No.40503714

i said "any advice that isn't you trying to be funny?" can't you read?

>> No.40504105

I'd say the design and the style is not very appealing, my advice would be to look at some characters and other vtuber models you and enjoy and try to emulate that artstyle, >>40503574 wasn't being funny, although he was just being mean, it really does look a bit like those facebook characters, cartoony vtubers are adorable but i think you could benefit from reference, that way from your studying you can create a more appealing and memorable model. Also some extra constructive criticism, work on your colors.

>> No.40504106

its fine if youre not trying to be a vtuber and just want your persona in the corner as you game
but yeah its too plain imo

>> No.40504202

Yeah, as a png it's probably ok, although still think the design and artstyle is really unappealing.

>> No.40504469

My advice is to ask for advice litterally anywhere else. Not because I'm being mean, but because this is in too western a style to be seriously evaluated by an audience with such an eastern bias. Maybe westoids (sorry) love it. Maybe it's an even more appealing design than jellybean (or whatever she goes by). But you're not going to get that feedback here. がんばれ, bitmoji-くん

>> No.40504494
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so it's too plain and the design is unappealing but what fixes that?
what sort of things would make it more appealing, because i felt it may have been too much.
i don't want to blow it out of proportion and end up looking like pic related. i like the color scheme on the pic, but you know what i mean. i'm not trying to look like a walking accessory salesman

>> No.40505180

I'd say just look at references and try to emulate them, it's ok to go a little over the top if you want to, no need to go 0 or a hundred, look at what your favorite artists draw and so on.
Try to think of some things that you relate to yourself and try to have the colors work well with each other, if you need to, look for some color palettes online or use a palette generator like coolors to make combos you enjoy, all those things contribute to a more appealing character with way more personality to their looks.

>> No.40505216

It looks like a gay highschool softboy
In a bad way

>> No.40505353

yeah the point was to show the really bad overaccessorizing

>> No.40505486

I don't think it's bad at all, it's just a fashion sense, and he's obviously good managing colors, has more harmony than your model imo.

>> No.40505573
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>> No.40505744

Wasn't bait to begin with lololol, trying to give honest criticism, there's color harmony there with the pinks and blues and purples, not my taste in fashion per say but the harajuku ''kiddie'' fashion has it's appeal for sure.

>> No.40505919

anything people tell you is gonna have some personal bias as to what they like to see so idk how specific you want people to be
you need some visual interest by your head but the hairstyle you picked is really bad for that because if you put like 2 hairclips or something ie picrel it'll look stupid
the black on black outfit is boring too i'd pick one color to use as accent
the artstyle you have makes it kind of hard too bc its so simple so clutter will be more noticeable

>> No.40506614

What artstyle are you trying to emulate here? This has saturday morning cartoon / adult swim vibes, which is probably not what anyone here is looking for. The art itself is fine on a technical level although some hints let me to believe it's not actually drawn and has more character creator vibes, not that i care.

You are approaching the wrong audience here, my personal take is that it's off-putting because I personally don't like modern western cartoon artstyle, but if that's your thing then who are we to stop you. My guess is you aren't gonna find much success in the weebcore audience which is the majority of vtuber viewers. If you still don't really care about that, i think complexity wise it's fine. You unfortunately fulfill the "boy in hoodie" trope, but a lot of people just want to put something on screen that represents them so that's their right even when traditionally i'd say it's more interesting to play something you can't be IRL. Is every male just wearing hoodies these days, am I the only one who enjoys wearing button shirts anymore...

>> No.40507700

i was just going for something simple. replicating an artstyle i saw on some chibi stuff on twitter so tat it would be easier to edit and change outfits or expressions easier.

as for the hoodie thing, i prefer it because it's what i normally wear. i don't like wearing just shirts. they look better imo too.

>> No.40509621

Not my preferred art style but its not bad. Probably the worst thing is that it is just forgettable. If forced to describe your character in just a few words, most people would probably just say "a guy" or a "a guy with curly brown hair" or in the case of the second image a "guy in a hoodie". Ideally you want people to be able to remember you after not having seen you in a at least a month. Them saying, "oh yeah, you are the X guy" or "you're that guy with the X" which will take up more space in their brain.

Basically it is helpful to have some obvious design element that a person can associate you with in their brain. Many vtubers do this through science fiction or fantasy elements. Like having cat ears, or weird glowing floating devices floating behind them, or dressing up as some established trope or another. But you can do it with more mundane and realistic things as well if that is not appealing to you. Maybe you have a pet flying squirrel that hangs out in your front pocket, or you have a green mohawk, or maybe your character is always depicted being rained on with an umbrella open because no matter where they go its always raining or some shit. Get creative with it, being stuck as "a guy with curly hair" or "guy in a hoody" is kind of lame, and what is the point of even being a vtuber or pngtuber at that point.

>> No.40511463

>after Ethyria no new member had a following any smaller than 50k subs on YouTube or something equivalent on another platform
I'd still go for it either way. The top of the well has to dry up at some point, you know?
