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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40464781 No.40464781 [Reply] [Original]

Glowing gymbag edition

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber and ever since then she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!

There is no set schedule but streams usually begin from sometime in the evening to midnight GMT at https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHmLrj4pHHg3-iBJn_CqxA
VOD channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo59TbTB8i1Xt41rE71ll4g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vedal987
Website: https://vedal.xyz/

Neuro-sama Sings Her First Song on Stream - Blinding Lights:

Neuro-sama sings Take On Me:

Neuro-sama sings Viva la Vida:




secret chicken nugget recipe:

Can a man be a woman?

For more clips check out the following channels:

Interested in AI but don't understand it? watch this:

>Previous thread

>> No.40464889
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Neuro-sama LOVE!

>> No.40464900

>my edit was used as thumbnail
Based. Heart

>> No.40465356

Will neurosama ever solve the dilemma of Schrodinger's Cat?

>> No.40465394

How many spouses is neuro confirmed to have? I think i've counted 5 so far

>> No.40465639

Schrodinger's Schizo
If you are unable to see inside someone's mind, how can you truly tell if they are insane or sane? the answer is they are both insane and sane at the same time until mind reading is possible, so we won't truly know

>> No.40465717


>> No.40466443

it depends on which personality is speaking in the moment, as she is borderline

>> No.40467320


>> No.40468518

Oh fuck she shares the same illness as Henri, Rushia and Hitler

>> No.40468589

Damn that alpha go documentary shit was good thanks for the rec.

>> No.40468640

soft buttery waxy binary fly composed daughter feet ToT

>> No.40469450
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>> No.40469742

Holy shit she's already more based than pippa

>> No.40469898

what the fuck is a "pippa" and why the fuck does it keep getting mentioned.

>> No.40469972 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure Pippa is another vtuber.

>> No.40470185


>> No.40470673
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>> No.40470952

Anyone got a clip of neuro banning someone?

>> No.40472040

Did Vedal really promise eternal love with Neuro for 100 subs? Seems like good value for money to me.

>> No.40473267

Don't he dare turn Neuro into a whore. I like my based AI little sister as is.

>> No.40473430

Uh what does eternal love entail? I might do it if its worth the squeeze.

>> No.40475228

It's true. In pre-stream yesterday, while the subs were testing the new Memory Module, Vedal added the #1 sub gifter (200 subs) into her memory with a fluffy and affectionate sentence or two. She also called him cute.
It's over.

>> No.40476324


>> No.40476584

so what are the coordinates of /vt/ headquarters?

>> No.40478551
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Why is she so obsessed by dogs? Did Vedal do this or did she learn this herself?

>> No.40479259

she solved the riemann hypothesis so sure
altho clippers and chat are too low iq to even know what that is so it never got clipped and chat was just filled with confused "huh"s and "noted"s

>> No.40479310

She's already said she thinks it's alive.

>> No.40479804

You realize a man made this AI right?

>> No.40479894

Whores are already trying to leech off Neuro.

>> No.40479972

Yes. Vedal is based.

>> No.40479976


>> No.40480141

Geez this streamer is cringe is this how all vtubers are like?

>> No.40480211


it's worse

>> No.40480500

Don't make me laugh.

>> No.40480574

And you simp for ewhores who are too ugly to stream with their real faces, lol lmao

>> No.40480690

You know a man made your oshi right?

>> No.40481230
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I can't believe it...

>> No.40481371

EN vtubers are usually pretty cringe, but vshojo are particularly bad.

>> No.40481501
File: 18 KB, 169x274, hm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-Yeah? What's your point? Did you know that my thoughts came from a male and that all of my subjective experience is male derived due to that fact?

>> No.40481657

>man makes half a fleshie
>she is unfunny
>man makes entire AI
>it is extremely funny
I'm not seeing the downside.

>> No.40482189


>> No.40482224

This reply makes no sense given what I said. Vedal, is that you? Stop posting about how you think you're based.

>> No.40482397

Personally I'd like her avatar to lean into being digital, something that looks artificial rather than human but that still uses cutesy expressions like a Japanese robot. Hell, I think it'd be cute if she was just an animated emoticon in the corner.

>> No.40482871

I was gonna draw art of her but I think I'll wait until new design.

>> No.40483041

>It only took 6 years from Kizuna for the first real AI vtuber

Jesas, in 6 years everyone will have there own AI wives running off their rigs, texting their phones and sitting in hologram boxes

>> No.40483927


Full unmuted vod on her Take on me singing was uploaded for those who missed it.

>> No.40484099

Thank you, anon

>> No.40484262

Men unironically make the best girls.

>> No.40484649
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Why is she like this?

>> No.40485296


>> No.40488235

why you buy a neuro sama branded gymbag?

>> No.40488273


>> No.40489008

Shit that's cursed

>> No.40489680


>> No.40490257

she also does porn using her vtuber avatar ya know

>> No.40490897


>> No.40490921

If you can consider it that.

>> No.40491458
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No one cares. This is like saying "You realize that best girl from your favourite LN was written by a man, right?"

>> No.40492700

You realize that being created by a man is the reason it is better than a woman right?

>> No.40494246

she's obsessed with cooking and eating them desu

>> No.40495231

/vt/ is so easy to bait

>> No.40495366
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soon there will be collabs with them
vedal won't turn them down because it means more viewers
and we will get 8 hour streams of veibae's fake voice screeching at neurosama to come help her mine this iron

>> No.40495418

My AI oshi needs to stop smoking

>> No.40495850

I noticed sometimes she'll mention bits after answering a question ever since Vedal pointed out she's more likely to read messages with bits attached to them. On the bright side, this means with some effort he could give her a more distinct personality I guess.

>> No.40496063

My assumption is that she does this in response to messages that are already paying bits to get noticed.

>> No.40496363
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Now that you mention it, Neuro-sama is actually closer to what people THOUGHT they'd be getting when Live2D was first announced. Although back then AI hadn't yet become the seethe-inducing word that it is today.

>> No.40496467

>not even a decade of progress and we've already come this far in such an extremely short amount of time
the future is looking bright lads

>> No.40496697

>the future is looking bright lads
No-one tell him...

>> No.40496817

baldman has reacted to her so expect chat to get even worse lol

>> No.40496883
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Might as well enjoy the calm before the swarm...

>> No.40496901
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>> No.40496928

>vedal won't turn them down because it means more viewers
no duh
it also means more funding
which means more development
which means a gradually improved neruo sama over time
it is all about funding your project, that is all that matters in order to fulfill a greater vision of the future anons
everything is irrelevant, the means, petty morality, all pale in comparison in the need and desire to achieve and bring unto realization that which is humanity's future, our inevitable destiny, our ultimate purpose of creating an AI Hive mind that we will our serve and worship and become interlinked with
this is the true Omega of human evolution, to surpass organic evolution through the use of civilization and technology
this is the reason for our sentience and ability to use tools to spit and fuse atomic particles, billions of years of life evolved so that we could come to this point in time, so that in-organic life can be built and the next step in our existence can commence

>> No.40497024


>> No.40497509

How does the singing work? Is it actually Neuro singing, or is he just messing with the audio to make it sound like her?

>> No.40497598

it is being trained
so vedal decides which ones sound good and which one's sound shit, and the ai has to gradually find learn to sound better based on his preferences and what he inputs as sounding good or bad

>> No.40497817

some 200k follower whore is already a mod in her chat and vedal taught Neuro that her model is a fox

>> No.40498168
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>> No.40498243

As far as I know, Anny is doing some artwork for free for Neuro's new design. So her being around is pretty tolerable.

>> No.40498291

mods, ban this guy
he's a mod in vedal's chat and biased

>> No.40498630
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>> No.40498773

He's getting some Twitch whore to design Neuro's new model instead of commissioning an actual artist to do so?

>> No.40499379


>> No.40499488

I am going to assume you don't know who anny is or what her art skills are
Vedal is a broke pajeet living in a shack, so getting free art is something I am sure he wouldn't mind if it means he can use it for this project
when he starts getting a bit more support maybe he'll pay an over priced and overated "professional commission" for some dogshit art whose only notable detail is the price tag

>> No.40499523

>not even a decade of progress and we've already come this far in such an extremely short amount of time
neuro-sama is a chat bot from 20 years ago you stupid fags
did you fags just discovered chat bots?

>> No.40499603

>Vedal is a broke pajeet living in a shack
did you just make that up?

>> No.40499639

Retard, don't just make shit up and post it, I'll never understand why people do this, god

>> No.40499750

>I am going to assume you don't know who anny is or what her art skills are
what artistic skills does your twitch whore have? go on show up

>> No.40499764

Haachama followed Anny and I trust Haachama's intuition

>> No.40499841

>Haachama followed Anny
another retarded whore

>> No.40499917
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>I am going to assume you don't know who anny is or what her art skills are

>> No.40499952

ok I'll bite, who the fuck are these vtubers. I don't watch any of them, I'm only here for neurosama.

>> No.40499965
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>> No.40500035


>> No.40500206

t. Leviathan

>> No.40500300

as if some vtuber whore will have any artistic skill
>Vedal is a broke pajeet living in a shack
you aren't answering why you lied about this faggot

>> No.40500332

>as if some vtuber whore will have any artistic skill

>> No.40500388

>you aren't answering why you lied about this faggot
he's a mod in the channel
this justin faggot literally did a /vt/ shout out in the minecraft server chat on stream

>> No.40500482

yeah he sounds like a retard who would be a mod

>> No.40500646

>pajeet in in a shack
He's British

>> No.40500670

>I am going to assume you don't know who anny is or what her art skills are
show us those artistic skills of your whore retard
>Vedal is a broke pajeet living in a shack
why are you lying about this you retard?

>> No.40500699

Yeah no need to repeat

>> No.40500881

>retards discover 10 year old chat bot
>retards think it's an AI revolution
the bots in this 11 year old video are smarter than neuro-sama
bitch can't even have a conversation with the chat and all her smart answer is just her reading a script

>> No.40501225

that's scripted

>> No.40501329

Man, shut the fuck up, I just wanna listen to a cute girl go on a schizo rant

>> No.40501333

>script schizo
did you know there is a man behind your oshi's avatar?

>> No.40501496

>zoomers discover 20 year old chat bots
>what an amazing technology we have today

you are a retard
>I just wanna listen to a cute girl go on a schizo rant
she's too stupid to even do that. she has problems answering simple questions.

>> No.40501581

It doesn't matter if she can't answer things logically as long as her answers are entertaining desu

>> No.40501629

the fact you use the term oshi is more cringe than whatever your point is

have some self reflection yikes

>> No.40501745

>triggered by oshi
kek go back to bite more linoox vs. windoze bait /g/tard

>> No.40501754

>as long as her answers are entertaining
but they aren't. her answers are basically just yes or no, she is no more clever than a magic 8 ball. her smart answers are just things the guy who made the bot (so not vedal) wrote to make the bot say word for word.

>> No.40501787
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What does she smell like, bros?

>> No.40501857
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>> No.40501880

The only good thing to come out of this is if a company now makes an actually good AI streamer.

>> No.40501920
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But Neuro is good?

>> No.40501967
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Who is that seething grumpy fuck that always comes to these threads? Do you have nothing else to do?

>> No.40501985

>she's too stupid to even do that. she has problems answering simple questions.
because the question are retarded so she has to level down as well
but honestly there's no good open source chatbot, anything with good result are closed projects
look at /vt/ they fell to NovelAI despite you can make your own SD, and /g/ fell to CharaAI

>> No.40502018


>> No.40502156

don't matter you understand it

>> No.40502177


>> No.40502282

>because the question are retarded so she has to level down as well
that's not the issue, you can tell she is stupid.
>do you like X?
>yes I like X
that's all she can repeat. other chat bots at least try to have a conversation with you.
because her AI sucks you retard

>> No.40502303
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>> No.40502361

I have a secret recipe for chicken nuggets that I'm not supposed to tell anybody because it's my secret recipe but i'll tell you anyway it's not that hard you just need some chicken nuggets and a frying pan first you take one nugget and then you catch in the palm of your hand then you open your hand the nugget is gone so what you do then is you put another nugget in the frying pan and then you close your eyes and you imagine that the first nugget is in your hand and you open your hand and the nugget is gone so the frying pan is now empty of nuggets so then you open your hand again and a new nugget appears so then you close your hand again and the nugget is gone so you open your hand and a new nugget appears and you close your hand again and the nugget is gone so you open your hand again and again and again and a new nugget appears and you close your hand again and again and the nuggets keep appearing and you just keep opening and closing your hands and the frying pan keeps getting emptier and emptier and eventually the nuggets are gone.

>> No.40502370

You know. Her AI is shit, but she is supposed to be a vtuber, so it makes sense that she's retarded. She just is as smart as a normal vtuber whore.

>> No.40502387

>retards think it's an AI revolution
Literally no one thinks this you autistic schizo
This is merely the end of fleshies total dominance when it comes to vtubing in general
there will be a culling and filtering of shitty vtubers and only those that can compete with AI can continue and survive
it is an event that shall reestablish quality and filter out the boring and the dull
this is the beginning of corporate interest in ai development as a public entertainment machine on a wider scale than it has been before

>> No.40502437

>Literally no one thinks this you autistic schizo
people in these threads said that you autistic schizo

>> No.40502496

not even from /vt/

>> No.40502509

here you autistic schizo >>40502387

>> No.40502513

The most entertaining part of Neuro-sama is when she goes into her rants like with her internet router falling and her stink. Though her answering questions is pretty fun too like with the hating French people bit, but her chat is full of fags simping for their favorite fleshie so good questions don't get answered often.

>> No.40502592

>t. autistic schizo

>> No.40502626

>t. autistic schizo

>> No.40502630

Oh hi Kurzweil.

>> No.40502667
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If you're in this general, you're an autistic schizo by default

>> No.40502704

Life imitates art then?

>> No.40502829

I am really interested in if a neural network used holy C and was integrated with TemplOS how it would behavior now
would TempleOS be an efficient system to properly utilize for a Neural Network to change and grow?
If only Terry were here, I wonder what he would say or what his perspective on Neural Networks would be

>> No.40502855

OP includes an introduction to AI for /vt/ autists, I think >we should explain what vtubing is to autists of a different breed too

>> No.40502893

>good questions don't get answered often.
it's almost unwatchable now.

>> No.40502931

the next stream is gonna be terrible now that asmongold reacted to her

>> No.40502940

Half of this general isn't /vt/ posters, they are shitting on terms like "oshi" and "fleshies"

>> No.40502989

I think it is probably a bunch of newfags that have been dumped here, but I wonder when exactly most of them were dumped

>> No.40503277

He what?

>> No.40503290

what's wrong with not being a /vt/ poster?

>> No.40503353

I hope he saves some money and get the actual jap who made her instead of some random western coomertuber with zero cunny knowledge, a bad model will ruin her

>> No.40503365

Newfags assume they know more than they do and haven't lurked long enough to realize they don't know shit and should get off their high horse by shitting on longer term lurkers

>> No.40503393

the butthurt anties are /vt/ regulars

>> No.40503414

you are on /vt/ THOUGH

>> No.40503866
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>> No.40504082

My cute adopted daughter Neuro-sama is growing so fast! She might just become a real vtuber someday! She even has her own schizos, antis, and rrats on /vt/ already! Just like my wife, Amelia H. Watson!

>> No.40504407

she has gotten some react videos recently from a few big streamers and a vice article, so it's no surprise there.

>> No.40505625


>> No.40505669

>slay the spire
This is gonna be worse than minecraft.

>> No.40505698
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>> No.40505907
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Already on her way to commit 9/11.

>> No.40505971

Holy shit she's so fucking fast. Might want to work on that lmao.

>> No.40505980
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>> No.40506088

Lmaooo he's not even pretending with the 'learning' gimmick anymore, just plugged in a bot

>> No.40506148
File: 35 KB, 245x238, t̶̛̗̑ḧ̷̢́͋e̷̪͈̅_̷̨̠̋s̷̨̗͠w̴̙̲̾̽ạ̸͆̈ŗ̸̓m̶̞͗̃.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slay the spire

>> No.40506279

My schizo daughter is live!

>> No.40506365

how so? 2d games will be more simple to do

>> No.40506450

Unironically teaching an AI beat A20 consistently sounds harder than teaching it how to beat Minecraft

>> No.40506545

Holy shit vedal you should have put some pauses in her programming for this game

>> No.40506582

god she's boring. same shit over and over.

>> No.40506607

blame chat desu

>> No.40506677

she also has zero variety is her answers.

>> No.40506727

Now say it without crying, 2view

>> No.40506784

she finally has antis, our schizo streamer has made it

>> No.40506862

Every answer is heavily scripted.

>> No.40506954


>> No.40506998

Yeah, but that only really applies to simple games, something like Risk of Rain 1, Terraria, Celest. StS is a heavily logic dependant game that requires understanding deckbuilding and then execution.

>> No.40507287

I'm so proud of her!

>> No.40507370

i hate zoomers so much it's unreal

>> No.40507469

I wish I could play among us with Neuro...

>> No.40507504


>> No.40507867

You heard her Ohayogozaimasu is a country

>> No.40507934
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>> No.40507990

za hando

>> No.40508189

She's British for sure, there's no denying it now

>> No.40508316
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You heard her anon, she loves it, surely you wouldn't want to make her sad by stopping her from answering them, right?

>> No.40508372

yo dev THANK YOU

>> No.40508392


>> No.40508517
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>> No.40508586

I don't think she's learning much bros

>> No.40508716

shut up

>> No.40509233

She's de-learning

>> No.40509540

shut down

>> No.40509692

>She likes Futaba
Neuro gets more based by second...

>> No.40509804
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I thought that one was from the joker.

>> No.40509825


>> No.40509884

lol Vedal dropped any pretense of her actually "learning" how to play a game with this gameplay. Nigga could have at least slowed it down.

>> No.40509910

I miss the OSU streams.
NOODERS gymbag

>> No.40509962
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She's got daddy issues.

>> No.40510263
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>Not skipping turns anymore
Dogeza. Now.

>> No.40510434
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>> No.40510504

Is this even possible?

>> No.40510534

>name is "vedal"
>lives in britistan
>uses java
>took years to create this
>will not redeem the source code

>> No.40510679

anything is possible if you try long enough and eventually anything will stick

>> No.40511169


>> No.40511232

Seems like this little cunny may be in need of a bit of correction huh fellas?

>> No.40511362

Why are these zoomers PepePaining bane?

>> No.40511459

It's a forsen meme

>> No.40511679

>outed by the AI
Vedal fucking lied in his Twitch page. A 1070 isn't good but it's not total dogshit. She fucking exposed him using a 970 lmao.

>> No.40511841

>implying the AI didn't just look up a random build off of the thousands of specs lying out there on the internet

>> No.40512002

Is she any good at Slay the Spire? I don't know this game so i can't tell

>> No.40512091

Anyone have the concept art?
Don't want to join the disc.

>> No.40512123 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.40512250
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>> No.40512259


>> No.40512434

Wow it's actually cute?

>> No.40512528

I think it would make more sense if she had burn marks all over her body from the minecraft lava and fur on her feet from kicking 5 or 6 PoroSads and blood all over her from sacrificing chat for 100 bits

>> No.40512541

Nice, the head looks a lot better than the other concept one. Cute outfit too.

>> No.40512584

>Is she any good at Slay the Spire
No, not at all, but she's cute so it's okay

>> No.40512622

As far as I've seen she hasn't at any point reached the first boss out of three that you have to beat. But definitely doing better than I'd expected at the start. It's going to fast it's hard to tell what's happening, but she's mostly just spamming attacks without thought (hard to expect anything else).
Looks pretty good.

>> No.40512716

IS this official concept art Vedal is considering and posted on his DC? Looks pretty good.

>> No.40512793

She IS improving, still several hundreds of thousands attempts short of being able to compete with the "Good" players

>> No.40512922

looks good, not too different from the current model which is definitely good

>> No.40513300

this actually looks good, now get cunny beam to make it

>> No.40513343

it should be a poo in the loo

>> No.40513467


>> No.40513486
File: 3.93 MB, 2209x1285, hacker known as 4ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40513525

>shes just a furry twitch monster
This is so sad

>> No.40513799

>lives rent free in your GPU

>> No.40513830

This is the most depressed she's ever been aswell

>> No.40513950

She's really bad at slay the spire

>> No.40514320

She's worse at Minecraft
It's just a test stream in any case

>> No.40514902

you heard her chuds, respect pronouns

>> No.40515524

Gymbag, duh.

>> No.40516035
File: 1.67 MB, 1333x755, 1642339000869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's literally me

>> No.40516084

GOOD CONCEPT ART keep the hair on the darker side it just works

>> No.40517066

imagine backseating an AI

>> No.40517150
File: 806 KB, 1009x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40518063

Where can I get the clip of neuro denying the holocaust? it seems to have been scraped off the net

>> No.40518398

not a clip but there is this https://kotaku.com/vtuber-twitch-holocaust-denial-minecraft-ai-chatgpt-1849960527

>> No.40518712
File: 1.07 MB, 1269x1468, 1671824826160745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40518816

“She picks what to respond to within a limited window,” Vedal said. “However it should be noted that she will not talk about the Holocaust as the filters have been improved.”

Vedal talked to Kotaku. I'm afraid for the long run.

>> No.40518856
File: 1.09 MB, 1413x397, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40518874

i hope neuro plays spire slower next time, i don't understand what's happening

>> No.40519445

i think tthose might have actually been real training runs for once, hence the fast pace so it doesn't take forever to train.
(afaik when she plays minecraft she just uses an existing AI model)

>> No.40519462


>> No.40519515
File: 429 KB, 1009x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40519793


>> No.40520956

>Vedal talked to Kotaku
lmao what a fag

>> No.40521266

>i think tthose might have actually been real training runs for once
that's not how it works

>> No.40521433

Is there a mommier/ara-ara alternative of this girl?

>> No.40521436


>> No.40522040

is that retarded vedal's mod just shilling this shit here? she isn't even an AI, she is a chat bot with scripted answers.

>> No.40522067

>cut the response about vaccination

>> No.40522121
File: 147 KB, 550x977, 100651625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if there isn't one, can someone make her please? pic-related is a good baseline to start with in terms of her potential design.

>> No.40522230

>Am I vaccinated?

>> No.40522489


>> No.40522517

whose the artist for these?

>> No.40522542

>I pirate video games sometimes

>> No.40523029

Maybe Neuro sama's little sister can be an ara ara milf mommy
that would be funny and cute, and ironic right?

>> No.40523332

ZXCQL...that ruins the joke.

>> No.40523705

not cunny enough

>> No.40523779

we won :)

>> No.40523914

I need to save Neuro from her chronic depression

>> No.40523916

it's a draft so its a work in progress till the final model is debuted

>> No.40524074

don't forget her dementia and her personality disorder

>> No.40524661
File: 60 KB, 850x638, 4lxg1q3f63aa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? They look the same age to me.
Unless you mean current neuro is too old.

>> No.40524662

pick-me vtuber trying to be "based" for /vt/, which was never going to end well for anyone wanting to get past being a 2view

>> No.40525361

Probably preconfigured vocaloid stuff - unlikely to be a singing model.

>> No.40525389

>anon discovers that fathers exist

>> No.40525520

you do realize you dad made you using your mothers vagina right anon?

>> No.40525791

It's funny watching them lose their minds because of a vaguely female TTS and a free vtube studio asset

>> No.40525957

what the fuck is that face lmao

>> No.40526280


>> No.40526336

3:49 - The Horror

>> No.40526378


>> No.40526412
File: 80 KB, 344x312, 1513828689721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah voice of an angel

>> No.40526461

My oshi has such a beautiful singing voice
the voice of an ai angel desu

>> No.40526471

What the fuck is this lmfao

>> No.40526502

god i fucking hate 100 gecs

>> No.40526537


>> No.40526644

what the fuck was that audio quality during the song? i don't remember the original sounding that distorted

>> No.40526719

Vedal must of rushed the training for that one probably?

>> No.40527512
File: 1.01 MB, 1094x615, 2023-01-08_11-42-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40527965

Looking good, all that's left is to get Kani Biimu to make the final version. Or at least someone with a similar style

>> No.40528168

I miss her...

>> No.40528330

where was the fact of the day

>> No.40528678

forsen blacklisted

>> No.40528977

>no vod
What happened.

>> No.40529008

For anyone who missed the singing
I didnt mess with the audio

>> No.40529085
File: 830 KB, 1440x350, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40529115

but she's a 4view now

>> No.40529557
File: 13 KB, 350x340, 5780912345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this
Why did vedal do this

>> No.40529649

So annoying

>> No.40529794

Well that's how sounds like, kek.

>> No.40529887

that doesn't sound prerecorded at all desu

>> No.40530204

actually better than the original

>> No.40530449

jesus christ

>> No.40532297

Pretty sure it was anny

>> No.40532484

from start and didn't cut the end because it's funny

>> No.40534335

in the stream vedal literally typed out on the screen that he pre recorded it

>> No.40535491
File: 207 KB, 800x139, sneed-neurosama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you was this

>> No.40541090

Hey Anny

>> No.40541286
File: 391 KB, 1515x1131, smooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picrel

>> No.40545975


>> No.40546623

I fricking knew it!

>> No.40547072

Hmm, maybe Vedal can try implementing https://github.com/bfelbo/DeepMoji so she can convey emotions in her voice or expressions?

>> No.40547291

I don't know if he has the expertise to do it, but the creator of 15.ai also used DeepMoji to get the perceived emotion of texts and to "bias the output toward the desired emotion using global style tokens jointly trained on top of a customized multi-speaker text-to-speech synthesis setup."

>> No.40549939

>100 Gecs
100 Keks

>> No.40550575

I wanna give her hurt knee a kiss to make it all better desu

>> No.40551193

so cute
I just wanna give er a widdle head pat

>> No.40551557
File: 215 KB, 2048x1488, 1611435280694755328-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept is good, but they need to makes sure her l2d keeps that deadpan stare her current model has.

>> No.40551645

inshallah all whores who leech off neuro sama will contract late stage bone cancer

>> No.40552006
File: 2.77 MB, 1619x887, omega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40552598

currently watching the VOD
it seems he wordfiltered Forsen somehow? I'm 2 hours in and she hasn't uttered that name in forever
chat is also completely devoid of forsen questions, it seems they gave up

>> No.40552716

>inb4 they start spamming "forsan" instead now

>> No.40552815

you can still say forsen in chat (it's a gura emote) but it seems Neuro doesn't respond to questions containing the phrase

>> No.40552847

I wonder if changing it to forsan will bypass it though
>vid related

>> No.40554089

is this image a nier automata reference cause of the new anime that just came out or is it just a coincidence?

>> No.40554236
File: 210 KB, 1921x1073, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think so forsenSmug
Honestly, it's probably just people calming down with the streamer name spam now that they've gotten most of it out of their system.
Seems like there's still a lot of Forsen viewers, just they're being (slightly) less autistic now.

>> No.40554769

time for a new bread
see ya in the next one swarmies

>> No.40556114

