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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40334464 No.40334464 [Reply] [Original]

Knowing how we SA are, I give him 2 weeks until he is suspended

>and also, depending on which country he is from, he will make more or less enemies.

At some point in the zatsu some homophobic or racist comment will slip out. It's inevitable, it's in their genes

>> No.40334528 [DELETED] 

what do the spicrunes say?

>> No.40334587

Sounds based, I'll oshi him as an indie if that is indeed the case

>> No.40334841

Mexican here . Spanish language and culture are cringe af, that's the reason I watch English and Japanese content exclusively.

>> No.40334921

so who was he? don't think i've ever seen a spic vtuber

>> No.40334978

peruvian stream from trovo (green twitch) named Sideral

>> No.40334996

who is his favourite dbz character? I'll oshi him depending on the answer

>> No.40335047

Ame would be fast friends with this guy

>> No.40335685

chilean anon here, op is more or less right all hispanic race pretty much hate each other.

>> No.40335847

It says he's your daddy if you're a kfp.
Pollito means chick. He's basically telling kfp daddys home. He's latino so he's definitely going fuck all your oshis. Starting with kiara.

>> No.40337163

Can this peruvian dude even speak English? This might be the fastest EN graduation or firing.

>> No.40337230

>homophobic or racist comment
Racist maybe but think about, he is voluntarily pretending to be an anime boy.

>> No.40337300

>He's latino so he's definitely going fuck all your oshis.

>> No.40339415

thats even cringier, stick to your roots, anglofag

>> No.40339614

Kinda cool ES finally got someone, bit rude that it's a m*le

>> No.40339641

I haven't seen any good hispanic content creator being funny without being racist. It's in our veins hating each other, idk what that motherfucker is gonna do to contain himself

>> No.40339951

Down here even the fags hate the fags

>> No.40340014

I can't imagine him talking Spanish without saying negro or puto

>> No.40340867

>Spanish language and culture are cringe af
mi amigo. as a fellow MEX I find a lot of stuff about spanish culture pretty cringe too. The guy is going to be a latin stereotype turned up to 11. He's already tweeting about eating chicken burritos.................. baboso

>> No.40342337

Ill try to guess his favourite tastes:


KMY: Infinity Train


>> No.40345726

Chocolate en mi taza o sangre en mi navaja

>> No.40345820

Dear lord this is not good

>> No.40346444

I am so sorry you spics are getting your first holo like this. You deserve better

>> No.40348630

It's Dragon Ball

>> No.40348834
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I wonder if he reads El Oniichan.

>> No.40349540

Auronplay or Ibai are not racist.

Spanish content > English content nowdays

>> No.40349836

Really? Is that why dubbed spanish movies uses the same two actor and actress to voice the whole damned thing?

>> No.40350153

Literally the vast majority of Spanish-speaking streamers are not racist, because if they were, twitch would have already kicked them out.

Only the lolcows are a bit racist and not even that.
Streamers =/= The fans

>> No.40350188


>> No.40350881

"The potato of the chicks has arrived". He didn't put á at the end of "papa" so it's potato instead of dad

>> No.40351583

It's a cringy Sinaloan (pacific coast of Mexico) phrase to indicate he is above all around him. Used by drug lord wannabes and mexican chav types. If he is what I think he is then he will speak and boast fast and get killed.

>> No.40351754

He said el papa which mean daddy he just didn't accentuate the second a.
If he had meant to say potato it would've been written La papa. Fuck off gringo.

>> No.40351879

the first ES holo and it's a fucking tempiss fag

>> No.40351998


Oh no no no no no no
Peruvians are unironically worse than Russians in bideogames

t. dota 2 player

>> No.40352034

auronplay's gf was literally a nazi in the past

>> No.40352096

latinxisters we won

>> No.40352143

If he sounds like Sam from MGSR I don’t give a fuck what his politics are.

>> No.40352181

Well the PL of the jester was notoriously lazy so unless hes changed his tune from his old life then don't expect much from him.
However I'd actually consider him to be legitimate brotuber tier, making him the first legitimate Tempus member to be a brotuber.
He just has fucking boring game preference. I hope management don't make him fujo pander because he just couldn't do it if he tried

>> No.40352465

>Ex-pro DOTA 2 player
I want to beleb

>> No.40352834

no hay nada peor que uno que abandone su cultura

>> No.40352950

>Dota 2 streams that aren't scuff supreme from Kobo
I will send him all the Sols if he does even 1 high MMR DotA 2 stream

>> No.40353311
File: 48 KB, 389x376, 1653579360905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest chat, if he convinces Kaela to switch from LoL to DotA 2, will you follow him?

>> No.40353542

why the fuck would I watch dota on fucking youtube when twitch exists

>> No.40353588

imagine being ashamed of your own culture. you are no gypsy

>> No.40353844

>Almost went to TI4 through Americas Qualifiers
I KNEEL.....

>> No.40353958

What are the chances it's a girl behind the character?

>> No.40355185

Mexican here. He's probably a pocho.

>> No.40355340

Alv prro

>> No.40355350

el PeruANO will be our brotuber, cunnychads

>> No.40355928

I have no idea why that would matter. If anything donos in Twitch to people like SingSing, AdmiralBulldog and Gorgc almost never get read

>> No.40356244

I'll follow Kaela

>> No.40356471

After seeing the low quality shitty posts on the dragon ball generals on /a/, I'm inclined to believe all spanish speakers are the worst

>> No.40356597

please be real and another Scarle

>> No.40356699

and not another, i forget that

>> No.40356731

Peruvians ruin everything
Dota 2
WoW (both retail and classic)
Runescape (more venezuelans but still)
The only good thing peru came up with is ceviche

>> No.40356768

confirmo, spic internet culture resumes to
a mashup of eng-boomer-tier humour with zoomer minecraftuber memes ft. reacciono a videos de TikTok por 5 horas from the Auronplay series

>> No.40356840

Isn't Moner peruvian

>> No.40356940

Their memes are kinda funny

>> No.40357013

I like this rrat

>> No.40357918

spanish memes aren't cringe or bad, they're literally too smart for you
spanish speakers are notorious shitposters but they're self-aware as they know it triggers gringos

>> No.40358035

>spanish memes aren't cringe or bad, they're literally too smart for you
no digas mamadas pues

>> No.40358257

>no digas mamadas pues
except if you're from a cringe south american country with shitty slang

>> No.40358363

>spanish memes aren't cringe or bad
ni tu te la crees men

>> No.40359046

>spanish memes aren't cringe or bad
why lie

>> No.40359545

Hay quienes no saben apreciar lo que tienen...

El español como lengua para crear contenido es mucho mejor que el ingles al ser este ultimo mucho mas limitado debido a la riqueza de expresiones presentes en el español.

Pendejo, abre twitch y lo único que vas a ver de los anglos es ellos reaccionando a mierda todo el puto día, es literalmente peor.

English culture resumes to:
- Negro de mierda con aires de rapero gritando y siendo retrasado.
- Streamer generico reaccionando a mierda 24/7 o jugando mierda genérica.
- Putas

>> No.40359745

Damn I wish we also had raunchy anime tabloid
But nooooooo, we only had 3DPD raunchy tabloid.

>> No.40359807

Wow that's actually pretty based if he did. Fuck youtube new policy.

>> No.40359900

Were they not apart of the racist Spanish team in that twitch Rust game?

>> No.40359914

Spics are only attractive to other spics, except spic mommies which can be attractive to all. And that's mostly because of the ass, not the garbage attitude or supposed range of expressions.

>> No.40360175

That's not true, English content is much much better. All the content creators I follow speak English:
Scholagladiatoria, Metatron, Perun, History of pholosophy podcast, revolutions podcast, etc.
Are there any Spanish language content creators that can come even close to them? I don't think so.

>> No.40360237

Spics will fuck every woman in your family stop talking out your ass. White black chinks none are safe from getting fucked by a spic. Even the white women in your own country are fucking negros and latinos even the indian fag who eats nothing but tofu is fucking white women. While you dream about fucking le precious nippon women.

>> No.40360241

>el peruANO

>> No.40360296

>Spics are only attractive to other spics
Scarle is literally a hapa of spic and pinoy

>> No.40360360

>they know it triggers gringos
wrong, it also triggers chicanos and wannabe spaniards

>> No.40360414

>the spic manlet trying to convince me of his sexual prowess on 4chan
kek don't lie to me or yourself nigga

>> No.40360464

>except spic mommies which can be attractive to all

>> No.40360501

the only thing i've seen from the spanish community is auronplay and "la velada 2"

>> No.40360538

Is this the legendary latinx holo?

>> No.40360559

Not many pinoys can win a spic mommy

>> No.40360568

>wannabe spaniards
filthy meds, not much better than sudacas and mexicans

>> No.40360624

>wannabe spaniards
This is the first time I heard latin americans want to be a Spaniard

>> No.40360642

true, spic mommies laugh at all chinos though some like the kpop guys

>> No.40360708

mi negro, English Twitch being cancer doesn't make Spanish internet culture any better. Now go back to watch Rubius gritando y siendo retrasado while playing Among Us

>> No.40360765
File: 131 KB, 329x329, 1672608599129644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck around and find out there's a reason women call us papis when they get dicked down. But not like you'd know any of that anyways gringó barrigòn

>> No.40360834

>t. 5'6"

>> No.40360942

Do remember that dubs made by mexican directors tended to incorporate idioms which then ended up spreading across the country, chances are he just saw the kaomoji and wanted to announce he speaks spanish and that's it.

>> No.40360955

oh brother, you have a lot to see
door colored mf who believe they are spanish nationals becaused one of their great-grand parents was raped while being a slave.
then they use the cross of burgundy and RP as "conquerors" while claiming they come from landed gentry

>> No.40361299
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'0 nice projection tho Cletus.
Let me ask you a quick question before I go shitpost somewhere else. If japanese women are lusting for you why haven't you booked the next flight to japan pendejó? Can their building structures even support the weight of your fat ass?

>> No.40361679


>> No.40361685

it's an idiom, playful way of saying you have arrived while jokingly hinting that you are the right person for the job.
Say that a sports team is behind by some points and the star player shows ups last minute, he could say that to imply he is the one they were missing to turn the game around. It can also be used ironically when you know you won't help at all, or just because really. Variants would include ya llego por quien lloraban "he for which you were crying has arrived"
Literal translation: the chicks dad has arrived
Close to: daddy's home
of course it sounds more natural in spanish

>> No.40361718

elaborate pls
nothing comes to mind besides argies claiming to be whites

>> No.40361731

>door colored mf
This is what I love from an international message board, people got creative with their insults. I actually laughed.

>> No.40361933

Yes, but only when you take it to 2views, meanwhile in the Hispanic sphere the most popular people have;

Celebrity interviews
Soccer leagues between streamers
TV-style programs, such as cooking competitions, dating, word games, etc.
Soccer matches between communities
Literally races between streamers (real races)
Giant virtual events like Squid Games Minecraft
Podcast with really interesting people (disaster survivors, war reporters, criminals).
Boxing events

Negro estupido, la comunidad inglesa no hace ni mierda, literalmente mas allá de reaccionar y jugar cosas genéricas no salen, tienes hasta a los streamers anglos hablando de como los streamers hispanos están en otra categoría (Asmongold, Mizkif), aparte de que los los anglos también gritan como estúpidos (IShowSpeed).

>> No.40361942


>> No.40361948

Dude is going to be found full of holes outside his home by one of the cartels for daring to online with such a faggy looking model.

>> No.40362475

>Spanish normie streamers are better than English normie streamers
Who cares? They are both mogged by niche 2views that make quality content, and the English ones are better. I am not interested in mainstream streamers, are you?

>> No.40362542

Spics are only attractive to other spics because spanish is not lingua franca.

But the content in Spanish is much more attractive and objectively popular. On the one hand you have the English community which has a majority audience with 48.22% of all twitch, while Spanish-speaking viewers are barely 9.51% of all twitch. However, the vast majority of the streams with the most viewers on twitch are from spanish streams.

>> No.40362857

thats literally it. mutts pretending to be pure white spaniards from upper class families.
you mostly find those people on the internet, saying they are "loyal servants of the king of spain" or some cringy shit like that.
the majority of them come from lower-middle class backgrounds and start RPing as unironic "nationalists who love their country so much they want it to become a puppet state of the shittiest country in western europe"
the burgundy flag is supposed to represent a rejection of the indigenous culture in favor of the "spanish" one, but it all ends mostly with brown people berating slightly browner people.

>> No.40364573

Anon, all that 2views content is purely educational content, not entertainment, they can't even be compared, on the other hand, among your examples you show me schizophrenic shit, it's literally as if I show you a vtuber doing tarot what the hell.

>> No.40364645


>> No.40364864

probably something about DBZ

>> No.40366534


>> No.40368435

I can only imagine the Chocolatada 2: anime edition, how do you know?

>> No.40368482

Basado, now kys worthless mexinegro

>> No.40368516

I like the "I'm home, sailor!" variation.

>> No.40368601

Based RAE.es supremacist, I too refuse to acknowledge and in fact go out of my way to misinterpret words that aren’t properly accented.

>> No.40368620

Come on, mexican memes are funny as fuck.
t. CHI

>> No.40368799

What's the past life of jester?

>> No.40369006

maybe if we're lucky Peru will fall into civil war and he'll have to stop streaming. Didn't they recently have a coup and civil unrest?

>> No.40369218

dios mio are at least two of them spics?

>> No.40371128

spics can be funny, bet this is the kind of fag who uses latinx though

>> No.40371539

Wrong, he meant to say that he's the pope, eh just forgot to capitalize el Papa.

>> No.40373275

make up your mind, schizo

>> No.40374143 [DELETED] 

What schizophrenic shit? It's more entertaining than educational let's be honest.

>> No.40374394

The fact that latino men unironically think like this is why you're run by gang members in your home countries.

>> No.40374911

What schizophrenic shit?
>purely educational content, not entertainmen
It's more entertainment than education, let's be honest.

>> No.40375026

not him, but Mexican shitposters are actually insanely high IQ to me despite all other thirdie normalfag garbage being posted by their countrymen.

>> No.40375209

Meanwhile Brazilians either have great content maker or typical HUEHUEHUEHUE degenerates.
For example, we have the like of StealthGamerBR that pretty much making masterpiece videos about stealth games or Joe Pereira and his NerfNow! stuff. But then we have typical "HUEHUEHUE I report joo!" people as well.

>> No.40375408

I was just talking about meme garbage. I can't actually speak for proper content creation. What I have seen is still boomer tier even among young people. But I haven't seen much.

>> No.40375472
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>> No.40375733

idk, his twitter activity seems consistently Mexican (or CHI) to me.

>> No.40375815

>if I show you a vtuber doing tarot
But Mio-mama...

>> No.40377641

>Boomer tier
Not everyone can keep up with what meme Americans coin out every week. Also not all Americans meme are funny due to cultural difference. Also do you even know South American memes?

>> No.40379244

Bring on HOLOES

>> No.40380135

Oh boy, is neutral Spanish not a thing anymore? I can't get used to the way most spanish speaking content creators speak nowadays.

>> No.40381586

What the fuck being a pope has to do with chicks you fucking retard. Just stay an irrelevant eop since is very obvious your brain can't handle more than one language at once.

>> No.40383555

Spanish being better than english as a language? Totally agree.
Spanish streamers content being better? No fucking way. Every single spic streamer I've seen has vshoujo tier humor.

>> No.40384323

You will never be white/japanese

>> No.40384434

Papa is what Italians call the pope you retarded pseudo-italian.

>> No.40384617

He's obviously not fucking Italian if you haven't noticed you eop dipshit.

>> No.40385291

Depending on how much he can mask his accent it'll be more of les like this, if he's from central/south Mexico or south america he'll be loud and obnoxious.

If he's from the north close to us, he'll chill and a racist pos.

If he's from ARS he'll talk about messi right at the start, so i'll be easy to spot.

Nobody cares about Spain and they don't bother to learn english so eh...

>> No.40385778

>English culture resumes to:
Cuando tienes razón, tienes razón

>> No.40386226

Empapame la verga con tu hocico, pollito chillón

>> No.40386344


>> No.40389960

dude doesnt seem to have any musical experience. hakka's experienced enough to recommend magni a keyboard to buy

>> No.40390090

He doesn't need skills to sing spic classics like la bamba la macarena la cucaracha and the guantalamera

>> No.40392144

shitposters/deep-fried memeros are okaish but you mostly deal with low IQ garbage memes for people like this retard >>40381586
who can't understand a simple wordplay joke or take ironic memes at face value

>> No.40394166
File: 136 KB, 376x308, 1672670266904891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porque no te cagàs en tu putà màdre pendejò tamalero de mierda y despuez tiraté de un puente enano malnacido retrasado mentar hijo de perra.

>> No.40394312

it's ame's brother isn't he

>> No.40394908
File: 546 KB, 656x616, 1670127100680740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl I miss those streams

>> No.40395450

How about the ketchup song?

>> No.40395503

El español como idioma es mejor que el inglés, pero los streamers hispanohablantes son igual de lamentables o incluso más que los gringos. Literalmente la cultura de streaming hispanohablante es un circlejerk de retrasados que han acumulado una masa de gente con edad mental que no supera los 12 años, todos con el mismo humor que se basa en tiktok y memes sudacas que no hacen absolutamente nada de gracia, y se ponen de acuerdo para que sus amiguitos (que hacen exactamente el mismo contenido) sean también relevantes, se inviten entre sí a los mismos eventos de mierda que solo sirven para reforzar su propio ego y tengan vía libre para hacer cosas por las que cualquier persona externa les tiraría mierda (p.ej. eludir impuestos en Andorra) y que esa masa de retrasados lo defienda.

>> No.40396963

I will agree that spanish as a whole is a rich, great language. Sometimes the lack of certain, specific words can be annoying, but I love being able to pronounce just about any word without having to look it up beforehand.

Jokes, humor and shitposting in general are pretty alright as well, it helps that there are very few topics that are considered taboo and it's usually an everything-goes deal.

OTH... spanish-speaking content creators and streamers? Most of them are pretty mediocre and are only trying to copy someone else from the anglosphere, but do it worse. Some of the same shit you're complaining about anglos, they do as well:
>Reacting to shit every single day
>Mongoloid screams

>> No.40397050

>good hispanic content creator
>Auronplay or Ibai

>> No.40398730

he's cute there's no way

>> No.40400904

Your ancestors were italians, bitch spic.

>> No.40402472


>> No.40403018

Kys Chi ywnbm

>> No.40403066


>> No.40403286

Mexican here if he is sudaca or CHI i dont care i only care about my Mexican bros

>> No.40405644
File: 94 KB, 744x667, 1631393250143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no fucking way el peruANO got into hololive. /sp/'s gonna FREAK

>> No.40405747

la "cultura" heredada de facebook (los niños rata, los mismos "momazos" de siempre, :v , entre muchas otras cosas) arruinaron el internet hispanohablante para siempre.

>> No.40405989

Wtf he's a big guy and not bad looks

>> No.40406203

As a /sp/artan this is hilarious to me. Of all nationalities...

>> No.40406398

ngl im having fun with all of his clips lmao
