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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40368393 No.40368393 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you guys still seething about Tempus?

>I don't watch males.
A fun streamer is a fun streamer, regardless of what gender they are.
Are you telling me you watch ZERO male content creators whatsoever?
>I only want to watch CGDCT with vtubers.
Ok, so do it. Nobody is forcing you to watch the boys or their collabs.
You're only going to keep making yourself unhappy by letting the males live in your head rent free.
>It's against the spirit of Hololive.
Unicorns bitching about this is exactly why we're getting more males, so that they can stay in their own bubble. Shouldn't you be happy?
>I don't like it when my oshi collabs with males.
>It ruins the GFE.
>I don't want to get NTR'd.
Sounds like a mentally unstable unicorn problem.
If you're upset about someone who isn't part of the "purity shield" that's on you for having shit judgement.
I also enjoy GFE content, but I'm not under some delusion that I'm actually in a real relationship with them or that they don't secretly have their own relationships off-stream.
Personally as long as they don't bring it up I don't care.

Here are some other constant nitpicks I see:
>They aren't profitable.
Numberfagging doesn't work with males.
>They're taking resources away from the girls.
Maybe if they actually streamed or released some of their "big projects" they'd get more support. They still get plenty of money regardless.
Seriously, at least the boys like their job and have to work for it since they don't get free simp points.
>Management is shilling them hard.
>They're getting preferential treatment.
They're Yagoo's pet project, that's just how it is.
You can hate management for it, but you can always just ignore it.
The only people who are directly being negatively affected are the reddit refugees.

I'm membered to both some of the boys AND some of the girls who have never interacted with males on stream.
I do not care if they interact or stay separate, and there are plenty of people who feel the same way.
I'm just sick of seeing all this severe mental illness coming from your insecurity.

>> No.40368430

tldr bait

>> No.40368441

Fuck Tempiss

>> No.40368442

If they don’t SEETHE, what will they talk about?

>> No.40368484

My oshi forces me to watch Tempiss so i don't have the ignore option

>> No.40368509

>Numberfagging doesn't work with males
Fucking cope

>> No.40368539

Anon, I dunno how long this write-up took you but while I applaud the effort, you're in a den of mental illness (sadly).
In a perfect world, the type of person that watches for entertainment like you and I would be more prevalent even /here/ but all you'll get in the catalog are niggers falseflagging both sides till the end of days.
Hope you enjoy their debuts, I'll be watching them too, hoping I'll like the jester and the ronin.

>> No.40368547

tldr go fuck yourself

>> No.40368562

What kind of gun does she have pressed against your head?

>> No.40368602

I don't find any I've watched funny.
They should have hired the oneyplays cast to become vtubers instead.

>> No.40368650

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.40368688

please understand that they need to get mad about something rather than watch their oshis

>> No.40368691
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Well Spoken

>> No.40368755

i havent seen anyone graduate because of numbers

>> No.40368779

really doesn't, ever seen one complain about their numbers? Hololive related only

>> No.40368794

They only want to watch cute girls, no exception. Unironically it's a damn shame because the boys are great, but you can't force them to watch what they don't want to watch and they're free to have their own tastes. I'd rather have a cease fire desu, I'd like to be able to use the board without tourists from r/holo sperging out here. Honestly isn't that hard to ignore shit you don't like, even when the holopro twitter advertises it. I fucking love gundam and fucking HATE witch from mercury but I can ignore it even if the main gundam socials are shilling the fuck out of it.

>> No.40368847
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This gun.
She made me watch 3 worms collabs, 1 drawing stream and 1 astroneer collab. Also redirects me to Tempus after streams ends.
I truly chose the worst oshi...

>> No.40368866

As much as I like the wall of text you put up, this entire board has a lot of mentally ill unicorns. You can't sway them easily and it'll stay that way unless they find something better to do.

>> No.40368943

>unicorns bitching about this is why we're getting more males, so that they can stay in their own bubble
that doesn't the usual suspects from roping in someone to their own twisted antics
but i do agree on that point

>> No.40368960
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I'm well aware of this.
Yelling into the void just makes me feel better.

>> No.40368964

I don't actively seethe but
>They're taking resources away from the girls.
I'd rather have more girls than more guys just for more chances at one existing that I like. Guy streamers I like already exist.

>> No.40369292

Anon, this board rice purity score is around 80-90, most of them are mentally ill and kissless virgins, this is why they hate male collab

I'm glad I'm in this hobby because of Vsingers, I'm also glad there are some sane viewers like you three

>> No.40369317
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>> No.40369362

>Unicorns bitching about this is exactly why we're getting more males, so that they can stay in their own bubble. Shouldn't you be happy?
So it's not because they're good streamers but just purely a spite-driven decision? Yet unicorns are the seething mentally ill ones....

>> No.40369571

Homos fucked up more than they improved. That's it. I'd tell you to eat shit and die young but something tells me you're already planning on that.

>> No.40369752

I actually watched them initially. The collabs are what turned me off from them. And it's because I know this is exactly what would happen as a result. I knew it would upset the existing fanbase because I'm not fucking retarded and can put two and two together.
You can't force people to want a different product. Many people got into Hololive because of how it was (cute anime girls streaming together). Why would they suddenly want something different? To expect that is naive and idiotic, and displays a complete lack of understanding of consumer expectation and demand.

>> No.40369769

All that effort and so little worth posting.

The answer is that the males quite literally cucked EN3 out of existence. In fact the girls haven't been streaming lately while the guys have and I don't think that's a coincidence. Cover probably told the girls it was fine if they took extended breaks so that the types of people like OP who just watch Blue Dorito streams no matter what will gravitate towards the males. People like Magni and Vesper get 3-7k depending on the stream so they want to move their captive reddit audience that eats up whatever slop is fed to them over to the Holostars EN and make them popular. If it means Hololive EN no longer gets 12-20k a stream but 2-6k a stream then they don't care, they want a successful male branch and the gachikoi mean nothing. In the end EN is just a playground for yagoo's ideas, not a serious branch.

>> No.40369792

You don't understand. Women are awful at almost everything online, but vtubing is the one thing that they can do well and it fills a niche for many of us lonely and fucked up outcasts. We are so used to consuming male content on YouTube and the internet in general that seeing males get involved in vtubing takes away the very thing that made it special and unique, a thing that actually made us respect women more and enjoy listening to what they have to say and realize they can be witty and funny as fuck, too. That older women (hags) can be painfully cute and desirable. It's hard to get these kinds of insights on the internet and especially in modern media. Don't fuck this up for us with your Twitter-approved uovote-bait faggotry.

>> No.40370101
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>a thing that actually made us respect women more

>> No.40370297

>JP chuubas are godlike seiyuus, singers, dancers, perfomers.
>EN Chuubas are E-Girls with an avatar

Don’t compare EN to JP.
You’re still an ATM but at least the JP girls have to DELIVER CONTENT.
The pedos and Twitch T3 mods destroyed HoloEN, you pay these bitches passive income for NOTHING.

>> No.40370329

I don't care. I got into vtubers because I want to watch cute girls, not because I want to watch streamers.
I already do. However, this is nearly a year and half without a new EN gen while they're stagnating to death and in desperate need of new content, while there were two homo gens in half a year. Why would anyone who genuinely cares about HololiveEN not be upset at this?
See the previous point. It's absolutely hilarious that you think this new gen means mixed collabs will never happen again, oh you silly naive retard.
I don't like mixed collabs because I don't want to see male vtubers. I don't think female vtubers are my girlfriends and I sure fucking hope you don't think male vtubers are your friends either or else you're being just as "parasocial" as the people you're shitting on.
Of course it doesn't, Yagoo already has all the money he needs to waste on retarded projects.
It's almost like they were held up by issues outside their control, EXTREMELY AWFUL MANAGEMENT or straight up health issues that prevented them from streaming.
Yes. Why should I assume that these people I watch religiously are always lying to me?
Yeah sure I'll keep ignoring it despite the fact that they're actively hindering everything the girls try to do. Remember Gura's birthday 3D live? Or the fact that she tried to get into short videos before Youtube added that function and many vtubers grew thanks to them? All ruined by management for no reason while they were busy taking care of Tempiss.
So you're just desperate to defend a corporation that's totally your "friend". Whatever you want to believe, living disposable wallet.

>> No.40370466

This anon gets it

>> No.40370510
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i just want an xqc vtuber

>> No.40370557

do i have to care what you think and how you membered both some of the boys and some of the girls? i think your mental illness of insecurity are beyond saved

>> No.40370790

I watch males, but I like watching entertaining males.
Which most male vtubers aren't because they constantly have to appeal to fujos and other women in order to survive. Also put in the heavily sanitized corpo environment like hololive and you get extremely boring dudes who all act the same.

Take a look at the types of male content creator guys like to watch. People like Forsen, xqc, Asmongold, Ludwig or Jerma. None of those would be able to thrive in the male vtuber world, its content made by men for men.

>> No.40371056
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Ha Ha! Very true OP, you have convinced me to watch the new Tempus debuts on January 7th, 2023 10:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM PST.

>> No.40371533

They don't care. They just wanna larp as men-hating schizos, and then continue watching Northernlion or RLM in their free time

>> No.40372006

Are you retard still seething about our seethings?

>> No.40372182

This is a long post but I agree with you anon.

I hope your grounded, sensible perspective becomes more common, but I don't really have high hopes for some of the people /here/. They may be too far gone the anti rabbit hole.

>> No.40372202
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Since you actually responded point by point in a relatively reasonable fashion I'll indulge you.

There has to be a legitimate reason EN3 hasn't come out yet aside from the Tempus shilling, but I still have people I enjoy watching so I don't mind the wait.
I'm not saying they'll never happen, but they'll certainly happen less. And if they do or don't happen I don't care either way. It's the CGDCT fans (unicorns in denial) who obsess about this.
So just don't watch the mixed collabs. I don't think the males are my friends, they're entertainers just like the girls.
The boys were never going to be as popular as the girls, so that's why comparing numbers is meaningless. That said there are still a good amount of people who like this "retarded project" and made a solid community out of it.
Even if you do believe all their consecutive statements of pc broke, sick, pet died, etc. that still doesn't excuse all of their behavior. For some it's maintaining basic communication, for others its setting boundaries with their fans ahead of time and not flip flopping on their positions. I do agree it is a shame that the girls don't seem to have competent managers like the boys do when it comes to actually getting shit done and supporting their endeavors.
Gura's problems have been around since well before Tempus. Her mood and motivation is all over the place, and anything that doesn't directly involve her being like Hatsune Miku is a coinflip if she'll care about it long enough to see it to fruition. Other girls have gotten much more stuff done despite management and being less successful. And I'm speaking as a 2+ year member of hers here.
First of all, I care because all this "debate" does is flood the catalogue with shitty bait threads. It makes this board even more unbearable than it can already be sometimes.
Secondly, I'm not a corporation shill, my main priority is the wellbeing of the talents. As you've said, some of them have not been streaming for a long time now. Can you really blame them for not wanting to come back ASAP when their fandom has become so incredibly toxic over this asinine bullshit?
As an example, it's objectively ridiculous that they have to pretend that the males don't even exist in order to appease their fragile audience. It would be better for their happiness if they could just collab with whoever they wanted without having to worry about such things. I understand that goes against some aspects of idol culture, but frankly it's stupid and is probably contributing to their stagnation and burnout.

>> No.40372278

I kneel

>> No.40372533

>Are you telling me you watch ZERO male content creators whatsoever?
I watch men who give me information, be it about rifles, history or vintage electronics. The topics are clearly defined and their knowledge is the draw. Not them as people.

There is no reason to watch maletubers unless you're a fujoshi or a homosexual. Men do not want to or enjoy watching bishounens. They in fact gross us out in the same way K-pop faggots gross us out.

I'm never watching Tempus or any maletuber, chuuba's who collab with maletubers, or companies that have them. I couldn't give less of a fuck about your or other peoples gaslighting about why I should accept and watch content and people I don't want to watch and actively despise. HoloEN is dead and Tempus killed it. Everything beyond that is irrelevant.

>> No.40372935

i literally only want to watch cute girls being cute, as soon as it turns out its a male i lose interest, what the fuck do you think the japanese invented anime for

>> No.40373020

the absolute irony of the people on /vt/ shitting on someone else’s fun past time is a bit rich even for me

>> No.40373080

This post starts off normal but progressively reads more like some kind of childhood-trauma induced defense response.

I'm remembering some anon compare unicorns to Chris-Chan's late-stage hatred of men and males, and I'm starting to see it. It's wierd, like menhera in way.

>> No.40373157

Not exclusively for CGDCT obviously

>> No.40373179

you just know the dude who typed this had a crush on a guy at one point kek

>> No.40373211

>I don't want to get NTR'd.
>Sounds like a mentally unstable unicorn problem.
Is NTR accepted among zoomers?

>> No.40373220
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>I don't watch males
But I do watch males. I just don't watch faggots with anime avatars you massive semen guzzler.

>> No.40373274

>Thinking she's talking about you.
You're not the only viewer. Fag.

>> No.40373312

>StarsJP is still around and they fired Rushia one of their biggest SC earners.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure they don't care.

>> No.40373332

This shouldn't have to be explained, but the only people obsessing over cuckoldry are indeed "unstable unicorns", which is what OP was implying.

>> No.40373339

Shouldn't you be at the farms nonnas?

>> No.40373345

>my reason for liking this niche loser hobby (vtubers) that would get me laughed in an already loser hobby (otaku hobbies in general) are better than yours
Then listen to vsingers, the EN scene has nothing to do with them and people complaining about tempus shouldn't affect you
And I hope to god you're not talking about EN vsingers, now that's worse than homos

>> No.40373348

>Redirect to Tempus
When? That didn't happen.

>> No.40373378

>Retarded mentality
Gura is not ignoring the males because she wants to appease her audience. She just knows what Hololive is all about.

>> No.40373431

Well sure, as long as their big hitters keep everyone afloat. Most of whom do not collab with males, incidentally.

>> No.40373515

>Sora doesn't ignore males
>Sora knows more about Hololive than Gura
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.40373530
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Honestly very few things would get me to watch a guy with a vtuber avatar. Like, there has to be a use for it, like softening the impact of jokes that could otherwise make people feel uncomfortable.
Yeah, a Rance vtuber would probably be pretty good. But no corpo would tolerate it.

>> No.40373580

Funnily enough Sora has not actually collabed with a homo

>> No.40373675

Do you only watch cgdct anime?

>> No.40373730

Yes, but she has with males. And Stars are males

>> No.40373733


>> No.40373893

Hello t-chan, where is en3?

>> No.40373994
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>> No.40374005

All went to Nijis cuz unicorn scares them

>> No.40374062

It's a corporate collab anon, Sora is being paid to be there.

>> No.40374200

I do watch males. It’s just that they’re all fleshtubers. I don’t watch male vtubers. I used to watch Tempus for a bit and liked them, but I don’t anymore.
You know why? Because I despise both HoloEN and NijiEN, so I can’t watch anything from Tempus (whom at this point I actually like more than the girls) without getting HoloEN garbage recommended to me. And watching HoloEN was the biggest mistake of my life, since I stopped watching JP (partially because of the algorithm) and I watched less anime. So I’m not going to put myself in that position.
If the small corpos I watched had males, I’d consider it. But none of them will hire males except Tsunderia (and they’re dying/I only watch Lisa) because HoloEN’s and NijiEN’s retardation ruined the reputation of males.
If EN vtubing could start over and everyone established that A.) males are fine, B.) don’t overdo the collabs and don’t act like fleshtubers, and C.) CGDCT/bros being bros first, *then* unity, then maybe it would be different.
But as it stands, I don’t watch males because I forget to. I forget to because I can’t watch Tempus without getting HoloEN garbage recommended to me. And the corpos I do watch won’t touch males with a hundred foot pole because of how badly both Holo and Niji fucked it up.

>> No.40374427

Clear your cache and watch history bro

>> No.40374567

>Are you telling me you watch ZERO male content creators whatsoever?
Chuubas are a completely different thing any other content creator. As for them they're quite literally directed for women and gays; and they don't give anything that a flesh male streamer couldn't.
>Nobody is forcing you to watch the boys or their collabs.
But homobeggars do want to force them in as many streams of the girls as possible to the point of not being content to not skip.
>Unicorns bitching about this is exactly why we're getting more males, so that they can stay in their own bubble
This argument makes 0 sense. If we bitch about males, they could not bring any males, very simple.
>Personally as long as they don't bring it up I don't car
That's YOUR personal opinion.
>Numberfagging doesn't work with males.
You can't just choose to ignore reasonable criticism, retard.
>Maybe if they actually streamed or released some of their "big projects" they'd get more support.
They have been left in the ditch way before the homos were a thing.
>You can hate management for it, but you can always just ignore it.
You can't just choose to ignore reasonable criticism retard.
>I do not care if they interact or stay separate, and there are plenty of people who feel the same way.
I'm just sick of seeing all this severe mental illness coming from your insecurity.
Of course it's an homobeggar calling other mentally ill.

>> No.40374576
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Goalpost moving aside, there's also Fubuki, Matsuri, Roboco, Choco, Miko, the ID girls, and some of the EN girls who have all collabed with males at some point.

I almost pity the unicorns because Time is LITERALLY not on their side.

>> No.40374596

I don't know how even the most ardent tempiss supporters can argue that they have had a net positive impact on the EN branch, things are undeniably worse than before they debuted

>> No.40374635

>Are you telling me you watch ZERO male content creators whatsoever?
Only a faggot watches male vtubers.

>> No.40374690

>it's objectively ridiculous that they have to pretend that the males don't even exist in order to appease their fragile audience. It would be better for their happiness if they could just collab with whoever they wanted without having to worry about such things.
Or maybe, just maybe, they don't want to collab with males because they don't like male vtubers. Extremely wild idea, I know, because after all everyone in the world loves male vtubers and that's why Tempus 2 is coming out after how much of a success the first gen was for these past 6 months, but there's still the slightest chance that some vtubers out there are as deranged as the evil unicorns who plague this world and pretend to not like males. At least they'll all commit suicide after Tempus 2 comes out right?

>> No.40374778

Anon it's time to face the truth, no one gives a shit about male collabs, people just hate holostars. There are only 2 people in JP that "regularly" collab with the homos and only 5 lifetime. Fucking Towa who collabs with every male under the sun hasn't collabed with them, that's a testament to the blight that is a homo collab

>> No.40374807

Kronii's new outfit should have just been her old outfit but without her short skirt with it's sex cutout.
Imagine being able to experience her hip on stream.
No wonder she collabs with males, it feeds her narcissim kayfabe.
God I wish she collabed with males mor, is best material.

>> No.40374953
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Get real and take Meds

>> No.40375048 [DELETED] 

She can also get paid to do other things too. A woman can always be expected to fuck a man when money is involved regardless of how she may present herself. It wouldn't surprise me if all of the girls in Hololive or any other corporation would turn to Onlyfans or full on pornography since at the end of the day, they're women. Women cannot help themselves when it comes to getting dicked and getting money. It starts with a paid company interview, then she gets paid to fuck a few directors to make YAGOO's life easier, then she's in the whorehouse. This is why you need to change your oshi after a few months before the money and dick gets to her.

>> No.40375066
File: 2.95 MB, 650x720, THINK AGAIN, FUCKER[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2fkwcwkv.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't want to collab with males because they don't like male vtubers
Basically half of EN already do, and the ones that don't would absolutely be ok with collabing with males if their audience was chill about it, which they aren't, so they don't.

>> No.40375070

I dont care about male vtubers, I don't want to watch them. I care about specific female vtubers, I want to watch all of the specific vtubers I likes content. If male vtubers enter the streams that I was intentionally going out of my way to watch then it makes me not watch them, which feels bad, because I wanted to watch all of the female vtubers content. It's the same issue that video games, comics, movies, and literature have all had. An outside group comes in and tries to change the content to their desires and beliefs, ignoring what the people who made the thing what it was want. This is what the male vtubers have become. It didn't have to be this way, you could have your male vtubers and I could have my female vtubers and we could leave each other alone and be happy. But you don't want that, you want to change the thing I like into something I don't like, and cause drama doing it. That is what bothers me.

>> No.40375074

And now most of them usually don't. Funny how that happens.

>> No.40375221

You sound like you need to take the OP's advice and touch grass.

>> No.40375318

>trust me bro they totally love male vtubers they're just holding back
Indeed, it's literally impossible for a single person in this world to not like male vtubers. Everyone loves them. Even on /vt/, people only pretend not to because they love being shitposting contrarians.

>> No.40375373

>we're getting more males, so that they can stay in their own bubble
I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.40375396

What a well thought out rebuttal. I'll give you an example of what I mean. So JRR Tolkien wrote the hobbit and the first lord of the rings book. Suddenly in the second lord of the rings book it is now a Sci fi mecha novel. That is what male vtubers and the people who desperately push them into the content I consume are doing now. Is it all male vtubers? No. But the people pushing them into what I like makes it feel that way, and it is why I am having the reaction that I am currently having.

>> No.40375406

Chill, mate. Animosity isn't a great pill.

>> No.40375411

Ha, exactly

>> No.40375494

Unicorn is not people

>> No.40375535

Are they really pushing males?

>> No.40375601


>> No.40375660

Why cant tempus fans create their own memes?
Everything I see of tempus is just normie meme edits like the spiderman villain shit and never anything original

>> No.40375690

Yes. If you need to ask that question then you are not paying attention to the actions of either the corporations or noticing the high volume of people trying to make you accept male vtubers as the status quo. I wouldn't care if male vtubers were the actual status quo, I still wouldn't want to watch them.

>> No.40375774

Gotta seethe about something I suppose

>> No.40375908

I don't really feel it being pushed to me, desu. Maybe because I look at the entire situation as just a phase for Holo and don't think of it too much. Still looking forward to the new batch of girls. Will have to wait a little longer.

>> No.40376034

i know i shouldn't reply seriously to you but people share meme edits over original oc far more thus you see it far more

>> No.40376207

NTA but I'll give a more extreme example of what happened for me. I watched Selen for months. Including all the rpr, ipn, bobon collabs, whatever. I was pretty fine with them, and it didn't occur too often. Bobon was a bit of an overbearing asshole sometimes with his own issues but whatever, the others were fine.
Then Luxiem debuted. Suddenly there were these extra dudes interspersed almong all the other collabs, with their own issues. I didn't like their designs, which was probably the start of it. But I also didn't like the way they spoke, or bantered, or handled their kayfabe and their audience. Fine, I'll just skip the streams. No problem.
Except these collabs were ceaseless. Every week there was one or two. Part of the whole point of following a streamer is to keep up to date on them, to 'join them on their journey'. But every time I came back there was some new reference going over my head, or some shared experience chat and Selen had that flew over my head. You had to have been there, you see.
So before long the link was basically broken. It's just a purple girl with headwings now. Occasionally I tune back in, like the ACII stream, and hear the laughs. But the old connection's just gone.Now she's just somebody I used to know. Which is a bit dramatic, true, but it's just a bit sad and I'm a bit drunk. It's like a TV show that you can't bring yourself to watch anymore because you skipped a few episodes and now you know you aren't really getting the intended experience any longer, so why bother?

>> No.40376241

>Chuubas are a completely different thing any other content creator. As for them they're quite literally directed for women and gays; and they don't give anything that a flesh male streamer couldn't.
Who the fuck made these rules? The answer is: voices in your head. Did you know that women exists and not every single of them wants to watch anime girls?

>> No.40376280

Because you are the kind of person that watches and then moves on to the next thing. I'm going to make an assumption and I apologize if it is wrong, but you probably usually consume mainstream kinds of media. Mainstream moves on and doesn't stick to a niche hobby. Every niche hobby I've ever had has been effectively morphed into something I no longer like because it became something the mainstream media consumers start to enjoy. Table top games, magic the gathering, anime, music, comic books, movies, and now even vtubers. I like my niche hobbies, and want them to stay relatively the same, but it just keeps happening.

>> No.40376300

I'm willing to give them a chance. It's ultimately going to come down to three things: voice, stream technique, and chemistry with the other talents. I weight these all pretty equally. Tempus hasn't had a breakthrough moment so far, so I'm hoping the extra members help with that.

>> No.40376396

So let me get this right
You guys are malding because they're adding more boys to avoid collabs with your females? Isn't this a good thing?

>> No.40376463

Are you the kind of person who found out that there was a war a while ago and go "wow that will never happen again!"
History repeats itself.

>> No.40376627

Any girl who remains in HoloEN is redelegating herself to a secondary character in a branch she helped build, just like what happened to Pomu and her crew after Luxiem debuted in NijiEN. After maletubers are introduced into a branch the girls become mere appendages and accessories to the males. Decorations. Their career, content and fans (members, SC) are inextricably linked to the male they associate with the most. They lose all independent agency and control over their fanbase and content, and thus they lose their personalities as well. I have seen it happen with Niji, and now it's happening in HoloEN.

Is it better to be a single person creating content within a company, or being a single person whose content is beholden to ANOTHER person within the company AND the company itself?

There are degrees of independence and interdependence, and girls who collab with men gave up control of a huge part of their independence and increased their interdependence towards two parties, the maletuber and the company. This means much less bargaining power, much more dependence on the maletuber, much less independent decision making and as such much less personality in terms of content and feel of their streams. This all translates to a much weaker relationship with her fans (membership, SC), content that depends on the maletuber AND the company (many things become impossible to do, your ideas carry less weight, your impact is lesser), and of course no matter what you do or do not do will always be seen through your interdependence with the maletuber. This usually translates to "people" - here in quotes because they're fujoshi - hating you and wanting you dead and/or as quiet and grey as a mouse. Which loops back into the girl having less of a presence and personality than before, which them means less and less fans because you no longer are you, but a bland and tasteless nobody.

tl;dr every female chuuba in HoloEN who helped out maletubers and collabed with them has done irreparable damage to herself.

>> No.40376825
File: 205 KB, 608x877, FZwHTo8UEAAEuDss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any girl who remains in HoloEN is redelegating herself to a
to a stable, successful and lucrative career with minimal effort
>tl;dr every female chuuba in HoloEN who helped out maletubers and collabed with them has done irreparable damage to herself.

>> No.40376846

I guess we will see when these new boys debut. If they only collab with the other Tempus boys, I'd have a hard time believing its history repeating itself. There hasn't been a collab with unicorn-friendly EN girls or collabs with any of the EN girls in a while, likely due to management.
Shouldn't the girls who do collab be more at fault? Girls have different rules compared to guys and they know this. It doesn't seem like it was forced by management.
I guess I just think it's far too early to be seething only over the boys

>> No.40376910

Theyd rather see hololive burn than tolerate a male vtubers existence.

>> No.40376998

Cool, now link me to her collabs with males.

>> No.40377094

while having more males to get the other boys to stay in their own lane is good (at least for the unicorns)
the girls are also a factor in the collabs too, like mori dragging kronii in for the DBD collab or bae roping in mumei for starsJP collab or kobo getting lacunny to play valorant with altare
the males aren't the ones solely to blame here

>> No.40377179

StarJP are still alive despite being fucking sub 500 views

>> No.40377246

I see the strategy has now shifted to "blame the girls"

>> No.40377271

Once bitten, twice shy. People were much more accepting of Tempus when they believed they would follow in the footsteps of their JP senpais and try to climb to idolhood on their own.

The fanships are actually a major indicator because they have no problems with the most improbable pairings. People love to fantasize about stuff like Ame-Roboco, Kiara-Nene or Gura-Shion, but this equivalent doesn't exist for Tempus. There is no Roberu-Vesper or Oga-Magni. Instead there is Altare-Kobo, Kronii-Vesper, Magni-Mori. When your JP senior branch is invisible to even shippers while cross-gender ships are not, something is wrong with your branch's approach.

>> No.40377378

Baiters acting like the girls didn't immediately lose fans and gain antis.

>> No.40377437

>Ignores Roberu Kagura
>Ignores Izuru Kobo
>Ignores Magni Rio

>> No.40377515

Yes, the girls knew what they were doing and should hold some responsibility as well, I believe in that. They knew they'd lose fans and get antis but still agreed to collabing anyways. They can choose to say no, other girls have.

>> No.40377522

>La+ playing with stars
Ogey rrat

>> No.40377527

>blame the girls
more like blame the instigators and those who advocate for it

>> No.40377557

Thanks to the girls bringing in money.

>> No.40377562
File: 64 KB, 683x382, 1666188201238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Rrat. Yeah.

>> No.40377610

Straight-up cold-blooded assassination. I wonder if Kobo even fully understood what she was doing to Laplus with that.

>> No.40377615

don't use my oshi to bait

>> No.40377632

Yeah, the collab beggars the shippers and the social media managers for holopro

>> No.40377661

Your oshi is Hien from ffxiv?

>> No.40377674


>> No.40377683

why is hien so sexy bros

>> No.40377725

>fully understood
Doubt it. In a perfect world, that tweet is completely harmless.
But to the mentally ill, that tweet is a whistleblower.

>> No.40377845

The 'mentally ill' cease to be irrelevant when you ACTIVELY court them.

>> No.40377888

>It's ok if she plays with males off-stream
>She plays with males off-stream
>Suddenly it's not ok
Yeah, sounds about right for the logic of the mentally ill.

>> No.40377892

>watch cute girls
>non of them are streaming
Really worked out for you, huh?

>> No.40377915

Honestly none of this even matters when the girls aren't even taking care of their own branches.

>> No.40377962

It's OK if she plays with males off-stream and we never hear about it, because we don't want to hear about males and her within the same context, you dig?

>> No.40377989

my issue is, with both Tempus and the rumored guys that got into this gen is that they just seem like generic streamer dudes. That's not really what I want out of vtubers, I already have content creators I like that are regular dudes that do the standard streamer stuff. I like vtubers because i enjoy seeing them pull out something that feels out of the box and stupid, and stuff that you don't really see normal dudes do combined with the fact that it's wacky looking anime characters. Even wacky gimmicks with gaming streams can be fun, but I don't see them doing it. They haven't made me want to watch them so I have no interest in them or the new guys as they have done nothing to show me that they satisfy the things I'd want to actually see a vtuber do.

>> No.40378005

I've only ever seen the first half of that until literally right now.
So yeah I guess it makes sense if you don't wanna hear about it.

>> No.40378058

Ok one last question, I'm starting to understand things more, aside from the ones who somehow think the girls are being held at gunpoint to collab.
If they released a EN3 and these girls streamed as often as the boys, did no collabs, there wouldn't be an issue, right?

>> No.40378070

What are examples of these wacky gimmicks in gaming streams.

>> No.40378083

no. brand trust has been ruined.

>> No.40378096

I do not understand what you mean by this question, please elaborate.

>> No.40378107

>take one step outside of hololive
>learn about all the indies and small corps there are
Oh no I can't believe the usual prime time (hololive) ENs aren't up today. What will I dooooo.

>> No.40378143

watch zundamon

>> No.40378150

>I like vtubers because i enjoy seeing them pull out something that feels out of the box and stupid, and stuff that you don't really see normal dudes do combined with the fact that it's wacky looking anime characters. Even wacky gimmicks with gaming streams can be fun, but I don't see them doing it. They haven't made me want to watch them so I have no interest in them or the new guys as they have done nothing to show me that they satisfy the things I'd want to actually see a vtuber do.
those are called cartoons anon. you want to watch cartoons. not livestreamers.

>> No.40378167

Yes, is that not the point? These people are playing cartoon characters, am I the asshole for insisting they be cartoony?

>> No.40378169

Ok, thank you.
If management released a generation that streamed often and actively refused to collaborate with the boys, is there a problem?

>> No.40378184

>am I the asshole for insisting they be cartoony?
yes. you want something that's scripted. those are called cartoons. not a livestream.

>> No.40378212

You know you can do wacky ideas without needing a script, right?

>> No.40378221

then go watch improv not livestreamers.

>> No.40378235

There would still exist a problem of collab beggars and social media staff trying to push them together, but no, if they released a gen of girls that refused to collab with men that wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.40378303

Thank you for not being a deranged ape anon. I appreciate it. Gave me some good insight to something I couldn't wrap my head around.

>> No.40378309

So are the streamers/vtubers you watch just bland and uninteresting? Because surely you realize how ridiculous it is to suggest someone stop watching livestreamers because they want to see them be more entertaining and original

>> No.40378347

You have to remember that unicorns and Holofans in general are subhuman Niji fans touch grass

>> No.40378378

Hhhm, not really anon. That's the farthest thing. I just stick to what I like and not let what I don't like get me from not enjoying it anymore. If it becomes smaller, I try to adapt. If it gets even smaller, I won't let myself be kicked out because I love my hobbies. So what do I do? I either keep to myself or have people who share that hobby (which is fortune since my close knit of friends love table top games with passion). Why would you let other people take away what you enjoy? That mentality just doesn't cut it for me.

>> No.40378394

Yeah my view is mostly "just leave me and the content i like alone" just like the rest of my life.

>> No.40378431

I know this is hard to believe but some people just want to watch one gender regardless if they do GFE/BFE or unicorn pandering or not. Some people are just interested in one gender and not the other, and not just for sexual/romantic reasons either. I know that's very difficult to believe, especially for bifags, but it is indeed very much true.

>> No.40378466

It's not that I "let them" take away the things I enjoy, it's that they change the core aspect of the thing that I enjoy into something that is no longer the thing that I enjoy. So they didn't just take it away, they removed it from existence.

>> No.40378607

>i will watch vtubers for a service they don't provide then get mad at them when they don't provide that service
okay continue to be retarded

>> No.40378649

I look for the ones that at least somewhat hit what I like and stick with them, I just hoped that Cover would hire more people that fit that need rather than going the most bland route possible

>> No.40378657

I mean, how? They're not even nuking everything. There's still stuff for everyone to enjoy. Man, that's extremely pessimistic.

>> No.40378798

If something is a continuous medium that has new things added to it and you change the core of what that thing is it then makes the future of that medium not what I want anymore, at which point I can't enjoy it and it's community because they all like something that I don't, and I'm not just going to, for example, keep watching 2 years of vods over and over forever because that's not what the purpose of a streamer or content creator is.

>> No.40378810

My money is going into tempus
These debuts are extremely expensive
Money don't just multiply it has to leave the girls to go into tempus.

>> No.40379050

How do you know where your money go?

>> No.40379061

Dude you sound like such an annoying faggot. Has anybody ever told you this in real life? You genuinely sound like an irritating person to be around.

>> No.40379075

I asked before with no response and I'll ask again, provide actual examples of what you want.
What are these "wacky game streams"

>> No.40379076

if holoEN is successful now it just signals fans want more gender mixing

>> No.40379111

i think he meant getting more homos so they dont have to collab with the girls for content, since collabing with jp homos has kind of a language barrier

>> No.40379127

Wow what a good and constructive argument that is.

>> No.40379129

Nijisanji graduated the entire IN branch because of numbers and the vtuber brothel.

>> No.40379159

That's how corpos are which is why I warned they were syphoning resources on tempus.

>> No.40379164

I see, unicorns are fans of the corp that pushes a new mixed gender gen every two months, which also lets males drop in uninvited into ASMR streams. Naruhodo.

>> No.40379172

I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm letting you know that you sound like a huge faggot with an oversized sense of self worth. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I'm just letting you know something you may not be aware of.

>> No.40379208

That's fine, and why should I care about what you think about me? Should you care about what I think about you?

>> No.40379246

let's focus on killing holoEN

>> No.40379290

I have zero respect or trust in Hololive at this point so no, I'm never watching any of their streamers ever again. This includes the JP side. The company is simply rotten to the core and has no respect for its fans. I'm utterly disgusted by Hololive and I started out as being an exclusive fan of them.

Only Western small corpos and indies from now on. This is where the future of vtubing is and I want to be a part of that. Fuck Hololive, fuck maletubers, and fuck Japan itself. Hololive made me racist against the Japanese.

>> No.40379332
File: 30 KB, 400x400, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move on to Kawaii productions, the talents will never collab with males.
Cant let go of your oshi? You think she gives a fuck?

>> No.40379338

this reads like repressed homosexuality

>> No.40379357

Why would I want to kill hololive en, the only thing I want is proper and clear barriers that prevent the content that I enjoy from becoming content that I do not enjoy

>> No.40379377

vtubing is pretty damn gay

>> No.40379414

they are gonna keep hiring more tempiss and pushing mixed collabs so what's the point

>> No.40379473

There may be no point, but I will say what I believe and nothing will be able to change how I believe.

>> No.40379547

holoEN never existed you watched omegatranny vanity project

>> No.40379582

If that's how you approach a hobby, you're never going to be completely happy because nothing ever stays the same.

>> No.40379712

Tell that to sports

>> No.40379722

Sora has shown up more in Tempus's streams to chat since they debuted more than she has in any stream of Hololive English combined, if they even touch block game Sora is sure to show up in their chats.

>> No.40379902

you guys would be seriously happier if you could drop hololive

>> No.40380001

less diversion tactics more trashing HOLOEN

>> No.40380034

They're not JP branch so I don't give a shit

I'd trade the entirety of Tempiss HoloStars, HoloID, half of HoloX and all of HoloEN for one more quick stream with the old Coco

>> No.40380104 [DELETED] 

on god no cap brah

>> No.40380124

Coco died anon you gotta move on... it's not your fault...

>> No.40380196


>> No.40380210

Or get out of this site. Seriously.

>> No.40380227

I just wished we had listened to MacArthur back in the Korean war sometimes...

We would still haver her if we did

>> No.40380247

If you haven't realized it yet this is essentially a prolonged wake. Tempus killed HoloEN, and this is just a longish goodbye to the company. I moved on to small corpos once Tempus became a thing and I now know I made the right choice. Hololive is essentially done in the West, the branch now exists solely for Chinese fujoshi and faggots and everyone who is interested in good vtubing will end up elsewhere. CGDCT or nothing, that's the key to vtubing.

>> No.40381437

man, tempus derangement syndrome really sucked the fun out of /vt/ schizos. we used to have fun stuff like nazca but now its just an endless timeloop of whining

>> No.40381496

I'm having fun watching the death of hololive.

>> No.40381646

>content creators
Stopped reading here. They're vtubers. Why do zoomers call everyone who speaks into a microphone a "content creator?"

>> No.40382167

sounds like you'll be watching for quite a while

>> No.40382228

"Lick my nipples and abs urgh gay sex yesss"
"It's just a fun streamer"
You know you're gay right?

>> No.40385041

>Are you telling me you watch ZERO male content creators whatsoever?
I don't actually really care about streamers at all outside of vtubers

>> No.40385174

>just ignore them
Which is what the majority of the fanbase already does. No one would care if they'd just release EN3 homofag.

>> No.40385436

People will make all these grand statements about GFE being less valid, but the problem really is that, respectfully, no one fucking cares about the Stars.
If you want twitch streamers or fujo bait there are other companies that just do it better, everyone comes to Hololive for cute girls so the fans are annoyed that they’re not getting them, on top of the fact that the male generations are getting much better treatment in a company where they were never the focus.

>> No.40385698

>Male getting better treatment
When? You mean StarsJP? Things just start moving for them in 2021 when they can finally have their own 3D and concert. And they are already around since 2019

>> No.40386091

If your oshi throws herself at the chance to collab with a male once they debut that reflects on her and is on her. The boys weren't at fault. If male chuubas existing turns your pure seiso idol oshi into a rabid whore then that's on her

>> No.40386239

if i want to watch males i watch charismatic fleshtubers on twitch or elite level pro gamers.

homos are just inferior and perverted versions of girls. hard truth.

>> No.40386846

>with jp homos has kind of a language barrier
the language barrier is half the fucking fun of those collabs

>> No.40386912

>males getting better treatment
for a recent example, upwho got 3Ds AND alt outifts WAY before council+irys even did, despite debuting later than them; and the whole "no stream overlap during member or 3D debut" was made
another instance would be the tempus1 getting their collab ban lifted early due to "popular demand"

>> No.40387043

I'm never watching maletubers or chuubas who collab with maletubers. Not interested, actively disgusted. It's that simple. Unless your a fujoshi or a fag there's no reason to watch bishounens. I'm disgusted by them in the same way I'm disgusted by those plastic K-pop singers.

>> No.40387146

So did HoloX.
Japan buff in terms of access and priority to company attention and resources.

>> No.40387283

>They're taking resources away from the girls
I feel like IRyS is taking more resources for her songs, those can't be cheap. Not too sure about the profits but did she top any charts like Mori?

>> No.40387350

Considering they renewed her contract?
She makes a profit.
Also as I understand it strictly speaking Irys isn't part of EN in terms of management and money. Unless her being rolled into Council also constituted a transfer on that front.
Point is the company budgets and organises the vsingers a bit differently.

>> No.40388108

This will inevitably creep into the jap side.

i can see eng management do something very stupid like giving minecraft main server perms to the boys.
Then a big update will hit, pekora dives in for the numbers

> new update-peko
>*homotempus5 joined"
>*massive ogey, panic-peko, end of the stream*

Absolute shitstorm ensues and the whole eng management is changed overnight, homotempus5 get fired, the group morale is destroyed.

>> No.40388136

Well, back to the taking resources part, won't the males be able to even out the investments for them after a while anyway? Sure, it won't be right after they get monetized, unlike the girls, but they have been monetized for some time now, surely they've essentially repaid the initial investments on them and are "self sufficient".
It's such a bullshit argument from mind broken drones. Stars JP are getting less numbers but are having their 3D lives and concerts. Guess they're taking Hololive JP resources. lol

>> No.40388225


>> No.40388272

Chink bugmen hiding behind white character models to get women to give them money is repugnant. Jap women doing the same is ok cos they're at least cute in the first place

>> No.40388426

Earning that paycheck omegatranny

>> No.40388430

EN doesn't have the ability to do a lot of what the JP branch does.
So it can only increase revenue by increasing total viewership.
Since the boys have stated in the past their viewership has a lot more women than the girls (I think all but Vesper may be majority women viewers)
It would seem the goal of CoverEN is to use the boys to expand total viewership by appealing to the female audience.
And it seems to be working.

>> No.40388432

They tried to sacrifice gura, no one is safe from the tempus shill.

>> No.40388481

didn't council got kimonos at a similar holox did?
and even redditors got uppity when holox's 3Ds got announced and ranted about irys didn't even got both of them
>japan buff in terms of access and prority to company attention and resources
like where a member lives? because irys lives there too, why didn't she get jack shit?
or are you reffering to JP branch? because that's where you do make a point

>> No.40388551

JP branch.
Although calling it a branch is a bit disingenuous.
Cover JP is actually Cover. EN and ID are branches. They're side hustles.
JP is the real meat of the company, where the money is made.

>> No.40388626

comparing Holostars to that failure of a branch lemao

>> No.40388741

vtuber brothel?

>> No.40388821

it's her choice if she wants to or not, she acknowledged them and it's already enough for me

>> No.40389079

>Altare-Kobo, Kronii-Vesper, Magni-Mori
let's not forget Axel-Zeta

>> No.40394420

nice essay faggot
