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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40301754 No.40301754 [Reply] [Original]

>If my oshi collabs with males I will stop watching her
I am not disagreeing but consider what this implies about her content, the suggestion here is that the content was always not worth watching but if you could just convince yourself she loved you you could enjoy it. Is that how you want to spend your days? Watching streams so bad the only way they could be watchable is if you imagine its your girlfriend who is playing? I am not going to blame you nor am I going to act like im above it, it's their job to trick you, to act like they view you as anything more than a number on a screen. They would not give you directions if you asked them in real life, they wouldn't even give back your wallet if you saw it fall out of your pants. Let use this recent announcement to reflect on why we watch vtubers and consider healthier alternatives such as going outside and picking up new hobbies.

>> No.40301839

Too long didn't read.
Will still be watching Mumei.

>> No.40302135

Just read the first sentence
While I enjoy the current content collabing with males would change the content and make it worse
It's not that fucking difucult to understand, anon

>> No.40302331

>describes a commodity so valuable and difficult to obtain that viewers are willing to put up with so much to watch it
>is baffled why people continue watching it

>> No.40302341

the answer is 9

>> No.40302610

the commodity is fake, and by watching vtubers and engaging in vtuber culture you are pushing the real version further away.

>> No.40302676

When you have the notation x(y + z) in a mathematical equation this is shorthand for xy + xz. Hence 2(1 + 2) could be written as (1(2) + 2(2)) which reduces to (2 + 4) which reduces to 6. Hence the left side, or numerator is 6 and the right side or denominator is 6, resulting in 6/6 or 1.

>> No.40302766

Answer is 1. Thoss answering 9 are just smartass

>> No.40303716

cuckmate cope

>> No.40304215

why the fuck did gura abandon us in our time of need…

>> No.40304343

it's 9 idiot

>> No.40304361
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>> No.40304514

entertaining streams don't exist, streams are only fun if you care about the streamer. Streaming is an inherently parasocial medium, it's not exclusive to female vtubers or even vtubers.
Also no, parasocial doesn't mean falling in love with the chuuba

>> No.40304629

what term would you use for someone who becomes infatuated with a chuuba?

>> No.40304665
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Stop baiting nijifags

>> No.40304818


>> No.40305176
File: 2.80 MB, 362x436, Ame causing Goslings to have aneurysms[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjv9ibu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40305277

This doesn't matter to people who gave up on the 'real version' a decade ago.

>> No.40305353


>> No.40305370

7 no wait 20 keep penis away from my shart

>> No.40305550
File: 45 KB, 128x128, low res gosling[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmvl017.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40305724

This is exactly the autistic sperging I have come to expect from /VT/

Thank you for your service

>> No.40306006


>> No.40306419

There are no entertaining women

>> No.40306473

Yes and so wouldn't it make sense to stop watching streams if you knew this? It's a one sided relationship, and you aren't on the good side. People will shit on clipniggers but at this point it seems like watching clips is smarter than spending hours watching someone who doesn't care about you for the potential 5 minutes where something funny happens. Imagine sitting through streams that aren't entertaining because you like the chuuba then she graduates or does something you consider bad enough to make you stop watching her.

>> No.40306635

>Ame does a watchalong
>Ame watches a movie she wants to do watch at whatever time she wants
>You watch a movie you probably wouldn't have watched on your own at a time you didn't pick
>She makes money during it
>You don't
>The chuuba acts like the streamer and viewer are somehow on equal footing and they are just spending fun times together

>> No.40306645

People don't watch streams to get entertained, I watch streams because the girls are cute and cute things make me feel nice and comfy.
Life is tiring and depressing, I need some spiritual healing in my life. I get that from watching streams. It's the same reason why people watch iyashikei anime

>> No.40306685

Unicorns deserve the rope. Unironically

>> No.40306912

If a single male collab is enough to ruin the chuubas entire history of content, you're in the wrong hobby. Stick to actual anime

>> No.40306994

>People don't watch streams to be entertained
Holy mother of CGDCTfag cope. Please, go back to /a/ or /c/ and stay there

>> No.40307104

name 1 (one) entertaining streamer, it doesn't even have to be a vtuber

>> No.40307220

Completely irrelevant, you're admitting you don't even like streams. You're not in the right place to begin with. Leave

>> No.40307399

But I've watched the past history, and with a male collab the future content won't be the same. The old stuff was good but going forward it won't be the same.

>> No.40307423

>nooooo you like this thing for a different reason than I do, you can't do that
why are you like this

>> No.40307501

>name 1 (one) entertaining streamer
Joseph Anderson.

>> No.40307544


>> No.40307615

>This woman I'll never actually meet wearing an anime girl mask is totally my girlfriend!
You're pathetic

>> No.40307657

Why do (You) schizos pretend like male collabs is all you gave to look forward to going forward after the first one?

>> No.40307684

I specifically said it has nothing to do with falling in love with the streamers, I watch male streamers for the same reason too

>> No.40307913

>I watch streams because the girls are cute and cute things make me feel nice and comfy
Then you go bitch about life like an emo. You can get your comfy animu gorlz fix by watching actual fucking anime. Most CGDCT anime don't even have males or even if they do, it's kept at a bare minimum. It's not that difficult, you're looking in the wrong place

>> No.40308101

none of my posts were about males, you're mentally ill
I'm not looking in the wrong place because the vtubers I watch feel the same way about streams so I get what I want
>You can get your comfy animu gorlz fix by watching actual fucking anime
I can do both

>> No.40308142

>watch cute anime girl show
>male character shows up on screen
>burn down the anime studio in retaliation

>> No.40308453

>I can do both
No, you're already getting what you want from anime and then come /here/, almost an entirely different industry/hobby and bitching about how it's not the same because of potential males. Streaming has existed separately from anime and not that some roasties wear an anime mask you think you're watching anime and are shocked/upset that it isn't. Again, you're pathetic

>> No.40308690

>if you watch movies you cant read books
Nice logic retard

>> No.40308736

>Watch movie
>Bitch about how it isn't exactly like the book, including your own interpretation of it
This is (You)

>> No.40308737

Thats too much text to say you are a cuck.The moment i see a male in the screen i leave permanently and find another vtuber to watch, simple as.

>> No.40308763

I watch vtubers I find entertaining. Regardless of gender. Me and my ilk will still be here after all the unicorns die off. We're winning

>> No.40308791


>> No.40308967

I already said that none of my posts were about males, are you retarded? You're arguing with the voices in your head

>> No.40309148

I'm not bitching about anything, my oshi gives me what I want. You're bitching because some people don't like what you like and prefer something else instead

>> No.40309675

Nah, the people that insist they don't like something keep bitching about it instead of simply leaving/finding something else to watch. It's one thing to leave a turd at a restaurant before heading out but these fucks just stay and just shit everywhere because they don't like a new item on the menu

>> No.40309729

Loser thread

>> No.40309839

>noo you shouldn't shitpost on /vt/, the vtubers might read it and feel bad
they shouldn't be here then, it's their own fault
but I agree that the people who bring that shit directly to chuubas or the streams are retarded

>> No.40309870

If my irl friends have a movie night I'll bring over some snacks since they are hosting that's really not so werid.

>> No.40309875

Why would you expect people you claim yourself to be overly invested emotional schizos to NOT go full scorched earth? Especially when its so trivial to do online?

>> No.40309914

Women aren't entertaining, next question

>> No.40309927

I never said anything about the chuubas themselves reading any of this tho. I'm sure they already have what they want to do sorted out and any seething from anons or even chat probably won't be enough for them to change course

>> No.40309982

Holy shit are the unicorns on suicide watch tonight. Fucking lol

>> No.40310061

>collabing with males would change the content
Yeah they can't yuri bait with males

>> No.40310062

>Muh escapism is bad
Hang yourself normalfaggot, you are the scum of the earth

>> No.40310098

I just expected better from anons i guess. After years of calling out roasties for their bs and threads with anons trying to build each other up you'd think people knew better by now. All it took was an anime mask for them to become full blown simps again, behavior that (I thought) we all knew was self destructive

>> No.40310292

The idea of vtubing is that it strips women of their vanity. When they act like vain cunts you leave because they're no different than watching some vapid hot tub streamer

>> No.40310432

You don't consider that a large part of this is an outcropping of that whole 'calling out' thing and pretty much seen as a crusade. Nothing gets people more riled up than imagining they're fighting for some righteous cause, and all they have to do for that is make people uncomfortable by endlessly dredging up the topic.

>> No.40310555

>All it took was an anime mask
The reason I watch holos is because they're playing a role instead of being real women with anime faces. Most women go straight back to being whores the moment you remove the idol culture shackles.

>> No.40313086

Which is why no one should unironically go gosling for any streamer. It's not like it's ALL fake but obviously they won't behave the same way they do irl. Just watch the streamer for what they bring forward and leave if if it's not your thing. That's also the reason I will never agree with CGDCTfags. Streaming, which is more of a spur if the moment thing, is a whole different beast than your comfy cute girl animus, which is all scripted fron beginning to end, everyone has a set personality and/or follow a set story. It's not the same and it's stupid to treat them like they were. That's why I insist that these anons just leave, they're looking in the wrong place and WILL get burned for it. What's worse, they'll blame others for it when they're the ones that set themselves up for disappointment. Over something so easily avoidable

>> No.40313562

>don't enjoy yourself too much
Suck a fat cock, loser. Vtubers offer a unique opportunity to enjoy femininity without the more disgusting parts about women showing. When those parts start to show through its time to discard and fine a new one. How fucking hard is it to pretend not to be a shitty person for a few hours
