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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40211659 No.40211659 [Reply] [Original]

>Did a shaving stream
>Sat on her own face during a stream
>Did a stream where she ate several bars of soap and rated them on taste including drinking conditioner
>made a "love potion" which was the contents of a Tokyo treat box and her own spit then ate said "love potion live"
>crushed up and snorted different types of mints and rated them on how good they where
>Does shit like barking and making weird noises out of the blue
>Doesn't actively bathe because shes a shut in
>Has plans for doing a crystal growing stream in the future where she will use her own piss to try and grow crystals
>Is doing 150 hour donothon currently
Why the fuck aren't you watching this autistic cat?

>> No.40211703

>no name


>> No.40211733

Sava Safari

>> No.40211812

Did she unhide the Christmas stream?

>> No.40211901

Nope and probably never will either gifted subs make it a no go for memebers only content which is just pure bull shit if you ask me will never get a moment like that again probably

>> No.40211928

Left out >flew to another country to get some dick

>> No.40211963

Hasnt happened yet but nice try prismfag Shiki is still a whore

>> No.40211974

>fucks up the length of the donothon
>doesn't mention giving the bitten soap bars to the top 3 donors
>doesn't mention bondage art she draws herself
>doesn't mention flashing art she drew on stream
>doesn't mention dog shokcollar she uses on herself
>doesn't mention asmr
>doens't mention vore asmr
>doens't mention "spicy" asmr she'll release once the donothon ends
terrible shill

>> No.40211986


>> No.40212030

Spicy asmr is memebers only voice pack the shock collar is shit and the rest you filled out for me work smarter not harder

>> No.40212037

stop gloryfying self harm. it's cringe and it shows you don't care about the person you're pretending to care about

>> No.40212136

Tell me you are a faggot thats in it for the parasocial aspect without telling me your a faggot. Literally in her own words "I'm a content creator I don't have rights"

>> No.40212439

Why? What happened?

>> No.40212461

check for yourself

>> No.40212473

Link me the shaving stream I beg you

>> No.40212481

Nobody forced her to do shit. She's just edgy like that. Also, she's a great singer, mostly American country music, though.

>> No.40212597


>> No.40212618

That doesn't work for me. Just a black screen.

>> No.40212644

have you tried downloading it, retard?

>> No.40212740

Of course. It doesn't play in MPC-HC at all. Windows Media Player gives me a thumbnail, but nothing more. The player in gofile doesn't work for me either.

>> No.40213280

Why do you faggots always get so excited over a shaving stream?
It doesn't feel good to shave your privates. It sucks. It's uncomfortable and even sometimes painful. You should know this if you've ever shaven your balls or shaft before.
Everyone always calls it the most degenerate thing Coco ever did on stream as if she wasn't just hurting herself the whole time and hating every moment of it.
I don't get it.

>> No.40213306

>It doesn't feel good to shave your privates
good thing she has a jungle there

>> No.40213344

She mentioned wanting to have children one day so dramaniggers are using that to call her a whore

>> No.40213451

>She mentioned wanting to have children one day
That's it? How is that bad at all?

>> No.40213511

they're dramaniggers, they will always try to spin something into drama

>> No.40213525

She wants her kids to be black

>> No.40213654

sava fat lol

>> No.40213751

>Admits to wanting kids
>by the way sometime soon I won't be living with Sisfari well its only temporary but stream quality might drop off and if it ends up not being temporary that would be great then I can set up with my actual computer and stuff
>Next day in a members post I'm going to Norway for three months to stay with my uncle!!!
But nah its just cuckposters right

>> No.40214077

>women goes on vacation
>instantly think about her getting fucked

>> No.40214104

>How is that bad at all?
pkg agreed that it was peak gfe parasocial whatever
only a dramanigger and probably a couple of shitstirrers think it may be a bad thing

>> No.40214234

>Goes on vacation for 3 months
>After baiting hard and doing a donothon to build up her piggy bank
>hints it might be permanent
Anon I'm sorry your future girl friend cheated on you and all those redflags went way over your head

>> No.40214358

plays good games too, I like her zatsu but her retro streams are kino

>> No.40214381

It's alright cuck fetish anon... You don't need to sperg so much about it

>> No.40214418

she said it wont be with (You)

>> No.40214457

>hints it might be permanent
Literally making shit up now

>> No.40214464

>cuck headcanon
>cuck headcanon

>> No.40214485

Sounds like just another autistic whore, hard pass.

>> No.40214528

she is trying too hard to be oh so quirky and zany

>> No.40214533

>mindbroken over the streamer being sincere

>> No.40214573

Watch streams oh wait your a faggot

>> No.40214616
File: 654 KB, 805x805, 1653047021850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They hated him for telling the truth".

>> No.40214648

For the same reason I don't watch ElectroBOOM electrocute himself; I don't buy shit that is so cheap it could only possibly be made by slaves; I don't buy coffee and bananas unless they are small producers or fair trade certified; I don't buy products made in Israel; and so on.
Because otherwise I would be intentionally be using my first world money to cause people harm.

(You can criticize any single thing I mentioned above: I know fair trade is mostly a scam, etc. this is not about the specific choices it's about a principle.)

>> No.40214864


>> No.40215129

>tamest futa image i've ever seen

>> No.40215309

I think you compressed the video too much. This one is 8gb because its 4 hours long but it works
SAVA'S BACK! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!-(1080p60) https://gofile.io/d/9SfucN

>> No.40215684

Cant help but feel this girl would have done a lot better in a company/community that didnt favor the tamest of GFEs over actual content creators.

>> No.40215779

the zany shit is cool and all but she's also just actually a good streamer and does well talking with chat and shit

>> No.40215784

ok nijishart

>> No.40215805

sounds like some graduation RTA

>> No.40215849

Hope Sakana or Aviel poaches her

>> No.40216074

IdolEN 2 Sava would be great

>> No.40216149

Rent free cuck


>> No.40216226

This but unironically. She's a great entertainer but the GFE focus of Kawaii can weigh down a more free spirited vtuber like her.

>> No.40216245

kill yourself

>> No.40216291

Is this the new /meat/ tuber?

>> No.40216329

>I'm so quirky and unique
>Pls watch me

>> No.40216394
File: 197 KB, 1136x1080, 1669561461542693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retards and their ratts

>> No.40216624

do your PL reps, she is a ticking time bomb.
Her recent fucked up schedule and upcoming 3months trip to Europe are a warning sign.
You don't get to be that quirky and creative without some downsides

>> No.40216886

Embarrassment got to her after she sobered up.

>> No.40216991

>complimenting girl while shitting her on her back
is this you, baduk?

>> No.40217030

>sat on her own face during a stream
Can you explain the logistics of this please

>> No.40217042

she got too many brown dickpics in her marshmallows after she said she wanted to have her own family

>> No.40217299

She drew a picture of it once let me find it

>> No.40217376

> fat girl hiding behind avatar
> fake eating soap so the retards give you more donos
> “oh no you guys so disgusting haha”
> somehow retards actually buy it
She’s a smart one.

>> No.40217537
File: 25 KB, 395x243, FfOX0GOX0AI1QwG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40217582

> fat girl hiding behind avatar
Okay, prove it
> fake eating soap so the retards give you more donos
Okay, prove it
> somehow retards actually buy it
Okay, prove it
>She’s a smart one.
Okay, prove it

>> No.40217614

Prove she actually did it faggot, you can’t.

>> No.40217676

You telling me she faked these bite marks?

>> No.40217677

>your claims are just as invalid as mine!

>> No.40217702

what a woman

>> No.40217778

nta and im not saying she did or didnt, but with a vice and some dentures you could fake that.

>> No.40217794

ok schizo

>> No.40218512

Did she ever stop making eating soap her main gimmick?
Like when she got raided by her genmates she always introduced herself as the one that eats soap.
Kinda too self deprecating for my tastes.

>> No.40218859

IDK, her and Nene seem to be doing pretty good, escpecially Nene. I think there is definietly an unfufilled niche for this. Like when I think of GFE no particular vtubers really come to mind as their brand, but I do think of pkg

>> No.40222362

when is she doing a buttcam stream?

>> No.40226224


>> No.40228022

Jew Gura on Sava's stream what

>> No.40229798

But Gura is already a jew gura.

>> No.40230046

>Sat on her own face during a stream
Holy based.

>> No.40231140

The idol girls have been networkng hard this week. juna raided Amiya a few minutes ago

>> No.40234801

and now Nene is p[aying with the AI girl.

>> No.40234875


>> No.40238954

Juna's average ccv is higher. Be quiet.

>> No.40240737

They're friends. Sava mentioned playing games with her offstream several weeks ago.

>> No.40243079

It was during the Christmas stream you absolute goon of a human So yes watch streams or Kys
