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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40191015 No.40191015 [Reply] [Original]

>regular streams
>kino drunk content
>ringo bait
>actually cares about her fans
>cute model

She’s like the stummy hurt shork but better in every way to the point where I’m disrespecting her by even mentioning her in the same sentence as that bumfuck fish. Take the ZogPill today, boyos. You won’t regret it.

>> No.40191283

There's nothing kino about being le ebin drunk
That's just what drunk losers tell themselves

>> No.40191410


>> No.40191492

There's nothing cool about being a stiff either but that's what stiff losers tell themselves.

>> No.40191558

I already watched her once
WTF is her model looks like a fuckin toddler?
Yes we like 9~13 yo cunny but not a 3 year old toddler

>> No.40191761

NO BOO BRO. We must keep our good girls to ourselves. Chumfags will only ruin what we have

>> No.40192006

Retarded jew shill

>> No.40193314

kys jewshill

>> No.40193638

>>kino drunk content
lmao. no such thing. kill yourself normalfag

>> No.40193642

I will take Jew pill when they give money to me. 10$/month is good start, but I expect 100$/month. Honestly 1000$ is more reasonable.

>> No.40195053

You must be austrian or something

>> No.40195295

Are the EN girls actually jewish?

>> No.40195364

global rule 11
buy ad space or fuck off

>> No.40195489

Juna is Christian, at least

>> No.40197763

ill wait until they are 2views

>> No.40197885 [DELETED] 
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stay mad indogs

>> No.40197914

Thry're already 3views

>> No.40198233

Pippa is better than both of these low tier whores

>> No.40199059

And no males allowed, their CEO said they have no plans for a male generation, and the only girl who was considering doing male collabs seemingly changed their mind immediately after (management prolly told her to cut that shit out), after hearing about that I started watching idol EN again

>> No.40199136

Nigga they’re a new corpo… that’s really impressive for a new corpo, they became the fourth biggest vtuber company overnight and they’re still growing

>> No.40199368

I wanted to like her but she's way too crass for me. Just an endless tirade of shit fuck shit fuck fuck every stream

>> No.40199456

Oh yeah? What about Rin?

>> No.40199567 [DELETED] 

Imagine choosing to support jews.

>> No.40199768

>ringo bait
I'm gonna need you to elaborate on this

>> No.40200106
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>ringo bait
proof????????????????? i need proof????????????? now?????????????????

>> No.40200148

>She's a whore who talks about guys
No thanks

>> No.40200238

I like the eel girl, she's very erotic.

>> No.40200300

Also, she loves animal abuse. Tell me one other vtuber who does.

>> No.40202786

yeah nigga i'm talking about rin, after she said she would be down to collab with holostars, she got some backlash so her twitter unfollowed all of them immediately after the drama started... hence why i said that the one girl who was considering it seemingly changed their mind, management prolly told her tocut that shit out (orshe realized what her demographic is and stopped on her own)

>> No.40202877
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Yes I will take the Zog pill
For the glory of Albania

>> No.40202945

>Source: It came to me in a dream

>> No.40203019

No, i don't think I will.

>> No.40203064

nigga check her twitter... this is verifiable information... the people tweeting at her about it didn't delete them... for a small corpos, any backlash of any kind if a big deal, it makes complete sense that management would tell her to cut that out cause she caused backlash for the company

>> No.40203131

Rin would've been based if she wasn't just about the most unrelatable vtuber ive ever seen.

>> No.40203189

sounds like you can't related to based people

>> No.40203309

Kek, Eel on the last stream pretty much confirmed she'd like to stream Valorant with males

>> No.40203704

>looks like a boy
>looks like a 3 year old

>> No.40203817

>tune in into any idolEN stream
>girls dropping "shits" and "fucks" every 10 seconds
Yes, very idol-like. Western Vtubers are all trashy whores.

>> No.40204103

Just checked and she also unfollowed Mori along with them. I may just have to convert to Judaism if the management stays this based

>> No.40204145

Nigger she was better when she was Rye.
She should also stop lurking this thread / reading screenshots of it she's getting shared by her faggot friends.

>> No.40204276

You have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.40204328

lmao that is pretty based, i think she's just a bit of a normie and didn't understand people would be against that (some people dislike normie vtubers, but i think it's actually fun to have a newbie so long as they still respects the community and are willing to learn about it, corrupting a normie is always a good time.)

>> No.40204504

Rin is pretty autistic as fuck too . But She has admitted to having actual guy friends that come to her house and obviously watches holostar English. Cause she stole and can’t stop repeating their “just a little guy “ memes.
I think she’s honestly just gets along with guys more , kinda like mori

>> No.40206980

i thought its marrydawg

>> No.40207030

Yuko and Fujo are the only good ones though, the rest are either boring or barely stream.

>> No.40207856

All i know about her is that she is, alledgy, an IRL bratty semen demon.

>> No.40208390

She's actually the oldest member of Idol EN

>> No.40208425

i tried yuuko but i can't get into her

>> No.40208904

I want to like them but I can’t trust Jews no matter how hard I try. In a year from now they’ll pull a NijiEN and start doing off collabs with males or start talking about sex on stream if they see it’ll make $1 more of profit.

>> No.40209093
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i need some more convincing.
I was debating on joining her membership to watch her asmr stream today, but i really don't want to give money to a jew company. tell me about her roommate so i can decide if worth selling my soul for.

>> No.40209153

she's cunny irl but an astroturfer

>> No.40209258


>> No.40209928

She just seems a bit too fake for my liking. Its like she studied Gura and Senzawa and is now emulating some fusion by following a spreadsheet.

>> No.40209931

She worships Pippa's feet.

>> No.40209952

He said no male characters, not no male streamers.

>> No.40210053

Yuko is awful. At least Juna and Pochi are good

>> No.40210143

>barely disguised anti thread
great, just what we needed

>> No.40210177

>veibae dog who never streams

>> No.40210275

Same. I don't like the hic thing either or how she curses so much. It makes me think she lies to make us like her more like how she said gets mistaken as a kid irl.

>> No.40210294

she abuses animals
no thanks

>> No.40210340

He doesn't know about Savas stream
>Savas mom got her alcohol as a present
>Sava:"I've never really been drunk before"
>Starts hammering down mixed drinks of Kahlua and Bayles
>Starts crying
>Tells Chat "Thank you guys for getting up everyday and going to work and doing all the small things you do through out the day I know no one ever tells you thank you for doing stuff but thank you guys you deserve to hear this I love you guys"
>Talks about how she realizes having a family and kids is something she wants for herself in the future
>Says shes too scared to admit it tho because of the implications
>Opens up about her life
>cries more and hugs her mic
>I love you guys lots
>unpromptedly blows kisses to chat
>I should end the stream but I don't wanna leave you guys I can forget about how lonely I am when I'm with you
>more crying and thanking chat for being there
Literally the most kino moment ever and it got fucking privated because of autistic faggots spamming her marshmallow

>> No.40210699

link for the non believers. https://gofile.io/d/9SfucN

>> No.40210748

Why the fuck are you posting this in a bait thread

>> No.40210937


>> No.40210970

Stop trying to bring nijifags and holos into the audience, they're gonna ruin everything.

>> No.40211006

But Chumtrash are already here

>> No.40211105

Yeah but chums are tolerable, imagine if ennacuks or teakeks made it in.

>> No.40211115

only if she finishes building Atlantis before gura does then i will

>> No.40211200

It'll help Sava grow anon none of you faggots wanted to help filter people so now I'm doing the opposite and trying to help her grow

>> No.40211568

I caught some of her streams and liked her Crash Bandicoot one the best. I have no complaints. Her collab with Pippa was great too.

I don't think she's emulating Gura or anyone else too much. She clearly took insipration and some mannerisms from her, but all chuuba's do that (sharing of this or that gimmick, sound, quirk) and everyone knows who actually came up with it so it's no big deal. Yuko has her own style and is just starting out, she'll grow and develop with time and experience.

>> No.40211852

Do you want the thread to have even more cuckposting?

>> No.40211896

I started watching Sava after Yuko and Juna kept mentioning her and she's pretty cool. Godspeed, Savafag.

>> No.40211910

I am not too fond of Jews and their trickery.

>> No.40211953

>actually cares about her fans
tell a more believable lie next time

>> No.40211957

Because the Japanese have proven themselves to be trustworthy and honorablu, amirite? Fuck Tempus.

>> No.40212130

Get with the times bro, the ukranians and the japanesse are the new jews

>> No.40212513
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>Take the jewpill
Learn some japanese

>> No.40212664

Another example of rent fucking free

>> No.40212700
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I hope Idol adopts Sava and make her even greater.

>> No.40212706

>Learn a dying language
Anon JP isn't worth it I know you've convinced yourself that it is but its not the best parts of every JP stream get compressed down to translated clips chats in JP streams are just as if not more so autistic than EN chats its better to just follow small chuubas that actually speak a language you don't have to learn its the best of both worlds

>> No.40212750

why is that bad?, i mean if womb tattoo is that close to her audience or just plain parasocial i will love to join even with her fixation to pippa.

>> No.40212825
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cute and funny cunny ghost

>> No.40212843

As a cunnfy fan and as based as piss and cum jars are. She panders to hard to that audience for me. Doesn't need to make it her entire personality. Not saying I dont enjoy it but shes going to have the worst part of guras fan base.

>> No.40212900

This. I'd watch Yuko if she didn't swear like a sailor.

>> No.40213022

She needs to be corrected by my cock

>> No.40215326

Rin is an excellent streamer and streams often.

>> No.40215421

She's an unapologetic chumbud and has been using this place for longer than most /vt/ users. Chances are she's actually like that.

>> No.40216865

>Production kawaii
>Drunk sappy GF shit

It would mean more if it weren't a literal GFE whorehouse.

>> No.40217400

My day one gura membership expired on the 1st. My yuko membership expires tomorrow. Guess which one I'll bother renewing? Hint, she actually streams

>> No.40220664

idk anon, its production NTR, they cant handle that kind of content, it would be better if she keeps being a clown.

>> No.40223588


>> No.40223687


>> No.40226846

does the Prince love Tempus lol

>> No.40226928

do you realize she's trying to copy and act like gura to attract retards like you?

>> No.40227239 [DELETED] 
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watch literally any stream of her

>> No.40227414
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Don't care. I love my ghost cunny. Go put a dick in your ass.
>>40223687 Kino

>> No.40227889

Every time I see these threads I can't tell if someone who actually likes Idol and is too stupid to realize advertising on /vt/ is dumb or if it's someone who hates them and makes these threads in hopes of reinforcing a negative image

>> No.40228299

Same for me with pippa threads as well honestly.

>> No.40229285

Same with the KIARA IS SAVING HOLOLIVE threads or any APOLOGIZE threads. stfu no one who's a part of KFP thinks she needs that sort of attention

>> No.40229421

Yuko is fun, stupid, bratty, likes rock music and actually fucking streams. Gura has given me nothing but disappoinment these past couple of months

>> No.40229532

I'm a teetotaler but I have to admit that drunk chuubas, who are already entertaining when sober, up their funny factor five fold when tipsy.

>> No.40229574

Literally the Jew buff.

>> No.40229587

>deflects with the average programmed "le tranny" response
Yet another braindead anon obsessed with cocks/trannies

>> No.40229818

When was this? I seriously doubt that, considering they have like 500 ccv and a big chunk of them are from here… i think a pretty sizeable amount of their fanbase wouldn’t be cool with that, so i sort of doubt that happened, give a timestamp if i’m wrong but that seems unrealistic to me

>> No.40229988

I think the unicorn thing was either a recent decision or Rin and Juna weren't aware of it beforehand. Rin will absolutely be the punching bag /here/ because of how hard she plays into the tomboy thing and her dogwhistles for the tumblr queer community, and Juna before she went hard GFE was seen in a NijiJP guy's chat around 2 weeks after debut

>> No.40230145


>> No.40230418

Tbh thats fine, i’m not the type of schizo to hate a girl indefinitely for something she did in the past, i definitelt don’t like the male collabs but it seems they stopped trying to appeal to that demographic so i don’t really care anymore

>> No.40230515

do you think someone calling them Jewbas, using /pol/ memes and pitting them against Hololive has any intention other than to bait and shitpost?

>> No.40230568

It is in the nature of the jew to shill anything

>> No.40230587

As long they provide cute girls doing cute things in a constant manner i will keep supporting, the second they male collab i will leave into the next less retard corpo.

>> No.40230604

It's just anti threads, no one in Idol general approves of this retarded behavior

>> No.40230772
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>> No.40230802

>cute model
I am not seeing it.

>> No.40230993

wrapped around her little finger. good cuck. also one less chumbaby

>> No.40231201

The lolis are pretty boring so far for the nonafflicted, Rin is OK but I get the gist she's forcing it too much, eel and dog are pretty great.

>> No.40232411

She has potential, she could be best to secon best in the next gen if they hire her

>> No.40233290

better drunk than being high on weed

>> No.40234649

The person who made this thread hates and is obsessed with Gura. He doesn’t care about this vtuber, only in so far that she can be used to attack Gura. You can see the same behavior in the numbers thread where most of the spam comes from one person that really hates Hololive.
p.s: this person spends all their free time on vt, there’s no point in engaging with that mess of mental illness directly, treat them as you would a spectacle like a homeless person screaming on the streets.

>> No.40236314

She’s nothing like gura, retard
