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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40207328 No.40207328 [Reply] [Original]

Unicorns won

>> No.40207420

kek, tried telling this to the cucks in /hlg/ and they didn't listen to me. This is what will literally tank Hololive to the abyss if they keep adding more males. Unicorns will always win.

>> No.40207530

Go back to /#/

>> No.40207602

>crying about the people who correctly forecast the industry
Cope. Enjoy Hololive going under after fully embracing Nijisanjification.

>> No.40207630

>Gura dead
>Ina dead
>Kiara still insufferable voice and interacts with Tempiss on twitter
>IRyS Brian yab
>Fauna & Mumei slowly inclining
Yeah, unicorns clearly won

>> No.40207668
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>> No.40207669

Mere ants compared to Pekora.

>> No.40207742

Now post all of the JP's reclining numbers. This is how Hololive truly dies. Unicorns did indeed win though. EVERYONE in Hololive is at risk of collabing with males now.

>> No.40207770

Still waiting for gamer to tank xloli.

>> No.40207864

Nijisanji is worse than Hololive though. It's Hololive that killed itself by copying the agency that's worse off than they are at full speed.

>> No.40207881 [DELETED] 

at least you are a good kind of nijinigger that hates kiara, most nijiniggers are stealth KFPhaggots.
*gives a secret handshake*

>> No.40207913

No. Her voice is legitimately insufferable and interacting with Tempiss has irreversibly destroyed her future growth.

>> No.40207995

all i see here is that EN is dying, good to know

>> No.40208194


>> No.40208197

>Brian tab
What? I check the catalog from time to time and most I’ve seen was vesper getting suspended and twitter screenshots

>> No.40208225

brian is her rigger not the dog

>> No.40208250

You mean 2021? When most of the world was still under half lockdown over coof? Correlation is not causation, monkey.

>> No.40208285

IRyS falling off dramatically after the rigger incident is perhaps the saddest story in HoloEN this year. You can tell she's turned into Ina 2.0 with how much she hates her fans recently too.

>> No.40208310

Explain why unicorn-friendly VTubers like Pippa, Yuko, Amano,and others have grown by more than 100% in both CCV and SC earnings then.

>> No.40208319

Your rrat weaving does not a yab make.

>> No.40208325

If unicorns didn't win what happened to the male collabs?

>> No.40208347


>> No.40208358

i love how they're all just money and number-chasers at the end of the day

>> No.40208368

you gotta be trolling dude, or are you that ignorant

>> No.40208377

But they did. One male collab or male involved, your brand is finished as it is. Only graduation can save you.
It's a yab if enough people have dropped her. And yes, many people have.

>> No.40208379

Yep she sounds so done with the irystocucks

>> No.40208415

Nice Holocope
Do your reps

>> No.40208440

>correctly forecast the industry
infinite monkey theorem
you make enough schizoposts inevitably some will vaguely resemble reality
besides, average ccv in a post-pandemic world is increasingly dominated by children and neets who can contribute nothing, so have zero impact on earnings

>> No.40208448

That's easy
When you're so small, any kind of sudden growth will multiply your numbers

>> No.40208455

Holy shit she really is Ina 2.0, right out of her fucking playbook. What a bitch.

>> No.40208457

>unicorn friendly
Okay buddy, suuuuure. Beyond that though, it's more than likely just because the smaller corpos are bigger than ever in the vtubing sphere, compared to a year ago or two ago when Myth dominated the Western sphere by far. There are various reasons why the overall trends may have shifted that way, but again, correlation is not causation. I'll counter your point by including Suisei, who is has actually grown in numbers since 2021 despite being an anti-unicorn type.

>> No.40208490

Read the OP again. The facts are there.

>> No.40208496

>many people
You mean the comedown from her model update? As in a real cause, and not some drivel?

>> No.40208497

Pippa straight up said she isn't unicorn friendly and she doesn't consider herself a real vtuber.

>> No.40208538

And she’s correct on both fronts, yes.

>> No.40208541

Suisei's CCV and SC earnings are down from a year ago, so your point makes absolutely no sense at all. The rest of your cope is just delusion. Gura and Myth carried Hololive and caused its growth, Gura's absence and the birth of Tempiss is what destroyed Hololive. It's entirely dependent on EN unlike Nijisanji.

>> No.40208557

Wow. She sounded like she was about to snap

>> No.40208569

People don't like IRyS because she's taken the Ina playbook and straight up treats her fans like shit.
VTubers are cringe.

>> No.40208598

Watson is not doing too bad considering the homo collabs
Somehow they impacted Mori, Bae and Kronii a lot more

>> No.40208600

without Tempiss on 2022 HoloEN was destined to fail anyways, the girls are just that lazy

>> No.40208652

...they are? is that negative on their data imaginary?
All I see here is a downward trajectory for all of them....

>> No.40208690
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>crying about the people who correctly forecast the industry
They got male EN vtubers so wrong that their butthurt can still be heard today.

>> No.40208701

LMAOO Its the same fucking way Mori reacted to his members some time ago. IRyS was fucking exposed

>> No.40208710

>whiny faggots get filtered
>I’m supposed to care
You’re no better than a homobeggar. Dramafags need not apply.

>> No.40208728

Losing 75% of her paypigs is good? Either way, at least she's in better shape than Floprys

>> No.40208762

fuck americans, who cares

>> No.40208764

You don't get it. I'm fighting homobeggars alongside you, I'm just here to give you the facts as to why several EN talents fell off. All of them have to do with males somehow or another. Facts.

>> No.40208767

>Brian yab
If you keep repeating it around a million more time, maybe people will start buying into it, schizoanon

>> No.40208789

Yeah that is still pretty funny, /#/ knows pretty much jack shit lol

>> No.40208791

Phase Connect is Canadian, Idol Production is Israeli, Production Kawaii is Japanese. But you're seething about Americans for no reason.

>> No.40208814

The first 50 seconds of that Irys clip are fucking insane. Literally Ina 2.0 and Mori-lite

>> No.40208826

There is no proof that this has to directly do with the debut of Tempus. Dragging their feet with another female generation along with the lack of streams can make it so their audience finds their way to other vtubers. While some people may have left due to Tempus interactions, it isn't the full story.

>> No.40208837

Too bad that's the main reason why she had the biggest drop of December and her coming out as bitter and resentful towards her fans is only going to tank her brand further.

>> No.40208867

Also known as ‘confirmation bias’.

>> No.40208871

The moment that killed Irystokeks. Recline to hell. You get what you deserve.

>> No.40208905

>confirmation bias
You mean the general consensus of the fair-minded Hololive fanbase here?

>> No.40208952

Ame got a temporary boost up near the end of 2022, it's a lot worse than that.

>> No.40208963

This is her "Improve Yourself" moment only more passive aggressive, isn't it? How do you watch Hololive anymore outside Fauna and Mumei at this point? Literally no point.

>> No.40208980

Ohh wow, I can't believe she was so rude to her fans, she is literally worse than Mori
So, am i doing it right guys??
Will I get the gift cards now?

>> No.40208992

Learn math, retard
A few days barely impact a whole year of data

>> No.40209000

Trying too hard. Nothing Irys said there was disrespectful

>> No.40209020

Kronii, Mori and Bae drop is crazy. And they are the least unicorn friendly.

>> No.40209049

Since around 70% of this thread is just Ennaschizo samefagging, I’ll remind him to kill himself.

>> No.40209052

Literally calling out her fans for asking a simple question as to why won't she be more involved with her coworkers is exactly what Ina did a year ago. Stop coping. We're finished with her. IRyS is just another spiteful whore no one wants.

>> No.40209074
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>> No.40209087

Oh fuck off. I'm a Chumbud. IRyS deserves her recline. Plain and fucking simple. December was a disaster for her and anyone with a brain can see it.

>> No.40209107

>Literally calling out her fans for asking a simple question
Where did she call her audience?
She was goggling like a sweet girl half the time

>> No.40209114

ENbros, we used to dominate this, what went wrong after our first 2 months?

>> No.40209132

Why are Hololive's CCV and SC earnings down hard? You and I both know the answer to this.

>> No.40209149

Nope, she knew everyone would ask about her not being at the offcollab and calmly explained why she didn’t go. You’re a fucking retard

>> No.40209157
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>give women hundreds of thousands of dollars for being anime girls
>suddenly they don't feel like streaming more than once or twice a week, if that
What happened

>> No.40209163

>Ina is the only one who has inclined

>> No.40209173

>I'm a Chumbud
Sure you are bud
Chumbuds are unironically one of the most respectful tourists in /HIRyS/ who fill that Gura void by watching her

>> No.40209175

Not streaming enough, and piling everything into one time slot frequently. Also the lack of major events compared to JP and ID.

>> No.40209180

Did you listen to any of the clip? Just listen to the tone in her voice. That alone is a reason to drop her. You just know she's fed up with her fans.
EN dominated Hololive for almost 2 years actually. Gura's abscence and the introduction of Tempiss is what killed it.

>> No.40209197

I’m getting more former irystocrat vibes from this one. He must still be mad after the Bryan incident

>> No.40209218 [DELETED] 
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t. a fan of this unethical whore

>> No.40209228

First time here?
Oh I know and her taking offense to Bae's "bye bitch" is even more of a reason to drop her.

>> No.40209268

Unicorns always lose though. Imagine giving a chick thousands, tens of thousands of dollars to be anime. Then they pretty much always either have a boyfriend or are actively looking for one. The entire concept of unicornism, if there is one, is self-defeating. If you're fat and ugly you're legitimately better off just taking a trip to southeast asian countries to fuck prostitutes. At least there, the whores are looking for you.

>> No.40209284

What major ID event happened?
>Just listen to the tone in her voice. That alone is a reason to drop her. You just know she's fed up with her fans.
You are trying way too hard Enna friend. IRyS is friends with the rigger while Enna is having sex with a ______

>> No.40209318

>Chumbuds are unironically one of the most respectful tourists in /HIRyS/ who fill that Gura void by watching her
Nice cope. They're in /uuu/ and /who/ if not /ggg/. And they're in /pcg/, /jidf/, and /pkg/ outside /ggg/. Many of us don't like Hololive outside SNO for good reasons.

>> No.40209327
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They said EN male vtubers would utterly flop with sub 500 views and got mind broken by Luxiem that they obsess over their numbers and drama wanting them to collapse. As I said before in a previous post there are more factors than just Tempus on the decline of Holo EN. Lack of streams and dragging their feet on another female generation in 2022 made sure that people looked elsewhere for vtubers. To the point some people like Selen gets superchats like this.

>> No.40209336

>The only EN who grew is the one on hiatus
Holy shit, that's brutal.

>> No.40209349

She stop streaming since last quarter right when HoloEN started reclining hard.

>> No.40209359

>Unicorns always lose though
The financials being way down for Hololive beg to differ. Shouldn't have debutted Tempiss or make Gura upset.

>> No.40209389

Ennakeks are too funny guys

>> No.40209392

Because mass hiatus

>> No.40209415

Check the hololive ID official channel and then check the hololive EN official channel, you can tell that management doesn't give a single shit about big projects, the one recent project there was a talent's idea

>> No.40209417

>Stop streaming so that your numbers can't decline
Was Ina actually a genius all along?

>> No.40209433

You are really making yourself look like a clown here anonchama.

>> No.40209454

Or is it the debut of Tempiss and causing the bread and butter of Hololive in Gura to cut down on streaming because of prioritizing Tempiss over her?

>> No.40209458

ESL typing pattern spotted, go back to your parents and ask them for an arranged marriage instead of shitposting here

>> No.40209478

I think that was a pretty solid explanation of the "situation" from her perspective. This is literally nothing.

>> No.40209486

No but she basically said she's too lazy to be a part of offcollab streams so don't bug her about it.

>> No.40209497

But you gave gura a million dollars in the first place. Ina a million. Irys a million. They won't have to work for a while, years and will just coast off the brand name. If unicorns 'worked' then they just wouldn't give money to these kinds of chicks in the first place.

>> No.40209530

But I'm right. Chumbuds rightfully hate IRyS for good reasons as she's more in the Mori clique than her own. Gura's only friends have been Fauna and Mumei and that's why we support them.

>> No.40209541

I never knew helicopters were capable of nose diving like this.

>> No.40209548


>> No.40209555

>Forgetting the Halloween arc

>> No.40209570

Gura IS Hololive. How hard is it for you to understand?

>> No.40209575
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I was at least expecting some mild passive-aggressive retort, instead of... nothing

>> No.40209581

That's the talent's idea anon, not from management...

>> No.40209609

Watch the clip again. She sounds like she's about to fucking snap. Tone alone is reminscient of Mori and Ina. Droppable on that bitchiness alone.

>> No.40209618

how does a ccv table refute my point?
normal people going back to work post pandemic have less time to watch streams
the exact same thing is happening to non-vtuber streamers who blew up in 2020-21

>> No.40209642


>> No.40209656

everyone lost viewers. i don't see any winners here

>> No.40209658

You do know people are able to see through your samefagging, right the self proclaimed """Chunbud"""

>> No.40209666

Because loss of CCV and SC earnings suggest that the gig may be closer to being up than imaginable? Who's paying the bills here? Why are profits way down?

>> No.40209695

As they should be. I want more of them to come out because it's inexplicably worse than anything Ame or Kiara did last year and no amount of cope can tell you otherwise.

>> No.40209714

That's fine, more of Ame and Kronii to focus on cucking me and calling me a loser.

>> No.40209730

I could watch that clip from now until the sun explodes and I’ll never hear a single modicum of anger.

You’re trying too hard. Perhaps you should improve yourself.

>> No.40209733

Someone please tell this Ennanigger that we can see the 1 min time difference between all his messages

>> No.40209774

>The only person who inclined doesn't stream
>Implying that the more HoloEN do their job, the more people realise they're shit and move on

Holy fuck. No wonder EN3 isn't ready yet, they need fans to forget how unenjoyable their branch has been by putting everyone on hiatus.

>> No.40209791

Ohh fuck you, why do keep bringing on Enna here?
She is without a doubt better than IRys no doubt as she respects her audience but I don't watch her. Infact the only En I do watch are Gura, Fauna and Mumei

>> No.40209807

Irystokeks can you explain why her CCV is the 3rd biggest drop then??? Doesn't the yab and treating her fans like shit in the last 2 months have something to do with it?

>> No.40209813

No. It's because when you never stream, each stream is more precious to your fanbase, so they have higher turnout. At least that's what's going on with Gura and Ina.

>> No.40209816

Ennanigger why you still here??

>> No.40209842

Based. I hate Nijisanji but you all right.

>> No.40209880

I see 3 behind her
Do you know how to count?

>> No.40209896

Can we keep this Enna nigger??
He is kinda retarded and funny

>> No.40209904

4th biggest drop*
Point stands

>> No.40209907

Pekora is hololive, Gura is no one. EN isn't even 15% of hololive's revenue. You are either underage or a pedophile.

>> No.40209915

Don't you mean unicorns died?

>> No.40209930

>interacting with Tempiss has irreversibly destroyed her future growth


>> No.40209976

>How do you watch Hololive
by never getting into EN since dubs make me cringe and sticking to jp

>> No.40209977

>Why are profits way down?
like I said, the pandemic economy's over
hololive are nowhere near panic numbers, 400 ccv (at least for twitch streamers) is enough to go full-time, and that's not even accounting for merch sales
besides, it's not like cover do all that much for the girls anyway. how bad can the costs really be?

>> No.40209980

worse off than they are
>So many JP yet less than five of them are nameable/worth watching
>All ofEN has been unwatchable since males
I'm not even gonna say which corpo

>> No.40209991

Ennanigger why you still here?
Also: 4 millions>>>>>>>>>>>>shitty 2 millions

>> No.40210014

>be IRyS
>leech off Bae lesbian shit for an entire year to get guaranteed clips because you literally can't offer anything else, so her fanbase obviously can't fucking wait for the chaos of seeing them actually together considering it's all built to this
>"Thank you for understanding" *fake giggles to keep the tone light*

>> No.40210034

nobody cares about Jun's cumbucket here brownie

>> No.40210042

Post viewers

>> No.40210085

No one cares about JP. They're irrelevent.

>> No.40210086

No weekly karaokes, the numbers were already down since the throat hurt arc in february of 2022. Ask in /#/ for more info.

>> No.40210110

That’s an acute case of schizophrenia you’ve got there.

>> No.40210151

Males are the death blow of any female VTuber's growth as they're nothing but cock carousel horses at this point. Pippa said it herself.

>> No.40210192

He's right you fucking moron. Open your eyes. No one likes this entitled bitchiness at all and it's a perfect reason to drop her.

>> No.40210193

Oh her Switch she had her rigger on her friends list. Which means SHE HAD SEX WITH HIM!!!!!
Remember the Unicorn is literally brain damaged

>> No.40210214

>194k>>>>>>>>>shitty 187k
Any karaoke that isn't a relay.
Were is your excuse Ennaniger. Why Enna is so shitter. Maybe you should die in your own shit and die there.

>> No.40210215
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>Holo vs Holo
Hmm, I wonder who could be behind this

>> No.40210224


>> No.40210227
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Aloucucks don't learn, do they? Reminder that your oshi abandoned you to fuck a 3view retarded.

>> No.40210238

It's true though, she's super low energy and she avoids collabs for the same reason. Ina is a little similar, except she likes hanging around other girls, as long as she doesn't have to entertain viewers and/or fans.

>> No.40210243

That’s odd, considering I am quite fond of her.

>> No.40210258

>noooo everyone must be friends
You don't know what a workplace environment is right, correct? They have to fucking hate each other. Unironically hold a job and tell me how much you like your coworkers. Guaranteed you'll hate someone from the start if not over time

>> No.40210282

>Nijinnigers still losing for 4 days.
>Start bait threads and Holo vs holo against EN like always,
>Post tons of Gura bait threads
Take a fucking guess

>> No.40210291

I mean, everyone knows that Baerys is just the two girls coping with their shared crush on Mori. This outcome isn't unexpected.

>> No.40210300

Don't bother. This is what I tried telling Takeks for months until they finally discovered this on their own and checked out without my bidding. Never settle.
