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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40151414 No.40151414 [Reply] [Original]

>debuted pretty much alongside Uproar
>They boys, 'til now, have had 2 different outfits and a 3D model. Will most likely appear in the next Stars concert
>meanwhile the girls don't have a single outfit or 3D model, and won't appear in the next HoloFes, even when one of their members (Kobo) has been one of the fastest growing holos of all time
Seriously, what the fuck is going on at Cover? This is bullshit

>> No.40151590
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That's cool. Now go back practicing hopping.

>> No.40151739

japanese nepotism, this isnt new anonchama

>> No.40151895

The wonders of having completely diferent people handling each branch. Also,JP first

>> No.40152353

What the fuck is Uproar
Stop talking about 2view indie companies

>> No.40152468

It just goes to show you how inferior men are. lol

>> No.40152544

>one is japanese
>the other is from the third world

>> No.40152621

Yes, big news. The holostars are under perfusion and get special treatment from YAGOO. Everyone always knew that. But nobody care.
Maybe try the JP vs EN angle and you might get a few (you)s.

>> No.40152631
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Success breeds jealousy

>> No.40152912

Holy shit, Kiara reading superchats has 10 times more viewers than this lmao

>> No.40153751

Kobo hype ran out of steam a few months ago
who would have guessed normalfag seaniggers don't have an interest in anime girls or the attention span for it
she doesn't even make much in SC, not counting non existent SEAbuck donations on their platform

the worst part is that she has done fuck all to promote her coworkers or her branch with her short success
ID1-2, Kaela and Zeta have done more to help their branch in the last 4 months than she has since debut

>> No.40154022

>the worst part is that she has done fuck all to promote her coworkers or her branch with her short success
True to some extent
Kobo decided to spend her viral buff not for the branch mate/ ID senpais, but Mori, Gamma, Rio, Kiara and Regis. She's stupid, those IOPs are not gonna watch EN and JP chuubas. The viral buff was wasted for nothing

>> No.40154276

Myth 3D showcase, ID2 3D debut, IRyS 3D debut and Council 3D debut is holding them back on that front. It honestly sounds like they made no plans ahead of time until the borders officially opened up.
Council girls have been teasing that they've been recording stuff for 3D.
The girls have said multiple times that studio is booked 8+ months out but Uproar got their 3D even sooner than that which means they already booked their 3D debut a couple months before they even debut.

>> No.40154286

Japanese > Not japanese
Also Holostars' management is not the same as that of the Holos this just means that they're much more competent (since Shinove trained them duh).

>> No.40154288

Some gachikois left her
She shat on her parasocial fans hard. She made fun of people (non-parasocial ones) who are single
She couldn't choose being a Seiso all ages chuuba or a toxic gamer one.
Those are just the tip of the iceberg
She shot her own foot many times just like Ollie. She's just another wasted potential who are left behind without good managers. ID management is too laissez faire

>> No.40154737

ID2 hasn't gotten their 3D in 2years and 1 month
what the fuck is ID management even doing?
The 3D holofes appearance is not even going to be them, just mocap actors
unless Reine going to Japan has something to do with it, but the other 2 are not even planning anything yet

>> No.40154857

Either they already recorded the motion data in Jakarta or they'll fly people to Japan sometime at the end of Feb or early March to start recording there.

>> No.40154908

ID management are the ones encouraging her to be toxic and chase after flesh streamers. They've been pretty desperate to get the girls to try to appeal to ID normalfags.

>> No.40154909

Being in japan and not being in japan, i think most of faggot here forgot that it not even a year covid was lifted in japan.

>> No.40154966

>what the fuck is ID management even doing?
They are permissions bot. It's the only good thing about them (they're only one inch better than EN management)

>> No.40155033

Allowing. You are making it as if Kobo is innocent and never took part in her own recline.

>> No.40155165

I'm not saying Kobo is innocent, if anything her toxic nature is what made her popular.
Her game choice (Valorant spam) coupled with constantly collabing with Stars/Hololive really killed her momentum. Not because they hate male collabs or anything but because she wasn't speaking Indonesian.

>> No.40155216

>Not because they hate male collabs or anything

>> No.40155312

she had male fleshtuber collabs, nobody gives a shit or is an unicorn for Kobo
stars/tempiss just suck and indogs didn't stick around for them

>> No.40155443

/vt/ only cares about trash taste and left-wing twitch streamers. Of course we don't care about them

>> No.40155609

She's still a piece of shit who shat on her single fans

>> No.40155641

Holopro makes way more money from their JP talents than their EN or ID talents, so JP gets preferential treatment. It's fair to say that Holostars (and UPROAR specifically) is Yagoo's pet project and gets kept alive despite doubious prospects, though.

>> No.40155702
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Most fragile sea animal

>> No.40155728

say the Kobokeks

>> No.40155829

Wow its almost like a Japanese company is prioritizing its Japanese talents.

>> No.40155925

>Dragging Uproar
What did they do wrong?
Unlike Kobo and Zeta, they're not unity beggars/whores. Uproar fans also never spam or beg for collabs in HoloID chats. Kobokers till this day still camp in Izuru's and Altare's chats, collab-begging and being annoying

>> No.40155931

Actually, yes. She didn’t recline because she collab’d with males. She reclined because she collab’d with wrong males.
IDfags wanted her to collab with their (as in, ID) males, chuuba and flesh streamers included. Her biggest collab so far were with ID flesh streamers. They didn’t want her to ditch those and spend most of her male time with StarsEN

>> No.40156043

don't forget holo or even nijisanji are from japan. obviously they will support their japan talents first

>> No.40156098

>They didn’t want her to ditch those and spend most of her male time with StarsEN
>blaming StarsEN for her downfall
You should tell your whore oshi to stop collabing with Holostars. NOBODY forces her to collab with the boys

>> No.40156173

Am I a Kobokek for enjoying r34 of her?

>> No.40156239

If you defend her, yes

>> No.40156883

Oh, I don't care for that. I just like to laugh at incels so insecure that an indog woman roleplaying as an anime girl can make them seethe.

>> No.40157131

>I'm totally not a kobokek believe me, guys

>> No.40157577

>ehe yuropedos
>caring about what incels think
It's pretty unlikely. That anon is not part of those Kobokers
it's the brown indonesian Kobobeggars who likes to spam Kobo in Holostars chats for muh unity or to "own the incels"

>> No.40157994

I don't know if you retards will ever understand the simple fact that the Japanese members will also be able to utilise the 3Ds much more frequently?

>> No.40158585

They aren't allowed to skip the line because Cover is Japanese and not held to the low standards of American dogs. Holostars just skipped an entire wave during the lockdown phase while Stars still added waves but all their progress became backlogged.

That said, I am really curious how someone like Kaela is going to handle having to become a Holo, she seems to have gotten quite comfortable just being in her own corner separate from everyone else.

>> No.40159024

she literally said it on stream. as management giving a green light IS encouragement. if they knew it was bad for her they would've told her to stop right away but they didn't. kobo's definitely their designated fleshtubers collaber chuuba now.

>> No.40159228

>fleshtubers collaber and homo collaber
That's her wishes tho. It's like 90% Kobo's own fault and 10% management
Other Holos like Kaela has some self-restraint even though she has the biggest connection especially with Windah.

>> No.40159332

and go back to /mans/ you pathetic sensitive little whore. anon literally agreed with you that it's her fault as it's her choice she chosed to collab with the stars more. literally nothing they said was even remotely close to blaming your precious little faggots you fucking tinybrained retard. can't even fucking have a decent discussion with you sensitive faggots around. fucking kys already

>> No.40159429

nah more like 30:70 to me. they shouldn't have encouraged this shit from the start.

>> No.40159559

Don't forget they're actually profitable.

>> No.40159716

>30 management
>70 Kobo
>they shouldn't have encouraged this shit from the start.
True. But the talents themselves should never be idiots
There are better Holos in HoloID

>> No.40159813

Kaela and Zeta are the top earners (at least in terms of SC) of the ID branch, Kobo is near the bottom.
Gamma seems to be the SC king for Uproar who is above Zeta but below Kaela but they also give StarsJP a ton of sponsors as well.

>> No.40160101

She won't collab with the "wrong males" if she's not a whore thirsty for Holostars cocks. Why don't you blame her libido? Why don't she collab more with those smelly fleshtubers if it brings number? Kobo is not a numberfag, her pussy is taking over her brains and she cannot thinks straight

>> No.40160456

Japanese don’t give a fuck about anyone who isn’t Japanese. More news at 9

>> No.40162090

wrong males for her NUMBERS & AUDIENCE you fucking retard. what was said next?
>IDfags wanted her to collab their males. comprehension where you dumbfuck? cocks pussy cocks pussy libido what the fuck is your cumbrain even on about now? stop fucking projecting you faggot if anything you're the one who only has tempiss cocks in your mind if you immediately lose your absolute shit whenever you see 'starsEN' and whatever word with negative connotation mentioned in the same paragraph regardless of context. like i said lit yourself on fire. i'll even help pour the gasoline for fucks sake

>> No.40162941

>fuckity fuckactoo fuck
grab your tampons, i could smell your blood from the screen.
But it's true tho she's a whore especially for westerners cocks. I saw a clip where she discourages shipping with those fleshtubers. She's not good at hiding her biases. When was the last time she collabed with fleshtubers? She collabed more with Holostars.

>> No.40164038

>wrong males for her NUMBERS & AUDIENCE
Who are also the right males for her PUSSY
we are not in disagreement. Let's agree that Kobo has her own priority and that's not numbers or her audience. She keeps chasing for "the wrong males for her numbers" because she doesn't care for numbers. In Kobo's head: Pussy >>> numbers

>> No.40164228

The IDs are being oppressed bros

>> No.40164325

It's not bullshit. ID and Holostars JP are different branches, different staff. If you want to point the finger at someone point it at ID management. StarsJP staff are doing their job right, supporting their talents and giving them more resources as soon as possible. Being based in Japan is also benefits them.

Just wait and see how StarsEN will have to wait more than a year for their 3D like HoloEN did, it's all on the staff's competence and accessibility. They've been getting better though, so maybe, MAYBE StarsEN will get lucky and get their 3Ds by the end of this year when Stars have their live, but I'd be surprised if they do. If not they'll have to wait until the end of 2024.

>> No.40164487

So are StarsJP regardless of what you think.

>> No.40164903

Kobokeks deserve the rope

>> No.40167385

>ID and Holostars JP are different branches, different staff.
It's a hard concept for indo Kobokerz to understand. Kobo never educates them about this stuff. the unity shit some anons pulled is not coming from Holostars fans but Indonesian Hololive fans. Why is "homobeggars" /vt/ main Boogeyman when actually it's the SEA fans of Hololive who keep pulling this stunt?
>If you want to point the finger at someone point it at ID management.

>> No.40168636

Cover will always treat the foreign side branches as second class. EN and ID will always get less support than the main JP branch.

>> No.40170434

The problem with Kobo specifically is different from the problem of Tempus or whatever. Her problem right upfront is simply backlog. ID1 were heavily delayed, so ID2 got pushed back and ID3 never stood a chance of getting fastracked. People on this board always bitched about Myth but ID1 were a significantly older gen and they got their 3D reveals at the same time as Myth (ID2 is extremely senior to Councilrys and will also only get their 3D at the same time as them). ID3 were already established as a branch before ID1 did their first 3D showcase. The real potential problem is if Hololive establishes the routine that all ID/EN 3D's have to premiere at Holofes which would mean ID3 gets pushed ridiculous far off but I doubt that'll happen. By the time the next EN gen debuts, all EN's will have 3D since they have less gens than ID and have been fastracked more in comparison so they won't have that problem. HoloX and Uproar both debuted after a drought period that was abnormally long (and they live in Japan) so there was never any backlog. Whoever follows HoloX also had a really long break between gens so they won't be delayed either.

>> No.40176128

Reading comprehension anon. Nothing stated that he blamed StarsEN

>> No.40176350

Different management.
Also it’s ID, the easily forgotten side-branch. At this point they’re already used being leftovers anyway. People complaining are either newfag or dramafaggot

>> No.40177663

>They didn’t want her to ditch those and spend most of her male time with StarsEN
This is not a fact. It's just that anon's assumptions about IDfags and he's totally responsible for that statement.
It's not like Kobo streams with StarsEN all the time. Clearly the problem is not just about collabs if her average CCV is reclining. I don't know what else that shit-eater did to her ex-fans

>> No.40177908

japan preferential treatment. if you do better than their jp talents you get shit on

>> No.40178000

I also forgot to add this.
Even if you cope by saying that "StarsENs are the wrong males to collab with", Kobo's usual non-collab/solo streams should be pretty much unaffected, but that's not the case.

>> No.40178322

If only that anon say this instead
>She didn’t recline because she collab’d with males, fleshtubers and Holostars alike.
i would let him slide, but nah
He totally believe that her recline is caused by Holostars and never considering maybe some people don't like Kobo's attitude and personality

>> No.40178855

Cover will always be JP first, it doesn't matter if you work twice as hard as them.

>> No.40179266

At least work as hard as JP before complaining about unfair treatment. Once we have a branch that does that, maybe your point can be taken into consideration.

>> No.40181042


>> No.40181106

>One person

>> No.40181684

Maybe someday she'll get there. It's funny you think stream time is working but I guess that shows how little awareness you have of what work is. She doesn't even do Hololive stuff, she just lives a normal neet life but happens to be cute so people watch her. HoloJP are entertainers, not gamers.

>> No.40181786

I like Kobo and Kaela

>> No.40181983

They are "entertainers" because Cover gives them all the tools to be "entertainers". ID and EN don't have those tools. Obviouysly Kaela is happy doing her own thing but it's not like she isn't willing to be part of Hololive, she has proven she can hang out with the big girls, big girls just don't like ID girls unless you are Moona who was crowned by Pekora.

>> No.40182069

Japan first. Baka gaijin.

>> No.40184112

What the fuck are you talking about? HoloID has entertainers in it, it just so happens Kaela isn't one of them nor does she show any interest in being one.

>> No.40184162

Pump the hatebreaks, Anon and read again. If you still don't get, I am sorry for you.

>> No.40184585

You make absurd claims about ID and EN being held back by not receiving what JP has. You make retarded claims about how ID and EN work twice as hard as JP. It's all nonsense. EN and ID don't even have any interest in doing what JP does outside maybe a couple members in each branch and those members do pursue those things on a level playing field with JP and some have success.

>> No.40187411
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bad bait

>> No.40187783

Calm down Koboschizo

>> No.40190542

>Seriously, what the fuck is going on at Cover? This is bullshit
theyre not going to learn

>> No.40194835

>What the fuck is Uproar

>> No.40202330

kek based bune

>> No.40205151

>50. Kobo Kanaeru - $50,944
>16. Hizaki Gamma (Holostars) - $101,467

>> No.40208795


>> No.40209595

That' website only track SC, her donations mostly come from local partner (and it's better imo since they only take 5% compared to Susan's 30%)

>> No.40210407
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lmao fuck ID
>b-b-b-but kobo is popular!
speaking geonosian doesn't make you popular
