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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 556 KB, 1635x458, 4FDE7167-97A7-4A0D-8D44-FBEE1290745D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40112715 No.40112715 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.40112830

Literally who the fuck even is this? I swear everybody post-Luxiem are just some 2view yab machines.

>> No.40112894

Years worth of VTuber spit aged like a fine wine, hot

>> No.40112920

What DON'T Nijis get cancelled for at this point?

>> No.40112933

Actual nijiniggers

>> No.40112960

Imagine the smell of her unwashed cunt

>> No.40112992

I can't even pretend to care
Can one of them just call something "retarded" again?

>> No.40113099

KFP deflection thread

>> No.40113146

pomukeks deflection thread

>> No.40113313

it's always really funny when there isn't enough dramaposting in the main general but you faggots still try to scrape bait out of it

>> No.40113365

I want to lick it

>> No.40113423

/#/ is desperate pls andstnd

>> No.40113726

Why are Nijis such disgusting whores?

>> No.40113826

Stinky girls are so fucking hot, I want to smell the gyaru's unwashed cunt.

>> No.40113960

Cope Nijinig, your oshi is a literal pig whore

>> No.40114011

It's kinda pathetic seeing all those twitter threads trying to make a big yab of some bored teenagers complaining about nijien and then some holo just goes and make a real fuckup, so much wasted effort

>> No.40114310

>/vt/ will take the side of literal Twitter trannies just to own the Nijinigger boogeyman

>> No.40114374


>> No.40114468

/vt/ will also take the side of the chinks if they have to.
See Vox situation when he pissed off the chinks when Reimu was involved.

>> No.40114503

I don't get the huge controversy. I'm only curious just what that substance is. Is it just food residue from her mouth?

>> No.40114574

>Montage of 0 follower Twitter trannies crying about a dirty water bottle
Most pathetic thread of 2023

>> No.40114577

Most likely some kind of mold.

>> No.40114652

the most hygienic nijinigger

>> No.40114694

not the first time desu, see mori vs twitter niggers

>> No.40114729

>Most pathetic thread of 2023
and it won't get any better

>> No.40114792

why would you even post this
i don't understand

>> No.40114806
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Why are Nijiniggers so pathetic? Can they really not handle a bit of mold?

>> No.40114860

I'm not the one crying

>> No.40114875
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>> No.40114874

do people actually find this funny
it's just fucking gross. the girl is probably a ugly hambeasr.

>> No.40114982

I don't see what the big deal is, I've used much dirtier bottles before and I'm fine

>> No.40115017

>blatant cucking
>playing headgames with fans with sociopathic shit (enna)
>pandering to lowest common denominators
>gross-out humor

It's not peepeepoopoo tier, but I'm sure that'll happen sooner or later. Vshojo, more like nijishojo. or Vjisanji.

>> No.40115040

this unironically, I can smell the Nijinigs ITT running damage control a mile away

>> No.40115096

what kind of trannies are faking outrage at this shit lmao
are numberfags this bored and pathetic

>> No.40115104

Unlike this nasty bitch Chloe isn't posting dirty 3DPD shit on her Twitter.

>> No.40115119
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>> No.40115124

its the first day of 2023 and you guys are already making retarded threads

>> No.40115152

a handful of them just camp /nijien/ waiting for le epic yabs to repost but it's a slow day today

>> No.40115172

I bet she's also into bestiality with those looks, her manner of speech, and that one comment in some other liver's chat about a dog's wiener.

>> No.40115180

nijiniggers on damage control hard

>> No.40115209

Sorry, what about a dog's wiener?

>> No.40115250

But why? Gura does it most of the time and yet she didn't get cancelled for bad hygiene?

>> No.40115300
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Absolutely disgusting.
Nijifags, you like this shit? I bet she doesn't even clean the cum out after her BF creampies in her.

>> No.40115487

are holofags really this easily offended or is it all a LARP

>> No.40115550

I wish it was the latter, I really do.

>> No.40115555

Yes, she's a stinky pig and that's why it's so hot.

>> No.40115615

What the fuck did she do to that water bottle

>> No.40115680


>> No.40115681

most of this scum doesn't even watch streams. they aren't actually a fan of anyone, they're dramawhores who chimp out and throw feces at anything

>> No.40115694

Damn bros, just imagine huffing gyaru and zaion braps at the same time. Snorting up all that sweaty musk and brap gas. My balls would be empty in moments.

>> No.40115824

Women are just slobs, this is normal

>> No.40115884
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Imagine cultivating this kind of fanbase.

>> No.40115992

You reap what you sow.

>> No.40116053

I imagine that the people spamming the catalog with Gura shit got bored and wanted to start poking at the other side
ENfags in general are pretty retarded though so I can't tell

>> No.40116125

I can't imagine why any adult man would stick with NijiEN at this point with kpop stans like this making up the majority of it's audience. Is it not alienating?

>> No.40116343
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She sounds hot and like she has a small Japanese hag body

>> No.40116457

you should see my apartment

>> No.40116479
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>> No.40116573


>> No.40116601

PP is just her nickname for doppio

>> No.40116603

Sunk cost fallacy

>> No.40116682

That's unfortunate.

>> No.40116755

She's into shotas, not animals

>> No.40116807

No, I mean the nickname is unfortunate. Who the fuck names somebody PP?

>> No.40116863

This is boring.
When is something interesting going to happen?
I want someone to get arrested.

>> No.40117028

The least sadistic numberfag.

>> No.40117148

He's right though, we need a proper scandal, this shit is boring.
Nijipreg. Holocaust. I'm tired of MALES and shitty baits over nothingburgers.

>> No.40117153

No pictures plus her fans are into that

>> No.40117264

I really wish you dramaniggers would just leave for good. Doesn't LSF or whatever have better drama for you to consume?

>> No.40117454

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.40117577

imagine being so pathetic you need to dig twitter to find shit out of nothing

>> No.40117582

numberniggers are trying so hard to force a yab, it's a little sad

>> No.40117648

Well, shitposting aside the only "drama" I would actually take any interest in is something ridiculously high profile, like something major happening to a corpo talent.
In reality I just want to see less petty and repetitive garbage.

>> No.40117681

Whoa, four literal who shitposter!. The end of the world, I guess.

>> No.40117771

>I'm tired of MALES
- The average /vt/ male poster

>> No.40117868

The their trying to use this as an example and the fact she pretty much forced the xsoleil guys to wax their genitals and took way too much joy out of it.

>> No.40117870

I'm an extremely cute girl with a fat cock

>> No.40118016


>> No.40118078

Tell me what LSF is, maybe I will go there if the drama is real intense.

>> No.40118146

even worse a fucking tranny

>> No.40118253

>Stinky Hag that barely takes baths
>Proud shotacon
>Admitted to enjoying Redo of Healer and Boku no Pico (not in the meme way, like unironically enjoying it)

I don't think the shotacon thing even registers as possibly controversial to her, she talks about keeping little boys in her basement almost every stream nonchalantly. Which is pretty based.

>> No.40118433

Lebanese Satanic Forum
If you can get a membership there you get access to blood rituals that allow you direct access to ongoing drama using the noosphere as an informational relay.
For example, I'm currently listening to kiara ask members of council if she has a better butt than ina.
I suggest using long lived cattle as a sacrifice or if you can get your hands on some grandma blood that'll suck up their life force instead of yours

>> No.40118517


>> No.40118578

What kind of drugs are you on bro?

>> No.40118776

I don't take drugs, my vtuber employment contract specifically forbids usage of them.

>> No.40118967

Funny, you're even delusional saying that you have a "vtuber employment contract."

>> No.40119042

Wouldn't the nijifags be the ones offended by the quote tweets actually criticizing a liver?

>> No.40119110

I'd pay good money to see a chuuba give birth on-stream ngl.

>> No.40119246

I refuse to believe you actually think that's criticism.

>> No.40119292

Some of them keep a bottle and on purpose allow it to get that way only so that they may create this kind of "drama." They hardly ever actually drink from it, but the ones that do are truely fucked up. That being said, I love Zaion regardless of which one she is.

>> No.40119461

I hope she has a pee bottle.

>> No.40119562

>Nijifags, you like this shit
I absolutely 100% guarantee there are some sickos who'd fap to a vtuber's feces. Like me.

>> No.40119661

But why

>> No.40119773

The absolute state of NijiEN.

>> No.40119779

Scatfags deserve public execution by means of the guillotine.

>> No.40119814

One moldy water bottle is nothing compared to the leftover scraps most of /vt/ eats from a restaurant dumpster

>> No.40119878

Gura, famous for not consuming mold

>> No.40119999

Pippa legit is a sick slob.

>> No.40120452

>4 tweets
oh no!

>> No.40120899


>> No.40120907

It's a fetish, don't you have any? yours aren't less deranged than scat.

>> No.40120970

Are you ESL or genuinely suffering from a condition such as aspergers?

>> No.40121017
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The fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.40121059

I don't know what's more insulting, that you would throw us a literal who newest wave, or that we should care about the even bigger literal who twitter fags responding to her

>> No.40121084

Faggots can’t even use the established 2434 so why should I pay attention to them?

>> No.40121172

There is nothing wrong in how I typed.

>> No.40121198

This just makes me believe that Kronii would have been a perfect fit for Nijisanji EN

>> No.40121271

Nothing on my girl Chris

>> No.40121336

this is the equivalent of a hobo drying out the cigarette butts they fished out of a urinal

>> No.40121375

Are some smokers actually that desperate?

>> No.40121442

Explain how this is going to shut down Nijisanji

>> No.40121481

not a urinal but ive seen dudes pick butts out of ashtrays

>> No.40121516
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>> No.40121540


>> No.40121569

i like stinky niji hags
i like stinky holo orca
simple as

>> No.40121571

stinkgod numerals

>> No.40121603


>> No.40121652
File: 393 KB, 832x720, THEY ARE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmbv2ry.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji Twitter fags getting mad at a chuuba nothingburger.
>/vt/ fags getting mad at a chuuba nothingburger.
They are!?

>> No.40121728

The thing about the stink is it’s going to have nothing on the stench we leave together after I fuck their brains out for seventy two hours straight.

>> No.40121751

you are wrong, because thats gonna be me

>> No.40122343
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nijisanji copying hololive yet again

>> No.40122429

I refuse to drink tea out of an unstained cup

>> No.40122728

Even /pol/ can't compete these retards motivation to creating drama out of thin air. Truly mental asylum board

>> No.40122832

I wonder if ESLs don't see anything wrong because they're used to everything just having a little bit if shit on it.

>> No.40122882

she's right about equestria girls

>> No.40123103

God who cares, this is such a common shtick with vtubers at this point it feels like larping. Zaion tries too hard with everything. Also, Kotoka isn't a fucking gyaru at all and she even admitted she knows nothing about it or the culture.

>> No.40123213

Still not as bad as the tranny that admitted >she let >her cat piss in the shower for months until it clogged up and then got mad that people tried to save the cat

>> No.40123259

Next you'll tell me that Gura isn't really a shark

>> No.40123333

that is pretty fucking gross though. never expected that i'll ever end up siding with twitter one day but oh well

>> No.40123368

I thought it was a turd in the sink or some cursed shit, how boring.

>> No.40124034

burgers wear shoes inside and SEAs kill cockroaches weekly

let him who is without sin cast the first stone

>> No.40124130

Why are Nijisis like this? Holobros are all cool with Holostars so why can't Nijisis be cool with the girls in Niji too?

>> No.40124244

>Hololive is so toxic with their idol culture
>come to nigsanji where our humour is very funny
>look at our posts of our gross living habits aren’t we just like (you)?

>> No.40124398

Telling them it disgusting is not an outrage, it just a fact. Can you stop with your presecution complex everytime you don't like being criticize. Did you think you gonna get praise for being disgusting?

>> No.40124661

So ESL it is.

>> No.40124674

Because the first 4 waves were intended to make Nijisanji popular in the west. Noctyx and up are purposely aiming for a niche audience instead of a general one.

>> No.40125157

Highest effort bait ITT

>> No.40125246

I hate numberfags so much it's unreal

>> No.40125315


>> No.40125318

What "niche audience" did Iluna capture?

>> No.40125417
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Pretty much. It's super hard to tear away particularly if you came in during the all-girl waves and spent a ton of emotional capital on watching them grow. Then there's also a component of not wanting to be wrong, like maybe you were perfectly OK with co-ed culture on principle so watching the male waves be packed with SEA groomers and overall despicable human beings is also hard to face. Then some of the girls themselves like Selen or Elira or Pomu keep collabs down to a low roar which if you're already in sunk-cost mode gives you ample space for copium and excuses... at least until there's another REALLY shit collab or the 'men' pull off yet more dumb bullshit that the girls have to run damage control for.

t. Lazulight fan from debut who eventually managed to leave late this past year. I like to think I'm something of a case study because I'm an adult, I was a longtime fan, I was never a unicorn, I wasn't (and I'm still not) a regular Hololive viewer, I was predisposed to give every wave up to iluna a chance, and this shit STILL managed to completely alienate me and make me leery of supporting the talents I still watched.

Anyway I guess it's for the best. I miss Pomu like hell but I moved on to small corpos and there's a ton of amazing talents flying under the radar there.

>> No.40125571

unless shes asian dont fucking dare, burgers and frogs are fucking worst

>> No.40125697

mucho texto

>> No.40125828

>actually im kind of angry seeing this
I thought twitter drama queens were part of nijisanji's core demo, what happened?

>> No.40125840

She's a Jap.

>> No.40127018

half the bitches in hololive are permanently ill or stanky af too

the reality is the only reason you become a vtuber is because you're a failed stacy, you're too dysfunctional to attract men conventionally - either because you live like shit or you're hyper autistic.

vtubers are literally the leftovers, the table scraps of the female world

>> No.40127033

>Noctyx and up are purposely aiming for a niche audience instead of a general one.
This is cope and you know it

>> No.40127073

>I was never a unicorn
Bullshit you fucking liar

>> No.40127173

hahaha faggot

>> No.40127288

First part is true but the second is not. Lots of people are disgusting and for years animebros said anime girls are better. All it took was for women to stream with an anime model and guys overlook literally everything from personality flaws to alcoholism, drug addiction, and lack of basic hygiene. On the flip side most of the guys watching aren't much better.

>> No.40127703

Yes it is.

>> No.40128065

>Noctyx and up are purposely aiming for a niche audience
Yeah so niche, they anime impulse panel sold out in less than a minute.

>> No.40130238

Wait, this is actually disgusting, wtf?

>> No.40131383

kys twitterfag

>> No.40132109


>> No.40132313

what am I even looking at in this pic

>> No.40132684

Is she a tastelet or something? How can she even drink out of this shit?
I wish Vtubers weren't such dirty whores.

>> No.40132821

Yeah, nicotine addiction is devastating against weak-willed individuals.
Used to know a fat cow that would fish out butts out of garbage bags.

>> No.40132889

This isnt shit, is it? I am scared of zooming in.

>> No.40132960

You think drinking moldy water is normal behaviour for a human being?

>> No.40132979

It's tea or coffee residue buildup, need to a pipette to scrub out. Isn't toxic or harmful but looks and tastes nasty when it flakes off.

>> No.40133074

Its not funny but I get why they do it. Its because their viewers will mostly relate.
Personally I am not the most hygienic but that is just too much.

>> No.40133079

this is one of the most denial-filled posts i've ever seen on this forsaken forum

>> No.40133088

why does every single idol shill masquerade as a pissydachi

>> No.40133125

it's a water bottle lid with a sipper with crud on it

>> No.40133176

>My Little Pony are sexy as they are
Today I learned theres filthy pony fags even in Japan...

>> No.40136751

what the fuck

>> No.40137597

Tbf, how do you even wash out that gunk in such a hard to reach place?

>> No.40137702
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>> No.40137728
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Mold love is actually a staple of PhaseConnect.

All of them get infected by the mold.

>> No.40137770

Why use a zojirushi bottle as a water bottle, the fuck?

>> No.40137851

Do I have to remind about stinky orca?

>> No.40137880 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 850x1204, FfF0MH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad Hygiene

>> No.40137926

A japanese woman

>> No.40138021

Ever had a gf or a sister? Thinking women are gross and messy as fuck is the biggest incel cope in the universe

>> No.40138101

most female vtubers are like this
from indies on twitch to the biggest corpos on yt

>> No.40138211
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I'll be her housewife

>> No.40138340

One of their livers just bragged about fucking his co-workers to spite some superchatter, and this is what they’re upset about?

>> No.40138769
File: 13 KB, 1152x92, cucked for gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragged about fucking his co-workers to spite some superchatter
well, they don't care about it, and raito almost was a thing

>> No.40138862

Why would they be mad about Kyo bragging about fucking Enna to spite the Aloucucks? The people who are shitting on Zaion are the sisters, not the male viewers.

>> No.40139801

What else did you expect from low quality women? If they knew how to cook and clean they wouldn't be pretending to be an anime girl for money.

>> No.40139932

Just put some dish soap and hot water inside and shake it around, repeat as needed, how hard is that?
