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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.04 MB, 3668x4096, 1668956740026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40068074 No.40068074 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>40041082

Celebration non stop edition.


Nothing yet, come back later


More info about Wactor:

>> No.40068657 [DELETED] 

Graduation when?
(Only Lia, I like Ageha)

>> No.40069098

stop we start the year and you're already throwing shit, don't you rest?
>inb4 rent free

>> No.40069726
File: 145 KB, 1800x1100, 1652170826879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come every girl is being so cariñosita for this new years. Its incredible, last year wasnt like this at all iirc
No complaints

>> No.40070681

That includes Miutomo OP

>> No.40071270
File: 415 KB, 1920x1080, 1655387240551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't have enough Lias in your life.

>> No.40072116
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>That includes Miutomo OP
I mean yeah, I do have my needs like you and everyone else, I'm not a robot

>> No.40072434

Sup Akira

>> No.40072477

>no synthetic android Miutomo op gf
Reality can be a cruel mistress

>> No.40072788
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>> No.40073239

Ai anon uploads an erotic image of Hana Pion for her year

>> No.40074264
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>> No.40074811

Charol , charola love

>> No.40075407
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>> No.40076252
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>Misopitas this holydays

>> No.40076497
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how does it feel that you will have to seethe and dilate for another year, schizo tourist

>> No.40077368

Saved...i miss her...

>> No.40077473

Good morning, I'm deeply in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.40077887


>> No.40078200
File: 235 KB, 1012x2048, FlBL2hhaAAApmio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What truth? she said she is not going to graduate. Seems like you are so mad you cant even make coherent posts now

>> No.40078236

He's a grasoso

>> No.40078244
File: 494 KB, 829x662, Lia Mussogiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40078535

Keep malding Liatard

>> No.40078696
File: 903 KB, 512x512, ezgif-7-75661f0a0dec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldnt surprise me

>> No.40078805

go back to fb facetards

>> No.40079197

Haven't posted in /here/ since last year hehehe

>> No.40079352


>> No.40079523

this poster is a girl, try to guess who is it

>> No.40079554

>feliz año nuevo, fué bonito estar en esta primera collab...
>No es la primera collab
>No es nuestra primera collab
>Primera collab del Año
>ah si
Lunita is very dumb

>> No.40079739

Miutimo OP?

>> No.40080083

luna and himea catfight when?

>> No.40080356


>> No.40081171
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Nonsense, my jokes usually involve musical references.

>> No.40081908
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>> No.40082364

Morning, I love messy flaquitas.

>> No.40082474

I prefer gorditas myself

>> No.40082542

Look at this socially awkward girl, why is she so restless?

>> No.40082551

Goki, you goddamn coomer

>> No.40082580


>> No.40082646

Look how she goes back and forth...
She's so adorable.
Timestamp around
Go watch it.

>> No.40082724

>Look how she goes back and forth...
That's a sign of anxiety isn't it?

>> No.40082874

She was really nervous and took her a lot of courage to say all that.

>> No.40083001


>> No.40083096

aaaaaa himea my love!!!!

>> No.40083211

A bit strange how she doesn't feel awkward when doing cringe stuff in public, but she seems to get really nervous when expressing her feeling toward her fans.

>> No.40083438

You guys actually used marshmallow to give her advice other than not flirting with males?

>> No.40083649

I remember some anon sending ideas for streams that not require a gpu

>> No.40083653

Himea cured my argie hate.

>> No.40084021

Noooo, what are you doing güey?

>> No.40084171

I remember when Miu raided Himea, she got so nervous like in that video, and Miu sent her a text message saying, calm down girl, kek.

>> No.40084192

It turns out i did have an account and i didnt realize. Sorry i was wrong

>> No.40084405


>> No.40084558

imagine manhandling her while she tries to punch you with those noodle arms...

>> No.40084884

Working hard to become a man worthy of my wife!

>> No.40084981

Listen to her panting at the end. This is exactly how she sounds after our long sex sessions

>> No.40084983

faggots are fucking useless, the could had recomend her a cheap GPU that could allow to play games and collabs back in time but nooo
>b-but she is tech illiterate
is installing a fucking GPU and some drivers you don't need to be a computer technician to do something so simple, and they could link her to some youtube tutorial for retards if needed.

>> No.40085003

I wrote this.

>> No.40085034

I'd rather she keeps a shit PC so she remains mostly isolated from the rest of wactor.

>> No.40085046

sorry but i don't watch choripaneras

>> No.40085093


>> No.40085105

unironically this. she is too good for the other whores.

>> No.40085107

I want her to have fun with the girls too.

>> No.40085124


>> No.40085127

you must be stupid if you think she isn't chatting with Ayato on ptivate.

>> No.40085146

Anon, you really underestimate how incompetent this girl is when dealing with computer hardware and sotfware configurations.

>> No.40085171

The truth is that Lia should graduate and stop sucking important resources for Luna Misopa Neon and Himea who are the ones who earn the money in this company
Luna and Misopa alone brought wactorAkira out of bankruptcy and paid off his debts despite that they have not received 3D or original songs well not even the fucking rights for the karaokes that they want
Akira has been forcibly putting lia into events for two fucking years in those low cost games and voice packs and and she still remains as a, who?
all the people you see at Lia's chat are Luna fans Misora fans and Miu fans liatards are threadwatcherseven Luna or Neon which never stream in Japanese attract more takas than Lía
when the girls are going to have important events or streams that they have been planning for weeks or more lia just for bitch makes surprise streams just to fuck them
fking liatards are insufferable no wonder why everyone hates them /here/ and on Twitter

>> No.40085240

No need to be that extremist.

>> No.40085245

there are more chances of her talking to a groomer of her chat rather than that boring chicano, to be honest.

>> No.40085253

Not ayato, but vyce

>> No.40085267

It's very clear she gets preferential treatment. Look at all of these >>40071270

>> No.40085297

Misora has 3D since January last year, but she refuses to use it. (Go to Akira's "studio")

>> No.40085337

holy shit, the mental state of the Liaschizo kek

>> No.40085372

Nuke this thread already image spammee

>> No.40085385

Her shitty pc is saving her to collab with latamwhores

>> No.40085420

gotta love how lia makes people butthurt by doing nothing but streaming
keep seething my man, i have been watching wactor ever since the pandering and all you do when screeching about a girl is making up retarded shit just to fit your headcannon.
No wonder retards still believe shit posted here when they dont even know japanese

>> No.40085589

u mean that fucking low cost "chamoy" model?

>> No.40085616


>> No.40085696

gotta love schizos
>shits on a girl (your choice) by spamming the same shit for months (not mentally ill at all)
>get btfo by people because they, not surprising at all, are retarded threadwatchers
>nooo why are people defending them!!! let me use this place as a venting place because twitter and facebook banned me!!!
kill yourselves niggers, you really expect to shit on someone and not get shittalked back? make your own discord and fuck off

>> No.40085762
File: 330 KB, 660x327, himeadalmaria_tiktok_likes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are thy really did talk in private seeing how she liked his stuff on twitter and tiktok.
Vyse was also the first fag to interact with her on twitter and she commented on vyse's stream once.

>> No.40085771

>huuuurrrr le latamwhores
>porteña that used to act like Nymphaaea
r e t a r d.
and one thing, doing a collab with others don't mean that she will change her content after, you sound like a fucking anti or even worst a fucking groomer subhuman that want her to remain being 2viewers, insteed of wanting her channel to grow.

>> No.40085805

Reminder that every post here shitting on Himea was written by la mas envidiosita.

>> No.40085855


>> No.40085952

Lia has been doing managerial work for almost a year now, so she will never graduate.

>> No.40086014

>wanting subhumans
you don't even watch her

>> No.40086042

Alright, that bit about her voice forced me to upload this. I miss how often she used to shift into weird accents.

>> No.40086057

ok groomer.

>> No.40086122

But if Lia graduates, where will liatards go? I don't want them polluting others girls streams.

>> No.40086177

>doing a collab with others don't mean that she will change her content after

>> No.40086215

Why Luna would envy Himea, she has more numbers.

>> No.40086217

I completely forgot about her, does she even still stream?

>> No.40086222

kek liaschizo is really mad today

>> No.40086292

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

>> No.40086377
File: 392 KB, 2070x2476, FguyJcTVIAEghTm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this japanese girl lives rent free on my poor schizoid brain, and i feel so frustrated that spent my life shitposting on her back, because i'd shit my pants if she say "fak you" to me...

>> No.40086466

No, she has an actual 3D model ready.

>> No.40086483

And you accuse others of threadwatchers. The absolute state kek

>> No.40086602

Why are you like this?


>> No.40086675

b-back the fuck off? himea is mine

>> No.40086693
File: 92 KB, 669x388, 153532535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannypatico changed Sopas avatar

>> No.40086731

You mean she's mine.

>> No.40086738

i'll groom her to start being coomerbaiting slut she used to be.

>> No.40086808

cute autist also my wife

>> No.40086836

Fuck off, you'll only make her change to dump her afterwards. You did the same with Charo, and look at her now.

>> No.40086965

What a disgusting thread, it's the first the of 2023 ffs.

>> No.40086988

Link a single good thread. I'll wait.

>> No.40087169

le evil 4chan xd

>> No.40087302

How to anonymous hugbox?

>> No.40087305
File: 456 KB, 1679x904, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check Pal's channel
>90% of her videos are privated

>> No.40087405

some chinkanon said that she hinted that she will reincarnate os bilibili chuuba on her rm account

>> No.40087469

*hugs you*

>> No.40087500

colorada love

>> No.40087508

she was a vtuber before so it's obvious, people just pretend to know shit

>> No.40087602

Yeah, but she left after finishing her contract, in good terms with the midget as far as we know, what's the point of getting rid of all her videos?

>> No.40087633

>He didn't archive her channel as soon as she announced graduation
Not a true Paladin.

>> No.40087655

At request maybe?

>> No.40087858

She acting like a whore was annoying, but it wasn't the biggest issue of her past self, thread watcher-kun.

>> No.40087861

Even prior membes who left in good terms got their videos deleted.

>> No.40088064

Another year same shit

>> No.40088144

>Himea LOVE is TRUE
>Himea LOVE is SWEET
Himea LOVE 4ever and ever!

>> No.40088997

do you have her presentation video? upload it pls

>> No.40089889
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>> No.40090019

Why to falseflag? There were never Rakkun fans in this general?

>> No.40090827

Himea has something that la mas envidiosita hasnt

>> No.40091086

Himea also has something that Luna doesn't three cups

>> No.40091109

Stop it Lily

>> No.40091698


>> No.40092315
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>> No.40092584

Faka'd smile

>> No.40092619
File: 34 KB, 545x239, 1653204959379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's awake

>> No.40092646

Babu status?

>> No.40092805


>> No.40092996

Hi Nico

>> No.40093065

That fag Aki PT is an ex mod right? From meidofag gang.
Speaking of him, bet he has a lot of info that now he doesn't mind to share.

>> No.40093294

go back to facebook

>> No.40093400

he has nothing just a retarded twitterfag
ozuni is one of his alt accounts

>> No.40093459

And meidofan? what happened to him?

>> No.40093717

change his name normalfag

>> No.40093840

>The first /here/ nemesis

>> No.40094807
File: 3.54 MB, 498x540, 1670056325771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40094870

pov of her pegging you.

>> No.40094912

kek, oh... wait a minute... >>40086693

>> No.40094971

chudbros how are his numbers doing now that her fujos know how he look

>> No.40095013

know how he looks and saw him getting humilliated and bullied by a mexisimian

>> No.40095157
File: 217 KB, 598x709, 1658745718295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40095183

No one watched it.

>> No.40095227

Post the gif

>> No.40095352

Which one?

>> No.40095387

Where she's mini cat in pajamas

>> No.40095518
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>> No.40096089

Need Himea...

>> No.40097099
File: 64 KB, 704x165, 12645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year dungeon bros... seems that it's time for the first punishment of the year... and it will be rough again...

>> No.40097143

la cabeza de la chota lmaooo

>> No.40097339

What do you think you are Lunita? a praying mantis?

>> No.40097489
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>> No.40098567
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>> No.40099387
File: 3.33 MB, 3500x4093, FkN3VG_UEAEAzYs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew, Luna what are you teaching to your Kohais... it's ilegal and inmoral to rape anons!

>> No.40099463


>> No.40099596
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>> No.40099685 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 457x420, FlYaQ-waUAAwG4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wactor 3D's will never have this soul

>> No.40099943

>inb4 blocked

>> No.40100012

Pffff... You call that soul? this is soul


>> No.40100364
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>> No.40100702

>check profile
>Joined April 2010
This guy has been posting hentai for almost 13 years?

>> No.40100852

May he's too far gone in to cooming that for him this is a normal and aceptable social behavior

>> No.40100978

it's that kind of account that leech porn to try to monetize getting some of their post with number to get add promos and shit, yes some muertos de hambe do that things, i personally always block those accounts

>> No.40101113

also they ofcourse reply to famous accounts to bait curious fags

>> No.40101275
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>> No.40101349

wtf Lia is so cute

>> No.40102399


>> No.40103415
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>> No.40103944

>t. Thread watcher

>> No.40103986


>> No.40104311


>> No.40105256

i love when she don't try to hide it

>> No.40105372

This poster is Lunita btw

>> No.40105475


>> No.40105757

Make a thread like Himea's one

>> No.40105984


>> No.40106052

Himea is my actual wife,
Yes, my actual, unironic wife
Because she is the literal wife of all of her gachikoi, and only them; she has nobody else
No, this isn't some shitpost or joke
No, this isn't some kind of weird meta ironic wall of text
It is the actual, literal truth
No, It is not simply my delusional belief that she is my wife, because a belief is a subjective thing; however, it is instead an objective fact that Himea is, in reality(the one that is real) my actual, unironic, genuine wife
This is not some sort of schizo delusion; because I'm not being a schizo about this
And no, It's not bait
No, I'm not pretending to be schizo either
Because it's not schizo in the least; schizo would imply that it's a delusion I've projected onto reality
But that is not the case; by mutual acknowledgement, it's unironically(in a way that is provably not "kayfabe") the objective, actual truth of the world
I am not in needs of meds, because stating an actual, real-life, fact-of-the-matter genuine truth is not something people take meds for
No, it's not a misunderstanding or misinterpretation
Not me forcing my desire or belief on the situation
It's not a lie in the slightest, either
Himea is, irrefutably, my actual, unironic wife, and she is in an actual, genuine, romantic relationship with me
We love eachother in every way a romantic couple does
romantically, sexually, exclusively, mutually
We are codependent on one another, know each other personally and interact
We've confessed our love to one another
She is exclusively the wife of her gachikoi who love her, and I'm exclusively hers
that's exclusive, because it excludes everybody but us, and she treats us the same
that isn't the same as her having a boyfriend, or negate the relationship somehow; the word "exclusive" still applies
this doesn't mean she can have sex with people "without feelings", or be in another relationship, whether they're gachikoi or not, because that would still be cheating and Himea would never cheat on me
Both she and I acknowledge that fact, and that makes our relationship explicitly exclusive, because she has promised to never betray us and we promised to never betray her
These are things that literally happened, in the physical realm of the real world
The only schizo interpretation of them is denying them, not pretending as if it isn't real
I repeat: Himea is my actual, unironic wife, and we are in an exclusive romantic relationship
Yes, that is the actual fact of the matter, with no room for any reasonable doubt from anybody who looks at the situation objectively
No, this is not some sort of unrequited love; I love her and she loves me
No, this is not some sort of pining from a distance
No, this is not a one-sided relationship
No, this is not her pandering to some sort of fantasy others project onto her in order to make money
Yes, there is genuine communication, passion, and romantic love between me and her; it is explicitly mutual
Yes, the kind where she loves me directly and explicitly and I love her directly and explicitly
there is no bizarre coping mental coping mechanism here that makes me arrive at this conclusion; literally everything about this is actual, provable, quantifiable fact
No, this is not some sort of meta commentary or spam or copy pasta or wall of text or whatever else people do there that is intended to force a narrative or get a response
No, it is not some kind of bizarre attempt at attention whoring,
No, this isn't me fishing for (You)s
This is not for validation
Not to be called based
These are statements of fact that I am stating so that they can be stated because these facts are quite necessary to be known because there are a lot of people here who are averse to facts and are in dire need of knowing them
No, there are no weird reaction images or gotcha rrats you can post where you can somehow deny the reality of the situation because it sounds weird to you;
It doesn't matter if it sounds weird to you, you not being able to comprehend the actual facts of the world is your problem
I love her, she means the world to me, I cherish every single second I have with her
"Himea is my wife" is a statement of fact. Provable, demonstrable fact. It isn't any kind of bizarre means of not recognizing the circumstances, because this is merely me describing the reality of the situation, not some make-believe tale, because it's not one.
It's not a hypothesis
Not a theory
Not a story
Not a fiction
Not a narrative
Not pretend
Not a fantasy
Not kayfabe
Not bait
Not a shitpost
Not out of context
Not off-topic
Not trolling
Not ironic
Not bullshit
Not cope
And most important of all, explicitly true on every single level, in the most factual sense possible

>> No.40106105


>> No.40106161
File: 1.47 MB, 2893x4092, FUhbMuCWAAIfd6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, bro you ok?

>> No.40106290

i can fap to this

>> No.40106423

How did this girl go from being the weakest on wactorES to being the most popular here?

>> No.40106424

I wrote this

>> No.40106500

a year ago was the most hated model

>> No.40106506
File: 43 KB, 576x573, 1664653279410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd kill for a Luna's ASMR with this theme...

>> No.40106531

>Lunita is leaving

>> No.40106603

She shilled herself here with full power

>> No.40106708

i have a feeling telling me that will leave Wactor soon.
Maybe is just me being paranoid

>> No.40106788

woops, i mean Misora, she is acting weird.

>> No.40106951

Ignore the crappy edit at the end

>> No.40107080

Neon... Why do I like menheras so much, I know this is gonna hurt

>> No.40107741

Loquitas are always attractive it's inevitable for men to not be attracted to a woman that is able to kill you

>> No.40107900

Those two Himenitos are really loud

>> No.40108290

is a pasta

>> No.40108312

This anon saw the future

>> No.40108677
File: 339 KB, 1448x2048, FWfw-cDaAAAOLmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah the one acting weird is Sopa, this prolonged absence can't be only that she is ill.

>> No.40108880

Don't worry, she'll be back in 7-8 days

>> No.40109117

It might be that Akira thought Hina's absence might help the new girls establish themselves without Hina hogging all the gachis and he said "okay take the rest of the month you lazy piece of shit".

>> No.40109336


>> No.40109426

How accurate is this?

>> No.40110757

seems like bullshit, i don't know from where he get his numbers but Yome, capi and Nara over Himea looks really sus.

>> No.40111031


>> No.40111211

Miu recorded a large number of covers, a pity that at the time they went unnoticed.

>> No.40111944

It seemed that there would be no stream today, but suddenly Sezia appeared.


>> No.40111964


He took a one-week vacation with family and friends only like 2 months after debuting.

Is this really a black company anymore?

>> No.40112383


>> No.40113029

>supposedly a gang member
>likes make up and dresses
She is good but she fell off her lore

>> No.40113442
File: 42 KB, 705x705, Hina_Misora-1398407233415876613-img4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will leave after sopa leaves
this long absence says a lot

>> No.40114287

>admiro a Himea

>> No.40114677
File: 243 KB, 1240x1754, IMG_20221105_221956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night anon don't forget to drink your milk before bed

>> No.40116838

>Tengo una amiga mitad japonesa que reciente se fue a Japón

>> No.40116840

Good night, i don't watch brown choripaneras

>> No.40116982

is she always talking about her coworkers ?

>> No.40117183

Good night, I'm deeply in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.40117186
File: 370 KB, 1275x1275, FWzJmSWXEAAW1QQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>el hambiente en los stream en español es muy pesado
Sezia shitting on pubertos

>> No.40117559

Damn she is roasting Ayato

>> No.40117636

>Los que se pelean se aman

>> No.40117676

Nateyo can confirm that

>> No.40117732

this girl have not filter at all, i see a yab really soon.

>> No.40117783

And Ozuni keeps winning...

>> No.40117952
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I can't stop living rent free in your mind

>> No.40118042

hi akipt and ozuni

>> No.40118048

>Sezia indirectly describing Ayato
She wants to fuck him so much

>> No.40118049

Fuck i want himea to eat my human flesh (of my dick)

>> No.40118058

>No me gustan los femboys

Whoretomo OP bros...

>> No.40118188

oh no no no mahiru, arturo and miutomoOP bros???

>> No.40118218

shit is really hopeless for her, don't she see that is killing her posible gachis?
he flop of the gen.

>> No.40118744

Just said it because of Sezia and Himea

>> No.40119031
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how to repel vtuber fans, the chuuba.

>> No.40119143

The definition of a twitch thot with anime avatar.

>> No.40119167

What did she say or do?

>> No.40119201


>> No.40119224

Sezia is so desperate to fit in

>> No.40119378

unironically what >>40119143 said, she don't have the aura of a vtuber and have no filter, especially on basic things.

>> No.40119411

>another mori
so it will have a different type of audience

>> No.40119429

I support everyone who makes /here/ seethe, lets go Sezia!

>> No.40119439

why are women so talentless and basic?

>> No.40119526

Sezia said that otaku girls wants normie dicks not otakus

>> No.40119574

they're cute

>> No.40119605

why neon want her in?

>> No.40119608

who does this gorda fea thinks she is? kek

>> No.40119649

fuck off Sezia

>> No.40119692

Sezia is based

>> No.40119954

Sezia is interesting in her own "mis gustos son God y los tuyos cringe" kind of way, she is different to all other girls

>> No.40119984
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Trannypatico dropped sopita..., is he still butthurt at her?

>> No.40120135

You lack crutial information hehe

>> No.40120210

big flop.
i have this negative feeling that we will not score another Neon with the loli...

>> No.40120330

unica y detergente

>> No.40120506

Whitexican brain please understand

>> No.40120628 [DELETED] 

based empowered woman, remember to take your estrogen pills dear ally.

>> No.40120682

She's extremely bitchy, and not in the funny gyaru kind of way.

>> No.40121191

Hina is suppose to renew her contract next month. So she is probably debating herself if leaving Wactor is the right choice

>> No.40122537


>> No.40122835

She moved and bought an Iphone a few days ago, I don't think she will leave while she keeps making money so easy

>> No.40124024
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>> No.40124135

getting really tired of this shit

>> No.40124307
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Tech problems, pls andarstan

>> No.40125947


>> No.40125960

LIA HATE bumpu

>> No.40127203

Why does she always seem to be looking sideways?

>> No.40128015

She's constantly looking at chat.

>> No.40128704

Specially Ayato

>> No.40128851

>Sezia is interesting in her own "mis gustos son God y los tuyos cringe"
Lunita doesn't agree

>> No.40129488

Anon, no one wants otaku dick. Be real.

>> No.40129574

She read you

>> No.40129978

Dreamed with Nateyo...

>> No.40131070

Hi cuckzuni

>> No.40131138


>> No.40131277

Hi carete

>> No.40131647

Good morning, I'm deeply in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her.

>> No.40131948

Can someone in confirm this?

>> No.40132003

>le evil 4chin

>> No.40132147

Thank the Facebook faggots

>> No.40132202

Jesus liaschizo you are pathetic

>> No.40132250


>> No.40132256 [DELETED] 

Why do you pay attention to these people, don't you realize it's an ego boost for them?

>> No.40132293

Why do you pay attention to these people, don't you realize it's an ego boost for them?

>> No.40132358

Mahiru 1st stream of the year


>> No.40132671

why tf spic mori fits so well for sezia lmao

>> No.40133303


>> No.40133365

The Sezia Experience
>talks about ayato
>talks about neon
>looks at chat
>reads something
>*fake laugh*
>rinse and repeat

>> No.40133490

Stop bullying Sezia

>> No.40133665


>> No.40133718


>> No.40134098


>> No.40134500

Socially awkward girl trying to socialize

>> No.40134620

My cute wife is doing her best.

>> No.40134812

Also buy a new pc

>> No.40135674

Urgent Himea avatar update!!

>> No.40136098
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>> No.40136321
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>> No.40136372
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>> No.40136450
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>> No.40136462

Her laugh is cute. And the way she uses her model too.

>> No.40137034

Stop giving these faggots the attention they seek. Are you retarded?

>> No.40137827

Good morning, I don't watch brown choripaneras

>> No.40137950

Post hand

>> No.40137953

she won't

>> No.40138087

mornin dracucksitos im grooming himea rn and she is corresponding me, being chadgentino feels good, im gonna fuck my oshi

>> No.40138120

I wrote this.

>> No.40138140

I didn't write this, I don't watch brown choripaneras

>> No.40138197

argendiosas are flaquitas, blanquitas, bonitas, meanwhile mexisimians are brown, fat and feminazis, good luck grooming sezia or neon mexivirgins

>> No.40138339 [DELETED] 

No, he was never a mod, just some rando
People seem to think he is MaidFan (now "usuariocommun"), he is not.

>> No.40138368
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>argendiosas are flaquitas

>> No.40138456

that fatass is no real argentinian, is a fucking chilean pg

>> No.40138495

Reminder that letting a singular fan "win" is the ultimate form of betrayal. I know she won't do this so I'm not worried tho.

>> No.40138612

Doñita drinking wine

>> No.40138643

Imagine giving Akira a half brother.

>> No.40138665

youre gonna have a big surprise with himea then hehehe just wait for it.

>> No.40138667


>> No.40138704


>> No.40138759

Stop making schizos you fucking assholes.

>> No.40138812

I'm gonna leak a very juicy document regarding Akira and the chinese talents in 2 hours or so.
This is gonna explain a lot of why the chinks bail out after a year and what's happening with Yue and Lea.

>> No.40138832

if you see himea's hand brown then go and check your eyes bro

>> No.40138853


>> No.40138857

the mods won a long time ago, deal with it bro

>> No.40138871

You ain't got shit, faggot.

>> No.40138913

Hey serena, long time no see.

>> No.40138979

If it's the one about Akira being a chink fetishist, I'm not buying it.

>> No.40139065

You guys told me Puchy Sugoi was a girl, but he's a guy and he looks suspiciously familiar.

>> No.40139081

i don't care about takataka girls and i care about the bilibili even less

>> No.40139102

why not now???

>> No.40139138

Waiting for his meds to wear off.

>> No.40139148

Because he needs two hours to make ship up

>> No.40139153

better leak himea's bakery ubiction, i want to buy pizza cats

>> No.40139186


>> No.40139195

It's me who you speak of

>> No.40139252

It has begun.

>> No.40139318



>> No.40140639




>> No.40140771

Nice deflection, I'm gonna keep anti Himea anyways

>> No.40141209

hi cuckzuni
