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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40087845 No.40087845 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.40087890

Israel is located in the middle east.

>> No.40087933

Well there goes my plans to join the male wave and seduce juna.

>> No.40087935

>ywn infiltrate the company and fuck the kike leprechaun

>> No.40088002

lies. show me on the map

>> No.40088033

Why are twitter shitters so obsessed with male vtubers? They don't even fucking watch them.

>> No.40088056
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Israel is our greatest ally.

>> No.40088076

im pretty sure 100% the one who asked this question is a unicorn

>> No.40088123

wtf i love jews now

>> No.40088128


>> No.40088134

>Half the talents have boyfriends
What is the point?

>> No.40088179

>the cuck reveals himself

>> No.40088194

yes, me

>> No.40088214

Rin is my bf by the way.

>> No.40088230

No woman has ever had a boyfriend.

>> No.40088271 [DELETED] 
File: 991 KB, 1920x1080, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when jews embrace a strategy you can tell how inherently dishonest and predatory it is

>> No.40088314

You guys will never make me hate Jews because I am a free thinker.

>> No.40088368
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mfw right now

>> No.40088414

You will not stop my penis from auditioning, anon. No matter how hard you try to stop me, your oshi WILL eventually live collab with my dick.

>> No.40088456

This. They might as well hire male talents at this point

>> No.40088475

Would be more based if they added a male unit, but also outright stated "our male and female idols are not to interact".

>> No.40088530
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fortunately idol culture is a thing

>> No.40088589

Come home holobros

>> No.40088593

There is nothing based about male vtubers, anon.

>> No.40088693

>Phase Connect
These are the champions and the future. It's impossible to pretend that Hololive is still relevant in any way and Niji was always just men and Chinese fujoshi.

>> No.40088696

If she doesn't turn into Gura 2.0 (lazy, unmotivated non-streamer) by the end of the year, expect a naked dogeza from me with a fully visible hairy ass and balls.

>> No.40088766

Saved, cya next year anon you better deliver

>> No.40088775

Idol culture is an inherently Jewish construction, going back to 4,000 BC.

>> No.40088823
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>> No.40088865 [DELETED] 

Why should I believe jews again?

>> No.40088900
File: 3.35 MB, 1500x1158, 1671320861937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews will save idol culture in vtubing

>> No.40088965


>> No.40089109

And Japan is located in Asia, but HoloEN is still considered western vtubing.

>> No.40089281

I hate to be the bearer of these bad news, but it is impossible for you to become a woman. I'm sorry.

>> No.40089299
File: 33 KB, 220x249, 220px-Worshiping_the_golden_calf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewfags, THIS is your Oshi?

>> No.40089316

It is in one of these companies where the true "Nintendo" of vtubing will be found. It is not Hololive like so many like to think it is.
Nijisanjii is like Sega who will decline but still remain relevant through sheer force of will. Hololive will will be like Atari, and fall off hard after fumbling their nearly perfect advantages.

>> No.40089334

based kikes knows their audience

>> No.40089578

Bottom feeding goyim?

>> No.40089779

Exactly. They can use Vtubers to slow the reproductive rate of white goyim even more.

>> No.40089803

I can just smell the body odor permeating this thread

>> No.40089830

No it isn't

>> No.40089904

I can smell the puberty blockers from this post

>> No.40089903

>Hololive will will be like Atari, and fall off hard after fumbling their nearly perfect advantages.
...that's what I wanted to say without being able to say it. This is the best analogy I've heard. Goddamn it fits so perfectly. Are we at the Jaguar moment with Tempus or if it's still approaching? Time will tell.

>> No.40089940


>> No.40089982

Thinking Tempus is going to kill Hololive is thinking the 7200 killed Atari.
You should be comparing the Jaguar and holoearth.

>> No.40090004

Good. Being a man feels great.

>> No.40090017

none of you are going to watch them so what does this matter?

>> No.40090066

Is this the bizarro /vt/ thread?

>> No.40090109
File: 1.02 MB, 700x740, 1669721146238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only really appreciate male Vtubers if you're a man. Women just can't really "get" their humor or actual genuine interest in hobbies and going in depth about them.

>> No.40090135
File: 79 KB, 227x222, 1616383638379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A naked dogeza from you?! A-anon?!?

>> No.40090155

I'd rather look at attractive girls with cute voices than fujoshi-pandering designs with male voices, sorry. Maybe you're just gay.

>> No.40090222

>Maybe you're just gay.
I've had sex with women unlike this board, so I can deconfirm. You're probably just sexually insecure - don't worry. It passes with age.

>> No.40090456

How come there's never a male corpo starting from zero? Is always "Ops the girls made you famous? Time to shove some males there am I right wink wink"

>> No.40090486

I hope you're into Nikokado Avocado tier dogezas.
