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40073815 No.40073815 [Reply] [Original]

>Shit on parasocial fans
>Do ASMR to attempt to get your fans back afterwards
Why is this so common?

>> No.40073903

What are you retards even talking about why is this such a common thought process?

>> No.40073908


>> No.40073914

because she doesn't like parasocials, the asmr is for everyone else

>> No.40073932

aloucuck coping by saying asmr isnt gfe

>> No.40073979

>ASMR is a staple of GFE chuubas
>Thus, only GFE chuubas do ASMR
It's retard logic, but what else did you expect.

>> No.40073994

Does anyone seriously think Enna is a virgin? I don't understand how that would even be possible. That's not how the world works.

>> No.40074039

Sure, those vox asmr are not bfe at all, moving goalpost as always.

>> No.40074047

why even say this in the first place? vshojo does just fine with everyone flaunting their boyfriends

>> No.40074110

well, she's not in vshojo

>> No.40074123

The fucking thumbnail is her in a wedding dress. That's parasocial bait af.

>> No.40074341

That's her new outfit. You people already forgot your queen of spades shitposting? And after listening for a bit it's not even asmr. I don't think she did any research beyond buying a mic or she just wanted to take the piss.

>> No.40074529


What? Her numbers are just as good as ever.

>> No.40074569
File: 669 KB, 850x646, 1667943233504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends on multiple factors, Milie's asmr feels like being taken care of by a big sister, Sou patra's asmr feels like being taken care of in a high class massage parlor, amouranth's asmr is purely for coomers and its the least of what i like, that one has no love whatsoever. Okayu's is gfe and she is good at doing that.

>> No.40074719

Unironically only when an EN does it. ENs just see it as a # and $ tool, whereas the JPs do it either because it's different content, or because they actually go all-in with GFE content and don't pretend otherwise.

>> No.40076919

Irys continues with the narrative that she is a kiss less virgin anon

>> No.40078195

It's telling that every big name vtuber who have shat on their fans immediately resort to ASMR.
Even the ones who didn't play it are using NSO as an instruction manual. Even as astroturfed FOTM garbage it's been eerily accurate.

>> No.40078356

The irony is I hate asmr so every time they piss me off and start doing asmr streams it just solidifies me not watching them anymore because I wouldn’t watch asmr either way.

>> No.40078605

Is this GFE?

Is this BFE?


>> No.40078638

>that one schizo unikek incel still seething about Enna

Its been a year now dude. Instead of making a thread every day, do something smart with your time. Enna will never love your incel ass.

>> No.40082163

>why is this such a common thought process?
Because the tourists that came for Rushia's graduation are desperate to turn everything into GFE/ unicorns arguments

>> No.40083608


>> No.40083672

You're genuinely expecting an american/chinese woman not to be a hypocritical cunt?

>> No.40083701

I'm not even subscribed and this whore popped up on my front page, disgusting.

>> No.40083737

Have you ever listened to asmr it's just an excuse for chick's to whisper in your ear

>> No.40083750

She's just tsundere for us. And by us I mean me.

>> No.40083782

I like listening to ASMR where a middle aged man Roleplaying as a Glowie deals with X-Files tier shit based on old plup shit.
Is that GFE?

>> No.40083802

Ok kyo the black

>> No.40083823

Who gives a fuck? Nobody values the opinion of some nobody who hatewatches streams.

>> No.40084526

Ever since that whole racist shit with Kyo, I feel like she's been an a downward spiral, is it just me?

>> No.40084630

unironically it's because girls think they can fix us
>man these poor guys are such losers, I need to let them down gently and show them that I'm not obtainable by them
>by doing this, i can ensure that they go outside and meet some girl they can love

>> No.40084738

Of course subhuman incel trash thinks that ASMR = GFE.
They also think that a girl that literally NEVER does GFE, but has a dakki or a oppai mousepad as merch (in most cases suggested by management) is also somehow GFE because "SEE! SEE! SHE WANTS OUR DICKS! THIS IS PROOF!"
Also, girls like Botan for example are nowhere near GFE, but incel subhuman retard trash put her in that category just because she sends kisses during superchat readings.
These people are mentally ill and should be put to death.
Every time one of these idiots gets "cucked" I laugh my balls off. You deserve nothing but pain and misery in your lives.

>> No.40084823

post the source anon
would unironically listen to that

>> No.40084886

that is what happens when you not only never have contact with females, but close relationships in general

they are beyond fixing

>> No.40085467

Here you go
I will warn you that due to trying to stay relevant in the youtube algorithm there has been a decay in quality (The NSFW Side of the quiet ASMR civil war winning damaged the capability of the Old Guard to produce quality content pretty badly in my opinion).

>> No.40085859

She only wants Kyo's dick.

>> No.40086038

So when Enna gave us positive affirmations and kisses during the stream, you're saying that that wasn't GFE?

>> No.40086089


>> No.40086558

I don't think a streamers like Botan or Enna are really GFE either, but what would be the non-romantic context of blowing a kiss at someone? This is what is in contention here, if Enna said 'I don't want parasocials', and her only content was gaming, humor and singing, there wouldn't be anything to discuss, but here she is blowing kisses at people in asmr. It's sort of confused messaging. It's not like asmr has to be sexual or romantic in nature either.

>> No.40086598

Why is she using Beatani's fanart?

>> No.40086751

ASMR absolutely isn't GFE and only retards like OP make that claim, but it is common for it to be used in vtubing as fan service / apology to fans. So OP isn't THAT far off the mark

>> No.40086893

>Middle aged Man

no dumbass its BFE. men aren't woman

>> No.40086895

>>40086751 (Me)
Also Enna is really fucking bad at ASMR, she should have gotten some tips from Millie or hell even Finana

>> No.40089558
File: 218 KB, 700x788, 1616787412955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but here she is blowing kisses at people in asmr
I only watched about two hours into the asmr but the only times she responded to requests for kisses were when she said "okay" then pretended to be a really old grandma giving a really gross sloppy grandma kiss. I won't judge if that's someone's thing but I think that's more humor than GFE.

>> No.40089730

>>40089558 (me)
but again, I only watched about two hours out of what lasted for four hours, I would revisit it if it weren't for the fact that it was admittedly pretty bad for asmr. Seemed more like a regular Enna zatsudan, not even chat was very interested in triggers from what I saw.

>> No.40090056

i think the HRT broke your brain

>> No.40090202


>> No.40090383

Kill yourself you fucking retarded disgusting cuckold simp. You're below subhumans, ugly incels have more dignity than you.

>> No.40090550

They are, EXPLICITLY. Literally says boyfriend/master roleplay in the title. If you have to be that disingenuous to make a point then it means you know you already lost

>> No.40090614

awwww, he got angy.

>> No.40090774

you stupid selfreplying dumbass nobody puts Botan in GFE category

>> No.40090936

Disgusting faggot r*dditor. You're probably a homobeggar too. The world will be a better place when you're dead.

>> No.40091186

I'm sure you're baiting, but just in case you're genuinely that retarded, here's a no-talking ASMR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCI_V709sGE

>> No.40095581

This guy I think.

>> No.40096161

nijikeks really live like this?

>> No.40096566

So true, sister!!! Blow your brains off subhuman tranny

>> No.40098867

>uhh girl speaking softly means she loves me!!!

>> No.40100878

Aloucucks can't ever shut up and listen just like their oshi. She's simply not suited to do that stuff.

>> No.40101005

the only chuuba ASMR i know that isn't gfe

>> No.40101564


>> No.40101759

I like listening to asmr of an old brit solving difficult sudoku puzzles

>> No.40101797

parasocial isn't bad when I do it, chud!

>> No.40101821

there's a thing called roleplay. wouldn't expect the average vt to discern reality from fiction anyways

>> No.40101895

you simps are just as low on the totem pole as the incels are

>> No.40104390

That's a lot of words to say you are a cuck.

>> No.40104660

>ITT: Holofags confuse literally anything with GFE
And this is why half the HoloEN girls are in no rush to come back

>> No.40108833


>> No.40109383

Enna is just a fake hypocrite bitch

>> No.40110270 [DELETED] 

Guess finana and vox is not bfe or gfe, pack it up bois they convince us.

>> No.40110469

>Milie's asmr feels like being taken care of by a big sister
Wait doesn't she turn the sc into kisses? Also she wants to do ear licking for members.
What kind of big sister are you thinking about Anon

>> No.40111990

Top did a bunch of parasocial shit until she got married. To her credit she stopped after.

>> No.40112469

>i-im not the incels trash, y-you are

>> No.40112498

No one ‘came for Rushia’s graduation’ you delusional faggot

>> No.40112890

Basically yeah. These girls can't do anything without some mentally deranged faggot taking it as a declaration of GFE.
>ASMR? This means she's telling us that she'll never talk to a male on stream!!!
>Daki with big titties and cute feet merch!? She really wants me to consider her my wife!

Like fuck man if you have this much suspension of disbelief you should be able to do it when shes talks to a FUCKING MALE vtuber.

Hot damn anon, you're fucking seething. He struck a nerve and now you're frothing at the mouth shouting out every /vt/ boogie man.

pretty intredasting. I can enjoy anime waifu shit, but I find it a shame that blatant thots are clogging up the ASMR tags and pushing out actual attempts at ASMR from the algorithms.

>> No.40112942

It's interesting seeing so many videos lined up like this. Circa ~5 years back you can see his content get less /x/ and more videogamey/fantastical (a lot of werewolves...), presumably as his viewership trended more and more towards younger women.

>> No.40114985

Huh? Are you really going to pretend the "I fucking hate women taking advantage of poor vulnerable men" posters didn't come at that time? Or that the board hasn't been trying to make drama out of everything ever since then?
Drama threads already were a thing before February, but Rushia's graduation was a record breaking for just how many newfags it brought here, even more than Coco's graduation. Most of them don't even like vtubers, they're just here to participate in console wars with vtuber corpos because they like being angry

>> No.40120092


>> No.40120233

Her fans like being treated this way
