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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40015037 No.40015037 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.40015069

I heard about this and don't know what he was so mad about. qrd?

>> No.40015093 [DELETED] 


>> No.40015095

>He won
how? did something happen?

>> No.40015138

>Dec 16th
He didn't win shit.

>> No.40015147

What did he win? A free tour of the oven?

>> No.40015192

>twitter acc still private
He lost. Hard. Expecting an apology from him and (you) by January.

>> No.40015207 [DELETED] 


>> No.40015210

What did he won? Being blacklisted by universal in future?

>> No.40015214

He deleted the tweet, and send a personal appology to Calli before privating his account. He's a bigger loser than you are OP.

>> No.40015244

>by January
That would be stupid though. People have already moved on.

>> No.40015317

I cant belive mori said the w word on stream, disgusting

>> No.40015336

Fucking idiot. Never apologize to the woke cult.

>> No.40015376

She said w*men

>> No.40015399

virtue signaled over a wigger saying nigga because only niggers are allowed to say that

>> No.40015414

>still private
Mori won and he doubled down to his tranny audience. God I love seeing mori win while people seethe

>> No.40015472

Yes thats the point. All this drama, even if so many are mad at him, is only good for growing his brand. Mori has soooo many more eyes on her than him, directing even some of those his way only helps him, so why not extend the drama?

>> No.40015471

Mori saying the n word.

>> No.40015547


>> No.40015650 [DELETED] 

I think it better for janny to just rangeban you just for being a retard, not only this shit was old, it like reading a chapter 1 when people already read the book.


>> No.40015724 [DELETED] 

(((He))) was mad that Mori's roommate typed the word nigger 10 years ago and shared it on twitter

>> No.40015793

>account has been private for over 2 weeks now
>Mori's continuing her normal activities
Yeah, he won real hard.

>> No.40015866 [DELETED] 

mori said nigga like 8 years ago so (((Umru Rothenberg))) is trying to cancel her

>> No.40015969

Dude you don't have to add the echoes, we can tell.

>> No.40015995


>> No.40016494

>Denouncing your own track because you instantly believed what idiots online told you about the vocalist
>Retweeting fake screenshots of "Mori lyrics" and acting offended
>Be told they are fake
>Then post real screenshots while also breaking rule #1 of vtubing
>Get caught in an old tweet saying "Japanese looking ass"
>Refuse to at once admit fault and then go private
Melting down and then slandering an artist. Truly the best way to secure future work with a label!

>> No.40016563

>>Then post real screenshots while also breaking rule #1 of vtubing
literally who cares

>> No.40016655

The company that signs the vtuber and would rather keep up the separation

>> No.40016667

Deadbeats would defend moris rapist as long as he did it "as his roomate".

>> No.40016677

Yeah but the japanese government wants everyone's taxes to be public so.

>> No.40016956

Well imagine just doing your job as normal and then suddenly you are associated with Mori. What is there to not be pissed about

>> No.40016957

He should have cared if he wanted future work from Universal

>> No.40017034

Won at what? Losing followers?

>> No.40017200 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck is writing this script lmao, imagine a novel where every villain had a gigantic hooked nose, belonged to a religion that ate baby foreskins, and had something like 'skitzowitzbergstein' for a last name. A fucking cartoon wouldn't be able to get away with it, it's too contrived.

>> No.40017273

They're a monolith split between zionists and ex-bolsheviks

>> No.40017359 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the fuck he didn't, and given the fact he referred to Mori's roommate, he's fucking lucky Cover and/or Universalaren't lawyering up to sue him into oblivion

>> No.40017415

>and given the fact he referred to Mori's roommate, he's fucking lucky Cover and/or Universalaren't lawyering up to sue him into oblivion
Dude that isn't a crime, considering that japanese law actually requires vtubers to post their tax statements in their own names.

>> No.40017443

0.01 SJW Dollar had been deposited into his account

>> No.40017465

You can't be sued for discussing public information anon. It is literally public information.

>> No.40017521 [DELETED] 

Mori RM t3 membership post.

>> No.40017609

I don't that's something they can sue him for but blacklisting is most likely.

>> No.40017711 [DELETED] 

I believe he's one of (((them))), so it's pretty much required to apologize to the cult

>> No.40017789

Well getting blacklisted by Universal is pretty much a career killer since I'm certain all the big labels talk, just like hotel chains

>> No.40017797

He shut up before it crossed into intentionally trying to damage her and the brand. His worst punishment is losing further business and a group of fans definitely not going to be fans of his.

>> No.40017984 [DELETED] 
File: 402 KB, 1451x720, 1670205623423594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This all should have been over once 'ya know it's one of them

>> No.40018164 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 274x400, Gargamel_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cartoons used to do it all the time to greater or lesser extent.

>> No.40018247

>"his career is over"
he is literally performing tonight
