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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 388 KB, 1535x2048, Kureiji.Ollie.full.3183373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3996624 No.3996624 [Reply] [Original]

Ollie thread!
Ollie has just started a guerilla stream.
Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIJ1Ey8sCj8
>Ollie has insomnia and nightmares
Sadness. I wish her peace.

>> No.3996837
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>> No.3996885

I love this zombie!

>> No.3996918

>I dont like getting mad at people
Hate has no home here!

>> No.3997072
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>Ollie mentions a "forum"
Ollie, stop lurking here.

>> No.3997083
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Her voice sounding somehwere in range of tears and the topic is weird with laying in bed for 5 hours not sleeping and not wanting to be mad at people.
Hope it turns out alright for her whatever the issue is.

>> No.3997133

>Its something that I cant escape from
Shes here forever.

>> No.3997175

/vt/ has already toned down with their ollie schizoposting, so it must be something else i think.

>> No.3997244

fuck off to reddit then

>> No.3997283

Of course it is. It's not hard to see schizos on twitter and reddit not even directly posted at you, and even easier if you allow any kind of DMs.

>> No.3997284

Ollie sounds different, is she sick?

>> No.3997307

Graduation soon

>> No.3997330


>> No.3997334

No they haven't. They still sperg out all the time over her.
She joined Kiara and a few others of people that shit on her regularly.
In the end, she just needs to ignore it by reframing it - don't feel sad they hate you, feel sad for the shitposters because that is the only thing going for them in their shitty lives, getting mad at others existing.
These people are worthless.

>> No.3997335

Could have to do with the number of fingers

>> No.3997408
File: 729 KB, 1920x1080, Cover_Me_In_Leaves_20.12.2020_20_31_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.3997418

>Ollie just happy she got invited to a collab
Not everyone is so mentally strong.

>> No.3997456

It's a bit ironic because she talks about the inviation just like Astel talked about getting invited to collabs with her.
Can somebody at Cover copr send every holo a 12 pack of selfesteem?

>> No.3997469

That's why reframing it helps. You can't make everyone like you. It's impossible. Some people exist to hate others.
There's no point giving any energy or thought to it, it's just a waste of time at the end of the day.
Better to focus on things that matter.

>> No.3997501

God dammit ollie, stop looking for your anti's attention.

>> No.3997504

This is now associated with Ollie more than Korone. Can she make it up to her, or is graduation imminent?

>> No.3997520


>> No.3997559

Some of thee comments in the chat have me angry
>wow so comfy
>I love her sleepy voice
It's like she is talking to a wall cause all they can see is ANIME UGUU

>> No.3997576

fucking depressing stream

>> No.3997594

actually you're right. i just caught someone commenting "FINGER GATE" on chat, and it's probably the spam they're talking about because the chat was quick to react to it.

>> No.3997597

Reddit moment

>> No.3997636

No anon look how cute this anime waifu is and how chill the beats are!

>> No.3997681

Ollie... We don't need to know this

>> No.3997703

The best thing about your hateful posts is that we all can be sure that you will die alone with no one to love or care about you.

>> No.3997733

Reminder that the "rrats" you shit out affect real people and the "anime characters" you shit on are real people. One of these days a menhera is gonna actually kill herself because of (you) faggots.

>> No.3997735

is this superchats baiting stream? i though those were member only exclusive

>> No.3997740

Don't you have wrestling videos to spam?

>> No.3997766

You're a blue checkmark on twitter, aren't you?

>> No.3997772

Ollie, you idiot, that's not how you quote. Put the phone down.

>> No.3997782

Ollie knows a guy.

>> No.3997800

Wait, really? The shitposting is strong outside of here?

Not him,
I know your intention, but it seems more like copium

The rrats are retarded, but no one asked anyone to break containment nor visit this place

>> No.3997802
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Ollie was a Yakuza princess all along?

>> No.3997846

Is that what She's trying to convey here?

>> No.3997864

Hope she reads this, bro

>> No.3997883

>The shitposting is strong outside of here?
the original video double its views in 2 weeks, what do you think?

>> No.3997891

The past decade especially has proven that the majority of humans are flat out retards. When shitters on here make their shit rrats, people will take it as gospel and it will spread. As much as people here like to pretend it's a secret club, tons of people on here also visit other sites like twitter & reddit. It's not "breaking containment" at this point, 4chan is well known.

>> No.3997904

Shes warning her antis that she can make them disappear.

>> No.3997920
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>ollie thread
nijiEN allowed this to happen, be thankful for them

>> No.3997927

Containment was never real. This site is literally just a testing place for new twitch emotes and to plan targeted harrasment at people and groups by people who browse other hateforums even more than 4chan.

>> No.3997968

okay I'm glad this story had a punchline

>> No.3997988

4chan has never not been well known.
It was known by most of the internet in 2004.
The only thing that changed is absolute numbers.
Remember this shithole had multiple conventions.

>> No.3998002


>> No.3998028

>views = shitposting

>> No.3998029

what the punchline? i can't watch her stream right now

>> No.3998065

Yeah, you reminded of the now nuked comments about the rrat

True, fuck the twittards

I know, but unless I'm underestimating the faggots, /vt/?

>> No.3998082

>look at the comments in the video

>> No.3998097

>Ollie's uncle was the leader of a notorious delinquent gang
>They trashed Ollie's mom's school because nothing was being done about her getting bullied
>Ollie's mom and her bully go out to pretend they've made up because the principal is panicking about it
>Bully turns out to be Ollie's uncle's ex-girlfriend

>> No.3998109

Her mother's bully turned out to be her uncle's ex, it turned out awkward and everyone lived happily ever after

>> No.3998142

So this is where the tourists are coming from huh

>> No.3998161

Good. Fuck real people and go back

>> No.3998191

Kek, the absolute state of Hololive fans

>> No.3998207

4chan is a shithole but not just for you to try to be cute and edgy, you should be in school right now.

>> No.3998212

I'm glad Ollie haters are dying down. I love my zombie imouto

>> No.3998217

Who are you?

>> No.3998232

Good job anon, your evidence that they're all from here has convinced me!
I'm sure no one else on earth is capable of coming to the same conclusion as the rrats here have.

>> No.3998237

Well that explains. The most vicious gossipers are all 14 years old teenage girls.

>> No.3998261

I want to cheer managerchama for her return, the timing couldn't be better, she got in almost unnoticed.... until she fucked up with the app thing but could have been really worse.

>> No.3998296
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do zomcucks really?

>> No.3998321

>She watched Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna

>> No.3998346

Take care of her, being a zoomer makes her a retard. She doesn't have any bad intentions, but she's a yab machine just for being so young.

Basically this is what I wish >>3998261

>> No.3998354

NijiEn, Kiara saying nigga, Gura's rigging fucking up, she got 3 smoke screens in a row

>> No.3998409 [DELETED] 

>4chan has never not been well known.
Anon, there are around 22 millions unique visitor each month on this website, 1 million posts everyday and 500 millions page views, what are you even talking about?

>> No.3998413
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You can't and shouldn't tell these people how to use 4chan. The reason trolls keep coming back is because you keep feeding them and giving them the intended reaction. If you still haven't figured out such a basic internet principle, consider fucking off back to twitter.

>> No.3998422
File: 21 KB, 241x198, 1616365799802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your meds, zomkek

>> No.3998452 [DELETED] 

Looks like zomcucks are back. Time to bully them back to Discord once again

>> No.3998463


>> No.3998468

He used a double negation, meaning it always has been well known

>> No.3998469

Okay, who is streaming as Ollie? Which isn't she screaming or using her high pitch voice? Why does she sound hot?

>> No.3998490

>a guy was asking if shitposting is strong outside of here (4chan)
>look at the comments in the video, a site outside of here
and then came you retard
>Good job anon, your evidence that they're all from here has convinced me!
im not even trying to prove anything or convince anyone, this is irrelevant.

>> No.3998503

Read it again anon

>> No.3998533

basing from those humu humus, it's probably Reine.

>> No.3998534

Sleep deprived girls always sound hot

>> No.3998614

The best thing about knowing I'll die alone with no one to love and care about me is that I feel joy from doing things like this and have nothing to lose.

>> No.3998656

based nihilistchama

>> No.3998657

such a sad existence

>> No.3998687
File: 91 KB, 1200x1174, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you are right

>> No.3998695

lmao, look at this edgy cunt. Off yourself already.

>> No.3998722

Every day I try to do it and then remember I can make other people as miserable as me.

>> No.3998728

>Off yourself already
lmao, look at this edgy cunt

>> No.3998729

Nihilism has never looked so good

>> No.3998736
File: 171 KB, 700x700, 90ad64cb4765f5cb7ba9bea558733341045e40dfv2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like something an egg would say

>> No.3998737

Well, seems like I'm just brain damaged after all, my bad.

>> No.3998776

Yeah, chat's apparent obliviousness to what she says is ironically more disturbing to me than Ollie's depression. Problem isn't that a portion of chat can't take these conversations well, it's that there's a portion of chat that seems unironically too autistic to engage with it.

>> No.3998812
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>> No.3998820

what's the origin of this meme? i don't browse global

>> No.3998831

What do you expect? People watch streams to be entertained by an anime girl, not to have any sort of deep and meaningful discussion. No one cares about her problems.

>> No.3998876

>no one
You aren't everyone, ironic weeb.

>> No.3998909

They just wanted their zoombie back after all this time
Ollie may be a retard as I said >>3998346
But it makes me feel bad for her

I hope you say that when she offs herself and there is no more Ollie

>> No.3998912

saviourfags cares, they will donates, they will give her money...

>> No.3998929

t. Ollie

>> No.3998939

Basically there was a kraut Discord dedicated to anti-Kiara posting, they were the ones making wojak kiara threads, a lot of shitposting, twitter doxing, posting dox in global, etc. The leader got doxed back and turned out to be a fucking egg kek >>3951130

>> No.3998944

>money makes you happy
Oh, it's you. Kill yourself.

>> No.3998948

>she's a yab machine just for being so young.
this is your brain on copium overdose

>> No.3998950

>I hope you say that when she offs herself and there is no more Ollie
Youtube chat is not therapy. If she offs herself because strangers on the internet don't magically solve all her problems then she is genuinely retarded.

>> No.3998971

Fucking hilarious

>> No.3998993

Ollie's deep (normal?) voice is kinda hot

>> No.3999001

I missed this. Holy kek.

>> No.3999034

Ollie is the single most retarded V-tuber. She wants everything handed to her and for everyone to love her while she gets to do anything she wants with no repercussions.
Anything else and she goes on suicide watch.

>> No.3999045


>> No.3999053 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 599x376, 1621616979132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would agree with you, but what do you expect?
How do we tell her to make a 1-month break?
The girl has RL issues

Ngl, I went overboard there
That's true, that's how you develop parasocial relationships
Also true in the last part

(pic related) Don't know, I'm a self-hating zoomer

>> No.3999055

Watch her ring-fit stream. It's an eye opener.

>> No.3999062

She is retarded. It doesn't matter how much people saviorfag her, at the end of the day she's the only person that can save herself, and seeing she hesitates to talk to others and ignores the few advice she gets, she doesn't seem to want to be saved

>> No.3999071

>Ollie's uncle is a former delinquent
>Ollie's dad is a Club DJ
what a family

>> No.3999113

why's she using Cover's account for that?

>> No.3999150
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It's like you forgot who she is.

>> No.3999151

She clicked on a malware link from some love compatibility app and her twitter got hijacked.
Another thing to add to her long list of yabs.

>> No.3999163
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>> No.3999179
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>> No.3999227

How does someone who grew up with the internet, who should be at least somewhat competent with it, still fall for basic stuff like malware links? On a company account to boot.

>> No.3999236

True, that's a tragedy

You know? I can handle Kiara because while she can be rude and her roommate's a bitch, at least she's professional and makes up for it
Ollie? She's a nice girl, but believes the world will give her everything for being popular

Because she believes she's still an indie

>> No.3999277
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Do you expect new outfits this year?

>> No.3999279

Have you paid attention to anything Ollie does? Her single defining trait is how irresponsible she is.

>> No.3999301

she's a dumb zoomer, she also fangirling over an anituber & followed bunch of political activist with that account

>> No.3999339

Holy crap, give me proof of the last part
Then she's actually the Yab Queen

>> No.3999356

I really would have expected her to tone it down by now. I thought the whole "inevitable yab" thing was just a joke at first but she just can't seem to learn. Her impulsiveness is gonna bite her in the ass.

>> No.3999359

August most probably

>> No.3999389


>> No.3999414

>I want to speak up rather than being silent.
Kek, nice one zen.

>> No.3999425

If you notice, some of her tweets are from androids instead of iphone. Which means she linked up her work account to her personal mobile...This is such a careless move.

>> No.3999437

>Followed by Mori Calliope

>> No.3999452

Most adults are retarded. What makes you think she is any smarter?
You don't gain intelligence just for going age+1. Same reason Age of Consent is fucking retarded because it automatically implies adults are capable of informed decision making, which we know for a fact is not true because we wouldn't have obesity or people in obscene debt, for example.

>> No.3999480

Mori follows and likes everyone.
She recently liked Artemis tweets.

>> No.3999509

>deadbeat copes with the fact that calli follows the worst human scum on earth

>> No.3999535

>Most adults are retarded
True, but most also learn from their mistakes.
Let's also not forget that she has a corporate backing that should be counseling her on this sort of thing, but who knows if they're even bothering to do that.

>> No.3999587

>I could smell spirits

>> No.3999601

Roru rumao

>> No.3999616

>worst human scum on earth

>> No.3999622

ID management is non-existent. Why do you think they’re currently hiring for a manager.

>> No.3999638

>actually, I should be able to fuck kids cause all humans dumb
OK liberal.

>> No.3999643
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Mori can also smell spirits. Probably not the ones she is thinking of.

>> No.3999671
File: 28 KB, 480x360, reine7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a lovable dork, is rrat-proof, and doesn't give a shit about Ollie's crap
Everyone, KNEEL!

>> No.3999683

I love you ollie but you really need to take your meds

>> No.3999737

>I don't have an argument so I'll put it OOC with my poor reading comprehension

>> No.3999763

Fuck off. I'm not speaking about that shit. I'm talking about the other side.
In fact, I'm for chronophila laws being introduced to clean up the abuse and make it absolutely clear what is permitted and get rid of grey areas so 2 people in a happy relationship don't get fucked over because one of them turned 18. (fucking Americans)
I'm speaking of the fact that most humans are retarded because they aren't taught how to make informed decisions properly, if AT ALL.
I'm speaking about the Billions (B) of adults that get abused every year.
AoC is a sham. There's a reason there is no single country that agrees with another for both the age and the reasons they picked that age.

>> No.3999785 [DELETED] 
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kneel deez nuts, peacuck

>> No.3999857
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>> No.3999883

Anonchama, I know that's political but it was a year ago when there was a lot of psychosis going on, even now vshojo is tunning down on the political bs, I don't think that that dude qualifies as a political activist for one tweet

>> No.3999899

Now I understand why when he posted it in other thread and got deleted his posts here didn't disappear, he just deletes his own doxposts so the mods don't ban him lmao
What a coward loser

>> No.3999952

but his posts*

>> No.4000317

Anyone that supports that group deserves everything that's coming to them and luckily Asians and south east asians don't like that group and this should be exploited to keep this scumbag away from Vtubers.

>> No.4000502
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Who chooses Holo's moderators? Why are those guys modding Ollie's streams?

>> No.4000525


>> No.4000539

she chooses her own mods apparently, this guy>>3999389 iis also a moderator in her chat

>> No.4000564
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IDma hate...

>> No.4000636

>Why are those guys modding Ollie's streams?
They're Microsoft tech support, Ollie is supposed to get them their gift cards

>> No.4000662

Ah so that's why the Kiara schizo didn't got banned that time

>> No.4000669

Just because they look like pajeets doesn't make them Microsoft tech support.

>> No.4000748

My bad. They must be Amazon support

>> No.4000827

>Ollie made an unhinged person a mod that could hijack her account at any point because of some perceived slight hololive might cause to one of the political group they support

>> No.4000898
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>because of some perceived slight hololive might cause to one of the political group they support
The fuck am I reading? Did you have a stroke Indonesia-bro?

>> No.4000932

>hijack account
Do you even computer?
Stop posting from the library. Do your homework.

>> No.4000958
File: 42 KB, 506x332, 1620063229822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, forget about Ollie being a dumb, irresponsible and retarded zoomer
Why aren't we hating the neglectful and absent HoloID management?
Where are they? They went for milk?

>> No.4000964

Watch him permaban everyone in ollie's chat because Hololive refused to put out a statement in support of burn loot murder.

>> No.4001008

That's not hijacking an account though. That's abusing mod privileges. There's no hijacking anything anywhere.
I do agree with you though, fuck those types.

>> No.4001021

>Ollie being a dumb, irresponsible and retarded zoomer
That's part of her charm. I mean, it's comparable to a roadkill, but still, a charm.
>HoloID management
The what now? Did you slip here from a bizarro world?

>> No.4001044
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Nice try zoomcuck

>> No.4001146

Look, I agree, but at this pace there will be no Ollie for 2022. HoloID management, if it exists, needs to put her on a leash or a long break, not because I hate her, she's going to reach yab and menhera levels off the scale.

I don't even watch Ollie faggot.
I did at first, then she became retarded.

>> No.4001712

She wants those poopy brown fingers

>> No.4002682

yab thread

>> No.4004329

more like dead thread

>> No.4004459

>she did the yab AGAIN during the Super Bomberman collab
I get it she's horny, but what the fuck!?

>> No.4005871

post timestamp or didn't happen

>> No.4007231

I kneel
