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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 543 KB, 1074x1130, Mori ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39937730 No.39937730 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf I thought Ina was on her deathbed with her critical heart condition and she's in Japan right now!? Takes lied to me!?

>> No.39938243

Ina is a part time chuuba deal with it

>> No.39938417

Where's the tea? Is Mori ever NOT in one of these cake shops?

>> No.39938495

The tea might be in the cup designed to hold liquid, you blind retard

>> No.39938532

Are you guys stupid enough to believe that they are drinking tea and not alcohol when Mori says tea

>> No.39938583

You mean that smoothie looking thing with the strawberry jello like substance floating on the top? Yeah that's what I call tea.

>> No.39938610

Thats lean you know it and i know it

>> No.39938629

Ina specifically stated months ago she getting into drinking Lamy can attest to that. Little wonder why Mori and her are so close these days.

>> No.39938664

Lying to your audience like this is a scummy move.
Yeah I get the girls find their fans repulsive, but it’s such bad karma to fake having a deadly illness.

Sana/Magni/Ina, just say you need to take a break for other projects. It ruins goodwill forever, in case something actually bad does happen in the future.

>> No.39938674

Watch streams

>> No.39938698


Reminder this was a day after she decided she was too sick to stream and went on break.

>> No.39938751

Your post is dumb I don't even care about ina and I know from watching threads that she said she was going to stream again in january and she lost her phone for a month.

It's gura who has terminal hoochitis.

>> No.39938795

>too sick to stream because she was hung over

>> No.39938803

Lol @ losing her phone for a month sure did.

>> No.39938823

>It ruins goodwill forever
You do realize there are sanalites on this board right now who still believe Sana couldn't stream because of her back? And there are takodachis who still believe Ina is seriously ill?

>> No.39938827

Yes anon, Ina was on death's bed, she was fucking Mori all this time

>> No.39938847

Just like gura broke her computer, her tablet, her phone and her backup laptop and was also sick.

>> No.39938875

They never said she has a deadly illness dumbass. Stop feeding yourself with /vt/ rrats.

>> No.39938884

He's not taking a break though, is he? His "back hort" = shorter streams, not no streams unless I missed something

>> No.39938890

There are men on this board who donate condom money to nyanners and openly post about how athelstan is 'based' and there are men on this board who are 'fine' with kyo and enna 'offcollabing' and fandeads who followed russia to hell. Vtubing has attracted the worst kinds of e-celeb following cancer and they will cuck this place up.

>> No.39938920

Vtuber fans are retarded, but it really speaks to how low the chuuba views their fan base with these lies.
It seems its more common on the Corpo side, most Indies are held to a higher standard by the few fans they have.

>> No.39938938

Just like kronii when her cat apparently died. Died of boredom because kronii is a boring whore.

>> No.39938950

Yea and I don't believe that bullshit either. Why the fuck can't they just be a bit more honest? I dislike Kiara like every anon, but at least she has the guts to say "I'm on vacation from now on for two weeks, byeee" instead of bullshitting. Or even Mori who just says she's busy with stuff.

>> No.39939022

Because they aren't contractually obligated to say "I'm taking 2 weeks off to hold a concert/meet my gacha art deadlines as my other self" and cover would not want them to advertise those other selves.

>> No.39939128

Ah but Ina her self had the better excuse
>Sorry guys I stayed at my parents with my phone but could not be bothered to send out an I'm alive tweet then I went home but left my phone so I couldn't send out a tweet and now I'm going on vacation with my family and this is the last you'll hear from me sooo sorry by the way I might be back sometime next year lol.

>> No.39939176 [DELETED] 

>Trusting Korean
>Trusting Women

>> No.39939177

>Ina said her goal when joining Hololive was making friends
>she never put any effort into her streams or her fans
>you always see other Hololive girls posting about hanging out with Ina and doing things with her while Ina hasnt said anything to her fans

Can you blame her? She's achieving her dreams and she really doesnt care about anything else she's just here in Hololive to make friends and not stream to losers.

>> No.39939209

That picture is from two weeks ago

>> No.39939220
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x900, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they drinking? Is Mori drinking straight from the bottle?

For me its peko juice.

>> No.39939248

Like a bunch of JP ones except they still stream

>> No.39939271

And yet neither Kiara or Mori did that they just said I'm on vacation or busy they never needed to do more than that but even the very bareminimum is too much and faggot simps will 100% defend shitty behavior and do/say anything to try and avoid the issue of the virtual pussy they lust after being called a lazy whore.

>> No.39939329 [DELETED] 

Nibba finna got RAPED by the ROK Armed Forces

>> No.39939339

you didn't know ?? are you even watching hololive?

>> No.39939347

There are part time chuubas in almost every corpo the difference? They still manage to fucking stream hell Uta is a part time indie in the middle of a fucking move and caught the coof and she still streams more than Gura and Ina

>> No.39939407

In fairness to Ina the only way she will ever get laid in her life is getting wasted and Mori taking her to a party to get raped

>> No.39939430

Why dont they do a drinking stream when they want to drink?

Its crazy that they obviously seem to dislike streaming (except for the money), but wont graduate (because some "people" still give them money).

>> No.39939528

vacation means staying away from work

>> No.39939568

Mori/Kiara/Fauna/Mumei/Bae actually like streaming, regardless of their content their work integrity is solid.
Ame is an amazing streamer but she’s got a poor work ethic.

The rest are lost causes, actively bring down Vtubing with their disdain for their fans and streaming.

>> No.39939615

Did takos really believe that? kek, she is living the life at fullest with their money while the losers are worried

>> No.39939710

The power of being a woman

>> No.39939729

>mixing drinks and sweets
Ya-fucking-hoo. Your liver will thank you for this shit.

>> No.39939733

Nigga really put Magni in there thinking no one was gonna notice it, man has been streaming more than EN even with back problems and while having covid. Put out Christmas cover and did multiple karaoke while the others you mentioned can't even tweet

>> No.39939737

Magni is still streaming WITH his back hort.

>> No.39939767

>Literally found an uncashed check for 500 dollars while cleaning her troll cave of a room
>Found a lost ipad during the same stream
Do you think Ina has any sense about the value of a dollar? She couldn't give less of a shit about her fans donations so long as they keep rolling in

>> No.39939810

>Muh audience, Muh feelings
Get wrecked faggot, I'm here to be entertained and I don't give a single shit about the audience. If they made a stream making fun of their audience I wouldn't give a shit because I'm not a paper skinned fag.

>> No.39939823

He still streams. His announcement stream was just him saying that his streams will be shorter now (still reaches 2-3 hours on his good days).

>> No.39939898

professionals have standards

>> No.39939922

You'rer right you are part of the audiance and a joke, not some papper skinned faggot whinging online

>> No.39940050

Thats what she claims and you gullibly believed her.

>> No.39940117

There is one thing designed to hold liquid in that picture. Its clearly not holding any liquid that resembles tea.

>> No.39940145

>This is what she clames and you believe her
>Takos bought into the heart issue
Something something stones and glass houses

>> No.39940313

If you’re ok with being pooped on, I guess you really don’t have any standards.
The bantz between the chuuba and their fans is 60% of the entertainment, break that and what’s the point of even watching.

>> No.39940581
File: 1.16 MB, 1657x685, sparklingtea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori specifically says Sparkly (Sparkling) tea
>Googles what it looks like
>Picrel comes up

>> No.39940582

>And there are takodachis who still believe Ina is seriously ill?
After a few days even the Cover shills stopped trying to convince people that Ina went radio silent because she was sick for several weeks, sent a single promotional retweet, and then lost her work phone for over a month. The lies got too numerous and too convoluted that only the fans on the corporate subreddit would believe them.

>> No.39940713

Sparkly lean

>> No.39940723

Stop supporting talents that don't take their job seriously.

>> No.39940789

I stopped supporting Gura months ago

>> No.39940790


>> No.39940821

Come on. When, not too long ago, before Ina's "phone lost" announcement said Ina is healthy, takos jumped on me like I offended the very essence of their oshi.

>> No.39940980

I have become extremely disillisioned when it comes to big EN vtubers. Most of HoloEN just clearly does not give a shit and they take their half a million a year income entirely for granted (three streams a week, back hort, dog hort, etc). Just watch indies, at least they are grateful and you can actually interact with them. I´m done with holoEN´s entitled princesses

>> No.39941056

Mori really is going for that triple chin huh

>> No.39941069

Magni is streaming with covid after a fucking car crash AND finished side projects.

>> No.39941336
File: 141 KB, 1500x1500, 1644917509018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina was on her deathbed with her critical heart condition
No one was saying that except shitposters so they can joke about her dying

Also she literally said she'd be in Japan and it was already talked about in other streams days ago. This tea date was even from over a week ago.
Now you're fake seething over this like it's news or something.
Is this whole thread a simulation or people being paid to be this retarded?

>> No.39941953

rumao. nigga still streams like normal despite everything.

>> No.39941960

>Wtf I thought Ina was on her deathbed
Because you don't watch streams and instead believe in bullshit you read on /vt/.
Good job, idiot.

>> No.39941978

Ina gets laid just find do your reps

>> No.39942062

how much you think one of those cost? i feel like its 1500 yen

>> No.39942101

Ina was never sick, besides a mild cold for a few days.

>> No.39942108

She could have just said she wanted some vacation instead of making up some imaginary condition, fucking hell.

>> No.39942153

Nah, she'd rather be like Mori and lie to us

>> No.39942314


>> No.39942502

Only post worth reading itt

>> No.39942537

She never lied. Stop making shit up because you can't be bothered to pay attention.

>> No.39942544

It really is

>> No.39942552

>people being paid to be this retarded
I mean yeah, just in giftcards though

>> No.39942570

Ah yes this is her vacation the 3 months of vacation prior to it was something else

>> No.39942610

So Mel and Ina get to share one and Mori inhales the rest

>> No.39942681

>I thought Ina was on her deathbed
And why did you think that? do you not watch streams? do not tell me that you only consume what /vt/ feeds you, anon.

>> No.39942722

They also take one sip from the tea each while mori makes leans with rest and drinks it

>> No.39942796 [DELETED] 

Ina, whose nepotism hire was full of shit, is also full of shit. Now here's A-chan with the weather.

>> No.39942854

Nigga Ina has been on a diet of Cup Noodles and Air, even without the lie she barely lasted 5 minutes on basic ass RingFit.

Mori is fat cuz of alcoholism and bad genetics, she’s definitely healthier than Ina lmao.

>> No.39942884 [DELETED] 

They passed on Pomu but gave us Ina and mori is yagoo retarded.

>> No.39943001

Sorry but niggas are built different than bitches

>> No.39943036 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 2540x2096, 1683736383372551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch your streams nijinig

>> No.39943138 [DELETED] 

do cucks really watch this?

>> No.39943145 [DELETED] 

How the fuck that makes me a nijinigger you takocuck.

>> No.39943152

I don't want my wife Mel to be corrupted by M*ri

>> No.39943465

To what mori said ina didnt eat anything she was sleeping it was only mori and mel who eat

>> No.39943553

Takos will defend this.

>> No.39943878

Long Island Iced Tea, anon.

>> No.39943940

>She never lied
She literally did you gaslighting little simp faggot

>> No.39944020

Mori unironically ruins ever girl she hangs out with. See Lui for a prime example.

>> No.39944035

Holy shit you're an idiot.

>> No.39944094

You should try putting in more buzzwords. I heard it helps

>> No.39944162

When I want you opinion I'll give it to you

>> No.39944312 [DELETED] 

Unalive yourself ESL nigger

>> No.39944471

she's just like me fr, I love my alcoholic oshi

>> No.39944501

There was nothing ESL about his post, you schizo retard

>> No.39944564

I lost a lot of respect for Ina.

>> No.39944588
File: 214 KB, 1433x1573, 1669269305767816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely fucking based, fuck all of these moralfags

>> No.39944650

Same. She used to be my oshi but now all I can think about is what else she lied about.

>> No.39944699

Here is your Sparkly tea

>> No.39944819

And my oshi is a small corpo part timer who's going into a STEM field. Despite this has found time to stream at least twice a week.

>> No.39944829

this was such a good show, hard to believe it's already over 4 years old. Season 2 doko?

>> No.39944846 [DELETED] 

At this point what's the most cucked EN fanbase?
I used to believe cuckbeats were at the top but the double Gura/Ina ghosting is really making tacucks and chumcucks unbelievably pathetic.

>> No.39945141

kek at all the faggots seething because an adult woman is having a drink with other adult women. Did you really think women in their mid to late twenties that are rolling in money would spend their time in their basements playing games like you fucking losers? Lmao

>> No.39945174

There is literally nothing they could say to me or about me that could make me feel angry or offended, whatever "insults" they could throw would have to be so general that they wouldn't sting. Because guess what? They don't know me, and they don't know you either.

If you feel "offended" or "betrayed" by entertainers you are not any better than twitter cancel SJWs. Just close the stream nigga.

>> No.39945219


She didn't say she lost it for a month, she said she left it at home while she was sick and at her parents house. She doesn't even live that far from her parents as her mom is constantly over at her new house. Likewise, even if she was sick an entire month (she wasn't) that doesn't excuse the other 2 months she's been near radio silent short of the one "I'm sorry I didn't actually keep in contact" post. (Hint she hasn't been any better since that post, you know, even though she literally has her phone in hand now)

At the end of it all, yeah, I'm extremely disappointed in Ina and that IS as a long time fan. She took a massive 6 week break mid way through this year and then a 3+ month break at the end of the year. She made it like she was literally on deaths door with someone heart related that was going to take dedication and focus to fix, demanding actual lifestyle changes to overcome it, then she pops back on saying absolutely nothing about it, saying "I just collapsed because of the stress release" then basically lying again saying "I'm going to go visit family at the end of the year so won't be back" only for us to find out that no, she's not visiting family, she's vacationing in fucking Japan and will be until who knows when. Kiara, as usual, blabbed that they're doing something together at the beginning of the month and that Ina would still most likely be in Japan, so she's most likely STILL vacationing, not going home and getting back on a decent sleep schedule for her usual stream times. I fully guarantee that come Jan 8th, that "95% assurance of stream" we will see the 5% for certain.
There are rrats on this board who can't provide any actual evidence out of a speculation sound bite or tweet "proving" that Sana and Ina weren't sick too, so what's your point? You want to say neither has actual problems, prove it.

>> No.39945558

based. Vtubers like any entertainers are supposed to have their content consoomed the way you would flick through the channels on TV. If a specific stream is boring you just switch to the next until to find something to your liking. Cult-like followings are for faggots.

>> No.39945739 [DELETED] 

The real reason for the very long trip was because her roommate had stuff to do in Japan like meeting her editor and animating on Do It Yourself.

>> No.39947226 [DELETED] 

You get banned for speaking the truth on this board, anon

>> No.39947573

They do it because the fans aren't going anywhere.
The Sana situation was already explain but that's how it is for all of them, they can starve you for months and you'll cling to them, I guarantee you her return stream will do crazy ass numbers.
End of the day, idol shit was never Ina's priority and she has said so herself.

>> No.39947682 [DELETED] 

Her only priority is free simp bucks for as little effort as possible

>> No.39947833

i think mag actually got hurt, i hate tempiss but ill give him that

>> No.39947986

like most Americans she got a bogus doctors note so she can slack off at work and not get fired

>> No.39948038

>she say she going on haitus till next year, HIATUS. And vacation in japan
Retard like you somehow offended and complain she went on hiatus. The mental gymnastics to be offended is twitter troon tier.

>> No.39948088

>she got a bogus doctors note
No she didn't even do that. The whole doctor thing was probably a lie.

>> No.39948291

back to the holoclub retard

>> No.39948359

>people seething about Mori for absolutely no reason at all

>> No.39950467 [DELETED] 

Jesas takeks have to be the most cucked fanbases. Who the fuck accepts an almost 3 month long vacation shortly after a 1 month break all while they basically get ghosted. Even the other ATM fanbases in hololive at least have an oshi who can tweet out to them while they take their constant month long breaks.

>> No.39950695

You do know people can recover from injury and illnesses, right? They still have obligations to their company, and because of NDA or what they signed in their contract, they probably can't even disclose what they do behind-the-scenes even if they wanted to.

>> No.39950957

Recovering from a spinal injury and a BROKEN heart in a few months? You sure about that anon.
These excuses are such bs, no one but children and the most braindead simps bought it.

Kiara has been taking breaks for months, all she has to say is that she’s off vacationing. Is that so freaking hard?

>> No.39951337


>> No.39951350

cover wouldnt let her take a break that long without one

>> No.39951480

Im on my way hopefully before Lamy locks her up in her mansions sex dungeon

>> No.39951566

Im willing to bet you got beat up a lot in High School

>> No.39951653

Pretty funny how people laughed at Gura “staying in touch” but she at least wished people a merry Christmas and that was only a few days after going on official break. Ina went two months of complete silence and she couldn’t even wish merry Christmas until the next day

>> No.39951907 [DELETED] 

I'm willing to bet you're projecting.
I actually got along quite well with most people.

>> No.39952295
File: 331 KB, 1368x1372, 19807397586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be happy when Ina returns. She'll have some good stories.

>> No.39952872

I'll be honest, I only watched Ina if she was streaming right after Kiara so I never got super attached but I'm happy for takos who've been waiting patiently. If Kiara went radio silent for 12 hours and didn't hint at that she was traveling beforehand, I think some kfp would actually start rioting.

>> No.39953087 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 1200x800, 806aa15230e661310a7954230c9708de2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha you fatass reaper. Special collaboration with jewel producer
28th floor, Conrad Tokyo, 1-9-1 Higashi Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Google Map

>> No.39953127 [DELETED] 

Doxxbeat at it again...

>> No.39953315

One graduated and the other is still streaming. They both have more respect for their fans than Ina, the lying cunt.

>> No.39953724 [DELETED] 

Enjoy the 3 day vacation schizo

>> No.39954013

there aren't any.

>> No.39955358

>no argument

>> No.39955577

yeah, there's a lot of entertainment in these tweets.

>> No.39955798

Do you really think that some dishonest dunk attempt like that is every going to achieve anything?

>> No.39955965

It would be fucking hilarious if they kept hiring more female artists that do this shit and continue to not stream for the job that hired them for streaming.

>> No.39956136


>> No.39956576

you have to be retarded if you think her lazy ass can actually handle another job, she just dont give a fk, thats all.

>> No.39957152

Strong contender for weakest bait image in 2022.

>> No.39957322

She's pulling a Sana

>> No.39957447

She is an artist. Thats not a real job. Soon not a job at all thanks to AI

>> No.39957536

which part of her time is the chuuba part?
i can't seem to find it

>> No.39957663
File: 122 KB, 774x1032, dola_by_plywoodrifle_dedptxn-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon tits here has streamed consistently every 3 days since 2018 and she's known OL.
Its about actually giving a shit about your audience, which Ina does not.

>> No.39957998

Gura is probably actually sick with something this time. A bunch of the other times were vacation shit, but Gura is the only one right now not in japan and she would be one who would want that sweet nye and christmas cash if she could stream

>> No.39959628

Nah. Mori isn't the target. She's just being Mori. Ina being a cunt is the bigger problem

>> No.39959820

theyre in the hospital cafeteria

>> No.39959910

At this point what's the most cucked EN fanbase?
I used to believe deadbeats were at the top but the double Gura/Ina ghosting is really making tacucks and chumcucks look unbelievably pathetic.

>> No.39960051

It's been established multiple times that Gura doesn't even use twitter and that it's management that makes the tweets, even by chumbuds themselves.
NOW when it's convenient you wanna say "look guys gura tweeted us merry christmas"?
Lol stop joking.

>> No.39960210

Unironically retarded

>> No.39960284

>every time I look its only empty bottles for sale

>> No.39960296

Burden of proof is on you, fat pedo chumcuck.

>> No.39961318

why cant ina be more like wawa bros?

>> No.39967380 [DELETED] 

She's a soulless gook

>> No.39967479

>Its about actually giving a shit about your audience, which Ina does not.
This may sound counter-intuitive but Ina caring about her fans might be the reason she didn't stream for 3 months. She has been depressed for most of the year and knows that things have to change.

>> No.39967692

Do Takos realize that by this point, Ina has forgotten the names of all of her regulars?

>> No.39967705

Retard. She was busy working on her chink gachas while completely ghosting hololive.

>> No.39967751

Anon, she never remembered any to begin with.

>> No.39968167

Jesus, atleast know the chuba before posting shit. she never did any superchat reading stream, she only reads when she feels like it.

>> No.39968390
File: 1.62 MB, 498x407, 1608079786098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some holos care about their fans so much that they stream every day despite being sick or getting in a car crash
>Some holos care about their fans so much that they talk with them for hours on Twitter and do regular hours-long interactive chat streams
>Ina cares about her fans so much that she, uh... *checks paper* ignores them and refuses to interact at all for three months
Yeah, that's it. You cracked the code.

>> No.39968951

Like how a smoothie is a vegetable you fat fuck?

>> No.39970225 [DELETED] 

Uhhhh.... artniggers???? Your response?????

>> No.39970359


>> No.39970775

>it’s such bad karma to fake having a deadly illness.
ironmosbros, your response

>> No.39971030

I see this is the Ina anti thread

>> No.39972618

>call out Ina for lying and hating her fans
take your meds, simp

>> No.39975536

youre thinking wawa ina doesn't read donations

>> No.39977135

She ate the cup

>> No.39982747 [DELETED] 


>> No.39983087

Yup, but don't try to argue this to homobeggars they're only looking to stir up shit because they're immature and annoying. I'm not a chumbud. But it doesn't take a brain surgeon to notice gura is actually sick. These homobeggars thinks she'd miss an opportunity to rake in thousands in incels bucks for giggles. They're just mad gura don't want to collab with tempiss.

>> No.39983944

No one would remember a bunch of random names on such a fast chatroom stupid

>> No.39984204

This is how you realize Ina is a genius. She announced she will return in early January, therefore planting the notion that she's healthy enough to do a jp trip, so no one really gets mad at this.

Meanwhile, if it gets out that Gura is also in jp, all hell will break loose.

>> No.39984225

how can anyone defend this shit? Cover is parading around EN's corpse at this point acting like its alive

>> No.39984366

People also claimed that Myth all hate each other. Who cares what this board claims at this point?

>> No.39984597

EN was always a black branch. And so is ID.

>> No.39985102 [DELETED] 

i love watching enfags suffer

>> No.39986072

>implying Ina ever cared enough about her fans to know the names of her regulars

>> No.39986218

she is!!!!

>> No.39987261

>You can't say shit without janny faggot mass deleting shit and giving warnings left and right
I will anti HoloEN lazy whores every day, every post, every minute.
Fucking kill yourself piece of shit tacuck ATM simp doormat, you will never (and I mean NEVER) work for Hololive.

>> No.39987561

Cuckbuds have been first for a while but I'd they are comfortably second now compared to takeks. There has been no updates on Gura so they can reasonably say she is actually sick. Takeks got several clips, mostly from Mori but a couple from Lamy Kiara and Ame, showing Ina was fine chatting with them. Yet takeks still pushed this cope she was in some bedridden condition and unable to simply send an update tweet once in a while. Since that's now obviously not true they have no choice but to accept the pathetic "forgot phone" excuse.

>> No.39988218

