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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 91 KB, 940x2000, Narukami_Sabaki_-_Full_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
355350 No.355350 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about 5ch vtuber that ruined your vtuber's career.

>> No.355427


>> No.355447

He is based and did nothing wrong.

>> No.355459

I want him to fuck me and call me a disgusting EOP

>> No.355462

Dangerously based

>> No.355474

Didn't he make a girl kill herself due to targeted harassment?
I don't know how anyone can keep doing gossipy tabloid trash content after seeing all the lives he's damaged. Imagine being such an amoral piece of shit. The Wendy Williams of vtubers or something, complete subhuman.

>> No.355504

More like the keemstar of vtubers, he is the kind of people that makes me happy that Japan was nuked twice

>> No.355521

Based Naruchad.

>> No.355534

Why hasn't he been doxxed yet?

>> No.355555

He's a literal who living in his mom's basement thinking he's some edgelord by harassing strangers for attention. The amount of people that fit that description on the internet is way too many to doxx.
I am surprised no one that knows him irl has outted him yet but he probably has no irl friends or co-workers to recognize his voice.

>> No.355571

Quints of truth

>> No.355580

What the hell does ugoku-chan have anything to do with nrkm?

>> No.355621


>> No.355651

holy based, reddit tenshifags BTFO

>> No.355759

im surprised hes not dead yet can somebody make it happen?

>> No.355902

It's fags like him who are fast tracking us to enforced real-ID on the internet.

>> No.355944


>> No.355976

>all these seething idolfags
You realize that your tears sustain him, right?

>> No.356000

Why would I be crying? He's a literally who and my oshi is wealthy. Peasants love to engage in discourse and drama-whoring because it helps them cope with the fact that they'll never be relevant. What do actual multi-millionaires have to fear from the likes of the japanese equivalent of kiwifarms?

>> No.356011

Sio's mahjong mafia is on to it

>> No.356022

>He thinks only Holofags hate him

>> No.356145

Losing their job like Meiro or Chris.

>> No.356184
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>exposes chink-backed hololive leecher with FACTS and TRUTH
>somehow all the holofags hate him
Did he really deserve it bros? He might have gotten involved in some dirty scoops in the past, but Narukami is a based boy for killing that parasite.

>> No.356262

what dirty scoops?

>> No.356309

Well for one he hit the nail on the head with Mel stalker drama, but royally fucked up with Kaoru.

>> No.356331

He got owned by a fucking peanut l m a o

>> No.356384

Him blowing /hlg/ the fuck out when they tried to turn Towa going onto a fan discord into a huge deal was hilarious, I'll give him that much.

>> No.356715

>all the holofags hate him
No, I'm glad he destroyed the leech

>> No.356862

who is this leech?

>> No.356892
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based bro

>> No.356967

Irresponsibly based. I don't even like the guys for spreading misinformation around, but it's hilarious to see retards eating his shit up or getting buttmad at him like this.

>> No.357015

Amatsuka Uto

>> No.357429
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>> No.357461

QRD on this? I heard she was on break for a month after catching heat for leeching Hololive tags and exploiting the algo.

>> No.357554

This >>312431

>> No.357837

He's incredibly based I can't wait for him to expose kiara and end her

>> No.357851


I just cum from that thought alone

>> No.358005

He's just some random terminally online dude that hasn't done anything else of note, like almost everyone else here. He's got the true anonymity of a 20 something male nerd with no social life, which most chubas lack.
He can't be hit because he's just anon spittin rrats in the thread but on a larger scale

>> No.358147

most based vtuber

>> No.358286
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>> No.359112
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Naruchad is a based anti-unicorn god

>> No.359285

For me it's Buddha

>> No.360279

Buddha sent him a DMCA

>> No.360430

Based individual
Also nah your oshi is not wealthy you faggot, Cover kinda is but even then they have to pay employees etc

>> No.360755

he kinda spits straight facts though

>> No.362589

I kinda wished he was more popular. Imagine the seethe

>> No.362666

the only make chuuba I watch

>> No.362708


>> No.362728
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>people unironically stanning for a drama parasite who monetizes rumour-mongering and fire-lighting
Christ and I thought this board could not get worse.

>> No.362918
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seethe and dilate

>> No.362955
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I wonder who will he target next

>> No.362975

And saving terrible art to boot.
Presumably the bank accounts of dramafagging discord whores.

>> No.362985


>> No.363008

It's the DSP effect. as the people who become obsessed with cancelling him become more unhinged, the funnier it is to laugh at everyone involved.

>> No.363075

honestly reading all the desperate EOP utoshit comments under his videos was the best laugh I had in years

>> No.363174
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Nah it's the CWC/Brony/Annoying Orange effect of pathetic Encyclopedia Dramatica addicts becoming kiwifarms-tier lolcows of their own by taking up something mocked as an object of adoration first ironically and then unironically because they're into humiliation play and/or into anything that can't see widespread appeal even though it's subconsciously clear to them why no one could ever like it with sincerity.
People on here don't know enough even a fraction of the japanese necessary to have a genuine opinion on the people who hate his guts.

>> No.370474

Kiara's "drama" is smalltime. He's waiting for bigger fish to fry.

>> No.370513

Imagine him targeting Gura

>> No.370620

Gura is way too nice of a person to get targeted by him. Even her doxxes show her as a clean, harmless individual. He might cover a controversy that involves her if it happens though. Like if one of those doxxers finds her address and harasses her.

>> No.370739

>rushia isn't wealthy

>> No.371490

He would actually defend instead her if that were to happen

>> No.371569

Doesn't he exclusively target scummy practices in his more investigative reports? When he's not covering ongoing drama, I mean.

>> No.371601

Pretty much. He defended Aloe too.

>> No.371643

I find him good for learning Japanese because he puts Japanese subs on his "news" videos.

>> No.373477
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>he defended Aloe
How can one man be so based?

>> No.373739

She probably rakes in about ¥40,000,000 before tax annually (including YT and cover cuts) which is more than enough to live very comfortably, but I wouldn't call that wealthy
She may be the most superchatted vtuber worldwide, but that doesn't suddenly propel her to the 1%

>> No.373768

go back

>> No.373854

Narukami would have defended Gura if the J drama in December had gotten out of hand. He hates unicorns, and I mean a lot.

>> No.373896

wait so now I'm confused, why do people hate this guy? he sounds kinda based

>> No.373974

Delusional utofags still denying that their oshi is a chink-backed hololive leecher.

>> No.374127

Taking rumors and presenting them as facts.
Also he dares to criticize companies so their fanbases hate him by default.

>> No.374263

>if I'm not literally swimming in money, than I'm not wealthy
What the fuck is that kind of thinking?

>> No.374346

His sources are image boards like futaba, 5ch and stuff so it's really easy for him to spread misinformation around, also he backpedals pretty hard when it comes to some stuff that might involve him like the whole Sio shitposting on 5ch stuff. I do think the guy is irresponsibly based though.

>> No.374561

Why people hate him:
- mostly source from 5ch which means most of the time his info is inaaccurate, although he did hit with it with Gamebu, and sometimes he gets insider information
Why people like him
- necessary evil, exposed some vtuber corporate's scummy practices that either completely shuts them down or make them change their way of conducting management
- occasionally defended vtubers that is the victim of the drama

>> No.374790

It really depends on what metric you're using for wealth, and the really dubious claim to make that live streamers are good with money at all.

I don't know where >>373739 got ¥40,000,000 from, but assuming that's true, she's definitely in top 1% of earners in Japan. Top 1% of income in 2014 in Japan was ¥27,908,000, so she's slightly above. The real problem is how long she's realistically going to be making this much. By net worth, 1% in Japan in 2014 means having a net worth of ¥143,540,000. If you factor in income tax and ignore the fact that income levels and wealth have obviously risen since 2014, she would need to consistently be the top for around 4-5 years to be 1% in wealth, just in Japan. Compared to the U.S, she would just barely be 1% in income, and nowhere near 1% in wealth.

It does make me sort of dubious about the ¥40,000,000 yen claim, but I guess it does put into perspective how much small super chat is compared to investors.

>> No.375420

Based on https://playboard.co/en/youtube-ranking/most-superchatted-all-channels-in-worldwide-total Rushia received $1.6 MM in superchats since January 10th, 2020 (the furthest back playboard goes), which is around $1.4 MM per year
I don't have membership for Rushia, so I can't get a good count there, but Miko has at least 2.2k and Coco at least 4.3k (based on amount of likes on a members only post. These are minimums since not every member will interact with member's only posts). A farilyconservative estimate of Rushia's membership count would be 4k which would be $200,000 per year
The last segment of income would be goods and sponserships, but I really don't have a good way of estimating that.
The general "consensus" is that cover takes half of the vtubers income after the Youtube cut (30%), so that's ~$1.6MM * 0.7 (YT cut) * 0.5 (Cover cut) = $560,000 per year.
Of course, Japan taxes sole proprietors like vtubers pretty heavily, so the amount she actually pockets post tax might be just half of that

>> No.377340
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Most based vtuber of 2021

>> No.377365

Tbf this guy has some shills even in Reddit

>> No.380816

Idk why i like him so much is it because im secretly an asshole who thrives in chaos or is he just entertaining

>> No.383537

He isn't really that bad of a guy and when his facts turn out to be false he genuinely feels bad and apologises

>> No.385968

Look at the seething eops in this thread and in the translated Uto video. They tried spreading that suicide narrative to discredit him kek. He goes after everyone so he's hated by Holofags, Nijifags, and indiefags for airing shit they don't want out in the open. If Nijisanji wasn't able to sue his ass into oblivion then no one can touch him.

>> No.386177

They can't even source that narrative, so them condemning NRKM as a liar while spreading lies themselves is really funny

>> No.386245

And Buddha finally killed his channel

>> No.386247

My issue with him is that he's willing to run a story on barely any info, except the Sio thing. If you're going to drama hunt fucking commit

>> No.386294

Won't he just immediately get rebanned for evasion?

>> No.386316

No idea

>> No.386323
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Reminder that Narukami is based on the fact that he is followed by quzilaxx alone.

>> No.386339

not the first or last time

>> No.387020
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Someone found out Narukami false copystrike about his criticism.

>> No.387081

He talks so big but backs off like a bitch so fast like in the Meiro issue lmao. Drama tubers are cancerous tumors on any community.

>> No.387092

So the channel will be back at some point

>> No.387102

I said something wrong.
>Narukami Main channel has been 2 Striked

>> No.387212

He didn't do shit during Mel drama. Mel herself gave him info.

>> No.387372

Buddha (or someone pretending to be Buddha) was the one who DMCA'd Narukami

>> No.389149

>Mel reached out to NRKM because no one else is both popular and trusted enough to expose the incident
Now you get it.

>> No.390899

Actually Narukami didn't really backpedal like usual, In-fact his stand on that drama now is "Ok i might be wrong, BUT WHO CARE!! Screw your opinion V-Butta(basically Vtuber fans)"
Along with this and his refusal/lack of interest on covering the continuation of the drama is the reason why Buddha have a started to DCMA Narukami.

>> No.395982

I'm uploading the archive. Gonna share it soon.

>> No.396226

Put it on youtube

>> No.397617

Here you go, guys:

>> No.397980

>rumour-mongering and fire-lighting

Then you're only problem is the monetizing part then, because everything you complain about is exactly what 4chan, reddit, and youtube comments do.

Fuck off hypocrite

>> No.398176

So, like everyone in 4chan?

>> No.398215

Why is this guy such a big deal when the wolf fag in the EN community is doing the same thing?

>> No.398569

Not him but what kind of retarded argument is this, you think everyone on 4chan partakes in that bullshit? I despise anons who do it just like I despise that faggot Narukami.

>> No.399110

seethe and dilate

>> No.399134

imagine not being followed by most famous lolicon artist in Japan

>> No.399644

keep sucking nrkm's cock

>> No.399690
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It's not the same thing you colossal retard. Woohooshit is a highlights channel where he spends the first half of his videos talking about hololive clips only to show those said exact clips in the same fucking video. That's the extent of his content. Also he streams I guess but barely anyone watches him so he even fails at leeching.
Narukami on the other hand is basically an underground news channel where he talks about the ongoing drama and shady business in the general vtuber scene. Plus, his videos actually force a change, just like the time when he exposed the Mel stalker incident which Cover intended to keep under wraps (they had to issue an apology statement afterwards) or exposing Ut* leech who disappeared from the face of the earth after the bomb got dropped on her, probably her chink backers pulled the plug after their project failed.

>> No.399910

>Narukami fag spreading 5ch rrats
Color me surprised

>> No.400455
File: 508 KB, 720x720, 1610394015673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sad you feel that way anon, maybe my used $15 amazon gift card might cheer you up!

>> No.400520

wow so funny and original

>> No.400596

Which is more than your leech oshi will ever be.

>> No.400685

don't care what scum like you thinks

>> No.401029

If vtubers behaved well and were honest, then Narukami would simple cease to exist. If anything, he only exposes the worms under the carpet for views, which is fine because if left unattended then corruption will only increase, to the point of turning vtubers into a new JAV branch.

>> No.401351


>> No.403563

>Saying amazon gift card
>Displaying iTune gift card
This is embarrassing

>> No.404682

I don't think he was in the right in the Uto situation, but I also think what he does is generally a good thing, and a necessary evil in the modern vtuber environment. Sad that Uto got in his sights, but it can't be helped. If she's smart, she'll try to just start over in a way to avoid more incidents, and I hope she does.

Also he's unbelievably based.

>> No.406176

>If she’s smart
Uto is a repeat offender that’s why it’s entertaining to watch this drama

>> No.406443

Notice that NRKMfags love to use the words cope, seethe, and dilate. Which board's posters typically use these terms?

>> No.406991

Tenshi’s posters are the worst.

>> No.408524

Utokeks used the same shit when back when people accused Uto as leeching. Karma hurts I know.

>> No.409497

I don't watch Uto and I'm certain a majority of this board doesn't either. Nobody cares except you. She lives in your head and she's not even streaming. Take your meds.

>> No.409631
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>Doesnt watch NRKM
>Commented here
Rent free and take your meds

>> No.412538
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I hope my based boi still doing well

>> No.414118

dangerously based.

>> No.414127

Utofags it's been a month, she's gone.

>> No.416452
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Don't forget to subscribe to his second channel

>> No.416529
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already did

>> No.416980

Based god Narukami. Uto was a skeevy chink slut and got hit with the investigative journalism.

>> No.420932

