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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1665497595865414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39771263 No.39771263 [Reply] [Original]


hello while stupid burgerchamas are asleep we write about them and write about our favourite chubas okay

>> No.39771296

i added close gura face to oppost to get more attention to thread

>> No.39771355

brother next time you can used the subject field since it highlighted the letters and you can see better in the catalog

>> No.39771408

oh yes okay I will do it next time i will create esl thread thank you

>> No.39771446
File: 92 KB, 432x410, 1632332714849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good evening
i post the selen. image and receive many (you)
it was good today

>> No.39771531

good day selen poster
I don't really understand why selen works so well in this board but it's a thing so it's okay
i love selen and love her laugh and love to shitpost with her stupid face glued to my posts

>> No.39771660

Selen I think is the most successful and still hated Niji liver because of apex and being use early on as shitpost material. People early use her face for inflammatory post and just got associated afterwards.

>> No.39771746
File: 98 KB, 552x514, 1644439815618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good general anon we can plan our incredible bait here

>> No.39771770

I can create funny image with sad kiara and ina's inactivity and gura's inactivity screenshots

>> No.39771794

Finaly a thread where I dont need to spell check so that everyone not call me esl

>> No.39771824

it's the main point we can write as dogshits and nobody here to blame us it's good

>> No.39771945

good evening friends today i write how are you today and ihope you have great day thank you for listening

>> No.39772044

yes hello friend a evening to you also

>> No.39772148

hello everyone how are you?
you watching what stream?

>> No.39772180

It was successfully

>> No.39772200 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 738x441, (new)1665738259043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femanons add me to talk about: SFM animations. vidya weeb things final fantasy the 4 heroes of light females from the DoA games the rwby anime vtubers ( and laugh at deadbeats.) creative hobbies pokemon /m/ shows lolis kemono girls and yuugi patchouli yuuka yukari and mei ling from touhou megaman monster hunter FU and other things.


>> No.39772236

nice try SEAnig, my sleep schedule is shit

>> No.39772238

No strwam today
Is time to make bait to make /vt/ seethe
Which image should I use SEA brothers? I think I use Gura

>> No.39772361

i'm glad

>> No.39772376

unironically best thread in catalog now but how vtuber related

>> No.39772395

Gura is not streaming so it's better to use one who's streaming but gura is a classic so do as you want

>> No.39772451

why this purple dragon selen has so big boobs

>> No.39772464

>youre oshi
>youre mother tongue

>> No.39772687
File: 25 KB, 144x129, 1647469896108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is shameful. Why are will you are a used gura of yours shitposting? it don't that well see of woman of. Gura is I oshi. Myself no needed you are a making woman of see badly

>> No.39772740

you are fake chumbud burgerchama your gura pic is so small so I can't even see her teeth you stupid liar

>> No.39772798


>> No.39772828


>> No.39772834
File: 416 KB, 771x874, 1672157453234392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle say not have love with family goat but I could not hold back.
I think of Gura while I make love.
The way goat scream remind me if gura.
I miss gura.

>> No.39772918

Fuck those who mock us as ESLs, the international business language is not English, but Broken English. It's a common anecdote among international non Anglo businessmen.
If you think too much about your grammar, you will never have your fun or get a good deal.

>> No.39772994

Nice try burgerchama, sea bros know to treat their goat better than their wives since they are more precious.

>> No.39773019

very much this

I works at a multinational company and no one really look at my coding notes and say "your comment in this line have wrong grammar" bros I really hope this become a real general because I want place to discuss vtuber without being called "eslchama" or "seanigger"

>> No.39773051


>> No.39773064

yeye burgerchamas will never understand how it is easy to realize that this is post was written by fat burger hands and not by little indonesian kid hands

>> No.39773099

>because I want place to discuss vtuber
your selenposts is not a vtuber discuss tho

>> No.39773103


>> No.39773133
File: 1.21 MB, 1284x1663, 1672181794116137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife never let me milk her like family goat

>> No.39773149

I do not selenpost and never made bait or number post and/or thread. I just want to discussed streams somewhere that is not reddit or facebook or discord.

>> No.39773202
File: 586 KB, 810x590, girldm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will mother language english chuubas will love me with my bad bad english??

>> No.39773209

Do I have to pretend I'm not fluent to participate?

>> No.39773236
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 1657672328383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello freinds, I was very suprise just now for I was looking at the latest Chris-chan video by Genosamuel and he mentioned FallenShadow and it made me do a look again.

>> No.39773243

I feel like this is just a safe space for ESL's like me to be able to talk without being called out for being ESL. That being said, are you guys primarily hololive or nijisanji watchers? Pretty much everyone in my social network who watches vtubers fall into those two.

>> No.39773260

no it's easy to detect burgerchama just write as you always do
it's embarrassing to see you guys trying act as we are

>> No.39773267

I fucking love this thread. I got a laugh reading what everyone is saying. Please make more ESL threads in the future

>> No.39773269

Is not mandatory
But you might be suspected as burgerchama, which is the equivalent of being called Seanigger and ESL outside here.

>> No.39773285

i like koobs

>> No.39773286

I'm not ESL but I respect you bros, keep posting even if you get shit on

>> No.39773293

look at this nigga with his perfect english in the esl thread

>> No.39773308


>> No.39773361

I'm pretty sure there are some grammatical or syntax errors in my post. I only play by "what feels right" when I use English.

>> No.39773369

are there any chinks here???

>> No.39773398
File: 59 KB, 720x709, Screenshot_Mobile_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to watch Niji and holo. Stopped watching Niji after their EN debuted.
Now I just stick with watching hololive channel. Not hololive but hololive channel.

>> No.39773455

same. in high school this made me get barely passable scores on english grammars exams

>> No.39773465
File: 475 KB, 495x725, 1662412566505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside hologra, promotions and some songs this is pretty much just A-chan's channel no?

>> No.39773482

I've been recomended to watch esl chuubas especially tenma
well she's swears a lot and I actually can't tell her origin mother language so it will be cool if you text me where she is from

>> No.39773492

I was gonna make another post responding to this >>39773455 but forgot to remove the image

pic rel helped me out a lot too.

>> No.39773537

Tenma is born and raised in Canada.

>> No.39773605
File: 2.66 MB, 554x640, achan-a_chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, but they got a lot of holomember appearing in this channel. I personally like the maruyama game shop series, I hope they make another one next year.

>> No.39773658

what do you like about the owl indobro

>> No.39773673

thanks for the rec!

>> No.39773674

good morning holosirs please do not redeem the niji streams

>> No.39773711

ah yes the third world of course...

>> No.39773718

I like Mumei streams in general but I particularly enjoy when she does her random rant zatsus. It reminds me of high school when I still had friends who would just talk about anything that's been bothering them while walking somewhere. It's a specific experience that I haven't really been able to find in the other EN girls.

>> No.39773724

No i will not give you my mother tongue. She need it

>> No.39773766

As far as burgers goes, everywhere but their own country is a third world country.

>> No.39773874

gaijin girls are so pretty bros, i don't know why so many westerners are homo

>> No.39773877

what does redeem means in this sentance?

>> No.39773896

>while stupid burgerchamas are asleep
Us bongs are waking up now to bully you for butchering the language of our ancestors though

>> No.39773912

>language of our ancestors
English is the mutt of languages.

>> No.39773919

you killed them you fucking dingos burgerchamas

>> No.39773922


>> No.39774184

ESL's are cute.

>> No.39774192

Selen needs to look more arrogantly.

>> No.39774250

>Do the needful
Ok sir time to scam another burgerchama's grandma have a nice day
