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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39743342 No.39743342 [Reply] [Original]

Do you regret getting into vtubers?

>> No.39743387

no but i regret coming to this site

>> No.39743447


>> No.39743477

I regret that they made ID branches.

>> No.39743482

But it didn't hit me until Myth friendship died in 2021. Also this board made me hate it.
Now i just hang here sometimes and shitpost for fun

>> No.39743620


>> No.39743638
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>> No.39743671


>> No.39743696

no, vtubers are great. Retards trying to use them to compensate for not having a girlfriend ruined the fandom

>> No.39743786

No, but I regret other people getting into vtubers.

>> No.39743790

but on the flip side it forced me to hold down a job to support my oshi and that snowballed into improving every other aspect in my life except social

>> No.39743814

That's was always the point of it anon. It's a virtual anime waifu, not a flesh streamer.

>> No.39743868

kind of admirable desu

>> No.39743936

2020ers dont get a say on what vtubing is/was/supposed to be

>> No.39744003

No. Regret getting so much merch though. But that's msotly because of my alcoholism.

>> No.39744031

>Do you regret getting into vtubers?
Agree with: >>39743387.
>no but i regret coming to this site

>> No.39744063

I do, I should have coped with pandemic and lack of good anime by going through my backlogs amd VNs instead

>> No.39744065

it becomes easier to drop to once you realize that while this LOOKS like the most active vtuber discussion area it's really just 80-90% filled with insane people making shit up from stuff they don't even get from streams

>> No.39744224


>> No.39744306

First post worst post

>> No.39744385

yes. i've wasted the past 3 years of my life and i feel like i can't stop now because of FOMO.

>> No.39744412

it's over for us bros...

>> No.39744422

Ex deadbet here i have way more fun before this site

>> No.39744427

I don’t watch streams anymore but I love vtuber drama so I still come here a lot

>> No.39744787

Enjoying GFE within a stream for momentary escapism and/or relaxation is pretty reasonable. It gets fucking deranged though when you're treating vtuber as a waifu and shit all over everything everytime something goes off-script from your delusional fantasy.

>> No.39745011

My life got a lot better honestly plus I learned some shitty Japanese so yeah it was a good choice.

>> No.39745839


>> No.39746425

I regret wasting my time with HoloEN.

>> No.39746518

I regret getting into EN vtubers, reps straight down the toilet

>> No.39747869

It's a very interesting industry, I definitely don't regret getting into it. This >>39743387 fits my view better.

>> No.39748016

Honestly, I'm conflicted. I genuinely enjoy watching like 1 chuuba at a time and just watch clips of a couple others that are sometimes funny. That 1 chuuba I get parasocially attached to and they bring a lot of smiles, laughs, and genuine good feelings all around while I'm still following them. I'm not deluding myself that I'm going to end up dating them or something, but it's comforting to know that out there is a woman I can actually relate to and maybe there are more of them. Someone who I would be able to connect to and genuinely enjoy spending time with and vice versa. I come back to their streams for the entertainment and laughs, but once the stream is over I can roll around in my own head with fantasies of meeting someone similar and how nice that would be. It's good motivation for actively improving myself (learning nip, working out, etc.) and forcing myself out of the house into social hobbies. But inevitably they always end up being fake as fuck. Every fucking time. They're always lying about something. Their true colors always show and they aren't the person they make themselves out to be for their audience. It's all just a grift. It's not even always something negative, and most of the time I'm happy for them that they have something good going for them and aren't in quite such a miserable place as I assumed. But it's still a gut blow that I spent all that time deluded into thinking that a person I could relate to actually exists and it really accentuates that feeling of loneliness. It doesn't help that it feels like a reflection of some past relationships as well. Watching their streams is now just a somber reminder of how I'm retarded and got worked up over a png and I can't be bothered anymore. I just end up really fucking depressed until I find a new oshi and the cycle continues. It's probably a net negative for my mental health, honestly. But the highs are really high and I've made some real progress in getting my shit back together while my oshi is motivating me. But damn, the lows are low. Going through a low patch after yesterday, honestly. It's like the old question, "is it better to have loved and lost or to never have loved at all?". And I don't know that I've found my answer yet.

>> No.39748054

Yes. The paradox is that initially they made me believe there were actually good and even excellent women out there who are actual people. This was incredibly uplifting. But then the cracks started to show and those cracks opened up to reveal the same kind of abyss I was familiar with. If there was ever a portion of shy, timid, ugly or simply uncertain women who used vtubing to interact with the world and win based on their personality alone they are either long gone or utterly buried under mountains of e-thots, grifters and similar trash. In the end my hatred of women became even worse than it initially was. To me, this was the first time in my life where I started seeing women as having actual personalities and being good people. All of that got demolished.

But wait. It gets worse. I started to associate the anime aesthetic with vtubers for obvious reasons, and this has destroyed my enjoyment of anime and more importantly fictional women. I can no longer enjoy waifus. I can no longer even IMAGINE and DREAM about fictional women being anything other than utter shit like real ones. They made me so utterly cynical (realistic) that I can't even enjoy fictional women. I can't enjoy anime anymore because of vtubers, and I can't enjoy anything "woman" anymore even in purely sexual terms. I am revolted by females. I can't even construct an ideal woman in fantasy because it has become impossible. I am now both an actual true misogynist and a general misanthrope.

>> No.39748259

First I fell for a big corporate oshi, went full fucking gachikoi but had to drop her when she got openly antagonistic towards her fans.
Second, I sought refuge in smaller corpos and indies. Found a cool chuuba who sang great and played a lot of my favourite games. I eventually had to drop her because of a hard pivot away from her old content for a more mainstream coomer audience.
Now I watch a lot of indies. I think i'm falling in love again, but after everything i've experienced i'm waiting for something to go wrong. I hope i'm just being paranoid.

>> No.39748415

I post
And 30 seconds later someone posts a significantly more some version of my feelings, lmao
I'm really trying to not get to that point, man...

>> No.39748467

Doomer* version

>> No.39748649

To be fair though, that's nothing compared to how massive blackpill the vtuber fandom is about men for women.

>> No.39748955

Just don't watch the vtubers who either dabble in GFE or the ones who genuinely believe that they are the girlfriend of their fans

>> No.39749013

Why do homobeggars always LARP as if they've been watching vtubing since the old days?
It's getting painfully obvious at this stage, as if you're all reading off of a script.

>> No.39749144

So don't watch 90% of Holo JP and Gura/Fauna?

>> No.39749301

It'd be real nice if there were a site where you could discuss vtubers with ONLY westerners, and no east asians or SEA.

>> No.39749313

If he's whining about that, he shouldn't be watching them. The last thing you want are people like him trying to change the vtubers you enjoy to fit their ideals
I was watching Nazuna's Christmas Eve stream, and during the part where she rejected male collabs, I saw some EOPs crying about "muh parasocials". Imagine seeing that in the chat of THE Uruha Rushia.

>> No.39749861

I regret becoming as obsessed with it as I am. Particularly now, watching holoEN fizzling out and slowly dying has been pretty brutal. It all feels like it's all been for nothing(which of course it is). But unfortunately I have legitimately fallen in love with one of the talents. I am sick in the head but i can't stop or leave this place. It's all I have.

>> No.39750048

I always thought women got utterly bluepilled from looking at the vtuber fandom

>> No.39750207

Both of you retards are clearly useless at picking good oshis.

>> No.39750429
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>> No.39750617

nah they're just other ways of seeing what people think about games I like
it's nice to have a form of expression to go along with the voice for key moments

>> No.39750676

No. I regret that all of you did

>> No.39750729
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No it's how I met my wife

>> No.39751006


>> No.39751161

fippy bippy

You're here forever.

>> No.39751778

I actually wish I was here sooner. I would've found out about something very useful sooner.

>> No.39751843
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I regret that english vtubers became popular.

>> No.39751895

Don't tease us like this, anon

>> No.39752340

Well, a lot of you are smarter than me and likely already have both a healthy supply of cash stored outside of the bank, as well as assets (such as gold, silver, etc.) as stores of wealth in case of inflation, your country's dollar weakening severely or other scenarios that could affect financial matters. It's something I didn't really think about until this year when I saw people repeatedly post about it.

>> No.39752423


>> No.39752434

Do I regret getting invested in professional liars selling fake friendship with benefits to lonely losers with so little going on in their lives that "helping" grifting whores with money and attention they don't need and don't deserve sounds appealing? You be the judge.

>t. retards who don't understand this shit only works because cute anime girls appeal to dudes

No one watches them for their amazing gaming skills or their transcendental humor. They're junk entertainment hard-carried by design and if they're corpos, by brand name. You're the delusional ones if you really think any of these grifting cunts have any more dignity or respect for their audience than your average twitch camwhore.

>> No.39753870

Remembering that this board is filled with actual woman hating misogynists actually does explain a lot of the bait threads and bait posts that pop up

>> No.39754017

>muh soggy knee
Just fuck off back to wherever hugbox you came from, they're shitty people with tits as opposed to shitty people with dicks; those are their managers who pimp them out by any other name.

>> No.39754272

I've probably been on this shithole of a website longer than you. I've already burned through my edgy teenager phase years ago and realised that taking the most cynical impression of everything and everyone isn't "mature", it's just childish.
My own oshi is in a similar position where she feels burned out by all of the negativity in the world. That's part of the reason why she tries so hard to make us happy and we work, in turn, to try to make her happy.

>> No.39754459

>No one watches them for their amazing gaming skills or their transcendental humor.
Then how come I was lured in by clips of their jokes and silly antics?

>> No.39754920

What it's filled with is 300 unique IP's posting across multiple threads. There's fuck all actual discussion here, just shitposters shitposting other shitposters.

>> No.39754939

>My own oshi is in a similar position where she feels burned out by all of the negativity in the world. That's part of the reason why she tries so hard to make us happy and we work, in turn, to try to make her happy.
Oh my fucking God. This is the most naive and pathetic simping I've ever witnessed. You're just a meal ticket that's being fed positive reinforcement, imbecile. Do your brain reps, she's your predator and you're her prey. If you've been here longer than I have, then you must be turning what, 40? Get a grip idiot.

>> No.39755029

You type like a child. Or perhaps a manchild. And your choice of wording is so obviously foreign to a 4chan poster.
Stop being so hot and bothered about what other people do with their free time and go do something more productive with yourself

>> No.39755089

It's called having shit taste.

>> No.39755099
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Hell yeah, brother man.

>> No.39755157

sorry but people watched vtubers before 2019 and it was mostly about tech and making content without showing a face instead of the prostitution ring it is right now

>> No.39755259

>foreign to a 4chan poster
Pffffffhhahahahahahahaa no. You on the other hand type just like a fucking regular consensus troll. I hope you get paid to defend these useless whores online, because if you really believe that shit you typed about the big mean internet world and the big mean internet bullies and how they make the world big and mean.. my God, you're a sheltered pile of shit being taken in for a ride. And I'm being productive, I'm calling out a deplorable industry and getting you dumb simping faggots to see your "oshi" for what she is. A grifting cunt with no real skills.

>> No.39755368

>tech and content
The endgame was always what it is now, giving fake girlfriends for lonely losers out of the genepool to get their cobweb-covered money back into circulation.

>> No.39755425
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Yet it manages to get some IRL impact in the outside.

Because let's be real, one thing are the active IPs posting in these threads and the other are the unknown figure of lurkers that don't interact in here at all, yet they extract whatever happens in here and brings it up to a more volatile environment, such is the case of the retards breaking containment through twitter, facebook (ugh) and YT comments from either streams or clipniggers, chuubas indirectly using or acknowledging /vt/ originated slangs or references (Mating Press, A FUCKING MONKEY, Magging), etc.

>> No.39755656

Imagine being told by your JP oshi that she's being harassed by "people from overseas" while you are distinctly aware of the fact that there are 5+ bait threads up about her simultaneously and your own general is being filled with anti posts about her, while Twitter pages that pretend to be informed about vtubers openly repeat anything they read on here.
It's not pleasant, to say the least.

>> No.39755691

>Yet it manages to get some IRL impact in the outside.
Fuck off 4channel and stay gone, you stupid animal. Nobody on this website wants any of your astroturfing kind here, leave this place already.

>> No.39755734

Ow, the edge

>> No.39755793

keep fooling yourself that your numbers farming whores are the majority of the vtubing sphere

>> No.39755797

Been watching mouse since 2017 and she’s made it enjoyable. Only regret is interacting with vtuber fandoms

>> No.39756144
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You're the one siding with the fucking Jew and his social media filled to the brim with pajeets, third rate scammers and pagpag eating shitstains, not me.

>> No.39756298

What part of "the end game was making virtual waifus" do you not understand? This shit is what all that technological advancement was for. This is the end product. This is what keeps feeding the machine.
And yet you're the one pushing their rhetoric in a place that was once something where you could get away from it. Fuck off larper, go back to your Discord and go agree with the other losers in your hugbox.

>> No.39756459
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Blah blah blah, I'm not going anywhere retard, and neither will you.

>> No.39756496

>This is the end product
this dumb assumption is based off what? You having no experience with actual japanese youtubers making content? Step outside your unicorn bubble bro

>> No.39756591

>muh japanese youtubers
They're even bigger whores than the westerners. Even fucking Hololive makes them do bikini shit, to say nothing of Chloe's 3D debut. This kind of shit is what people buy and therefore it's the endgame of any real business model trying to make money and not fight some retarded made-up crusade about the purity of playing a cartoon girl that appeals to lonely dudes.

>> No.39756708

I regret Hololive EN and all the people they brought into vtubers.

>> No.39756727

>light fanservice = whore
My God, man.

>> No.39756737

99% sure that people from overseas has nothing to do with EOPs lmfao

>> No.39756801

Absolutely not. Kizuna AI in 2018 brought me lots of laughs and then in late 2019 and especially through 2020 HoloJP was my sole source of happiness and an amazing escape. I lost a lot of family members and my cat in the space of a few months, so being able to escape into that world that was so new and exciting, well, I shall cherish the memory despite how fucking weird the circumstances were. Things sure have changed though and the golden age started to end when the copyright arc began (and to be honest, when this board was made and especially when EN debuted). I don't dislike EN, but they're not really for me. Sort of the same with vtubing as a whole now, I've mostly moved on, but I will always love Sakura Miko and a few of the other JP members.

>> No.39756924
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I am not into vtubers at this point. I only come to this board because it had funny schizos, but it's not that entertaining anymore.

>> No.39757009

Leaving my ivory tower has been a learning experience.

>> No.39757438
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yeah you're completely ignorant at what's happening outside your unicorn anime bubble. Some of these jp content creators have bigger numbers than vtubers without doing any sexual shit and you're trying to tell people what sells? Fuck off moron

>> No.39757667

>unicorn anime
Can you recommend some? I want to try and tame a unicorn next time I go to one of the celtic countries, so I'd like to do a bit of research. Thanks.

>> No.39758601

I regret deluding myself into believing it was anything but another grift no different than fleshtubers. I still watch them casually, but cannot stand the sight of my ex-oshi.

>> No.39761741

Not at all

>> No.39762147

Getting into vtubers is a symptom of my problems, not the cause. If I was in a better place I might not have gotten into them.

>> No.39764492


>> No.39764852

I don't watch vtubers
i just post about them

>> No.39766966

No and there's no reason to. VTubers are enjoyable. Once you understand the good and bad in the industry, whatever happens wouldn't phase you. I dunno why people are shit-flinging and doomposting on this board but I find that to be enjoyable to. Please never stop being schizo.

>> No.39769099

I stopped following VTubers months ago, I didn't like the lewdness of their content creators and constant polemics. I was expecting more wholesome content. I only got on the board to laugh my ass off at people still consuming this kind of lazy, lazy, effortless content.

>> No.39769293

This was what happened to me too, to be honest. It opens the wound even more to see how someone you believed in takes shit out of his mouth and takes care of stagnating you even more in that abyss from which you tried to get out.

>> No.39769424

How do I get out of /vt/, sister? It was funny the first few week. Now it just miserable, I don't even have time to actually watch stream...

>> No.39769570

I hate that large part of the community that has lewd models and is dedicated to talking shit to attract the most disgusting audience possible quickly. VTubers ruined VTubers. Women being women in the 21st century, gentlemen.

>> No.39769773

This site wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so plagued by schizos and seanigs that fill the catalog with shit bait or outright anti posts.
The worst thing is that the anons here have gotten so used to responding to bait that genuinely good discussions get buried between people fighting over off-topic stuff, samefagging schizos, and other bullshit.
Still is better than the hugboxe that is leddit and the toxic wasteland of twatter.

>> No.39770018

No, it's been almost entirely a positive experience for me. First enjoying the novelty of it and just watching funny clips, then eventually finding my oshi who makes me very happy and just watching her gives me the motivation and energy to stay positive and better myself everyday (gym, studies, hobbies etc...)
Also watching my oshi and her chat for years (while grinding anki) taught me a ton of Japanese, to the point of me being able to land a spot in a university program in Japan and I fulfilled my lifelong dream of moving here.

>> No.39771292


>> No.39771716


>> No.39772315

But as someone who has been here since 04, you can't escape.

>> No.39773448

I can't say "YES" hard enough.

>> No.39773534

I know many people are saying yes because Bocchi the Rock was the best manifestation of CGDCT since Yuru Camp and HoloEN has been stagnant but not me. I only watch Japanese VTubers and my reason for getting into them was because anime licensors kept poaching my favorite anime left and right and I had no other choice as to what the best Japanese niche I could fit myself into if this was a new normal. Remember, you can't localize human beings. And that's enough for me.

>> No.39773572

I regret getting back into vtubers after I stopped.

>> No.39773901

My amount of free time has gone down quite a bit as I feared, even after I started putting streams on a second monitor, but I have no regrets once I realized how much watching cute girls playing video games and talking makes me happy. It's funny how I tried getting into this hobby twice before (when Myth debuted and some time after /vt/ was created) but I still couldn't get the point of vtubers back then, and then earlier this year I tried it again and they just clicked in my mind.
I guess fun things are fun after all.
This board might be one of the least sane places in all of 4chan and full of gossiping /vt/sisters, but I'd still rather talk about things I enjoy in here than in any other corner of the internet. At least the generals for specific chuubas and small corps aren't as bad as the catalog, most of the time.

>> No.39774214


>> No.39774351

I regret telling people about Vtubers. I didn't know I was letting normalfags in until it was already too late...

>> No.39774367

Kind of? It's given me a lot of stuff to look forward to every day and I enjoy seeing the growth of these individuals or just to see what crazy shit they do. I don't know why but I've never really been interested in live action stuff outside of movies so having a streamer presented as anime just made getting into it made it really easy. On the other hand, I've fallen into the same pitfall I did with anime and manga ironically. There's just too much stuff to watch. I hardly even do anything else online anymore other than watching streams and the occasional informative video/article. And not every vtuber has a dedicated archiver in case a stream gets privated/taken down so there's always a sense of FOMO. Even so, it's never felt like a chore and despite me not knowing any meaningful amount of Japanese, i have a JP oshi that always makes me smile. The one thing I do regret is getting attached to them and realizing too late. I've seen a lot of graduations but only 2 have actually felt like my heart sank to my stomach. A truly sad(and in hindsight kinda pathetic) experience in an otherwise fun niche that I'm gonna have to experience several times over and will probably crush me when my oshi announces hers

>> No.39774515

I do, it basically made me become an incel and hate to see a hobby I enjoyed being overrun with whores and girls with good hearts becoming whores just for numbers, I barely watch vtubers anymore aside from the JPs I can tolerate the language barrier for

>> No.39774579
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Yes because I thought VTubers were only Korone and once I found out about the others and feeling Mori’s trademark wigger brainhurt during their infamous KTANE collab It hurt my heart knowing she has to interact daily with all these horrible human beings
No it’s actually this, fuck this cesspit. Unironically the worst board on this site below /trash/

>> No.39774686

not really. getting into vtubers got me into playing with Live2D and that's a potential source of income for an artist.

>> No.39774917

>No one watches them for their amazing gaming skills or their transcendental humor.
Fuck you, I do.

>> No.39775036

They're useful for some things but aren't really a good all-around replacement for everything else. Time spent watching them likely would have gone into equally useless/fruitless things like games, anime, TV/netflix etc. I(n general, none of that shit actually does ANYTHING for you. if it makes you happy or excited or something that's all it's there for. So what difference does it make in the end.

>> No.39775178

Sometimes because I know my oshi will graduate, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.39775224

tempiss ruined it for me

>> No.39776217


>> No.39777863

I'm not a fake fan

>> No.39778736

i only regret not gatekeeping it harder

>> No.39778812

Eh, could be worse. I could be on drugs.

>> No.39779170

Honestly, I kinda do.

Lots of wasted time, plus Rushia termination left me feeling quite depressed for a while. She was my favorite, so after that the interest in VTubers kinda fell off.

Before anyone asks, yes I know about her trying to come back as Mikeneko, then joining VShojo.

I just don't like Vshojo like at all, and things are just not really the same anymore.

>> No.39779281

I regret going so deep I'm a former /asp/ie

>> No.39779311
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>> No.39779317

No, but I'm close to having the same feeling as these anons >>39748016 >>39748054
I'm mostly satisfied with the fact that I could find girls with my same tastes willing to rp as anime girls

>> No.39779405

No but I regret finding out about this website because of them.

>> No.39779471

FPBP. As someone who's been here since /jp/ days and remembers when western vtubers resided in /trash/, I can say with confidence that somehow things have gone worse. Unicorns and schizos have always been around but they've become less funny and more annoying. The only thing that's been consistent this whole time is unironically Watamelon.

>> No.39779976
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>not the same

>> No.39780112

>99% sure that people from overseas has nothing to do with EOPs lmfao
Without giving too much info away, my oshi stated that it was due to an English translation attached to rather biased information that resulted in her harassment.

>> No.39781732

Never did

>> No.39785336

There it is

>> No.39786869

>And I'm being productive, I'm calling out a deplorable industry and getting you dumb simping faggots to see your "oshi" for what she is. A grifting cunt with no real skills.
Keep up the good work
The world must be proud with a productive individual like you

>> No.39786979

No, this retarded parasocial contact with online girls was enough to inspire me to get a job, take a shower and get a clue.

>> No.39787381

No but I wish 99.99% of western twitch thots hadn't gotten into vtubing

>> No.39787851

>they've become less funny and more annoying
Maybe that's just you growing up. Like when you're a kid you think crazies and junkies are funny but it gets less funny when you're older. The problem is always that you can't convince the younger generation to not encourage them.

>> No.39788025

my burning jealousy of vtubers (male included) being able to make friends just like them by changing their environment made me get off my ass for once and I ended up meeting the closest friends I've had in a quite a long time

>> No.39788385 [DELETED] 

Pekora saved my life, so no.

>> No.39788475 [DELETED] 

On the contrary, this made me love japanese Vtubers even more.

>> No.39788746

Active doesn't mean "most unique IPs"
Reddit has more people posting but it sure as shit doesn't count as active when the get less posts in a single day than the average single global thread

>> No.39788813


>> No.39788822
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I only regret not telling more 2019 clipniggers and newfags to fuck off back when the invasion started

>> No.39788894

Pedant, because what value does a schizo having a mental breakdown in five threads have?

>> No.39788927

Entertainment for (Me)

>> No.39789146
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>> No.39789226

go back

>> No.39789243

I bet you go out of your way to tell kids Santa isn't real

>> No.39789459


>> No.39789517

It gets a lot less entertaining as the years move on and you don't develop dementia.

>> No.39789542

Majestic 12

>> No.39789569

Nope, I love Vtubers, I dislike EOP and (You) niggas getting into the hobby ruining it.

>> No.39791218

No, just giving the reddit ENs chances. Their genmates made me feel guilty.

>> No.39791337

no i regret getting into /vt/ i regret knowing /vt/ exist fuck you /vt/ you fucked my oshi my mom my dad my grandad my aunt my uncle me i hate you /vt/ instead of dilligently catching up to streams i am now instead browsing this site 24/7 fuck you this isn't life

>> No.39791468

all me

>> No.39792961

No. If I had to go back in time and re-enjoy my time watching Kizuna I'd do it. To me Vtubing peaked during this era. I don't regret watching that peak, it was extremely fun.

As for /vt/ it's utter garbage but I'm thankful that it exists since I get to see the true nature of the western audience. It only makes sense how the vtubing became absolutely corrupted with garbage people doing garbage EN content under the flag of "creative freedom".
Also note that it's a place that literally bans you if you even mention that there are single moms in there. You're literally not allowed to say anything about some """talents""".

>> No.39793684

No, it's still good entertainment to me. I mostly regret coming to /vt/ because it's just a bunch of apes on typewriters or people who never grew out of their high school drama phase. My oshi's general is nice though so I guess there's that diamond in the rough.

>> No.39795626

I used to watch like 7 but now I watch just 1 smaller r18 indie vtuber that fills the gaps for me. All in all I don't regret it. After I realized that pretty much all vtubers are mainly doing it for the money and fame, I could detatch and enjoy them more.

As long as you can enjoy them for what it is which is entertainment and nothing else, you'll be happy. Anything more and you're probably gonna get hurt.

If anything, just use their streams to coddle your feelings and recharge before you go back to work on yourself after a shit day or something. To all you GFE vtuber enjoyers out there: even if you had a chance to get with your oshi, as you are now, regardless of how much akasupas you throw at her, she will never choose you so support yourself instead.

>> No.39798822


>> No.39804137

Maybe. If such trash human beings weren't in every stream I watched... ah what am I kidding those people don't watch streams anyways.>>39743387 thank you, sir. This is what I regret. Getting into VTubers made me finally hate 4chan once and for all.

>> No.39808532
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I enjoy vtubers and enjoy watching them. I'm watching one right now as I make this post.

>> No.39809911

If I didn't find Hololive, I'd probably be dead

>> No.39810048

I'm very happy I got into Vtubers (late 2020) and I'm happy I got into this board (this year) because /here/ made me realize many things I was blind to before and made me discover so many cool chuubas.

>> No.39816829


>> No.39817108

Considering all my other hobbies are so degenerate, it's a nice change of pace.

>> No.39819188
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Nah. My oshi makes me want to be a happier, better, more successful person, and I’m really grateful for that push. There’s a lot of cool shit I didn’t know about before that I’ve gotten go try, too.
