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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39686520 No.39686520 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>early september 2020, lost job because of coof
>as a result, couldn't pay shitty apartment rent so i had to resort to living in my car
>no friends, family disowned me years ago
>basically had no one
>depressed as fuck, thinking of just ramming my shitty minivan into a truck on the interstate going 80
>one time i go on youtube dot com to entertain myself
>"inugami korone calls out eekum bokum in banjo kazooie" or something like that
>instantly hooked by her sheer cuteness
>find her channel
>i still remember she was streaming limbo on that day
>straight-up mesmerized by how adorable she was
>why kms when such a beautiful thing exists in this world
>actively follow her, buy membership even though i barely had any money
>gain confidence and strength to rebuild my life
>ffw to now, making fuck you money from wfh tech job, living in cozy home
>akasupa $500 atleast once a month expressing my gratitude in fluent japanese (also learned because of her)
I owe this woman my life. She deserves a statue as a symbol of gratitude for all she's done for us.

>> No.39686788

Nobody asked for your life story bro.

>> No.39686845

sounds like you were bored and found something to do

>> No.39686891

that’s nice

>> No.39686951


>> No.39687237
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I read it
korone cute

>> No.39687540

Holy cringe.
>I turned my life around because of some woman larping for money
What a simpleton, lmao.

>> No.39687683
File: 110 KB, 878x1024, 1652629433532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone out there cares about you. Never give up, anon!

>> No.39688500

Absolute fucking King. By the way, can you get me a job like yours?

>> No.39688567
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Hard work pays off dude
You can do it!

>> No.39693750


>> No.39693888
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Just don't throw it all away when she's gone

>> No.39694404
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Life goes on
I'll definitely be sad, but you can't stop time, nor can you rewind or fast foward.

>> No.39694546

I care
I asked

>> No.39694772

>fuck you money
Are you the Moguyacht guy?

>> No.39694857
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>Are you the Moguyacht guy?
No lol but I thought the phrasing was funny and now it's stuck in my head

>> No.39695118

That's nice dude, I'm happy for you

>> No.39697845
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There are many great vtubbers, mainly jp ones, but indeed Korone is something truly special. She is the absolute best. I love her like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.39699621

2020 truly was the time for reps and hope. Glad you got on board before it became a money grab and crab mentality.

>> No.39699728
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Wow, same, except I have no money and am dumb as fuck.

Still by far the best thing to come out of Vtubing.
