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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39665049 No.39665049 [Reply] [Original]

Vtubing is going down the drain thanks to Vwhores and coomers, thoughts?

>> No.39665080

I'd say return to anime but that's been shit for at least a decade now.
Guess we're all just fucked.

>> No.39665088

It’s because the pandemic is over, people are back to waging outside their homes.

>> No.39665095

Yeah, me.

>> No.39665097

JP side is fine

>> No.39665162

EN is gonna heavily toxify the waters for both given enough time to fester like this

>> No.39665235

the novelty is over
no one wants to see yet another anime girl plays minecraft and apex

>> No.39665363

The so-called vwhores and coomers have consistent fanbases though, even inclining the some of them. Idol-adjacent, seiso talents have no way of breaking out or keeping up with them. It's a fanbase problem, not those who provide the material. If you want higher quality vtubing, cull the undesirable fans.

>> No.39665551

Problem is though it wasn't like this, they came in from the outside, sat there and forced everyone to change to whores, "sex = money" will always have a higher chance of succeeding in any market but in the vtuber world it's beyond overblown.

>> No.39666367

>the novelty is over
I'd say it's far from over, that's why you have so many camwhores and other normalfags jumping on the vtuber trend. I hope at some point the novelty really is over and they go back to whatever they did before

>> No.39666526

As always west ruins everything.

>> No.39666555

Who cares, I only watch my oshi as always.
I never wanted vtubing to become popular anyway.

>> No.39666562

At this point I just want it all the crash and burn to the ground.

>> No.39666564

Anon, they're the ones who built this empire in first place. If anything, vtubing is dying because more and more normalfags who aren't honest about their lewd feelings for anime girls getting into the hobby and poisoning it from the inside.

>> No.39666617

Coomer detected

>> No.39666702

a whore that pretends to be "pure" is 100 times worse than a vtuber that is honest and respects her fans and also does coomer fan service because her fans like it. vtubing is going down the drain because normalfags like chuubas that play the pretend game.

>> No.39666748

right on time for the AI takeover

>> No.39666838

If the market is flooded with vwhores, doesn't that make cute seiso chuubas more treasured and valuable?

>> No.39666867

>how to say you watch vei without saying you watch vei

>> No.39666956

But it pushes away potential viewers forcing the seiso Vtubers permanently stuck at the bottom of the food chain

>> No.39666976

>seiso Vtubers
Seiso chuibas are at the top th

>> No.39667053
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Copium of the highest degree

>> No.39667103
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manga is what i fell back on, but frankly it is little better than anime at this late hour. i have retreated into the unhinged realm of amateur writing; fanfiction, serial novels, and smut.

>> No.39667110

Pekora, Gura, most Holos and some of the most popular JP nijis are pretty seiso like 90% of the time
I know gura says bad words here and there but she's definetly not vshojo-tier

>> No.39667212

Yeah now name me 5 non JP non Corpo seiso Vtubers that get anywhere close to their whore counterparts

>> No.39667302
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Last Manga I read was Hakaijuu and let me tell you that shit gets insane

>> No.39667487

It will stick around since it gives ugly whores a chance to become streamers. They couldn't become fleshtubers because they were so ugly that not even being a tiddy streamer helped them.

>> No.39667577

Op have you ever considered its you whos gone down the drain?

>> No.39667667

How's your manga shelf look like?

>> No.39669471

There are single, non whore gems, you just have to find them (me) anon.

>> No.39672448

Are you a virgin ?

>> No.39672474

support your local small sieso male streamer
Vtuber world is overshadowed by e-whores
there are a lot of good small streamers out there
find your streamer

>> No.39672889

If anything the current situation is returning things back to a natural order of Hololive back in 2018/2019 when there was a much more chaotic and ero/ecchi nature to alot of their content. If anything, purist unicorns such as you two are the aberration that forced a course change upon Hololive and that the rest of us have had to put up with for the past 3 years. Now that you aren't getting your way you are getting all pissy and moany like whiny little bitches. I for one welcome a return to Erolive. Maybe you unicorns are the undesirable fans all along that needed to be culled.

>> No.39673043

>le doomposting
It really depends on who you watch anon.
If you keep on watching vwhores and coomers then that's all you're gonna see.
Remember kids, what ever you watch will affect what the youtube/twitch algorithm will recommend to you.

>> No.39673092

Nene Amano
4 corpos of varying sizes and an indie

>> No.39673148

I don't remember you being given permission to cum, sorry but you literally aren't allowed to, now get a job

>> No.39673328

>I don't remember you being given permission to cum, sorry but you literally aren't allowed to, now get a job
>He hasn't seen when Choco wearing a swimsuit and simulated giving viewers a footjob under a fireworks filled night sky

>> No.39674772

god I hope China gives us a new variant
it was some of the best years I had

>> No.39674912
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Vwhores are necessary to keep the majority of coomers and retards away from good chuubas. Discuss.

>> No.39675075

Corpos are going down the drain, but indies are doing just fine. Small corpos are a hit&miss.
I see myself going back to anime in the near future now that the vtuber novelty has worn off.

>> No.39676581

That's fine. Some ugly girls are interesting because they don't rely on their looks

>> No.39676644

K, make sure to tell everyone the exact day it'll die.

>> No.39676790

Go read mangas/manhwas(not manhua, they butcher the source material) and novels

>> No.39676964

ugly girls and hags make the best streamers by far

>> No.39677234

Kiara's cute though

>> No.39677616
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Yes, and the mouse is the perfect proof

>> No.39678335

No it's not. Learn Japanese, watch mostly only 3D Live concerts and karaokes, ignore shitposts and you'll be fine.

Treat chuubas like singers and stop caring about everything litte thing about them. You seen the Subaru 3D with the new outfit? She was magnificent

>> No.39679435

>Just learn Japanese

>> No.39679539

Just watch the ones that aren't whores and coomers? I don't see the problem

>> No.39679553

Gfe ruined vtubing, instead of expecting quality funnies and wacky stuff like in the golden days, people just think Vtubers are just another form of ewhoring to trick lonely dudes into giving away their money...

>> No.39679583

Just vwhores, the coomers just flock to what arouses them, they have no power over what kind of model she gets

>> No.39679585

>>Non Corpo


>> No.39679706

Always garbage threads with that image

>> No.39680205
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>> No.39680258

Well that's astroturfed bullshit if I've ever read it

>> No.39682064

Went from uguu to hag. Neither is that great.

>> No.39682402

My oshi is going from strength to strength

>> No.39683242
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You need to watch 4 genders leg mobility or else you are demonic

>> No.39685010
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>four shutins and a jazz musician that lets them do whatever
>yeah that's definitely a huge corporate enterprise

>> No.39687616

Look on the bright side. When it's all Vwhores coomers your oshi will be a niche interest again.

>> No.39688283

While we can't get it to go full work from home the ship has sailed on wagey wagey stay in cagie, wagies realize work from home is nice and will pressure to slowly get it back.

There's just too much people wanting a piece of the pie, it's a bubble. And it's like a lot of things nowadays where if there is a wiff of profitability then you get mongolian hordes of people trying to get a piece of the pie.

>> No.39693421

the only correct answer ITT

>> No.39693897

>Nene Amano

>> No.39695589

it's going down the drain because it abandoned it's idol origins and the fanbase that came with it.

>> No.39695614

At least the first one had charm and a bit of soul
Newest is just coomer material

>> No.39695694
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remove women from the equation, enjoy schizophrenic computers that play osu! better than you

>> No.39696988

Bro doesn’t know about the holowhores noel, matsuri, marine, irys, all of id, mori,
Worst of all gura with the biggest normie fanbase in vtubing

>> No.39697347
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We need to turn vtubers into hate symbols. It's the surefire way to keep normies out.

>> No.39697607

Vtubing not being at the high it was in 2020 really does a lot of damage. HoloEN was first in the western audience so they could ride off of the appeal of being anime girls streaming but obviously no one else gets that advantage. In order to get the attention of the normalfag audience vtubers now have to do what a lot of other media has to do nowadays, add sex, drama, or politics.

>> No.39697800

She's already ditched that model retard

>> No.39698176

I blame the gatekeepers for being too weak

>> No.39698284

No, that would be corpos commercializing the hobby and appealing to normies for profit. Same shit that happened to anime/manga, comics, video games, tabletop gaming, etc. Kills the creativity and soul of a hobby and causes it to cater less and less to the original audience.
