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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 441 KB, 314x1293, 1672063059722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39674775 No.39674775 [Reply] [Original]

>tradwife solo streams
>inclines to high heaven
Hope you learned your lesson bitch, stay in your lane and don't collab with tempiss

>> No.39674875

You do know telling her that she's finally doing her job correctly not collabing with males WILL make her collabs with males again right? Bitch is a contrarian and hates her audience.
They will appear on her birthday anyway

>> No.39674900

t-this time for sure antibros

>> No.39674948

Idk man, I just enjoy the streams.

>> No.39675012

>shooting ham with a bbgun
More like tardwife amiright?

>> No.39675029
File: 259 KB, 1324x988, 1628032947908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine how pissed off people will be if she actually invites the homos to her birthday call in stream when she didn't invite anyone except her branchmates to her last 2 birthdays, forcing Reine and Mel to call in despite not being invited. I think even a few reddit normies might break rank over that.
I wouldn't put it past her though, because she's a fucking idiot.

>> No.39675065

DYRBI? She didn't even call them on their birthday when she clearly could

>> No.39675076

She's still in tempus' chats. Don't get too comfortable unichuds

>> No.39675096

you're such a pathetic loser, dude

>> No.39675132
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That will be it lol
But correction, she never advertises her birthday even to genmates. That's why her call ins streams have no calls.
If she invites Tempus though... dear lord.

>> No.39675152
File: 1.93 MB, 333x200, homer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhm... Tardwife...

>> No.39675200

>singing 2 mins with a coworker
>month ago

Holy shit you seething incel losers just cant let it go.

>> No.39675209

I think cover finally realized that there is no real benefit to the homo collabs with holoEN and that there is absolutely a down side to it because of harassment and drops in viewership, so they finally put a stop to it, ID still does it because they always had terrible viewership so it doesn’t really affect anything

>> No.39675215

Why is everyone talking about Ame's birthday? It's still months away

>> No.39675231

Anon its in 2 weeks

>> No.39675245
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>making a separate bait thread because the other one got taken over by teamates

>> No.39675264

What the fuck
How does that work?

>> No.39675273

The En made it too much of an issue, ID just collabs whenever they wanted to and doesn't make it a big deal.

>> No.39675282

We are not talking about her real birthday dumb anon

>> No.39675314

That's why nobody watches ID

>> No.39675325

Neither am I. I don't even know when her real birthday is.

>> No.39675355

Carried by her design

>> No.39675402


>> No.39675420

I watch Kaela tho anon.

>> No.39675424

Lmao what? ID was doing better than EN before they started to collab with males. Now they are back to being irrelevant.

>> No.39675494

Holy delusional IDkeks LMAO
Just look at Kobo
She can't even hit 10k at recent karaoke

>> No.39675498
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Lost in one thread, makes a new one so he can lose again

>> No.39675518

The only exception. Her entire branch collabs with males so it brought their value down even if they have someone like Kaela.

>> No.39675537

And her super chat income is 4 digits because all of those viewers are underage.

>> No.39675589

My tard wife

>> No.39676141

Unicucks are fucking insane

>> No.39676611
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>> No.39676830

I just want to see her happy

>> No.39677025

go back to /vpol/

>> No.39677071

im not watching her until she gets back to her terrible oblivion playthrough or minecraft

>> No.39677316
File: 151 KB, 1270x1270, 1662920763346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schizo has spent his christmas seething about Ame. The past week truly did break him huh

>> No.39677434

But enough about Kronii

>> No.39677480

>Ame organizes homo collabs
>Ame does ASMR and solo streams
>Instantly forgiven
Who's the cuck now?

>> No.39677533

Numberfags need to be range banned. It'd improve this board by a great deal.

Maybe you should go back

>> No.39677557

Nobody has forgiven Ame anon. She still one of the most anti'd of /vt/

>> No.39677581

>WILL make her
No, she intends on doing it anyway. Can't trust a ho; never trust a ho.

>> No.39677583

You mean a RECORDING of a coworker. It's like if she did one with a famous singer it means she had SEX with that person!! Yes Unicorns are that brain damaged

>> No.39677599
File: 1.81 MB, 720x720, ame cronch [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftpoasy.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti'd by who, you and your mom?

>> No.39677704

26+ anons give or take. There was one of you teamates who compiled it

>> No.39677753

>Numberfags need to be range banned
Do you really want every sapling being banned from this board?

>> No.39677757
File: 189 KB, 549x491, 1668000830370346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you and your mom and 24 smartfridges?

>> No.39677842

I don't anti Ame like a schizo, i'm just saying the compiled average antis she has if that Teamate compiled it correctly.

>> No.39677879

>26+ anons give or take
A miniscule amount when compared to the numbers of antis the likes of Gura, Mori and Kiara get. In fact i'm willing to bet there's more than 26 Bae antis in /HiRyS/ alone.

>> No.39677889 [DELETED] 

If samefagging this much and seething every day of your existance is being the most anti'd of /vt/, then yes. Weren't you a fucking chink?? Why don't you use chinese slangs anymore??

>> No.39677906

Those numbers are meaningless anyway, there's no way for the average anon or even a janny to get an accurate count considering how easy it is to flush your IP and act like a separate poster.

>> No.39678068

I didn't watch Ame streams for almost whole year. She seemed like she is just going through the motions.
Watched some of her collabs with homo tag team one, and it was just bad.
But, I gave her a shot when she come back from the break, and last streams were great.
Don't know if it will hold up, but so far so good.

>> No.39678106

More than you think. You have to consider people will jump on the opportunity to shit talk her when the 26 anons do their usual thing, which raises the numbers even if they don't necessarily hate Amelia.
Mori and Kiara barely get any hate now, and those Bae antis ate definitely shitposters since that duo get along well and is a ship.

>> No.39678121


>> No.39678168
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>> No.39678734

Why do teakeks even want her to be liked in this place? Going from gosling prime to homo collab queen in a month will obviously get her antied

>> No.39678793
File: 943 KB, 924x1268, 1671733729514622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want Ame to be super popular, it only attracts retards
She'll be back to spamming indie games soon

>> No.39678833

i don't give a shit what this place thinks of her, i just want to insult all the losers

>> No.39678939

Rent free, man.

>> No.39679267

Why do you think she reads here? Tempus flopped so it's obvious collabs with them will do nothing for the girls. They are not a charity

>> No.39679500

Tbh she probably just wanted to give them a boost after debut
She's autistic about helping people even if its gonna bite her in the ass, an actual saviorfag

>> No.39679793


>> No.39680532

Its just chumbuds who turned into teamates after Gura ditched them

>> No.39680932

fuck you I love both

>> No.39681373

>the most anti'd of /vt/
Lol, imagine saying this like it means anything.

>> No.39682302
File: 447 KB, 412x328, Ame owns the board[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftju34c.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the largest fanbase on /vt/ after Gura and to this day nobody takes over hlgg quite like teamates when their oshi is streaming, of course she is going to have a higher proportion of jilted fans after the homo shit, the ENDLESS seethe about it months after the collabs completely stopped just shows that not only is this still an Ame board but even her "antis" making these threads day in day out cannot stop thinking about her, they almost certainly still watch her too I don't believe the
>I-I dropped her after x event
threads for a second.

>> No.39683503

Those aren't saplings, those are bandwagonong faggots. Ban them all please
T. Sapling

>> No.39684030

Chumbuds would never turn into teamates, Amelia is hated by them after all the tard wrangling she did on them. /ggg/ often turns into the Amelia hate general at times.
But certainly a lot teamates became chumbuds after the cuck arc.

>> No.39684076

Link me your wattpad you write nice fan fictions

>> No.39684290

>People still don't learn from experience with Mori
Women can get away with everything.

>> No.39684443

Holy shit seethe trannies

>> No.39684632

tranny delusions

>> No.39686616

Why do you faggots always find something to be mad about?
Girl is doing good? Rage
Girl stops collabing with homos? Rage
Girl is breathing? Rage

>> No.39687256

You're trying too hard.

>> No.39687499

based AME
niggers here take NOTES

>> No.39687689

So you're telling me people will get mad if she invites more EN because in the past she's only invited EN

>> No.39687921
File: 10 KB, 236x236, sad gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers, unicorns, and SEAmen anti posts are all that's in the catalogue
we need a /vtg/ so bad, flip and indos have ruined any good discussion on this board and are creeping into generals now

>> No.39688138

What we really need is an e-celeb board. All the schizo anti shit will naturally migrate there.

>> No.39688753

Should have been done before /vt/ IMO, would have cleaned up both /jp/ and /v/ at once.

>> No.39689431

well you see anon, it's already the 26th, and the next month after this one is January of next year.

>> No.39689466

There's only one? dyrbi?

>> No.39692016

This, an e-celeb/drama board would clean up this place by quite a bit
Too late for that, however

>> No.39696053


>> No.39697702

How did she incline so much?

>> No.39698499

Ame has been extra cute this past week.

>> No.39698979
File: 342 KB, 1093x2161, 52BC54B2-A3E0-4897-8303-208253E188C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope she turns it around, she has gone the longest without gaining a new sub. Even Sana has gained subs recently, the damage homocollabing cause her is insurmountable. Mori only gained subs because of her album and that was almost a month ago, prior to that she was at 2 months with a new sub. Don’t listen to Mori, listen to your audience, since they are the only ones that want to see you succeed. Mori operates purely out of spite and greed, and misery loves company.

>> No.39699034
File: 1.03 MB, 220x220, pavolia-reine-gangimari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forcing Reine ... to call in despite not being invited.
Oh shit that was a legendary moment. Reine was half-asleep and wasn't in the program list but she still jumps in carelessly to save the day. Such a sweet girl

>> No.39699243
File: 205 KB, 1222x816, 0E2F11C8-A1F5-41D0-BAB3-76EB19B0D49F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions Mori having a large fanbase
You do realize that there are only 40 IPs that post in her general and she has one the lowest CCV in EN. Her deadsubs are just from schizos making dupe accounts to see the number go up, no one actually cares about her. She is as irrelevant as it gets.

>> No.39699256

Anon people LOST 10K subs recently, see Shion and some other girls
YouTube's subs algo is all over the place
VOD views is what matters

>> No.39699476

They have been purging bots, but Ame and Mori completely stopped gaining new subs 3 months ago because of homocollabing with Tempiss.
Mori can’t even break 5k CCV, so I’m glad to see Ame is bouncing back. If she wants Mori’s views she can follow her example, or she can return to her normal amount by being herself. Ame has always had better CCV than Mori.

>> No.39699666

Fuck you she organized the biggest homo collab ever

>> No.39699669
File: 1.26 MB, 3741x2350, 354B972D-1021-4265-BD8A-8FC67740D19F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss the Trinity, Ame becoming better friends with Kiara would only make it stronger. Return to tradition.

>> No.39699825

same man, loved the three of them since the beginning

>> No.39700594

/incel/ - Internet Celebrities when hiromoot?

>> No.39701501

ID people have no standard, how new?

>> No.39701562

>She has the largest fanbase on /vt/ after Gura
Your information is 8 months old

>> No.39701809

low standard, yes

>> No.39701904

Who the fuck cares? Go to a neurosurgeon bitch-ass faggot getting real tired of your shit

>> No.39702009

Cool, you can keep them anyway.

>> No.39702233

there wont be any good discussion until Hiromoot implement ID system like /pol/ and bant to the whole board, you'll never know which faggot samefagging

>> No.39702338
File: 3.05 MB, 194x155, 1645840383781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has the largest fanbase on /vt/ after Gura

>> No.39703314

Lmao imagine being this much of a keyboard warrior.
What a cuck, let me guess you're a fat militaryfag too.

>> No.39703726

How would you actually message a vtuber's fanbase size here, just for curiosity's sake? Genuinely curious

>> No.39705134 [DELETED] 

True, she should collab with NEET instead.

>> No.39705312
File: 122 KB, 1170x390, 1670856927364723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for this to spoil like milk as usual.
Or would you prefer homo piss?

>> No.39705477
File: 475 KB, 1351x638, 1670859798742302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39705601

who is this?

>> No.39705635

Yes. You can't stop thinking about homo cock so much that their piss is flooding into your brain and prompting you to make a thread about them with no mention of them whatsoever in any of her solo streams.

>> No.39705659


>> No.39705858

next time youre gonna mention incel and cuck, kek

>> No.39713388

i don't really care who collabs, but are anti-unicorns usually this retarded? she organized the worms tourney, not just that duet with Altare. or can i just not read?

>> No.39714191

why did you quote it like that, retard

>> No.39716232

Incels have a chance. Cucks can look for other women, but you on the other hand drink homo piss and anyone that thinks of the homos 24/7 qualifies as a faggot.

>> No.39716671

>this amount of seethe
She's in your head 24/7 and forming a tumor right now. Do yourself a favor and stop being an ironic cuck.

>> No.39716708

i didn't want to give him a (you)

>> No.39716829
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>learned your lesson

>> No.39719138
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>> No.39721475

>muh homo piss
Im started to think you are women or retarded, or both

>> No.39721524


>> No.39721609

>Miss the Trinity
>Return to tradition.
But chimkin was never in the original trinity?

>> No.39721627
File: 39 KB, 556x589, 1671511780992317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempus impregnation collab when? She could even make follow-up pregnancy testing streams, gynecologist visit storytime streams, browsing for baby supplies streams (possible sponsorship deal). Honestly losing money right there by having fans defect to nijisanji to get their fill of ntr

>> No.39721726

can't believe this lil'nigga is still alive

>> No.39722170

Go to # thread, these nerds know all kind of value

>> No.39722209

Is shooting Christmas ornaments with a bb gun considered "tradwife"

>> No.39722526

How sad is your life to be this hateful?

>> No.39722589

I feel no hatred, NTeaRmate

>> No.39722696

You were close frothing in your previous post. I mean, don't get me wrong. Shit posting is fun. But what you wrote was just sad.

>> No.39724441

>Hope you learned your lesson bitch, stay in your lane and don't collab with tempiss
she's not going to listen

>> No.39724480

but enough about you, because you'll never be a woman but you'll always be retarded

>> No.39724551

kek, mindbroken

>> No.39724634

exactly, stop talking to yourself you're being a schizo

>> No.39725425

>would only make it stronger
Indicating an upgrade or expansion of the original.

>> No.39725508

yeah man, she must be fucking crying as her face is plastered all over Shibuya

>> No.39725570

Idk, but if she doesn't can teamates spam Ame is based and hates males posts

>> No.39725612

2nd day in a row he's kept one of his anti-threads alive by himself. Why is he more unhinged than usual? What did Ame do to him recently?

>> No.39725634

playing both sides like kronii

>> No.39725689

He wants to be named like egg or wheelchair.

>> No.39726629

>desperation sets in.
Won’t make the album not suck.

>> No.39728629
File: 202 KB, 1080x564, Screenshot_20221226-093403-941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39729619

If only Ina and Gura streamed more, Watson wouldn't get this number

>> No.39729684

No one call her viewer with that word. Fuck off tourist

>> No.39729821

Homobeggars will lynch you and call you incel for assuming unity posting mean hate

>> No.39729883

Just slap "improve yourself" at their faces and they will shut up

>> No.39730022

Hahaha just because your gf went into the hotel with another guys a few times doesn't mean she will ditch you. What a cuck

>> No.39730205

>Saying this as if ame was solo Collabing with them
>Cuck fantasy
And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously

>> No.39731115

Buddy, no beyond 12 faggots got upset she Collabed with homos. You antis are getting more retarded by the tread.

>> No.39733895


>> No.39733974

Took me 2 months after Myth debuted to figure out what a massive cunt Amelia was. 2 years later and people are still clinging onto something by watching her. Actually fucking hilarious.

>> No.39734129

Most of ID is willing to help out as much as they can. Just look at the company mandated branch shill streams for Among Us. The fact that Kiara, who doesn't even have a skin (and is receiving little to no compensation comparative to those who do), had to take over both times because no one would step up AND that ID was nice enough to play in the EN branch one because so many fuckers in the EN branch can't be assed to show up for their genmates/coworkers is unreal.

>> No.39738080

Why do Unicucks wait for a vtuber to do solo streams to try and spin the narrative as if they were right all along? Ame never said she was only going to do collabs with tempus. You idiots just cannot understand that vtubers can alternate content and maybe some of it will nt directly appeal to you. Just dont watch that stream. Its not that hard.

>> No.39739118

>just don't collab with males , its not that hard

>> No.39739319

>Spin the narrative.
>View count and CCV are higher on Solo streams over male collabs.
>View count and CCV are higher on group collabs with other Hololive members than with tempus.
>I-It's not because of the guys!
Come on now.

>> No.39740122

Pretty sure the worms Collab was pretty highly viewed but okay

>> No.39741475

Blaming customers, discard their opinion and tell them to "improve" were never sane to begin with

>> No.39741559

If that shit was so good why don't they do it again? No /vt/ schizo never a problem to them

>> No.39741584

interesting sentence structure, try thinking in english before you write next time. Also you might want to work on your grammar as well

>> No.39741877

Did you fall into a coma during the Worms collab?
