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39632662 No.39632662 [Reply] [Original]

Isnt Gura sick? Should she really eat surgar?

>> No.39632768

She's going to eat sugar whether she's sick or not. It's surprising she's not diabetic.

>> No.39632777

now you know her health problems have nothing to do with metabolism

>> No.39633004

>merry christmas
confirmed not jewish

>> No.39633063

sugar is tasty

>> No.39633132

It's her god given right as an American to consume sugar

>> No.39633153
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>she's not diabetic

>> No.39633212

No one knows what her health issue is

>> No.39633287

How new?

>> No.39633346

>too sick from health issues to stream for 1 hour a week
>can’t do prerecorded content
>can spam tweets all day
Honestly gura straight up ghosting her fans would’ve made more sense then whatever is currently going on

>> No.39633413

Sugar is a doublespeek for (My) cum

>> No.39633442

>can spam tweets all day
The fuck are you talking about? She's tweeted like 6 or 7 times all month.

>> No.39633467

Diabetic anon...

>> No.39633475

Why are women like this? I know they're fucking liars but this is just sad to witness. Thank fuck my oshi is from HoloJP Gen 5

>> No.39633488

these LOL so quirky >w< :3 tweets she's making lately are genuinely making me cringe. they sound like she's trying too hard.

>> No.39633726

I think it's her manager.

>> No.39633856

sick of all the dick she's getting from her bf (me)

>> No.39633866

not only that but tweeting takes 0 effort, you can do it from bed, and you don't use your throat to do it
in any case I'm angry she doesn't spam tweets all day

>> No.39634143

It's clearly a mental issue she's dealing with.

>> No.39634191

She should be resting up and avoiding social media if she’s too sick to even stream and talk

>> No.39634237

bitch has lost it, I'd be surprised if she doesn't quit Hololive in 2023

>> No.39634388

These are so obviously manager tweets that I can only deduce chumbuds are choosing to delude themselves.

>> No.39634471


>> No.39634508

Nah most chumbuds know it’s a manager tweet. Until I see a member post, I assume Gura is still MIA.

>> No.39634529
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If you actually fell for the "gura is le sick" meme then you're retarded. Some people really think these girls don't lie about their health when we've got two known cases (Sana, Ina) where they were later proven to be bullshit. A common pattern you'll notice with the liars is they're completely silent about the specifics of their "illness." They'll be very vague and say they went to the doctor and the results are not looking good. They will then proceed to take days/weeks off ghosting their fans and collecting pity points that will be converted into pity SC's when they return. There's nothing to update on when you're not sick. The truthers however (Kiara, JP livers) will go as far as to post proof that they're sick, go into deep specifics, and keep their fans updated almost daily on how their progress is doing.

>> No.39634575

Do you feel cool always being a contrarian and being incapable of trusting other human beings

>> No.39634615

I hope that is the case.

>> No.39634633

>Trusting people who ghost you for weeks or months
Rumao, you have fun with that.

>> No.39634655

You should kill yourself for being on twitter anyways.

>> No.39634676

She's such a sweet girl

>> No.39634701

You people un-fucking-ironically think this is not a manager tweet?

>> No.39634782

You’re right. They do this bit to keep members around too, because who wants to be the dick who unmembered when their oshi was dying?

>> No.39634791


It's the most obvious thing ever and I don't know why chumbies are falling for it. I'm starting to feel sorry for them.

>> No.39634806

She needs to lay off the cocaine

>> No.39634877

I’m curious what kind of shit manager san will cook up on new years

>> No.39634884

This has to be the manager.
Gura is conscientious enough to know this is wrong. There's no way she wouldn't feel guilty typing that out
Unless she was drunk

>> No.39635006

>itt people who actually have no idea how Gura types
Gura rrats will always be so forced since none of you know even the most basic information about her

>> No.39635118

is it type 1 ?

>> No.39635186


I doubt she has any real illness and her break is a mental health one if not just laziness and an excuse.

Definitely trying too hard to do the "I'm cute and so random look at me!"


If I had a manager tweeting shit so cringe and shitty, I'd straight up tell them if they do it I'm quitting.

I truly believe it's her doing it because Cover told her she needs to put in at least SOME effort as she is their biggest talent and this is her trying to play cute while sticking it to Cover for making her actually work. The "It's just a manager doing it" is a cope rrat.

>> No.39635254

Nah. I know how Gura writes and tweets like in OPs screenshot are like a caricature of it.

>> No.39635444

I’m not really sure what these retards are trying to prove, she’s always typed shit like that

>> No.39635568

Gura mentioning management occasionally uses her Twitter was so bad for the quality of threads

>> No.39635627

Yeah, niggers took it as
>uhh management larps as gura
instead of management doing shill posts about shit she probably forgot about, the result of being a yabless holomem is them trying their best to find something to use I guess

>> No.39635688

Not at all. Chumbuds are now beginning to give up treating every Gura tweet like it's some huge event, out of fear of embarrassment.

>> No.39635725

Pregnancy cravings

>> No.39635774

people who aren't autistic threadshitters can recognize the difference between a management shill tweet and a gura shitpost, monkey

>> No.39635790

Gestational diabetes...

>> No.39635807

retard, they did exactly this when she posted it this morning because they actually know their chuuba its only catalog niggers who clearly don't know

>> No.39635819

Gawr Gura is the Ben Simmons of hololive playing the mental illness card to sit as much of her contract out. She probably wants to graduate but loves the money she makes to quit.

>> No.39635860

>Shitposters are now beginning to give up treating every Gura tweet like it's some free shitposting material
Sounds like a good thing to me.

>> No.39635903

I see you clearly don't want the thread quality to go up. Well, each to their own.

>> No.39635994

She's been tweeting like this since before Hololive, you fake fan.

>> No.39636222

If you stopped posting the quality would go up instantly

>> No.39636242

you twitter cancer newfag niggers should not be allowed to breathe

>> No.39636442

Plz understand, a different manager was assigned this week on damage control duty to write Gura's tweets, and he didn't coordinate with the last manager in charge to keep their stories straight

>> No.39636553

She's pregnant.

>> No.39636940

I always have Lucozade when I'm ill and that's apparently 4.5% sugar.

>> No.39637131
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Could it be Lupus

>> No.39637240
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Why does this tweet feel so forced? Like it's someone else that's not Gura who made the tweet.

>> No.39637264

Ah yes. Gura is """""""""sick"""""""""""

Let's just call it that.

>> No.39637405


>> No.39637441

Holy fucking shit, these turbo retards are so fucking new.

>> No.39637888

Probably Vesper again.

>> No.39638110

Gura is sick of streaming, which is true. So she’s not lying technically.

>> No.39638283

>Isnt Gura sick?
No she's lazy.Cover is just afraid of her graduating.

>> No.39639054

there are dudes out in the snow on christmas working real legit jobs and get paid less than this white girl that doesnt work and still money

clown world

>> No.39639236

thats a skill issue dude

>> No.39639460

She's trying to diabeetus her way out of streaming

>> No.39640512

It really is crazy how the world works. Meanwhile I’m jacking off inside and getting NEETbucks

>> No.39641841

capitalism will implode by decade's end
all the productive people aren't getting paid and vice versa

>> No.39642408
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in any other system they still wouldn't be getting paid. the problem is the long nose tribe. As long as they still live, humanity will remain their goy golems.

>> No.39642819

She's sick of her fans

>> No.39642908
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cover fired EN management and she's sitting out their remaining contract time because she hates their guts

>> No.39643095

no matter how good your job is it always eventually starts to feel like a job

>> No.39643240

They wouldn't have any power of single women didn't just vote for whatever the current thing. Even if we get rid of the hook noses, someone else would step up to abuse the system. We need to start beating women for their crimes in the streets.

>> No.39643348

who fucking cares? she wasn't frequently tweeting like this frequently since she got hired until recently and it's still massive cringe.

>> No.39643441

>anon i am sick
>no chuubas then

>> No.39643479

>>39643348 (me)
fucking brain, get rid of the second "frequently"

>> No.39644945

Yes I miss schizo gura, not this uwu cringe version. It probably is a manager though, they had to tweet stuff out on Christmas or it would look bad.

>> No.39645046

women wouldn't even have the right to vote if it wasn't for the long nose tribe.

>> No.39645659

Pathetic attempt at damage control and a failure to read the room.
>I'm so sick I'm taking a break from streaming
>My health is so bad I can't keep up my usual 5 hours a month routine
>I won't tell you what my health problem is
>Uwu ima eat dis cake nyom nyom~~~

Feels like cover has no strategy on their messaging on this one and like 3 different people (including gura) just trying to bullshit their way through it hoping their fans will eat it up.

>> No.39645768

maybe if she didn't act like an 8 year old like in the OP, and actually talked like a fucking adult for once and took something/anything seriously she would get fans who like her more like she is as a person. she purposefully makes herself a hollow cardboard cutout and fans treat her like that. what a surprise. she can bear to have some depth to her.

>> No.39645772

Anon do you really think you can't eat sugar if you're sick? Are you retarded?

>> No.39645869

I this a manager or is this how Gura actually types in twitter, what in the actual fuck am I reading, all of that made my brain hurt.

>> No.39645928
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she's purposely trying to get herself unhealthy enough to quit streaming


>> No.39646165

It's not that they lie intentionally, it's that their perceived reality changes moment to moment. The thing they said or promised 5 minutes ago stops counting when something happens that triggers their feelings over it. "It's different now" "It kinda just happened" "I've come to terms with xxx now". They really are being honest in these instances because they disassociate the cognitive dissonance and contradictions.

>> No.39646249

Trust is earned, not given out like candy. Otherwise you're just a doormat leaving yourself open to be abused and exploited.

>> No.39646352

People would trust Cover talents' excuses more if they were actually-plausible and not proven false several times over.

This is not unique to EN either, Ayame was caught playing LoL while supposedly in the hospital etc. I wouldn't even call them white lies if it's to cover up something unmentionable, if you are doing something mundane and just don't feel like streaming but ALSO make some pitybait excuse to force sympathy for you to just sit and spin? That's outright abusive of the fans.

>> No.39646354
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She she will self sabotage to lose all the ince bucks for not streaming according the voices in your head. Are you stupid? Gura has the keys to kingdom she could do what she wants and people will still give her money. Gura will quit when either her contract runs out or the money and merch sales stops flowing completely.

>> No.39646564

What the fuck are they doing to be getting into hospitals all the time?
I'm in my mid 30s and I've been to a hospital maybe 2 times in my life total.

>> No.39646733

They’re lying most of the time. Even literal neets who don’t go outside don’t get sick this frequently

>> No.39647413

Nope, sounds like Gura to me. Quit trying to make dumbass excuses for her.

>> No.39647422

I follow a chuuba who does remote work so she effectively lives a neet lifestyle while earning money and she does get sick that frequently, and you can hear it in her coughing/breathing.

>> No.39647496

>proven to be bullshit
Proof next thread?

>> No.39647525 [SPOILER] 

Your oshi is immunocompromised

>> No.39647585

She unironically is and has discussed it on stream

>> No.39647590

ergo, the fans realizing their trust is being abused = the non-autistic/braindead ones will realize that they are seen as nothing more than faceless cattle.

when a chuuba strings us along with constant lies clearly there is no guilty conscience at play from them to do so as we're not "real" people to them. we're just names on a screen, they're not real people who matter, it's fine to abuse us a little for extra money because who cares about any of this anyway etc.

you can see what a chuuba thinks of us in this manner. there are two schools of handling this -
a.) act like you want to stream but aww shucks, fate intervened again, and made them sick or exploded their computer again
b.) actually just say the truth even if it implies you might think about/do things other than streaming. big whoop.

compare to how Kiara will just tell us she's going on vacation instead of make up some fate-intervention excuse. when she actually-did get sick last week she went through great efforts to prove it and guess what, she still streamed anyway. she, at the very least wants us to trust her as legit - takes this all seriously enough and respects the fans enough to want us to take her earnestly as a person. personally I think that's way better. you can see by the immense rants on gura's recent streams from rainbow tridents that gura's fans truly think that too but a lot of them just want to be willfully ignorant and not see how the sausage is being made by being challenged to think about all these excuses.

>> No.39647670

PS. My point being that immunocompromise can happen through life experiences and isn't always from birth.

>> No.39647745

>grams = gallons
>sugar = cum

>> No.39648429

you're being too logical with the retard that exist here, they will not learn that people are different

>> No.39650257

it was pretty clear when she was always """busy""" with """Hololive stuff""" and several months later she had very little to show compared with other holos who stream several time more than her. How people can keep supporting someone like her is beyond me

>> No.39651471

Remember when she took all of august off for a scuffed quiz stream that she never followed up on? Lmao

>> No.39654088
File: 20 KB, 644x360, ABB1A98A-6570-4BAA-882E-8F84D1A4FB0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a loli, eating sugar won’t cause diabetes

>> No.39655523

Why should he trust dishonest people?

>> No.39659627

She can afford the insulin

>> No.39661826

Just another way of saying she's binging during the Holiday. From a nutritionist's point of view.

The rrats about being diabetic are silly and full of misinformation. Only real danger is if she does not get enough sugar so that she goes into hypoglycemic shock. Modern medicine can handle periodic binging of sugar just fine. Even if she's type II, to have it be that far off that her pancreas has quit making insulin, is extremely rare at her age. Plus would have seen the signs way before then to slow the process.

>> No.39662688

Is never Lupus
you hack.

>> No.39663110


>> No.39663600
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>their source:

>> No.39665422

>Isnt Gura sick?

>> No.39667254

Holy fuck those pregnancy cravings kicking in big time.

>> No.39668689

If you're too sick to stream then you're too sick to eat sugar!

>> No.39668769

>no there's no way gura actually used twitter! I know it MUST be a manager using her account! yeah that's what I'll go with!
